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Starting Out / Are you man enough for a RW?
« Last post by 2tallbill on Today at 08:45:23 AM »
This is the approach of men who believe that if they lower their standards enough, eventually they will find someone they are willing to settle for.

This is the approach of men who are desperate, and are lowering their standards in an attempt to find someone they are willing to settle for.

No, thank you.  I have always said that I would rather spend my life alone than to be miserable by lowering my standards just to be in a relationship with someone.

The next thing you know, you'll be suggesting that I consider divorced women, or women with children.  Once again, no thank you.

Absolutely do not lower your standards. I never lowered mine, I would not ask you to do it.
If any girl is serious she would find a way. She knows that she will get leave at some point
then you can visit her. If she is not serious about you, then she will not inform you when
she gets leave. Russia invaded February 24, 2022 she has received leave. She didn't
let you know about it.

It's time to find someone better who sincerely wants to be the future Mrs. Bee Farmer.

Once again, no thank you.

You are making incorrect assumptions about me. If that girl was killed tomorrow (God forbid)
does that mean there is no other girl on Earth that would meet your standards? If no other
girl would meet your standards then stay single. If you entertain the idea that at least
one other girl on Earth could meet your standard, then my recommendation is that
you should find that one other girl.

Men in WW1, WW2 and the Korean War all got leave. So did the girl you communicate
with. They know when it's coming up and when it will be over.
Starting Out / Re: Are you man enough for a RW?
« Last post by krimster2 on Yesterday at 07:13:23 PM »
so, in other words...
what you're saying is that YOU'RE NOT man enough for ANY WOMAN...
and THAT's how ya ended up on RWD entertaining us with your incel philosophy

that expalins it!!!!
Starting Out / Re: Are you man enough for a RW?
« Last post by Bee Farmer on Yesterday at 06:54:52 PM »
there are billions of women on Earth and one of those women will be nearly perfect for you.

This is the approach of men who believe that if they lower their standards enough, eventually they will find someone they are willing to settle for.

Fly to Warsaw, Write 50-100 women an introduction letter, saying that can meet them in Lviv.
Most of them can't/won't do it, but some will.

If only 1 in 10 say yes, then you have 5-10 meetings. More likely 3-4 in 10 say yes
so you would need to schedule 15-40 meetings.

This is the approach of men who are desperate, and are lowering their standards in an attempt to find someone they are willing to settle for.

No, thank you.  I have always said that I would rather spend my life alone than to be miserable by lowering my standards just to be in a relationship with someone.

The next thing you know, you'll be suggesting that I consider divorced women, or women with children.  Once again, no thank you.
Experienced / Where to get some good advice for dating FSU women.
« Last post by 2tallbill on Yesterday at 04:43:54 PM »
I had the good fortune to strike up a few conversations with some women from Ukraine and Russia during the past few months.  Although there wasn't an obvious connection, we continue to keep in touch.  I ask them questions about local life, dating, work, the economy where they live, etc.

Yes, this is an old dead thread.

This guy kept old girls around, I say don't recycle girls. Let the poor girls move on 
don't waste your time or theirs with silly navel gazing. You are friend zoning them.
They believe it will be like Hollywood, where you suddenly figure out that you want

Experienced / Russian women verses Ukrainian women
« Last post by 2tallbill on Yesterday at 04:12:31 PM »
Crazy women everywhere, and if you are prepared to keep a woman with your wallet there is choice as long as your wallet is filled.

"Don't be surprised if you catch Gold Diggers, when you use money as bait" -
quote borrowed from Leslied

"The main difference between Russian and Ukrainian women is that Ukrainians say
Hamburger and Russians say Gamburger"
quote borrowed from Krimster

Starting Out / Are you man enough for a RW?
« Last post by 2tallbill on Yesterday at 02:39:08 PM »
I believe that if you marry the right person, there is nothing better in this world.  If you marry the wrong one, there is nothing worse. 

I don't know your situation only what I've read here. You never asked me for advice,
so this is for the newbies rather.

If you find what appears to be a good girl in Ukraine and she is potentially the one.
Ask her when she can be free next for you to visit her.

If she can't or won't give you a date then dump her and move on. Every person in every
military in the world gets leave. If she doesn't come up with a plan, there are billions of
women on Earth and one of those women will be nearly perfect for you. Drop her and
find another out of the billions. 

