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Author Topic: what first rate pro-Russian propaganda is like from its master  (Read 3109 times)

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but who is the master speaker's master?
and what's FREAKING AMAZING, TOTALLY MIND BLOWING is the millions who believe this
just because you were watching this message over and over on American Pravda also known as Fox News

Trump's Truth Social media is directly funded by Putin's inner circle!!!! google it!!!   
so here is a video of Putin's spokesman speaking on his behalf
why can't ya'll understand that

Yummy Kool-Aid isn't it!

why did the world become this freakin stoopid
on the verge of the greatest catastrophe humanity has ever faced...

I am so freakin glad I'm a geezer and won't be here when it all goes down, most boomers will be lucky in that respect
we lived pre-apocalypse

I've prepared my children the best that I can for their future, and in the next low interest rate period I will sell all my property in the USA and GTF outta here into a safer zone

back a couple of years ago when I was briefly a bitcoin gazillionaire in the Russian far east
I made a spreadsheet for my GRU handler that outlined how to do a stealth attack on an adversaries banking system
kinda like how Soros leveraged FOREX against sterling

this explains the foundation of it
living in siberia was the most depressing period of my life
only bright spot was my moose friend who liked chips
now all the hackers are there working on "stuff"

« Last Edit: March 17, 2023, 09:09:56 PM by krimster2 »

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Putin spokesman to be arrested on Tuesday
« Reply #1 on: March 18, 2023, 09:45:56 AM »
apparantly, Donald J Trump just announced on Russian supported "Pravda Sotsialnaya", I mean "Truth Social"  that he will be arrested next Tuesday
and urges all real patriots to pull another Jan 6 "Peaceful Protest" (wink, wink) on his behalf again....
he needs a thousand new volunteers to replace the thousand currently in jail from the last peaceful Trump protest

currently, Trump leads over DeSantis as the republican nominee, but if you understand Americans,
then you realize that after Trump is arrested next week, this GUARANTEES he will be the Republican nominee for President...

Putin will change his military strategy accordingly
instead of March 2024 being the REALLY important date (HIS "Election")
it's now pushed to Nov 2024 (Trump's "Election")

if he can hold on to his gains until then and accept the massive, massive loss of life and equipment
and once more help Trump get elected
he WILL WIN the war

after he gets Trump to cut-off all aid to Ukraine (and return russian assets!)
and this causes the rest of NATO to reduce support as well
and then he slaughters Ukraine and turns it into a wasteland

the rude beast slouching towards Kharkhiv
was just charged with crimes against ukrainian children
100 times worse than Chiqatilla's
this same criminal once sent his agent to talk to Trump Jr about orphans
my question?
was it to share recipees?
do they "like" children?
especially "well done"
as opposed to al dante?

no more diplomatic conferences in Helsinki for RasPutin, North Korea might be OK though...
karma police arrest that man for Krimez Against Kinder

helpful hints for future survival in the brave new world
never throw away old, wornout underwear
use it to hide your microsd card with your bitcoin wallets under the brand label
militsa will not touch dewd's stained old underwear while searching
certainly gonna miss the thrill of Russian airports especially closed FSB ones

la dolce vita

« Last Edit: March 18, 2023, 07:31:54 PM by krimster2 »

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shootin & lootin with Putin
« Reply #2 on: March 19, 2023, 09:05:16 AM »
promo of Novo Kino
pol luskka pole style

stalin started out as a bandit to
before he moved on to mass murder
career paths in Russia seem to offer limited options other than following a cyclical pattern of theft and genocide...
"every generation shall know it's sorrow"

once you've already stolen everything in the village and there's nothing else left for you to steal there
you need to look at the neighboring villages
pillage a village

stalin said
it's not who votes that counts
it's who counts the votes
someone in the usa was listening
and understood
but that's so 2020....
what tool will be used for '24
look how much is at stake
failure, is not an option

facts be damned.
it's repeating what the rubes want to hear to make themselves feel all good inside

all warfare is based upon deception
especially class warfare

by the tingling of my thumbs
something wicked this way comes

« Last Edit: March 19, 2023, 08:46:30 PM by krimster2 »

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stalking Putin
« Reply #3 on: March 20, 2023, 10:12:20 AM »
the shaman (kerch bombing architect)
left the Siber "fire brigade"
and came to be inside the 3-ring highway
with a special satellite comm
to connect to "intelligenve"

Putin knows because he has infiltrated the SBU
same way SBU has infiltrated FSB

the hunter is being hunted

mass psychosis
after it hits it peak in about 2-3 more years
there will be an implosion

reality and anti-reality
if they ever come into contact
will explode violently
like matter and anti-matter

the XL spreadsheet I maintain as a ledger of Russia's accounts payable to the devil
can be used to project the butcher's bill into the future
based on different scenarios

if putin changes back to a less intense stage
to buy time at the expense of the expenditure of lives and equipment...
and  keep a reserve against a ukrainian offensive
then he can stretch the conflict out as long as he can into 2024

March 17, 2024          Putin's "election"
Nov 5, 2024               Trump's "election"

between now and then,
I see LOTS and LOTS of dead people
and old people dressed in rags begging for food in the ruins
as the Russian army is jackbooting down the street

SAME as it ever was....
SAME as it ever was....

