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Author Topic: Don't SLEEP For Me Argentina  (Read 2597 times)

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Don't SLEEP For Me Argentina
« on: November 16, 2024, 06:42:19 AM »
instead of fearing latins
have sex with latins!

as an example of the territory...
Argentina is about a year ahead of the USA with their Austerity Recession
everybody is broke there cuz of it, especially in cities, white collar jobs, etc

elegant, hot women EVERYWHERE, no dewds for them, cuz local dewds have NO MONEY!!!    (see PIC!)
kinda like somebody on this board back in his habitat...
who hopefully is able to grasp the fact that he's only slightly ahead financially in comparison to a Ukrainian man
and thus this approach ain't "bona fide" for a Midlands Village Dweller who eats meals at his mum's to save money

assuming that yur not one of the dewds who will lose income due to the coming austerity/tarriff/government lay-off recession

for those like me, who live in Texas...

Spanish is easy to learn to speak and read
flying time is almost the same as West Coast to East Coast in the USA from Houston to Argentina
Costa Rica only 3 hours from Houston

Buenos Aires has really good food like Ukraine
everything is cheap like Ukraine

a sheltered bay with beaches
tanned string bikinni girls with athletic "ripped" bodies who smile at you and ask in broken English where yur from

after some  Margaritas, latin women become very "handsy"
always touching you

they REALLY like dewds with Blue Eyes
but piss 'em off and they will KILL YOU!!!
Ukrainian women give ya "the silent treatment"
Latinas will freakin stab you
and next day cry over stabbing you
and beg you to have sex with them as a way of saying they're SORRY!!!

HOT AS HELL, but just as crazy!!!

warm nitroglycerine is VERY powerful!!!
sometimes it goes "BOOM"!!!

solution to the border crisis
is to only allow hot lookin latinas like Salma Hayak to cross over

and get a latin maid and cook and young concubine or two and a couple of muchachos fer mowin the grass

of course much better supply/demand ratio you go to them instead of them coming to you

you can help a young argentinian beauty of mixed Irish and Italian descent effortlessly immigrate
after Trump shuts the border

you are a coyote
who is allowed to smuggle one HOT LOOKIN LATINA
back to the USA
where you can SEXUAlLY DOMINATE her
or if you prefer...


you can just stay on Pornhub like ya are now, right...

the Incel Dilemma!!!

A Summary
Should they keep watching porn and masturbating or try to make enuff of themselves to do whatever it takes to get a WOMAN?

what did I do?
I did the money first, then women

Women is EASY if ya got money DAWG!

at Rasputin's the hottest strip club in Moscva
the "entertainers" were on a scale of 1-10 all 9+
completely naked
shaved mirror smooth
an entire squad of young naked Russian girls all stunning
and all trying as hard as possible to make eye contact with you
and if they do...
then they come over and sit in yur lap and put their arms around you and hug you and squeeze their boobs into you
then you give them money
and that's it...
until next time

the amount of cash you hand over is quid pro quo
with the club getting half

you really like the girl, negotiate direct with her
some of these girls are like OMG!!!!  stunning!!!!

they get recycled pretty fast with newer, prettier always coming

a single bitcoin, cashed into rubles
would last ya years and years at Rasputin's including, cover, drinks and girls and even passable meals
you could party there every week like this for YEARS off of one bitcoin sold on an exchange for cash in 10,000 ruble notes

you'd see so much Pooty Tang
that you'd be called in for consultation on complex gynecological issues

« Last Edit: November 16, 2024, 08:53:51 AM by krimster2 »

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Re: Don't SLEEP For Me Argentina
« Reply #1 on: December 04, 2024, 02:20:43 AM »
That's a cracking looking chick Krim :D

Is the Hispanic servant thing still something that goes on in California, Texas, etc?

It's no doubt a great way to have some fun with a beautiful young chick and get your housework done at the same time without the strings attached of marriage.

