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Author Topic: The Struggle For Ukraine  (Read 338938 times)

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Re: The Struggle For Ukraine
« Reply #3400 on: March 14, 2024, 08:04:34 AM »
four dead in Luhkoil baby
they're finally on their own
gotta get down, baby...
chorny plosh are coming
shoulda been gone long ago

Yalky Palky the Whiteboard's Chalky
Old Skool War Profiteers were "Industrialists"
Novo Skool = ????

Bizness Plan
1. HD FPV Video drones with warhead - sell an "experience" of killing actual Russian soldiers for $$$ on a Russian soldier hunting safari in Ukraine through an online video interface that you control, all major credit cards accepted

2. AID Delivery Volunteer for Ukraine - fund raise to deliver aid to sick and elederly ukrainians, make videos of delivering aid, you MUST have a cat that you feature in the videos that LATER gets killed by Russian shelling!!!
and more...

Russian plan to divide Ukrainian leadership worked PERFECTLY!!!
Russians manipulated Zaluzhnyi's people and his removal led to an increase in chaos
which is ALWAYS Russia's goal, to increase disorder
this has cleard the way for Russian moles to tunnel through
and bag some major juicy treats
and there are TWO assassin teams in kyiv ALWAYS waiting for Zelensky's security team to make a mistake

in the future, you just tell the drone what you want...
"blow up any tanks you see, otherwise come back home" wizzzzzzzzzzzzz
and eventually, it's just gonna be one drone tellin another what to do, no hu-mans involved
which is a perfect matchup to the declining number of soldiers in western militaries
a convergence

nuclear ICBMs
we don't have no ICBMs, we don't need no stinkin ICBMs
when you can use hundreds of tesla auto-pilot cars and a starlink terminal add a chemical/biological warhead and take out any country you want

« Last Edit: March 14, 2024, 08:27:20 AM by krimster2 »

Offline Trenchcoat

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Re: The Struggle For Ukraine
« Reply #3401 on: March 16, 2024, 12:44:06 AM »
A really good article here looking at Russia's dwindling supplies of mainly Soviet Armaments in it's old Soviet Armaments Storage bases. Russia continues to suffer huge losses on the battlefield of men and armaments as it tries to press home it's attacks on Ukraine. It can't resupply it's army with enough new Armaments it makes or Armaments bought in from Iran, North Korea, etc:

Looks like the West's plan of exhausting Russia's ability to wage war is starting to work. Once Russia has exhausted it's Armaments it will no longer be able to use bully boy tactics of bringing huge numbers of Artillery to bear to pound each opponent into submission. Those days will be long gone for it.

The Article reckons that Russia will be exhausting it's Armaments by about 2025 if not sooner. It looks like Trump is going to walk it to becoming President again and it's questionable whether he will back Ukraine. However, by the time of his inauguration in early 2025, Russia might not be far off being obviously exhausted anyway in Armaments on the battlefield at its ability to succeed on the ground with a conventional Army severely stunted. If Russia looks to be that way then support from the EU/UK, Europe alone could be enough keep Ukraine in the game long enough for Russia to hold up it's hands and throw in the towel and leave Ukraine. My guess is by then Putler will look old and weak enough for others in positions of power in Russia to move against him as they seek to replace him blaming him for this failure in Ukraine.

We only need to hold on so much longer and the Russian roar will turn into a squeaking of a mouse :D
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Re: The Struggle For Ukraine
« Reply #3402 on: March 22, 2024, 08:53:08 AM »
Ukrainians largest Hydroelectric Dam in Zaphorziazhia hit:

Kharkiv's Power Plant destroyed and many other power infrastructure in Ukraine. Kharkiv without power also many other millions of Ukrainians without power across Ukraine as a result of these morning strikes.
"If you make your own bread, then and only then, are you a free man unchained and alive living in pooty tang paradise, or say no and live in Incel island with all the others." - Krimster

