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Author Topic: Russian women verses Ukrainian women  (Read 3938 times)

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Russian women verses Ukrainian women
« on: July 15, 2023, 03:18:41 PM »
I've been around the block and had many relations with probably a dozen Ukrainian women and the same for Russian women. Dated casually two dozen on each side, communicated with hundreds :)

If I could go back to my 21 year old self I'd tell myself never to visit Ukraine. Yes the women are super hot but the majority are not genuine or honest. I know we all have our own experiences but mine is that there are much more scammers in Ukraine than Russia. I've met some crazy Russian women too but from my experience you are more likely to be lied to, cheated on with a Ukrainian woman than a Russian woman.

Just for entertainment purposes - let's not get too heated or personal.  :arguing:

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Re: Russian women verses Ukrainian women
« Reply #1 on: July 15, 2023, 03:43:12 PM »
honestly, I don't believe it "breaks down" to a diiference between the countries, as it is just the differences between individuals
as beel sez, once a woman lies to you, say g'bye

the scammers will always give themselves away, cuz sooner or later they gotta make their "sales pitch" to you
if you're getting your contacts through agencies, then OF COURSE you're getting scammers, that's ground zero for scamming

OTOH, I always 'take care' of any woman I'm schlepping
so that she doesn't HAVE to scam....
things work much better that way
I control the credit cards
and they control my pooty tang supply
we come to a mutually beneficial arrangement
that benefits all

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Re: Russian women verses Ukrainian women
« Reply #2 on: July 19, 2023, 01:56:22 AM »
In my experience the scams from Russia are more organized crime.  In Ukraine it is easy to find a woman who is out for getting the best deal, a character trait which will not stop at the border.
Crazy women everywhere, and if you are prepared to keep a woman with your wallet there is coice as long as your wallet is filled.
No it is not a dog. Its really how I look.  ;)

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Re: Russian women verses Ukrainian women
« Reply #3 on: July 19, 2023, 03:16:48 AM »
I've been around the block and had many relations with probably a dozen Ukrainian women and the same for Russian women. Dated casually two dozen on each side, communicated with hundreds :)

If I could go back to my 21 year old self I'd tell myself never to visit Ukraine. Yes the women are super hot but the majority are not genuine or honest. I know we all have our own experiences but mine is that there are much more scammers in Ukraine than Russia. I've met some crazy Russian women too but from my experience you are more likely to be lied to, cheated on with a Ukrainian woman than a Russian woman.

Just for entertainment purposes - let's not get too heated or personal.  :arguing:

CG you've said elsewhere that you've recently been dating more 21 year olds than when you 21 (or around that age). However, what is the age gap here? I'm going to guess it's at least 20 years? 25? 30? Etc I can't quite recall I think you told us once and it's at least in that direction so quite significant, let's say you're about mid forties like myself.

The thing is do you really think a girl in her early twenties wants a much older guy with a big age gap like that? At the age it's a very vibrant time for dating for girls who are everyday looking to above average looking or better. In Russia, Ukraine, etc the ratio like the UK, US, etc is roughly 1 man to 1 woman at that age. That may of course change with the war but for most women that are reasonably attractive I think at present they still aren't generally short of men. So those women aren't going to put their life in hold for some old guys who visits time to time or calls them up. Most will be dating guys around their age who are local. Many will be going with older foreign guys to get the money to get themselves stuff that the local dudes can't afford for them. So in a way you're standing in for that side of things but you're not the real bf.

Only when the women are in their thirties particularly towards mid thirties and older do their ability to date local guys drop off. The ratio begins to change of more women to guys and that means the guys are in demand and so can use those women for sex as they can always get more. That and a lot of local guys will still be going after the younger women thereby snubbing those women. Bottom line for you of course is that if you are using agency/ppl sites to get you women then even on those sites the women in their thirties are far more likely to be unattached to a local guy and so far more serious and less on the make. Their chances are slim of getting a serious guy so a foreign guy with prospects is a very good catch for them at that age. While some may be diminishing a little on looks many can be around as good looking as girls in their early twenties. Dating girls in their early twenties is fun but that's all it will ever be the majority of the time. Girls that are in their early twenties and a bit kinky by genuinely liking/wanting an older guy it's pretty slim.

So do you want a serious long term relationship or just short term fun sex with lots of young hotties? If it's the latter and you're complaining about being scammed or money spend out that comes with that territory it's the quid pro quo deal Krimster has highlighted it's why they are willing to get with an older guy if but temporarily.

