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Author Topic: international travel  (Read 17765 times)

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Re: international travel
« Reply #50 on: April 22, 2024, 09:32:30 AM »
what yur doin is called 'gaslighting'

Comer is dishonest and not acting in good faith!
he's tried once before to use a loan repayment for a pickup truck as evidence

and he's tried using a Russian disinformation campaign as evidence

and he's tried to fabricate fake evidence directly

18 months, and not a SINGLE PIECE of evidence that isn't FAKE, none, nada, nichy vo

but of course the hearings will continue up to the election
like the Benghazi hearings and Hillary's email hearings
funny, how so many of the top republicans chanting 'lock her up' were in fact charged with 'criming' like Flynn, Manafort, Steva Bannon...
even though a week after the election, Hillary was absolved of any illegal activity

YOU Beel, are proof that this strategy works, and that MAGA CAN fool some of the people some of the time, but not all...
Dr Geobbels was korrect, if you repeat a fake bribe story about Biden over and over, it shows up first on Google...

if to you, people who AREN'T FOOLED, should be labeled as leftists, that now includes a chunk of the Republican Party
who are running a 50 million USD anti-Trump ad on Faux News

and yes Beel, I did win, cuz there's NO EVIDENCE of Biden wrong doin, anymore than there was with Hillary's Emails
meanwhile what's yur 'fella' doin today, eh?

if LGQT+ issues are so danged radical and leftist, I wonder why Canada has a Dollar Coin honoring LGQT+ rights?
are they "GASP" communists!!!!

I don't see the sky fallin there cuz of it
and it ain't gonna fall here either

the online election gambling odds have shifted to Biden
and will get a LOT worse for 'he whose name must not be mentioned' after his week in court(s)

i'm guessin that you consider the ACTUAL LEGALLY filed charges against yur 'fella' in a court of law, are invalid and politically based
while the fake ones against Biden are real...
so I can't say you have even a tiny shred of objectivity

i'm tryin to save ya'll from yurselves
Trump has spent 73 million USD of donor money on his legal bills
he's sucking all the RNC campaign money directly into his own pockets, depriving house and senate candidates
he even wants 5% of THEIR direct donations

if you go Trump, you lose...end of story...
this time when you lose, it's not just the presidency
Trump will lead to a democratic house and senate

as I said, if this was 1861, I'd try to talk southerners out of succession
and as a result,  they'd hang me as a 'Union Sympathizer'
now I'm just a 'leftist'
much better

since you labeled me, do I gotta wear a triangle or yellow star of david, or...both...

I will say this, if 'somebody' comes for me one day
they will get the nastiest surprise any human beings have EVER received
and that's all i'm gonna say 'bout that

« Last Edit: April 22, 2024, 10:19:54 AM by krimster2 »

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Re: international travel
« Reply #51 on: April 22, 2024, 10:39:23 AM »
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Re: international travel
« Reply #52 on: April 22, 2024, 10:57:42 AM »

Ironically, I have 'faith' Beel, that time will reveal the truth to you....
and the truth won't depend on CNN, MSNBC, or other similar 'Gay Gazettes'  not read by True Blue REAL Americans

Somewhere over the Rainbow....

me a 'lefty' Beel?
haven't ya read the news lately?
the far left wants to hang me even more than the far right!
sheeeet, I gotta look both ways now!

I'm a Raygun Republican
who chooses country over party (a RINO is better off bein a Democrat now)

the MAGA Party will be skiing downhill after the election like a runaway train
even oligarchs won't touch it

the mountain top is where I wanna be
and not flyin over some danged cliff

ain't nobody got time for that

« Last Edit: April 22, 2024, 04:45:53 PM by krimster2 »

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Re: international travel
« Reply #53 on: April 23, 2024, 08:20:37 AM »
what yur doin is called 'gaslighting'

I am not going to tell you how to practice your faith.
If facts make you rant, then go do your thing.
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Re: international travel
« Reply #54 on: April 23, 2024, 09:50:04 AM »

ya mean 'alternative facts', now doncha...

is this what this is all about?
ya'll think yur fighten' a religious holy war against "woke"? and yur all like Knights of the Round Table Plotting the Dragon's Death?
sheeet Holmes. where ya get primo Ganja like that?