The Evolution of Russian electoral interference
from 1963 Dallas, Texas to 2024 Mar-A-Lago, Florida

Lee Harvey Oswald, Paul Manafort and coming up ...........

whatcha laughin at?

« Last Edit: March 20, 2023, 01:55:37 PM by krimster2 »

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Re: what first rate pro-Russian propaganda is like from its master
« Reply #4 on: March 21, 2023, 02:50:22 AM »
How come Americans so often think everything that happens in the world is centred on them? There's no necessary (political) connection between what is going on in Ukraine/Russia and the US. It's almost like saying it's all about connections to UK politics. In Russia Putler can fix the political system in his favour through election fraud. In the West it's not going to get him very far, his reach doesn't extend that far.

Putler's main concern appears to be reforming the Russian Empire/Soviet Union territory boundaries. Looks like he is still feeling it over the loss of territory and national prestige on the break up of the USSR among other things. My guess is American he sees as America and not somewhere he relates too. I don't think he likes the West of course as we oppose what he is doing and no doubt sees us as an enemy. I just don't think there is any big connection with what's going down in America politics.

BillyB also had the view that there was a big connection but from a different angle, more or less the opposite one I guess as a Republican. I don't see the connection from any angle certainly no proven evidence of it just wild assertions.
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Re: what first rate pro-Russian propaganda is like from its master
« Reply #5 on: March 21, 2023, 08:54:16 AM »

if ignorance is bliss
then you must be the happiest person who has ever lived

hillary's emails and FBI leaks were both bought and paid for by Russians (google is your friend)
it was enough to turn the election to Trump....

you yourself were fooled by Russian Brexit disinformation to vote against Britain's future....
so look to your own behavior and beliefs about Russian influence on democracies...

the Russian chefs who bake the russian disinformatze
know how to make it taste REALLY good
they sprinkle some anti-immigrant spices on it
and folks like you gobble it up
cuz blaming immigrants for your position in life tastes SO GOOD

in the USA they put it in the koolaid
in the orange flavored covid-19/vaccine disinformation on Fox
to keep the profits coming to the financial markets
as it was killing workers by the thousands....
easy, peasy for Russia to jump on board that train
cuz you know how important Public health issues in the USA are to Russians
now Russians are urging Trump supporters to start a banking run to protest Trump's impending arrest...
awwww....see, they REALLY care about what happens to us....
but just not in a good way...

« Last Edit: March 21, 2023, 10:59:54 AM by krimster2 »

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Re: what first rate pro-Russian propaganda is like from its master
« Reply #6 on: March 21, 2023, 03:33:26 PM »

if ignorance is bliss
then you must be the happiest person who has ever lived

hillary's emails and FBI leaks were both bought and paid for by Russians (google is your friend)
it was enough to turn the election to Trump....

you yourself were fooled by Russian Brexit disinformation to vote against Britain's future....
so look to your own behavior and beliefs about Russian influence on democracies...

the Russian chefs who bake the russian disinformatze
know how to make it taste REALLY good
they sprinkle some anti-immigrant spices on it
and folks like you gobble it up
cuz blaming immigrants for your position in life tastes SO GOOD

in the USA they put it in the koolaid
in the orange flavored covid-19/vaccine disinformation on Fox
to keep the profits coming to the financial markets
as it was killing workers by the thousands....
easy, peasy for Russia to jump on board that train
cuz you know how important Public health issues in the USA are to Russians
now Russians are urging Trump supporters to start a banking run to protest Trump's impending arrest...
awwww....see, they REALLY care about what happens to us....
but just not in a good way...

Not true, yes there was all the rubbish about Data Analytica/Social Media rubbish but it wasn't really a big issue here. No one really paid much attention to the allegations as people don't have that much interest in wild conspiracy theories here, less so on that stuff though possibly more so on COVID. Some said they had proven links but there wasn't really any smoking gun. Some Remoaners jumped on it as yet another reason that Brexit shouldn't go ahead but little notice was taken of what many saw as more bleating from an aggrieved few.