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Re: The Struggle For Ukraine
« Reply #3403 on: March 22, 2024, 10:42:10 AM »
so 'tis gonna be THAT KINDA FOIGHT now?

i'm tellin ya Trenchman....
you are staring at an opportunity for REDEMPTION of yur whole freakin miserable British life
I'm SURE, like every other time you had such an opportunity
you'll wave "good by" to it and go back to watching "Red Dwarf" re-runs on the tele while munching on a Sainsbury frozen meat pie (dey is tasty!)
you could master "The Attention Economy" in Ukraine
and get 10X what Bald and Bankrupt got....
have a FREAKIN blast (perhaps an ill chosen word) doin it!!!!
and just rent out your place, and use yur mom/sister's place for base of operations in UK

this'd be ALMOST as good as going to medical school in ENGLISH in Ternopil State Univ and studyin Gynecology
then ONLY accept super model patiants

getting paid to get laid
how many guyz smart enuff to pull that off?
and here's YUR opportunity Trench
The Nebbish who roared and became a beacon of hope to a beleagured people

Trench, Putin set this whole war up in Ukraine - JUST TO GIVE YOU THIS OPPORTUNITY!!!!
just so you can make that Youtube $$$ and have super model Ukrainian girl friend(s)

read books on settin up a charity, talk to some other folks, read about monetizing Youtube, etc, Trench's Ukraine Rescue Gift Shop and Merchandise
and DO IT!!!


you would go to the head of the class if you did this Trench
insteada bein all the way in the back

now that I presented YOU with this
what are yur EXCUSES for NOT doin it?

the US State Dept warned us a few days ago about a pending terrorist attack in Moscow...

the attack just happened

« Last Edit: March 22, 2024, 11:43:26 AM by krimster2 »