Lordy! Lordy!
what a weird freakin coincidence, that Vladimir Putin thinks that way to...
right...just a coincidence...I mean, right?

you know wht it reminds me of?
Werner Von Braun!
Werner Von Braun, he aimed for the stars, but hit London....

Moy droog...
last time you were in Russia, and 'somebody' asked ya 'some questions'
what did ya say to 'em...??

BTW, did you have to declare anything 'interesting' on your Russian VISA Application, what about prior Ukrainian trips?

at the heart of the matter, it's pretty freakin SIMPLE...
do not do, what is hateful to thy neighbor
thy neighbor is "different" and in a competing racial political demographic,
in which case thou shall create justification for putting his children in cages, and THEN put them ALL in cages

is this what Jesus commanded YOU to do?
to put some little latino kid, whose name ACTUALLY IS HEY-SUS!!!! grouped together in freakin overcrowded cages with a cement floor to sleep on, during the height of Covid?
do you know how many died????
of course ya don't...

in essence, if yur neighbor is 'different' from you,  it's Okey Dokey to bear false witness 'bout him, so long as you deny doing it after...
cuz that means ya didn't really say it, ergo yur honor, without any doubt, my client is 100% INNOCENT!!
cuz if YOU say yur innocent, why would ya lie about it? ergo, yur innocent...ask any 'Witch Finder' if this logic is not correct

you are not yur brother's keeper

somebody needs to update the King James Version of the holy book to the new modern, pragmatic version in common use today...known as "The Gospel of White  Dawg Eats Brown Dawg"
two dawgs enter, only one dawg leaves
what happens when one day, you ain't the one leavin?

I like how flexible religion can be, mega-churches all have flexible payment plans and HUUUUGE Gift Shops (all major Credit Cards Accepted - no need to change yur silver anymore!!)

Constitutionally protected, TAX Free!
and they don't hafta give a warranty of any kind, even an implied one, to those who consume their product...sorry, no refunds either...

salvation from sin, doesn't have to be perfect
as long as it looks like the set from "Leave It To Beaver"
moonshine and watermelon rine, and a possum rummagin through the garbage

First, become The Prophet
Then The Prophet Becomes The Profit (Monitize Your Message!)
Then The Profit puts some donation money into Local Politics and figures a way to use it to make EVEN MORE money from that as well (like rezoning to commercial!!)
local politicians are REALLY REASONABLE!!!
In Texas, $25,000 is the MINIMUM state level bribe, paid to the foundation of the wife of some state politician

Money is the official state religion of The USA
and everybody readin this, and you most of all Beel, are all gonna end up bein the sacrifices at it's altar...

and this is all explained in the Agnostic Gospel of,  "The Epistle of Bishop Krim of The Church of P.T. Barnum" and is therefor according to the Constitution of the United States of America protected speech
« Last Edit: April 23, 2024, 04:00:27 PM by krimster2 »

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Re: international travel
« Reply #55 on: April 25, 2024, 04:57:12 AM »

yur NOT fighting 'woke'
what yur ACTUALLY fighting is 'reality'
yur fighting reality with make-believe

my money is always on reality
so i'm bettin against your position Beel

no Army on Earth, can stop an idea whose time has come
so we'll see come November

I just love sayin "Told ya"
hope ya don't find it too annoying

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« Reply #56 on: April 25, 2024, 06:18:09 AM »

yur NOT fighting 'woke'
what yur ACTUALLY fighting is 'reality'
yur fighting reality with make-believe

my money is always on reality
so i'm bettin against your position Beel

no Army on Earth, can stop an idea whose time has come
so we'll see come November

I just love sayin "Told ya"
hope ya don't find it too annoying

Teaching 57 gender pronouns in Florida kindergarten to third grade time has come.
Whoops, you thought it was don't say gay because you read lefty news as if it's
the second covenant of your god.

Sending "women" with dicks into girls locker rooms is so popular that fathers are
going to form an army to support it. The White House website calls it gender
affirming care and has threatened to cut off school funding to schools that don't

You can find this on the Whitehouse website, but, Comer, Comer, Comer!
Comer, doesn't edit the Whitehouse website. Comer doesn't put rapists
with penises into women's prisons.

