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Author Topic: The Struggle For Ukraine  (Read 486968 times)

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Bug Juice - Is it BAD for you???
« Reply #3550 on: July 25, 2024, 10:21:20 AM »
Bug Juice - Is it BAD for you???

I was lately reading a lot of extreme survival stories regarding "unconventional food sources" for emergency situations, and insects were a common theme
so i went in the backyard, and caught a bunch of random insects and put 'em in the "juicer" and got this greenish liquid....
as an experiment, I gave it to my dog, and it gave him diarrhea

based on the results of that experiment, I'm guessin ya gotta cook the bugs to eat 'em
fry 'em til they're a crisp golden brown, with a texture like the sun
with some of that gulden mustard

heck of a lot easier huntin insects, compared to Buffaloo...
and compared to a HUGE Buffaloo Rifle, an Insect Rifle will fit in yur shirt pocket

« Last Edit: July 25, 2024, 10:25:37 AM by krimster2 »

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sympathy for the devil?
« Reply #3551 on: July 26, 2024, 09:06:56 AM »
sympathy for the devil?

after all, he's only human
and isn't EVERY human being flawed in some major way, and as ye judge the sickness in others, do you not become blind to yur own?
every man is a sick man
some call it "original sin"
without really thinkin about "the origin" of sin and it's genesis

Epistle from The Bishop of Chersonnes upon his discovery that Luciferase is Bioluminescent
just before he freed the Sea Monkeys and released them into The Black Sea, where they dwell to this day...

tell 'ole Pharoh, let My Sea Monkeys GO!!!!

I continue my pursuit of burning Marijuanna crops, plant by plant.....

at Disneyland they have a sign that sez "You have to be THIS High, to get on the ride"
and I was like, dewd, I'm WAAAAAYYY HIGHER THAN THAT!!!!

good times...

This post brought to you by PowderMilk Biscuits, look for 'em in the familiar blue box in yur local supermarket
hmmm hmmm de-licious and nu-tritious makes yur breakfast more auspicious
PowderMilk Biscuits!!!

PowderMilk Biscuits is PROUD to support Kamala Harris for El Presidente Americano
Viva Che Communisto, Mucho Moreno!!!!!

Give us The Fritos!!!!!
or we give you banditos!!!!!

andele muchachos!!!!

« Last Edit: July 26, 2024, 11:41:37 AM by krimster2 »

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Remember Covid?
« Reply #3552 on: July 28, 2024, 08:55:38 AM »
Kool-Aid is a real "thirst quencher"
from Jonestown to Trumptown
every clown, wants to chug it down
to breathe no more, and drown

red state => dead state
according to the American Medical Assoc
states that priortized SAFETY over "business as usual" had MUCH fewer Covid deaths
in short, in God we trust, but the rest of you MFers better SHOW ME THE MONEY!

The estimated strong vs weak state restriction difference was 271 000 to 447 000 more deaths,
Texas Lt Gov, told us we need to sacrifice a few old people, to keep the economy strong
we are a government of the dollar, for the dollar, with liberty and freedom for the 1% to extract as much as it can from the bottom 99%
even during a once-in-a-century pandemic

Trump shutdown China travel, only AFTER major airlines VOLUNTARILY did so...
but chinese were coming in spreading Covid, through other routes that weren't blocked

Trump only acknowledged Covid, after a massive drop in the stock market, which concerned him, because it's an election predictor
Fox News and anti-vaxers are reponsible for the deaths of hundreds of thousands of their gullible viewers, who believe whatever BS they tell them
but they ONLY get sued, when they libel someone's business interests...interfering with someone's "cashflow" can't have that, now can we?
it's all about freedumb

Trump lied while Americans died
you should definitely go vote for him again and again and again...
and expect a different outcome....

and if gerrymandering and voter suppression fails, and you still lose....
you know what comes after that, RIGHT? (sound of AR-15 being cocked!)

Die For Trump!!!
Die For Trump!!!

those who live by a Trump Tower, will be underneath it, when it falls

the builder of towers, a head wound miraculously healed, professing himself to be the savior of Christianity...

Trump should go live on TV, and read from the Book of Revelations, and acknowledge himself as the Anti-Christ
I think it'd give him a HUGE boost in the polls

he should snarl into the camera....

"I will strike down upon thee with great vengeance and furious Anger those who attempt to poison and destroy my brothers
And you will know My name is the Lord when I lay my vengeance upon thee"

he'd freakin get my vote FOR SURE!!!!

yes, Iran we are the great Shay-tan!!!
and we're gonna go all Spartan on yur Persian ass

without warning, i'd nuke, with ground penetrator nukes, every single atomic site in Iran, and underground production facilities
and tell them they have 24 hours to surrender, or there won't even be two stones standing next to each other in Iran

everybody else, take note:
you so muh as break a bottle in the USA, and this is what we'll do in response
still wanna play this game MFers?

within 5 years at most, Israel will have an AI silicon dome
that automatically identifies, targets and launches counter-attacks against terror in real-time without human intervention
it tracks terrorists the way a lizard tracks a fly
it's able to track individual terrorists to their private outhouse in a process of elimination
teerorists afriad to sheet, become constipated, oh the horror!!!

