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Author Topic: 2019 - nCoV (novel coronavirus originating in Wuhan, China)  (Read 320660 times)

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Re: 2019 - nCoV (novel coronavirus originating in Wuhan, China)
« Reply #2900 on: July 24, 2021, 09:57:17 PM »

159 fully vaccinated people in Illinois dead and 593 hospitalized.

Fauci surprised at steep decline of efficacy of Pfizer vaccine based on Israeli data

Israel says vaccine now just 39% effective against infection.

FDA and NIH employees had first crack at getting vaccinated and only 50-60% chose to do so.

CDC says 85% of new cases in America are Delta variant.

Vaccinated people in Singapore make up 75% of infections.

Remember what those experts said, Experimental vaccines can compromise healthy immune systems making people more likely to get infected by any pathogen which in turn can lead to decreased lifespan. Also vaccinated people aren't immune from being infected so the vaccine can learn how to defeat the vaccine by creating more variants. Vaccinated people become breeding grounds to give birth to new variants. It's unthinkable to vaccinate a healthy population during a pandemic. It could be a colossal blunder on humanity leading to depopulation.

Did you guys notice governments and health organizations aren't telling us how many people acquired natural immunity and how successful their immune system is against the variants? They aren't even offering a test to give those people a pass from the vaccine or offering them a vaccine passport although they have natural immunity. They seem to want to force people to take a vaccine even if they've beaten COVID earlier.

175 towns in France and cities around the world had massive protests against vaccine passports. I didn't see anybody wearing a mask or social distancing. People are tired of the government using the pandemic to create bigger government and more control.
Fund the audits, spread the word and educate people, write your politicians and other elected officials. Stay active in the fight to save our country. Over 220 generals and admirals say we are in a fight for our survival like no other time since 1776.

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Re: 2019 - nCoV (novel coronavirus originating in Wuhan, China)
« Reply #2901 on: July 24, 2021, 11:15:52 PM »

159 fully vaccinated people in Illinois dead and 593 hospitalized. 

That figure equates to 2.3% of COVID-19 deaths in the state since Jan. 1, officials said.

Meaning 97.7% of deaths, or 6754 deaths were unvaccinated or partially unvaccinated.

The vaccine is working great in Illinois, doing exactly what it is supposed to be doing.

Fauci surprised at steep decline of efficacy of Pfizer vaccine based on Israeli data

Israel says vaccine now just 39% effective against infection.

Israel’s research agreed, at least, that the shot was highly effective in avoiding serious illness, at 91.4% effectiveness.

FDA and NIH employees had first crack at getting vaccinated and only 50-60% chose to do so.

Representing 41,000 folks, a good cross section of America.  Par for the course, unfortunately.

CDC says 85% of new cases in America are Delta variant.

Yeah, I believe it!  Similar states in other countries as well.

Vaccinated people in Singapore make up 75% of infections.

Singapore has already inoculated nearly 75% of its 5.7 million people, the world's second highest after the United Arab Emirates

There were only seven severe cases requiring oxygen support and six of them were unvaccinated and one was partially vaccinated, the health ministry said.

"There is continuing evidence that vaccination helps to prevent serious disease when one gets infected," the ministry said, adding all of the fully vaccinated and infected people showed no symptoms or mild symptoms.

That is really, really, good news for Singapore!  Shows that getting above 70% vaccinated is an important milestone that saves many lives.

Thanks for the uplifting news BillyB!  All positive reports showing that the vaccine is effective, even for the Delta variant.

Remember what those experts said, Experimental vaccines can compromise healthy immune systems making people more likely to get infected by any pathogen which in turn can lead to decreased lifespan. Also vaccinated people aren't immune from being infected so the vaccine can learn how to defeat the vaccine by creating more variants. Vaccinated people become breeding grounds to give birth to new variants. It's unthinkable to vaccinate a healthy population during a pandemic. It could be a colossal blunder on humanity leading to depopulation.

Fortunately, there is no factual data that supports your opinion.

Did you guys notice governments and health organizations aren't telling us how many people acquired natural immunity and how successful their immune system is against the variants? They aren't even offering a test to give those people a pass from the vaccine or offering them a vaccine passport although they have natural immunity. They seem to want to force people to take a vaccine even if they've beaten COVID earlier.

Which information will the Digital Green Certificate include?

