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Author Topic: My second trip to Europe  (Read 6577 times)

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Offline iloveukrayinkas

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My second trip to Europe
« on: June 11, 2023, 11:36:14 AM »
Hello guys, how you do? I know I don't really post here very often and
although I read your comments and wanted to continue commenting on
my first trip responses I just didn't have the time to follow up on that as
I had a few adverse situations in my life going on for the past year.

Despite all that I decided I would try to change my life and change my future
and continue in the search for a beautiful ukrainian or slavic wife. To my surprise
I even found some brides from Estonia, Romania and Greece eager to start
I've been in contact with a few ukrainian girls(about 10-12 so far) and plus a
boutique agency I signed up to gets me matches quite regularly but like the
meme says : aint nobody got time for that! (that would just be too many options)

So I have to cut it down to about 3-5 as my current budget is not that hefty either!
The big obstacle now is the fact that there is war and it is not advisable to get into
Ukraine territory now so if a woman is really interested in me she will have to make the
effort and travel to me.

Roughly 3 weeks left until my trip and as Pat says, you could say I am officially
IN CAMPAIGN! I wanted to use the Visit one strategy originally but I see that it is
unrealistic until I have started a real type of relationship, not just "good internet vibes"!
I am travelling to Moldova, Chisinau (of course) and then I will see if
I jump to other countries such as Poland and Germany where you can find ukrainian bride
My plan is to meet at least 3 girls who will travel to me in Moldova and then move and
see if I meet at least 1 in Romania, 1 in Poland and 1 in germany. That would make a
healthy number 5 or 6 women I could potentially meet in this single trip.

About the trip, I will be there a little bit less than a month, I will try to stay in Moldova
for a week to meet the girls who are now living in Ukraine and then move by train
to the other countries I mentioned.
Still researching which nice places I can go to in Moldova when I'm not dating and get to
know a little bit of the night scene as also the Tsar Experience says there is also a good
one in Chisinau.

Any comments, advice and tips will be greatly appreciated!
Life won't get easier. You just have to get stronger.

Online krimster2

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Re: My second trip to Europe
« Reply #1 on: June 11, 2023, 03:24:28 PM »
I took my first trip to Ukraine in 1996 when I was in my late 30s
and I was staying in the Penthouse of the Dnipro hotel, the best hotel in the city

I wore a classic high collar dress shirt, silk tie and sports jacket for my first time conducting business with wire transfers in a downtown bank in Kyiv and the women in the office were all over me!
we're talking super nice lookin professional types in their late 20s
they were almost drooling over me

at first, 50% of the women I asked to lunch would accept, later I could tell who was gonna reject me, so didn't ask, and so got almost 100% success rate
and ended up having sex with all of them

your trip to Moldova should be kinda like that
then, when ya think ya discovered sexual nirvana
one of your girlfriends is gonna trick ya into marryin her

and see that I'm gonna be right...

« Last Edit: June 11, 2023, 03:30:26 PM by krimster2 »

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Re: My second trip to Europe
« Reply #2 on: June 12, 2023, 08:11:11 AM »
I don't quite understand your idea of having wimmin travel to you in Moldova
something about it just doesn't feel right to me...
it sounds like you're trying to meet multiple women without YOU having to travel to meet them
but I guess that's the problem with this approach
this internal conflict
all because you're trying to hedge your bet, by playing with multiple wimmin

since you are a virgin with FSU wimmin
an important consideration for you is how/when to start "having a sexy time" with them!!!
what I did...
is I "doted" on these girls, bought them expensive gifts, etc and focused on having a fun time with them, but made no overt physical "moves" for 3 days/nights, you need to be able to discipline yourself...
3 days gives you enough time to figure out if you have chemistry or not
if you do have chemistry....
then I get them drunk and had them sit on the alpaca rug in front of the fire place
and started with a foot massage
and ended up giving them head
cuz FSU dewds don't DO THAT
but think about it...
if the roles were reversed and a foreign woman you felt comfortable with and trusted was gonna give ya a BJ while you were laying drunk in front of the fireplace with a soft alpaca blanket rubbin on your naked bottom, would you say NO?
are you kiddin me?

once you get one of these women "off"
they're yours dewd
ya gotta take care of 'em
and they don't come cheap, and neither will you!!!  LOL!!!!

in kishinev, I remember the Moldovan girls well
I met a lot of them, some from the city and some from villages
a lot were very sweet and kind, but you needed to to be able to speak moldovan or russian

in kishinev, you have some university english speakers
this is an ideal scoring place, find out what library they use and nearest cafes
you should be hit on by multiple women at the library if you look "upper"

« Last Edit: June 12, 2023, 11:49:27 AM by krimster2 »

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Re: My second trip to Europe
« Reply #3 on: June 13, 2023, 01:06:41 AM »
Welcome, let me give you some general advice.
There being a war in Ukraine does not mean women will be more sincere than before, rather the contrary.
Be careful to find out about the motivations of the women you meet, some may just be looking for a mule.
If they expect you to buy things for them, red flag.If they tell about how they need to care for their mother, their chickens, restoring their bombed house, red flag.If they do not share their life, red flag.
I am not telling you that you can not find a good Slavic woman who has left her country, but always be careful and plan more than just a holiday trip. It is easy to pretend one day, but a lot harder to pretend a couple of weeks.
Look for someone that shows you their life, and is interested in your life, not just what you have and how much you make.

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Offline iloveukrayinkas

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Re: My second trip to Europe
« Reply #4 on: June 14, 2023, 03:17:53 PM »
I don't quite understand your idea of having wimmin travel to you in Moldova
something about it just doesn't feel right to me...
it sounds like you're trying to meet multiple women without YOU having to travel to meet them
but I guess that's the problem with this approach
this internal conflict
all because you're trying to hedge your bet, by playing with multiple wimmin

Thanks for your comments.
It's basically the approach I chose as a VM strategy although I know there are
girls/brides/other possibilities already there in Chisinau / Kishinev (however you choose to spell it).
ATM I'm not or havent thought of Moldovan girls so much as there is little
marketing around Moldovan brides, I have seen several ukie brides who post living
in Chisinau though(but not many). Would have to research further about the possibilities
there and not just the ukies I am talking to originally.

