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Author Topic: Being a gentleman or a chump?  (Read 83387 times)

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Offline Patagonie

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Being a gentleman or a chump?
« Reply #250 on: April 24, 2019, 12:19:01 AM »
BO, I have met in Ukraine and even in the USA women who fit this description perfectly.
someone naïve will be quickly consumed by the many sharks that roam the seas
knowledge of sharks is not something we are born with
but must acquire after losing a few fingers, as I have done

I think a problem Trench has is his communication style he says “All” instead of “some” or “many” - his generalizations are too general

I have met ALL KINDS of people in Ukraine
but in general it’s a much more “dog eat dog” world than in the west
not a country for “naifs” which describes Trench pretty well, even me to when I was younger
In FSU to get their results women have to be more upfront. In the west the mindset is quite the same minus statiscally the women who are economically well off (and even among this group you have some wolves). At the end the difference is that western women don't have to be dog eat dog, the courts do it on their behalf. And guess what the court is almost exclusively composed of women. What a coïncidence.
"Je glissais through the paper wall, an angel in the hand, s taboy. I lay on the floor, surgi des chants de Maldoror, je mix l'intégrale de mes nuits de crystal, i belong to the festival.

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Being a gentleman or a chump?
« Reply #251 on: April 24, 2019, 12:38:28 AM »
Obviously not statistical but my Latvian male friends when in Slavic  countries take a girl out on a first date if they like her give her 100 dollars and tell her to spend it on make up and clothes and come back for more when it's gone.  So it's a 2 way test .  He shows he's a provider she shows how fast she gets through money and what she spends it on.  It's a completely different mind set.  So you can understand how u w are confused by w m.  I know a few more Slavic men than just my former co workers and this seems to be how they roll.
That's not so bad idea. Because the girl makes her this money. And because of that they want to have the best bang for the same buck, you know them, they can spend hours, days, weeks, months (i saw my ex wife doing this) to chase the branded throuser they want and they come along the shop every week to watch the tag and they ask the saleswoman to know when the discount will be available, want o know about the stock and.... bla bla bla.
Of course if you buy it yourself that's a different story she don't own this money so she basically don't care except if of course you are established as a family, therefore if it's money family so the story is  different.

I think that you have to give a monthly  allowance to the lady when you are commited, as wages in FSU are generally very low. In this case when you have to spend extra money (over her money) you have to keep the control minimum 90% of time. I was regulary showing to my ex wife the amount of taxes needed to be paid, different bills. Also when she asks something you don't want, say no or no i don't like.
"Je glissais through the paper wall, an angel in the hand, s taboy. I lay on the floor, surgi des chants de Maldoror, je mix l'intégrale de mes nuits de crystal, i belong to the festival.

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Being a gentleman or a chump?
« Reply #252 on: April 24, 2019, 12:55:19 AM »

Back to the topic - being a gentleman or a chump.

I communicated with a beautiful woman from Odessa, who, after several messages back and forth, suggested we meet.  I said I was planning to visit there the next month.  She said she was bored of Odessa and suggested Geneva.  I quickly realized I was put in the Chump category. 

After deciding to meet T, we started making plans for what cities to visit and where to stay.  She picked a modest priced hotel in Kyiv, I picked an Airbnb apartment in Lviv, and she picked an expensive Hotel on the beach in Odessa.  I suggested a more reasonably priced place, but she really wanted to stay at M1 Club hotel.  The thought of her taking advantage crossed my mind, but I decided to be a gentleman and go with her wishes.

Everything went well, more than I hoped.  But one day, while in Odessa, she wanted me to take her shopping for shoes.  She got a pair of diesel sandals and made me get a couple pairs of stylish sneakers (she thought the ones I had were for dedushkas).  Of course I paid for everything, but the doubt crossed my mind.

A few days later we had a long talk, about past relationships and about how we felt about each other.  She said that she was still single and looking because the last two relationships failed because her boyfriends were from different lifestyles than hers.  One was a soldier who could afford basic things but not much else.  Her income was 4 times his and she felt awkward.  I realized the hotel and shopping was sort of a test from her, to see if I was who I said I was and could keep up with her. 

