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Author Topic: Elena’s Models 2 Weeks Report  (Read 163531 times)

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Elena’s Models 2 Weeks Report
« on: August 24, 2015, 07:07:13 PM »
Elena’s Models 2 Weeks Report

Following some readings I did on this forum, a personal review of different FSU women dating sites and suggestions from Jone, I decided to purchase 3 months Gold membership to Elena’s Model. Even though I’m light years away from the knowledge of certain Hero Members here, I thought I’d share my experience to help future members of the forum to start their journey in the world of Former Soviet Union Women.

A few facts about me:
-   I’m 43 but apparently look early 30s --thanks to genetics I guess
-   I have kids in shared custody
-   I don’t speak/read Russian
-   I have never been to Russia/Ukraine
-   I know (or knew) very little about their culture
-   I learned about the FSUW about 2 months ago because an agency opened in Montreal and got lots of news coverage
-   I was about to signup with the agency and stumbled here through a Google search
-   Most of what I learned about FSUW (other than they are very beautiful), I learned from here browsing and reading through forum posts.

Elena’s is no POF.
I’ve been on Match, POF, Tinder and one thing that struck me from the get go is how many requests (better known as EOIs) I was receiving each day on Elena’s even though I use the same set of pictures as I used on the homeland dating sites. I had many dates from Match and POF but it’s a lot of work to stand out from the crowd. On Elena’s, I got EOIs from women ranging between 22 up to 46 y-o. So I got hooked quickly, good thing I was on vacation these last 2 weeks.

Through all the EOI’s I responded positively and the ones I sent and got a Yes, I initiated conversation with 10 women that I identified based on a these criteria:

-   Age range between 32-42
-   Has children (if has children = no then Age greater or equal 40)
-   Profile description must capture me and be longer than one sentence

Some conversations lasted 1 message, others 2, sometimes the language barrier is so difficult that you can barely hold a conversation. I had the pleasant surprise to get 2 long messages in Russian and man… Google Translate does an amazing job! It’s surprising.

Out of the 10 initial conversations, I am now down to 2 and this is where it gets interesting. For some reason, Russia seems to be my Friend. The two women I correspond with now are from the Moscow area and correspond easily in English. In our messages I find that it’s really important to ask them about their life in Russia, their kids, family, they are very proud of their country’s history and themselves as women who (in my age range) went through the USSR to Russia transition. They will ask you very subtle and direct questions to figure out if your values correspond to their strong family values. They know what they want and if you make a faux pas or try to be or act as someone you are not, they’ll figure it out.

After 3-4 days of correspondence on Elena’s I wanted to leave the messaging context of Elena’s so we went to personal email and I’m even already friend on Facebook with one of them. The one I’m FB friend with, we’ve started using Messenger yesterday and oh my God, this has taken our connection to a whole new level. In my quest to making sure I’m not talking to a dude, we talked about her work so she sent me some photos of her work and I was able to find her Google+ page where her portfolio is and I was able to correlate pictures from her portfolio to a bakeries’ website in Moscow. Also her FB profile has tons of photos, I probably saw hundred+ photos of her so I feel confident I’m talking to the right person. And it’s crazy how we connect and think alike on so many things; I don’t know this feels very different, refreshing, fun and exciting at the same time. The other woman, she has a verified profile at Elena’s (had to send a copy of her passport), very different in our emails. She seems very romantic and talks a lot about the life she’s dreaming of. She tells me a lot about Crimea, her family, Russian authors, history, it’s very interesting.

I don’t want to turn this into a who’s going to be voted off the island contest but on the flip side, this is no Tinder’s girl next door. I will keep corresponding with both for a week or two and then I will have to concentrate on one. I have decided to stay away from Elena’s for a little while because I simply don’t want them to see that I go to the site while we are having those very intense conversations.

For newbies, my 2 weeks experience can be resumed by:
-   Give Elena’s a try, I think it’s worth it
-   Be authentic and speak from the heart
-   If in business we say location, location, location, with FSU women it’s Family, Family, Family. You’ll figure it out quickly.
-   Show interests and ask questions about their culture, country and family
-   Be wise with the age gap even if you get requests from relatively young women
-   Do your homework, read forums here and pay attention to what some Hero members have to say.
-   Last but not the least, on Elena’s specifically, manage your 50 contacts limit wisely. Don’t go nuts emailing every girl who sent you an EOI.