Your Lefty-Army is marching to these ideas that have come.

I posted links to photos of checks written to Biden for $250k but that is heresy
because your religion says that lefty saints, righty devil and Orange all of the
four horsemen. 

Don't look at facts, say the feel good words they tell you to say instead.

« Last Edit: April 25, 2024, 06:22:28 AM by 2tallbill »
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Re: international travel
« Reply #57 on: April 25, 2024, 06:53:37 AM »
James Biden, the president's brother, wrote that check to Joe Biden in 2018. It was labeled as a repayment of a personal loan.
read about it here

How many politicians, in Trump's orbit, Trump included, now have indictments, a bunch more yesterday...and we also learned that a National Newspaper made up fake stories to help Trump during the 2016 election, cuz they admitted it in court under oath

so if yur lookin for CRIME and can't find ANY
maybe yur lookin fer it in the wrong places AND FACES

but finding crime is NOT what the ACTUAL FUNCTION is of the Comer investigation...
it's to smear the opposition with lies
the same way that "Stop The Steal" was actually all about stealing the election
and those MAGA members chanting "Lock Her UP" were themselves later "locked up" while Hillary was cleared of any wrong doing a week after the election

Trump is FAKE!
gay people are REAL, Transexuals are REAL, the LGQT+ community is about 25 million strong in the USA
in the past, ya swept 'em under the rug and forgot about 'em
but now, you made 'em all pissed off and they all joined the democratic party....along with their families and friends, and they're almost as big as MAGA now, but better dressed!!!

if ya wanna decide what the social rules are for Trans Folks, conservatives should join the democratic party to have some influence over the matter
cuz after Nov, the republican party will not be deciding much of anything....and will have no capacity to influence this dialog
nor do they care to work towards a 'solution' when they get so much political benefit by projecting it as a menacing problem to folks like you

numerically, niumeris veritas, there's gonna be WAY more hetero 'pervs' than homo ones...
but yur not worried 'bout the heteros,, only 'homos'?
are you concerned that the Catholic Church has hundreds of pedophilia complaints in just ONE Diocese in the USA?
not on yur radar is it?
cuz it doesn't fit yur homo image, right?

i'm guessin it's because the only thing you hear on the media you listen to is:
Disorder at The Border
Evil TransSexuals from Transylvania
How slow Biden walks and talks
How Trump is sacrificing himself to protect us from a tyranical deep state - so send him MONEY!!! NOW!!! RIGHT NOW!!!!!

In political science, a reactionary is a person who holds political views that favor a return to the status quo—the previous political state of society—which the person believes possessed positive characteristics that are absent from contemporary society.

I freakin' LOVE "Leave It To Beaver" just as much, if not more than you!!!!
Gee Mrs. Cleaver, I REALLY like that dress you have on....

but 'dem days is LONG OVER....
the world's ALWAYS gonna change in the direction IT WANTS TO...
old farts like us, should GTF out of it's way, so we don't get run over

what's the big deal about pronouns, 'HE' asked?
and besides "Furries" are the real danger to America's youth and not Female Impersonaters

why such a big fella like you afraida 'faeries, eh?
even with yur size, somebody afraida faeries ain't gonna last a day in any American or Russian Prison
cuz somebody like me would sell yur white virgin ass to the LA Crips or Moscva Blatnoy fer some crack...
and I could get 'top rock' for a virgin like you...

sheeeeet, git over here White Boy.....and meet yur new friend "Tyrell" who just happens to be HIV+

oops!! the alarm just went off - time to wake up - it was all just a bad dream Beel....
just a bad dream.....


yur struggle against REALITY is a lot like "tilting at windmills"
and 'friends don't let 'friends do 'Quixotic 'stuff cuz it's too 'GAY', er I mean, oh nevermind....

Gay People, Tran-sexuals, this is the price you pay for living in a FREE SOCIETY Beel! right????

to me, it's a really small price that doesn't REALLY cost ya much...ohhh look a rainbow flag...yawn...