If you're looking for a more long term deal then knocking it on the head in the sex front while dating a chick is one way, so if she sticks around you know that she likes you. The other way I think is to get out the carrot and dangle it in front of the donkey. Instead of gifts and paying her money show her pics of how great your life is, a nice big fancy abode you live in then show her pics, a flash car, show her pics, time out at some great attraction or beach or boat then show her pics. The idea being is that she can either be a part of that life or pass over in it to make a quick few ghrivna, roubles or whatever. If you can show that you can provide such a wonderful lifestyle even some girls in their twenties may consider leaving their bf's for you.

A lot of the whole Russian women are less scammers etc I think is down to less foreign men frequenting. Far less now because if the war but even before there was the extra money spend out on the visa for Russia plus the bother of applying. Then Russia has a far larger territory so if you go to somewhere other than Moscow or St. Pete's then your likely going to an area few other foreigners bother going to so as before you're a more precious commodity there, plus less if an 'industry' as too little trade. Ukraine on the other hand is visa free and packed full of foreign men (or was) trying their luck. Ukraine has done more remote areas but nothing near as much as Russia. It also has a history of rich WM going silky throwing their money around so that's become the game. It's all really knowing what the game is and how to play it I think.
« Last Edit: July 19, 2023, 03:24:35 AM by Trenchcoat »
"If you make your own bread, then and only then, are you a free man unchained and alive living in pooty tang paradise, or say no and live in Incel island with all the others." - Krimster

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Re: Russian women verses Ukrainian women
« Reply #4 on: July 19, 2023, 08:14:55 AM »
"if you are prepared to keep a woman with your wallet there is coice as long as your wallet is filled"

yeah, if you work for the money, that might be a concern
but instead of working for your money
you get your money to work for you, to make even MORE money
and you use some of  those 'gains'  for  your "expenses"
so whatever you pay your wife/mistress/girl friend is just business 'overhead' from your expense account
and since these cards get re-filled every month
I tend not to dwell on it very much

this is how ya gotta live in the modern era
do NOT play by the rules society hands you
or you will be totally phuqued in the future that's coming (and that's the intent of these rules, to make SURE of it, so you're a dependent obedient worker...)

you can be a financial guerilla in a 'special financial operation'
and be your own liberator and freedom fighter
or you can be a 'worker' a 'robotnik' and be a slave
most people take the path of least resistance
and end up as slaves

« Last Edit: July 19, 2023, 08:25:45 AM by krimster2 »

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Re: Russian women verses Ukrainian women
« Reply #5 on: July 19, 2023, 09:21:35 AM »
"if you are prepared to keep a woman with your wallet there is choice as long as your wallet is filled"

yeah, if you work for the money, that might be a concern
but instead of working for your money
you get your money to work for you, to make even MORE money
and you use some of  those 'gains'  for  your "expenses"
so whatever you pay your wife/mistress/girl friend is just business 'overhead' from your expense account
and since these cards get re-filled every month
I tend not to dwell on it very much

this is how ya gotta live in the modern era
do NOT play by the rules society hands you
or you will be totally phuqued in the future that's coming (and that's the intent of these rules, to make SURE of it, so you're a dependent obedient worker...)

you can be a financial guerilla in a 'special financial operation'
and be your own liberator and freedom fighter
or you can be a 'worker' a 'robotnik' and be a slave
most people take the path of least resistance
and end up as slaves

That's both true. If money is flowing into your wallet without having to do much if any work for it then who cares. As said if it gets replenished on a frequent basis then unlike being at work to you're not there thinking, 'great that so much $,£ or € spent' on her and then equate it to how much that will take to earn at work. You instead will think 'that's ok, I happily get that replaced without doing much for it next month, etc. Hence why independent income is a good idea. Do it the other way around and some hottie girl is running down your work income and no way of replacing it other than working some more. Better to get set up first with independent income to avoid all that.

I think Krim is right in the UK at least but likely elsewhere wages have been falling in real terms for many decades. In the UK after WWII we had immigration from the colonies in the 1950s to increase the labour pool to decrease wages, then in the 80s & 90s feminism to get more women into the workplace pursuing 'careers'. Then in the 90s as well a big expansion in higher education universities to increase the pool of labour at the top in graduate positions. In the 2000's we had Eastern Europe join the EU and add a load of people to our labour pool again. So government swamps the labour market drives down wages and forces people to remain in that situation especially if paying off big mortgages with high house prices for small abode's. Result is you get very obedient workers who fear losing their job, their job goes so can their life as they know it, house goes, wife takes children, etc.