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Moscow Attack: Don’t Believe the Kremlin
« Reply #3404 on: March 25, 2024, 08:38:09 PM »
Moscow Attack: Don’t Believe the Kremlin
THE WALL STREET JOURNAL. Monday, March 25, 2024
Friday’s terrorist attack at the Crocus City Hall concert venue near Moscow killed more than 100 people in a brutal crime against humanity. Many key facts are still unclear, and rest assured they
will become only less clear as the Kremlin works to exploit the crisis
domestically and abroad.
Coming shortly after his latest sham election, the attack gave dicta-
tor Vladimir Putin a rallying cry one day after the Kremlin declared for the first time that Russia is in a “state of war” in Ukraine.
But the official Kremlin story line is already a shambles. In one of the most surveilled cities on earth, where you can be arrested in 30 seconds for whispering “no war,” the terrorists continued their attack for more than an hour and then simply drove away.
The FSB, Russia’s state security service, claims to have arrested four
suspects near Ukraine, at one of the most fortified borders in the world.
Or did the suspects actually drive to Russian ally Belarus, as that nation’s ambassador to Russia said? Considering the amount of materiel and In a heavily surveilled city, how could ISIS terrorists
have killed for nearly an hour and driven away?
In preparation required to do so much damage to a venue the size of a small village, it’s odd that the terrorists would suddenly turn into bungling amateurs by carrying their Tajik passports and heading to a militarized border.
Every official statement from the Kremlin and its propagandists will
be a lie, with a few half-truths tossed in. It’s a control reflex of the security state of which Mr. Putin is a product.
Mr. Putin angrily dismissed warnings from the U.S. Embassy on March 7 and March 18 about a potential terror attack at a concert venue in Moscow  (How did the U.S. know? Was it sources in ISIS-K or, as I suspect, moles in the FSB?)
Then, on March 22, Mr. Putin issued orders to conscript hundreds of thousands more Russians for his war of conquest against Ukraine. Twenty-five years ago, when then-Prime Minister Putin needed a platform for his presidential campaign, a series of terrorist apartment bombings in Russia launched the Second Chechen War. I laid out the copious evidence that these were
false-flag attacks, staged by the FSB, in my 2015 book, “Winter Is Coming.” It’s a deed so shocking that it is difficult to believe—until you realize what sort of man Mr. Putin is. He has no allergy to blood, Russian or any other kind, if spilling it furthers his goals.
Twenty-five years ago, Mr. Putin grabbed power by committing mass murder in Chechnya. Today, in hope of staying in power, Mr. Putin is committing mass murder in Ukraine.
The West’s weakness encourages Russian escalation.  White House national security adviser Jake Sullivan was just in Kyiv, but instead of helping Ukraine fight off the daily Rus-
sian attacks on its energy infrastruc-
ture by delivering weapons, he was
apparently there to discourage
Ukraine from doing the same to Rus-
sia. On Friday the Financial Times re-
ported that the U.S. has pressured
Ukraine not to attack Russian oil in-
frastructure for fear of raising global
gas prices—which might harm Presi-
dent Biden’s re-election chances.
Russian air power devastates Ukraine
because America promised Ukraine
F-16s but says it takes too long to
train the pilots. Last week Mr. Bi-
den’s administration even vetoed a
Group of Seven statement condemn-
ing Russia’s fake elections.
All this suggests Mr. Biden fears
Russian defeat more than Russian
victory. As I documented in August,
this is the continuation of a betrayal
of a democratic ally and of American
security interests.
It’s a cowardly new world order.
The White House is busy telling
Ukraine where it can’t shoot and tell-
ing Israel where it can’t hunt terror-
ists. Instead of providing leadership
to unite democratic allies against
dictators, Mr. Biden’s administration
puts limits on America’s allies to
protect America’s enemies. You don’t
have to wonder what Taiwan and
China make of America’s descent
into passivity.
Republican obstruction of aid to
Ukraine is despicable, but Mr. Biden
can’t use it to excuse his own poli-
ticking and inaction. America has the
largest military arsenal known to
man, but it rusts in warehouses
while Ukrainians die. Harry Truman
had to face down Stalin and said the
buck stopped with him. Mr. Biden
says the buck stops with Speaker
Mike Johnson. Donald Trump threat-
ens isolationism in speeches and so-
cial-media posts; Mr. Biden is mak-
ing isolationism a reality by refusing
to stand up to dictators or to his
own domestic opposition.
Mr. Biden retreated from Afghani-
stan, and Russia invaded Ukraine. He
retreated from Ukraine, and Hamas
launched a war against Israel. Weak-
ness invites aggression.
Mr. Putin believes he needs per-
petual war to hold on to power. He is
creating the conditions to radicalize
the Russian population further and
to fulfill his new mobilization or-
ders. By summer, the new conscripts
will be at Ukraine’s front lines.
Ukraine can’t survive this year un-
less America’s leaders do what is
right instead of what they think is
politically expedient.
Like all dictators, Mr. Putin excels
at creating distractions from his
crimes. The Moscow attack will draw
global attention away from his war
on Ukraine, but it won’t distract him
at all. Mourn for every innocent life
lost in Moscow, but also act to save
the next one in Ukraine.
If a suspected serial killer is at
large, the first thing to do when
there’s a murder is to check his alibi.
Mr. Putin is under indictment for
war crimes, and his bloody track re-
cord makes him suspect No. 1. There
can be no common cause against ter-
ror with Russia when the world’s
most accomplished terrorist rules
the Kremlin.
Mr. Kasparov is a co-founder of
the World Liberty Congress and
chairman of the Renew Democracy Initiative
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Re: The Struggle For Ukraine
« Reply #3405 on: April 03, 2024, 06:12:46 AM »
Recent war news:

Today the conscription age in Ukraine is lowered from 27 to 25 in order to replenish Ukraine's Army losses:

Zelensky says that Russia is mobilizing 300,000 troops to be ready by June:

Russia troop losses including casualties are apparently nearing 450,000 so with such high losses it may be that they are to replace Army losses in the Donbas rather than opening up any new front.