Thanks for reading.

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Re: Elena’s Models 2 Weeks Report
« Reply #1 on: August 24, 2015, 08:25:57 PM »
I will keep corresponding with both for a week or two and then I will have to concentrate on one.

It doesn't hurt to keep contacting other ladies at Elena's and don't dump the women unless you're sure they're are incompatible or you decided to visit your favorite. You can spend weeks communicating with your favorite and then she disappears. Happens to lots of men. She may find a local man, she may have had another foreigner beat you to the punch or she simply decided you're not for her. Get the lady's phone number. You will know how interested she's in you based off her tone of voice and her willingness to let you call her anytime.
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Re: Elena’s Models 2 Weeks Report
« Reply #2 on: August 24, 2015, 11:39:32 PM »
Great advice, Billy

If you start this process, be prepared to meet someone that you would be afraid to 'lose' ...I have beaten a long-term keyboard romeo to the 'punch' - as I got on the plane within two weeks.

Please excuse the Curmudgeon in my posts ..he will be cured by being reunited with his loved one ;)

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Re: Elena’s Models 2 Weeks Report
« Reply #3 on: December 05, 2015, 02:23:25 PM »
Great advice, Billy

If you start this process, be prepared to meet someone that you would be afraid to 'lose' ...I have beaten a long-term keyboard romeo to the 'punch' - as I got on the plane within two weeks.

That feels like the greatest threat, that there is someone else out there ready to beat me to the punch.  >:( I just began about a month ago, and had thought to go in summer. But man... so many sharks in the waters. But I guess just look ahead, hope something lasting comes out of it. I have one girl in Kiev who I cannot believe I am hitting it off with thus far, though its far from closed.

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Re: Elena’s Models 2 Weeks Report
« Reply #4 on: December 06, 2015, 03:14:26 AM »
It's the same for us guys as it is for the girls. Dating/writing multiple people at the same time and can disappear off the market at any time.

Agree with the others, if you are still in the initial writing phase then I would not commit to just one. That will most likely end in loneliness for you. Also, some relationships never progress past mere friendship.

However, don't get me wrong. You should only be in constant contact with girls you see a future with. If you don't see yourself with one due to <insert big flaw> then I wouldn't take it further as it is just false hope and a waste of time for her.

Depending on how well your first meet goes you may be able to make her exclusive (without a marriage proposal) - you better be too or there will be broken hearts. ;)

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Re: Elena’s Models 2 Weeks Report
« Reply #5 on: December 12, 2015, 07:07:29 PM »
What ever site/method you use to locate a lady I have two pieces of advice for you. 1) Skype or an equivalent. You will get get a much better sense of the person with video calls than phone or messaging. 2) Get on a plane. You can exchange all the get to know each other messages etc till the cows come home and it is all of little value until you're sitting next to each other. You can spend months communicating and find each other all kinds of wonderful and fascinating and that can all evaporate in seconds to minutes when you meet in person if that "chemistry" isn't there. Been there done that, don't recommend it. Good luck to you.

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Re: Elena’s Models 2 Weeks Report
« Reply #6 on: December 12, 2015, 08:12:15 PM »
I disagree...

In the start...

I think it would be good to just spend some time talking to a few girls..

Ask questions and learn about the country and culture..

So you have a base to compare..
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Re: Elena’s Models 2 Weeks Report
« Reply #7 on: December 13, 2015, 09:52:53 AM »
Quote from: Ariovistus
That feels like the greatest threat, that there is someone else out there ready to beat me to the punch.  >:( I just began about a month ago, and had thought to go in summer. But man... so many sharks in the waters. But I guess just look ahead, hope something lasting comes out of it. I have one girl in Kiev who I cannot believe I am hitting it off with thus far, though its far from closed.

If you seriously suggesting you'll be another six months before getting on that plane then you'll be VERY lucky if you'll be exclusive to her or even a ranking candidate by then - sorry ... but W. Europeans can do a long weekend and go to the top of the queue.. :(

He who hesitates is lost ..this is a race. The first guy who shows he is serious will topple a keyboard romeo nearly every time
Please excuse the Curmudgeon in my posts ..he will be cured by being reunited with his loved one ;)

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Re: Elena’s Models 2 Weeks Report
« Reply #8 on: December 13, 2015, 10:17:10 AM »
One month.  I always gave myself one month to visit someone that I was talking to.  If I couldn't get my butt on a plane within one month, then I guess the woman just wasn't important enough to me.