CG I think you're hooked on the young hottie girls and they are going to cost no two ways around it. They are young and hot and know it and so to entice them the price is spending money to fly them out to Thailand for a holiday or whatever. Otherwise they would spend their time with the local young hot dude. I think it's not so much that Ukrainian women as a whole are all not genuine or dishonest it's the ones you are going for are and how you are playing the game. Young hottie girls want something out of being with a much older not so hottie guy it only makes sense most of the time that way to them to be with a guy in that situation.

Thing is CG is that if you don't change what you are doing tommorow you'll end up with the same results time over, nothing will change. So if you next pop into your local FSU dating agency or online and put in instead for a mediocre looking mid to late twenties girl and just date by visiting local attractions and avoid enticingly her with gifts you may get a genuine one. Or go for a girl in her thirties with or without a kid. Even with girls in their thirties with kids how long before the kid grows up and is largely self sufficient possibly not long. So you could look for the diamond in the rough as it were and get a good one. Main thing for you I think is to get out of this habit of buying gifts and enticements for girls. If you are doing that then the girl doesn't really want to be with you that much and won't be genuine.

Other thing of course is how you are, do you look like the classic American stereotype of a short fat balding American dude, sorry all US guys ;) If so girls are likely to want more enticements especially the hottie ones. Lose a load of weight even put on a bit of muscle and whatever else it takes to look decent and girls won't necessarily need as much inducement and may get more serious about you. It's all hypergamy stuff. Would you want to get with some woman older than you who is overweight, etc probably not so it's all about getting on more relative terms. My thoughts in them getting stubborn may be that they are wanting more inducements to stick around you and if they are not getting it, it's their sign that more is needed or they're off. All kind of the deal that can be struck out there I think.
« Last Edit: July 19, 2023, 09:59:42 AM by Trenchcoat »
"If you make your own bread, then and only then, are you a free man unchained and alive living in pooty tang paradise, or say no and live in Incel island with all the others." - Krimster

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Re: Russian women verses Ukrainian women
« Reply #6 on: November 06, 2023, 08:14:50 AM »
I've been around the block and had many relations with probably a dozen Ukrainian women and the same for Russian women. Dated casually two dozen on each side, communicated with hundreds :)

If I could go back to my 21 year old self I'd tell myself never to visit Ukraine. Yes the women are super hot but the majority are not genuine or honest. I know we all have our own experiences but mine is that there are much more scammers in Ukraine than Russia. I've met some crazy Russian women too but from my experience you are more likely to be lied to, cheated on with a Ukrainian woman than a Russian woman.

Just for entertainment purposes - let's not get too heated or personal.  :arguing:

I never noticed any differences between Ukrainian and Russian women regarding the 'genuine, honest, scammer, cheated' criteria.
And I met with many more than the two dozen each that you mention.
Actually I never met with a scammer.  There were a few that showed up in my screening process, but they were screened out before face to face meetings were scheduled.

One difference I did notice.

Russian women never volunteered to cook or house clean at apartments I was staying in.

Ukraininan women did.

I took several women to all expense paid vacations to Crimea, Turkey, Egypt, etc.  This was after substantial meetings with them in their home city.

I remember once we were at an Aparthotel in Turkey, so it had cooking facilities.
I cooked some meals and asked the RW if she wanted to prepare a meal.
She replied: No, I am on vacation.

Otherwise we had mostly a great time and were very compatible . . . we laughed together almost uncontrollably several times.
She was a highly educated MD and knew alot about the ancient history of Turkey that we toured, so a very interesting companion.
But she gained considerable weight over the next year (probably thought she had me hooked so didn't need to stay slender anymore) and refused to even consider losing it, and she was a bit too moody/sulky also . . . so I didn't continue with her.
But I still remember the great sex (she once proclaimed: It can't be this good!!) and great laughing (not about the sex).

A beautiful woman is pleasant to look at, but it is easier to live with a pleasant acting one.

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Russian women verses Ukrainian women
« Reply #7 on: May 01, 2024, 04:12:31 PM »
Crazy women everywhere, and if you are prepared to keep a woman with your wallet there is choice as long as your wallet is filled.

"Don't be surprised if you catch Gold Diggers, when you use money as bait" -
quote borrowed from Leslied

"The main difference between Russian and Ukrainian women is that Ukrainians say
Hamburger and Russians say Gamburger"
quote borrowed from Krimster

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If you find a promising girl, get your butt on a plane.
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Just kiss the girl, don't ask her first. Tolerate NO excuses!


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