Ukraine managed to destroy almost 1000 Artillery pieces of the Russian forces in March. They've destroyed at least 12,000 or so Russian Artillery pieces so far. At that rate Russia may end up without any Artillery by some time next year.
"If you make your own bread, then and only then, are you a free man unchained and alive living in pooty tang paradise, or say no and live in Incel island with all the others." - Krimster

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Re: The Struggle For Ukraine
« Reply #3406 on: April 03, 2024, 09:26:00 AM »
Ukraine managed to destroy almost 1000 Artillery pieces of the Russian forces in March. They've destroyed at least 12,000 or so Russian Artillery pieces so far. At that rate Russia may end up without any Artillery by some time next year.

I think Russia is able to replenish all their equipment, amunition, supplies, etc. through their own production and through purchases from China, N. Korea, Iran, et al.
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Re: The Struggle For Ukraine
« Reply #3407 on: April 03, 2024, 10:23:07 AM »
every dollar of us military aid to ukraine destroys 10 times the amount of
Russian hardware and personnel with NO risk to NATO
what a DEAL!!! we should take it!!!

Russia has to pay the operating costs of the war (about 400 million USD/Day)
Russia has to pay to replace lost equipment for a couple hundred more billion USD
and Russia plans on paying to boost it's military production (should only take 10 yr and a few hundred more billion in corruption)
this is the same industrial system, that's having trouble producing Ladas under sanctions, tanks?? haha
meanwhile, it's source of funding, is being choked, what russian european gas market?
did I mention that Russia's GDP is like 10% the USA's - so these costs are even more substantial to them

Russians are gonna live in shacks and eat dirt to pay for this war, and by summer there's gonna be 500,000 Russian casualties (and zero NATO casualties)
Putin is so dependent on China, that he's letting China take over Russia's far east, cuz he can't afford NOT TO
at some point gopnicks are gonna realize that the 500,000 Russian casualties, doesn't include ANY oligarchy offspring
mainly poor, middle aged Russians and minorities with health issues plus PRISONERS
all these 'accumulating external deficits' are in the hidden cost of the war, but are still part of the balance sheet under "COST"

someone needs to tell Putin about Lao Tsu and the art of war
cuz so far, Putin hasn't done one "right thing" accordin to Lao Tsu, like attack "where the enemy is weakest" and other sage advice, which seems to be completely ignored by Putin
cuz otherwise, this "war" coulda been run through Ukrainian proxies, like it was before maidan
ya need a committee of 10 oligarchs + employees to run that
look how little it takes here in the USA, a handful of deep pocket oligarchs is all you need
to take over a country
all putin had to do, was to help russian oligarch's control Ukraine's economy
no war, just corruption

half the stuff, Russia buys from North Korea has Q.C problems and is junk
every dollar of us military aid to ukraine strengthens the American defense industry (ya'll might wanna start thinkin 'bout that, in case of one day needin it...)

Trump is the only thing blocking aid to ukraine (through his house MAGA proxies)
meanwhile Trump will loot the republican party til it's as bankrupt as he's gonna be
be patient, Trump destroys everything he touches, it's why oligarchs chose him, to tear down the government, so they can enrich themselves even farther
but...instead Trump will destroy the Republican party this year, by taking the party's money for himself instead of spending on down ballot candidates
I just love IRONY, don't you?

Trump is Putin's last hope for a Ukrainian victory without WMDs

7 months and counting....
the Trump/Putin nexus will FINALLY be over with by next year

that's the "good news"

the bad news is about what's coming after that

and ya know what?
I ain't gonna say anything 'bout that

it's gonna be "SURPRISE!!!!"

advantage of bein old
I don't fear the reaper, I welcome him
but you younguns are SO phuqued in the future...
it won't REALLY matter what yur gonna do...

« Last Edit: April 03, 2024, 12:18:05 PM by krimster2 »

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Re: The Struggle For Ukraine
« Reply #3408 on: April 04, 2024, 12:17:23 PM »
I think Russia is able to replenish all their equipment, amunition, supplies, etc. through their own production and through purchases from China, N. Korea, Iran, et al.

