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Author Topic: international travel  (Read 17953 times)

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international travel
« on: April 13, 2024, 06:53:14 PM »
in the next 48 hours Iran's Arak reactor is gonna get wacked by Israeli F-35s....
air travel is gonna be 'chaotic' after

Israel wanted to take out ALL of Iran's petroleum production/refining (cut their funding)
but Biden almost had a freakin heart attack
and bribed them not to and do nukes instead

unfortunately Ukraine ain't got this kinda leverage
noted Republican intellectual  'Moscow Marjorie" just went on record saying she HATES Ukraine cuz of the nazis and all
and it's her thumb on the house speaker, threatening to remove him, if he allows a vote on ukrainian aid

couple weeks ago, there was a congrssional resolution condemning Russian kidnapping of Ukraine's children
9 Republicans voted "NO" - they ain't gonna condemn ANYTHING done by Phutin and of course neither will the orange shit gibbon

next couple of weeks will be interestin for the afore mentioned gibbon
election fraud criminal trial regarding misspent campaign funds for porn star hush money to prevent disclosure during election starts on Monday
and a hearing on the bond posted for the appeal of the separate civil fraud trial over Real Estate valuations, turned out to be yet ANOTHER example of shit gibbon fraud!

it seems, the shit gibbons ONLY business model is fraud and his legal strategy is blackmail and intimidation and creating as many delays as possible using fraudulent legal claims
unfortunately,  this country has A LOT OF REALLY STOOPID, GULLIBLE people who believe everything he says, cuz they think he's their messiah leading them to a woke-free promised land
where abortions, and saying "Gay" are declared  immoral and illegal
thanks to the Orange Shit Gibbon and the political spending by the Marble Freedom Trust. a 1.6 billion dollar fund
connected to the Catholic Church, which has more cases of pedophilia than any organisation on the planet...

PS, if ya'll feel that anything I wrote above is 'in error' and I have hurt your delicate 'fee fees'
please submit proof of this error
otherwise take a tylenol

« Last Edit: April 13, 2024, 07:43:13 PM by krimster2 »

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Re: international travel
« Reply #1 on: April 13, 2024, 09:07:18 PM »
Wow, looks like it is all starting to kick off, we all got involved in defending Israel's airspace tonight:

Nearly almost nothing got through! Nearly all drones and missiles shot down!

A complete failure to land much of a blow by Iran.

Now for the Israeli response!

Is it going to be as you say Krim, we shall see.

What we know is that the stuff shot down tonight won't be making its way to Putin so potentially less for Ukraine to deal with.

If Israel/the West hit Iran hard and Iran is forced to switch from supplying Russia to defending itself/attacking Israel then it will likely weaken Russia's ability to get weapons from Iran. That could make things difficult for Russia in Ukraine in the months to come, less ability to hit targets in Ukraine with drones, etc. So potentially good news here for Ukraine.
« Last Edit: April 13, 2024, 09:18:51 PM by Trenchcoat »
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Re: international travel
« Reply #2 on: April 14, 2024, 07:14:39 AM »
yeah, that's the good part
cuz there are the remains of a few hundred Iranian drones and missiles scattered 'cross the middle east
that can't be exported to Russia to be launched at Ukrainian children

official scorecard of yesterday's 'game'

Iran launched 331 missiles & drones at Israel.

- 185 Kamikaze Drones - All shot down.

- 110 Ballistic Missiles - 103 were shot down - Only 7 reached their targets. (with one wounded civilian, a child)

- 36 Cruise Missiles - All shot down.

Iran is calling it a huge success as a 'face saving' measure
Biden is trying to put as much distance as possible between himself and Israel's response so the US isn't attacked as well (which IMHO is what he should be doin)
« Last Edit: April 14, 2024, 09:18:27 AM by krimster2 »

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International travel Trump rant slipped in
« Reply #3 on: April 14, 2024, 08:30:47 AM »
says, cuz they think he's their messiah leading them to a woke-free promised land
where abortions, and saying "Gay" are declared immoral and illegal

Love you like a brother, but

You are always trying to slip a Trump rant into everything.

Saying gay is illegal? Another leftist lie, prove it.

