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Russian Front Discussion / Re: Interesting Articles
« Last post by krimster2 on Today at 03:10:06 PM »
didn't Putin get a 'percentage of all this Ministry of Defense corruption?
so he's not reaquiring stuff that they stole, out of a sense of 'justice"
but to redistribute to new people who are 'better performing'

in general oligarch kids are doing foreign studies abroad
while workin class kids get nabbed at the unemployment line or jail

and oligarchs are stashing their assets offshore as fast as they can, a massive cash outflow from Russia
in general, the lack of 'participation from the very people who profited MOST from the kleptocracy
is what has really PISSED-OFF Putin!!!!!

so he intends to take EVERYTHING he can from EVERYONE he can
in the ultimate Russian Oligarch Liquidation Sale
and hand it over to the new "Officer Class" Technical Managers/Owners
who bow and kiss the ring

...the horror....of a new "Heart of Darkness"
as a modern, militarized, Russified version of IG Farben is being born right before our very eyes!!
Mafiya Dons, CEOs of the Russian Military Industrial Complex, and High Ranking Political snf Financial Figures all sit together at the same table, under the same 'krisha
and they all give the 'head of the table 'his share' or rather ihe tells them, what their share is gonna be, so ya send the rest to him....

so what went wrong...????


Odds and Ends / Re: international travel
« Last post by krimster2 on Today at 02:59:17 PM »
as in #max number of drinks if I'm driving...max...or some other kind?"
Russian Front Discussion / Re: Interesting Articles
« Last post by JohnDearGreen on Today at 02:09:34 PM »

The pending collapse.

A few in the French alps video may have some worries now.

Love triangle between Shoigu and Ivanov!  Harem of the Russian Ministry of Defense.
General cleaning of the Kremlin. Investigation

Odds and Ends / international travel
« Last post by 2tallbill on Today at 01:58:13 PM »
sheeeeet holmes
3rd grade handjobs were the GREATEST!!!
Talk about SURPRISED!!!
still probably the most important physical discovery I ever made!!!
OMG!!! Look At What it can do!!!!
and totally legal for me back then!!!! didn't even think about gettin caught or punished...
such sweet girls, and ya didn't even hafta take 'em to dinner!!!

I did stuff in the 3rd grade with those girls, that if I got caught doing it today as an adult, would put me in prison for the rest of my life!!! and the BAD PRISON, not Club Fed
so, I'm probably NOT the person whose opinion ya wanna consult over "Skool Sex" cuz I was VERY much in favor of it!!!

a-a-and another thing!!!
ya know why VETS can't get mental health care at the VA?
cuz the VA ain't there for the VETs, it's there to do "damge control" for the Pentagon's PR Dept
so the public doesn't blame the Pentagon for creating un-treated traumatized soldiers who become psychotic and "do stuff"
The VA is still trying to phuque VETS up, even decades after they left the service

Step 1 of VA mental health intake, is "perform danger assessment to community"
and I immediately saw 'the trap' right there, that they were gonna put me in, so I said "I feel better now"  and left....

you should be FAR more worried about people LIKE ME than Gay Cowboys in Drag reading short stories in skool
the FEDS keep 'lists' of people like me, to keep track of us
but NOT the gay cowboys
I hope you understand why that is...

The 'Real Threat' yur facing is the 1950s 'bubble' yur tryin to live in
is getting harder and harder to maintain as time goes by...

maybe, it's time to let go of it
you'll have to, sooner or later...

Gay Cowboy Literary Festival Day
is gonna be the least of the problems yur gonna be facing in the next decade
covid was just a tiny glimpse of what the future's gonna be like

In the next decade, there will be REAL FEAR coming yur way
and not the FAKE FEAR of Gay Cowboys being peddled by Republicans to get yur Christian Evangelical Vote

if you wanna 'buy' their product, be my guest, it's a free country, buy as much of it as ya want!
to me, it's garbage
all of it!

to each his own...
but the very same people who are foolin ya now, will at the end of the next decade...
be the ones living comfortably down in Vault-Tec
while yur family's left on the surface in the Wasteland

insteada being 'played' by them, I find it much more enjoyable to be one of those who  'plays them' instead...

You played along fairly well for a few posts but apparently two is your max.


Ukrainian Front Discussion / Re: The Struggle For Ukraine
« Last post by krimster2 on Today at 11:32:07 AM »
Those Russian MFers!

