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Ukrainian Front Discussion / Re: The Struggle For Ukraine
« Last post by krimster2 on Yesterday at 07:35:21 PM »
when ya live in a 'bad neighborhood' ya have no choice but to join a gang for protection from other gangs (I spent summers in Brooklyn)
NATO will protect all you Europeons from the Chinese K-Pop Gangs and Islamic GeeHadSomeFun, oh and the Leningrad Cowboys to, all notorious foreign devils out to get fair English maidens, of that you can be assured

the British military ain't all that much, ya'll got licked by a buncha farmers with muskets, multiple times for cryin out loud, we still talk 'bout that over here and even sing songs 'bout it

WELL, in 1814, we took a little trip, along with Col Jackson down the mighty Mississipp
we took a liitle bacon, and we took a liitle beans
and we fought the bloody British at the town of Now Orleans (7 hr drive from me)

ya'll get yur ass kicked too many times
so I'd join a gang if I was you!!!!
and besides, without all your lost colonies, yur hood's too danged small

now listen-up me bruv
you don't need to stockpile no food for the apocalypse!!!!
sheeeettt man,
stop thinkin like an "English Squire"
"I say 'ole chap, I believe I should endeavor to increase supply of essential items..."

NO! NO! NO!!!
what ya need is a shotgun and some shells (and some balls)
and with those you can take whatever the phuque ya need from anywhere...
I'd keep an inventory of the local wealthy and businesses
nothing beats the power of the element of surprise combined with good planning and a bold demeanor

me 'bruv, I'd be on them so fast...
for me, on DAY ONE of the Apocalypse it's gonna be like Peaky Blinders at bloody Margate on Guy Fawkes Day
you will need to wear phuquing ear-plugs or you'll go completely deaf mate...


Have you tried the NEW PowderMilk Biscuits????

Ukrainian Front Discussion / Re: The Struggle For Ukraine
« Last post by Trenchcoat on Yesterday at 06:18:50 PM »
if I'm smart...
I'll learn to live a quiet life...
but nobody's gonna be able to ignore the coming storms on the horizon

I'm thinking of stockpiling plenty of packets of rice of all variety. They are cheap and store in a very compact manner so being very efficient on space.

Will I need some kind of Nuclear Bunker too?

At the moment I'm kind of tied up with stuff but soon I should have more time on my hands to do stuff so can make greater preparations.
Ukrainian Front Discussion / Re: The Struggle For Ukraine
« Last post by Trenchcoat on Yesterday at 06:08:38 PM »
For the record on here I believe the UK should withdraw from NATO. For we are better of and far more useful providing military and financial aid to Ukraine. We can do that outside of NATO. We have Nuclear weapons so we don't really need NATO, all that NATO is for us is a liability of us getting daisy chained into a war by the actions of most likely some Eastern Bloc country like Lithuania or maybe even France. I personally don't think that our withdrawal from NATO would weaken the alliance. Both the US and France have Nukes and our Army isn't of a large size where we would be able to contribute much in terms of ground forces. For us we would just be making ourselves a target unnecessarily.

I think every country is different in that though. For former Eastern Bloc countries that border Russia, Belarus or us near those countries I understand that it works for them. Even for Germany and a few others in Europe it may work, but for us we're not situated where they are, we can do little to help them anyway. For us strategically an alliance like NATO where if one is attacked we are all in whether we liked it or not is nowadays just a big liability waiting to happen. We can remove that liability and hence what amounts to a strategic blunder by withdrawing from NATO.

I think to date many people in Britain view NATO as an advantage without seeing the negatives glaring us in the face. I personally see NATO as a big risk pulling us into a war we do not need. There are some who are foolish enough to want to drag other countries into a war with boots on the ground in Ukraine. I personally still back sending military & financial aid it's far more effective and thereby fighting the war by proxy. The boots on the ground mentality is a clumsy military style of thinking that often makes our strategic position worse not better.

I definitely think that in all a lot of countries don't consider the downsides to joining some alliances. In my opinion they should be carefully evaluated before deciding if it's right for that country to be a part of it. I wouldn't like to see NATO ended as I believe it is of great value to Central & Eastern Europe, but for us it's no longer something that is beneficial to the UK I think.
Ukrainian Front Discussion / Secret Way to Contact FSB!!!
« Last post by krimster2 on Yesterday at 03:50:35 PM »
secret way to Contact the FSB!!!!
make it to the attention of "Mira Terada"

she's taken over Prigozhin's work, she used to live near me in Houston before she moved back to Russia....
small freakin world innit?

the FSB returns to its 'roots' of laundering the Russian Money Clan's Drug profits...
if yur a Russian, and you did time in an American prison, you got 'hero' status in Russia and a foot in the door with the FSB, which for Russians, doesn't get much better
just sayin...


