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Author Topic: Chișinău  (Read 40624 times)

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Offline Trenchcoat

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Re: Chișinău
« Reply #400 on: May 14, 2023, 10:58:40 PM »
Every so often I think about how much easier my life would have been had I inherited my Father's social skills gene instead of my mother's lack of social skills gene. Not that I'm the worst well probably not I don't think but I just don't excell socially, my Father was way better on that stuff.

All the other stuff I'm pretty much in the ball park, I don't fall foul of being too short with women, I don't fall foul of lacking in hair on my head, I don't fall foul of being ginger and I don't fall foul of being over weight. I also don't fall foul of being too ugly for most women I think. So with all of that you would think I could get decent girls seriously interested but all I've ever really had that would be seriously interested are ones I don't want, the overweight not so attractive looking girls. I mean a few pretty ones have eyed me up but that's more about their ego boosting than anything else, they do it with many a guy, they aren't really serious.

So yeah I just kick myself sometimes that I missed out on that one gene. Had I had it I just think of the life and the decent girls I would have had, all the way through my life, just kind of shy off having a great life on that one which is a real bummer to think of. Still, I have to remain hopeful for a woman out in the FSU, a different society out there and more suited to my situation.

Just kind of thinking out aloud here, some stuff I just feel the need to vent as it makes me feel better. So kind of journal style a bit but just a way to get it off my chest I think. Will be getting to the actual trip shortly.
"If you make your own bread, then and only then, are you a free man unchained and alive living in pooty tang paradise, or say no and live in Incel island with all the others." - Krimster

Offline Trenchcoat

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Re: Chișinău
« Reply #401 on: May 15, 2023, 11:21:21 AM »
Trench there was 100 pieces of good advice in this thread, but you managed to find
one thing that somewhat supported your __________ (enter rude word here) views
and latched on to that.

What you need to do is to do is
1. Find a good girl (otherwise you are dead).
2. Completely stop with all the fake bs stuff. If you need a list I can provide it.
3. Search for a woman you find attractive who is over 36 years old. 
4. Read the part above about her having a daughter and if you don't understand it
ask me on this thread and I will try to explain it to you.
5. Pick ONE thing below to improve
A. Finish your remodel immediately
B. Work out 5 days per week
C. Study an hour of Russian 5 days per week (this is by far the cheapest with the least effort)
6. I have good reasons for every single one of those pieces of advice. So before discounting
them and coming up with ____________ (enter rude word here) excuses and rationalizing
you can actually improve your chances of success by learning something and changing your

Ask questions rather than spew your philosophies and theories.


I chose the cheapest with the least effort ;D

So I'll answer here so as to not derail the other thread as used to be my fashion :D

Yeah, working out I've realised it's really worth it unless you can put serious time to it and of course effort as in the 'go heavy or go home' mantra, it exists for a reason. I asked one guy at work who used to work out back in the day (probably around the time Arnie used to, he had a b&w pic of himself, younger days, with bulging muscles) what happened as he no longer looked at all muscly, he said, 'work happened' lol. It kind of emphasized that unless you have lots of free time and money being of no issue then it's going to be hard to maintain. As I've noticed muscles are kind of like inflatables, stop for long and they're gone. So unless in a position to be a gym rat long term then it's not a good investment I reckon, but if you do then it can be.

Remodeling my house is going on at the moment and I hope to be roughly finished in about a month's time. I've got no alternative other than to do this and it would be massively counterproductive to quit now so close to the end. Today I was working on it jack hammering a hole through a half meter stone wall, it's no easy task believe me. It's done but I'm knackered from it.

Language learning I have been doing but have stopped in the past few weeks, partly for a break partly to do a couple of other things I wanted to do, one of which is FSU dating related but I'll keep that a secret for now ;) Suffice to say I think it will put me in better stead for a relationship with a FSW. So in that respects it briefly trumped learning the Russian language but I intend to get back onto that tonight all being well, or if not tonight then tommorow night. So far I have apparently learned around 800 words so not too far to go to the 1000 - 1200 words to have a good basic grasp and hold basic conversations in it or at least understand a bit of what is going on. So far what I have learned has been enlightening and I think really helps in feeling more comfortable in FSU society I feel.
"If you make your own bread, then and only then, are you a free man unchained and alive living in pooty tang paradise, or say no and live in Incel island with all the others." - Krimster

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Re: Chișinău
« Reply #402 on: July 14, 2023, 02:01:51 AM »
Sup Trench?
I haven't had the chance to read most of this post as it is pages long but
I can sense from your writing that you are TOO FOCUSED on women. the
guys I know who are killing it with the women are not focused on them,
it's not even their prime priority, they focus on developing themselves or on
their career, projects and their hustles.
Yes, you might tell me that that's what you've been doing so far and even
trying to study languages. I mean, guys from the States come here to Europe and
do daygame or meet women in other ways and they're not even worried they don't
speak the language. It's a matter of mentality, not saying you should not invest in
yourself and not improve by studying languages, just saying they don't give a rats
ass and many of them do just fine.