Something that has me a bit nervous is I am yet to confirm the meeting with the 3-4
ukrainian brides I've been talking to, less than 2 weeks left and still I have no particular
dates set up for these meetings.
For how long should I meet with each of them is the question, if we really find good attraction
and chemistry? I would say up to 5 days but if others are interested as well is the question?
(not a problem tho, still 100x better than landing there with no warm leads in my opinion)
Andrew Tate says that "the only better thing than double-booking is Triple booking!"
And yes, I think if I don't have enough time to meet them, I have to cancel some of them
and they were all willing to meet then I'm better off than having to find new leads
when I have already arrive.
What really ruined the whole situation in Ukraine was this damn conflict /war that started not in
feb 2022 but in 2014, thus the situation currently in the country in which you risk yourself
 if you want to get into the Ukrainian territory to meet women.
One of the wimmin even offered me to go to her town in Cherkassy and says it is quite safe
there but for the moment I will pass.

Life won't get easier. You just have to get stronger.

Offline iloveukrayinkas

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Re: My second trip to Europe
« Reply #5 on: June 14, 2023, 04:23:12 PM »
Welcome, let me give you some general advice.
There being a war in Ukraine does not mean women will be more sincere than before, rather the contrary.
Be careful to find out about the motivations of the women you meet, some may just be looking for a mule.
If they expect you to buy things for them, red flag.If they tell about how they need to care for their mother, their chickens, restoring their bombed house, red flag.If they do not share their life, red flag.
I am not telling you that you can not find a good Slavic woman who has left her country, but always be careful and plan more than just a holiday trip. It is easy to pretend one day, but a lot harder to pretend a couple of weeks.
Look for someone that shows you their life, and is interested in your life, not just what you have and how much you make.

Yes, thanks very good advice Shadow.
I had been telling my aunt about my interest in finding a good slavic wife a couple years
ago and I even made the huge mistake of telling her about that scammer from
Dimitry Berezniakov's agency. Big shame I suffered when she asked about this woman again
as she was a total phony , scammer who had no interest
in the relationship with me, and they made me pay a matchmaking package just to find
that out! Check out my previous post about the experience on scammers
and suspect agencies if you haven't already
So my aunt found out I was travelling to Europe again and also advised me to be careful
with interested women and treacherous women who are only interested in a life of
luxury but are not interested in love.  So ofc I'm keeping that in mind. Cheers
Life won't get easier. You just have to get stronger.

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Re: My second trip to Europe
« Reply #6 on: June 14, 2023, 07:30:08 PM »
if you use agencies yur gonna deal with scammers cuz half the wimmin there are scammer...
your horniness is being bought and sold
be smarter

what hobbies, interests do you have?
make a web site about it
promote it on Moldovan/Russian/Ukrainian sites

I ran my wife's Russian on-line cosmetics business
and ended up with the contacts of hundreds of hot wimmin with photos

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Re: My second trip to Europe
« Reply #7 on: June 15, 2023, 01:09:46 AM »
Yes, thanks very good advice Shadow.
I had been telling my aunt about my interest in finding a good slavic wife a couple years
ago and I even made the huge mistake of telling her about that scammer from
Dimitry Berezniakov's agency. Big shame I suffered when she asked about this woman again
as she was a total phony , scammer who had no interest
in the relationship with me, and they made me pay a matchmaking package just to find
that out! Check out my previous post about the experience on scammers
and suspect agencies if you haven't already
So my aunt found out I was travelling to Europe again and also advised me to be careful
with interested women and treacherous women who are only interested in a life of
luxury but are not interested in love.  So ofc I'm keeping that in mind. Cheers
Consider yourself lucky. There have been many stories about men being taken on shopping sprees and providing free holidays for women, apart from the stories where as soon as the woman had sufficient paperwork an abuse complaint was filed for divorce, and a new prospect found.While I am married almost 15 years and evidence you can find a good woman, at the same time I am aware how often it failed.Make sure that you will not regret any decision you make. Be ready to move forward fast if you believe to have found the right person, and do not be afraid to tell a woman the chemistry is not there.
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Re: My second trip to Europe
« Reply #8 on: June 15, 2023, 03:45:31 PM »
Andrew Tate says that "the only better thing than double-booking is Triple booking!"

Why are you quoting a misogynist who is facing human trafficking charges?
After the fall of communism, the biggest mistake Boris Yeltsin's regime made was not to disband the KGB altogether. Instead it changed its name to the FSB and, to many observers, morphed into a gangster organisation, eventually headed by master criminal Vladimir Putin. - Gerard Batten

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Re: My second trip to Europe
« Reply #9 on: June 16, 2023, 05:33:48 PM »
there is some bad in all good women
and some good in all bad women

before you marry a woman from some Ukrainian or Moldovan village
you need to see her naked in the morning first and check her out

her making you a naked breakfst is even better
barefoot, naked, and I like my eggs sunny side up and coffee with cream and sugar

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My second trip to Europe
« Reply #10 on: June 19, 2023, 11:50:55 AM »

Why are you quoting a misogynist who is facing human trafficking charges?

Quoting a person does not mean you approve of them or all that they do. It's just
that you find the quote is profound or makes a point in the current conversation.

"The differences between friends cannot but reinforce their friendship."
Mao Zedong

Mao was the biggest mass murderer in the history of the world. I don't
support him, his philosophies of much of what he has said. I had to search
to find a quote that I agree with.

