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Author Topic: Chișinău  (Read 44601 times)

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Re: Chișinău
« Reply #250 on: January 22, 2023, 11:17:21 AM »
good sex...
AND making SERIOUS amounts of money...
what better rush is there that doesn't involve taking dangerous chemicals? (not that I mind!)

pump up your reward center in the hippocampus with a full dose of endorphins

my brain gets major jolts from sex and "big money scores"
they not only have a relationship with me, but with each other
it's like an invisble hand that as it lifts up one, will also lift up the other in a feedback loop...

but, if you like Fermat's Theorum and Chess and a little tingle is more your style...
don't be worried tovarisch, it's all good in de hood, holmes...

but to me, EXCESS is not nearly enough...
I want MORE than that...

« Last Edit: January 22, 2023, 01:03:41 PM by krimster2 »

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Re: Chișinău
« Reply #251 on: January 22, 2023, 12:22:40 PM »
A man should find a way to integrate his life into the lady's life.  It's unreasonable to think that a lady should do all the adjustments so she can conform to your life.

A man is a train... Going to a specific destination.  He invites the woman onto the train. She may get on or off the train, but that train is going where it's going. Attempting to alter the course for a woman  results in derailment and train wreck.
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Re: Chișinău
« Reply #252 on: January 22, 2023, 01:00:48 PM »
a smart man, will not ONLY be able to EASILY find a woman to join him for the ride...
but will also be able to find someone to HELP him drive the long distance to "get there"...

and along the way, there's a hundred different ways to pickup hitch hikers...
when YOU GOT A CAR and they DON'T!! (mataphorically)
but if you ain't got no car, then you ain't got much to offer a hitch hiker
see the logical connection there?

jumping from metaphore to reality...
in Ukraine, I ACTUALLY picked up super model looking young girls who were walking from one village to the next to buy food at the magazine...
EASIEST PICKINGS you could ever imagine...
SUPER GORGEOUS!!!  with this hot innocence combined with a killer body, well toned legs and firm arched buttox from walking 10 km per day + physical labor
so incredibly delicious like a ripe tasty fruit... yum, yum
"no freakin way anyone gonna dine like this in America Dawg!", said Krimster mopping his chin...
Avec moi, I am both gourmet and gourmond monsier!!!
Chic Alors!!!

read the account of the Marquis DeSade's experience with a Russian serf girl he purchased in Russia
let's just say, I have had similar experiences
and so I KNOW his description is based on real events
such an exquisite visual and tactile sensation when encountering the perfect female form with a young woman who takes equal delight in showing it to you
a rush like no other...

« Last Edit: January 22, 2023, 01:44:08 PM by krimster2 »

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Re: Chișinău
« Reply #253 on: January 22, 2023, 02:10:21 PM »
I didn't say I was 35.  I said I was PAST the age for having kids.  I'm past 35.  If you are past 35 and wanting kids, you're probably an idiot.  You may be able to get a girl pregnant, but you're going to have a hard time being a good father and a good husband.  Do you really want to be trying to play ball with your kids when you are using a walker? 
If you father a kid at 35, they are out of the house at 53, leaving you limited time to pay off your home mortgage and save money for retirement.  Having kids past 35 for a guy burns the candle at the other end.  By the time your kid is raised, you are out of time to save up for retirement.  And what kind of good husband is going to enter retirement without significant savings?

Well I don't have a mortgage on my house and here in the UK I get a State pension on retirement which for me will apparently be 67. The State pension in the UK is good enough to retire on and live ok enough but supplemental income will make thing pretty comfortable.

So what age roughly are you Bee Farmer, late thirties, early, mid or late forties, older?

If you have a mortgage and are concerned about saving for your retirement then I'm not sure a jaunt over to the FSU is the best for for you. The 'intelligent' thing to do here is to weigh up all the factors, your personal factors - your level of wealth, income, mortgage, pension, property, time you can get off work, your age, ability to alter your life, etc, with factors of the destination, the FSU in this case - it's distance, time to get to it, flight cost, hotel/apartment costs, the culture, the language, accessibility during war, it's people, etc. Weigh up all the factors and then judge how it balances out in your head.

