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Author Topic: Coronavirus, how are you preparing for it and how it is affecting you so far?  (Read 494667 times)

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bla bla bla, rambling on like a 3 year old child.... wasting space

I don't dispute any figures, I don't agree with the actions taken here, I am upset how they treated this whole thing and sacrificed our elderly. Nothing about what I pointed out was in any way an agreement to the "strategy", merly to show the audience, you are lying and most often wrong.

So -  I do call you a liar (nothing new here, you do it all the time) and that you are wrong. (nothing new here, you are all the time)

and I have proven both.

and about your imaginary friends, pour them some more tea and discuss the biscuits you baked in your imaginary owen down there in the basement and and stop bothering us adults.
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Sweden’s economy actually grew in the first quarter after
it opted against a full virus lockdown

Has Sweden's different COVID-19 response paid off?

No-lockdown Sweden balks at the possibility it
could be excluded as Nordics reopen borders

We are excluded from Cyprus, Greece, Germany, Denmark, Norway as far as I know today when they start to open up, this strategy taken here is a freaking shame.

how ever -  our economy has not suffered as much as many other countries and that was one of the "goals"
Multitasking means screwing up several things at once.

Online 2tallbill

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We are excluded from Cyprus, Greece, Germany, Denmark, Norway as far as I know today when they start to open up, this strategy taken here is a freaking shame.

how ever -  our economy has not suffered as much as many other countries and that was one of the "goals"

It's crazy to decide to kill your economy, to throw millions out of work
and to kill thousands and thousands of businesses then decide to penalize
a country because they decided to forgo that experience.

Swedish Model Elsa Hosk to spice up the otherwise dreary thread.

Swedish Girl Liza Berggren

« Last Edit: May 29, 2020, 10:56:59 AM by 2tallbill »
FSUW are not for entry level daters
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how ever -  our economy has not suffered as much as many other countries and that was one of the "goals"

“The economic consequences of the pandemic will be considerable,” Sweden’s central bank said in a recent report as it forecast an economic contraction for Sweden of between 7 and 10 percentage points for this year and unemployment of between 9 and 10 percent. Last year the jobless figure was 6.8 percent. The European Commission's current forecast for the eurozone for 2020 is for an economic contraction of 7.75 percent."

Here's a clue .. Sweden relies on EXPORTS .. if the economies for other nations are down...

So, Sweden's people will be excluded ( like that UK's ) when other nations' folks can travel ...  hardly a surprise given the respective govt's cluster ****s and failed experimentation on both the economic and viral impact front.

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if you adjust for population, Sweden has 10 TIMES the death rate from Covid compared to neighboring Norway

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if you adjust for population, Sweden has 10 TIMES the death rate from Covid compared to neighboring Norway

10 times Finland's and c. 5-6 times Denmark's

Offline Boethius

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stop lying (if you even know how to not), there has never been an strategy to go for herd immunity here in Sweden, the strategy was to flatten the curve to protect the healthcare system and protect the elderly, even if the last part was a HUGE hit'n Miss, that was the strategy and nothing else.

the ONLY country I heard has said this was the strategy - I admit it I might be wrong,never heard it myself -  was those foolish brits

I'm not suggesting "herd immunity" was adopted in Sweden (I have no idea), but that is what has been presented vis a vis Sweden, in English speaking press.  Here's one example -

This post was composed without the aid of google.

After the fall of communism, the biggest mistake Boris Yeltsin's regime made was not to disband the KGB altogether. Instead it changed its name to the FSB and, to many observers, morphed into a gangster organisation, eventually headed by master criminal Vladimir Putin. - Gerard Batten

Online 2tallbill

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FSUW are not for entry level daters
FSUW don't do vague
FSUW like a man of action. Be a man of action 
If you find a promising girl, get your butt on a plane.
There are a hundred ways to be successful and a thousand ways to f#ck it up
Just kiss the girl, don't ask her first. Tolerate NO excuses!