I don't know why guys like Beefarmuh don't get in on the scene. The best of course is like you say actually going to South America to live but keeping the place in the US to return to as and when.

If it were me I would rent out my place in the US for good income that would provide well for me in South America. Guys like Beefarmuh seem to be totally devoid of imagination and prefer to live their lives out in the same crappy way, toddling into work each day in the hope of eventually gaining the position above theirs and becoming the new old fart and aging out as they do so.

That's the fallacy of the 'career ladder' once you're on it, it all to often suckers people in to being held a prisoner to it. If you get off it hell you've just given up the chance of the better paying rung above you - it's the carrot on the stick to the donkey mentality to make the donkey obedient and work.

Beefarmuh has been suckered in by it, from what he describes his wealth as he already has enough to not need the next and final rung up - the old farts he is waiting to be retired off so he gets their even better paying jobs to become the new old fart with no real life just a decent pay check.

If I were him I would rent out my house, chuck in work and go with my wealth to South America and live like a Lord. If he did that now by this Christmas time he could be surrounded by South American hotties in a warm comfortable climate in South America. It's there for the taking and easy for him to do. Instead he prefers the life of an Incel working in sone boring Maintenance Job.

If I were in America that is what I would do, South America is literally Americans back yard. If I didn't have a girl at present and I got enough money together I would even consider going to South America myself next year or whenever for a change to the FSU scene. As with the FSU utilizing your wealth in a wealthy western country to live like a Lord in a poorer nearby neighbour is one of the best plays to make. Even if good income is given up in the West from a job great savings and good bargains can be had in the poorer country with the good hard currency from a property rental in the home western country. That can offset any loss of income and then other income in good western money can be sought abroad, etc.
"If you make your own bread, then and only then, are you a free man unchained and alive living in pooty tang paradise, or say no and live in Incel island with all the others." - Krimster

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Re: Don't SLEEP For Me Argentina
« Reply #2 on: December 04, 2024, 06:42:08 AM »
yes, latino domestics are popular
remember Arnold Swatznegger getting his latino maid pregnant?
if all latinos disappeared, white civilization would collapse 30 seconds later, if that long...

the problem is, that by the end of next year, many guys like Bee Farmer in the USA will be flat broke
cuz of Trump and Elon - WHO THEY FREAKIN VOTED FOR!

Then dear gentle readers of RWD, Krimster slapped his forehead so HARD, that he knocked himself out and fell to the ground

« Last Edit: December 04, 2024, 06:45:39 AM by krimster2 »

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Re: Don't SLEEP For Me Argentina
« Reply #3 on: December 04, 2024, 07:09:19 AM »
yes, latino domestics are popular
remember Arnold Swatznegger getting his latino maid pregnant?
if all latinos disappeared, white civilization would collapse 30 seconds later, if that long...

the problem is, that by the end of next year, many guys like Bee Farmer in the USA will be flat broke
cuz of Trump and Elon - WHO THEY FREAKIN VOTED FOR!

Then dear gentle readers of RWD, Krimster slapped his forehead so HARD, that he knocked himself out and fell to the ground

Yeah there's an up to date image of the son his Hispanic maid on Arnie's biopic on Netflix I think it is. Arnie visits his Hispanic son and he is a dead ringer for Arnie but an Hispanic version lol. Honestly even if Arnie disputed that he was his son which he doesn't no one would believe him as his son looks the same as Arnie did when he was younger only Hispanic.

Arnie's Hispanic son looks to be following in his footsteps with the weight lighting and acting. It's an easy play for him, Arnie I think believes in everyone making their own effort to get to where they want to be so it doesn't look like he is aiding him at all. In theory his son could easily get in Hollywood as is but it's depends on time & place sometimes. At the moment all Actors & Actresses are pissing their panties over AI. I find it really hilarious, all those Actors & Actresses that would clean up good and have big fat pay cheques being laid off for much cheaper computer generations lol. All of a sudden the mighty look like they may fall and there are tantrums a plenty because of it.