Now I'm not saying it's impossible or that this girl won't come through for you. But for me weighing up those factors for you I don't see much good reading there for you. Sure the odd few may make it work on not a great starting position but I don't think for most it tends to work out.

On paper and probably in practice the factors seem better suited in your favour if you go to central/south America. Way better in fact. Did you know south American countries tend to have low divorce rates? Less than the US and far, far less than the FSU. Did you also know that in the US women are more likely to be the initiator of divorce proceedings and of that most of them (about 70 percent apparently) are from college educated career women. Look where the grass is greener Bee Farmer. You already know Spanish, you could brush up to a good level on Duolingo in next to no time. It's all right in front of you for the taking yet you are setting yourself up potentially for a struggle trying to date far overseas in a land where it's not easy to enter nor necessarily in your health interests to do so. Added to that you say yourself that costs of flights are going up and difficulties there may arise. Why set yourself up for all of that for goodness sake???

You don't think a FSW might be concerned about you having a mortgage, pension/retirement concerns? Sure it's usual for where they are from but in looking abroad they usually expect a certain level of stability. If you've got a big place and at least a chunk of your mortgage paid of then fine, but if there's not a lot to show then a FSW may not be that impressed.

A Hispanic chick though will be far less fussy, you will have saved her from a life of poverty, she will see herself as going up in status due to your white boy status. You will also be a much shorter flight from her home country, etc.

Bee Farmer, the vision is there you just need to open your eyes to see it. The possibilities are so much more that you could have in your life than paying your mortgage and worrying about retirement, that's not living Bee Farmer, that's waiting to die. You need to start living life Bee Farmer, it's right there on your doorstep to turn your life around today for the better. You just need to come to your senses and realise what's best for you.
« Last Edit: January 22, 2023, 02:16:34 PM by Trenchcoat »
"If you make your own bread, then and only then, are you a free man unchained and alive living in pooty tang paradise, or say no and live in Incel island with all the others." - Krimster

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Re: Chișinău
« Reply #254 on: January 22, 2023, 03:22:31 PM »
the paradox for western women is that while they seek equality with men, they still WANT a high status male as a mate who is ABOVE them... (women wanna marry up)

in the West, women hold the best cards in the "stacked" deck of dating poker
dewds with "weak hands"  will fold, like Bee Farmer...

in the east,
men hold ALL THE ACES
and RICH men, get a ROYAL FLUSH...
there is NO IMPEDIMENT at all to getting as much Pooty Tang as you want
with NONE of the NEGATIVE consequences you have in the west...

That's another great quoteworthy piece there Krim :)

Yeah, I kind of caught on that in Ukraine (and I'm sure it's the same in south America) that guys hold a better dating situation than in the west and like you say if the guy is just a bit wealthy then he really can get good choice, if he knows the game.

So even a not so wealthy UK guy like me looks fairly wealthy to most Ukrainian chicks. So that can give me access to dating chicks that I wouldn't be able to date in the west. Pretty girls respond to me in a way other than just seeing me as another option that they'll put in reserve and may possibly one day deign to see me if all else falls flat, which of course it never does. The first time I video chatted with the girl from Mariupol I was blown away. Long straight blonde hair down her back, quite pretty facially, a good figure and a nice ample set of lumps on her chest :D I couldn't believe that a girl of that quality was willing to video chat with me much less wanna meet up to go on some dates with me. The second girl, Kherson, was also very pretty, well that went his it went but still some good times with her. I would have got out there more but then the virus intervened quickly followed by the war.

It's not easy to say this with all that is happening out there and the heartache that people are enduring that way but odds are the present war situation may eventually lead to easier and better dating for western men out there. Obviously there is the loss of men and that's not a nice thing to acknowledge but it's a fact nonetheless. Then of course there is the economy and that of course is and will be in a bad way. So potentially a lot of real scope for western men in the future. Even a guy who isn't all that wealthy from somewhere like the UK should be able to clean up.