Odd thing, after our talk and we decided tomorrow be a couple, she turned out to be somewhat of a spendthrift.  When I mention we should dine at a nice restaurant she wants to go home and have a home cooked meal instead. Mostly, that is.  A few times she agreed to dine out if the restaurant I suggested had good reviews or were recommended by her friends.  And she doesn't have a large wardrobe.  She spends on pricy clothing for quality and doesn't go for quantity.

Gentleman or Chump.  Each situation is different.  Some are obvious, but some may need clarification by discussing the issue with the woman.  The cat food girl (what a nickname) - she could be leading BB on, or she could have been evaluating BB for his ability to provide.  A modest woman would not have asked for those things and would have waited for them to be offered, but maybe she wanted to be more direct and not waste either of their time.

I think your girl is the exception here Steve. There aren't that many women in Ukraine that earn more then men (I mean the decent ones). So few will be in that situation, most of the time when awoman carries on like that it's not a good sign and she needs to be reigned in at the first offence of non date expenditure and boundaries established. If it becomes clear she is a transactional type of girl then it's a case of deciding what deal you want and how to what extent or moving on. My thought is that a lot of girls who are not massively into the guy may be open to transactional relationships. I'm not sure whether such relationships are a good idea or long term go in them.

I think your girl was lucky Steve as you could have easily have thought she was a bad girl and dumped her. I've been in the situation where mixed signals are coming through and been near to the point of calling it a day, its very disconcerting. Without her knowing WM and our culture it's a very silly thing to do. She should have really thought that WM could get the wrong idea about her quite quickly.

In general as Gator says a good girl asks for nothing. If she asks for stuff deal with exactly what she wants (and I don't mean the item asked for), what the setup is and get to the bottom of it or just move on.
"If you make your own bread, then and only then, are you a free man unchained and alive living in pooty tang paradise, or say no and live in Incel island with all the others." - Krimster

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Re: Being a gentleman or a chump?
« Reply #253 on: June 05, 2019, 10:54:32 AM »
So, I have almost two months total time in Ukraine now. I think I am learning at least a little. But.... Okay, so I met this girl in a website after I was in Kiev. I am always cautious when I meet a girl who has a blank profile, but she was really friendly over WhatsApp, so I decided to meet her.

When I met this girl, I was blown away. Her pictures online were pretty conservative, but she was drop dead gorgeous in real life... even when compared to other Ukrainian girls.  She is 34, never been married and has one of the sexiest bodies I have ever seen in my life. I asked her if she would ever like to be famous, and for what, she said she would like to be a Victoria’s secret model... in all seriousness, she could be one if she was a little taller.

When I asked this girl out, she agreed, but asked if I minded giving her 500 UAH for gas. She was borrowing her aunt’s car and wanted money for gas. She lives a little outside Kiev... but I also know this is more than the actual cost for gas. 

This girl is really sweet, and not full of herself. I can imagine she is used to having men fall over themselves for her... so if she is expecting men to pay for things, it is not much of a surprise.

We went on one date and it was nice... very formal. After dinner, I told her that I needed to get some hair clippers. She said she would take me to a place she knew because she had to get some other things.  She got some basic toiletries and I offered to pay.  She was very appreciative.  At the end of the date, she was already suggesting where we could go the next night.

The next night, we went out again, but she had to leave after a few hours to go to a dance class. She said she would like to see me after class, so I waited for her at a coffee shop for 90 minutes and we went out again. She said she had to stop at a store to buy (very expensive) food for her cat. I did not offer to pay for this stuff, but she still wanted to see me again the next night.

So, we went out for a third time... this time, she drove me all over Kiev and showed me interesting things. She took me to an Orthodox Church. We went inside and she lit some candles and we also stayed for a little bit of the service.  She seems to be pious and take her faith seriously.  She needed gas for her car and I offered to fill it up. We had dinner at a very nice restaurant.

Again, she needed to take a break from our date for her dance class. I was surprised when she asked if I would mind giving her 600 UAH to pay for her class.  I complied... it’s not that much money for me, but now I am wondering if I am starting a bad trend. 