Hebrew Skynet Oy Vey!!!

after the existing international order collapses in the 2040s, Israel will use Novichok-J
this saves on regular munitions which are no longer being made and exported by Europe or the USA

new Scandium polynitride explosive lens technology makes for even smaller micro-nukes, the coveted "lunch box" model
biggest source of Scandium is near Dnipro, Ukraine....
there will be a struggle over this
Russia and USA both want it
i'd like to get some myself!!

all you white folks, can't even see the references in yur own scriptures
whether they be biblical or the lyrics of Woodie Guthrie about 'ole man Trump
or the conman on CBS named Trump who wanted to build a wall

your own IGNORANCE and stupidity are the cords that bind you
and not others who, unlike you, have already cut their cords

free at last!
free at last!

Childless Cat Ladies are the new "Witches" to be served up to the inquisition's noose

What Trump realized about Christians, is that their strongest desire is to punish all those not like them, in order to validate their own "goodness" contrasted to the other's evil
and Trump figured out how to "sell it to them" and monetize it and get votes and $$$
Trump is one of the smartest conmen of all time, instinctively knows who and how to con all different kinds of people, Trump University, Trump Cancer Charity, yada yada
combine with a huge population of uneducated southern evangelical Christians, and whadda ye get?

an orange shit gibbon leading a mob of hillbilly's to cut taxes for the billionaires

only noobs trade silver for profit on the temple steps these days, like corner dealers...
we got hedge funds based off of health insurance premiums now trading on margins
this ain't "no foolin around" with the ole "high purity" scam with silver shekels oh yes sir, the lord shall be more pleased with these, and don't forget to stop by the gift shop sir!


I am the Mark of the beast
who can genetically modify yeast
and, I can drink more BEEEEEERRRRR
than anyone else HEEEEERRRRREEEEEE

I can beat ANYONE at DO-MI-NOS....

I can read the future, the way some men can read the sky
I am so phuqueing glad, that I'm gonna be dead as a doornail, when this all goes down
and there ain't no mortician good enuff to wipe that sheet eating grin off of my face!!!

I will be laughing at you for all of eternity
what a bunch of dumb asses
who keep doing the same stoopid sheet over and over and over

cause of death

he kept runnin up that hill
but never get to the top
cuz the hill just gets steeper and steeper
until he couldn't go on anymore
he thought he'd get a little sleep
he laid down, but never woke

Death of a Salesman
The Crying of Lot 49

whatchu lookin at?
don't make me go medevil on yur ass

« Last Edit: July 28, 2024, 08:14:09 PM by krimster2 »

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Re: The Struggle For Ukraine
« Reply #3553 on: July 29, 2024, 10:02:52 PM »
I have a hunch COVID was released on purpose. Basically people weren't dropping off like they used too. Stuff like Flu that used to see them off had become a relatively benign threat. So a new Flu was needed, one that was more effective. Isn't it strange how COVID is now not the big fear it was axcoyole of years or so ago, there has been no big resurgence as yet but it is still no doubt picking people off slowly and steadily most likely older people here & there. Sure the elderly etc can get vaccinated time and again, some will, some won't, but it will pick some off along the way especially as they get older.

I believe old people staying around too long was becoming a problem for societies around the world so COVID was created to counter that. It's doing what the old Flu used to do but no longer does. Old peeps staying in housing longer was creating an issue in the young being able to get in the property ladder and have children. Old people being economical inactive, unproductive, out of the work force for so many years was creating a problem. Old people surviving longer through repeated operations in hospital was creating a problem, etc, etc... So a way was needed to deal with the elderly, to get rid of them sooner. Global governments wanted their work force replenished with younger people and the elder were hanging around just far too long to suit global governments.

Now COVID has done it's work and will likely continue to do so, slowly picking of many people as they get older which is probably what was wanted all along. Only global governments couldn't just come out and say that they would have been uproar and objection on a massive scale to such a plan if openly made clear to the population.
"If you make your own bread, then and only then, are you a free man unchained and alive living in pooty tang paradise, or say no and live in Incel island with all the others." - Krimster

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Re: The Struggle For Ukraine
« Reply #3554 on: August 02, 2024, 07:34:09 AM »
The shifting winds of war...