The Digital Green Certificate will contain necessary key information such as name, date of birth, the issuing Member State and a unique identifier of the certificate. In addition:

For a vaccination certificate: vaccine product and manufacturer, number of doses, date of vaccination;
For a test certificate: type of test, date and time of test, test centre and result;
For a recovery certificate: date of positive test result, issuer of certificate, date of issuance, validity date.

Seems you err, again.

175 towns in France and cities around the world had massive protests against vaccine passports. I didn't see anybody wearing a mask or social distance. People are tired of the government using the pandemic to create bigger government and more control.

Some 160,000 people, including far-right activists and members of France's yellow vest movement, protested Saturday across the country against a bill requiring everyone to have a special virus pass to enter restaurants and mandating COVID-19 vaccinations for all health care workers.

Similar protests were held in neighboring Italy.

Massive???  Nah, a mere fraction of the population protested.  Let's go big and say a whopping million protestors.. Not even 1% of the populations of France and Italy protested.

IMO More people in Europe protested for George Floyd than against the vaccine.

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Re: 2019 - nCoV (novel coronavirus originating in Wuhan, China)
« Reply #2902 on: July 25, 2021, 12:55:45 AM »

"That figure equates to 2.3% of COVID-19 deaths in the state since Jan. 1, officials said."
Meaning 97.7% of deaths, or 6754 deaths were unvaccinated or partially unvaccinated.

The vaccine is working great in Illinois, doing exactly what it is supposed to be doing.

BC's tricky math. Not many people were fully vaccinated Jan 1. Article said 8 fully vaccinated people died last week. Only a handful of people die from COVID everyday in Illinois last week. Some of those people that died with COVID were fully and partially vaccinated. Now do the math. Also, there are 60 times more adverse events than deaths from vaccines. While a vaccinated person may survive COVID, they may get the next variant and die while a person who beat COVID with their own immunity system doesn't have to worry about variants or worry years from now about getting a compromised immune system from an experimental vaccine.

That is really, really, good news for Singapore!  Shows that getting above 70% vaccinated is an important milestone that saves many lives.

Thanks for the uplifting news BillyB!  All positive reports showing that the vaccine is effective, even for the Delta variant.

I'm glad you are thrilled! When people were given the vaccines, they were told they won't get COVID. Maybe 5% of the people will get COVID. 75% of those who are currently infected in Singapore are vaccinated yet you spin it into good news. People were lied to about efficacy rates but hey! Lying helps sell vaccines. The very bad news is the virus is allowed to co-exist with the vaccines in people's bodies eventually creating variants that learn how to defeat vaccines and defeat vaccinated people.
Fund the audits, spread the word and educate people, write your politicians and other elected officials. Stay active in the fight to save our country. Over 220 generals and admirals say we are in a fight for our survival like no other time since 1776.

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Re: 2019 - nCoV (novel coronavirus originating in Wuhan, China)
« Reply #2903 on: July 25, 2021, 01:37:01 AM »
BC's tricky math. Not many people were fully vaccinated Jan 1. Article said 8 fully vaccinated people died last week. Only a handful of people die from COVID everyday in Illinois last week. Some of those people that died with COVID were fully and partially vaccinated. Now do the math. Also, there are 60 times more adverse events than deaths from vaccines. While a vaccinated person may survive COVID, they may get the next variant and die while a person who beat COVID with their own immunity system doesn't have to worry about variants or worry years from now about getting a compromised immune system from an experimental vaccine.

Nothing tricky at all about it. If the percentage of fully vaccinated deaths equals 2.3% then the remaining deaths, both partially and unvaccinated equals the rest of deaths.  No secrets here at all.  Your adverse events based on VAERS data has been debunked several times.  You are blatantly misusing that data.

I'm glad you are thrilled! When people were given the vaccines, they were told they won't get COVID. Maybe 5% of the people will get COVID. 75% of those who are currently infected in Singapore are vaccinated yet you spin it into good news. People were lied to about efficacy rates but hey! Lying helps sell vaccines. The very bad news is the virus is allowed to co-exist with the vaccines in people's bodies eventually creating variants that learn how to defeat vaccines and defeat vaccinated people.