Today, I moved from an apartment in Kontraktova Ploshcha to the city center. She agreed to leave work and meet me near the city center because I had a two hour time window between apartments and no place to put my bags. She picked me up and I put my bags in her car. We parked and I bought her some tea at a cafe. She stopped at a pet store again. This time, she asked me for 800UAH for pet food and she said she owes for aunt money for using her car. She then drove me to my new apartment. As we were driving around, she saw a sign for a pop concert on Sunday and said it would be really nice if we could go.

She dropped me off at my apartment to go back to work. She said she will meet me later tonight in the city center and also wants to spend the weekend exploring Kiev together. She apologized for not alway being “present” during our dates. She is still working during the day and has her mind on other things.  She hinted that if I came back and we “went away” somewhere that she could relax more.  I found out “away” means somewhere in Europe.

Anyway, I’m trying to figure out if this girl is serious, or just trying to get free stuff.  Things are very nice, but not overly physical or anything. She is quiet and seems really shy, so it’s really hard to get a pulse on what is really going on. She will take my arm when we go walking together and she will let me hold her hand across the table when we go out. We seem to begin dates with a kiss on the cheek (very close to the mouth)... and end dates with a soft, closed mouth kiss on the lips.

Yes, I’m used to girls who want to get into bed in three dates or less... is this what a “good girl” looks like in Ukraine?
this a clever girl who just wants stuff?  This is now the seventh Ukrainian girl I have gone out with and none have been quite like this one....


A TRUE RW has pride and would not ask for money but will accept it if you offer. If you asked a AW out on a date and if she agreed to meet you and then hit you up for gas money or money for her "Pilates Class" WOULD YOU CONTINUE TO SEE HER? If she is as drop dead gorgeous as you say, you can best believe she has multiple guys, including russians paying her way. Did you ask her what she does for a living? Did you ask her to show you WHERE she works and talk about what she does in any kind of detail such as what's going on with her work or what challenges does she deal with daily? Also, what type of car did she drive? Is it a western car or a Volga/Lada? If it's a western/foreign car she's a sugarbaby or a hoe. She said it's her aunt's car but how does she know how to drive a car if she doesnt own one? Such cars are 200% of what they cost here due to import/luxury tax. I highly doubt she could afford such a car and even if it was her aunts car I wouldve asked what her aunt does for a living. I smell a rat.  One thing you also have to keep in mind is that RWs are materialistic and will use guys to buy every little knick knack they can get. I am assuming she hasnt given it up yet but if there was a big ticket item to be had I wouldnt be surprised. I'd Stay Away from this one personally but it's your decision. Your gut feeling has already told you what to do.
« Last Edit: June 05, 2019, 11:06:46 AM by iolanik »

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Re: Being a gentleman or a chump?
« Reply #254 on: June 05, 2019, 11:09:19 AM »
If it's a western/foreign car she's a sugarbaby or a hoe. Stay Away!

Quite a few of the professionally employed (not hookers) FSU gals (and guys) are now starting to buy lower priced western, Korean and Japanese cars.

Computer and accounting folks are making $1,500 - $2,000 + a month in Kyiv and are living in already paid for apartments with food from Dacha gardens.

Wife has several extended family and friends in these categories.

But yes, she also knows many who are still in $300 per month jobs.
A beautiful woman is pleasant to look at, but it is easier to live with a pleasant acting one.

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Re: Being a gentleman or a chump?
« Reply #255 on: June 05, 2019, 11:17:21 AM »
The OP was in Ukraine, not Russia.

Most cars in Ukraine are purchased from the EU, and most definitely are not Ladas/Volgas.  Import duties on EU sourced vehicles have dropped in 2019, from EUR427 for a new car to EUR150, from EUR2629 to EUR300 for cars up to five years old, and from EUR750 from EUR3906 for cards from six to ten years old.

Paying for cat food is not exactly "begging" for money.

Ukraine's unemployment rate is about 10%, so the woman may not have a job.  In the Kyiv apartment blocks where SIL lives (a mostly working class area), the unemployment rate is far, far higher than 10%. 

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« Last Edit: June 05, 2019, 11:19:29 AM by Boethius »
After the fall of communism, the biggest mistake Boris Yeltsin's regime made was not to disband the KGB altogether. Instead it changed its name to the FSB and, to many observers, morphed into a gangster organisation, eventually headed by master criminal Vladimir Putin. - Gerard Batten

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Re: Being a gentleman or a chump?
« Reply #256 on: June 05, 2019, 11:29:02 AM »
Quite a few of the professionally employed (not hookers) FSU gals (and guys) are now starting to buy lower priced western, Korean and Japanese cars.