Tate was 5% as bad as the lefty hate media accuse him of being.
I could easily find a dozen of his quotes that I agree with.
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If you find a promising girl, get your butt on a plane.
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Re: My second trip to Europe
« Reply #11 on: June 20, 2023, 05:33:01 PM »
I think it would be more akin to quoting Mao or Stalin on the efficacies of collective farming. 
After the fall of communism, the biggest mistake Boris Yeltsin's regime made was not to disband the KGB altogether. Instead it changed its name to the FSB and, to many observers, morphed into a gangster organisation, eventually headed by master criminal Vladimir Putin. - Gerard Batten

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Re: My second trip to Europe
« Reply #12 on: June 22, 2023, 10:13:08 AM »
I think it would be more akin to quoting Mao or Stalin on the efficacies of collective farming.
or on population control. >:D
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Re: My second trip to Europe
« Reply #13 on: July 03, 2023, 06:11:32 PM »

Roughly 3 weeks left until my trip and as Pat says, you could say I am officially
IN CAMPAIGN! I wanted to use the Visit one strategy originally but I see that it is
unrealistic until I have started a real type of relationship, not just "good internet vibes"!
I am travelling to Moldova, Chisinau (of course) and then I will see if
I jump to other countries such as Poland and Germany where you can find ukrainian bride
My plan is to meet at least 3 girls who will travel to me in Moldova and then move and
see if I meet at least 1 in Romania, 1 in Poland and 1 in germany. That would make a
healthy number 5 or 6 women I could potentially meet in this single trip.

About the trip, I will be there a little bit less than a month, I will try to stay in Moldova
for a week to meet the girls who are now living in Ukraine and then move by train
to the other countries I mentioned.
Still researching which nice places I can go to in Moldova when I'm not dating and get to
know a little bit of the night scene as also the Tsar Experience says there is also a good
one in Chisinau.

Any comments, advice and tips will be greatly appreciated!

How is it going iloveukrayinkas? I'm guessing you're either about to go and fly out to Moldova now or are already there?
"If you make your own bread, then and only then, are you a free man unchained and alive living in pooty tang paradise, or say no and live in Incel island with all the others." - Krimster

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Re: My second trip to Europe
« Reply #14 on: July 03, 2023, 07:52:55 PM »
Et tu, Brute?

they still teach ya'll latin in them british boarding skools, right?
cus Amurikans won't comprendez....

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Re: My second trip to Europe
« Reply #15 on: July 04, 2023, 07:39:49 AM »
Et tu, Brute?

they still teach ya'll latin in them british boarding skools, right?
cus Amurikans won't comprendez....

Aliqui scirent !
A beautiful woman is pleasant to look at, but it is easier to live with a pleasant acting one.

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My second trip to Europe
« Reply #16 on: July 04, 2023, 08:31:34 AM »
Et tu, Brute?

they still teach ya'll latin in them british boarding skools, right?
cus Amurikans won't comprendez....


They don't teach literature in 'Merica either. I first found the phrase in the writings of Shakespear.
rather than a Latin class.

FSUW are not for entry level daters
FSUW don't do vague
FSUW like a man of action. Be a man of action 
If you find a promising girl, get your butt on a plane.
There are a hundred ways to be successful and a thousand ways to f#ck it up
Just kiss the girl, don't ask her first. Tolerate NO excuses!

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My second trip to Europe
« Reply #17 on: July 04, 2023, 08:52:21 AM »
I had been telling my aunt about my interest in finding a good slavic wife a couple years

Others without FSU experience will rarely be able to give you any beneficial advice on
finding a good girl in the FSU. I have been married 10 years in November, so I don't
have any up to date "find the girl site" to recommend. They mostly speak Romanian
in Moldova, which is far easier than Russian. I don't know if they have in Moldova,
but if they do that might be a place to start.

I would definitely try meeting Moldovans rather than importing Ukrainians. If you are
planning on meeting multiple girls at a foreign place, the coordination will be very
difficult. If you decide girl two is the perfect girl, what do you do with girl three
who is arriving tomorrow? What do you do with perfect girl two? 

99.9999% of girls claiming to be from Transnistria will be a scam.

How much time will you be in Moldova?
FSUW are not for entry level daters
FSUW don't do vague
FSUW like a man of action. Be a man of action 
If you find a promising girl, get your butt on a plane.
There are a hundred ways to be successful and a thousand ways to f#ck it up
Just kiss the girl, don't ask her first. Tolerate NO excuses!

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Re: My second trip to Europe
« Reply #18 on: July 04, 2023, 08:54:30 AM »
none of the rednecks 'round these parts read Shakespeare's Julius Caesar,
a rarified few will know "Semper Fi" and "in vino veritas" and fewer still "quo vadis" and "pro bono"  all from non-literary sources.  In most redneck regions of the USA, it's against the law to read a book other than the bible, unless it's about Sports, Cars, or Guns
ask Russia what happens when a bunch of greedy a-holes take over a country and the people are too phuqueing stoopid to fight back

BTW, Moldovan street signs VERY easy to read for english speakers compared to Russian thanks to the latin alphabet
most young college educated women in kishinev will have some level of English
a lot of mixed moldovan/russian girls as well
the women I met there were mostly extremely friendly and interested in westerners
in general, I found Moldovan women easier to get along with and more "easy going" than Russian wimmin
but in general I found that Russian wimmin were FAR better looking with more variety
Moldovan wimmin kinda look like Natasha from Rocky and Bullwinkle, dark hair/eyes
I was fixated on Natasha when I was 6 yrs old, and she became my sexual ideal as a teenage boy
but later, experience taught me the value of diversifying my sleeping partners
however, I ended up marrying a clone of Natasha, the REAL Russian accent and long dark hair is what did me in
when I met my wife, I was like a rabbit frozen in the headlights before it gets run over

I like 'em tall, slender, well built with athletic body with dark hair/big dark eyes then add a cool accent and a figure that literally stops traffic so guys can whistle at her...
I have sampled other varieties  in ukraine/russia just to compare and contrast, but the above is my preferance
my wife is half Moldovan, plenty of women like her there, though at 6'1" she's taller than most

I'll show you mine, if you show me yours....
here's mine

« Last Edit: July 04, 2023, 11:39:34 AM by krimster2 »

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Re: My second trip to Europe
« Reply #19 on: July 05, 2023, 09:49:05 AM »

I'll show you mine, if you show me yours....
here's mine

Isn't that Gillian Anderson? ;D
"If you make your own bread, then and only then, are you a free man unchained and alive living in pooty tang paradise, or say no and live in Incel island with all the others." - Krimster

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Re: My second trip to Europe
« Reply #20 on: July 05, 2023, 10:17:03 AM »
my wife is a foot taller than agent Sculley!!!
and much different accent!
can you imagine Gillian Anderson making your lunch everyday and scrubbing your back in the tub?
hmmmmm - yummy!