The idea of an Hispanic maid around that I could screw as an when I please is enticing :D They are all illegal so long as it's not too unwanted they aren't going to go causing trouble. It's a real easy in but guys like Beefarmuh fail to see the paradise that they could create and instead can only see so far as mooching into work each day. I wish I were reasonably wealthy in the US in a State near the border, the fun you could have there is just unbelievable.
"If you make your own bread, then and only then, are you a free man unchained and alive living in pooty tang paradise, or say no and live in Incel island with all the others." - Krimster

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Re: Don't SLEEP For Me Argentina
« Reply #4 on: December 04, 2024, 07:27:46 AM »
latin  culture is NOT politically correct
you can get away with a lot more in latin culture in a latin country
then you can in the USA with latinas cuz of USA culture influence

plus I freakin love all the gold/silver and minerals I find down there
a lot of prime spots that have NEVER seen a metal detctor

russians don't know about coca matte, they all pass out in potosi
the whole country of Bolivia is a mining operation
you gotta lotta indigeos, as well as Espana

everybody is getting "homogenized" i.e. starting to look the same
so race don't matter as much as culture and individuality
some really beautful girls there
all ya gotta do is reach up and pick the fruit off the tree
and then take a bite out of it
ya think ANY of them are GONNA SAY NO to El Blanco Diablo????

the drawback...
latinas are VERY volatile as well as violent
you gotta tame 'em or they're gonna scratch ya
so you will need to SEXUALLY AND PHYSICALLY DOMINATE them and show 'em who the freakin BOSS is
do not be afraid to pull those panties down and SPANK HARD!!!
« Last Edit: December 04, 2024, 07:47:11 AM by krimster2 »

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Re: Don't SLEEP For Me Argentina
« Reply #5 on: December 04, 2024, 01:37:05 PM »
latin  culture is NOT politically correct
you can get away with a lot more in latin culture in a latin country
then you can in the USA with latinas cuz of USA culture influence

plus I freakin love all the gold/silver and minerals I find down there
a lot of prime spots that have NEVER seen a metal detctor

russians don't know about coca matte, they all pass out in potosi
the whole country of Bolivia is a mining operation
you gotta lotta indigeos, as well as Espana

everybody is getting "homogenized" i.e. starting to look the same
so race don't matter as much as culture and individuality
some really beautful girls there
all ya gotta do is reach up and pick the fruit off the tree
and then take a bite out of it
ya think ANY of them are GONNA SAY NO to El Blanco Diablo????

the drawback...
latinas are VERY volatile as well as violent
you gotta tame 'em or they're gonna scratch ya
so you will need to SEXUALLY AND PHYSICALLY DOMINATE them and show 'em who the freakin BOSS is
do not be afraid to pull those panties down and SPANK HARD!!! :D :crackwhip:

That's one of the things I can't stand about the West, all of the politically correct bs. It's no fun living in the UK or the US which have it bad. Feminism in the West, in the UK has just made things so ridiculously uptight it's ridiculous. It's almost like a return to the days of Mary Whitehouse, you can't do it say this or that or theirs Feminist Women having a big beef over it and cry bloody murder over it.

Of recent there has been Muhammed El-Fiyad and some TV presenter guy that feminist women currently have a big beef over here. Even though the Harrods boss has passed they still want to go on a rampage over it, after the money of course lol. Women who knew full well why they were being hired and only had a beef over it many years later, they didn't wish to complain at the time as they would have lost the well paying jobs and perks of the job. They were so offended that they complained many years later once a payout out of El-Fiyad's estate might be in the office lol.

I would kind of love to live somewhere where men can be men and women can be women without all that politically bs getting in the way. South America sounds lovely but for me Ukraine is nearer so I'll probably set up there someday. Let's hope the EU doesn't mess things up there, or Putler.