For sure it can but only so long until the money runs out. They will be spending all the way along then after their Armaments run out, then their money runs out not long after and they are screwed, a shattered remnants of an Army with no good weapons or Armaments and an economy that is broke and in freefall. That's when things will change.

Meanwhile there has been further talk of Conscription. East European countries like Estonia are doing so and they want other NATO countries like the UK to also, lol.

I would like to see them try, I don't think they will and if they did their efforts wouldn't likely be successful. People here just aren't that way minded and too few that are, are in any condition for it.
"If you make your own bread, then and only then, are you a free man unchained and alive living in pooty tang paradise, or say no and live in Incel island with all the others." - Krimster

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Re: The Struggle For Ukraine
« Reply #3409 on: April 05, 2024, 07:13:01 PM »
An article on Conscription in Ukraine:

Ukraine is apparently on the verge of losing its front lines and is seriously short of Armaments, Weapons & Ammunition. Apparently the age age of Ukrainian soldiers is 43! That's pretty old compared to other wars like WWII where it was around 26 years old. A lot of older guys joined up in Ukraine to safe the younger ones, their sons etc from having to fight. Some possibly fed up of life or know that they only have old age ahead of them and so long left anyway, etc.

Anyway, that means there are guys my age and older out there fighting on the front lines. It's doable at that age no doubt but for many they won't be in as good a shape as a guy in his twenties. Often 40 or possibly 45 is the ceiling age fur conscription.

A new fortified line is being built behind the present lines and it looks possible that Ukrainian forces may have to retreat back to these lines to try and hold of the Russians. More supplies of Armaments & ammunition are on the way to Ukraine apparently from Europe but it's just a question if they can get it there in time. Ukraine has dropped it's conscription age to 25 so it could now be a race on for Ukraine to get it together in time before a big anticipated Russian Spring Offensive.
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Re: The Struggle For Ukraine
« Reply #3410 on: April 07, 2024, 06:26:53 AM »
a little bird told me that
russia is gonna setoff a REALLY BIG nuclear weapon in the ocean.....
one of them midget submarine/nuclear torpedo "thingys"
possibly right around the time the US votes on Ukrainian aid
duh boid said, dat this is a Tsunami Bomb
so I asked duh boid, where can he test such a device that causes a 1,500 foot high radioactive wall of water to hit land?
and duh boid laughed and flew away

« Last Edit: April 07, 2024, 06:35:27 AM by krimster2 »

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Re: The Struggle For Ukraine
« Reply #3411 on: April 07, 2024, 07:54:54 AM »
a little bird told me that
russia is gonna setoff a REALLY BIG nuclear weapon in the ocean.....
one of them midget submarine/nuclear torpedo "thingys"
possibly right around the time the US votes on Ukrainian aid
duh boid said, dat this is a Tsunami Bomb
so I asked duh boid, where can he test such a device that causes a 1,500 foot high radioactive wall of water to hit land?
and duh boid laughed and flew away

Isn't the US Presidential Election, i.e Trump getting in as President going to be too late for Russia?

By the time he gets in, it's going to be late January 2025. If it's still stalemate as it is in Ukraine then is there really much he could do?

By late January 2025 Russia will only be a few months away from exhausting it's Armaments and Finance. It could exhaust Armaments & Finance anytime between that time and perhaps up to Summer 2025 likely at the latest.

Odds are that if the Ukrainians are able to hold out to late January 2025 they will likely be able to hold out a few months longer. Literally at such a time it may only be perhaps 2-3 months longer before Russia is exhausted of Armaments & Finance. Ukraine could conceivably hold out that long entrenched in their lines and fortifications without America's help. So long as it receives enough help from the EU countries/UK, etc it could hold on. Thinking back to WWI the lines of trenches are never really broken there on either side. Germany only capitulated after they were blockaded and ran out of food. Ukraine has their border with the EU open so doesn't have that problem.