Prisoner exchange means Putin is not confident in Trump's victory and Putin fears America being run by a woman, he doesn't want to be Merkled or Thatchered, cuz he's a short little feller
in other words, he knows President Harris will project herself as a "tough guy" and this will make Putin look weak, so best to negotiate with Biden, and it gives Biden a win, and a loss to Trump

Russians are changing their tactics
from large human wave "meat assaults" to small partisan groups who ambush and sabotage

thanks to Elon Musk's secret satellites launched for the Pentagon
the big AI machine in Fort Meade, Maryland
sees the corridors through the russian mine fields
and hits 'em hard whenever they see someone making a run through it to the Ukrainian side
meanwhile every can of Russian sardines shipped to the front, gets tracked to regional transportation hubs by the very same system and it correlates, identifies and classifies
werry werry super scarwy
call out the MLRS in a hurry

first F-16s have launched air-to-air in Ukraine
they should call themselves "The Flying Tigers" and use the same insignia
and Americans will "love them long time"

if America needs to escalate, this is one approach, we have hundreds of old planes that can be made ready, and piloted by American "volunteers" who receive instant Ukrainian citizenship by Presidential decree
in case we gotta cross the Yalu River

us Navy could station frigates with latest anti-missile technology near Odesa and block Russian missiles

US/Ukraine are working on a naval drone for use against Russian missile launching submarines!!!

ATESH has spread all the way from Crimea, to Muslim population in Russian Far East
next they will subvert tibetan throat singers

so if Trump is not going to save Putin
and Putin is not going to save Trump
you can still save
with 10% off on PowderMilk Biscuits

« Last Edit: August 02, 2024, 07:46:42 AM by krimster2 »

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Re: The Struggle For Ukraine
« Reply #3555 on: August 02, 2024, 08:22:21 AM »

us Navy could station frigates with latest anti-missile technology near Odesa and block Russian missiles

Besides being militarily (and financially) overstretched, Russia cannot deploy any new battleships in the area. Since the onset of war in Ukraine, Turkey closed its straits to transit of military vessels whose home base is not in the Black Sea, under Article 19 of the Montreux Convention. With this move, which senior American officials describe as “a very important contribution to Ukraine’s security,” naval traffic has since been suspended in and out of this inland sea.
A beautiful woman is pleasant to look at, but it is easier to live with a pleasant acting one.

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Re: The Struggle For Ukraine
« Reply #3556 on: August 02, 2024, 12:09:05 PM »
russia has 3 cruise missile submarines already in the black sea...
and according to Mr Checkov, plenty of "surface wessels" with drones/rockets
with bases from Crimea on up to way past Sochi, out of Ukraine's reach
all plugged into the Southern Russian rail logistics system...
all aboard the RocketsRUS-Express

not as much fun as goin across the Caspian at night with Iranian contraband, while chewin on some bitter Taliban Opium
BTW, if the US NAVY wants to go through the straits, who's gonna stop them, Turkey??? Hamas???Houthis??? Hell's Angels??? Heaven's Demons??? a K-POP Band?
ain't nobody gonna stop the US Navy
They don't go Mid-Way
They go ALL The Way

this ain't Gillipoli MFers, more like Tripoli
President Harris is like "SHAFT" and she's a bad MFer!!! (HUSH YUR MOUTH!! BUT, I WAS TALKIN 'BOUT KAMALA!)

l'il mini Pootin
will get ghetto-slapped up along side his little Leningradski head
all you white boys better grab your scrotums and run, Forrest, run!!!!

there's gonna be a new god-damned sherriff in this here town
and you white boys are already gettin scared
and yur physical reaction to this is yur pee-pees are shrinking..."I'm melting...a black woman made my pee pee melt" and then you let out a terrible shriek

OTOH, mine is so big, it can collect social security a year ahead of me and claims my testicles as dependents and it lives in its own tastefully furnished apartment!

the secret of PowderMilk Biscuits, is what kinda white powder we use in the dough...
you just can't stop eating them

Now you can buy frozen PowderMilk Pancakes with President Trump's Image on each one
and make PowderMilk Pancakes part of your morning communion with red raspberry soda and partake of the blood and body of Trump with your whole family

What could be more wholesome than this!!!!

so, my question to you is:
don't you realize that yur all crazy!!!!
but you think of yurselves as being normal....
yur the most boomerest boomers who ever boomed

all I was tryin to do, was to show you crazy white boomer boys, the contradictions in yur so called thinking

you need to learn how to adapt
and stop clinging to the way things "used to be"

get used to the idea, that starting about 10 years from now, NOTHING is gonna be like it used to be
even Entropy is not gonna be as good as it once was


« Last Edit: August 02, 2024, 02:39:20 PM by krimster2 »