Ukrainian Front Discussion / Re: The Struggle For Ukraine
« Last post by krimster2 on Yesterday at 12:41:03 PM »
if I'm smart...
I'll learn to live a quiet life...
but nobody's gonna be able to ignore the coming storms on the horizon

you should tell 'yur woman'
the ONLY way to overcome fear is to confront it and not run away from it
if you run away, yur still afraid
but if you stand-up, yur not afraid any more...

this is the point I try to make to you
if you DON'T ALWAYS force yurself ABOVE yur limits
then you ALWAYS perform below yur limits....

don't take the easy road cuz it's easy
it's easy for a reason

Ukrainian Front Discussion / Re: The Struggle For Ukraine
« Last post by Trenchcoat on Yesterday at 11:47:39 AM »
LOL!!  Putin sacked Shoigu today as Minister Of Defense and replaced him by an Economist!!!
I'd consider that an indication of the future status of the war....
that it's gonna go into "overtime innings' while they build a NEW STADIUM!!!

if Trump loses the election...
Putin will try to push for a truce....
to give him time to re-arm and re-equip Russia, after a PURGE of the useless Russian kleptocracy....
and create a "new and improved" oligarchy recruited EXCLUSIVELY from the "Officer Class" to manage assets taken from old oligarchs who sent their money and kids all to the West (betryal)

it's kinda like WWI and WWII
Germany spent 20 years after WWI rearming for the next 'go-round'
After Russia pauses the war, 100% of Russia's energy goes into re-armament for the next big "special military operation" which is the same as the last one
there will be so many guns, that the guns will have guns, and even THOSE guns will have even smaller guns on down to individual gun atoms
the whole world will be outgunned by Russia, even AMERICA - hard to believe but true!!!!
Russians will also start shooting each other more frequently - also like America - so our prayers should go out to them as well!!!!

and when Russia resumes the fight, there's gonna be a global depression goin on (that's how ya know they're comin)
and Russian trolls, will be like "how dare congress spend one penny on Ukraine when poor Americans are going hungry"
and so forth and so on....

It's the end of the World as we know it
and it's coming

how do I know?
cuz the Russians are already workin on it (among other things)
and sheet's gonna start happening later this year and intensify....

Russians would LOVE to do sabotage in the USA like they've done in Europa
but they don't have the assets here like they used to....
and the GRU/FSB just isn't up to it

though if I were them, I'd take down the "CUBE" at Fort Meade, and see what that does to the USA's C3
but I guess Russians would need help even doing that!!!!
the best the FSB/GRU ever came up with was a couple of moles in the USA Intelligence Community, pretty lame!!!!
no sabots at all....or at least...not yet....

what does Putin even pay them for?????
they're less than useless, do they even know how to fight?
no wonder he's pissed at everyone

I'd have wrecked the NSA and every critical American Arms factory....

Russians are incompetant at everything they do, unless they have foreign managers

the absolute SMART thing for Putin to do is to learn Spanish and make a deal with Los Cártel de Jalisco Nueva Generación
to divide the southwest drug territory and provide heavy firepower, financial and other support to them
then use their hit squads to do your wetwork without FSB/GRU phuque-ups like Salisbury, fer gawd's sake....
you could lay waste to America's missile factories by just payin Mexicans to do it (like I do for lawn services)
and even take part of the USA drug trade for revenue, the FSB already knows how to do THAT!!!!

yeah, I know the Russian mafiya's rules about "non-Russians"
but they're in bad need of some new blood, and the times they are a changin
why not Los Latinos DeLa Rus
I kinda like the ring to that

anyway, thanks for listening....
I sure do miss Russia this time of year

I find it distressing to live in the USA now
if I were in Russia, I'd be in my natural element....

oh well, yalky palky

in the end, it's not really even gonna matter

I like cookies!!

Wouldn't Russia be too broke with it's economy it too bad a state to rearm significantly?