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Re: My second trip to Europe
« Reply #21 on: July 10, 2023, 04:06:34 PM »
Others without FSU experience will rarely be able to give you any beneficial advice on
finding a good girl in the FSU. I have been married 10 years in November, so I don't
have any up to date "find the girl site" to recommend. They mostly speak Romanian
in Moldova, which is far easier than Russian. I don't know if they have in Moldova,
but if they do that might be a place to start.

I would definitely try meeting Moldovans rather than importing Ukrainians. If you are
planning on meeting multiple girls at a foreign place, the coordination will be very
difficult. If you decide girl two is the perfect girl, what do you do with girl three
who is arriving tomorrow? What do you do with perfect girl two? 

99.9999% of girls claiming to be from Transnistria will be a scam.

How much time will you be in Moldova?

Hey Tall & guys, thanks for keeping up with my trip. Been quite busy touring romania and some other places after a week in Moldova. Had a lot of trouble with jetlag but finally got through it!
I will be going back to MD probably on Tuesday next week and go back to USA on THU.
That would give me about 2 or 3 more days in MD to look for some new leads.
I met with one of the ukrainian girls in Chisinau, things went quite well but haven't been able to
catch up with her much as she had to leave soon and told me yesterday that she ran into trouble.
Don't know what kind but she will probably tell me soon.
I don't speak any romanian but certainly there may be many words similar to spanish and english
than in russian.
Met a couple new friends there, one a taxi driver, a couple brit kids and a tourist guide.
What's going on Trench! You should come see the uber beautiful Moldovan ladies!
Conor was totally right and it's, I would say more than a good substitute for Ukraine.
Plenty of young women walking around on the main street Negruzzi and Stefan de Mare and
you can also go to universities and try to caht them up.
As it has been said, it is far more difficult than I thought to try to import a ukrainian woman
to Moldova, as close as it might be because of a number of reasons.
Better to stick with what we have at hand at any given moment yet our minds play us tricks
and make us want to go for the harder route sometimes.
Life won't get easier. You just have to get stronger.

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Re: My second trip to Europe
« Reply #22 on: July 10, 2023, 04:15:07 PM »
none of the rednecks 'round these parts read Shakespeare's Julius Caesar,
a rarified few will know "Semper Fi" and "in vino veritas" and fewer still "quo vadis" and "pro bono"  all from non-literary sources.  In most redneck regions of the USA, it's against the law to read a book other than the bible, unless it's about Sports, Cars, or Guns
ask Russia what happens when a bunch of greedy a-holes take over a country and the people are too phuqueing stoopid to fight back

BTW, Moldovan street signs VERY easy to read for english speakers compared to Russian thanks to the latin alphabet
most young college educated women in kishinev will have some level of English
a lot of mixed moldovan/russian girls as well
the women I met there were mostly extremely friendly and interested in westerners
in general, I found Moldovan women easier to get along with and more "easy going" than Russian wimmin

Hey krim! Whats going on? You always seem to have a good comment and useful advice!
I can say I found a gold mine of beautiful women in Moldova, something I wasn't expecting.
Conor says Romania is "mediocre Romania" although i did see a bunch of beautiful women there
as well. But then, there's the nose... The romanian nose hahaha!
I mean, not all have ugly noses but the majority have this characteristic and thus why Conor
says that the beauty level there is mediocre. I would say in comparison to ukraine there are
smaller numbers, yet there are still modest amounts to have fun.

Yes, your woman has this feel to Gillian ANderson and does look tall. I was amazed of how many
uber tall women are there in MD! Much more than ukraine the last time I visited. I thought
ukrainian women are pretty much on the decent size average. Being 170 basically the
norm there!
Alright gotta go, going on a tour tomorrow early in the morning and I didn't free up enough space
on my phone for new pictures!!! yikes
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Re: My second trip to Europe
« Reply #23 on: July 10, 2023, 05:12:13 PM »
there seems to be more tall women in moldova thwn in russia/ukraine
i like 'em tall with a gal godot kinda look, and able to handle a Russian Baikal shotgun
when you hook up with a tall one, and you take 'em shopping for clothes and shoes for tall women
then, in the future, you ever need a kidney transplant, you will have a grateful donor...maybe....

6'1" Moldovan/Ukrainian Village girl with a double barrel guarding the man cave
my baikal 12 ga, Russian  made shotgun from a german factory

my wife doesn't have a romanian nose, kinda straight as the pic shows, but dang she's tall, and built like a brick outhouse
and bakes me cookies, cakes, etc all the time!!!!!

« Last Edit: July 10, 2023, 05:17:29 PM by krimster2 »

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Re: My second trip to Europe
« Reply #24 on: July 11, 2023, 06:51:55 PM »
So many profiles I have seen of Ukrainian chicks where they are 5'4" it's like the standard out there lol. A real pain as a 6ft guy it's not that ideal. I like a good height match up so for me 5'6" - 5'9" to my 6'0" is probably about the ideal. The first girl from Mariupol that I met in Kyiv was a little unusually tall I think about 5'10" or 5'11" in high heels she matched my 6'0" almost exactly. She didn't like the feeling of towering over guys as many chicks don't so she just about got away with it.

If girls are taller in Moldova then it could be a good place for me. It's not so much that I mind short girls I don't but the practicalities aren't the best. Firstly sex alignment, secondly kissing alignment, thirdly feeling like you're with a kid, fourthly her issue with high heels. There are work arounds so it's not the end of the world but it's more handy with comparative height match up I think.

So did you meet any girl where it's a goer?