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Re: The Struggle For Ukraine
« Reply #3557 on: August 03, 2024, 02:23:34 PM »
so...did someone mention russian submarines in the Black Sea?
not only did Ukraine take out 4 S-400 Air defense systems today in Sevastopol + earlier s-300, S-400, and even 1 S-500 system
only air defense left is babooskie with shotguns, "Hell's Granny's"
they also sank a Kilo-Class submarine, which is a Diesel and not a "Nuke"
it was used for launching Kaliber Cruise missiles,
but now it's an artifical reef for minnows in the bay...
a $3 billion equipment loss sub+air defense

note same place, has an older shipwreck from WWII, visible above the waterline
unfortunately, not a good diving spot....
locals say it was German

I suspect, that this is being done to remove air defenses in anticipation of future F-16 attacks to cut-off all Crimean transport and communication lines
if Ukraine does this, it forces Russia to either "up the ante" or fold
otherwise everyone in crimea will starve
no water = no agriculture = no food

all the top level Russians as well as Ukrainians are acting as though they expect the war to pause at the end of this year....
I don't know why, is it BS, or do they know something the public doesn't?

was Trump, Putin's only secret plan for winning the war?
and now that's not gonna happen?

meanwhile USA and Ukraine, learned everything there is to know about Russian radars, including their MANY weak points
yalky palky

Russians are starting to evacuate Crimea

after the recent shrapnel falling on tourists in Northern Sevastopol, there's only about 3 Russian tourists per week coming to Crimea
in the old days, the local economy depended on tourist season, the way the USA depends on Christmas season, there are no tourists now
which is OK...cuz the locals all got no more tourist hustlers...

all this, just to pursue Putin's dream of empire and glory
and if you disagree with Putin, off to jail you go

if it were up to me, I'd make it as easy as possible for "qualified" Russians to leave and come here for asylum

if Trump wins, I'm gonna apply for Asylum in Amsterdam...I can just kickback and smoke weed all day
Israelis would make me "do stuff" that I'm "not into" any no thanks, but thanks for the Anthrax Vaccine!!!!  and no record of it in the USA, sweet....

« Last Edit: August 03, 2024, 02:57:17 PM by krimster2 »

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Re: The Struggle for Ukraine
« Reply #3558 on: August 04, 2024, 06:56:34 AM »
so not only do Spanish speaking border hoppers do all the jobs that white people no longer want to do,
they also pay 100 billion $ per year in taxes for which they receive little benefit
in industries their labor dominates, like agriculture and construction, they keep the production costs down, benefitting the entire society
and as an additional bonus, Selma Hayak looking latin girls all wanna white boyfriend, so they can pretend to be white to!!!
and Spanish is freaking easy to learn dawg


so white hatred of brown(ish) immigrants, just ain't logical
it's being manufactured to play you white people
into voting for the billionaires, madison avenue knows "SEX SELLS" and so does RACE
but if you do that (low taxes on billionaires) the interest on the national debt will soon exceed the total amount of of all federal income taxes collected
what then holmes?
instead of billionaires paying the bill, you wanna put it on yur credit card?
who do you think's gonna pay that credit card bill...them...???
no, YOU ARE!

what happens when climate change causes food prices to rise...
higher inflation means higher interest rates
now the debt is an out-of-control chain reaction ready to explode
billionaires will be holding all the gold, while you'll be holding on to yur willy!!!!

this is not some far-fetched scenario of aliens or zombies
no, it is not
in numeris veritas

I modeled it in an Excel Spreadsheet to see what bond yield curves would look like...
good thing I have a Swiss bank account and can do FOREX and precious metals buys

I'm making a list of "enemies" in my neighborhood
after Trump loses, and there are MAGA riots all over Texas
I'm gonna sneak out at night and put Kamala Harris signs in my enemies yards
so the MAGA mobs will burn down their house
don't ya'll mess with a Texas Jew Boy, ya hear?
cuz I will get YOU to phuque YOU up!!!!

16 yr old Israeli boys could put on military fatigues and hitch a ride east and get close to the Jordanian border
wait until night fall and sneak across the border on foot
"hotwire" a car, and drive it back to Israel
and bring it to school the next day to show it off to yur friends
and eventually you could sell it to some old arab dewd
and this is yur "phuque-around" money
pretty much everyone I know in the Israeli mafiya started out this way
before they "branched out"

Eagle and Bear or Moose and Squirrel?
The greater the destruction and the more systems that have fallen part… the greater the anticipation of the Messiah's footsteps

as Russia becomes more like America, America becomes more like Russia

I like cookies!!!!