It's going to likely become apparent pretty quickly to most by early 2025 that Russia is running low on Armaments, Finance and it's economy probably cracking under the strain of it all.

For the East European EU countries and perhaps the EU in general they tend to have a vested interest in Supplying Ukraine with Armaments to avoid having a powerful Russia in future on their border. So they may see it in their interests to keep supplying Ukraine with Armaments.

So far there are a lot of news articles about countries in central & eastern Europe supplying Ukraine with Armaments but I get the impression little has gotten through yet. Whether it does or it's all talk we'll find out soon I guess.

If Europe doesn't end up supplying Ukraine with more Armaments then to my mind I would see it as deliberate. Bothe the US and European countries have enormous Arsenals of Armaments & Weapons they could supply Ukraine with. In such a scenario of them not digging into their stockpiles I would see it as them purposely wanting Russia to win in Ukraine. Why? I would put that down to rich Industrialists wanting to reboot the Military Industrial complex across Europe and probably the US also, essentially a return to the Cold War era of countries spending a lot of their wealth on their Armies, Armaments & Weapons in fear of the bogeyman of a powerful, hostile Russia. If Russia has their border hard up against the EU, winning in Ukraine with an building a big powerful Army then the Military Industrialists can stoke that as reason to spend out lots of money on Armies, Armaments & Weapons to safeguard against the Russian threat.

Already in the UK we have had arguments for restocking our Army, bolstering troop numbers that have fallen low and spending out on new gear to create a too notch Army to be prepared against a threat from Russia. If course if Russia wins in Ukraine that threat will be there for decades to come meaning those Military Industrialists will be having their pockets lined for a long time to come. Attention at the moment in the UK really does seem to have shifted from stopping Putin in Ukraine to preparing for readiness of a future Russian threat.
"If you make your own bread, then and only then, are you a free man unchained and alive living in pooty tang paradise, or say no and live in Incel island with all the others." - Krimster

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Re: The Struggle For Ukraine
« Reply #3412 on: April 07, 2024, 08:21:29 AM »
"Isn't the US Presidential Election, i.e Trump getting in as President going to be too late for Russia?"

y'know why?
cuz as long as the war continues, Putin can use the war as a tool to control the russian  people MUCH better than he could pre-war
the profits of the war, ALL belong to the oligarchy
the costs of the war are all paid by the people
so ya see why he's NOT really worried, he's making bank from it

the war is Putin's Cloak of Invincibility within Russia, cuz of the war he's free to do ANYTHING, and the people will shut-up about it or go to the gulag (then sent to the front)

so Putin will keep fighting as long as he's alive to preserve his dick-tater-ship (and doesn't give a flyin phuque about the suffering of the Russian people)
and THAT is REALLY what this war is all about

kinda hard to get Russians to die by the hundreds of thousands to preserve the dick-tater-ship of the world's richest criminal politician (Putin is about 50X richer than Trump)
so ya call Ukrainians Fascista, and make millions of movies about Russians fighting fascista
and frame the war this way to the Russian people
to fill them with noble purpose, as they try to steal their neighbor's land and kidnap their children
the rest is easy...

Russians are even DUMBER than Trump Bible Buying US Republicans
no one ever lost money relying on the incredible level of stoopidity of "average" Russians or Republicans buying Trump Bibles and Sneakers

if Trump loses, then Putin will be in a stalemate in Ukraine, with no possibility of EVER taking Kyiv
while the war of attrition depletes his logistics
at the same time NATO increases it to Ukraine

at some point sliding down that slippery slope
there's gonna be a search for an alternative  'solution'

and it's either Nukes or Novichok deployed in Ukraine
but that's next year at the earliest


« Last Edit: April 07, 2024, 08:52:43 AM by krimster2 »