Computer and accounting folks are making $1,500 - $2,000 + a month in Kyiv and are living in already paid for apartments with food from Dacha gardens.

Wife has several extended family and friends in these categories.

But yes, she also knows many who are still in $300 per month jobs.

Unless things have changed and financing of cars is available, most places require the car to be purchased outright or with 80-90% down at a very high interest rate, so even a $20K car in the FSU or Ukraine would be steep for someone only making $16K-$24K per year. Again, its in the details and facts but a girl asking him to buy this every single time they go out on a date smells like a gold digging rat to me. It may not to you guys, and the money or affordability is not the issue, it's the "asking for something every time" thats the issue.

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Re: Being a gentleman or a chump?
« Reply #257 on: June 05, 2019, 11:43:52 AM »
Car loans is one of the fastest growing sectors of Ukraine's economy, and loans have been allowed for at least a decade.  Loans can be made with almost nothing down, just like in the West.  Interest rates, though, are higher than in the West.

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After the fall of communism, the biggest mistake Boris Yeltsin's regime made was not to disband the KGB altogether. Instead it changed its name to the FSB and, to many observers, morphed into a gangster organisation, eventually headed by master criminal Vladimir Putin. - Gerard Batten

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Re: Being a gentleman or a chump?
« Reply #258 on: June 05, 2019, 11:56:45 AM »
Car loans is one of the fastest growing sectors of Ukraine's economy, and loans have been allowed for at least a decade.  Loans can be made with almost nothing down, just like in the West.  Interest rates, though, are higher than in the West.

This post was composed without the aid of google.

Boethius...Interesting. Maybe we should open a used car lot in Odessa with Mercedes, BMWs and such with 50% financing at 20%!!!

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Re: Being a gentleman or a chump?
« Reply #259 on: June 05, 2019, 12:02:15 PM »
Boethius...Interesting. Maybe we should open a used car lot in Odessa with Mercedes, BMWs and such with 50% financing at 20%!!!
Problem with that idea is that you may run afoul of the local mafia......that is if the govt. guys don't try to rip you off....
every ship can be a minesweeper at least once...

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Re: Being a gentleman or a chump?
« Reply #260 on: June 05, 2019, 06:43:46 PM »
Boethius...Interesting. Maybe we should open a used car lot in Odessa with Mercedes, BMWs and such with 50% financing at 20%!!!

The better half, who keeps up with this stuff, tells me that about 95% of car dealerships in the FSU are owned by the former KGB.  So, Hammer is correct, the current mafia!

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After the fall of communism, the biggest mistake Boris Yeltsin's regime made was not to disband the KGB altogether. Instead it changed its name to the FSB and, to many observers, morphed into a gangster organisation, eventually headed by master criminal Vladimir Putin. - Gerard Batten

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Re: Being a gentleman or a chump?
« Reply #261 on: June 05, 2019, 11:21:23 PM »

Unless things have changed and financing of cars is available

So much has changed from 20 years ago.
It ought  to be obvious  -- but no it seems.

It is a first class pia  when guys post  from what they know -- and it is outdated to a ridiculous degree. It is extremely irritating when it appears as a fact !

I have read you posts on recent arrival -- and they are littered with fundamentally wrong assertions -eg the one above
In Kyiv   and Odesa  ( and many other cities) there are probably more new cars than where you live !! 

« Last Edit: June 05, 2019, 11:23:44 PM by JayH »
Слава Украине! Слава героям слава!Слава Україні! Слава героям!
 translated as: Glory to Ukraine! Glory to the heroes!!!  is a Ukrainian greeting slogan being used now all over Ukraine to signify support for a free independent Ukraine

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Re: Being a gentleman or a chump?
« Reply #262 on: June 06, 2019, 12:19:07 AM »
Unless things have changed and financing of cars is available

As others with FSU partners have pointed out, you are YEARS behind the times..

We have purchased a few cars on credit in Russia..