The Bishop of Chersonnes described heaven as being like an endless cookie factory, of infinite variety
being tended to by naked super models
and you could eat the raw dough or the baked cookie
and it was very sweet

and because of my faith
I do not fear death
for I love cookies

« Last Edit: August 04, 2024, 11:57:09 AM by Admin »

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Crimea OU812
« Reply #3559 on: August 06, 2024, 04:42:16 PM »
Previously on Crimea OU812
our plucky protagonists foced the evacuation of two Russian airbases in Crimea with Yankee and British mis-siles while destroying a Russian cruise missile submarine
in today's episode, a 3rd crimean air base has benn attacked, setting off massive explosions

meanwhile all Russian IL-76 transport planes have been grounded due to defective engines
Illushin management falls out window - it's why I always worked in the basement in Russia
better to fall upwards in Russia than to land ass-first on hard motherland

« Last Edit: August 06, 2024, 06:25:10 PM by krimster2 »

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« Reply #3560 on: August 07, 2024, 06:40:26 AM »
Arguments must be crude, clear and forcible, and appeal to emotions and instincts, not the intellect. Truth is unimportant and entirely subordinate to tactics and psychology.”
- Joseph Gibblet

why yur life sux...

Capital is using it's leverage to keep W-2 wage slave wages low (this effects everyone's income - even if yur not a W-2 wage slave)
while also grifting with politicial donations (free speech - corporations are people) to reduce taxes on themselves
this drove up the deficit, which will be primarily paid for by those same low paid W-2 wage slaves

then America's oligarchy will create monotized media platforms to tell the W-2 wage slaves that their real enemy is anybody who doesn't star in an episode of Leave It To Beaver
and that Christians will be given free reign to have as many inquisitions as they want
an autocrat needs to find someone in the lower classes to blame
and sell this idea to the classes right above them

the corporations took trillions away from the working class to give to their billionaire class
the American economy is optimized for the billionaire class to make as much money as possible
at the expense of workers who are barely keeping their heads above water

in 10 more years, the debt will be more than double what it is today...
and the social security trust fund will be exhausted
and either benefits cut or taxes raised to fix the shortfall of $150 billion/yr

in 10 more years, the interest on the debt will exceed all federal income taxes collected
while the rest of government spending goes on top of the deficit...every year

we just experienced the hottest weather on record (so far)
a large portion of the western hemisphere is gonna face a prolonged drought
which will impact agriculture
and raise food prices
which raises inflation
which raises the interest rate
which makes the debt explode even more

THIS is yur future
it's all there in the numbers

notice how sharply debt rose after Ronald Ray Gun tax cuts

the consequences of the debt/dollar explosion...
means Russia should move towards a cease fire
while spending the next 10 years rebuilding their military

then when the west's economy collapses, start the war up again, but this time with no USA or European weapons
and this time it will be a short war

Russia might find itself better off financially than the west...
cuz Asia has an endless appetite for all the raw meatrials it produces, and it's a very broad market
and Russia isn't a consumer society(not now) to the degree the west is
so the profits are spent by the government in building weapons plants instead of importing gazillions of wide screen TVs for gopnicks
in Russia, it's easy to buy cheese, but not so easy to buy a computer any more, except for those crappy "Long-Soon" Chinese PCs

IMHO, instead of contemplating the ways and means of acquiring post-Soviet Pooty Tang
RWD readers are gonna be much better off being a "prepper"
and get yurself ready for the coming collapsalypse,,,which is gonna be 100X worse than covid was

if yur on the titantic heading for the iceberg
i'd stand next to the lifeboat wearing two life jackets and a concealed automatic pistol (aka my lifeboat ticket)

« Last Edit: August 07, 2024, 03:03:33 PM by krimster2 »

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Re: The Struggle For Ukraine
« Reply #3561 on: August 08, 2024, 04:43:33 PM »

Good women are not cheap
Cheap women are not good
(but they can be a lot of fun)

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Re: The Struggle For Ukraine
« Reply #3562 on: August 08, 2024, 07:47:27 PM »
I wouldn't consider Kursk to be a separate front
it's actually part of the Kharkhiv sector of the war
this forces the center of gravity away from Kharkhiv
Russians are ALMOST within artillery range of Kharkhiv

about 50% of Crimea's air defenses have been destroyed
when Ukraine finishes this step
then F-16s will come and ruin everyones's day in crimea
by cutting off all supplies from mother Russia

in the south, not much action going on 'round Kherson
Ukraine is playin defense in the south, and offense in the East

since May they're flush with US ATACMS missiles
and F-16s have already flown first missions in ukraine

next year, the USA will push Ukraine into taking Putin's cease fire deal
by tellin Ukraine the expiration date on military aid

WWI and WW2 weren't two separate distinct wars, they were just Part 1 and Part 2
this war will be the same, if Zelensky takes Putin's deal, then Part 1 is over.....
and Russia focuses on rearming for Part 2

« Last Edit: August 08, 2024, 08:02:00 PM by krimster2 »

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Re: The Struggle For Kursk
« Reply #3563 on: August 09, 2024, 07:38:56 AM »

day 900, of Putin's 3 day war to take Ukraine
what's left of a Russian column near Kursk, hit by yankee HIMARS....