Others will say differently, but it seemed to be a good benchmark for me.
Kissing girls is a goodness.  It beats the hell out of card games.  - Robert Heinlein

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Re: Elena’s Models 2 Weeks Report
« Reply #9 on: December 13, 2015, 08:49:52 PM »
If you seriously suggesting you'll be another six months before getting on that plane then you'll be VERY lucky if you'll be exclusive to her or even a ranking candidate by then - sorry ... but W. Europeans can do a long weekend and go to the top of the queue.. :(

He who hesitates is lost ..this is a race. The first guy who shows he is serious will topple a keyboard romeo nearly every time

I second this, thinking myself of taking a couple of weeks holiday out there this Spring-Summer, probably St. Petersburg, maybe Moscow, just costs a few hundred pounds from the UK. So figure I can roll in a bit of touristy stuff into the picture and check out the women along the way - in bars, restaurants , wherever - just a case of seeing one that gives you a bit of notice. Would be handy if anyone knows a decent walk-in dating agency where I could meet potential women also? Not really into all the dating tour stuff, a little costly and got too much of singles night look to them which I've had enough of over here.

Used to use this site a few years back when I thought I would give the correspondence thing a go to see how it would work out. Correspondence with girl in the Ukraine, letters seemed genuine enough - replied to most of my questions with down to earth responses, a bit before facebook etc was real big so no real way of checking online. Got to the point where we did a skype through the agency - she seemed nice and interested, attracted. Sent her some flowers which she wrote that she liked. Then started to correspond through Email (to make sure it wasn't an agency string along)  - but it was at his point contact dried up - guessing either the agency caught on/was a string along or she went with someone else, etc. For me it was not really an expensive experience or mistake so I was not really put out but just goes to show you can put in time and some small expenditure and end up with a no go even without the outright scams that ask for money.

So in all honesty I would rather just go over without trying to line up dates through correspondence. I kind of find it a bit weird writing letters to someone first before meeting/seeing them - sure it can happen, but as said above there's no telling if there's chemistry there. Better I think to meet the person first and make quicker progress face to face, being able to read each other. After all its the guy who's there with face to face where the relationships tend to happen not some message printout from some dude who she knows she'll probably never meet - that's my thoughts anyway.       
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Re: Elena’s Models 2 Weeks Report
« Reply #10 on: December 14, 2015, 09:02:44 AM »
I second this, thinking myself of taking a couple of weeks holiday out there this Spring-Summer, probably St. Petersburg, maybe Moscow, just costs a few hundred pounds from the UK. So figure I can roll in a bit of touristy stuff into the picture and check out the women along the way - in bars, restaurants , wherever - just a case of seeing one that gives you a bit of notice. Would be handy if anyone knows a decent walk-in dating agency where I could meet potential women also? Not really into all the dating tour stuff, a little costly and got too much of singles night look to them which I've had enough of over here.

Used to use this site a few years back when I thought I would give the correspondence thing a go to see how it would work out. Correspondence with girl in the Ukraine, letters seemed genuine enough - replied to most of my questions with down to earth responses, a bit before facebook etc was real big so no real way of checking online. Got to the point where we did a Skype through the agency - she seemed nice and interested, attracted. Sent her some flowers which she wrote that she liked. Then started to correspond through Email (to make sure it wasn't an agency string along)  - but it was at his point contact dried up - guessing either the agency caught on/was a string along or she went with someone else, etc. For me it was not really an expensive experience or mistake so I was not really put out but just goes to show you can put in time and some small expenditure and end up with a no go even without the outright scams that ask for money.

So in all honesty I would rather just go over without trying to line up dates through correspondence. I kind of find it a bit weird writing letters to someone first before meeting/seeing them - sure it can happen, but as said above there's no telling if there's chemistry there. Better I think to meet the person first and make quicker progress face to face, being able to read each other. After all its the guy who's there with face to face where the relationships tend to happen not some message printout from some dude who she knows she'll probably never meet - that's my thoughts anyway.     

You need to do what you're comfortable with. So you corresponded with one woman from Ukraine for sometime before it "dried up"? Why did it dry up, you couldn't keep her attention? How long was the communication from start to finish? I ask because it matters. I notice from your profile here that you've never made a trip. You need to understand most men who write and contemplate meeting an FSUW never make a single trip. Quite frankly it sounds as though the lady from Ukraine was serious and you were not.