Did you at least get your leg over one of them? ;D
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Re: My second trip to Europe
« Reply #25 on: July 11, 2023, 07:35:19 PM »
yeah, a broad age distribution
downtown on shopping days are good

my tastes in wimmin are now much different than from my younger years
i'd go for the high IQ 30+ financial professional who is undatable in Ukraine

these women do NOT play coy and they are experienced sexually
way more than a member of the Midlands Sexual Temperence League
and they'll get that you're 'kinda' a virgin, and some might actually get off on it
and do things like give you a HJ while standing a foot in front of you looking straight into your eyes
i mean, if they like you, of course
they gotta like you for somethin like that

a lot of these women are starved for male company
and you can start out as friends and spend eveneing together
before you make your move OR they make theirs
once they invest in the relationship, they're not gonna turn ya down
like I told ya home boy
you have to make them come hard
and then after, hold them tenderly
and that's it
you got a new stray cat to feed

« Last Edit: July 11, 2023, 07:43:49 PM by krimster2 »

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Re: My second trip to Europe
« Reply #26 on: July 12, 2023, 11:22:17 AM »
So many profiles I have seen of Ukrainian chicks where they are 5'4" it's like the standard out there lol. A real pain as a 6ft guy it's not that ideal. I like a good height match up so for me 5'6" - 5'9" to my 6'0" is probably about the ideal. The first girl from Mariupol that I met in Kyiv was a little unusually tall I think about 5'10" or 5'11" in high heels she matched my 6'0" almost exactly. She didn't like the feeling of towering over guys as many chicks don't so she just about got away with it.

If girls are taller in Moldova then it could be a good place for me. It's not so much that I mind short girls I don't but the practicalities aren't the best. Firstly sex alignment, secondly kissing alignment, thirdly feeling like you're with a kid, fourthly her issue with high heels. There are work arounds so it's not the end of the world but it's more handy with comparative height match up I think.

So did you meet any girl where it's a goer?

Did you at least get your leg over one of them? ;D

Im following the advice of a book called Cold Calling and there you can find a plan or
workaround with FSU countries with all the details and ins and outs of each of the countries.
One of the advices you get is that if you are a beginner cold approacher you should do 15
sets, or approaches a day. And less if you actually have some game and can usually get some conversation and laughter out of girls .
Then the numbers reduce but still like 8 approaches a day. Kinda hard when
you are still managing bookings and trying to fit in visits and getting to know a new country.
Yet the advice tells you that this is when you actually have like 3 weeks in a country, not like
me that keeps moving from country to country!

1st week getting phone numbers, cold leads
2nd week, follow ups, convesations and setting up dates
3rd week, actual dates and getting some action

He states that the flakiness factor is quite high in the FSU so that you have to do high amounts
of approaches in order to get just ONE lay... With me it hasn't been too different, wrong country
for me maybe? I did get a good interaction with one 179 cm beauty just until her friend came by
and ruined all the fun. She probably stayed with her talking shit about me, usually what "best friends"
of girls do and so she totally flaked out on me for our coffee date the next day.
So the number of lays will eventually be very low, he states like 1 out of every 50 sets you do consistently. Starting with new leads and from scratch may be the best way to go for me, but
it takes time and lots of patience.
So the next day I spent it buying souveniers for my family and friends and also attempted new
approaches yet failed to do as there was just too much other stuff to do in the city. I figured, "Well,
I can't really give a definitive conclusion about dating in a country when all I have is approached 2 or
3 women who were unresponsive! Now if I have about 20 sets and gotten no results whatsoever then
I can start drawing conclusions!"
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Re: My second trip to Europe
« Reply #27 on: July 12, 2023, 11:51:44 AM »
Im following the advice of a book called Cold Calling and there you can find a plan or
workaround with FSU countries with all the details and ins and outs of each of the countries.
One of the advices you get is that if you are a beginner cold approacher you should do 15
sets, or approaches a day. And less if you actually have some game and can usually get some conversation and laughter out of girls .
Then the numbers reduce but still like 8 approaches a day. Kinda hard when
you are still managing bookings and trying to fit in visits and getting to know a new country.
Yet the advice tells you that this is when you actually have like 3 weeks in a country, not like
me that keeps moving from country to country!

1st week getting phone numbers, cold leads
2nd week, follow ups, convesations and setting up dates
3rd week, actual dates and getting some action

He states that the flakiness factor is quite high in the FSU so that you have to do high amounts
of approaches in order to get just ONE lay... With me it hasn't been too different, wrong country
for me maybe? I did get a good interaction with one 179 cm beauty just until her friend came by
and ruined all the fun. She probably stayed with her talking shit about me, usually what "best friends"
of girls do and so she totally flaked out on me for our coffee date the next day.
So the number of lays will eventually be very low, he states like 1 out of every 50 sets you do consistently. Starting with new leads and from scratch may be the best way to go for me, but
it takes time and lots of patience.
So the next day I spent it buying souveniers for my family and friends and also attempted new
approaches yet failed to do as there was just too much other stuff to do in the city. I figured, "Well,
I can't really give a definitive conclusion about dating in a country when all I have is approached 2 or
3 women who were unresponsive! Now if I have about 20 sets and gotten no results whatsoever then
I can start drawing conclusions!"

iloveukrayinkas I having to pick myself up off the floor!!! :o

Man, do yourself a favour and chuck that book away!

That's awful advice it's giving to you, even to me one of the less experienced members here, ask for a refund ;) God only knows what the others would think of it here!

You mean you didn't even get a date, get laid!!

Seriously I wouldn't bother with the cold approach. Just use online dating sites like Fdate for free or pay monthly sites. Tell the girl direct that you are in her city and would like to see her for a date. Out of messaging so many you'll likely come up with a higher success rates than your cold calling efforts. I'll give you credit for at least approaching the girls but as you found a lot of effort and not much joy.

Personally I would only approach a girl out there if they were eyeing the sh*t out of me.