I personally saw it as voting for Britain's future to Brexit from the EU. I didn't vote on disinformation nor I doubt many who voted Brexit did. It's fairly well known that a majority who voted for Brexit were elderly, those less likely to be on social media often if at all. I myself don't spend much time on social media and saw nothing about Brexit from it during or before the campaign. It's basically a foul play call by Remoaners that there was disinformation as they are bad losers. Most people including myself voted Brexit on sound beliefs much if which they came to be held years before the Brexit Referendum. Mostly these were based on our own experiences of being in the EU, namely big East European immigration into the country swamping the labour market and lowering wages while at the same time taking up much accommodation (2-3 million homes perhaps) pushing up rents & house prices. Also the strain on public services as a result of more people - remember many East Europeans sent the money they earn't back home. Issues also on whether they were actually paying tax. Then the EU charging us money to be a member and sending that money to Eastern Europe to rebuild it. Then all the issues it blundered, the illegal migrant crises from Syria through Greece - the EU did nothing but sit in its hands for weeks/months, the Greek default/Euro issue where Greece couldn't devalue to ease it's debt, etc, etc. There were several big blunders some I struggle to remember now where the EU did nothing even wanting to wash its hands with it saying it was not down to them to sort it out but at the same time being obstructionist to solutions it did like??? Just bizarre!

Anyway, here's an article out today on Ukraine's ambition to join the EU:

Possibly slightly pro EU perhaps but raises some good points I think. Personally I think it would have been better had Eastern Europe had their own separate version off the EU (not tied to Russia) after the end of the USSR. Had it done so we would still be in the EU, wouldn't have been flooded with Polish immigrants and Russia may not have invaded Ukraine. I personally don't see Ukraine joining the EU despite all the good words that's all they are, Ukraine is just too much of a basket case for a now debt ladened EU to take on.

Now look at how well the UK has done already since leaving the EU. We've signed into a major strategic alliance with the US - AUKUS, to which the US & UK are already benefiting with nuclear submarine contract deals with Australia. We've signed many trade deals and still have more we can do. And we got the COVID vaccine ahead of the EU saving many more if our citizens lives as a result. Had we stayed in the EU we would have had to hand over the bulk of our vaccines into their 'scheme' for them to divide up with other EU member states - yes the EU at it's best of a slow process while people are dying around them while they issue dumbfounded bureaucratic reasons as to why it's taking so long. Even if they had the vaccine earlier as a result I'm pretty sure they would have stored it while endless paperwork was done before eventually finally releasing it. The only reason it wasn't any slower was that the EU were embarrassed that the newly independent UK was already showing it up with the speed of our vaccine response.

Sure we may have had a couple of minor problems since Brexit such as the illegal migrants crossing the channel but once those issues are solved we'll be doing very well I reckon ;)
"If you make your own bread, then and only then, are you a free man unchained and alive living in pooty tang paradise, or say no and live in Incel island with all the others." - Krimster

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Re: what first rate pro-Russian propaganda is like from its master
« Reply #7 on: March 21, 2023, 06:37:28 PM »
« Last Edit: March 21, 2023, 07:11:53 PM by krimster2 »

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Re: what first rate pro-Russian propaganda is like from its master
« Reply #8 on: March 27, 2023, 08:33:26 AM »
at his Waco Texas rally

Trump yesterday

- praised Putin
- Putin will get all of Ukraine
- Putin is smart

then puts on noted intellectual Ted Nugent who called Zelensky a "homosexual weirdo" and wants all aid to Ukraine to be stopped

this is all political engineering that is being steered by Russians
all of it
how do I know?
my silence is my answer

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Re: what first rate pro-Russian propaganda is like from its master
« Reply #9 on: April 01, 2023, 05:23:37 PM »
smoking gun

and as usual Russians don't see how they screwed themselves with Trump who will take down DeSantis
and give 4 more yr of Ukraine support

Russians are just now realizing that 2024 ain't gonna be another 2016, where they only needed to do just a little to sway the election outcome
and paying top level FBI officials to take down Hillary, was all it took, that whole operation, email phishing, bribes to FBI
only cost a few million to produce
far more cost effective than any regular republican donor
and as long as they're helpin Trump win, Trump voters don't care if Russians are subverting democracy to do so

now, the only way to influence 2024 is by a much more extreme measure thay they haven't used since 1963 in Dallas Texas, when they replaced Kennedy with Johnson
hey don't shoot the messanger
GRU grapvine is "all abuz"
« Last Edit: April 01, 2023, 05:29:35 PM by krimster2 »


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