WTF would ya wanna live in some place like Homo-Phobic Russia?
who's gonna be YUR interior decorator there? - straight people? are ya kiddin me?
this is WHY EVERYTHING looks phuqued-up there, no Feng Shui even....
and then there's the wimmin's hair-styles in Russia, ya think that wouldn't benefit by having some homos, I mean Gays
GURL please...

and this is what yur gettin so worked up about, that yov'e become blind to the REAL things that threaten you...
« Last Edit: April 25, 2024, 04:42:53 PM by krimster2 »

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« Reply #58 on: April 26, 2024, 04:31:04 PM »
James Biden, the president's brother, wrote that check to Joe Biden in 2018. It was labeled as a repayment of a personal loan.
read about it here

James Biden received millions, of dollars the year of the loan, why pray tell would he be
borrowing $350k from Simple Joe?

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« Reply #59 on: April 26, 2024, 04:34:42 PM »

gay people are REAL, Transexuals are REAL, the LGQT+ community is about 25 million strong in the USA

Straw man fallacy – refuting an argument different from the one actually under discussion, while not recognizing or acknowledging the distinction.

Are you unable to tell the difference between adults and kids? You switch the argument
because you can't answer the one that I made.

Adults can do what they want,
BUT only with other Consenting adults.

Kindergarten through Third grade? Not for 57 genders. Adults? I don't care.
Men with dicks showering with girls? If adult and consenting yes. My argument
is about kids and non-consenting adults.

Do you get my argument yet? Stop pretending that gays, trans, etc. are part of my argument.

« Last Edit: April 26, 2024, 04:40:06 PM by 2tallbill »
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Re: international travel
« Reply #60 on: April 26, 2024, 05:44:25 PM »
who HURT you?

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« Reply #61 on: April 26, 2024, 06:52:39 PM »
who HURT you?

Are you are conceding the point? Or distracting from the point? 

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Re: international travel
« Reply #62 on: April 26, 2024, 08:36:08 PM »
I tell 'ya what...
for YOU, and YOU ALONE!!!!
I will give ya a 'pity concession, ok?

NOW thanks to your manly and humiliating rebuke, I see the error of my liberal elitist ways, and from now on will only watch Home Improvement Shows and old 'King of the Hill" re-runs on TV
and Donald Turnip

didja ever think that Donald Trump needed ya for an important special top secret mission...
but first, had to check yur loyalty????

and YOU can find out if YOU PASSED THE LOYALTY TEST!!!! for ONLY $49.95 at TrumpSneakerBibleCom

« Last Edit: April 26, 2024, 08:39:42 PM by krimster2 »

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« Reply #63 on: April 27, 2024, 02:39:39 PM »

didja ever think that Donald Trump needed ya for an important special top secret mission...
but first, had to check yur loyalty????

I didn't want Trump to be the nominee in either election 2016 or 2024.
Go back to your lefty projections and @$$umptions. Did you swear fealty
to Slow Joke Biden? Or Camel Toe Harris?

You can't accept facts or logic. There is no fact or evidence that could
make Biden guilty of a crosswalk violation. Biden is just as sharp as
he was 40 years ago (he was never smart).

When you get stuck you skip over the point as if it wasn't made. Or
you change the argument to me being anti-gay, trans, hating brown
people etc.

I like you, but you need to quit making hasty generalizations.   

If you want to know my opinion on something, you don't need to
guess, just ask and I'll tell you.
« Last Edit: April 27, 2024, 03:54:47 PM by 2tallbill »
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Re: international travel
« Reply #64 on: April 27, 2024, 04:05:13 PM »
ya think I made a " hasty generalization"????
me thinks not....cuz yur own words are what formed my opinion 'bout yur beliefs

me not get 'stuck!!!
me just see 'trap' you set and AVOIDED IT!!!!

me not lefty!!!
only look that way to you, cuz you so far to the right...

Gay People/ Trans People are all the by-product of livin in a 'FREE SOCIETY"
you can't have it BOTH WAYS....

