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Author Topic: Coronavirus, how are you preparing for it and how it is affecting you so far?  (Read 494666 times)

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Coronavirus, how are you preparing for it and how it is affecting you so far?
« Reply #1575 on: March 29, 2020, 02:11:35 PM »
TRY reading your 'leaders' stance on quarantining "..New York, probably New Jersey, certain parts of Connecticut"  from am to pm ..

Trump didn't flip flop on that. You're imagining things. Stay off the drugs. Trump said he was thinking about quarantining a few states and he did exactly what he said he was going to do without flip flopping. He thought about it. You should get a job with the media. You'll fit right in.

If any of you want to reuse your N95 mask, here is the way to do it.

Fund the audits, spread the word and educate people, write your politicians and other elected officials. Stay active in the fight to save our country. Over 220 generals and admirals say we are in a fight for our survival like no other time since 1776.

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Coronavirus, how are you preparing for it and how it is affecting you so far?
« Reply #1576 on: March 29, 2020, 02:24:04 PM »

Trump didn't flip flop on that.


Thinking of empathetic souls..

Parenting Moscow-style, today


Offline Trenchcoat

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Coronavirus, how are you preparing for it and how it is affecting you so far?
« Reply #1577 on: March 29, 2020, 03:41:20 PM »
Yep and many Poles leaving the UK :)

With the transition period estimated to end at the end of this year or so I doubt we'll be seeing them back here.
"If you make your own bread, then and only then, are you a free man unchained and alive living in pooty tang paradise, or say no and live in Incel island with all the others." - Krimster

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Coronavirus, how are you preparing for it and how it is affecting you so far?
« Reply #1578 on: March 29, 2020, 04:29:59 PM »
oh, so sorry dumb phuques...

sure, begorrah now, you’ll be up to 150 tousand o’er the end of the day, me lads...

what that means now...
is that by April 7, you’ll be up to your first million recorded Corona cases in the colonies
hello, WOT?
I say, that’s a rather frightfully large number, eh ‘ole chap?

well, indeed it is...

because just one week after that, the number will be 4 million total reported Corona infections...
the FIRST peak is still several more weeks away
from that illustrious day...

so, what can I do to help
is the question that I have been asking myself.....

and the answer I received was.....
wait for it....

I’m starting this as a “MEME”
I’m trying to get Christians of all denominations
to come together to their place of worship
on Easter Sunday

I’m putting up freaking signs EVERYWHERE!!!

blood libel MFers
paybacks are SUCH a bitch, now ain’t they?
and all you dumb phuque Corona Kool-Aid drinkers are gonna cash that check
yeah, Trump Voters

me too, next time
I AM going to vote for Trump, just like the rest of White America
because like them, I embrace the complete and total destruction of America...
I just have different reasons then they do...
but, I now support it just as much as they do
my fantasy is that my vote was the deciding vote that allowed Trump to have 4 more years in office
and that about midway through his second term, the country was completely annihilated from disease, war, poverty, and then falls apart...

and I, the poor humble scribe
of the writing on the wall
shall tell thee

this summer, when there is so much smoke that it blocks the sun
you will get a taste of your future...
and you will know...

« Last Edit: March 29, 2020, 04:38:13 PM by krimster2 »

Offline calmissile

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Coronavirus, how are you preparing for it and how it is affecting you so far?
« Reply #1579 on: March 29, 2020, 05:37:54 PM »
Here is a new one for today.  I went into a ARCO AM/PM convenience store briefly to pick up an item.  A very cute 21 year old behind the register   I told her I was surprised that she does not wear gloves to protect her from the virus.  She replied that she had been told "We have been told that anyone that had the flu in November or December is immune to the Corona virus.

Has there been any evidence for this or is it ARCO's way of getting clerks to come to work?  I notice in nearly every business I have been into the past couple of weeks, all the clerks at the registers are wearing gloves.