Showing up in-country and shooting from the hip can be done but you should understand, it isn't easy. Much harder than doing it in your own country. Unless of course you have movie star looks, the body of a sculptured Greek god and more importantly, you speak the language. If you're real good at it at home, you can expect some moderate success at it in Russia.

However, if you want to maximize your time to be spent with quality ladies I would advise you to write and get acquainted with some before departure. The ladies you meet in bars in Moscow will be of the same cloth of the ladies you meet in bars in London.

The best advice I can offer you is to do lots of reading at RWD
« Last Edit: December 14, 2015, 09:50:29 AM by Faux Pas »

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Re: Elena’s Models 2 Weeks Report
« Reply #11 on: December 14, 2015, 09:37:12 AM »
Quite frankly it sounds as though the lady from Ukraine was serious....

That's what I thought, I too was serious and would have gone out to the Ukraine. Got a pic back with the roses she seemed pleased. Not really sure what happened whether her family found out about it, got cold feet, etc. Anyway, when I tried contacting her through my email the frequency of email got a lot less, eventually got a reply back but seemed to be some confusion - not sure if was difficult for her to access Email or what. Well, her pic was taken down from the website and all emails died up so was a no go in the end. A bit of a pain but like I said wasn't real serious as had not got to that point. I guess I was corresponding for a number of weeks, not that long perhaps 2-3 months in all. Like I say in the skype chat she seemed quite smiley, happy, pleased to see me, attracted even. Though of course it is said that many women keep several men on the go until  a deal is done so perhaps someone ultimately beat me to it - I think that may have been the thoughts on this forum at the time. Seems reasonable - though perhaps she just had a change of mind - don't think it was a case of a scammer as why take down her pick.

Anyway to present day - yeah know what you mean with learning the language, in all honesty I'm unlikely to master it but a bit of basic understanding may help. I really don't see the point in correspondence though, not only for the point above but that you only really get to know someone when you're with them. Otherwise its like shooting blind folded, lots of correspondence can pass but no hits. For me its the chemistry, eye contact and social interaction that build a relationship not a handful of letters with expressions that anyone could write. I'm not saying its a cert that I'll find someone but id I can get a holiday in with it then its a more pleasant way to do it I think.
"If you make your own bread, then and only then, are you a free man unchained and alive living in pooty tang paradise, or say no and live in Incel island with all the others." - Krimster

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Re: Elena’s Models 2 Weeks Report
« Reply #12 on: December 14, 2015, 10:51:12 AM »
She was waiting for you to say 'I will be there next week'.  You, sir, are the classic keyboard Romeo.  Let me be more specific.  There is a time for a first date, there is a time for a first kiss, there is a time for sleeping together for the first time.   You fell down on the first date time.  Especially with FSU women, once they have it in their mind that you are not serious, you have 'HOT POTATO' written all over you.

FSU women are more attuned to this.  You showed romance with the flowers but did not follow it up with the grand gesture.  I lost a woman I was dating because I was two weeks late in arriving for a planned trip.  My delay was work related, but she interpreted it to mean that I was not serious enough about her.  (She told her friend that she thought I was playing the field.)

And I know it has been said before but "the Ukraine" was an old Soviet Republic.  Ukraine is a country.
« Last Edit: December 14, 2015, 11:32:43 AM by jone »
Kissing girls is a goodness.  It beats the hell out of card games.  - Robert Heinlein

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Re: Elena’s Models 2 Weeks Report
« Reply #13 on: December 14, 2015, 12:05:29 PM »
That feels like the greatest threat, that there is someone else out there ready to beat me to the punch.  >:( I just began about a month ago, and had thought to go in summer. But man... so many sharks in the waters. But I guess just look ahead, hope something lasting comes out of it. I have one girl in Kiev who I cannot believe I am hitting it off with thus far, though its far from closed.

Tough love warning: Ariovistus, I don't know you so don't take this personally.
I am going to write my advice generally so that others reading this thread can
learn what to do/what not to do.

FSUW as a general rule don't go for indecisive pussies. So make sure you don't
come off as an indecisive pussy. FSUW don't do vague, so don't do vague. If
you want an FSUW the best thing to be is a man of action. You need to tell a
girl that you are arriving in February and that she needs to wear panties to the
airport that will look good hanging from the lamp of your apartment.