I get the impression that in the West even a relatively small fish can become a relatively big fish in places like the FSU and South America. South America would be an easy play for our Beefarmuh particularly with his Spanish Language skills but he seems to prefer to be a small fish in downtown Hicksville, USA :-\
"If you make your own bread, then and only then, are you a free man unchained and alive living in pooty tang paradise, or say no and live in Incel island with all the others." - Krimster

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men - women
« Reply #6 on: December 04, 2024, 02:07:12 PM »

I would kind of love to live somewhere where men can be men and women can be women without all that politically bs getting in the way.

I have that with my Ukrainian wife.
And I don't even have to spank her to keep her in line.
I am having a lot of medical issues, and she takes excellent care of me.
A beautiful woman is pleasant to look at, but it is easier to live with a pleasant acting one.

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Re: Don't SLEEP For Me Argentina
« Reply #7 on: December 04, 2024, 03:27:36 PM »
when I was younger, I liked to GRAB A WOMAN'S.....

my wife DELIBERATELY misbehaves just so I SPANK her bare bottom
« Last Edit: December 04, 2024, 04:04:03 PM by krimster2 »

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« Reply #8 on: December 04, 2024, 04:15:28 PM »
One highly sexual woman I spent a lot of time with once asked me to slap her bare butt hard.  I did, then she said harder, but I refused.
A beautiful woman is pleasant to look at, but it is easier to live with a pleasant acting one.

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Re: Don't SLEEP For Me Argentina
« Reply #9 on: December 05, 2024, 07:43:40 AM »
FRIENDS, and I do mean, "my friends"

the first time ya meet a Ukrainian woman, there's tension...
to counter that, I like to do "Animal impersonations" to lighten the mood
for an elephant, I pull my pockets inside out for the ears
then I gleefully ask in Russian, "Do you want to see the elephant's trunk?" while holding my zipper with thumb and forefinger

sex starved Russian women go freakin crazy when they unexpectedly see an elephant's trunk sticking up in the air
then you can switch to using yur scrotom as a pelican's bill for the next impersonation which I call "A Pelican In Flight"

that shit will get ya jail time in the USA
but in Ukraine it leads to nervous laughter....
and then, dear gentle readers, whadda ya think happens after that?

Ukraine was made for degenerates like me, and not "sticks in the mud" like poor ole bee farmer

in Kazakhstan, it's the opposite
there, the women will "flash you" to grab yur attention, and have this sexy "look" on their face with an intense "eye-lock"
incels will fall apart when this happens

what's the point in dying
if ya never even lived a little bit

all you incels....
need to break on through to the other side
stop bein Betas by instead being a "man of action" somebody who DOES STUFF
instead of day dreamin about it

i'm sorry, but this is all I have time for today

Good Day
Good Health
and God Bless You ALL

and enjoy some freshly baked Powder Milk Biscuits
« Last Edit: December 05, 2024, 08:58:15 AM by krimster2 »

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Men - women
« Reply #10 on: December 05, 2024, 09:01:20 AM »
« Last Edit: December 05, 2024, 11:32:09 AM by ML »
A beautiful woman is pleasant to look at, but it is easier to live with a pleasant acting one.

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Re: Don't SLEEP For Me Argentina
« Reply #11 on: December 05, 2024, 03:14:26 PM »
what happened 'BRO?
slut shaming?

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Re: Don't SLEEP For Me Argentina
« Reply #12 on: December 06, 2024, 07:53:12 AM »
That was pretty funny Krim with the Elephant thing :D

I think I'll just go on a Doggie Training Course and see if I can apply the learning to women :crackwhip: lol.
"If you make your own bread, then and only then, are you a free man unchained and alive living in pooty tang paradise, or say no and live in Incel island with all the others." - Krimster

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Re: Don't SLEEP For Me Argentina
« Reply #13 on: December 06, 2024, 08:00:00 AM »
every soldier
every hunter
has to learn how to train himself, or you fail

you learn by doing


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