Offline tfcrew

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Coronavirus, how are you preparing for it and how it is affecting you so far?
« Reply #1580 on: March 29, 2020, 07:58:09 PM »
~There is no one more blind than those who refuse to see and none more deaf as those who will not listen~
~Think about the intelligence of the average person and then realize that half of the people are even more stupid than that~

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Coronavirus, how are you preparing for it and how it is affecting you so far?
« Reply #1581 on: March 29, 2020, 08:53:56 PM »
Here is a new one for today.  I went into a ARCO AM/PM convenience store briefly to pick up an item.  A very cute 21 year old behind the register   I told her I was surprised that she does not wear gloves to protect her from the virus.  She replied that she had been told "We have been told that anyone that had the flu in November or December is immune to the Corona virus.

Has there been any evidence for this or is it ARCO's way of getting clerks to come to work?  I notice in nearly every business I have been into the past couple of weeks, all the clerks at the registers are wearing gloves.
Got gas at my Usual arco today.  The clerk area had the shield up like you see in banks, he was wearing both a facemask and gloves.   

I just happened to be browsing about the internet....

Offline msmob

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Coronavirus, how are you preparing for it and how it is affecting you so far?
« Reply #1582 on: March 29, 2020, 11:14:08 PM »
Yep and many Poles leaving the UK :)

With the transition period estimated to end at the end of this year or so I doubt we'll be seeing them back here.


1/ The Polish exodus started after the Brexit vote

2 Their economy  back home was doing nicely. You've been to Poland .. you drew a blank, there, too ...

3/ 'Sorry' - what has got to do with this thread ?

« Last Edit: March 30, 2020, 01:27:19 AM by msmob »

Offline Trenchcoat

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Coronavirus, how are you preparing for it and how it is affecting you so far?
« Reply #1583 on: March 30, 2020, 01:14:43 AM »

1/ The Polish exodus started after the Brexit vote

2 Their economy  back home was doing nicely. You've been to Poland .. you drew a blank, their, too ...

3/ 'Sorry' - what has got to do with this thread ?

This thread is about Coronavirus and how it is affecting you, me, us, so far. I'm just pointing out that so far this virus is helping to resettle migration from Eastern Europe back to their country of origin. That's bound to have an affect on the society in which we live. It will return this country to the way it was before countries like Poland gained the right for its citizens to come here, which they did en-masse.

Currently the EU has been propping up the Polish economy and the rest of its Eastern European member states with taxpayers money from Western European member states. That can't go on no more, especially with the cost that the Coronavirus is going to cause on finances. Expect to see a big cut back in money for Eastern Europe and a big contraction in the Polish economy after all of this. I very much doubt that Ukrainians will return to countries like Poland now that a lot of their own people hence workforce are returning and their economy likely to start faltering.

The EU and it's irresponsible policies is likely to be seen more of a problem as time wears on. Expect for a big upheaval here, either it will be forced to change radically into a different beast or it will be ditched by many member states in turn.

I drew a blank in Poland, that was due to various factors not just their economy. The economy was one, culture was another, religion was another, familiarity with foreigners was another, etc.
"If you make your own bread, then and only then, are you a free man unchained and alive living in pooty tang paradise, or say no and live in Incel island with all the others." - Krimster

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Coronavirus, how are you preparing for it and how it is affecting you so far?
« Reply #1584 on: March 30, 2020, 01:30:08 AM »

I'm just pointing out that so far this virus is helping to resettle migration from Eastern Europe back to their country of origin.

The virus may well have some folks wanting to be with the extended family - and who can blame them ?..

Your ASSertion that they'd not be back ?  It'll be as 'accurate' as your dating 'advice' .. :popcorn:

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Coronavirus, how are you preparing for it and how it is affecting you so far?
« Reply #1585 on: March 30, 2020, 02:08:19 AM »
Imagine you are an expat and it was time to renew your passport ..  then the agency the govt uses announces "We'll be closing down, indefinitely from 31st March 2020, due to the virus situation "

Surely, such services are deemed essential ? 

Out of date passports aren't much use in many nations
« Last Edit: March 30, 2020, 05:40:12 AM by msmob »

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Coronavirus, how are you preparing for it and how it is affecting you so far?
« Reply #1586 on: March 30, 2020, 03:16:56 AM »
Imagine your are an expat and it was time to renew your passport ..  then the agency the govt uses announces "We'll be closing down, indefinitely from 31st March 2020, due to the virus situation "

Surely, such services are deemed essential ? 