They claim to be fighting "Ukrainian Faschista" in Odesa of all places, which ain't exactly known for it's "Carpathian Attitudes"....
I mean, don't get me wrong, "Wild Dances" was very popular in Odesa 'back in the day and also "I dance with the wolves..."

but firing an Iskander Cluster Bomb at a freakin historic Law School
and kill middle aged women out shopping with their dawg...
and call this an "Anti-Fascist" Operation
is beyond phuqued-up
like blaming the people who warned ya about Crocus City for Crocus City

I am descended from Odesa Yevray....who fled the pogrom to Amerika

But now I must reveal to you folks here
that by the pricking of my thumb
I am gonna warn ya of things to come

In a nameless Moscva suburb near an old military airport
is a special unit of the GRU that does 'computer simulations' for the military
they ended up doing non-linear analysis of banking and financial systems
and they had a DIRECT LINE TO PUTIN, who considers them damn near infallible, the "Quants"

they're the ones who told Putin about Silicon Valley Bank who then told Peter Thiel, who then started a bank run leading to it's collapse and bailout!!

this same group is predicting that 2025 is the last year of US support for Ukraine, and after that spending limits will NOT ALLOW any further support...

Russia has already gamed this out with different competing teams
as long as Democrats win in Nov, Ukraine will have support through 2025

but after that spending limits and rising interest on the debt
will mean that after about 10 years from now, it's impossible for the USA to EVER have an increase in GDP, cuz interest on the Federal Deficit is gonna be almost 4% 10 yr from now
and spending 70-80 billion USD/yr on Ukraine just ain't very likely
and if US Aid is reduced, you know that after a short while the EU will follow...

so, according to this gameplan, whoever can last the longest is the winner
Ukraine has at worst case, 1 more year of support, and at best case 2 more....

after that, the kill ratio will shift more to Russia's favor, especially as Russian military industry is mobilized, which it partially is...

sometime by the End of June, Russia will have passed the 500,000 casualty mark

Ukraine has to gamble on it's future support

if Russia can afford to pay the bill on 1-2 more years of this trench warfare with drones without having to give up much territory to Ukraine
because the forces are balanced that way

what happens to this balance
if Ukraine loses it's Western Sponsors due to a global Recession/Depression
which doesn't effect Russia, cuz they're decoupled from the West's economy

these Russki Quant guys code in a really funny old fashioned style, it cracks me up, their documentation is so formal...
Russian Fortran IV!!!!LOL!!!!

I miss all that old Soviet Electrnics
like The Minsk Radio's

Ivan, did you hear that the American that used to work here, shot Kennedy?

look at Oswald's picture in Minsk.....
that look...
he KNEW...

malenky kartoshkie compared to today
what October Surprize will Putin gift us???
what smiling figure who alters the future???

one thing fer sure, good buddy, we ain't gonna have long to wait!!!!

Trip Reports / Re: Trippin in St Pete
« Last post by krimster2 on Yesterday at 12:26:08 PM »
those who take the easy road, will often find out too late that this road is a dead end
and they also don't wanna take the hard road, cuz well...that's just 'human nature' innit?

truth, is always gonna be on the hard road, and not that EZ one
that's one of dem fundamental 'secret laws of the UNIVERSE'!
and cuz of that, my friends, once you start down that easy road...
ya'll ain't NEVER gonna git to where you wanna  be...

them Russian synthetics will be a 'kickin-in' pretty soon now...
I don't cry no Krokodil tears moy droog!!
mesomorphine is fer 'stariks'
I only score the latest NOVO

Drug Wars Are Always Symetrical

China's Opium Wars with West
West's Fentanyl Wars with China
and the beat goes on...

Crack was blowback from when we ousted the Nicaraguan Marxist Sandinistas
and the CIA/"Contras" used various forms of cocaine for funding
oh yeah, and sellin weapons to Iran as well.....

yur humble Narrator designed the Fire Control Computer used on the C-130 Gunship
that completely cut the roof off of the top of a hotel in Panama City, Panama that was full of snipers
with US Marines down on the street below, and not a single marine injured...
with servo-controlled 20mm M61 Vulcans with HEI rounds, each firing 100 rounds/sec

and this happened becuz Manuel Noriega was the biggest competitor to the CIA/Contra Cocaine smugglers...
and they had a MAJOR and BRUTAL Drug War goin on between them...
and then, dear readers, THEY decided to "kick it up a notch"

my part in this, was all done with 35+ yr old technology - but UNLIMITED BUDGET!!!!
Thanx Lockheed!!!!  Burbank SUX(except for fast food!)!!!  China Lake, where we did testing, totally ROCKS!!!!
and guess what?
this was NOT THE FIRST DRUG WAR I fought in for the USA!!!!!!!

is it weird, that everytime I saw something get totally shredded by 20mm HEI (High Explosive Incendiary)canon fire, that it gave me a 'woody'????
nahhhhhhh.....not at all...
but it is the place I began my hobby of collecting and hoarding shell fragments, particularly from European sites
in Sevastopol, I found everything from bronze arrowheads from the greek period to Soviet 205mm shells that contained 35 pounds of TNT
these were beeing looted outta Fort Stalin from "The Crimean Explosives Mafiya", I helped 'subsidize' them with tools in Xchange for 'loot' buying rights....and todo a 'ride along' to 'protect my 'investment' in a custom made concrete busting pneumatic drill and compressor with dual oversized mufflers that could be operated from the top floor of Ft Stalin with no outside noise
and we had a crew guarding us both in and outside

me and my body guard were both phuqued-up, cuz we weren't ENTIRELY sure if they were just gonna kill us and steal the equipment
but were able to figure out how to dangle some carrots for them not to...
greed will trump all other motives, so I make it more profitable to them, if I'm alive
and VERY unprofitable if I'm NOT...

good times...