first successful ukrainian air-to-air intercept of a heavy Russian helicopter with a cheap FPV drone
means it's just a matter of time before they start showing up at airports in the USA

Airports will soon need air defense systems
and passenger planes will be equipped with anti-air counter measures

corporations will have to pay combat pay for those who fly

the brave new world that you can see emerging from behind the eastern horizon

all our prosperity from WWII on was based on borrowed money
what happens to "la dolce vita" when ya can no longer pay the bills?
when the interest on the total amount you owe, is greater than yur total income????

and why aren't we talkin about this, instead of Kamala's race, or sharks and batterys

« Last Edit: August 09, 2024, 07:55:29 AM by krimster2 »

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Re: The Struggle For Ukraine
« Reply #3564 on: August 13, 2024, 02:01:01 AM »
The Kursk offensive is probably down to this man:

Syrsky is an old Soviet army guy who has much training & experience and has risen up through the ranks over time. He was behind the successful defence of Kyiv and well as the soldiers involved of course. This manoeuvre gives me the impression that it's has his thinking behind it and now leading the Ukrainian army has the ability to deploy his tactics as he sees fit.

It's a good move and Russia are likely to have to move troops to answer it at sind point or it will be detrimental to Russia's war effort in general. Will be interesting to see how things develop in Kursk, maybe a major WWII style tank battle replay lol. Bringing up a few pieces of artillery may not be a bad idea, hammer a few of the cities around there to make the civilians poop their pants and go fleeing for the hills. Give them the same as Ukraine has had to endure and see how they feel.

It's certainly an embarrassing position for Putler to get into having Ukrainian forces now striking out into Russian territory and Putler no longer being the sole one to dish out punishment, it must be making him blush awfully badly.
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Re: The Struggle For Ukraine
« Reply #3565 on: August 13, 2024, 05:54:31 AM »
too many russian mines in Ukraine
OTOH, ain't NO Russian mines in Russia
ergo energo = it's best to fight Russians in Russia where you have much better freedom of movement to outflank yur enemy and wack 'em with Amerikanski abd Engliski missiles
aka "The Rocket's Red Glare" 

also, note how Russians behaved when Wagner appeared
it could lead to a 'zone of instability' that starts to spread across Russia
Russia is a house of cards
just waiting to collapse
it's why Putin has reinforced "La Guardia Nationala" in all major Russian cities...more fodder that can't be deployed to the front, so ya need more "soldier catchers" patrolling city streets
Russia is a swell country (if yur not a young Russian man from a poor family)
side benefit: a Russian city gets torn-up instead of a Ukrainian one

Russians = pridorki
DA! let's travel together in big clumps
to make it easy for us to be spotted by American spy satellites
who'll text our coordinates to the Cossacks with American Rocket Launchers

Russians are worse than the Japanese, who also did stoopid stuff in WWII
Banzai!!!! let's all charge American machineguns for the emporer!!!! let's hide in caves so the Americans will use flamethrowers....

Americans figured out right away how to take down the Japanese, who never were able to adapt
just like the freakin Russians
the movie MIDWAY shows you how American Naval Intelligence bagged the Japanese in 1942
TODAY, America is LIGHT YEARS beyond that
Russians can't even imagine how good US intelligence is in Ukraine

Russians and Japanese have been programmed to die, they're supposed to take as many of the enemy with them as they can
but it turns out, that with MODERN WEAPONS, this is a dumb strategy

Russians are fighting a strange beast they've never seen before
it's got American eyes, and Brritish and American Arms, and German legs and a big strong Ukrainian village boy body
and it's kickin Putin's ass HARD
and because of the top-down structure of the Russian Army, along with 100 other deficiencies, the Russians can't adapt either
the USA has learned A LOT about the Russian military from this conflict
and the Russians learned that if they ever fought the USA they'd REALLY get their asses kicked
so, that means, nothin but constant bullyin and threats from Putin spokesmen

"oh yeah...i'll murderize you..."
it's not really intimidating anymore
it's meant to reassure Russians when they start feelin inferior to the West
see how strong we are!!!! we can scare the West!!!!
ZZZZZZzzzzzzzz (yawn)

any potential that Russia and the Russian people have, has been stolen from them by the KGB->FSB
i've run my hands on the basement walls of Lubayanka Prison
and I felt the stolen souls
that went down into the drain below

the future has been stolen from every Russian
but they're too freakin dumb to see it
JUST LIKE the people in the USA

reality is always based on Inconvenient Truths
and that's why people instead choose to live by tacitly accepting the easier lies their masters tell them
cuz it's better to be a good prisoner than a dead or imprisoned refusnik

but the thing about slaves and that they make REALLY BAD soldiers cuz they have no motivating reason to fight other than to survive
nor do they cultivate the skills required, cuz they ain't professionals, more like an armed mob

« Last Edit: August 13, 2024, 11:17:22 AM by krimster2 »

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Re: The Struggle For Ukraine
« Reply #3566 on: August 14, 2024, 06:23:36 PM »
A great joke from Russia:

Putin, after 10 days of Kursk catastrophe, summons Stalin’s ghost :

Stalin: “What’s happened?”