I know it's difficult but try to stay on the topic of that single point. 
Saying gay is not illegal in a single place in the USA.
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Re: international travel
« Reply #4 on: April 14, 2024, 08:56:12 AM »
google "don't say gay" and disney and desantis....
THERE YA GO!!!! can't say GAY in Florida, even if it's on yur own property, even if yur Disney
so ain't a 'librul lie"

you wanna a tylenol for yur hurt fee-fees?

if it was the 1860s you'd be one one of them poor southerners fighting for massa
while massa's sons were ALL livin large (like Trump during 'Nam - Massa's sons wuz all draft exempt to)
and the thing you was fighting for, was the economic system that made you about 25% poorer than those white boyz livin in non-slave states
back then ifn I told ya'll this, I'd be lynched fer sure as a 'yankee sympathizer'
nothin's changed, has it, other than the label ya'll give me

the fight ain't about woke versus conservative
it's about the morbidly rich (massa) vrs everyone else

the massas are playin ya'll like they always have
they know how to manipulate yur racism, xenophobia and other predjudices
to get you to act against yur own interests
just like them confederate boyz did
how'd that civil war work out fer ya'll?

Phutin uses the EXACT same plan to get Russians to fight for him

what you call a 'librul rant' is my appeal to ya'll to open yur eyes
before ya'll end up like them confederates and russians

and lastly,
I haz established connection between my 'message' and current events in Russia/Ukraine
so my post is not "verboten" accordin to the rules
« Last Edit: April 14, 2024, 10:26:25 AM by krimster2 »

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International travel, just the facts
« Reply #5 on: April 14, 2024, 10:46:33 AM »
"don't say gay" and disney and desantis....

Try to focus on the Saying gay is illegal part. That was YOUR claim, it's not true, not feelings
just the facts.

Disney was against an education bill that DeSantis supported.

Try to focus on the Saying gay is illegal part. That was YOUR claim, it's not true,
Look it up, I'll wait.
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Re: international travel
« Reply #6 on: April 14, 2024, 11:25:33 AM »
I said "illegal and immoral"
abortion is losing it's legal protection, and anything relating to gays is immoral to Christian Nationalists and therefor also losing it's legal protection

leading up to the education bill was the struggle over "Gay Day" at Disney
this offended Christians cuz they saw a rainbow flag (poor souls)
but the controversy turned Disney "WOKE"
and this offended Christian so called morality even more

so DeSantis decided to capitalize on that for his political gain
it's all VERY "straight" forward, not hard to understand this strategy

I really don't know anything about "the gays" i'm not part of their culture
but what I do understand is how autocrats need to find a victim to feed to the mob of haters they unleash for their political gain
it's why my family moved to the USA from what is now Ukraine immediately after the first (Don't say JEW) Pogrom
and for that reason, I just don't react to rainbow flags

« Last Edit: April 14, 2024, 11:53:45 AM by krimster2 »

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Re: international travel
« Reply #7 on: April 14, 2024, 01:37:18 PM »
I said "illegal and immoral"

Yes you did, proving I am right and you are wrong.

Next if you wish

The Disney gay fest first documented event, was in June 1991.
The educational bill came independent of anything gay Disney did or didn't do.
Disney protested the educational bill, not vice versa, like you claimed.

You can present an argument but you won't be able to stick to the point. Most libs
jump around like a squirrel dropped into a frying pan.

I am a free speech zealot, especially if I disagree with you.
« Last Edit: April 14, 2024, 01:40:11 PM by 2tallbill »
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Re: international travel
« Reply #8 on: April 14, 2024, 02:09:48 PM »
well then homey, you want me to show ya WHY yur NOT correct....
okey dokey then!!

turns out Disney operates an educational institution in Lake Buena Vista, Florida near Walt Disney World
called "The Disney Imagination Campus" and THAT DOES sound REALLY GAY if you ask me!

the genesis of this began over "Gay Day" and rainbow flags and IS NOT disconnected from it, as you imply, but an escalation of it

it escalated more recently during an election cycle featuring increasing right wing christian attacks that are POLITICAL,
what happened to "render unto Caesar" and stayin out of the secular world?
MONEY is what happened!

these attacks are being used to aid right wing polticians, like DeSantis and the bible sellin' orange shit gibbon, who knows the bible by heart LOL
and these attacks are funded by the billionaire donor class not because of their Christain beliefs, but because of their belief in greed AKA "keepitalism"

I don't understand you 'right wingers'
thought you guyz were advocates for 'freedumb"
are there exceptions to that, that those seeking freedom, can't be gay, brown, non-christian?

dem squirrels is good eaten alright, but I already hunted 'em to extinction here
no more squirrels