You wanna attach yurself to MAGA FAMILY VALUES
then yur just a tool of the "RULING CLASS"

« Last Edit: April 27, 2024, 04:33:40 PM by krimster2 »

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« Reply #65 on: April 27, 2024, 04:20:06 PM »
Gay People/ Trans People are all the by-product of livin in a 'FREE SOCIETY"
you can't have it BOTH WAYS
I prefer USA and West over Russia, Iran, et al
I'd like to keep it free
I'm willin to fight to do it

You are regurgitating an argument where I already explained my opinion.

Adult vs kids
consent vs forced
You are arguing against an argument/opinion that I didn't make and that I
am not for. 


Adult vs kids
consent vs forced

If somebody doesn't want gays to be free, let me know and I will stand beside you
and speak out against the oppressors.
Adult vs kids
consent vs forced

Adult vs kids
consent vs forced

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Re: international travel
« Reply #66 on: April 27, 2024, 04:41:40 PM »
is that how EDUCATION WORKS???
instead of professionals deciding what to teach, we let rednecks decide?
instead of individual women deciding on abortion, we let rednecks decide?

guess what rednecks will be deciding after November....

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« Reply #67 on: April 28, 2024, 09:21:35 AM »
is that how EDUCATION WORKS???
instead of professionals deciding what to teach, we let rednecks decide?

The parents decide how many genders that should be taught to kindergarten
through third grade regardless the color of their necks, skin, religion or distance
from an egalitarian population center.

Can you can stay on one subject at a time? Tell me why a kindergarten kid needs to be taught
57 pronouns? or about sucking c#cks? Because rednecks aren't smart enough to love their
kids? Are black parents smart enough to love their kids? Then why force them into bad
schools? They should be able to send them to good schools.

Do you see how screwed up lefty's make education when they weren't kept in check?
Pronouns have an actual purpose in our language. Teaching young kids how to
communicate is far more important than conducting dubious leftist social experiments.

« Last Edit: April 28, 2024, 09:55:42 AM by 2tallbill »
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Just kiss the girl, don't ask her first. Tolerate NO excuses!

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Re: international travel
« Reply #68 on: April 28, 2024, 09:44:27 AM »
sheeeeet holmes
3rd grade handjobs were the GREATEST!!!
Talk about SURPRISED!!!
still probably the most important physical discovery I ever made!!!
OMG!!! Look At What it can do!!!!
and totally legal for me back then!!!! didn't even think about gettin caught or punished...
such sweet girls, and ya didn't even hafta take 'em to dinner!!!

I did stuff in the 3rd grade with those girls, that if I got caught doing it today as an adult, would put me in prison for the rest of my life!!! and the BAD PRISON, not Club Fed
so, I'm probably NOT the person whose opinion ya wanna consult over "Skool Sex" cuz I was VERY much in favor of it!!!

a-a-and another thing!!!
ya know why VETS can't get mental health care at the VA?
cuz the VA ain't there for the VETs, it's there to do "damge control" for the Pentagon's PR Dept
so the public doesn't blame the Pentagon for creating un-treated traumatized soldiers who become psychotic and "do stuff"
The VA is still trying to phuque VETS up, even decades after they left the service

Step 1 of VA mental health intake, is "perform danger assessment to community"
and I immediately saw 'the trap' right there, that they were gonna put me in, so I said "I feel better now"  and left....

you should be FAR more worried about people LIKE ME than Gay Cowboys in Drag reading short stories in skool
the FEDS keep 'lists' of people like me, to keep track of us
but NOT the gay cowboys
I hope you understand why that is...

The 'Real Threat' yur facing is the 1950s 'bubble' yur tryin to live in
is getting harder and harder to maintain as time goes by...

maybe, it's time to let go of it
you'll have to, sooner or later...

Gay Cowboy Literary Festival Day
is gonna be the least of the problems yur gonna be facing in the next decade
covid was just a tiny glimpse of what the future's gonna be like

In the next decade, there will be REAL FEAR coming yur way
and not the FAKE FEAR of Gay Cowboys being peddled by Republicans to get yur Christian Evangelical Vote

if you wanna 'buy' their product, be my guest, it's a free country, buy as much of it as ya want!
to me, it's garbage
all of it!

to each his own...
but the very same people who are foolin ya now, will at the end of the next decade...
be the ones living comfortably down in Vault-Tec
while yur family's left on the surface in the Wasteland

insteada being 'played' by them, I find it much more enjoyable to be one of those who  'plays them' instead...