Putin: “Nazis are at Kursk! My army is beaten! What should I do?”

Stalin: “Do like me 1943. Send best Ukrainian troops to the front, and ask the US for arms!”

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Re: The Struggle For Ukraine
« Reply #3567 on: August 16, 2024, 12:19:22 AM »
Here is a report on Russia's current economic situation:

An interesting situation. It doesn't look like their economy will collapse just yet but it's coming under increasing difficulty and is being stretched ever more by labour shortage. Inflation looks like it will become a growing menace to Russia going forward. So by Spring time next year Russia's economy could be starting to get into a particularly bad place and that's not good for continuing their war effort at the pace it has been.

This news report details the current military situation in the Ukraine War:

Russia is making progress in the East of Ukraine but at a slow pace and at great cost in men and probably loss of Armaments. Russia is running out of time so it's unlikely to make any big success there. Not long before winter now so Ukraine just has to hold on there and they'll probably be ok. It's Kursk offensive is going well and has probably taken slightly more territory than it has lost in the East with the Russians in the Kursk region being taken off guard and by surprise.

Russia seems to be chewing through it's soldiers quickly. I don't know about Ukraine it can probably be guessed not quite as quickly but still a lot as they seem not to be as willing to sacrifice troops as much having less available and are defending.

Even still it may be wondered if Ukraine will need to drop Conscription age again in the near future from 25 to maybe 23 possibly even 21 before a possible slow down in military activity on the front possibly next year.
« Last Edit: August 16, 2024, 12:32:09 AM by Trenchcoat »
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« Last Edit: August 20, 2024, 12:39:56 AM by olgac »

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Re: The Struggle For Ukraine
« Reply #3569 on: August 20, 2024, 06:58:22 AM »
Life is simple in Russia
it can be reduced to three basic details

the main purpose of the Russian people is to serve the Russian state
the main purpose of the Russian state is to enrich 500 Russian oligarchs
the main purpose of the 500 Russian oligarchs is to kiss Putin's jhoppa

and in Russia...this is all ye need to know....

Russians are "transferring" to OTHER PARTS OF RUSSIA further East anything that might be next on the list of ATACMS targets....
but ONLY after "they" (SBU,ATESH,CIA) took out half of the air defenses in Crimea, along with a Kilo Class undeseboat
it's a leetle bit late for such a move, shouda done it much sooner
but better late than havin 'em all end up on the bottom of the Chorny Moira

but even the Russian Far East is NOT gonna be safe!!!!
Proletarsk a satellite town of Rostov has had an oil depot on fire for 3 days now from a Ukrainian drone attack

get this...
post war, ya go to all the places Amerikinski ATACMS raketta were used
and with a metal detector, you dig up all the tungsten balls and sell 'em

russian missile electronics made by Mikron will all have gold packaging
so hunt those to!!!

post war
the battlefields will be full of treasure

and there will always be a need for "an explosives mafiya" in Russia/Ukraine
an unexploded 152mm shell has a $100 worth of TNT/RDX and it only takes a power hacksaw to open it

why do ya wanna pay all them "employment taxes" in Ukraine, maya sistruh
when you can be an "entrepreneur biznessman" and pay NO STINKING TAXES!!!!!

and when you wear those headphones all day
listening for faint signals coming from the earth
you'll start to "hear THEM"
the earth is tryin to tell ya some revelations

this is how I "got the flow" in Ukraine
I find all the things the earth tried to hide

Mongol arrowheads, nazi bullets, and turn them into Objet d'art for summoning spirits
you can do that in Ukraine, if ya learned how, from some old starooshka like I did

the stuff that somebody like me could do in Ukraine was just freakin mind blowing!!!!
once you master Ukraine, then do the same stuff in Poland, where it's 10X more!!!!!
it's INSANE there!!!!!