Sunk cost fallacy: the phenomenon whereby a person is reluctant to abandon a strategy
or course of action because they have invested heavily in it, even when it is clear that
abandonment would be more beneficial.

Potential Backup Plan.
Fly to Warsaw, Write 50-100 women an introduction letter, saying that can meet them in Lviv.
Most of them can't/won't do it, but some will.

If only 1 in 10 say yes, then you have 5-10 meetings. More likely 3-4 in 10 say yes
so you would need to schedule 15-40 meetings.
Take a couple photos of yourself inside the border during wartime. You will now have a
new profile photo (for dating sites). All the girls will want to meet with you then!

Starting Out / Are you man enough for a RW?
« Last post by 2tallbill on Yesterday at 02:17:20 PM »
Only fools rush in first Beel, I pick my moment and weigh up the pros & cons carefully then move in ;)

What you actually do is dither, postpone and procrastinate until any opportunity is long gone.
How many years has it been since you've traveled to the FSU? You had a Moldova thread
alone for at least a couple years.

Indecision will destroy any relationship with any FSUW past, present or future.
Ukrainian Front Discussion / Re: The Struggle For Ukraine
« Last post by Trenchcoat on April 30, 2024, 05:05:21 PM »
For the West I think their main aim is to bust up the Russian economy and run down Russian Armaments. By next year all the vast stockpile of Armaments the Soviets has built up will be gone, anything new Russia added or bought in will be gone too. Sure Russia may use Novichok, Neutron Bombs, etc to win the war but it will still be left with very little Armaments or Economy in any good shape.

If Ukraine was saved that would be a bonus for the West but the main deal I believe is leading Russia to a state where it has used up most of its Armaments and finance and is teetering on the edge of collapse.

I have an idea of what Russia might do but it may be too little too late for itself.

The Russian economy is already not in great shape, inflation & interest rates up a lot, currency reserves going down, tax revenue down, and industrial output down. I am already thinking that the writing is potentially already on the wall for Russia long term, even if the Russian economy was not pushed to the brink next year the downward spiral might already be too much for it to avoid sinking into economic devastation long term.
Russian Front Discussion / Re: Interesting Articles
« Last post by krimster2 on April 30, 2024, 03:10:06 PM »
didn't Putin get a 'percentage of all this Ministry of Defense corruption?
so he's not reaquiring stuff that they stole, out of a sense of 'justice"
but to redistribute to new people who are 'better performing'

in general oligarch kids are doing foreign studies abroad
while workin class kids get nabbed at the unemployment line or jail

and oligarchs are stashing their assets offshore as fast as they can, a massive cash outflow from Russia
in general, the lack of 'participation from the very people who profited MOST from the kleptocracy
is what has really PISSED-OFF Putin!!!!!

so he intends to take EVERYTHING he can from EVERYONE he can
in the ultimate Russian Oligarch Liquidation Sale
and hand it over to the new "Officer Class" Technical Managers/Owners
who bow and kiss the ring

...the horror....of a new "Heart of Darkness"
as a modern, militarized, Russified version of IG Farben is being born right before our very eyes!!
Mafiya Dons, CEOs of the Russian Military Industrial Complex, and High Ranking Political snf Financial Figures all sit together at the same table, under the same 'krisha
and they all give the 'head of the table 'his share' or rather ihe tells them, what their share is gonna be, so ya send the rest to him....

so what went wrong...????


Odds and Ends / Re: international travel
« Last post by krimster2 on April 30, 2024, 02:59:17 PM »
as in #max number of drinks if I'm driving...max...or some other kind?"
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Are you man enough for a RW? by 2tallbill
Today at 08:45:23 AM

Re: Are you man enough for a RW? by krimster2
Yesterday at 07:13:23 PM

Re: Are you man enough for a RW? by Bee Farmer
Yesterday at 06:54:52 PM

Where to get some good advice for dating FSU women. by 2tallbill
Yesterday at 04:43:54 PM

Russian women verses Ukrainian women by 2tallbill
Yesterday at 04:12:31 PM

Are you man enough for a RW? by 2tallbill
Yesterday at 02:39:08 PM

Are you man enough for a RW? by 2tallbill
Yesterday at 02:17:20 PM

Re: The Struggle For Ukraine by Trenchcoat
April 30, 2024, 05:05:21 PM

Re: Interesting Articles by krimster2
April 30, 2024, 03:10:06 PM

Re: international travel by krimster2
April 30, 2024, 02:59:17 PM

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