Maybe 5% will get what?  Symptomatic?, more severe cases?, what?  There is absolutely no spin at all if you read the articles you post.  Who told them they won't get COVID? It was known from the outset that vaccines were not 100% and that folks who did get COVID would have much better, but not perfect, chances for fewer hospitalizations and survival.  That is success in any book.  Even condoms used alone are not perfect for preventing STD's or pregnancy.  But guess what... most vaccines are just as or even more effective preventing death than condoms, preventing pregnancy or STD's IMO. 

The only one here twisting and fabricating falsehoods is you.

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Re: 2019 - nCoV (novel coronavirus originating in Wuhan, China)
« Reply #2904 on: July 25, 2021, 05:24:43 AM »
Here in the UK Coronavirus cases have been going down for the last few days. Approximately 31,000 known infections for yesterday figures down from nearly 50,000 odd a few days ago. Whether this will continue who knows, my guess is now that it has it may continue that way although figures for over the weekend are sometimes less in recording so it may take a few more days to be sure. However deaths for the last few days have been up to between 70-90 or so deaths per day so more are dying than in previous weeks. Who these people are we don't really know, the media & government have been pretty quiet on this. My guess is that they have been told to be quiet until they are certain on the data & effectiveness of the vaccine and where we are heading in all of this.

I can see why some people believe this virus was deliberately created and let loose. There are really too many people on this planet mostly in places like India & China. Temperatures have again been hot this Summer and while climates do change there is a possibility that the Environmentalists may be right. I notice in Ukraine the south coast of Ukraine is experiencing temperatures in the 30 degrees for many consecutive days to come. We had a few days of that type of weather but it's largely done with for now. LA of course has been suffering a heat wave in the 40 degrees recently and is still hot in 30 degree temperatures. So on the whole I'm glad I live in the UK and don't have to suffer high heat temperatures for too long. Apparently over the next ten years they reckon the UK may end up experiencing heat up to the 40 degrees. Can't think to imagine how hot it will get elsewhere if that becomes the case. I have a nice stone built house so if temperatures get that high the thick stone walls should help to keep out the worst of it :)
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Re: 2019 - nCoV (novel coronavirus originating in Wuhan, China)
« Reply #2905 on: July 25, 2021, 09:50:39 AM »

BC, you are thrilled or pretending to be thrilled about the results of COVID vaccines. Even Fauci was alarmed at the amount of infections in Israel considering they have the highest percentage of vaccinated population among major nations.

Let me tell you about a vaccine that gets me thrilled, It was used on another "Virus of the century". The smallpox vaccine has a 95% efficacy rate and it eradicated smallpox in America by 1972. Now if people were told their vaccinated child was still going to get infected by smallpox like COVID vaccines, do you think parents would inject that product into their kids? 75% of the COVID infected people in Singapore are fully vaccinated. That is alarming but you are thrilled with the results.

I can see why some people believe this virus was deliberately created and let loose.

Here's another conspiracy theory involving China. The Delta variant came out of India and the Lambda variant came out of Chile. Both nations use China's Sinovac vaccine. It's possible that vaccine is most responsible for creating variants that are anti vaccine keeping the world's population sick from COVID. Doctor mentions that in the video. Doctor also says CDC stopped counting COVID infections in May which gives the impression the only infection in America are happening to the unvaccinated. Watch how the mockingbird media plays it. He says half the cases are vaccine failures. Those are sad numbers today and years from now, we may also learn of additional damage the vaccines caused to human bodies.

CDC is ending the use of PCR tests because of too many false positives. The test can't tell the difference between SARs-COV-2 and influenza viruses. The creator of PCR tests was banned on Youtube for putting out 'misinformation'. Turns out he knew what he was talking about. Duh. This is the test our medical experts used that helped create initial PANIC last year. Now we are vaccinating healthy people and we got vaccines that are creating more mutant viruses. There will be no end to this. Experts 100 years from now are going to look back at this time and wonder why we got so many idiots in the medical and scientific communities.
Fund the audits, spread the word and educate people, write your politicians and other elected officials. Stay active in the fight to save our country. Over 220 generals and admirals say we are in a fight for our survival like no other time since 1776.

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Re: 2019 - nCoV (novel coronavirus originating in Wuhan, China)
« Reply #2906 on: July 25, 2021, 11:11:09 AM »

BC, you are thrilled or pretending to be thrilled about the results of COVID vaccines. Even Fauci was alarmed at the amount of infections in Israel considering they have the highest percentage of vaccinated population among major nations.

