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Author Topic: Some my things to share with everybody...  (Read 7107 times)

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Offline Yudjin

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Some my things to share with everybody...
« on: February 11, 2005, 06:29:08 AM »
Hello everybody!
My name is Eugene, I live in Crimea - the best part of Ukraine.
Dan, a man whom I respect very much, suggested me to write my own things about the main topic of this board because I work as a tour guide and have 6 years experience meeting with the guys who come to Crimea with their beautiful girlfriends, possible fiances or without them. OK I'm writing that but please keep in mind: it's my own opinion below, not recommendations, not advices - just my things.

Internet gives us a good opportunity to select people who are looking for a future soul mate. But Internet gives us zero of warranty about a girl, someone is corresponding with:

1 do exist
2 has no husband or a boyfriend
3 wants to marry
4 is able to be a good wife

To find out the answers for those questions thousands Western guys spend millions $$ and much of efforts but some time they just waste and money and efforts. How to avoid that? How to protect people, who have the best feelings and strong hope? There is no certain advise or recommendations. RWD 'Ten Commandments' are excellent and anyone should remember them till the day of wedding. But it's so long and difficult way to get those happy day...

So, I tell what I would do if I search for a wife and you may just read or not.

First of all I would look at free websites like friendfinder or personal webpages of the girls instead the agencies and try to establish direct contact with a girl. Unfortunately there are pretty many not honest agencies which do not let you opportunity write direct to a girl you picked up from the list.
But it's not easy, the agencies give you much bigger choice and in general there is nothing wrong to looking for a girl there. You just should realize there are hundred very nice girls from thousands and only few could be proper for you.

Second, I would try to find only girl who communicate in English. It doesn't matter how poor or wrong her English is: it's very important she makes efforts to understand you and make you understand her messages. I started to correspond with my friend in Colorado in 1993 when I knew ZERO of English and we
still could understand each other because my and his great efforts ...

I would never trust a girl who says: "It's no mater we cannot speak on the same language - the more important thing if we can speak through our souls." If you decided communicate with a girl who doesn't know English, try to find an independent translator and use software. A translator from an agency could
give you wrong information sometime because he/she involved in business.

Third, I would never expect any special relationship with a girl whom I never met in person. I would consider her as a penpal. Try to discuss many different subjects not only future happy life together. There are list of questions which suppose the only positive answers like "Do you like travel?" "Do you like spend your spare time on a beach/countryside?" Everybody know what is considering as a good and as a bad and no one will admit he/she has a bad hobbits or interest.

I would find several girls as a possible close friend and visit all of them. The best way to learn them: to take them out from their home town, from their friends and relatives for a short journey or vacation.

There will some of small unexpected events could appear during the journey which help you to understand what kind of person she is.
Just one small example what can happened in a journey.

I suggested Mark to organize BBQ party for him and his girl in a forest but his girlfriend didn't have a proper shoes for hike. She was very disappointed when Mark bought her a hiking shoes not in "Adidas" shop. It was cold weather and Mark suggested to buy a sweater for her while they are in Crimea. She picked a "very simple" sweater for $300...

I would try to arrange the trip to Ukraine or Russia by myself through Internet: there are many honest travel agencies and individuals who can help you. Do not let the girl whom you are visiting take her "friends" as a driver and interpreter: last year an American had to pay for all travel expenses, accommodation and food of two "friends" for their trip from Zaporozhie to Crimea for a week.

Let her know she is not only a person you want to meet: there is nothing wrong if you didn't promise her to keep faithfulness till the end of your life. Look careful how is her reaction for the presents you brought for her. If she got disappointed by a small souvenir instead DVD payer or digital camera - it's a warning sign.

Then, when you got home after your journey, try to improve your relations with one, whom you liked best. Look at her success with English - it could be amazing if she really wants to be with you. I knew a lady who learned pretty good English for 6 months (but frankly to say it didn't bother her to rip off her husband :-( ).

And probably the most important: be an optimist. There are so many women in the World. There is a beautiful lady who is waiting for you. You need just meet her.

I wish to all of you be lucky! And if you ever get to Crimea - you are welcome to contact me and I'll do all my best for you.