I aslo bagged me some "moles" they too small to eat
but they got the softest fur I ever felt

I ain't a librul
I is a marxist
marxists believe that labor should decide the basis of the distrubution of production and NOT capital (who will just give it to themselves)
especially since labor is ACTUALLY the source of all that capital in the first place when combined with the country's natural resources, which keepitalists will steal for themselves as well

consider that appalacia, one of the poorest regions of the country
has produced about $100 billion worth of coal
the people who dug that coal, got about 1% of that as wages, and black lung
oligarchs like Mr Peabody got all the rest
and never set foot in the mines

workers create a labor union for the enterprise they are employed in
then all unions unite as a single national union
the national union then becomes a political party and decides policy for the country
this is the essence of marxism
note: Marxism has nothin to do with Stalinism, don't conflate the two
under Stalin, workers controlled nothin

as you can image oligarchs don't like these marxist ideals at all
and that's why the purpose of oligarch media is to push their disinformation on ya, and make money sellin ya'll crap as well

oligarchs are economic parasites and not immigrants who DO A LOT of the hard labor in this country for small wages, so that oligarchs can take most of the fruits of it for themselves as profit
THAT's how it works here

thus far, you've produced nothin at all Beel, that logically disputes with counter arguments anything I've written in this thread...
and between you, me and a fencepost, I don't think ya can

« Last Edit: April 14, 2024, 07:13:00 PM by krimster2 »

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Re: international travel
« Reply #9 on: April 15, 2024, 09:45:40 AM »
you were right after all BEEL
I wuz in error!!

The Appalachian region produced about 1.2 Trillion USD worth of coal at CURRENT prices, not the old number I quoted
Appalacian coal miners only got low wages and black lung while oligarchs took nearly the WHOLE danged pie for themselves
and they didn't even bother cleanin up after themselves when they were done

and this is just one of the reasons oligarchs want YOU fighting over gay/trans issues inteada economic justice for the 'common man' workin down in the mine for peanuts
oligarchs don't give a flyin phuque about LGQT issues, but they KNOW THAT A LOTTA PEOPLE LIKE YOU DO! (AKA. "The Southern Strategy")

The Iranian missile score card DOES NOT COUNT "DUDS"
missiles that misfired, and LANDED in Iran, there were quite a number!!!
the duds ended up doing more damage to Iran, than the much fewer number that managed to hit Israel did to Israelis (only casualty was an Arab/Israeli teen girl)

as Iran calls it, a HUGE success

« Last Edit: April 15, 2024, 02:59:32 PM by krimster2 »

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International travel
« Reply #10 on: April 15, 2024, 05:15:17 PM »
thus far, you've produced nothin at all Beel, that logically disputes with counter arguments anything I've written in this thread...
and between you, me and a fencepost, I don't think ya can

It's a historical fact that the Gay days in Disney world came first. Years and decades before the Florida education
bill. You asserted that the education bill was written in reaction/protest to Disney gay days. That is absolutely
not what happened.

You have it 100% backwards. The gays reacted/protested the educational bill at Disney gay days...  after the
bill was written. 

I don't need additional logic, I am only stating the facts as they happened. You got the facts wrong AND in
reverse order. I know the difference between a logical error and a factual error. You can look it up if you
don't believe me. If I got the facts wrong it should be really easy to prove.

« Last Edit: April 15, 2024, 05:19:20 PM by 2tallbill »
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Re: international travel
« Reply #11 on: April 15, 2024, 06:59:18 PM »
"It's a historical fact that the Gay days in Disney world came first. Years and decades before the Florida education"

that fact is NOT in dispute, and I have NO IDEA why yur  creating some kinda 'semantic argument' over it...
as I previosly said...
"the genesis of this began over "Gay Day" and rainbow flags and IS NOT disconnected from it, as you imply, but an escalation of it"
in other words, the ongoing christian conservative backlash against ANYTHING LGBT+
first led to a conservative christian backlash over gay day at Disney (the happiest place on earth)
we'll call this "A"

and then later "Moms For Liberty" escalated this backlash by lobbying republicans to codify anti-LGBT legislation into Florida state law, that effected Disney's Educational campus
we'll call this "B"
to me this logic is VERY straight forward and quite simple to understand
first "A" then "B" 
in what way is this chronological sequence difficult to understand or the relationship between A and B?