Today, I'm practicing the role of a travelin'deaf and dumd 'bumzhee (bum)
who hitches rides on trains from town to town
and starts fires that get bigger and BIGGER...until all of RUSSIA IS ON FIRE!!!!!

Igor Semya Esquire
Village Idiot in the Village of the Damned

in the village of the damned, while evangelical right-wing media, focusus their audience's wrath on gay cowboys dressed in pink
They're NOT talkin' about the fact that last year, U.S. interest payments on its debt amounted to 2.4% of GDP, and the CBO projects that will increase to 3.9% by 2034

remeber what 'ole Ben Franlyn said about "compound interest"
hmmmmm hmmmmmm

100% guarantee that by 2040, whatever economy the US has will not be the SAME as it has today...
because by the end of the 2030's the interest on the debt will ALWAYS be greater than the rise in GDP
hence we have an increasing percentage of our GDP being swallowed by interest which only gets larger as time goes on

This is now gonna be known as "The White Swan Event"
as compared to the "The Black Swan Even" 2007 sub-prime meltdown

I am an advocate of "Modern Monetary Theory

in esssence, instead of "borrowing" the government creates 'money out of thin air' by creating credit from the Treasury to the Federal Reserve
read about the Trillion Dollar Platinum Coin!!!!  Google it

and since the gov creates this money, it doesn't need capitalists
they're just middlemen!!!

for example, the Hoover Dam was built by the Federal Gov for $50 million, it can generate that much worth of electricty per yr...

Trip Reports / Re: Trippin in St Pete
« Last post by Trenchcoat on Yesterday at 07:34:19 AM »
Go back and read what happened, it was written in English. This is why you are incapable
of learning things.

He told me her intentions, if he wanted to scam me he would have taken more money.
Instead he told me and the money stopped.

She was going to blow it anyway as she wasn't getting what she wanted and the money would have stopped. So at that stage it was a lost cause anyway. No one can be sure whether a scam was in play but often the 'language lessons' was an easy way to get money of WM.

It's why it's best to have no middleman/woman or agency in between because whether a scam is in progress or not the guy can never really be sure unless they are overly greedy, mess up somewhere, stuff doesn't add up in the mind, etc.

Remember Mila in Kharkiv had a whiter than white image and was well thought of on here until some of her clients expressed some concerning dealings they had with her in here. Not sure what happened to her as those dating services are much out of action in Ukraine to what they used to be these days.

Possibly Stirlitz is a bang straight up sort of guy, all I am saying is that I wouldn't jump to any conclusion over what happened. He was no doubt talking to the girl without you present obviously. So who knows what went down for real.
Trip Reports / Trippin in St Pete
« Last post by 2tallbill on Yesterday at 06:20:16 AM »
You know the 'needing English Language Lessons' is the oldest trick in the book to scam WM out of money.

Go back and read what happened, it was written in English. This is why you are incapable
of learning things.

He told me her intentions, if he wanted to scam me he would have taken more money.
Instead he told me and the money stopped.

Married / Re: Hard work -- How can I explain this to my Russian wife?
« Last post by Trenchcoat on Yesterday at 01:03:56 AM »
I remember my first sex with a girl too, it was sooooo fun and exciting. I never felt the
compulsion to talk about her ad infinitum. I never analyzed it to death. I never related
that to any another relationship in my entire life.   

You overthink things far too much and while I am sure you have fond memories, you
need to move on from that girl.


I've moved on from that girl but it happens to be the case that the situation was one where a lot of learning took place. I've had other experiences with other FSW and occasionally I bring up them also.
Trip Reports / Re: Trippin in St Pete
« Last post by Trenchcoat on Yesterday at 01:01:18 AM »
Stirlitz wouldn't cheat me out of a nickel.

You know the 'needing English Language Lessons' is the oldest trick in the book to scam WM out of money.
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Re: Interesting Articles by krimster2
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Re: Interesting Articles by JohnDearGreen
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international travel by 2tallbill
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Re: The Struggle For Ukraine by krimster2
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Re: Trippin in St Pete by krimster2
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Re: Trippin in St Pete by Trenchcoat
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Re: Trippin in St Pete by Trenchcoat
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