Offline Nightwish

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I'm not suggesting "herd immunity" was adopted in Sweden (I have no idea), but that is what has been presented vis a vis Sweden, in English speaking press.  Here's one example - post was composed without the aid of google.
Yes? And?
That is not where moby get's his information, he has imaginary friends e v e r y w h e r e who knows everything about everyone and everything, much better then a resident in the discussed country

one of my biz partners lived and worked in Copenhagen and knows a thing or two about Malmo..   I presume you doubt the Microbiologist exists, too ? :ROFL:

2/ Sadly, for you .. one of our sailing club members is also Swedish - but living in the UK .. her parents are in Sweden .. Much of the info I get is from her ..

Not really sure why a Danish would know anything really about Sweden in particular, and why it would be sad for me one of his imaginary friends are in his sailing club, but I left those remarks go because we are after all talking about a compulsive liar.

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I wasn't referencing moby's post.  I was referencing yours.  If you read any English news media, most articles about Sweden's approach will reference "herd immunity".  I'm not suggesting that's right, just that it's a common communication in the English speaking world.

This post was composed without the aid of google.
After the fall of communism, the biggest mistake Boris Yeltsin's regime made was not to disband the KGB altogether. Instead it changed its name to the FSB and, to many observers, morphed into a gangster organisation, eventually headed by master criminal Vladimir Putin. - Gerard Batten

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The virus is coming back!!!

It appears virus numbers are increasing again in  India & Iran for a second wave now some time after they eased lockdown:

Appears BillyB was right about how this virus is panning out.

Numbers increasing in Russia also but the are still on their first wave.

I've noticed here in the UK that we are moving into easing the lockdown in a manner in which I believe will make it highly likely that we will experience a second wave. Too much emphasis is being given to easing socialising restrictions early. All along keeping business open by focusing on stringent social distancing guidelines has been ignored. Instead we essentially shut up shop with the gov paying people to go out jogging around the block instead of keeping as many people as possible at work. Main issue now is if we suffer a second wave like India & Iran seem to be having the economy will be left in even worse shape.

Moving to an organisation of the economy that integrates social distancing as a permanent feature is where we should be heading I believe,  Amazon style of setup throughout and less walk in and buy I believe is the solution.
"If you make your own bread, then and only then, are you a free man unchained and alive living in pooty tang paradise, or say no and live in Incel island with all the others." - Krimster

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  If you read any English news media, most articles about Sweden's approach will reference "herd immunity". 

Yep and the funny thing is we got people on the left that trying to show "Sweden made a big mistake with herd immunity. Look at the amount of death" and people on the right saying "We should've done what Sweden did and kept more of our economy open". Both sides and the Western media claim Sweden did nothing to slow their spread when that isn't true.
Fund the audits, spread the word and educate people, write your politicians and other elected officials. Stay active in the fight to save our country. Over 220 generals and admirals say we are in a fight for our survival like no other time since 1776.

Offline msmob

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Yep and the funny thing is we got people on the left that trying to show "Sweden made a big mistake with herd immunity. Look at the amount of death" and people on the right saying "We should've done what Sweden did and kept more of our economy open". Both sides and the Western media claim Sweden did nothing to slow their spread when that isn't true.


Pointing out the mistakes of Sweden and the UK has NOTHING to do with political leanings ..

As I pointed out.. Sweden is NOT part of re-opening borders and has been 'shunned' by it's Nordic neighbours because of the MUCH higher death rates.

Norway and Denmark have snubbed Sweden by opening their borders to each other but not to their Scandinavian neighbour because of its controversial no-lockdown coronavirus strategy.

Sweden is forecast( by it's own govt.) to fare worse economically, now, than ( say) Denmark as a result..


   But there was better economic news for Sweden on Friday as GDP figures for the first quarter showed it was one of the few countries in Europe to enjoy growth in the first three months of the year. The country’s GDP increased by 0.1 per cent compared with the fourth quarter.

Still, Sweden is expected to face its steepest downturn since the second world war with the government in Stockholm this week forecasting its economy would contract by about 7 per cent this year. Denmark estimated its economy would shrink by 5.3 per cent in 2020 this week.

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Pointing out the mistakes of Sweden and the UK has NOTHING to do with political leanings ..

