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Author Topic: Who could possibly replace our beloved Putler???  (Read 3602 times)

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Who could possibly replace our beloved Putler???
« on: July 31, 2023, 03:23:21 PM »
So there's been talk of our dearly beloved Putler not lasting much longer either due to health problems (cancer, etc) or others wishing to replace him due to messing up the invasion of Ukraine. Difficult to believe I know and who knows maybe he might go on longer than thought but according to this recent article he's days as Russian President are numbered:

So who to replace him? Please feel free to volunteer your suggestions.

I'm going to go for a bit of a wildcard not often mentioned as a possible Putler replacement if at all. I'm not saying this will happen but just for interest I think Gennady Zyuganov could be a potential possibility:

As long serving leader (General Secretary) of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation and a member of the State Duma he could be seen as a sound and capable figure to install as leader. He's been careful to toe the line as an opposition party by not disagreeing with the war in Ukraine or the reasons for invasion but instead reiterates much of Putler's reasons and justification for invasion. In that way he doesn't fall foul of being seen as a dissident and a threat to the rule of our Putler. So he knows how to play the game and I think he's support for the reasons and justification for the war have more to do with playing the game for him, the long game.

In that respect I think Gennady is a typical old style Communist. He knows if the remains steady and stable over the long term there is a good possibility that he's time will come. Others will fall by the wayside, fall out with each other, lose popularity, or oppose one another, etc. In contrast he will be seen as an established dependable figure and gain respect over the long term. So over the long term all the others vying to replace Putler perhaps not being able to be settled upon due to various factions distrust of one another. In such a situation Gennady could be seen by all as a safe pair of hands of old skool Soviet style of leader to see them through.

The people potentially could also get behind such a leader old though he may be as a safe bet and a man who is not of the oligarchs. That could make a refreshing change for the Russian people and comforting to those over 45 who may remember the good old Soviet days with a sense of nostalgia. The red flag flying once again over the Kremlin may be a welcome relief from the ineptitude of present times none of which the Soviet Union had sunk so low even in Afghanistan. So a reimagining of the glory days even if present territory is not quite as it was and perhaps back to a hope of how things used to be run, more state support for the people, etc.

The oligarchs would likely not like it though some might see it as little other choice and hope to reign him in perhaps. Gennady used to be a Colonel in the Soviet Army way back so elements of the army may see him as a viable compromise candidate while other politicians and the people may also be in favour.

So there's my random way out there thought. Would be interested to see who others might think of?
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Re: Who could possibly replace our beloved Putler???
« Reply #1 on: July 31, 2023, 07:01:34 PM »
The man i'd like to see replace Putler  is Ilya Ponomarev.

He's the head of the Freedom of Russia legion,and was a former lawmaker and member of the state Duma from 2007 -2016.

He was the only member of the Duma to vote against the annexation ( theft) of Crimea,

Sadly he won't get the gig because he isn't insane.
Just saying it like it is.

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Re: Who could possibly replace our beloved Putler???
« Reply #2 on: July 31, 2023, 09:52:17 PM »
Trench's Love Shack
Yeah, that's where it's AT!
stay away fools
cuz Love Rules
at Trench's Love Shack

penned by a Despicable Desperado known for his dasterdly deeds
friend to no one and enemy to all

the kind of person who'd eat a burrito at his mother's funeral
to induce severe flattulence during her eulogy

« Last Edit: July 31, 2023, 10:12:08 PM by krimster2 »

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Re: Who could possibly replace our beloved Putler???
« Reply #3 on: August 01, 2023, 12:35:51 AM »
Putin will be gone when he is gone.  No speculation is necessary.

Whoever takes his place will take his place.  One can only hope they will be a better person than Putin is.

The end.

Offline Trenchcoat

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Re: Who could possibly replace our beloved Putler???
« Reply #4 on: October 23, 2023, 04:47:01 PM »
Putin will be gone when he is gone.  No speculation is necessary.

Whoever takes his place will take his place.  One can only hope they will be a better person than Putin is.

The end.

Plenty of speculation in this article from a few months back:

All about Putler's inner circle like Hitler's inner circle all vying for the post. They can't afford to lose as it's the end of their fortunes and possibly their lives if they do. The figureheads to replace him are all back up by different clans, so bad news for members of the clans who fail to see their man get the top job as they will likely be moved against and lose a lot also.

So will the clans fight it out in a high stakes winner takes all losers get hung battle? Or will a compromise candidate be out forth instead? 🤔
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