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Re: The Struggle For Ukraine
« Reply #3413 on: April 07, 2024, 10:28:58 AM »

if Trump loses, then Putin will be in a stalemate in Ukraine, with no possibility of EVER taking Kyiv
while the war of attrition depletes his logistics
at the same time NATO increases it to Ukraine

at some point sliding down that slippery slope
there's gonna be a search for an alternative  'solution'

and it's either Nukes or Novichok deployed in Ukraine
but that's next year at the earliest

Surely that's the same situation if Biden wins. Biden is for supporting Ukraine with Armaments, Trump apparently not so. Either way if Ukraine holds out long enough then Russia will start to run out of Armaments & Finance. Putler won't want to go there as running out of both means a defeat in Ukraine and that means an almost certain end for him.

So whoever wins the US Presidential Election unless Russian makes progress by conventional means in Ukraine in the meantime it's going to be likely mini Neutron Bombs, mini Nukes or Novichok type of chemicals used in Ukraine to break the Ukrainian front lines at the very least I would assume.

That doesn't bode well for our Beefarmuh, as he'll have learnt a language of a non-existent country. Kind of worse than learning Latin :-\

Then there's the concern over the fate of his soldier girl :-\
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Re: The Struggle For Ukraine
« Reply #3414 on: April 07, 2024, 11:29:33 AM »
Putin hoped that getting Trump proxies to halt Ukraine aid will give him a military advantage
and IT HAS!

without US support, there can be no large-scale Ukrainian offensive towards Crimea
and Ukraine will not have the means to "fully mobilize" or continue to fight to the same degree
Putin hopes that if HE were to "fully mobilize" while Ukraine was unable, might give him the edge in the war of attrition
but, it looks like Ukraine aid may get voted on this month

t'was very simple to get Trump elected in 2016
the guy who was the CTO of the largest child pornagraphy ring in the world eventually ended up in a Russian jail after a "concerned" American citizen  8) sent an anonymous  tip to the secret service
this guy then worked for the GRU in a siberian prison, and was the dewd who hacked Hillary's emails
he even wrote a book about it!!!

Oleg Deripaska, a major Russian oligarch who was coordinating Trump's campaign with Paul Manafort, bribed the head of the FBI's Russian cyber crime unit Charles McGonigall into causing a public announcement of the FBI's investigation into Hillary's emails, after the hacking,  remember, "lock her up"
but of course after the election, the FBI investigation announced there was nothing illegal found in Hillary's emails, "our bad, sorry! oops!"

this shows, that if yur smart, you don't need a big sledgehammer to fight
just a little tiny needle - and the knowledge of WHERE to stab yur victim
"less is SO MUCH more"

sometimes, Putin "gets" the needle approach
and sometimes he just doesn't...

so frustrating
cuz the needle approach was the best way to deal with Ukraine, like RusUkrEnergo and not this stoopid phuqued-up war
but now if you tell Putin that, he'll get pissed off and send ya to the front with a pointed stick to charge Ukrainian positions, so ain't NOBODY gonna tell him!!!!
not even me

Bee Farmer, is a modem dating, poor, socially isolated, uneducated janitor/maintenance worker with NO experience in actually living, and thus confuses living and existing
good luck in Ukraine BeeFarmer with those outstanding qualifications LOL

WHY does every cripple like Bee Farmer do this little dance of theirs?
don't they ever look in the mirror and see how ridiculous they look, or are they just "that" unaware of themselves to ever notice...

in a previous disclaimer I fully confess my own sins on this board
chiefly being a sociopathic troll
i'm aware of my problems, OTOH BeeFarmer isn't even remotely aware of his 'issues'

« Last Edit: April 07, 2024, 02:54:32 PM by krimster2 »

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Re: The Struggle For Ukraine
« Reply #3415 on: April 07, 2024, 08:59:06 PM »
Putin hoped that getting Trump proxies to halt Ukraine aid will give him a military advantage
and IT HAS!

without US support, there can be no large-scale Ukrainian offensive towards Crimea
and Ukraine will not have the means to "fully mobilize" or continue to fight to the same degree
Putin hopes that if HE were to "fully mobilize" while Ukraine was unable, might give him the edge in the war of attrition
but, it looks like Ukraine aid may get voted on this month

t'was very simple to get Trump elected in 2016
the guy who was the CTO of the largest child pornagraphy ring in the world eventually ended up in a Russian jail after a "concerned" American citizen  8) sent an anonymous  tip to the secret service
this guy then worked for the GRU in a siberian prison, and was the dewd who hacked Hillary's emails
he even wrote a book about it!!!