Of course politics are involved. There's no way for any leaders to get it perfect so political opposition will capitalize on the mistakes. Many, if not most nations are intentionally underreporting. There's probably 400 deaths per million in Western nations who have the most hospitals, best training and latest technology but the average of the world is 47 deaths per million. China and India helps bring the average WAY down. They can tell their people they're doing a much better job than Western nations. When this is all over, the "experts" will take previous years death tolls to predict what it should be without the coronavirus. Then they will subtract that number into the death toll of the World during this Pandemic to get a true number of how many died from the virus.
Fund the audits, spread the word and educate people, write your politicians and other elected officials. Stay active in the fight to save our country. Over 220 generals and admirals say we are in a fight for our survival like no other time since 1776.

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Of course politics are involved. There's no way for any leaders to get it perfect so political opposition will capitalize on the mistakes. Many, if not most nations are intentionally underreporting. There's probably 400 deaths per million in Western nations who have the most hospitals, best training and latest technology but the average of the world is 47 deaths per million. China and India helps bring the average WAY down. They can tell their people they're doing a much better job than Western nations. When this is all over, the "experts" will take previous years death tolls to predict what it should be without the coronavirus. Then they will subtract that number into the death toll of the World during this Pandemic to get a true number of how many died from the virus.


as you insist in making an arse of yourself.

Tell us which nation.. Denmark, Finland, Norway is politically more to the left than Sweden .. given Nightwish has revealed his love for the libertarian immigration policy of Sweden...

Denmark has proven to be  FAR more 'right' wing than Sweden if you think about its  migrant policy ...

This is ALL about Sweden's govt.'s error of judgement re its approach to 'combating' the virus and its FAIL on that front ..

Offline GQBlues

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Now it looks like the Swedish hot rod got up the arses of more people. LMAO.

Sweden’s per capital death rate is still much better than many of European nation that practiced draconian lockdowns. Are you folks this dense to dismiss this reality.

What a band of Googling idiots.
« Last Edit: May 30, 2020, 07:28:58 AM by GQBlues »
Quote from: msmob
1. Because of 'man', global warming is causing desert and arid areas to suffer long, dry spell.
2. The 2018 Camp Fire and Woolsey California wildfires are forests burning because of global warming.
3. N95 mask will choke you dead after 30 min. of use.

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Now it looks like the Swedish hot rod got up the arses of more people. LMAO.

Sweden’s per capital death rate is still much better than many of European nation that practiced draconian lockdowns. Are you folks this dense to dismiss this reality.

What a band of Googling idiots.

As has already been pointed out to GQB ( several times, several posters )  seems to suffer from some affliction, as to the simplest of data comparisons ..

Comparing Sweden with her physically connected neighbours, with similar population densities IS relevant ....

Comparing Sweden with the likes of  UK, BE, NL is preposterous - given the population densities and towns/ cities being just about merged .

I sometimes wonder if GQB crossed the Pacific and Atlantic missing out Europe.. ( other than the FSU) .. 

He might as well compare Alaska with NY and claim "look, you're 150 times more likely to have died in NY " and think he's 'made a point'  :popcorn:



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As has already been pointed out to GQB ( several times, several posters )  seems to suffer from some affliction, as to the simplest of data comparisons ..

Comparing Sweden with her physically connected neighbours, with similar population densities IS relevant ....

Comparing Sweden with the likes of  UK, BE, NL is preposterous - given the population densities and towns/ cities being just about merged .

I sometimes wonder if GQB crossed the Pacific and Atlantic missing out Europe.. ( other than the FSU) .. 

He might as well compare Alaska with NY and claim "look, you're 150 times more likely to have died in NY " and think he's 'made a point'  :popcorn:

After all these times, he still have ZERO understanding of the relative term "per capita'." Physical connection" HAVE ZERO to do with facts as previously illustrated. Belgium/Germany, Italy/Switzerland, Spain/Portugal in terms of "per capit" death rate..