Visit one type blueprint
1. Don't write anybody until 2-3 months before you plan to travel.
2. Write hundreds of girls and ruthlessly narrow it down to one.
3. Get on a plane and go see her. Then romance her, seduce her and
sweep her off her feet.
5. Never recycle girls
6. Rinse and repeat as necessary

Visit many blueprint
1. Don't write anybody until 1-2 weeks before you travel
2. Ask a zillion hot girls to meet you for tea
3. Ruthlessly reject any girl who isn't the future Mrs__________ your name here
4. Never recycle girls
5. Once you find Mrs ___________ your name here, pursue her
6. Rinse and repeat as necessary.



« Last Edit: December 14, 2015, 12:07:34 PM by 2tallbill »
FSUW are not for entry level daters
FSUW don't do vague
FSUW like a man of action. Be a man of action 
If you find a promising girl, get your butt on a plane.
There are a hundred ways to be successful and a thousand ways to f#ck it up
Just kiss the girl, don't ask her first. Tolerate NO excuses!

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Re: Elena’s Models 2 Weeks Report
« Reply #14 on: December 14, 2015, 02:54:26 PM »
That's what I thought, I too was serious and would have gone out to the Ukraine. Got a pic back with the roses she seemed pleased. Not really sure what happened whether her family found out about it, got cold feet, etc. Anyway, when I tried contacting her through my email the frequency of email got a lot less, eventually got a reply back but seemed to be some confusion - not sure if was difficult for her to access Email or what. Well, her pic was taken down from the website and all emails died up so was a no go in the end. A bit of a pain but like I said wasn't real serious as had not got to that point. I guess I was corresponding for a number of weeks, not that long perhaps 2-3 months in all. Like I say in the skype chat she seemed quite smiley, happy, pleased to see me, attracted even. Though of course it is said that many women keep several men on the go until  a deal is done so perhaps someone ultimately beat me to it - I think that may have been the thoughts on this forum at the time. Seems reasonable - though perhaps she just had a change of mind - don't think it was a case of a scammer as why take down her pick.

Pretty much as I thought. She gave up on you. Likely found another or, didn't and you were the 4-5th man that wasted her time and she gave up altogether. Even in your description of the events there was no sense of urgency, romancing, wine dining and 69'ing. Sending flowers is a nice gesture but it is only a gesture. Trench, you need to actually be "sincere" in your search. At least sincere enough to put an honest effort into if you expect to get anything out of it.

Anyway to present day - yeah know what you mean with learning the language, in all honesty I'm unlikely to master it but a bit of basic understanding may help. I really don't see the point in correspondence though, not only for the point above but that you only really get to know someone when you're with them. Otherwise its like shooting blind folded, lots of correspondence can pass but no hits. For me its the chemistry, eye contact and social interaction that build a relationship not a handful of letters with expressions that anyone could write. I'm not saying its a cert that I'll find someone but id I can get a holiday in with it then its a more pleasant way to do it I think.

You in all likelihood will never learn the language. You'd do well to accept that right now. At one time I probably knew 150 Russian words. Truth be known now I couldn't muster 30. It's a tough language. You might be different but chances are, you are not any different than the other 95% of guys that grace this forum who never learn more than a few words.

Here's the deal, you're in England and it's a short trip for you but you need to ask yourself do you realistically have as much time as it will take to meet and romance women in the FSU. If you are going in to "wing it" by meeting them on the streets and in restaurants (stay away from the bars), it's going to take plenty of trips and plenty of time.

Yes, you can save much of that time through online introductions. You can weed out or include a number of women you've never even met through emails, phone calls and Skype. Much can be achieved before ever setting foot on the ground. From your few posts so far you've taken a very lazy approach to meeting women. Expect that your results will be lazy in return. FSUW are no different in the fact that they do expect to be romanced. You will have to work for that relationship much harder than you have at home. It will require your full attention and all of your time.

The times have changed, dramatically. These women have options and "you" likely wouldn't rate in the top 5. They'll no longer fawn all over you and drop to the floor with their legs in the air at a chance to meet you. The onus for a meeting is on you. All they are doing now at this point, is listening.