Modern weapons cost a lot of money and the more better quality the higher the cost usually. Russia has essentially mostly been fielding the old Soviet Army that unfortunately for them is being fielded well past it's sell by date. Apparently Russia at present doesn't have the capability to recreate such Armaments as the Soviets did moreso to modern standards and to similar volume. Hence Russia is apparently using the old Soviet Army, it's old tanks, artillery, etc to have a last swipe at getting back the resources it needs to recreate a military as powerful as the Soviet Union had. It looks like Russia is have one desperate go at it now with it's current offensive starting in Kharkiv. I'm guessing it will continue into the Summer, but potentially that may be the most Russia can do. If Ukraine can hold on to the Winter then potentially Russia's last reserves of the old Soviet stuff that is any decent may be used up. That just leaves the old crap of rusted Soviet WWII memorabilia to field along with trying to get stuff to work that long since hasn't.

In WWI Russia lasted about 3-4 years before it could take no more although it did fight a civil war after that. In WWII they just about went the distance but again about 4 years. My guessing is that Russia has only got so much left in the tank before it gets exhausted and it becomes too much. We're in the third year of war now so perhaps at most Russia may only have another year left in it before it's totally all out and only had nukes, biochem, etc to turn too.

I kind of feel bad for you Krim being shut out of Russia, I think you're not one for sitting around and can understand the boredom getting to you. Don't worry I'm not about to suggest the Baltics as an alternative ;D What about Cyprus though, plenty of Russians there and probably stuff going down? I remember when I was clothes shopping with Kherson girl and I was in one store waiting for her to try a dress on (As you likely know they have loads of modern out of town shopping centres in southern Cyprus) anyway this tall young I think Greek girl was there also trying on the same dress, and wow! she had quite a figure really impressed me and her family, father, etc stood next to me. I'm guessing a good time can be had over there :) Other than that how about Ukraine? It's war time but I'm sure plenty of stuff is happening over there to take the interest of a man like yourself. You might even be able to get in with the top tier hierarchy crowd in power over there - lots of opportunities - or whatever suits?
Ukrainian Front Discussion / Re: The Struggle For Ukraine
« Last post by krimster2 on Yesterday at 07:20:34 AM »
Dear Mr Putin,
a goldfish CAN kill a gorilla. however, it require a substantial element of surprise....

Experienced / Russian/Ukrainian women - views on sex before marriage?
« Last post by 2tallbill on Yesterday at 06:32:00 AM »
Not always my experience.

I had several high class, highly educated FSU gals take the lead in initiating sex.  I wouldn't say they tried to seduce me . . . they just went right for it.  As I understand it . . . seduction is a series of acts over some time period to achieve an end.  So when they just go for it . . . I don't consider that seduction.

Likewise, I don't consider that I ever tried to seduce any woman . . . again, in terms of a series of acts over some time period directed toward  achieving sex.

Just try to have a good time with them and things usually develop naturally . . . or not.

I would estimate that sex occurred with about a third of the FSU gals that I met.

A few on first date, a few on second date, a lot on third date and there were even a few where sex didn't occur until 4th or 5th date. 

For those latter cases, I didn't follow the rule to dump them for perceived lack of interest, because there were extenuating circumstances.  e.g. we were both exhausted, one of us became ill, one of us had important meetings occur, etc.

Different men have different goals. Men who are pursuing women with the specific goal of
finding a wife with a woman seeking a husband approach these things differently. I don't
think that was your goal in those days and I don't think you told women that it was. As a
result they/you had different expectations.

I rarely would have met a girl on a meet many trip if I was exhausted. I would have been
disappointed if a woman agreed to meet with me ill or exhausted. There would not have
been a second date.

My posts/advice are not meant for people who are casually dating. I did a ton of casual
dating in the USA before my first marriage. My advice is written primarily for those who
need to maximize the short time they spend in the FSU.

Experienced / Re: Russian/Ukranian women - views on sex before marriage?
« Last post by ML on May 12, 2024, 09:05:50 PM »
A serious FSUW wants a man to seduce her and to win her heart. She doesn't want to do the seducing. She will flirt and encourage a man while he is pursuing her. BUT she wants him
to make the move.

Not always my experience.

I had several high class, highly educated FSU gals take the lead in initiating sex.  I wouldn't say they tried to seduce me . . . they just went right for it.  As I understand it . . . seduction is a series of acts over some time period to achieve an end.  So when they just go for it . . . I don't consider that seduction.

