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Sprinkle sprinkle

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A month ago, I decided to wrap up work early and have a little treat. I took myself out to a hotel bar and sat alone reading in the sun, while people socialised in twos and threes around me. Someone bought me a drink, and a little while later, a woman leaned over to me on her way out and said: “Sprinkle sprinkle.”

She was quoting the catchphrase of the YouTuber SheraSeven, the viral sensation and self-styled “financial adviser” whose advice I had inadvertently followed. The way to get wealthy men to buy you drinks, Shera says, is to go to high-end bars alone before the after-work rush.

Over the past few months, a number of straight-talking, self-help gurus for women (often described half-jokingly in the comment section as “the female Andrew Tate”) have been blowing up on TikTok. SheraSeven (real name Leticia Padua) has been attracting a large audience of young women. Despite not even having a TikTok account herself, clips that have cross-pollinated from her YouTube have racked up almost 20bn views and counting. The phrase “sprinkle sprinkle”, which she uses to bookend her most sage advice, has now taken on a life of its own.

Shera advises women over the age of 25 to seek out and date older, affluent men and to actively play games to get them. This includes hiding your insecurities from potential partners and using reverse psychology to manipulate men, so you can imitate intimacy without the risk that comes with true vulnerability. For example, if you’re feeling jealous because a man you’re dating doesn’t pick up his phone, you should pretend you were calling for help with a flat tyre – but then had to get another man to step in. Once they’ve locked a man down, she argues, women should push for them to pay for all of their household bills and expenses. Men without money are “dusties” and not to be entertained.

But veering away from the stereotype of the 1950s housewife, and its modern iteration, the tradwife, SheraSeven doesn’t suggest women must take on domestic responsibilities such as cooking, cleaning and child-rearing in exchange for financial support. A man of means can hire people to help with that. You are there to look beautiful and be worshipped. This is presumably what makes her gospel so attractive – so much so that other women have started documenting their own sprinkle sprinkle journeys, updating their audience as they follow Shera’s advice.

 :crackwhip: Please show yourself to the curb girl, you're not adult enough for me!  :crackwhip:

More western women entitlement bs, all about western woman's greed, give me, give me, give me.

Part will depend on whether the woman is attractive enough and looking for a long term thing. If it's just trying to use some rich guy to try to sort out her sh*tty financial position for a short term fix she might end up disappointed.

the problem with that kind of "manipulative woman" ALWAYS becomes readily apparant
no way they CONCEAL THIS!!!
it's right out front,
soon as you encounter it
if you stick around, you're an idiot

I have literally raised my hand, paid the check, and took women back to their home, barely into the date after I experienced this type of domineering, controlling, entitled behavior....
they'll be somone else's problem, sure as hell not gonna end up being mine...
'spossiba bog, I say as they shut my car door...

it's why you poor desperate incels are gonna be "sad little puppies"
you won't be able to let go like this
OMG!!! you're gonna keep callin 'em
maybe they'll be nice to you, maybe not...maybe ya gotta play their little game whaever it is
none of ya'll are smart enuff, experienced enuff, to understand
only thing you're worried about is, am I gonna have pooty tang, or NOT?
no other sentiment gets considered, due to the dire, overpowering nature of this one


--- Quote from: Trenchcoat on August 09, 2023, 03:18:54 PM ---More western women entitlement bs, all about western woman's greed, give me, give me, give me.

--- End quote ---

How is this any different from the PUA crap you endorse?


--- Quote from: Boethius on August 09, 2023, 04:33:06 PM ---How is this any different from the PUA crap you endorse?

--- End quote ---

I don't recall that I ever endorsed PUA crap. In general I would say like 2tallbill says that it's easier to go on dating sites and be more sure that the girl is up for dating and cut out all the she already has a bf, is married, etc crap.

Sure I can see what you are getting at guys springing PUA crap with the intention of getting laid. Possibly some may do it for a long term date prospect. So her the girl is doing it to get the guy paying her bills and fleecing him. Whether one is better or worse than the other who knows but I just know I don't like the completely self interest of the girl. Getting off with a girl I assume the girl decides if to accept and gets something out of it herself in terms of enjoyment, etc.


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