however i'm startin to understand why ya 'think' the way that you do

when Obama was inaugerated President, he was scheduled to make a live televised broadcast to all the nation's school children
it caused such an uproar among conservatives here in Texas, that we had to bring signed notes so our children could listen to, OMG a Black man speak on TV
didn't have to do that for Bush or Trump for "some reason"

and the things conservatives don't wanna listen to or talk about all have certain things in common
« Last Edit: April 15, 2024, 08:05:32 PM by krimster2 »

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« Reply #12 on: April 16, 2024, 04:07:13 AM »
Let's look at your post to see what you asserted.

leading up to the education bill was the struggle over "Gay Day" at Disney
this offended Christians cuz they saw a rainbow flag (poor souls)
but the controversy turned Disney "WOKE"
and this offended Christian so called morality even more

that fact is NOT in dispute, and I have NO IDEA why yur  creating some kinda 'semantic argument' over it...
as I previosly said...
"the genesis of this began over "Gay Day" and rainbow flags and IS NOT disconnected from it, as you imply, but an escalation of it"
in other words, the ongoing christian conservative backlash against ANYTHING LGBT+

You are the one who inaccurately listed the cause and purpose of the education bill asserting that it was
in response to flags and gay day.

When in fact,  the reason that the entire Florida education bill was created was about teaching 157
and porno books teachers and librarians in various schools started using to promote/groom
young school children in kindergarten through 3rd grade

So I started at the genesis of your argument about the why. Gay day was unrelated to writing the bill.

You got the genesis wrong, the reasons wrong and the actual argument wrong. So in order to bring
sense to things, we have to start at the beginning where the wheels of your rant started falling off.

The purpose/reason of the bill is/was to stop teaching 157 pronouns (and growing) from kindergarten
through third grade kids. The radical left misnamed the bill so they could argue about something else
unrelated to the bill.

What happened is really simple if you take the time to look it up, but really convoluted if you look at
what the lefty's are saying about it.

« Last Edit: April 16, 2024, 04:09:01 AM by 2tallbill »
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Re: international travel
« Reply #13 on: April 16, 2024, 07:31:37 AM »
"So I started at the genesis of your argument about the why. Gay day was unrelated to writing the bill. "

clearly, ALL Christian 'hate-fests" towards brown people and gay people ARE related
in redneck states, gay people, brown people hatred is pretty much the only thing that brings in the votes for Republicans

yur attempt at creating an illogical "strawman" and attacking it, doesn't add to or subtract from my argument at all, it's one of them 'non-sequitors'

my assertion is:
that the ongoing christian conservative backlash against ANYTHING LGBT+  or Brown or Black
is designed to capture the vote of folks like you! and OMG! the plan worked, didn't it!

anti-gay day, don't say gay legistation, the border, anti-BLM are ALL connected in their purpose
these are the 'dog whistles' for conservative white folks

the billionaire donor class blows this whistle as hard and as much as they can, to get ya'll to vote to continue the economic 'status quo' for the billionaire class
and this status quo of the billionaire class that yur supporting, is diametrically opposed to yur own economic interests

demographics (In Numeris Veritas)
LGBT         7.1%
black         13.6%
hispanic   18.9%

total         39.6%   

white evangelicals   6-35%

yur "southern strategy's" dependence on white evangelical christians
is running into a demographic shift
by the end of this decade ya'll gonna be GREATLY outnumbered by those you hate,
and yur gonna push 'em ALL to the Democrats

this ain't a winnin strategy for ya'll, especially when you throw Trump in, who will eviscerate the republican party, by grifting it's election money and losing the 'RINO' vote as well

PS, Biden has upped the bribe for Israel to chill out on Iran
I'm not sure of the tactic, is it 'legit' or part of the public display to distance the USA from whatever Iran will do after

it will be a HUGE mistake for Israel to surrender this opportunity for a few measly billion
if Israel caves, expect jubilation and gloating in Tehran which will feed into their next attack

« Last Edit: April 16, 2024, 03:58:59 PM by krimster2 »

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Re: international travel
« Reply #14 on: April 17, 2024, 07:52:39 AM »

clearly, ALL Christian 'hate-fests" towards brown people and gay people ARE related
in redneck states, gay people, brown people hatred is pretty much the only thing that brings in the votes for Republicans

You are unable to stick to a single point and you reverted to calling anyone who disagrees
with you racist. I have a young family and other things far more important and enjoyable.
I am not going to waste additional time with this. 