Likewise, I don't consider that I ever tried to seduce any woman . . . again, in terms of a series of acts over some time period directed toward  achieving sex.

Just try to have a good time with them and things usually develop naturally . . . or not.

I would estimate that sex occurred with about a third of the FSU gals that I met.

A few on first date, a few on second date, a lot on third date and there were even a few where sex didn't occur until 4th or 5th date. 

For those latter cases, I didn't follow the rule to dump them for perceived lack of interest, because there were extenuating circumstances.  e.g. we were both exhausted, one of us became ill, one of us had important meetings occur, etc.
Ukrainian Front Discussion / Re: The Struggle For Ukraine
« Last post by krimster2 on May 12, 2024, 05:46:51 PM »
LOL!!  Putin sacked Shoigu today as Minister Of Defense and replaced him by an Economist!!!
I'd consider that an indication of the future status of the war....
that it's gonna go into "overtime innings' while they build a NEW STADIUM!!!

if Trump loses the election...
Putin will try to push for a truce....
to give him time to re-arm and re-equip Russia, after a PURGE of the useless Russian kleptocracy....
and create a "new and improved" oligarchy recruited EXCLUSIVELY from the "Officer Class" to manage assets taken from old oligarchs who sent their money and kids all to the West (betryal)

it's kinda like WWI and WWII
Germany spent 20 years after WWI rearming for the next 'go-round'
After Russia pauses the war, 100% of Russia's energy goes into re-armament for the next big "special military operation" which is the same as the last one
there will be so many guns, that the guns will have guns, and even THOSE guns will have even smaller guns on down to individual gun atoms
the whole world will be outgunned by Russia, even AMERICA - hard to believe but true!!!!
Russians will also start shooting each other more frequently - also like America - so our prayers should go out to them as well!!!!

and when Russia resumes the fight, there's gonna be a global depression goin on (that's how ya know they're comin)
and Russian trolls, will be like "how dare congress spend one penny on Ukraine when poor Americans are going hungry"
and so forth and so on....

It's the end of the World as we know it
and it's coming

how do I know?
cuz the Russians are already workin on it (among other things)
and sheet's gonna start happening later this year and intensify....

Russians would LOVE to do sabotage in the USA like they've done in Europa
but they don't have the assets here like they used to....
and the GRU/FSB just isn't up to it

though if I were them, I'd take down the "CUBE" at Fort Meade, and see what that does to the USA's C3
but I guess Russians would need help even doing that!!!!
the best the FSB/GRU ever came up with was a couple of moles in the USA Intelligence Community, pretty lame!!!!
no sabots at all....or at least...not yet....

what does Putin even pay them for?????
they're less than useless, do they even know how to fight?
no wonder he's pissed at everyone

I'd have wrecked the NSA and every critical American Arms factory....

Russians are incompetant at everything they do, unless they have foreign managers

the absolute SMART thing for Putin to do is to learn Spanish and make a deal with Los Cártel de Jalisco Nueva Generación
to divide the southwest drug territory and provide heavy firepower, financial and other support to them
then use their hit squads to do your wetwork without FSB/GRU phuque-ups like Salisbury, fer gawd's sake....
you could lay waste to America's missile factories by just payin Mexicans to do it (like I do for lawn services)
and even take part of the USA drug trade for revenue, the FSB already knows how to do THAT!!!!

yeah, I know the Russian mafiya's rules about "non-Russians"
but they're in bad need of some new blood, and the times they are a changin
why not Los Latinos DeLa Rus
I kinda like the ring to that

anyway, thanks for listening....
I sure do miss Russia this time of year

I find it distressing to live in the USA now
if I were in Russia, I'd be in my natural element....
oh well, yalky palky

in the end, it's not really even gonna matter

I like cookies!!
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Re: The Struggle For Ukraine by krimster2
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Re: The Struggle For Ukraine by Trenchcoat
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Re: The Struggle For Ukraine by Trenchcoat
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Secret Way to Contact FSB!!! by krimster2
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Re: The Struggle For Ukraine by Trenchcoat
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Re: The Struggle For Ukraine by krimster2
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Russian/Ukrainian women - views on sex before marriage? by 2tallbill
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Re: Russian/Ukranian women - views on sex before marriage? by ML
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Re: The Struggle For Ukraine by krimster2
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