Out of date passports aren't much use in many nations

Georgia has that 360 day rule. I managed to do the border jump into Armenia the day before the border was closed. In Armenia where I walked in the customs agent asked me if I lived in Georgia and why? I told him I did and was about to start a business. He thought that was funny. Anyway I think the governments know they have to lighten up on technicalities.

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Coronavirus, how are you preparing for it and how it is affecting you so far?
« Reply #1587 on: March 30, 2020, 04:23:51 AM »
Imagine your are an expat and it was time to renew your passport ..  then the agency the govt uses announces "We'll be closing down, indefinitely from 31st March 2020, due to the virus situation "

Surely, such services are deemed essential ? 

Out of date passports aren't much use in many nations

Mobe the transition period ends at the end of this year, they will lose that right to be here then. This virus thing could easily go on a year or more. By that time they may not be bothered about coming back here and having gotten comfortable again back in their homeland.

Odds are these negotiations will probably end up as pointless as the EU could well break up before they are concluded or shortly thereafter. Italy is already signalling it is ready to throw in the towel. Other big players in the EU are fed up with the EU's handling of the virus situation or lack thereof. They will all likely agree that there is little point in going on with it in its current form since it suits no one. They will likely agree that it's best to call a day on it and instead join Britain in forming a looser free trade association with fringe benefits that member nations are in control of and tellit what is happening not the other way around.
"If you make your own bread, then and only then, are you a free man unchained and alive living in pooty tang paradise, or say no and live in Incel island with all the others." - Krimster

Offline msmob

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Coronavirus, how are you preparing for it and how it is affecting you so far?
« Reply #1588 on: March 30, 2020, 05:53:32 AM »
Mobe the transition period ends at the end of this year, they will lose that right to be here then.

'Sorry' are you telling ME this ? ;)  I think the Poles and I are quite genned up on the rules, 'thanks'..

This virus thing could easily go on a year or more. By that time they may not be bothered about coming back here and having gotten comfortable again back in their homeland.

Who knows ?  But, AGAIN.. what has your ASSertion ( that was bollox ) got to do with this virus ?

Ah...  You want to post MORE unthinking tosh ...

Odds are these negotiations will probably end up as pointless as the EU could well break up before they are concluded or shortly thereafter. Italy is already signalling it is ready to throw in the towel. Other big players in the EU are fed up with the EU's handling of the virus situation or lack thereof. They will all likely agree that there is little point in going on with it in its current form since it suits no one. They will likely agree that it's best to call a day on it and instead join Britain in forming a looser free trade association with fringe benefits that member nations are in control of and tellit what is happening not the other way around.


1/ So how will Italy pay it's debts ?

2/ Will it leave the Eurozone

3/ Will PM Conte persuade his people to leave ?

I think you might use this as your 'ammo' :

In the meantime, Italians know that the Germans have been flying plane loads of ill Italians to German hospitals..

I'd be perfectly happy with a free trade one and freedom of movement for EU citizens

The UK has already committed suicide and ANY EU nation would be wise to watch how UK PLC fares ..

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Coronavirus, how are you preparing for it and how it is affecting you so far?
« Reply #1589 on: March 30, 2020, 06:36:58 AM »
No, why should I delve into irrelevant tweets?

You’ve shown a propensity to easily subscribe to fake news. That’s why.
« Last Edit: March 30, 2020, 06:40:19 AM by GQBlues »
Quote from: msmob
1. Because of 'man', global warming is causing desert and arid areas to suffer long, dry spell.
2. The 2018 Camp Fire and Woolsey California wildfires are forests burning because of global warming.
3. N95 mask will choke you dead after 30 min. of use.

Offline Trenchcoat

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Coronavirus, how are you preparing for it and how it is affecting you so far?
« Reply #1590 on: March 30, 2020, 07:17:58 AM »
'Sorry' are you telling ME this ? ;)  I think the Poles and I are quite genned up on the rules, 'thanks'..

Who knows ?  But, AGAIN.. what has your ASSertion ( that was bollox ) got to do with this virus ?

Ah...  You want to post MORE unthinking tosh ...


1/ So how will Italy pay it's debts ?

2/ Will it leave the Eurozone

3/ Will PM Conte persuade his people to leave ?

I think you might use this as your 'ammo' :

In the meantime, Italians know that the Germans have been flying plane loads of ill Italians to German hospitals..