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Re: international travel
« Reply #15 on: April 17, 2024, 08:13:24 AM »
MY single point, is EXACTLY as you just described it:

"...clearly, ALL Christian 'hate-fests" towards brown people and gay people ARE related
in redneck states, gay people, brown people hatred is pretty much the only thing that brings in the votes for Republicans"

and just like a B-17 bomber pilot
I ALWAYS know when I'm on target, based on the amount of flack I receive

I don't call the 'type' of Christians depicted in the below photo racist, cuz they disagree with me
I call 'em racists, cuz THEY ARE!!!
and there is PLENTY of evidence to support this hypothesis

why is it that folks who are OK with racism and discrimination
don't like to be called racists?

be honest with yurself

« Last Edit: April 17, 2024, 08:23:46 AM by krimster2 »

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International travel
« Reply #16 on: April 17, 2024, 02:03:03 PM »
be honest with yurself

I don't have to prove that I'm not a racist any more than you. The left need to prove that
they aren't racists because historically they have been.

Left wing socialist Adolf Hitler and all the leftist followers of Eugenics Were leftists.

Even today, poor black kids have to stay in bad schools, because if they got ahead, the
leftists would be out of job. Education is a jobs program for mediocre to bad teachers.

If a smart black kid is smart enough to get into MIT there are federal scholarships
and grants for them to go, but if you are 8 years old you've got to stay in the back of
the educational bus.

"I admire Margaret Sanger enormously, her courage, her tenacity, her vision." - Hillary Clinton

« Last Edit: April 17, 2024, 02:20:41 PM by 2tallbill »
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Re: international travel
« Reply #17 on: April 17, 2024, 02:12:58 PM »
my name is Krimster, and I've been programmed with racial predjudices almost as much EVERYONE else in this society, an unavoidable aspect of living here
but my predjudices are also somewhat different than yurs
but we BOTH got 'em

having these feelings is one thing
how you 'process it" is something totally else
you and I differ greatly in that aspect

« Last Edit: April 17, 2024, 05:03:55 PM by krimster2 »

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Re: international travel
« Reply #18 on: April 17, 2024, 11:24:44 PM »
I believe that to be correct, we all have prejudices and all to at least a slight extent racist depending on how those two terms are defined. Those may increase or decrease at different moments of the day, week, etc or in different situations.

So many people claim they are not racist, etc but very few if any are and often even those claiming someone is racist may be more racist than the person they are claiming it against. All the talk of not being racist is really a load of bull. In the West we know to deny racism or avoid talk of it to avoid problems with the law, most of us at least, some opening would rather express their feelings, i.e the fat right. Others try to hide it and claim to not be racist only for it to slip out at some point unexpectedly and if famous enough in the full glare of the media as some embarrassing celebrity moments have shown us over time.

Then there are the crowd who campaign against racism or actively confront the fat right or anything that they feel may be that way. They have always struck me as similar to gay boys in denial who say they are heterosexual, are really gay but don't want to acknowledge it and take against gays extra hard as the truth is so uncomfortable for them.

I think the main thing is to try to avoid being abusive or violent towards other races. Most people have their own standpoint but often in the West they hide it because we've been taught if we do otherwise we get clobbered by the law.

I don't think it's all a one sided thing though, there have been many people from different races I have gotten on with and feel no ill feeling toward, but as a group or as other individuals that potentially might vary occasionally.

The interesting point may be raised though is that can bring racist judgement as big being racist have a positive side? In the FSU we see that people from those parts may feel a greater sense of bond and possibly kinship. As a white guy myself though my features mag differ a little from many FSU folk I would probably be accepted and fit in with the majority easy enough. So in terms of looking for a girl that can make things a fair bit easier as I'm not handicapped by the race issue, being a UK (or US etc) guy may even be an advantage. If a guy is short and a bit chubby or something other issue that women berate in the West he can go to the FSU and not necessarily suffer so badly from issues that are a big disadvantage for him in the West. Go to non white countries and his 'white boy Status' puts him leagues ahead even.
"If you make your own bread, then and only then, are you a free man unchained and alive living in pooty tang paradise, or say no and live in Incel island with all the others." - Krimster

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Re: international travel
« Reply #19 on: April 18, 2024, 07:02:58 AM »
when ya look up in the sky at night
if ya 'connect the dots" you can see 'The Big Dipper'

if ya connect the dots in 'conservative politics'
you can see that ultimately, conservative politics is mostly funded by and for the benefit of massa'
and not for the common man

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Re: international travel
« Reply #20 on: April 18, 2024, 08:07:54 AM »
we all have prejudices

My 33 year old son won't date a redhead, he thinks they are ugly. I totally stopped dating women
under 5-5 when I was in my late 40's.