« Last Edit: April 28, 2024, 01:31:01 PM by krimster2 »

Offline 2tallbill

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international travel
« Reply #69 on: April 30, 2024, 01:58:13 PM »
sheeeeet holmes
3rd grade handjobs were the GREATEST!!!
Talk about SURPRISED!!!
still probably the most important physical discovery I ever made!!!
OMG!!! Look At What it can do!!!!
and totally legal for me back then!!!! didn't even think about gettin caught or punished...
such sweet girls, and ya didn't even hafta take 'em to dinner!!!

I did stuff in the 3rd grade with those girls, that if I got caught doing it today as an adult, would put me in prison for the rest of my life!!! and the BAD PRISON, not Club Fed
so, I'm probably NOT the person whose opinion ya wanna consult over "Skool Sex" cuz I was VERY much in favor of it!!!

a-a-and another thing!!!
ya know why VETS can't get mental health care at the VA?
cuz the VA ain't there for the VETs, it's there to do "damge control" for the Pentagon's PR Dept
so the public doesn't blame the Pentagon for creating un-treated traumatized soldiers who become psychotic and "do stuff"
The VA is still trying to phuque VETS up, even decades after they left the service

Step 1 of VA mental health intake, is "perform danger assessment to community"
and I immediately saw 'the trap' right there, that they were gonna put me in, so I said "I feel better now"  and left....

you should be FAR more worried about people LIKE ME than Gay Cowboys in Drag reading short stories in skool
the FEDS keep 'lists' of people like me, to keep track of us
but NOT the gay cowboys
I hope you understand why that is...

The 'Real Threat' yur facing is the 1950s 'bubble' yur tryin to live in
is getting harder and harder to maintain as time goes by...

maybe, it's time to let go of it
you'll have to, sooner or later...

Gay Cowboy Literary Festival Day
is gonna be the least of the problems yur gonna be facing in the next decade
covid was just a tiny glimpse of what the future's gonna be like

In the next decade, there will be REAL FEAR coming yur way
and not the FAKE FEAR of Gay Cowboys being peddled by Republicans to get yur Christian Evangelical Vote

if you wanna 'buy' their product, be my guest, it's a free country, buy as much of it as ya want!
to me, it's garbage
all of it!

to each his own...
but the very same people who are foolin ya now, will at the end of the next decade...
be the ones living comfortably down in Vault-Tec
while yur family's left on the surface in the Wasteland

insteada being 'played' by them, I find it much more enjoyable to be one of those who  'plays them' instead...

You played along fairly well for a few posts but apparently two is your max.


« Last Edit: April 30, 2024, 02:03:52 PM by 2tallbill »
FSUW are not for entry level daters
FSUW don't do vague
FSUW like a man of action. Be a man of action 
If you find a promising girl, get your butt on a plane.
There are a hundred ways to be successful and a thousand ways to f#ck it up
Just kiss the girl, don't ask her first. Tolerate NO excuses!

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Re: international travel
« Reply #70 on: April 30, 2024, 02:59:17 PM »
as in #max number of drinks if I'm driving...max...or some other kind?"

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Re: international travel
« Reply #71 on: July 29, 2024, 06:52:22 AM »
Two major Japanese airports have already asked travellers not to ride motorised suitcases within their facilities, according to Kyodo news agency, while police are urging domestic retailers to warn customers of the strict laws concerning their use.

In recent years motorised luggage, similar to children’s scooters but powered by lithium-ion batteries, have become more common among travellers, while also being popularised by celebrities like Paris Hilton and Shilpa Shetty.

According to Kyodo, Japan currently classifies the electric suitcases, which are popular in the rest of Asia, as “motorised vehicles that can be ridden on roads only with the required safety equipment and a driving licence”.

Trying to imagine RWD members riding electric suitcases.   :ROFL:
Good women are not cheap
Cheap women are not good
(but they can be a lot of fun)


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