So, it's not that you...
-Don't speak the language and thats why you are being rejected
-Dont have these huge muscles, many women are actually repulsed by this
-dont have the height or good look genes
-dont have enough money, every guy of any socioeconomic status can get a beautiful girl
no problem with that
-are not young anymore, plenty of old experienced men who can get young thangs
-are not sociable enough, can't get the right words out. Many times it is but if that was the
case many shy or reserved guys would never get married and there are tons of them. Specially
in Japan
-Are in the wrong country, women in each country have their own demand and men offer a lot even to
self entitled and bitchy women
-need to learn more about the Red pill
-etc etc.

So what is working for those guys? Their positive MENTALITY and not giving a Shit!

So my conclusion is you should take it easy and not sound or act desperately. there are many other
things to enjoy in this life and ways to develop other than focusing on women. I'm pretty sure
you've had your chances with women who, like you said "eyed you" and you didn't act, hoping you
would see that woman again or that
"Oh, I'm so cool, I'm sure I can get a girl who looks hotter than her so why should I settle?"
Problem is you don't know when the next train is coming so you better
seize the chance now or sometimes it may be YEARS until you get another chance like that.
Also if you need some time for self introspection then do it and stay off the dating sites and
social media for a while. Detox!
Alright Cheers mate!
Life won't get easier. You just have to get stronger.

Offline Trenchcoat

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Re: Chișinău
« Reply #403 on: July 14, 2023, 08:20:23 AM »
Sup Trench?
I haven't had the chance to read most of this post as it is pages long but
I can sense from your writing that you are TOO FOCUSED on women. the
guys I know who are killing it with the women are not focused on them,
it's not even their prime priority, they focus on developing themselves or on
their career, projects and their hustles.
Yes, you might tell me that that's what you've been doing so far and even
trying to study languages. I mean, guys from the States come here to Europe and
do daygame or meet women in other ways and they're not even worried they don't
speak the language. It's a matter of mentality, not saying you should not invest in
yourself and not improve by studying languages, just saying they don't give a rats
ass and many of them do just fine.

So, it's not that you...
-Don't speak the language and thats why you are being rejected
-Dont have these huge muscles, many women are actually repulsed by this
-dont have the height or good look genes
-dont have enough money, every guy of any socioeconomic status can get a beautiful girl
no problem with that
-are not young anymore, plenty of old experienced men who can get young thangs
-are not sociable enough, can't get the right words out. Many times it is but if that was the
case many shy or reserved guys would never get married and there are tons of them. Specially
in Japan
-Are in the wrong country, women in each country have their own demand and men offer a lot even to
self entitled and bitchy women
-need to learn more about the Red pill
-etc etc.

So what is working for those guys? Their positive MENTALITY and not giving a Shit!

So my conclusion is you should take it easy and not sound or act desperately. there are many other
things to enjoy in this life and ways to develop other than focusing on women. I'm pretty sure
you've had your chances with women who, like you said "eyed you" and you didn't act, hoping you
would see that woman again or that
"Oh, I'm so cool, I'm sure I can get a girl who looks hotter than her so why should I settle?"
Problem is you don't know when the next train is coming so you better
seize the chance now or sometimes it may be YEARS until you get another chance like that.
Also if you need some time for self introspection then do it and stay off the dating sites and
social media for a while. Detox!
Alright Cheers mate!

Put it this way, Arnold Schwarzenegger says something like, 'focus on yourself and your ambition and the rest will come' can mean different things but in general I think he means that if you really focus on something in life and can get on doing it then basically women will see a successful guy and they come (to him). So yeah I get it that sometimes it's easier to become successful then you don't need to bother chasing the women they see that success and chase you. I think Krim has said similar along the way numerous times.

That said it's easier said than done as otherwise we would all be doing it. If you're skills in life are in something that's difficult to monetise then it's not so easy. For example, your good in a sport where the pay off isn't as good as others, swimming or rifle shooting as opposed to tennis, or you're good in an academic subject where the pay off is difficult or near impossible to achieve these days such as History or Architecture, etc.

Some people hammer away at some subject where success or level of financial success is remote for years putting aside paid work and get nowhere. The may end up doing a pointless PhD to reinvent the already invented or a subject so obscure and lacking in financial value that it's just chewing up time on a folks errand.

I know done guys can get in there, they land abroad and just talk to anyone and everyone and don't care about getting laid they are just there for as good a time as they can get. Girls they interact with see that and are happy to go with the flow as places like Ukraine tend to have a bit of a happy go lucky culture anyway I find. I'm not saying there is anything wrong with that. Once my house is done and I'm off work possibly over there with time on my hands then maybe.

Depends what you want, I would like to have family other guys couldn't care less one way or another, that's fine for them. I kind of like learning the language, improving myself so being able to utilise more skills. I've always been intrigued by the Russian culture, it's history, how it's people are and Ukraine has struck a chord with me since I first went there around 2016. It's kind of like a puzzle to solve for me and I find something involving in its culture. That there's something to be had there that can't be found in the UK and not just talking about it's women.

So for me I'm quite happy as I am progressing at the moment. Soon the house conversion will be complete and I'll have more scope to get out there and do stuff which will be great after all this time. It's then I think I'll finally have the time and resources to move things up a pace :)
"If you make your own bread, then and only then, are you a free man unchained and alive living in pooty tang paradise, or say no and live in Incel island with all the others." - Krimster


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