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Re: Elena’s Models 2 Weeks Report
« Reply #15 on: December 14, 2015, 05:06:03 PM »
Pretty much as I thought. She gave up on you. Likely found another or, didn't and you were the 4-5th man that wasted her time and she gave up altogether. Even in your description of the events there was no sense of urgency, romancing, wine dining and 69'ing. Sending flowers is a nice gesture but it is only a gesture. Trench, you need to actually be "sincere" in your search. At least sincere enough to put an honest effort into if you expect to get anything out of it.

You in all likelihood will never learn the language. You'd do well to accept that right now. At one time I probably knew 150 Russian words. Truth be known now I couldn't muster 30. It's a tough language. You might be different but chances are, you are not any different than the other 95% of guys that grace this forum who never learn more than a few words.

Here's the deal, you're in England and it's a short trip for you but you need to ask yourself do you realistically have as much time as it will take to meet and romance women in the FSU. If you are going in to "wing it" by meeting them on the streets and in restaurants (stay away from the bars), it's going to take plenty of trips and plenty of time.

Yes, you can save much of that time through online introductions. You can weed out or include a number of women you've never even met through emails, phone calls and Skype. Much can be achieved before ever setting foot on the ground. From your few posts so far you've taken a very lazy approach to meeting women. Expect that your results will be lazy in return. FSUW are no different in the fact that they do expect to be romanced. You will have to work for that relationship much harder than you have at home. It will require your full attention and all of your time.

The times have changed, dramatically. These women have options and "you" likely wouldn't rate in the top 5. They'll no longer fawn all over you and drop to the floor with their legs in the air at a chance to meet you. The onus for a meeting is on you. All they are doing now at this point, is listening.

Yeah would love them to fall to the floor with there legs in the air  :D  So did you manage to accomplish it? I see from you're profile it says your married. For sure, I don't expect to get to know Russian that fluent it would probably be like my French and German - a few textbook favorites the 'I would like...' p&q's just to get me the basics. Beyond that like you say its not likely to get further, but I'll need her to speak a reasonable amount of English at least to make the going easier. Hence why I'm guessing the larger Cities might suit me more.

What would you suggest I do in terms of effort towards a Russian lady? It may seem lazy just to turn up there but I really want to go on chemistry/feeling rather than firing blanks though correspondence. While my idea of a holiday approach may not seem serious I am indeed. Most of the girls in the UK following their US counterparts for some peculiar reason seem to be in a rush to make themselves as obese as can be. Now my diet has never been what I would have thought exactly healthy, yet I manage to keep to around 13.5-14 stone at about 6ft height. So they must be literally going out to deliberately wreck their bodies through massive overeating. Point being is that of the few decent girls that remain, well demand for them is high so I wouldn't underestimate how difficult it is to get a girl in the UK either. I have come to the point where I am literally willing to go the extra distance etc to achieve a relationship with a Russian girl. 
"If you make your own bread, then and only then, are you a free man unchained and alive living in pooty tang paradise, or say no and live in Incel island with all the others." - Krimster

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Re: Elena’s Models 2 Weeks Report
« Reply #16 on: December 14, 2015, 07:40:01 PM »
Seen pics of FP's wife.  She's a beauty.

In our circle of friends in Chelyabinsk, most of my fiancee's friends speak good English.  Some don't but only because they were lazy in school.

Trenchcoat, you have  lot of reading to do.  You're not even on the right planet yet.
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Re: Elena’s Models 2 Weeks Report
« Reply #17 on: December 14, 2015, 07:41:17 PM »
Yeah would love them to fall to the floor with there legs in the air :D  So did you manage to accomplish it? I see from you're profile it says your married. For sure, I don't expect to get to know Russian that fluent it would probably be like my French and German - a few textbook favorites the 'I would like...' p&q's just to get me the basics. Beyond that like you say its not likely to get further, but I'll need her to speak a reasonable amount of English at least to make the going easier. Hence why I'm guessing the larger Cities might suit me more. 

