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Author Topic: Food and drink  (Read 4504 times)

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Food and drink
« on: April 23, 2005, 06:06:24 PM »
As you have read, I've made many trips to Ukraine, but never ate at an american style restaurant except one quick trip to Mcdonald once. I reallly do enjoy the local food and my fiancee loves to cook. Actually we share that together when I visit. Anyway, the day before I left this time, we arrived in Kiev by train, got a flat and cruised around for awhile. I wanted to share some american food with my fiancee so about noon we stopped at TGI Fridays in Kiev. We've been by there before but when she saw the menu prices she would not go in. But really, they are cheaper than Am. prices. Since she enjoyed the mexican food I brought this trip I thought this would be a great time to introduce her to something more than Mc'd's. First I ordered her a margarita. She loved it!!!! I don't think I've met a woman who doesn't. She instantly sms's her friend and told her about it. They have heard about them but never tried them. Next I started to order several appetizers. I told the waitress to just bring the food because we were going to sample several items whether we ate it all or not. She really liked the fried mushrooms and potato skins. Next we had the filet mignon. Yes they have steak in Ukr. but it is no where near as good as what they have here. I don't think they butcher it the right way. Anyway, not very tender. It melted in her mouth. She never had beef like that. Next was the chicken quesadilla. Excellent. She liked the guacamole and it was very good. All  the while she's still sipping this huge mararita and beginning to feel it. I could see it in her eyes. Next we tried the Spicey grilled shrimp kabobs. That was also very good. while we ate and drank she looked more at the menu. She pointed at something and asked what's this? Well it was drink called sex on the beach. Without hesitation i ordered that to. It was very good. So she sms"s her friend again and tells her we just had sex on the beach. About a minute later her friend writes back and  says, "theres no beach in Kiev" . Well that did it. I lost it and we both laughed for a long time about that. Still today when I think about it, I laugh. Just thought I'd share that. BTW, the whole bill came to only about $60 and even though we could not eat everything, the time was priceless.

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Food and drink
« Reply #1 on: April 24, 2005, 07:15:39 AM »
yea Start2 it's kind of cool taking ladies to TGIF for the first time. It is the first time they have experinced many such American dishes. And the price, yea it's high, especially if you consider the Ukraine style buffet right across the street. Meal for two at TGIF, $60-75. Meal for two at Ukraine buffet, $12.

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Food and drink
« Reply #2 on: July 08, 2024, 05:23:49 PM »
Next we had the filet mignon. Yes they have steak in Ukr. but it is no where near as good as what they have here. I don't think they butcher it the right way. Anyway, not very tender. It melted in her mouth. She never had beef like that.

They don't know how to do beef in the FSU. They don't have fat young beef that has been butchered and 
aged correctly, they cook it at a medium heat until it turns into leather, then they serve it. It's something
we in the West have been taught to do by our parents just like they know how to make blini or borscht. 

If the local supermarkets in the West tried to sell some old cow as steak, they would instantly regret it.
SOC (some old cow) is cheaper, that's what they serve there.


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Re: Food and drink
« Reply #3 on: July 08, 2024, 08:16:57 PM »
Wife was very apprehensive, of course, when I suggested to her that she should order steak medium rare.

But she ate it, and now orders it all the time.

Also weaned her off the sickly sweet wines to dry ones.
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Offline 2tallbill

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Food and drink
« Reply #4 on: July 09, 2024, 08:19:31 AM »

Also weaned her off the sickly sweet wines to dry ones.

Good point on the wine. I don't know if I am ahead or behind on the wine battle.
I can't drink these days, so I am a little more agnostic. The cheap wine does cost

Angel Eyes & Smiley girl each ate raw bacon when they arrived. She will mix
precooked little smokies with raw bacon or raw sausages in the same container
in the refrigerator.

I have to threaten to throw all the meat out to get her to take me seriously. 

FSUW are not for entry level daters
FSUW don't do vague
FSUW like a man of action. Be a man of action 
If you find a promising girl, get your butt on a plane.
There are a hundred ways to be successful and a thousand ways to f#ck it up
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Re: Food and drink
« Reply #5 on: July 09, 2024, 09:10:09 AM »
They don't know how to do beef in the FSU. They don't have fat young beef that has been butchered and  aged correctly, they cook it at a medium heat until it turns into leather, then they serve it.

By luck, I found a very good steakhouse in Odesa.
I think its name is actually "Steakhouse."

It is on Deribasovskaya Street on other side opposite McDonalds.

It happened that the place is owned (or maybe only managed) by the Uncle of a young gal who found me an appartment on Deribasovskaya near the McDonalds.

She said that this Uncle had spent time working in restaurants in USA, and had learned how to correctly prepare steaks.

But this was nearly 20 years or so ago, so my memory may not be correct regarding the name and the back story . . . and it may not even still be there.

- - - - - - - -

I found that Dnipro had the best selection of fine food restaurants in all of Ukraine, even beating Kyiv.
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