There is a shared database of payments history and when one pays off a biggish bill ( clear the credit card or loan) Banks have not done biz with..suddenly call you offering  loans new credit cards

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Re: Being a gentleman or a chump?
« Reply #263 on: June 06, 2019, 11:22:04 AM »
In Kyiv   and Odesa  ( and many other cities) there are probably more new cars than where you live !!

According to the Ukrainian Motor Vehicle Manufacturers Association, which keeps track of new car purchases, in 2018, there were 102,363 first registrations of new cars in all of Ukraine.  The figure is slightly lower in 2019. 

California, where iolanik lives, recorded over 2 million new car sales in 2018. 

So, I doubt there are more new cars in Kyiv or Odesa. :)

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After the fall of communism, the biggest mistake Boris Yeltsin's regime made was not to disband the KGB altogether. Instead it changed its name to the FSB and, to many observers, morphed into a gangster organisation, eventually headed by master criminal Vladimir Putin. - Gerard Batten

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Re: Being a gentleman or a chump?
« Reply #264 on: June 06, 2019, 01:28:56 PM »

According to the Ukrainian Motor Vehicle Manufacturers Association, which keeps track of new car purchases, in 2018, there were 102,363 first registrations of new cars in all of Ukraine.  The figure is slightly lower in 2019. 

California, where iolanik lives, recorded over 2 million new car sales in 2018. 

So, I doubt there are more new cars in Kyiv or Odesa. :)

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Maybe -- try looking at the %  for a better reflection of my comment --which btw was aimed at making the point that there are not very many Lada's in sight around bigger cities these days. My comment was tongue in cheek -- but -- there are a staggering amount of newer  cars on the road.
To be pedantic -- try the city where op is based -- not California in large.
Слава Украине! Слава героям слава!Слава Україні! Слава героям!
 translated as: Glory to Ukraine! Glory to the heroes!!!  is a Ukrainian greeting slogan being used now all over Ukraine to signify support for a free independent Ukraine

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Re: Being a gentleman or a chump?
« Reply #265 on: June 06, 2019, 04:50:34 PM »
The truer comparison would be a per capita purchase of new vehicles in Ukraine vs the US.

I'm certain we both which country will have the higher purchase level.

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After the fall of communism, the biggest mistake Boris Yeltsin's regime made was not to disband the KGB altogether. Instead it changed its name to the FSB and, to many observers, morphed into a gangster organisation, eventually headed by master criminal Vladimir Putin. - Gerard Batten

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Re: Being a gentleman or a chump?
« Reply #266 on: June 06, 2019, 07:35:36 PM »
probably a 25 to one ratio between California and Ukraine in regards to new car purchases and the Ukrainian vehicles will tend to have a lower price point than in California...
pretty fair metric for economic comparison  :'(
and that's before the NBU gets looted and collapses 2 years from now and Russia turns off the gaZ...
the best way to short sell a country, is through it's currency
thankyou for that bit of knowledge Mr Soros

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Re: Being a gentleman or a chump?
« Reply #267 on: June 06, 2019, 08:49:09 PM »
The truer comparison would be a per capita purchase of new vehicles in Ukraine vs the US.

I'm certain we both which country will have the higher purchase level.

This post was composed without the aid of google.

Well -- again no -link is 2019 prices --   link below  is 2018 and actually higher in Ukraine
According to Experian, one of the big three credit scoring agencies, the average car price now tops over $34,000 in 2019!

Figures are very very close in fact fwiw

(quote author=krimster2 link=topic=23615.msg511583#msg511583 date=1559874936]
probably a 25 to one ratio between California and Ukraine in regards to new car purchases and the Ukrainian vehicles will tend to have a lower price point than in California...
pretty fair metric for economic comparison  :'(
and that's before the NBU gets looted and collapses 2 years from now and Russia turns off the gaZ...
the best way to short sell a country, is through it's currency
thankyou for that bit of knowledge Mr Soros

  FCS - I was being glib !  Bad enough it all and humour goes over Moby's head !

K -- wrong -- the price of cars is much higher than  US ( based on the same models)
Ukraine has had very similar  taxes on car imports and sales to Australia -- so the prices are not dissimilar.
I do understand what you were trying to say --ie   more cheaper cars will be being sold as a % of total sales  in Ukraine,

QUOTE ( apologies for link but it is what google turned up in a hurry !)
The highest number of new vehicles was sold in Kiev. 23 thousand vehicles have been sold in the capital to the amount over 700 million dollars, with the average price of a sale at $34,097.