But, as it's always been portrayed on this board, it goes in the same vein of " N95 masks will choke people to death after 30 minutes of use'. nonsense.
« Last Edit: May 30, 2020, 08:42:22 AM by GQBlues »
Quote from: msmob
1. Because of 'man', global warming is causing desert and arid areas to suffer long, dry spell.
2. The 2018 Camp Fire and Woolsey California wildfires are forests burning because of global warming.
3. N95 mask will choke you dead after 30 min. of use.

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Poor 'ol GQB,

Keeps trying to suggest what 'I do not understand ', rather than simply admitting, "I got busted by Moby for posting nonsense re Sweden"...

Citizens of nations that have not tried to stamp out the virus are not 'welcome'...

That includes, the UK, US, Sweden..

BTW...a proper 'N95' ( FFP2 this side of the pond) device is a respirator...not a mask...

Offline Trenchcoat

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It's crazy to decide to kill your economy, to throw millions out of work
and to kill thousands and thousands of businesses then decide to penalize
a country because they decided to forgo that experience.

Swedish Model Elsa Hosk to spice up the otherwise dreary thread.

Swedish Girl Liza Berggren

I agree Bill this thread has unfortunately become dreary now, just a lot of banging on about Sweden. Seeing the Swedish bikini beauties is far more pleasing :D
"If you make your own bread, then and only then, are you a free man unchained and alive living in pooty tang paradise, or say no and live in Incel island with all the others." - Krimster

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Poor 'ol GQB,

Keeps trying to suggest what 'I do not understand ', rather than simply admitting, "I got busted by Moby for posting nonsense re Sweden"...

Citizens of nations that have not tried to stamp out the virus are not 'welcome'...

That includes, the UK, US, Sweden..

BTW...a proper 'N95' ( FFP2 this side of the pond) device is a respirator...not a mask...

Swoosh.  Went over his head once again. Per Capita. Deal with it.
Quote from: msmob
1. Because of 'man', global warming is causing desert and arid areas to suffer long, dry spell.
2. The 2018 Camp Fire and Woolsey California wildfires are forests burning because of global warming.
3. N95 mask will choke you dead after 30 min. of use.

Offline msmob

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Good morning GQB,

The guy STILL asking us to compare per capita deaths between Sweden and far denser  populated euro nations like NL, BE and the UK , rather than Sweden's physical neighbours ( with ten time less) and the  data is 'going over my head?....

Here's a per capita stat for you, from a right of centre newspaper..
Sweden has the highest death rate per capita of any country in the world this week, data shows


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Good morning GQB,

The guy STILL asking us to compare per capita deaths between Sweden and far denser  populated euro nations like NL, BE and the UK , rather than Sweden's physical neighbours ( with ten time less) and the  data is 'going over my head?....

Here's a per capita stat for you, from a right of centre newspaper..
Sweden has the highest death rate per capita of any country in the world this week, data shows

LMAO! This week! LMAO! All that old fart gyration for *this week*?!? THIS WEEK?!?!! That’s all your band of idiots can come up with?

You want the real *per capita* stats, feast on this: To date: Countries with police-enforced mandated lockdown program Belgium 82/100K, Spain 58/100K, UK 56/100K, Italy 55/100K, France 44/100K.

Sweden::::drum roll, please:::::43/100K!!!

You obsessed and ridicule Sweden’s program for failing to implement a *draconian, police-enforced lockdown* like the countries above? Beyond trolling, were you trying to make a point?

You really are *clinical*
« Last Edit: May 31, 2020, 06:20:01 AM by GQBlues »
Quote from: msmob
1. Because of 'man', global warming is causing desert and arid areas to suffer long, dry spell.
2. The 2018 Camp Fire and Woolsey California wildfires are forests burning because of global warming.
3. N95 mask will choke you dead after 30 min. of use.

Offline msmob

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Poor 'ol GQB

Offline GQBlues

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Quote from: msmob
1. Because of 'man', global warming is causing desert and arid areas to suffer long, dry spell.
2. The 2018 Camp Fire and Woolsey California wildfires are forests burning because of global warming.
3. N95 mask will choke you dead after 30 min. of use.


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