That said though of course the situation at the moment is not that easy for a western guy, Ukrainians displaced, Ukraine not readily accessible, Ukrainian chicks being tied to their men at the front, etc.

However, as things were before the virus & war Ukrainians were becoming quite prosperous and potentially that was becoming an issue for dating. In the future dating may be more like the MOB industry PR that there are less men than women out there, so there might become true in the end.
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Re: Chișinău
« Reply #255 on: January 22, 2023, 03:38:14 PM »
If you are worried about the cost of air travel, just let it go.

How many guys will be going to the FSU if today's $1500 plane tickets are $10,000-$20,000 tomorrow?

Germany got 40% of natural gas from Russia.  Since Russian supplies stopped, the price of natural gas in Germany has went up 6 times.  And that is with a lot of demand destruction.
There is no shortage of natural gas.  The hard part is simply getting it from where it is produced over to Germany.  Natural gas is treated as a waste product in America, and many shale wells burn off excess natural gas. (flaring)

Airbus has a 45% market share.  That's headed to zero.  Airbus is a consortium of European companies.  Its supplier of aluminum and titanium was Russia.  Those supplies are GONE.  It's no longer a matter of trying to source them from somewhere else.  The aluminum and titanium are no longer on the market.  It got wings and engines from the UK.  With all the Brexit stuff, getting wings and engines are now muddied up.
The last I knew, if you take away aluminum, titanium, wings, and engines, planes don't fly very well.

So if airfare increases 6 times like natural gas prices did, today's $1500 ticket suddenly becomes $10,000.  Airfare will suddenly get unaffordable for everyone except the ultra rich.  A guy earning $100,000 a year who saves $10,000 a year can afford $1500 tickets.  $10,000+ tickets are now unaffordable.

Of course, maybe we will see a 45% reduction in air travel that offsets the 45% market share and capacity Airbus had that went poof.

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Re: Chișinău
« Reply #256 on: January 22, 2023, 03:43:48 PM »
A man is a train... Going to a specific destination.  He invites the woman onto the train. She may get on or off the train, but that train is going where it's going. Attempting to alter the course for a woman  results in derailment and train wreck.

And if the woman gets off the train, it results in DIVORCE.  Marriage is supposed to be for life.  Personally, I believe that people should be barred from remarrying if they are divorced.  Reconcile, or stay single forever.

Being able to compromise can help avoid divorce.

Thinking that a man is a train going to a specific destination, and the train is going where it is going is an extremely selfish mentality.  Marriage and a lifelong relationship is a journey, not a destination.

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Re: Chișinău
« Reply #257 on: January 22, 2023, 04:19:10 PM »
How many guys will be going to the FSU if today's $1500 plane tickets are $10,000-$20,000 tomorrow?

Germany got 40% of natural gas from Russia.  Since Russian supplies stopped, the price of natural gas in Germany has went up 6 times.  And that is with a lot of demand destruction.
There is no shortage of natural gas.  The hard part is simply getting it from where it is produced over to Germany.  Natural gas is treated as a waste product in America, and many shale wells burn off excess natural gas. (flaring)

Airbus has a 45% market share.  That's headed to zero.  Airbus is a consortium of European companies.  Its supplier of aluminum and titanium was Russia.  Those supplies are GONE.  It's no longer a matter of trying to source them from somewhere else.  The aluminum and titanium are no longer on the market.  It got wings and engines from the UK.  With all the Brexit stuff, getting wings and engines are now muddied up.
The last I knew, if you take away aluminum, titanium, wings, and engines, planes don't fly very well.

So if airfare increases 6 times like natural gas prices did, today's $1500 ticket suddenly becomes $10,000.  Airfare will suddenly get unaffordable for everyone except the ultra rich.  A guy earning $100,000 a year who saves $10,000 a year can afford $1500 tickets.  $10,000+ tickets are now unaffordable.