I'm guessing the others here will be able to give you a lot more input.
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Re: My second trip to Europe
« Reply #28 on: July 12, 2023, 11:52:46 AM »
when I lived over there for a few years, I discovered that it was EASY to spot westerners in a crowd anywhere in russia or ukraine or moldova
their heads/faces look different from the locals (as well as different clothing/shoes)

this makes westerners 'rare and exotic' animals compared to local gopnicks...

then on top of that, throw in your english speaking status
and you can end up with enough sexual points to get really cute lookin english literature majors sitting naked on your lap whilest you read poetry to them as I have done in my youthful days

in moldova men on average are more darker in appearance, like italians
this makes blue eyed fair haired boys stand out for the women there
in that case, you won't have to worry about how to pick up women there
cuz they will all have their eyes on you
you just have to learn how to signal to them that you are approachable
and that's about it...

when I was a young sprout in kyiv, I used to do water color painting as a hobby, and could do portraits
i'd go out to the market area on a saturday and paint street scenes
meet a pretty girl and would sketch her
give her the picture and invite her to dinner
where she let me sketch her nude
and I'd pleasure her orally
and thst's how I spent my winter sabbatical back then

you young kids today indulge in too much porn instead of goin out there and gettin' some like my generation did
just sayin'

« Last Edit: July 12, 2023, 12:14:36 PM by krimster2 »

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Re: My second trip to Europe
« Reply #29 on: July 12, 2023, 12:58:36 PM »

my wife doesn't have a romanian nose, kinda straight as the pic shows, but dang she's tall, and built like a brick outhouse
and bakes me cookies, cakes, etc all the time!!!!!

Yes, I think romanian noses are a bit unaesthetic but I guess that's just their genes and russian women as well. The characteristic of the russian nose is that it is often times BIG. Sometimes a bit unsettling to see but works well on some of them with their facial features. There are also many who have very fine, small noses but you also have to find out if they had plastic surgery to get to that point haha
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Re: My second trip to Europe
« Reply #30 on: July 12, 2023, 08:58:26 PM »
differences in genetics between western and eastern europeans

if you decide to capture one of these women, and imprison her in your home to use as a domestic servant as I have done (they call it marriage) and then use her as a 'breeder' this will result in some diverse genetics that will work out in your kids favor...

both my tri-lingual daughters married super model lookin guys from the russian oligarchy before they were 21 and are already in the top 1% economic tier...
grandchildren are maybe 2-3 yrs off
imagine what I can teach them

« Last Edit: July 12, 2023, 09:00:07 PM by krimster2 »

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Re: My second trip to Europe
« Reply #31 on: July 13, 2023, 08:52:14 AM »
differences in genetics between western and eastern europeans

if you decide to capture one of these women, and imprison her in your home to use as a domestic servant as I have done (they call it marriage) and then use her as a 'breeder' this will result in some diverse genetics that will work out in your kids favor...

both my tri-lingual daughters married super model lookin guys from the russian oligarchy before they were 21 and are already in the top 1% economic tier...
grandchildren are maybe 2-3 yrs off
imagine what I can teach them

Yep only a year to go now before they get their green cards ;D
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Re: My second trip to Europe
« Reply #32 on: July 13, 2023, 03:16:19 PM »
yeah, and they're doing that on their own without me

will the last person leaving Russia please turn off the lights!!

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Re: My second trip to Europe
« Reply #33 on: July 13, 2023, 03:26:43 PM »
differences in genetics between western and eastern europeans

if you decide to capture one of these women, and imprison her in your home to use as a domestic servant as I have done (they call it marriage) and then use her as a 'breeder' this will result in some diverse genetics that will work out in your kids favor...

both my tri-lingual daughters married super model lookin guys from the russian oligarchy before they were 21 and are already in the top 1% economic tier...
grandchildren are maybe 2-3 yrs off
imagine what I can teach them

I guess that summarizes the whole beauty thing with women. They use it to capture
high income men depending on how sophisticated they look. 
And with men, it is often times the same, they think that since they earn a high income
they have to have the 9's and 10's, the narc level girlfriends and wives!
In the case of your daughters, I'm not sure what scale they are amongst the beauty
queen level but it seems they not only found the rich guys but also good looking ones.
In my country we say something that translates to "you can't have both glories together"
It's either beauty or money and most of the time you will have to choose between one
of the two.

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Re: My second trip to Europe
« Reply #34 on: July 13, 2023, 09:07:06 PM »
we each have to use whaever evolutionary advantages we have to seek a mate

having a western passport, english language, large disposable income
will get ya a whole lot further in Moldova than in Maryland
hard to beat that advantage
that's why it's a whole lot smarter to look in moldova
once you figure out the truth of this

I was the first man these two girls learned to manipulate
but not the last, but at least theiir husbands are responsible for them now

my oldest daughter, the blond, did some acting in a Russian TV series a couple of years ago

« Last Edit: July 13, 2023, 09:12:20 PM by krimster2 »

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Re: My second trip to Europe
« Reply #35 on: July 13, 2023, 11:38:03 PM »
This is the ukie girl i had a date with in Moldova.

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Re: My second trip to Europe
« Reply #36 on: July 14, 2023, 07:46:29 AM »
they're well built over there
it's what I like about 'em

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Re: My second trip to Europe
« Reply #37 on: July 14, 2023, 08:22:14 AM »
This is the ukie girl i had a date with in Moldova.

Nice boobers, did you get them out! :D
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Re: My second trip to Europe
« Reply #38 on: July 14, 2023, 08:47:04 AM »
I guess that summarizes the whole beauty thing with women. They use it to capture
high income men depending on how sophisticated they look. 
And with men, it is often times the same, they think that since they earn a high income
they have to have the 9's and 10's, the narc level girlfriends and wives!

In the case of your daughters, I'm not sure what scale they are amongst the beauty
queen level but it seems they not only found the rich guys but also good looking ones.
In my country we say something that translates to "you can't have both glories together"
It's either beauty or money and most of the time you will have to choose between one
of the two.

For sure they do, just perusing the dating websites women can be seen where in their profile write up they will say stuff like they want a man with,

'a good job, because I noticed that for men it`s really uncomfortable when their woman earns more than him. You have good life and enjoy good things. You are calm, not selfish and greedy.'

Which means the girl knows she is so good looking, may have a reasonable enough job or business if the back of that and so expects more from a man, huh, a tall order lol. The woman may not quite be a top model photoshoot type of girl but a good above average looking girl. She may tire of a guy who thinks he can provide enough but isn't really fulfilling the brief enough. So going for such a girl because you fancy the cr*p out of her may not work if you don't match up enough for her with what she wants.