America has a similar "oligarch problem"
but it's aslo different from Russia's

In America, the oligarchs are worried about a falling white population and a rising brown one, and how that's going to influence future tax policy
so to boost white birth rates, they're outlawing abortion
cuz the purpose of white people in America, is to keep taxes low for billionaires

« Last Edit: August 20, 2024, 07:50:39 AM by krimster2 »

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Re: The Struggle For Ukraine
« Reply #3570 on: August 23, 2024, 08:02:08 AM »

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Re: The Struggle For Ukraine
« Reply #3571 on: August 23, 2024, 08:06:29 AM »
war at the wrong time

one of the lessons that Putin should've learned from WWII
is that during the 1930s when the west was in a financial depression, they appeased Germany
when Germany started the war, the West realized the war would lift them out of the depression

oddly enough, the 2030s look like it will be a repeat of the 1930s
with the West being in the grip of yet another major financial depression caused by the "debt bomb" and other crisis all converging
when the west financially collapses, Russia will be financially insulated from the West's Crisis
and by then will have converted it's ENTIRE INDUSTRIAL BASE over to the military

so, while the west's military industrial system declines
Russia's is at it's peak!

however, while Russia is looking at the former FSU states for reacquisition
China is looking at Russia

The real problem Russia has...
Putin is an idiot

Russians should have hired me as "a trouble shooter"

my biggest mistake, I married a Ukrainian woman becuz she was a freakin beautiful woman (what a dumb idea!)
when I could've married into one of the top Russian oligarch family and been their money launderer and "fixer"
and wear the tatoo insignia of our "family" and I'd be on the Board of Directors of about a dozen different banks and hedge funds

the really smart move for the US to make is to "sell" Russia to China...
it would be much more in China's favor to have Russia's far eastern coastline than to have Taiwan's
the US should encourage Taiwan to nuclearize and that'd be the end of any idea of a Chinese invasion real quick
so China can focus on undermining Russian economic control of the far east

the smart thing for the Russians to have done, was to make the USA an ally against China
picking China instead, was another big mistake by Putin
Russians are having HUGE problems with Chinese banks and payment systems
and this is why they're shifting to India

Putin's daughter is the head of "The Import Subsition Office" and handles hundreds of billion rubles of contracts...
can you imagine having sex with her?
I'd be thinking about ALL THAT MONEY!!!!!
and then I'd look down and see Putin's face with long blond hair

« Last Edit: August 23, 2024, 08:51:50 AM by krimster2 »

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Re: The Struggle For Ukraine
« Reply #3572 on: August 26, 2024, 04:10:32 AM »
Russia has just fired more than 200 drones & Cruise missiles, etc at Ukraine:

Looks like they are after smashing the rest of what remains of Ukraine's energy grid. My guess is that they are looking to make this winter a tough one for Ukraine and it probably will be as there is not much left of Ukraine's energy grid, less than 20 percent maybe less than 10 percent probably.

Russia in the meanwhile I would guess must be getting pretty low on cruise missiles and the like. Cruise missiles and similar cost Russia a huge amount of money to make and use. So when they let them loose it's a whole big pile of money going up in smoke. I think what Russia most fears is Ukraine holding out through this Winter as they know that come the Spring next year they are screwed when their Soviet stockpile of Armaments runs out and any progress their armies make in Ukraine grounds to a halt, maybe even goes in reverse.

That will be a time when Russia looks weak and it's weakness will be exposed to all to see. If they can avoid that then there is a chance to rebuild their weapons stockpiles a little and turn things around. If they run into the period of exhaustion then things may start to fall apart quite rapidly for it. We've seen Russia fall apart in WWI so it may only be a matter of time that it can go in the war now before the same happens next year and thereafter.
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Re: The Struggle For Ukraine
« Reply #3573 on: August 26, 2024, 07:10:09 AM »
The Pentagon is carefully lifting its restrictions on long-range strikes into Russian territory.

The Pentagon confirms that Ukraine's military strike across the Russian border conforms to US policy; the US allocates a new $125M aid package. Deputy Pentagon spokeswoman Sabrina Singh confirmed late last week that the US continues to support Ukraine and that US policy "allows Ukraine to fire back to defend against Russian attacks from the border region," which includes Russia's Kursk region and the border in the Sumy region.

Meanwhile, on the eve of Ukraine's Independence Day, US President Joe Biden spoke with the President of Ukraine, Volodymyr Zelenskyy, and announced a new military aid package. The package was provided as part of the US President's authority to remove weapons, ammunition, and equipment from US military warehouses. The weapons will be taken from Pentagon warehouses and will be delivered to Ukraine much faster than other military aid. The US Department of Defense clarified that the package includes equipment and ammunition for countering unmanned aerial systems (c-UAS), HIMARS ammunition, 155-mm and 105-mm artillery ammunition, anti-tank guided missiles (TOW), Javelin and AT-4 anti-tank systems, and high-mobility multi-purpose wheeled ambulances (HMMWV).
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Re: The Struggle For Ukraine
« Reply #3574 on: August 26, 2024, 07:59:53 AM »
this is the Pentagon's PR to Russia's PR
it means in the future, they'll privately remove these restrictions
and another of Putin's "red lines" will have been crossed

Putin is a paper tiger with almost no paper left


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