Of course, maybe we will see a 45% reduction in air travel that offsets the 45% market share and capacity Airbus had that went poof.

So why the hell are you looking to get with this woman in Ukraine if you believe flight prices will go that way????

I think you're getting your thinking for all the wrong places Bee Farmer. Is it down the local bar you're getting this kind of talk or of more cr*ppy daytime talk out of their arse TV shows? Just because it's the talk down the bar, in town or on the TV show doesn't mean it's true.

I can tell you now that Brexit has had little effect in the UK, the supermarkets are as well stocked as ever. Anything can be bought from anywhere much the same as before. The UK sells stuff just like before. We essentially made a free trade deal with the EU to continue trading without tariffs so long as the goods were made in the EU/UK. A little bit more paperwork but that isn't so much of a problem now.

In the UK car unleaded petrol pump prices are back down to pre Ukraine invasion levels.

In Europe as Krim tells us Germany etc are using LNG from the US and other suppliers.

I kind of think you're just picking up your information from somewhere and picking out the most bizarre sounding stuff that kind of just going off on a tangent. It's not helping you Bee Farmer I would definitely change what you watch, where you go as you're just ending up living your life by some oddball headline grabbing tosh.
"If you make your own bread, then and only then, are you a free man unchained and alive living in pooty tang paradise, or say no and live in Incel island with all the others." - Krimster

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Re: Chișinău
« Reply #258 on: January 22, 2023, 05:48:15 PM »
And if the woman gets off the train, it results in DIVORCE.  Marriage is supposed to be for life.  Personally, I believe that people should be barred from remarrying if they are divorced.  Reconcile, or stay single forever.

Being able to compromise can help avoid divorce.

Thinking that a man is a train going to a specific destination, and the train is going where it is going is an extremely selfish mentality.  Marriage and a lifelong relationship is a journey, not a destination.

Men act. Women respond. If you cater t the woman she'll drop you like a cpckroach and have exactly the same amount of respect for you.
The duty of a true patriot is to protect his country from its government. -- Thomas Paine

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Re: Chișinău
« Reply #259 on: January 22, 2023, 06:51:55 PM »
Bee Fahmuh...
what IF, and this is a pretty BIG hypothetical in your case, but...
what if you had so much experience with relationships with Russian/Ukrainian women
that YOU didn't DECIDE "she's the one", because instead SHE DECIDED YOU WERE THE ONE!
and hence "hers" and she starts marking her territory so the other females stay away from you!!!
but this is just the beginning, because then they turn the "Charm Stun Gun" on you set to "FULL STUN", always touching you, suggestive eye contact especially, and always praising you...

damn, some of you guys have NEVER EVER SEEN that look on ANY woman's face, let alone a Ukrainian one,when they do THIS,  but DAMN...
you've NEVER experienced a woman trying her HARDEST to seduce you
only thing hotter, is the sudden shift in how they make eye contact with you during sex when they climax
seriously, a neked 20+ yr old  Ukrainain girl staring at you like this
will make your "slinky" go "doing, doing, doing"
and you can use that to to go bat some xtra innings dewd!!!

when a Russian/Ukrainian woman sets her sights on YOU and NOT the other way 'round
you will stand like a naked helpless animal  with your little pee pee stickin out a 1/2 inch or so lookin like a little cocktail sausage...  VERY, VERY undignified....  with your jaw hangin down lower than your scrotom...

most of you have no idea WTF I'm talking about
and how to deal with the cognitive and linguistic challenges with these women
and the HUGE REWARD(s) that comes with CONNECTING with them...

to receive you must first practice giving
and then...
"what goes round, comes round"
kinda like a
"as it is below, so is it above"

create a positive influence
and you will receive one

create a negative influence
and you will also receive one

do unto others AS HARD AS YOU CAN!!!
before they even THINK of doing it to you!!!

THIS used to be my motto!
but recently I changed my motto to "What?"
so if someone asks me, "what is your motto"?
then they say, "Yes, What is your motto"
and I say, "you got it" but they look confused
a lot like how Bee Fahmuh looks...

