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Author Topic: Russian YouTuber @1420channel - "Are We [Russia] Losing?"  (Read 3493 times)

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Russian YouTuber @1420channel - "Are We [Russia] Losing?"
« on: September 14, 2023, 06:14:22 PM »
One of his latest interviews:

« Last Edit: September 14, 2023, 06:17:30 PM by Admin »

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Re: Russian YouTuber @1420channel - "Are We [Russia] Losing?"
« Reply #1 on: September 14, 2023, 06:49:53 PM »
notice the parallels between MAGA republican patriots and PUtin's Russian patriots?
denial ain't a river in Egypt

the methods of achieving fascism are the same
the biggest threat to Russians ain't ukraine or Amerika
it's Putinism

same for the USA

it'd be kinda kool if Trumpism and Putinism both died simultaneously...
but I ain't gonna hold my breath on that one

Putin is really, really poor at planning
if Trump loses, then Putin has only one last choice to make
what WMD to use

Putin is not gonna quit
he will keep fighting to the last pimply face Russian or middle-aged gopnick

BTW, I've been street ambushed by reporters in Moscow
I always sang Putin's praises
cuz I have a highly developed sense of self-preservation
since they lie to me, I lie to them
render unto caesar....
the lies that are caesar's
this is how I live with myself for doing that

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Re: Russian YouTuber @1420channel - "Are We [Russia] Losing?"
« Reply #2 on: September 15, 2023, 11:49:49 AM »
That posted video is one of dozens/hundreds posted by this young man. He does an excellent job of posing difficult questions often referred to as "provocative" by the subjects of his interviews. After watching several of the videos it is possible to begin to see patterns. Often the patterns are arranged around demographics. For someone like Trenchcoat or others interested in Russian women, there is useful information to be gleaned about the culture and contemporary attitudes, as well as a more realistic view of common appearance and mindset.

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Re: Russian YouTuber @1420channel - "Are We [Russia] Losing?"
« Reply #3 on: September 16, 2023, 02:50:44 AM »
That posted video is one of dozens/hundreds posted by this young man. He does an excellent job of posing difficult questions often referred to as "provocative" by the subjects of his interviews. After watching several of the videos it is possible to begin to see patterns. Often the patterns are arranged around demographics. For someone like Trenchcoat or others interested in Russian women, there is useful information to be gleaned about the culture and contemporary attitudes, as well as a more realistic view of common appearance and mindset.

To be honest I'm more interested in Ukrainian women, I'm not sure where I might have given the impression I am interested in Russian women here. If you meant that in the strictest sense or just in the loose generic sense of Russian women perhaps. For me I'm more sympathetic to the Ukrainian side being the ones who had no choice being invaded and having this all pushed upon them. I've long since liked many Ukrainian women's often social and fun loving ways even though it can be problematic at times. In addition we get a visa free entry into Ukraine whereas Russia I have to pay and that's just for a short while,I think it was £150 or so for a three month period, other options in theory exist such as a business visa but I think last I heard the US etc got easier visa free terms to enter Russia than the UK did. In post war times the cost of flying to Russia has soared as now like Belarus a lengthy workaround is needed to fly to Istanbul, Turkey first or similar and that adds a lot to flight cost & travel time, worse for you US guys in that one of course.

The video surprised me so thank you for posting Dan. I thought a lot would be ardently gun-ho in favour of the war with just a few ardently against. Instead there seemed to be varying responses and I think showed that Russians are on the whole grounded decent people with little sway over what is going on. I think that's the problem that in Ukraine and the west it's easy to see it as the evil Russians/Orcs invading where in reality few are really that in favour of have any say in it. A few in the video of course were and I think it looked like more younger Russians were though not all, but it looked  more likely the younger they were and I think less time to mature and life experience.

I'm surprised it was all quite casual and they didn't seem to be too bad off economically yet at least not those people in that place. A few mentioned the economy but it didn't sound like those responding were suffering economic pain at least not as yet, i.e they weren't bemoaning economic woes.

I agree with the sentiments of some on there that no one really wins from war or very rarely (well aside from the arms dealers). Even the victorious party rarely wins that well unless it was a quick decisive victory. So far many hundreds of thousand soldiers dead on both sides, casualties then of course civilians. One take away I've noticed on both sides is that there are an odd few people more often women that seem devoid of caring about the men at the front if they are not connected to it. Kind of shows you if you are a man in line for call up on either side why it's good idea to do a runner. I've got nothing against ordinary Russians per se I used to know and old Russian lady and she was always a very nice and decent person. It's just a shame Putler and the Oligarchs have stirred up all this issue.
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Re: Russian YouTuber @1420channel - "Are We [Russia] Losing?"
« Reply #4 on: September 16, 2023, 07:58:41 AM »
the first casualty of war... yada yada

watch the eyes of the "Putin Praisers"
this is called "FSB Search Mode"

it's gettin pretty stalinesque in Russia
at it's peak under Stalinism
about 5% of Moscow was in some way "connected" with agents and informants
today, they use them new fangled COMPUTERS so they don't need so many folks to keep the masses in line

Q: why do you think Stalin created this police state?
A: cuz every robber knows he's gotta protect what he just stole
he ends up gettin REAL paranoid about it!

In Russia you learn to be someone's "suka" or bitch
in exchange for "protection"
gee what other kinda "institution" runs according to THESE rules
they're both different interpretations of the fact you're in a prizon, either way homeBOY!!! snaps fingers!

FSB/GRU are "neighbors" who don't like to "step on each other's little white wee-wwes"
the GRU is way, way better than FSB
more educated for one
real nice people actually
you can have a peer to peer relationship with a GRU officer
they can even become your best friend

it's ALWAYS gonna be a world of "give and take"
yin/yang baby...yin/yang...

I tell ya what, there's nothin I like more than havin me a heap O' them PowderMilk buscuits and pancakes in the mornin
how 'bout ya'll?

RWD123 is one of them vegamite eaters...
and this is likely what stunted his early mental/physical childhood development
cuz that CRAP is just PURE NASTY...I mean some gentle souls may go PPPFFFFFF inside a Micheline 5 star
if they put a spoonful of that toxic brew in their moths...SLOVO!

Confuscios say "every man who has cellphone also has bitcoin, and you will never know Who Wrote The Book Of Love cuz the author's name was encrypted"

My dear friends, do not EVER forget that the Maidan BEGAN with a single TWEET, this is why oligarch's needed to get control of this platform RIGHT AWAY
well...guess what....there are OTHER WAYS to play that game....

« Last Edit: September 16, 2023, 08:52:51 AM by krimster2 »


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