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Author Topic: When the pool shrinks  (Read 23045 times)

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Offline Trenchcoat

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Re: When the pool shrinks
« Reply #150 on: March 28, 2023, 04:17:23 PM »
trench, ya gonna end up livin on the boulevarde of broken dreams
which is, by all accounts a rather dreadful neighborhood
if you don't climb out of the hole you stumbled into
focus on that

aint'cha got at least one relative/friend you can ask, "am I phuqued up somehow?"
they will know
and when they explain it to you, you will see it
and the truth is the path that will set you free
but only if you get up off your ass and start hiking up that steep mountian pass
which segways to the subject of "sloth"
if you are perceived as lazy or ineffectual by an FSU woman, then she's done with you, THE END
could this mean that your main failing has always been a kind of mental laziness towards reality cuz you focus on some other dubious non-real BS instead?
or is it society's fault?
so many possibilities
lack of money is the root cause of most evil
but what causes that?
in your case laziness, not in the physical sense, but a mental one
you settled for doing the minimum
and that's what it returned to you

you want more?
then work more for getting it
do ya see the connection?

That's definitely a good point Krim, I kind of got the impression that like a Bond villain's henchman failure is not an option or it's the end for you. That I hadn't really dragged out of my subconscious properly until you just highlighted here confirming my suspicion that, that is the case.

On that one I could land myself in the sh*t with a FSW, developing property is not always an easy one. Admittedly on my house with hindsight I think I should have gone in with a more basic development. I should have just sectioned off the bedrooms into smaller rooms, made the front room into a small room and rented out the rooms that way, also dove a more basic garden. Instead I decided upon ensuite toilets in all the three bedrooms, a small 3 x 4 metre extension, moving the bathroom & having a small living room and a nicer garden. Sure it will be worth more and I'll be able to get a bit more room rent money and possibly fill the rooms easier but it's eaten up way more time. That said difficult to say for sure as risking under doing it could possibly make it harder to rent out.

Main issue is that a FSW would no doubt get peeved at all the delays. Invariably in any construction nearly everything takes longer than hoped. Throughout the world most construction on small to huge projects tend to nearly always run behind schedule. So on that one I'm setting myself up for a hard task and one where I would fail to look good. I've only got a couple of purchases like the one in Corfu in mind but I would definitely have to be careful not to dig myself a hole if a FSW is around or I may be filling it 😬

In the main I would definitely need to talk the talk, talk up what I'm doing not to stupid levels but at least in a way where I sound like I'm busy and going about business, perception can be a big part of it I think. That said obviously I need at least some social proof to back it up with. For now I am going to keep the present course of finishing of my house and doing my job, messing with that now would set me back more than it would aid. I'm only about two months from finishing the house roughly and that would give me relatively assured income. One I've done that my hands are freer to look at hopefully more prosperous activities.

Most businesses require a fair amount of investment to get going and often some effort. That's a possibility but I need my hands free with more time on my hands but money coming in also. Whatever it is I will need something where it can walk the walk while I talk the talk so it doesn't look like I'm just lazing off my rental income. That wouldn't look to a FSW my guess would be. In have a few ideas, I think so long as I work through them and don't allow any of them to bring me down or make me look sh*t like an overrunning renovation project then I should be ok. Nothing makes you look sh*t than an overrunning renovation project even if you have been working hard doing it  which of course can make you feel more sh*t and that I know is not a great place to be.
"If you make your own bread, then and only then, are you a free man unchained and alive living in pooty tang paradise, or say no and live in Incel island with all the others." - Krimster

Offline Trenchcoat

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Re: When the pool shrinks
« Reply #151 on: April 04, 2023, 03:49:15 AM »
Just thinking again yesterday about the number of troop losses in Ukraine. My last estimate back last year I gave just before the US General guy came up with about the same, that Ukraine had lost about 100,000 troops. This was after about 9 - 10months of fighting. I came up with this figure as a result of anecdotal evidence of a soldiers account around Soledar I think it was or similar type of battlefield that they were losing about 200 men a day. To that I added a few more to other perhaps less active areas of the battle front and times by  the number of months to get the rough estimate figure of 100,000.

So with the ferocity pretty much continuing a pace I reckon we can break it down to roughly 10,000 Ukrainian troops lost per month and can work forward from that for every month of war that has passed. So now Ukraine would have lost approximately 130,000 troops.

Russia of course would have lost far more, not only does the attacker usually lose more troops against an army able to defend well but their tactics particularly of the Wagner Group makes it so. There troop losses are more harder in a way, I think numbers given out so far even by Russia aren't necessarily far wrong since Russia I don't think really care how many they lose or who knows as they're looking to win on a numbers basis.

Certainly at least double the numbers Ukraine has lost 260,000 seems likely possibly more. The fact that Russia is still able to hold its present lines and attack means that it must still be fielding a considerable number of troops at the front. Troop call up numbers are difficult to ascertain as to how many they actually get in the end and stay. It can both point to replenishing troop losses and build up of troops. The latter perhaps less so as they need equipping and feeding so I reckon most of it is just replacing troops that have been lost. If so that conceivable points to far higher troop losses perhaps as far as 300,000 or more. My guess is at the end of this whenever that comes we will likely be shocked by the number of troop losses moreso by Russia.
"If you make your own bread, then and only then, are you a free man unchained and alive living in pooty tang paradise, or say no and live in Incel island with all the others." - Krimster


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