« Last Edit: January 22, 2023, 09:16:08 PM by krimster2 »

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Re: Chișinău
« Reply #260 on: January 23, 2023, 06:53:33 AM »
How many guys will be going to the FSU if today's $1500 plane tickets are $10,000-$20,000 tomorrow?

Germany got 40% of natural gas from Russia.  Since Russian supplies stopped, the price of natural gas in Germany has went up 6 times.  And that is with a lot of demand destruction.
There is no shortage of natural gas.  The hard part is simply getting it from where it is produced over to Germany.  Natural gas is treated as a waste product in America, and many shale wells burn off excess natural gas. (flaring)

Airbus has a 45% market share.  That's headed to zero.  Airbus is a consortium of European companies.  Its supplier of aluminum and titanium was Russia.  Those supplies are GONE.  It's no longer a matter of trying to source them from somewhere else.  The aluminum and titanium are no longer on the market.  It got wings and engines from the UK.  With all the Brexit stuff, getting wings and engines are now muddied up.
The last I knew, if you take away aluminum, titanium, wings, and engines, planes don't fly very well.

So if airfare increases 6 times like natural gas prices did, today's $1500 ticket suddenly becomes $10,000.  Airfare will suddenly get unaffordable for everyone except the ultra rich.  A guy earning $100,000 a year who saves $10,000 a year can afford $1500 tickets.  $10,000+ tickets are now unaffordable.

Of course, maybe we will see a 45% reduction in air travel that offsets the 45% market share and capacity Airbus had that went poof.
FYI I am Dutch, meaning that the issues with gas prices and other sanctions directly influence me. And here there is no mention of Airbus stopping any time soon, gas prices are almost back to normal.The Dutch have closed their gas fields, and so far will not reopen, even if they have more than enough in the ground.
Most of the panic is BS, though next winter there may be another situation.Reason why one of my companies is now interested in replacing gas heaters with hydrogen and induction, as the gas price makes electric based alternatives viable, apart from the government incentives.We plan to have our building off grid before next winter.
Apart from that both China and Russia are once again building their own planes. Prices of tickets may not rise as much as you fear.
No it is not a dog. Its really how I look.  ;)

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Re: Chișinău
« Reply #261 on: January 24, 2023, 11:48:35 AM »
Bee Farmer, didn't wish to be harsh on all of this and I kind of hope that's not the way it's coming across. End of the day it's up to you to go with what your happy with. I think some of us here see potential pitfalls in your current situation and don't want to see you waste good time and opportunities where you may gain a good life. Who knows it may come through for you, for me I couldn't sit and wait it out but end of the day it's down to you, just think about it is all I'm saying and consider the possibilities.
"If you make your own bread, then and only then, are you a free man unchained and alive living in pooty tang paradise, or say no and live in Incel island with all the others." - Krimster

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Re: Chișinău
« Reply #262 on: January 25, 2023, 01:53:53 PM »
Bee Fahmuh,
I bear thee no "ill will"
just keep on doin, what you've ALWAYS EXCLUSIVELY been doin
and I'm SURE your story will have a "HAPPY ENDING!!" (at least once, between now and the end of the weekend)

all I have done is hold up a mirror to you
during I suppose what should be a very private. intimate moment...
but I wanted you to see, mon frere
what the rest of us see
cuz, I'm afraid that when you're "doing this" you're a bit mentally preoccupied (currently with virtual Ukrainian Soldier Girl)
so all I've done is to change your focus
to look at yourself!!

NO!!! not THAT WAY!!!
OMG!!! turn your webcam OFF!!!
My EYES!!!!

you thought this was some some kinda INAPPROPRIATE SARCASTIC HUMOR? (GASP!)
Merci! Non!
maybe sarcastic humor like beauty is in the perceiver's eye
could this not be so??
j'accuse j'

karma police, place everyone reading this under immediate arrest!
« Last Edit: January 25, 2023, 01:58:11 PM by krimster2 »

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« Reply #263 on: January 27, 2023, 08:22:27 AM »
A Hispanic chick though will be far less fussy, you will have saved her from a life of poverty, she will see herself as going up in status due to your white boy status. You will also be a much shorter flight from her home country, etc.