Then again there are other pretty girls, but pretty girls who are not so well placed ;) They have gotten preggers by another man and pushed out a sprog. The man has buggered off, they split up, he passed on, etc leaving said pretty girl holding the baby. Now, her back is up against the wall, she knows another guys baby will put hoardes of men off her in the FSU. Unlike here where desperate men will go with such women in the FSU no man wants to be at work all week, out all hours working to support some other dudes sprog, the word 'mug' comes to mind like it used to way back in the day in the west.

However such is our plight for decent women and their plight for support to which their government gives extremely little that they are more than willing for any man that can provide at all ;D They have dropped their demands and sights on the top men, they know they stand little chance with them having a kid already. They don't work anymore as they have to look after the kid so no status to be had there for them. They have sunk low on the hypergamy scale and so are usually easier to get with. Thereafter paying a bit extra for her kid, having kids with her yourself and if moving to you home country issues with any father remaining are all other concerns that need to be resolved, but their bargaining position is weak ;)
"If you make your own bread, then and only then, are you a free man unchained and alive living in pooty tang paradise, or say no and live in Incel island with all the others." - Krimster

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Re: My second trip to Europe
« Reply #39 on: July 14, 2023, 10:00:32 AM »
you guys all have motive, fer sure...
but your main problem is 'opportunity"

you have a very limited window that lets you look into the FSU world
instead of modem dating and short trips
try living over there intead...
then you get connected to a network of people that has gazillions of single horny women
and you will be the raw steak that the sharks will churn the water over...

you will come into contact with more hot wimmin then you could ever dream of
and some will have a fetish over western guys
much harder to get a good cup of coffee over there than it is getting laid...

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Re: My second trip to Europe
« Reply #40 on: July 15, 2023, 09:12:54 AM »
hahaha this post is pretty much going everywhere except to my main topic about my trip.
Anyway Krimster I have not considered moving to Europe or any other place as I am not in the financial
position that I would like to be in and I also ran into some problems with my business
a few months ago so this seems to be something for the long haul.
Finding a "Digital nomad" type of job or business would be the best in order to be able to
do this and I am researching about it, specially with Kyle Trouble who was able to move and
live in Ukraine for several years, there he found his wife.

So now I'm in Prague. I stayed here today and planning on jumping to Berlin next.
Last night I was so tired of walking and walking the Wenceslas square vicinities that I
walked to a bench where foreigners where sitting and I happened to overhear an
interesting development.
A guy with an apparent Indian accent started talking to some girls who where sitting
beside me. The girls tried responding but seems their english was not very good.
The guy was persistent and told them that "sometimes language doesn't have to be a problem
if you want to meet somebody" or something like that.
The girls were not top tier looking but the guy wasn't so young either. Perhaps in his late forties
and already showing many grey hairs.
As soon as the girls left I asked the guy if he was a Daygamer in Prague. He replied that he
didn't know about that and that he was just trying to socialize or something like that.
I told him some guys actually taught game in Prague and I thought he was one of the students.
Then a couple other guys came and joined in, apparently some Pakistani rich guys having their
vacations in Prague.
I continued talking to one of his friends talking about girls and about partying. He said he didn't
drink because of his religion or something like that so I excused myself after a few minutes and
kept going my way.
On the way back to my hotel this HOT asian chick hops into my metro wagon. I was about to
talk to her but right when I was about to her stop came and she left. I was thinking of following
her to be able to talk to her but my legs had already been punished too hard and I was having
trouble walking, let alone running to her to talk to her!!!
Anyway, when I got back to my room I put some ice bags on my leg and hip as the pain has
been increasing lately from so much walking.
Life won't get easier. You just have to get stronger.

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Re: My second trip to Europe
« Reply #41 on: July 15, 2023, 07:12:45 PM »
Going on holiday and seeing stuff is great but I don't like too much as a lot of stuff can get a bit samey after a while.

You seem to have a big thing for PUA stuff ILU. Well my guess is that while it could happen anywhere with it if you're in EU countries then it's generally a different scene to the FSU countries of Russia, Belarus, Ukraine & Moldova in that in general it's a harder scene to do PUA. Those countries just mentioned the girls are motivated to find someone though they may be wary of getting with a guy if the street. Most EU countries either the girls are not nearly as motivated due to cultural differences and/or the economy.

If it were me I would stay in Moldova save the time travelling and try my luck there. You can do PUA if you wish you seem to have a thing for it. I looked into it and while if the right moment came by I wouldn't object to using it to be honest I find it a lot of faff to get the head around for often dubious results. Far easier to just load up a few dating sites online message a load of chicks and get a date lined up quickly that way.

I tried looking into PUA/possible ways to pull on the streets of Kyiv in 2019. My efforts got a bit of stick from some here, lol but it did at least explore how feasible it may be. Other than PUA opportunity stuff I had a drawing book to draw stuff (to garner attention) but nowhere that easy to draw & my drawing skills aren't great (so I binned that idea), I sat out in a park with an English book (no joy), I noticed young people dating in the another park and looked out for places to hang out near the market or tourist sites where a meeting might occur. I would say it seems the more you look for that stuff the less likely it anywhere suitable seems to be.

Like you I had a woman that appealed on the tube but couldn't rack my brain at the time to come up with something. Later I did the tube a fair bit but no talent so it's kind of hit & miss. Hence why I say it's a kind of only if it occurs kind of thing. Like has been said by Bill on here quite rightly I think that there is little telling whether she had a bf, even married, wants to date you, or if a lesbian, etc. So generally I keep to dating sites as the main source of sourcing women more efficiently.
"If you make your own bread, then and only then, are you a free man unchained and alive living in pooty tang paradise, or say no and live in Incel island with all the others." - Krimster

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Re: My second trip to Europe
« Reply #42 on: July 16, 2023, 03:30:02 AM »
By some of the things I write perhaps you could say that this is the wrong forum
and that I should be posting on a PUA forum or something.
Perhaps, but the thing is, PUA is not only to have fun and get laid but also gives you
the skill you also need to find a life partner. You can't pretend to go out in the world
be a poker face or have no social skills and get the best hotties. For this you also need
balls and going up to a total stranger and asking her out is part of the thing every man
must do in order to get her to the altar. You can't get to three without 1 and 2!
Flaking is as much a problem with live meetings as it is with online.