The price of used ( 2nd hand) cars would make US guys bleed !!

In Odessa, the average price was $34,648.
« Last Edit: June 06, 2019, 08:55:42 PM by JayH »
Слава Украине! Слава героям слава!Слава Україні! Слава героям!
 translated as: Glory to Ukraine! Glory to the heroes!!!  is a Ukrainian greeting slogan being used now all over Ukraine to signify support for a free independent Ukraine

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Re: Being a gentleman or a chump?
« Reply #268 on: June 06, 2019, 09:01:10 PM »
pre-tax price

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Re: Being a gentleman or a chump?
« Reply #269 on: June 07, 2019, 08:53:09 AM »
if you took away Trench, this web site would be a couple of old white men talkin trash 'bout liberals and the best way to yell at people to get off their lawn
thrilling topics
I think Trench was sent by God to make RWD Great Again!!!


Thank you for that!

FSUW are not for entry level daters
FSUW don't do vague
FSUW like a man of action. Be a man of action 
If you find a promising girl, get your butt on a plane.
There are a hundred ways to be successful and a thousand ways to f#ck it up
Just kiss the girl, don't ask her first. Tolerate NO excuses!

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Re: Being a gentleman or a chump?
« Reply #270 on: June 07, 2019, 08:57:00 AM »
non habetis argentum, nec mel
veni venit

No money no honey ?

Sorry, I didn't get it all.
FSUW are not for entry level daters
FSUW don't do vague
FSUW like a man of action. Be a man of action 
If you find a promising girl, get your butt on a plane.
There are a hundred ways to be successful and a thousand ways to f#ck it up
Just kiss the girl, don't ask her first. Tolerate NO excuses!

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Re: Being a gentleman or a chump?
« Reply #271 on: June 07, 2019, 09:17:06 AM »
A TRUE RW has pride and would not ask for money but will accept it if you offer. .

Yes, but a "Good Girl" won't accept it unless she envisions a future with you.
What the men here should be seeking is a "Good Girl"

If you asked a AW out on a date and if she agreed to meet you and
then hit you up for gas money or money for her "Pilates Class"

It's a good test regardless of the circumstance. If a Western Woman
asked or did the same thing, what would you do? Your answer should
nearly always be the same.

If she is as drop dead gorgeous as you say, you can best believe she has multiple guys, including russians paying her way.

She's probably only that hot in the OP's eyes. Certain women catch
my eye far more than others. Most would say my wife is attractive
but she is much, much more so in my eyes. She has something that
clicks some part of the monkey part of my brain and drives me wild.

Age is treated far more unfairly in the FSU. In the FSU a woman who
is really, really hot in her 40's will have unlimited men interested in
having sex with her but far, far less in having a relationship with her.

So she can be hot and probably is but she probably has a look that
the OP especially likes and others see as attractive/very attractive
but not devastatingly so. 

If she is super hot and getting money from multiple Russian men,
then she's not going to spend the time trying to rope in Westerners
too. It's far too much work for the reward.

However, if she has been a recently cast off from such a situation
then she might see Western men as a way to turn back the clock
so to speak.

Also, what type of car did she drive? Is it a western car or a Volga/Lada? If it's a western/foreign car she's a sugarbaby or a hoe. She said it's her aunt's car but how does she know how to drive a car if she doesnt own one? Such cars are 200% of what they cost here due to import/luxury tax. I highly doubt she could afford such a car and even if it was her aunts car I wouldve asked what her aunt does for a living. I smell a rat.  One thing you also have to keep in mind is that RWs are materialistic and will use guys to buy every little knick knack they can get. I am assuming she hasnt given it up yet but if there was a big ticket item to be had I wouldnt be surprised. I'd Stay Away from this one personally but it's your decision. Your gut feeling has already told you what to do.

I haven't been staying current with this thread. I guess I better take
some time over the weekend and read what our member has managed
to get himself into, more than once it seems.