The difference is with how left and right do something is stark.

***Over simplification alert ***

The left throe money, government regulations and government employees at a problem,
The right tries to fix it.

Problem, Black and brown kids do worse in school that Whites and Asians.

Left solution: Spend double the money per student in inter city Detroit than they do in
West Palm Beach Florida

Right solution: Let parents pick which schools the kids go to.

University problem

White and Asians graduate from MIT in Stem fields at a far greater percentage than black or brown kids.

Left solution lower the entrance standards.

Right solution: keep the entrance standards or even raise them, but send the kid to Boston College.

26 to 28 percent of black students graduate from college, a full six years after admission at MIT.
Lowering the standards hurt the black students because they wouldn't have struggled at a
different school. Of the 28% who graduate most of them change fields to something less

The lefty solution seems kinder unless you dig into the results.
What's better? To feel good and superior? Or to fix the problem?

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Re: international travel
« Reply #21 on: April 18, 2024, 08:50:51 AM »
what becomes of the progeny of those who have been the white man's slaves for centuries, when it was a CRIME for them to be taught to read and write
in this country, black people have spent more time under slavery, then they have being free
no other group in the USA was ever treated this way, even Native Americans were taught to read
maybe this has some connection 'to the problem'

in case you wanna assert 'that's all in the past'
I'm old enuff to remember segregation, and went to a segregated school (until it was forcibly integrated by federal law)

black people have been 'separate and unequal' in America from DAY ONE
do you even acknowledge this?
if so, what remedy do you propose?

if you raise up Black People, a hand-up and not a hand-out
they are not an island unto themselves, they are a big part of this nation
we will ALL be raised...

« Last Edit: April 18, 2024, 09:24:31 AM by krimster2 »

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Re: international travel
« Reply #22 on: April 18, 2024, 09:36:12 AM »
A Florida man was stunned to come back from a European trip and – upon checking his phone bill – realize that he had been charged a staggering $143,000 by his phone company for using his device while overseas.

ABC Action News reported that Rene Remund and his wife had toured Switzerland last September and had even gone to a T-Mobile store to share his travel plan with his phone provider before leaving.

But the gigantic bill apparently reflected using some 9.5 gigabytes of data while overseas on a phone that had not been set up for international roaming.
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Re: international travel
« Reply #23 on: April 18, 2024, 10:02:49 AM »
you ain't pronouncin "international" correctly....
it's "internationale" like the French Tovarisch

maybe i'm a sympathizer subvertin ya'll, so ya don't continue as tools of the plutocrats and autocrats, or maybe i'm just a jokester
even I don't really know which...

either way, I plan on welcoming our future social benefactors
who are almost certain to arrive by the end of the next decade
« Last Edit: April 18, 2024, 12:55:42 PM by krimster2 »

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International travel
« Reply #24 on: April 18, 2024, 12:06:17 PM »
what becomes of the progeny of those who have been the white man's slaves for centuries, when it was a
CRIME for them to be taught to read and write in this country, black people have spent more time under slavery,
then they have being freeno other group in the USA was ever treated this way, even Native Americans were
taught to read maybe this has some connection 'to the problem'

Good lord! 100% of those were teaching laws were State laws enacted by Democrats, surely you know that.
Your point on Natives is even worse. Blacks have far higher college degree rate than Natives. The Dems/Left
don't think that educating black kids equally to others is a good thing. That was the point of my previous post.
The left in the US has a long history of holding Blacks back

if you raise up Black People, a hand-up and not a hand-out
they are not an island unto themselves, they are a big part of this nation
we will ALL be raised...

You are preaching to the choir, however Democrats/the left don't agree with you.
The hand out is most important because they don't believe that blacks can make it
without them.

They don't think that educating black kids equally to others is a good thing. That was
the point of my previous post. The left in the US has a long history of holding Blacks

The left = racism and controlling/restricting your behavior.
The right = helping you be the best with accountability when you make bad decisions.

FSUW are not for entry level daters
FSUW don't do vague
FSUW like a man of action. Be a man of action 
If you find a promising girl, get your butt on a plane.
There are a hundred ways to be successful and a thousand ways to f#ck it up
Just kiss the girl, don't ask her first. Tolerate NO excuses!


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