Another thing is with online dating I haven't put too much effort than what I wanted to
put in and this also requires great efforts, time and energy, meaning working months on end
just to get a couple luke warm leads. This also is no guarantee as she has never seen
you in person and you as well! You may get disappointed at the time of meeting and never
want to see her again despite having had an "online romance" prior to your meeting.

Anyway, I'm still trying to setup dates with a couple ukrainian girls while I'm still
here. This is mostly online of course so you can see that I'm not just a hard cold
pickup artist(not that I'm somehow apologizing for anything though),
but we will see what happens with this.

I did want to stay in Moldova for a longer period but since I only had 1 date there and
no other dates confirmed, why was I gonna stay there?
I can pretty much do cold leads in ANY country, the idea of going to moldova
was to mostly work my warm leads.
Still many interesting ladies there who I definitely dont discard and I like it that most
of them speak russian as someone here, a gringo, was telling me that it is very hard
with Czech girls as most don't speak any english. And am I gonna learn Czech in the
near future? Heck no!

Life won't get easier. You just have to get stronger.

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Re: My second trip to Europe
« Reply #43 on: July 16, 2023, 04:19:13 AM »
ILU, with PUA all I can say is that a good book to read, at least I think is 'Day Bang' by Rooshv. I don't think they sell it anymore like his other books but if you Google it you may be able to find a free download somewhere. I'm not saying it's going to land you a chick but I think it has some useful stuff in it and worth a read. Even with that it can be an uphill battle and not much easier. I tend to see it as if a girl is eyeing you up then it could be a goer if not then odds are potentially even more remote. I'm not down on PUA and I get your drift that potentially it could help improve social skills even if you aren't out to land every chick you get with. However, I think getting dates and chatting to chicks can help a little also so it's a whatever you fancy doing sort of situation.

With flakiness I never had FSW fake on me where I got good correspondence going beforehand, though admittedly it has only been three chicks I did this with. Some chicks I have got talking to online I would be happy to wager good money that they would not flake, others the communication interest from the woman wasn't that strong and they often dropped off after a few messages.

That was with WOVO (write one, visit one) but with the WMVM (write many, visit many) that I did in my Lviv trip flakiness was about 50/50 I think. I met two women and off the other women I contacted 1 didn't show up and 1 fell through as I think she saw that I wasn't the type of guy for her - she was heavily into theatre, orchestra type of stuff. The WOVO took around three months to set up from first message to meeting in person, roughly 4-6 weeks to decide to visit and 4-6 weeks to book up and arrange visit. You're right that it's a big outlay of time up front to meet a girl where there may be nothing. Twice I had that and once I just wasn't sure but I gained experience I think at least.

I think now I have learned enough to be able to set up meets far more quickly. FSW are likely to be more flaky/reluctant to meet if they haven't communicated much prior as in if it's just one letter saying 'hi I'm Jonny you wanna meet?'. In fairness it comes with the feeling that you don't really know enough about each other for a meet on both sides which is why some girls flake or don't get back in contact I think. Better to have at least one letter behind you and ask her to meet on the second or third letter depending on how fast she responds and time you have.

With the online method like you say it's all about where you wish to put in the effort. To feel motivated women want to see a good profile with some good pics otherwise like men they are lukewarm at best. It's taken me several years to work up a decent enough profile and that helps me out. If I were to start over in PUA then again I reckon it would take several years of learning and failing before I learnt enough on how to go about it to win at it. It's an interesting field, basically I think how to weigh up people quickly, react quickly, respond well quickly and come across well enough to the right women so as they don't later flake. It's stuff some guys are naturals at from their early teens while I think most of us aren't. Sone people can clue in and read a person instantly as a natural impulse and real off an appropriate response in a almost programmed like manner without probably even realising it themself.

Anyway keep on hammering on with it ILU. I think here isn't a bad site to field this stuff and other members will no doubt have input even if many are in favour of online dating approach here.
"If you make your own bread, then and only then, are you a free man unchained and alive living in pooty tang paradise, or say no and live in Incel island with all the others." - Krimster

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Re: My second trip to Europe
« Reply #44 on: July 24, 2023, 11:36:21 AM »

With flakiness I never had FSW fake on me where I got good correspondence going beforehand, though admittedly it has only been three chicks I did this with. Some chicks I have got talking to online I would be happy to wager good money that they would not flake, others the communication interest from the woman wasn't that strong and they often dropped off after a few messages.

Great response Trench, greatly appreciated!
I will get back on the rest of the topics but just wanted to comment quickly about the flakiness I experienced with my supposedly "warm leads". So it basically didn't help me at all to have warm leads although I did try to talk to as many women as I could in the 6 months prior to my scheduled trip to europe. I even reviewed Pat's Visit Many strategies on youtube many many times to have a better strategy to play out but in the end things did not seem to go my way, or at least not the way I expected.
In turn, I actually found a never ending supply of hot, beautiful and young girls in Moldova, Romania, and Czech Republic. (Although I did see a couple super hot girls in Hungary as well but didn't see much potential for street hunting) My taxi driver in Prague, Frank a gringo living there, told me it is very difficult there because most chicks don't speak english well.
So there you have it, there is potential in terms of having access to many beautiful girls but being able to communicate with them in order to properly court them and date them, that's another $20 bucks!

I think I will be turning the page with Ukraine already if I don't see anything clear in the next few weeks with the #1 interest I had there and just turn my attention to the girls in the other countries I visited. It's no use beating the dead horse  :deadhorse: trying to meet women from a war torn country who don't even want to get out of that country and where I can't even enter for the time being!

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Re: My second trip to Europe
« Reply #45 on: July 24, 2023, 02:53:45 PM »
why do you think the problem is THEM
and not YOU?

why can't you enter Ukraine?
pick a large Ukrainian city
compare how many killed by rockets per day vrs daily homcides in an American city the same size
not even close

« Last Edit: July 24, 2023, 03:00:38 PM by krimster2 »


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