Yeah in a perfect world maybe but, it is what it is. That just doesn't happen for 99% of us unless you believe in fairies and leprechauns. If you plan on going you'll want to learn as much of the language as you can. Look around online you can find some free lessons that will help you master most of what you'll need to know rudimentary "get by". Having an understanding of the cyrillic alphabet would also be useful. If you are flying by the seat of your pants and meet women when you get there, how do you plan to distinguish which women know some English and which don't? An alternative is to hire a full time interpreter for another 70-80 bucks a day expense for your trip. For this approach I would recommend the bigger cities

What would you suggest I do in terms of effort towards a Russian lady? It may seem lazy just to turn up there but I really want to go on chemistry/feeling rather than firing blanks though correspondence. While my idea of a holiday approach may not seem serious I am indeed. Most of the girls in the UK following their US counterparts for some peculiar reason seem to be in a rush to make themselves as obese as can be. Now my diet has never been what I would have thought exactly healthy, yet I manage to keep to around 13.5-14 stone at about 6ft height. So they must be literally going out to deliberately wreck their bodies through massive overeating. Point being is that of the few decent girls that remain, well demand for them is high so I wouldn't underestimate how difficult it is to get a girl in the UK either. I have come to the point where I am literally willing to go the extra distance etc to achieve a relationship with a Russian girl.

I would suggest that if you are serious about finding a FSUW for a possible relationship that you get started writing/communicating with some now, before you go. You write/talk/skype and you plan a trip. Initially, you're not asking these women to marry you, date you or even like you. You're only asking to get acquainted to see if there is any possible chemistry. And yes, chemistry can develop before you meet. That doesn't guarantee any chemistry when you meet but, if your looking for guarantees, go buy a new set of tires.

Demand is high for a quality woman (or man) anywhere. You'll have to be at the top of your game in Russia to get a quality woman, too. Nothing worth having is going to be easy but, you can do this. Make the sacrifice and do what you need to do to get yourself in front of these women. Be sincere that you want to meet as soon as possible and follow through.

Forget that the home babes are too fat for me approach. That only reflects bad on you. Realistically they're not and further is, you just can't get one to date you that you can stand. The weight of the local gals, alcoholics, drug addicted, lazy, won't work, 5 lousy kids, 4 exes yadda yadda yadda. We've heard all of that before. Many of the guys here will agree with you and that sentiment 100% but, the truth is, you're not what the hot, quality local babes are after or you wouldn't be here. Let's call it what it is. You can do this, find a good FSUW who would love to have a life with you but, you have to be a good WM. Are you up for it?
« Last Edit: December 14, 2015, 07:45:21 PM by Faux Pas »

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Re: Elena’s Models 2 Weeks Report
« Reply #18 on: December 14, 2015, 07:53:17 PM »
Seen pics of FP's wife.  She's a beauty.

In our circle of friends in Chelyabinsk, most of my fiancee's friends speak good English.  Some don't but only because they were lazy in school.

Trenchcoat, you have  lot of reading to do.  You're not even on the right planet yet.

Thanks jone. Yeah she's pretty hot but, I'm biased. In my wife's home city or rather in her's and my circle only a very few speak English. I often feel like the village idiot when in Tomsk

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Re: Elena’s Models 2 Weeks Report
« Reply #19 on: December 14, 2015, 08:02:51 PM »
Speaking of people not speaking or speaking another language..

just because they can't or don't speak does not mean they do not understand a language...
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Re: Elena’s Models 2 Weeks Report
« Reply #20 on: December 14, 2015, 10:13:09 PM »
Speaking of people not speaking or speaking another language..

just because they can't or don't speak does not mean they do not understand a language...

Really? How many languages that you don't speak do you understand?

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Re: Elena’s Models 2 Weeks Report
« Reply #21 on: December 15, 2015, 07:19:28 AM »

I would suggest that if you are serious about finding a FSUW for a possible relationship that you get started writing/communicating with some now, before you go. You write/talk/skype and you plan a trip. Initially, you're not asking these women to marry you, date you or even like you. You're only asking to get acquainted to see if there is any possible chemistry. And yes, chemistry can develop before you meet. That doesn't guarantee any chemistry when you meet but, if your looking for guarantees, go buy a new set of tires.

Just a thought here and a part of my reason for thinking of a just fly in approach, if I were to use internet/agencies how would I avoid the ones that are just in it for there day job? Scam I guess in the lighter sense of the word, those where writing to western men or getting the agency to do it on their behalf is just a form of income - whether for monthly fee or credit approach. Sure you can skype but there is no certainty she is not on the same deal - in it for her cut. I hear that there are loads of women out there that do just that - use it as their second job. Now I know you said there are no guarantees and of course I could cast a wide net when/if doing this, but still it appears a pretty random approach. Hence my thought on the fly in approach to just avoid all that as often it appears from many on here to turn up a dud.   
"If you make your own bread, then and only then, are you a free man unchained and alive living in pooty tang paradise, or say no and live in Incel island with all the others." - Krimster

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Re: Elena’s Models 2 Weeks Report
« Reply #22 on: December 15, 2015, 07:53:04 AM »
Just a thought here and a part of my reason for thinking of a just fly in approach, if I were to use internet/agencies how would I avoid the ones that are just in it for there day job? Scam I guess in the lighter sense of the word, those where writing to western men or getting the agency to do it on their behalf is just a form of income - whether for monthly fee or credit approach.