Let me tell you about a vaccine that gets me thrilled, It was used on another "Virus of the century". The smallpox vaccine has a 95% efficacy rate and it eradicated smallpox in America by 1972. Now if people were told their vaccinated child was still going to get infected by smallpox like COVID vaccines, do you think parents would inject that product into their kids? 75% of the COVID infected people in Singapore are fully vaccinated. That is alarming but you are thrilled with the results.

What's your point?  Another wild goose chase?

Here's another conspiracy theory involving China. The Delta variant came out of India and the Lambda variant came out of Chile. Both nations use China's Sinovac vaccine. It's possible that vaccine is most responsible for creating variants that are anti vaccine keeping the world's population sick from COVID. Doctor mentions that in the video. Doctor also says CDC stopped counting COVID infections in May which gives the impression the only infection in America are happening to the unvaccinated. Watch how the mockingbird media plays it. He says half the cases are vaccine failures. Those are sad numbers today and years from now, we may also learn of additional damage the vaccines caused to human bodies.

Exactly as you state, conspiracy theories that ignore variant timelines previously posted.

CDC is ending the use of PCR tests because of too many false positives. The test can't tell the difference between SARs-COV-2 and influenza viruses. The creator of PCR tests was banned on Youtube for putting out 'misinformation'. Turns out he knew what he was talking about. Duh. This is the test our medical experts used that helped create initial PANIC last year. Now we are vaccinating healthy people and we got vaccines that are creating more mutant viruses. There will be no end to this. Experts 100 years from now are going to look back at this time and wonder why we got so many idiots in the medical and scientific communities.

You are again spouting unsubstantiated swill you find by somehow connecting invisible dots.

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Re: 2019 - nCoV (novel coronavirus originating in Wuhan, China)
« Reply #2907 on: December 05, 2021, 10:07:11 PM »
I had AstraZeneca (which is all I was entitled to, based on my age).  So, I did get a booster, which was Pfizer.

The new variant apparently is more contagious as it shares aspects with the common cold, but it isn't as severe as previous variants.

After the fall of communism, the biggest mistake Boris Yeltsin's regime made was not to disband the KGB altogether. Instead it changed its name to the FSB and, to many observers, morphed into a gangster organisation, eventually headed by master criminal Vladimir Putin. - Gerard Batten

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Re: 2019 - nCoV (novel coronavirus originating in Wuhan, China)
« Reply #2908 on: December 06, 2021, 06:27:37 AM »
Getting my booster on Thursday, Pfizer.
I do a lot of travelling so whatever makes it easier.

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Re: 2019 - nCoV (novel coronavirus originating in Wuhan, China)
« Reply #2909 on: December 06, 2021, 07:58:54 AM »

First, congratulations on your anniversary!

Second, why do you call the vaccine "poison"?  There is nothing in it that you don't either already have in your body, or consume in foods.

Likely he did because it is poison. Just curious, what foods do you eat that contain Graphene nano particles?

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Re: 2019 - nCoV (novel coronavirus originating in Wuhan, China)
« Reply #2910 on: December 06, 2021, 08:49:57 AM »
If you want to fly--comply. get your vacs at your trusted pharmacy..

So untrue. You don't need to be vaxxed to fly anywhere. As LAMAN said, even if you are vaxxed from the US, you still have to test negative prior to getting on.

Even these rules have holes because a person, vaccinated or not, can in fact be carrying and spreading the virus for up to 2 days BEFORE he/she and everything in between, either tests positive or begin to feel any symptoms.

It's obvious, all the gyrations and misinformation had many folks still ill-informed.,with%20COVID%2D19.

An infected person can spread COVID-19 starting 2 days before the person has any symptoms or tests positive. People who have COVID-19 don’t always have obvious symptoms.
« Last Edit: December 06, 2021, 11:28:51 AM by GQBlues »
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Re: 2019 - nCoV (novel coronavirus originating in Wuhan, China)
« Reply #2911 on: December 06, 2021, 01:02:18 PM »
Likely he did because it is poison. Just curious, what foods do you eat that contain Graphene nano particles?

There are no graphene nanoparticles in the vaccine.  There is a lipid nanoparticle, but we have lipids in our body already.
After the fall of communism, the biggest mistake Boris Yeltsin's regime made was not to disband the KGB altogether. Instead it changed its name to the FSB and, to many observers, morphed into a gangster organisation, eventually headed by master criminal Vladimir Putin. - Gerard Batten


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