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Author Topic: russki economics  (Read 941 times)

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russki economics
« on: November 29, 2024, 10:06:45 AM »

hirroshie tovarisch is talkin about Russ-see-ya
but watch how much of this will pertain to the USA next year

convergence of Russia and USA autocratic economies sinature is high inflation

only one question ya gotta ask yurself...
did you make the bunker deep enuff to hide yursel in when it all blows up

ALL YOU people reading this, have NO IDEA of the SHIT STORM that's COMING!!!!!

« Last Edit: November 29, 2024, 04:10:51 PM by krimster2 »

Offline Trenchcoat

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Re: russki economics
« Reply #1 on: November 29, 2024, 11:36:08 PM »

hirroshie tovarisch is talkin about Russ-see-ya
but watch how much of this will pertain to the USA next year

convergence of Russia and USA autocratic economies sinature is high inflation

only one question ya gotta ask yurself...
did you make the bunker deep enuff to hide yursel in when it all blows up

ALL YOU people reading this, have NO IDEA of the SHIT STORM that's COMING!!!!!

Am I going to need a bunker???
"If you make your own bread, then and only then, are you a free man unchained and alive living in pooty tang paradise, or say no and live in Incel island with all the others." - Krimster

Online krimster2

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Re: russki economics
« Reply #2 on: November 30, 2024, 06:42:58 AM »
yes, find someplace to hide yur comic books and yur early pre-digital porn collection!
cuz it'll spread to the UK to
be wary of when the Torys return...

imagine the great delight of some future archeologist or metal detector hobbyist who rediscovers yur centuries old porn, so wrap it well

maidan is the vaccine for Trumpism which is Putinism in disguise
but yur all anti-vaxers, so yur just gonna get Trump sickness

here in the USA all the Rednecks of various kinds, of which "they are legion"
all BOUGHT what Trump was sellin them
and in a couple of months, Trump is gonna SELL THEM
and they have NO FREAKING CLUE about it....

when America gets sick, the UK will cough and get a fever to
history is repetitive and cyclical
and can be thought of as a black box with inputs and outputs
the inputs determine the output
and America's inputs for 1930 and for 2025 are gonna be pretty similar
so the output will be as well
see how simple it is

it's now the equivalent of late summer 1929....
look at all the shit up ahead....

you best be diggin a bunker in de garden son, like yur grandpa did durin the Blitz

stiff upper lip and all that, WOT, mustn't grumble y'know...

The vast majority of White America reads at a 6th grade level and doesn't know how to distinguish good information from bad.
this is why the oligarchs buy up the media, to feed bad information to the majority of workin class americans who are their own worst enemies
so they'll vote the way the oligarchs want them to vote even when it's AGAINST their own interests
ya see why dem Germans called Americans "dumpkopfs" doncha, totally clueless hillbilly's, but good shooters like Sgt York

Trump and Elon are totally lying about their intentions
and right wing, oligarch owned media is lying as well

and in a couple of months, all the lies are gonna collide with the truth
should be fun, fun, fun!!!!

J D Vance was right about ONE THING!!!
Trump IS America's Hitler
the same banality of EVIL like Putin

watch and learn dumpkopfs

in the future AIs will teach monkeys how to do simple tasks, like sweeping the floor, and fetching packages in Amazon warehouses
this is probably how a real "Planet of the Apes" will get started when the monkeys all turn to communism as well to liberate them from slavery

Marxist Monkeys wearing red berets and AI Jesus will be normalized in the future

Genetic engineering is gonna completely revolutionize the "drug industry"
all the drugs extracted from plants
can have the plan't genes inserted into yeast

with a test tube of yeast, some fermentation tanks, you have THC or Cocaine or anything else ya want as much as ya want
no smuggling
make it where ya sell it
about as hard as making beer

meanwhile, Russia is gonna freakin EXPLODE this summer!!!!
everyone will want DRUGS

the only way for a sensitive, intelligent, creative person to survive in Russia without going INSANE
is to become a NARCOMAN instead...
to dull the pain of yur russian existence

cheap vodka is for gopnicks
intelligentsia prefer more refined pharmaceuticals that are much more profitable to make and distribute in Moscva
Bitcoin was created JUST to facilitate drug sales in Russia
go to any big park in Moscva at night this summer, look at all the people walkin around with their phone screens in the dark
they're lookin for their drug pick-up based on the photo and gps coordinate of the weed they bought with bitcoin
they give the vendor a 5 star feedback

the Russian darkweb is "Eye Opening"
becuz it sidesteps the normal centralized Russian organized criminal mafiya networks with a competing digital one based on blockchain and anonymous crypto-currency

"how can you adopt this to other purposes in Russia", he asked with a grin....

It all began in the summer of the prodigal mobiks returning home from War
and AI Video Putin declared victory on Russian state owned National TV to crowds of cheering Russians

alternative to bunker running away....
but Trench where ya gonna run to?

a stick with yur belongings wrapped in old sheet hitchin a ride on a freight train headin north?
sure, go forth and seek yur fortune in the great city of Birmingham with the other hobos on the freight train
and pass around the jug of wine

nawww, yur stayin put, nothin on this earth could ever drag you outta yur comfort zone in yur village
and yur mum will cook ya a nice christmas dinner, so ya ain't gotta eat one of them sainsbury frozen microwave meals fer Christmas
which'd be depressing
so Trench me lad...
ya gotta girl, then ya know ya NEED MONEY, RIGHT?

does yur girl have a batter clue than you fer how YOU ARE to solve this problem that the two of you face together...

MONEY, and how to get MORE of it????
this subject ever, I dunno, ever surface....

what sayeth ye my brother and only friend
what does thou sayeth?

« Last Edit: November 30, 2024, 10:58:02 AM by krimster2 »


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