Trench, you've obviously never dated a Latin woman. The only thing you don't have wrong
is that the language is far easier to learn.
FSUW are not for entry level daters
FSUW don't do vague
FSUW like a man of action. Be a man of action 
If you find a promising girl, get your butt on a plane.
There are a hundred ways to be successful and a thousand ways to f#ck it up
Just kiss the girl, don't ask her first. Tolerate NO excuses!

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Re: Chișinău
« Reply #264 on: January 27, 2023, 09:30:58 AM »
the quality and quantity of eye candy in central America is to me at least, not as good as Russia or Ukraine
although there is SOME to be found...
with some variation and differentiation within the population

The "Amerindians" an archaic term fer sure are the dominant strain
are pretty divergent from old world populations in Europe/Asia
by over 20,000 yr, at the end of the last ice age
as children, they don't go through the same form of puberty phase that Europeans do
the women are shorter, and their skin is naturally hairless
no "pits" or "pubes" "leg hair", etc. AT ALL
as smooth as the skin of a tomatoe
quite pleasant to the touch

no, these wimmin ain't for marryin
go watch the movie "East of Eden" featuring James Dean...
and the part with the Mexican Farm Girl

but, this is not main stream vanilla flavor
this is for those who can also accomodate different tastes
when they find themselves in a new environment
it's kinda like OOzo, even iif it's not your favorite
however in Greece/Cyprus you can get pretty drunk off it!

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Re: Chișinău
« Reply #265 on: January 28, 2023, 02:22:04 AM »
Trench, you've obviously never dated a Latin woman. The only thing you don't have wrong
is that the language is far easier to learn.

You're no doubt right Bill, over Christmas I was watching 'Boundless' on Amazon Prime. I would like to see it as a voyage to find a better boob. They end up finding that better boob somewhere around Argentina I believe. Yes I was getting pretty boozed up at this time. Anyhow out pops a load of South American Native girl hotties on the beach mostly naked and showing off fabulous boobs :D I sat there wishing I could have been there, I don't think I ever would have left! I would just stay and make out with them forever more!!!

But no I've never dated such a girl just seen one of the finer looking specimens and hoped to get dating her but never did. So no idea what they are really like possibly a bit fiery or something maybe. Think I recall Boethius saying they have a strong loyalty streak for the guy to be loyal to them at least, if not apparently the guts nuts are on the chopping block quiet literally as I hear it.
"If you make your own bread, then and only then, are you a free man unchained and alive living in pooty tang paradise, or say no and live in Incel island with all the others." - Krimster

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Re: Chișinău
« Reply #266 on: January 28, 2023, 04:22:48 AM »
Men act. Women respond. If you cater t the woman she'll drop you like a cpckroach and have exactly the same amount of respect for you.

Good luck not getting divorced with that mentality.  (And being divorced is one of the worst things a person can ever be.  It is failure, and destruction of the family.  If you have kids, they will suffer because of you.  If you violate your marriage vows, no one can ever trust you again.  A person is only as good as their word - and if your word is worthless...)

If you don't respect women, they won't respect you.  Worse yet, they may fear you.

Do you know the number one trait women want in a man?  Kindness.

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Re: Chișinău
« Reply #267 on: January 28, 2023, 04:30:39 AM »
And here there is no mention of Airbus stopping any time soon,

Airbus is a consortium of European companies.
Where does Airbus get their aluminum and titanium?  Russia.  Oh wait, all that just went off the market.  Where are they going to get their aluminum and titanium from now, once their existing stocks are used up?
And the UK makes the engines and wings for Airbus.  If they don't get the Brexit thing worked out, that's going to have problems.

Maybe you're right.  I'm sure Airbus will be fine, once they figure out how to make jets fly without aluminum, titanium, wings, or engines.