I'd be perfectly happy with a free trade one and freedom of movement for EU citizens

The UK has already committed suicide and ANY EU nation would be wise to watch how UK PLC fares ..

Mobe, the Italian government will be/is essentially bankrupt, it will default on all of its debts as there is now no way they can pay them. They were heavily indebt before this crisis, way more than this country, there will be no way they can pay their debts now. Think Greece but on a larger scale.

Italy will happily leave the EU and the Euro. It won't find s currency it doesn't have control of to devalue pay its debts helpful. It already can't control its borders due to uncontrollable illegal immigration because of the EU.

Other Western European nations will follow and it will probably end up with the EU call a day on its own project. Countries will then be left with the freedom to start over. Free trade yes, freedom of movement no way!

I think the Ukraine can happily give up any idea of joining the EU or easy access for its citizens there again. The EU as we know it will fortunately be over and something a bit more responsible and looser will be formed to take its place.
"If you make your own bread, then and only then, are you a free man unchained and alive living in pooty tang paradise, or say no and live in Incel island with all the others." - Krimster

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Coronavirus, how are you preparing for it and how it is affecting you so far?
« Reply #1591 on: March 30, 2020, 07:27:21 AM »
You’ve shown a propensity to easily subscribe to fake news. That’s why.

Another 'magic woofle dust' sufferer ...

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"If you make your own bread, then and only then, are you a free man unchained and alive living in pooty tang paradise, or say no and live in Incel island with all the others." - Krimster

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Coronavirus, how are you preparing for it and how it is affecting you so far?
« Reply #1593 on: March 30, 2020, 08:00:29 AM »
Don't know if Sandro has reported this but, wife's cousin who lives near Florence told her that two Italian female nurses in their 30s committed suicide because they couldn't take the stress.
A beautiful woman is pleasant to look at, but it is easier to live with a pleasant acting one.

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Coronavirus, how are you preparing for it and how it is affecting you so far?
« Reply #1594 on: March 30, 2020, 08:24:23 AM »
Some bedtime reading for our Mobe ;)

As I KEEP telling you, I think you (and some reporters) seem to have nothing better to do ....

When US states are 'discouraging' folks from other states would you say the US is in danger of breaking up ? .....

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Coronavirus, how are you preparing for it and how it is affecting you so far?
« Reply #1595 on: March 30, 2020, 08:28:59 AM »
Mobe, the Italian government will be/is essentially bankrupt

Ahem, Trench may only be escaping your attention, but ALL nations are spending money that they haven't got ... the reckoning will come later

I think..

No, you don't .... 

We have to get through this crisis and I hardly think Ukraine is thinking of it's EU aspirations while it's borders are closed - except for the occupied areas ...

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Coronavirus, how are you preparing for it and how it is affecting you so far?
« Reply #1596 on: March 30, 2020, 08:57:00 AM »
Perhaps Im not following EU politics closely enough. Is there doubt that the EU Central Bank wont bailout Italy? Or is just the 100 Billion Euro number in dispute? If the Central Bank doesn't help Italy, the whole European central banking system could fall apart

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Coronavirus, how are you preparing for it and how it is affecting you so far?
« Reply #1597 on: March 30, 2020, 09:05:28 AM »
You’ve shown a propensity to easily subscribe to fake news. That’s why.

You are certainly entitled to your opinion.  Is anything I posted factually wrong? 

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Coronavirus, how are you preparing for it and how it is affecting you so far?
« Reply #1598 on: March 30, 2020, 09:18:59 AM »

Ah, yes ... 'Scientific' like your President's 'hunches' and drug recommendations ? ...




Physicians started to administer them to patients on off-label basis and to themselves (as a prophylactic).  Yesterday  FDA approved them for emergency use. 

That's good news, and it should save some lives - maybe yours. 

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Coronavirus, how are you preparing for it and how it is affecting you so far?
« Reply #1599 on: March 30, 2020, 09:35:12 AM »





Physicians started to administer them to patients on off-label basis and to themselves (as a prophylactic).  Yesterday  FDA approved them for emergency use. 

That's good news, and it should save some lives - maybe yours.

You JUST proved you've been a might 'selective' re 'Trampu's' pronouncements v the efficacy of the medication 


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