FSUW are not for entry level daters
FSUW don't do vague
FSUW like a man of action. Be a man of action 
If you find a promising girl, get your butt on a plane.
There are a hundred ways to be successful and a thousand ways to f#ck it up
Just kiss the girl, don't ask her first. Tolerate NO excuses!

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Re: Being a gentleman or a chump?
« Reply #272 on: June 07, 2019, 02:39:21 PM »

So much has changed from 20 years ago.
It ought  to be obvious  -- but no it seems.

It is a first class pia  when guys post  from what they know -- and it is outdated to a ridiculous degree. It is extremely irritating when it appears as a fact !

I have read you posts on recent arrival -- and they are littered with fundamentally wrong assertions -eg the one above
In Kyiv   and Odesa  ( and many other cities) there are probably more new cars than where you live !!

Fundamentally wrong assertions? Oh you mean the single comment about cars and financing? So please educate me on the incorrect assertions I have made other than car financing? I suppose my assertions about RWs is also incorrect? Hmmm I suppose there has been a complete transformation of RWs from the current ones Ive experienced as well as the exwife....I guess RWs have turned away from thei current technological society and all of its materialism and have gone BACKWARDS to a simpler time. Please do tell!

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Re: Being a gentleman or a chump?
« Reply #273 on: June 07, 2019, 03:09:34 PM »

In Kyiv   and Odesa  ( and many other cities) there are probably more new cars than where you live !!

Before I reply, I think you were a part of the original RWG discussion board weren't you? Your tag seems to ring a I was just wondering.

I live (unfortunately) in the San FranSICKO Bay area of CA. So your statement of more new cars in Kiev and Odessa than in my area was quite hilarious to me... I would bet my last invoice statement that there are NOT more new cars in both of those cities combined than in this retarded silicon valley area...I'd also point out that while there are many "wealthy "New" russians, there are FAR more millionaires in this toilet of a city they call San FranSICKO than kiev and odessa combined. Kiev and Odessa may be impressive compared to Santa Fe NM or Little Rock AR, but not even close to dumbass Cali.  DISCLAIMER: This is not any attempt at bragging, in fact I find CALI quite sickening bc it is an extremely selfish culture here in the heart of leftist libtard central. P.S. I had just read this article in the WSJ about the number of millionaires in this fucking city due to the tech and IPOs that are going on...personally, I cant wait to leave!
« Last Edit: June 07, 2019, 03:19:15 PM by iolanik »

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Re: Being a gentleman or a chump?
« Reply #274 on: June 07, 2019, 03:39:00 PM »
I haven't been staying current with this thread. I guess I better take
some time over the weekend and read what our member has managed
to get himself into, more than once it seems.

Frankly I couldn't give half a rat's ass what members think of my posts as each person has their own experience. I only decided to come back to share some thoughts. Personally, let each person experience the pursuit of RWs in the FSU and let them learn by experience for themselves. For those members who are still married, power to you all as I am truly happy for you, but while those may criticize my perspectives due to my situation, you are also looking at things from a perspective due to the fact that your relationships with RWs are doing well, which may not necessarily represent the majority of AW/RW situations out there, nor does mine.
My posts may come off as absolutes, but honestly, unless you guys have put yourself out there and are still involved in the process, who are you kidding? In case you haven't noticed, the cultures of the U.S./Asia and FSU have become EXTREMELY MATERIALISTIC in this day & age. While I may not be pursuing RWs from the FSU, I STILL deal with RWs here in the San Francisco and Walnut Creek area of Northern CA (Let me tell you there are a boat load!) And I have given up bc they are ALL the same. I invite any Northern or Southern CA guys out there to please tell me your stories or compare note *With the exception of GQBlue since he married a diamond**

I would also ask the board members what level of exposure and experience you have with RWs (NOT INCLUDING YOUR WIFE if you are married or her cousins or friends) in your local areas? HOw many RWs are in your local areas that are not related in some fashion to your wife and how often do you interact with them. The one thing I have noticed at least in San FranSICKO is that there are a boat load of Russkies here, namely in the outer sunset district (Geary/25th st)  Not to mention Walnut Creek and what I see is not very inviting. Does that mean 100% ALL RWs are like this? No, But when you deal with a majority of a given population set, one gets a bit tired of trying to find a needle in a haystack.


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