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Re: Chișinău
« Reply #268 on: January 28, 2023, 08:08:33 AM »
Good luck not getting divorced with that mentality.  (And being divorced is one of the worst things a person can ever be.  It is failure, and destruction of the family.  If you have kids, they will suffer because of you.  If you violate your marriage vows, no one can ever trust you again.  A person is only as good as their word - and if your word is worthless...)

If you don't respect women, they won't respect you.  Worse yet, they may fear you.

Do you know the number one trait women want in a man?  Kindness.

Respect is not kissing her ass. If you have this attitude, you may get married and she may give you some pity sex from time to time, but she will be banging Vlad and Ivan who don't cater to her because she will detest everything about you except your money supporting her. 
The duty of a true patriot is to protect his country from its government. -- Thomas Paine

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Re: Chișinău
« Reply #269 on: January 28, 2023, 08:20:24 AM »
commodities are a GLOBAL market not an exclusively Russian one....
price of aluminium is way down, and no supply constraints at all...
go and check yourself
we don't need Rusal, anywhere near as much as the US officials  who Deripaska pays needs it
and that's a pretty big list

titanium went up quite a bit, but percentage wise, only a small amount is used per plane
and I don't see the increase in titanium price adding much cost to an individual aircraft
and it'll be more than offset by the decline in Aluminum prices, cuz Al is used WAY more than Ti

I visited Airbus in Toulouse, France
was blown away by the place and the whole area
once you get away from the city center and go to outlying industrial areas
Toulouse looks EXACTLY like Silicon Valley!!!  including the main highway
the contrast to it's REALLY nice grand 13th century cathedral is WILD!!!

I went long on platinum and palladium, cuz I knew this Russian market WELL!!
those skyrocketed, I imagine catalytic converters cost a lot more now!
but they're still being made

99% of the pain that's coming from the west decoupling from Russia's commodity markets
is faced by Russia and not the west
Russia is forced to sell at a cheap discount to undeveloped countries
while the west simply uses their previous suppliers, who have to sell SOMEWHERE...

in regards to "kindness"
I'm not sure, what book you read this is in, but let me give you an addendum...
Russian women will interpret "kindness" as "generosity" and will prefer to use this word
to express such sentiment...

generosity with Russians usually "backfires"
because if you're NOT careful, you can make yourself and your generosity
a vehicle for Russians to exploit you...
and if they CAN, they WILL...

I don't understand why you don't just go OVER THERE and get SOME REAL EXPERIENCE
that you DESPERATELY need.
rather than just fantasizing about it over in Hillbilly Hollow (or do your prefer the local venacular, "Hillbilly Holler")

so I'm guessing that this path, is simply the path of least resistance and effort for you
and that for some bizarre, unfathomable reason, you think THIS PATH will lead you to success

hopefully, you'll find some book that will clear this all up for you...
cuz if YOU had to rely upon your own non-existant knowledge of this subject - you'd be COMPLETELY in the dark...

« Last Edit: January 28, 2023, 11:26:57 AM by krimster2 »

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Re: Chișinău
« Reply #270 on: January 28, 2023, 08:26:10 AM »
Respect is not kissing her ass. If you have this attitude, you may get married and she may give you some pity sex from time to time, but she will be banging Vlad and Ivan who don't cater to her because she will detest everything about you except your money supporting her.

I didn't say you had to kiss her ass.  But you do need to be respectful.  Do you understand the difference?

Why would you marry a girl who will cheat on you?  If you don't know her well enough to know if she will be faithful, then you have no business getting married. 
There are some basics.
Never go for a girl who has kids.
Never go for a girl who has ever been married.
Never go for a large age gap.
Never go for a girl who is fixated on money in a relationship.
Never go for a girl who has ever cheated in a prior relationship.
Never date a girl who dates "for fun."  The purpose of dating is to find a suitable partner for a lifelong marriage.
But you also must must offer the same.

Date for a minimum of 2-3 years to get to know each other. Make sure you are marrying for true love, and to build a family.

If either of you is lacking in any of those things, it's a recipe for disaster.