Offline Albert

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« Reply #1 on: February 11, 2005, 06:44:54 AM »
Excellent post.  I agree with most everything.

Offline Bruno

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« Reply #2 on: February 11, 2005, 09:37:09 AM »
Hello Eugene,

I agree with almost all you write... but i don't agree when you write :

" But Internet gives us zero of warranty about a girl, someone is corresponding with: do exist"

I apply some rules on my site.

Now i publish ads from woman ( and from man too ) only when i have a positive result from the control of IP... i control the IP from e-mail ( when the photo are send ) and the IP from the log of server when post the form...

This allow me to give a warranty about the country and oblast... around 20% of woman lie and around 40% of man... Big agency don't make so control because it is need to pay someone for make it and they wish money, not expense...

By example, a woman have post a ads but the control was negatif... she say to be in Ukraine but the IP lead to Turkie... the font used was a Turkisch font... and i have contact 4 other agency who have the same woman... explain the situation... they have control the IP from log and have agree that these IP was from Turkie... with the datum of these different post, i have see that she was posting from more of one year... but only one agency have remove the ads... two other have say that it was not a problem for them and the last have reply that they sell several time her contact information and cannot loose so good income...

And i use one level more for certify the reality of woman... they are not obligate but some choice this level... i publish a copy from her passport... actually, i have only receive a false russian passport ( i am almost sure that the original is from a man )...

Yes, internet allow some control... but man are too lazy... when they receive some e-mail for the first time, they don't control the header... header is like stamp on a post letter... you can find the IP ( country and regio ), the time zone, the name given to the computer, the program used, etc ...

People need to learn use internet before begin use it... so, you can detect when a RW write you from Arizona... certainly a young guys who game with you...

Offline Yudjin

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« Reply #3 on: February 11, 2005, 11:09:46 AM »
Hello Bruno,

You're right about IP but... Actually not many men, who correspond with women, even have idea what IP address is... It's very good if an agency is honest and publish only profile and pic of real girls, but how can someone find out if you and me will write together instead a girl and I will post it from Simferopol? IP address will be Ukrainian... Well, I hope I'm not giving this idea to somebody who can use it. :) 




Offline Bruno

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« Reply #4 on: February 11, 2005, 01:13:31 PM »

but how can someone find out if you and me will write together instead a girl and I will post it from Simferopol? IP address will be Ukrainian...


It will be your IP... and your internet provider... and if you scam someone, he can make problem to you... but because you are a bad guys, you will not pay alone for the scam, you go say who i am !!!

Keep always the full message ... for complain, the IP is need for contact the provider but the provider need the message id for find the people... and make it fast, provider are obligate to keep log only two week...

And Eugene, the control of IP give only a "medium" level of certification... for the "high" document are needed... see my first and only passport scam at[/color][/b]

Offline Yudjin

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« Reply #5 on: February 11, 2005, 09:48:57 PM »
Hi Bruno,

You're right again and a good analize of IP and other technical stuff can tell much. I wish to everyone do not be  scammed and ripped off, I hate that.  Unfortunately if I meet a scammer it happens too late for a guy to look at IP address... I would like to finish that on optimistic point. I hope scam getting less and less because more and more men are getting aware about it (thanks Dan, thanks Jack thanks many other guys). I met only three men during whole last Summer who came with the scammers. It's less then it was in 2001-2003.

Have a nice weekend!



Offline Dave

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« Reply #6 on: February 12, 2005, 04:14:54 AM »
bruno, i know computers but am not sure how to use the ip to track an email. how would i go about doing this?

Offline 2tallbill

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« Reply #7 on: June 20, 2024, 12:27:39 PM »
1 do exist
2 has no husband or a boyfriend
3 wants to marry
4 is able to be a good wife

There are no guarantees that any woman on Earth will be a good wife.
Exception: I did get a lifetime guarantee when I married Angel Eyes
FSUW are not for entry level daters
FSUW don't do vague
FSUW like a man of action. Be a man of action 
If you find a promising girl, get your butt on a plane.
There are a hundred ways to be successful and a thousand ways to f#ck it up
Just kiss the girl, don't ask her first. Tolerate NO excuses!


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