You don't. Those gals (or guys) are going to be there whether you are or not. Chances are you can't avoid them. Just learn to recognize them. You just have to recognize and realize when you smell a turd in pretty window dressing, move on. Don't apologize for it and don't feel bad about it. Budding relationships whether they are in person or online still have to have a degree of trust and is a 50/50 partnership. Without elevating your paranoia into high gear but keeping it easily accessible so that it does speak to you, explore each lady your interested in. If you're adapt to thinking with your dick, you'll probably get scammed at some point. If you do think with your dick, stop it or prepare to pay the price.

Sure you can skype but there is no certainty she is not on the same deal - in it for her cut. I hear that there are loads of women out there that do just that - use it as their second job. Now I know you said there are no guarantees and of course I could cast a wide net when/if doing this, but still it appears a pretty random approach. Hence my thought on the fly in approach to just avoid all that as often it appears from many on here to turn up a dud.

Listen to me closely, NEVER, never, ever, ever join an agency that is a pay by the letter or a pay by the communication. Never pay to Skype with a woman, never pay for her personal contact information and stay far away from any agency that desires to stay squarely between you and the woman for any length of time, ANY length of time. You'll want an agency like Elena's that has open communication directly with the women.

It is a random approach. How much more random can it get than the two of you perusing internet web pages and looking at profiles that interest you? What's wrong with that? Does it offend your sensibilities? If so, this isn't for you. Chances are great you will turn up many duds. Chances are great you will also be a dud for a number of women. You have to understand this early communication guarantees nothing. It's merely a start, an avenue to getting to know each other. That is something you do not have if you just show up and start from scratch.

You'll likely meet many online that interest you and then that interest can wane in a few weeks or even days. It works the same way for the women, too. Yes, they are likely to be communication with numerous men at the same time as you, why shouldn't they? You don't owned them, you have no claims to them. You're not picking out a puppy at a pet store. You are merely provided with the details of a few women with whom you might wish to open up some discussion, or not.

Your idea of the "fly in" approach is a bit disturbing. Do you have the idea that because you arrive in St Petersburg every female libido within 2 city blocks of you is going to heighten, women drop what they are doing to rush to you to hump your leg? I don't want to pee on your parade but, it ain't happening. When you contact women online they have at least had thoughts or discussions of a relationship with a foreign guy. Most women you meet on the street, restaurants or bars would never even consider it. Sure your winning smile and charming personality could win them over but, how has that worked out for you in UK?

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Re: Elena’s Models 2 Weeks Report
« Reply #23 on: December 15, 2015, 08:58:48 AM »
Trenchcoat -

You are way over thinking this.  Go to Lucky Lovers and Elena's and pay the subscription fee.  Find a bunch of gals you like and give them the benefit of the doubt that they are not scammers.

After talking to them for a short time, go to their city.  Have a backup plan in the event your date(s) don't work out. 

This isn't a huge commitment for you.  If it is, then you should stay home.  For tips on what to do on your trip, read the forum.
Kissing girls is a goodness.  It beats the hell out of card games.  - Robert Heinlein

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Re: Elena’s Models 2 Weeks Report
« Reply #24 on: December 15, 2015, 11:16:25 AM »
You in all likelihood will never learn the language. You'd do well to accept that right now. At one time I probably knew 150 Russian words. Truth be known now I couldn't muster 30. It's a tough language. You might be different but chances are, you are not any different than the other 95% of guys that grace this forum who never learn more than a few words.

I probably know 450 words and I know guys who are nearly fluent. I wouldn't
discourage a guy learning some Russian if for no other reason than it will keep
them busy and off the naughty midget porn sites.

FSUW are not for entry level daters
FSUW don't do vague
FSUW like a man of action. Be a man of action 
If you find a promising girl, get your butt on a plane.
There are a hundred ways to be successful and a thousand ways to f#ck it up
Just kiss the girl, don't ask her first. Tolerate NO excuses!


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