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Re: Chișinău
« Reply #271 on: January 28, 2023, 08:34:02 AM »
I VIOLATED EVERY ONE OF YOUR RULES at one time or another
yet I've been married 23 years and have 2 grown children, also married
you OTOH, are still trying to find your FIRST REAL girl friend...

so if you have a "philosophy" for winning "the game"
then please explain the COMPLETE lack of trophy's on your fireplace mantle...
otherwise, it ain't a "philosophy" as much as it is a "phantasy" and NOT reality
and honestly, I think that's about as far as you've gotten with this

« Last Edit: January 28, 2023, 08:59:02 AM by krimster2 »

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Re: Chișinău
« Reply #272 on: January 28, 2023, 09:22:22 AM »
I didn't say you had to kiss her ass.  But you do need to be respectful.  Do you understand the difference?

Why would you marry a girl who will cheat on you?  If you don't know her well enough to know if she will be faithful, then you have no business getting married. 
There are some basics.
Never go for a girl who has kids.
Never go for a girl who has ever been married.
Never go for a large age gap.
Never go for a girl who is fixated on money in a relationship.
Never go for a girl who has ever cheated in a prior relationship.
Never date a girl who dates "for fun."  The purpose of dating is to find a suitable partner for a lifelong marriage.
But you also must must offer the same.

Date for a minimum of 2-3 years to get to know each other. Make sure you are marrying for true love, and to build a family.

If either of you is lacking in any of those things, it's a recipe for disaster.

I truly LOVE women. Love is an action verb. I respect myself.

Husband's love your wives (action verb, not a feeling) ... Wives obey your husband's. The latter may be translated as respect. She must respect You. She can't respect you if you are acting like a woman. The polarity must be intact. Action and will are keys.

I'm not religious, but those are gems of wisdom in ancient Greek.

« Last Edit: January 28, 2023, 09:37:25 AM by Daveman »
The duty of a true patriot is to protect his country from its government. -- Thomas Paine

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Re: Chișinău
« Reply #273 on: January 28, 2023, 11:40:21 AM »
I truly LOVE women. Love is an action verb. I respect myself.

Husband's love your wives (action verb, not a feeling) ... Wives obey your husband's. The latter may be translated as respect. She must respect You. She can't respect you if you are acting like a woman. The polarity must be intact. Action and will are keys.

I'm not religious, but those are gems of wisdom in ancient Greek.

Husbands, [not husband's] love your wives the way that Christ loved the church.
Or husbands should love their wives like they love their own bodies.

Wives, obey your husbands the same way that you obey the Lord. [not husband's] 

I have no idea where you come up with the idiotic nonsense that being considerate of a lady and respecting her is acting like a woman.  That is how a real man acts.

Here's another bit of wisdom.
Husbands, live a life being considerate and understanding of your wives, and treat them with respect. 

Marriage is not one sided, which is exactly what you are suggesting. 

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Re: Chișinău
« Reply #274 on: January 28, 2023, 12:51:10 PM »
 Bee Fahmuh

besides growing up in a dysfunctional family...
you grew up in a religious one....

and I'm SURE that has NOTHING AT ALL to do with why you are where you are right now, right?
and that it's OTHER PEOPLE who are "lesser" and CLEARLY NOT YOU!
Gott mit uns?

ok, here's one fer ya!
what if GOD'S DEAD, and has been. for HUNDREDS of years, since the french enlightenment AT LEAST?
and so all your info is as useful as knowing the EXACT "number of angels that can dance on the head of a pin"
and that load of  NONSENSE just ain't gonna "cut it" fer ya

and with this bit of info, you coulda spared yourself YEARS of frustration
which, after all these years, STILL aren't OVER for ya...

you're the opposite of "WOKE" Bee Fahmuh
your brain's FAST ASLEEP at the wheel
and I ain't talkin about JUST how you view the world
but how you VIEW YOURSELF

one day you will awaken

« Last Edit: January 28, 2023, 12:58:40 PM by krimster2 »


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