Oleg Deripaska, a major Russian oligarch who was coordinating Trump's campaign with Paul Manafort, bribed the head of the FBI's Russian cyber crime unit Charles McGonigall into causing a public announcement of the FBI's investigation into Hillary's emails, after the hacking,  remember, "lock her up"
but of course after the election, the FBI investigation announced there was nothing illegal found in Hillary's emails, "our bad, sorry! oops!"

this shows, that if yur smart, you don't need a big sledgehammer to fight
just a little tiny needle - and the knowledge of WHERE to stab yur victim
"less is SO MUCH more"

sometimes, Putin "gets" the needle approach
and sometimes he just doesn't...

so frustrating
cuz the needle approach was the best way to deal with Ukraine, like RusUkrEnergo and not this stoopid phuqued-up war
but now if you tell Putin that, he'll get pissed off and send ya to the front with a pointed stick to charge Ukrainian positions, so ain't NOBODY gonna tell him!!!!
not even me

Bee Farmer, is a modem dating, poor, socially isolated, uneducated janitor/maintenance worker with NO experience in actually living, and thus confuses living and existing
good luck in Ukraine BeeFarmer with those outstanding qualifications LOL

WHY does every cripple like Bee Farmer do this little dance of theirs?
don't they ever look in the mirror and see how ridiculous they look, or are they just "that" unaware of themselves to ever notice

in a previous disclaimer I fully confess my own sins on this board
chiefly being a sociopathic troll
i'm aware of my problems, OTOH BeeFarmer isn't even remotely aware of his 'issues'

Yeah I don't know why Beefarmer insists on the 'I'm just fine, no problems with me' carry on. Strange to try and think he can cover it up by dancing around the problem.

Anyhow I get what you're saying Krim and it makes sense. Of course Russia too has it's own Military Industrialists, the Oligarchs and at the moment they are getting fed big money by this war, thereby fulfilling their need for a bigger personal Empire which they can pass on as needed to their clan all baying for more as they do so over time through getting bigger. After that I assume they are hopeful of getting a piece of the pie of Ukraine when they take that.

For Ukraine the future looks bleak I would guess. Even if the US supply then with a lot of Armaments to move forward, if they move towards Crimea that as you've stated before it puts Putler in a Checkmate position. Once he is put in that position then he has little choice as he sees it but to use mini Nukes, Neutron bombs and Novichok on Ukrainian troops to win the war.

So unless Putler suddenly dies, or a sudden coup, or big internal strife, etc then it looks like at some stage Ukraine is doomed in the next year or so. I'm betting they will have wished that they had kept their Nukes and not signed them away back in the 90s. A foolish move.

So once Ukrainian forces are defeated one way or another and Russian forces break through and move in I'm guessing a lot of Ukrainians will head to the border with a sense of urgency to begin over in the EU, UK, etc. I suppose some Ukrainians might stay to try and hold onto their assets, apartments, houses, etc those that own them and some might stay because they just can't be bothered to move, don't know other languages well, have a free flat, set in their lifestyle, area, etc.

Then the whole of Ukraine I assume will be under Russian control, essentially a part of Russia again. Out with the Ukrainian language, symbols and statues and back in with the Russian language, symbols, statue's, etc. I would guess that the best property in Ukraine would get taken by Russians whilst the worst would end up abandoned and decaying. Those apartment blocks that are bombed out no longer needed and either left or knocked down.

So if seeking a FSW in Ukraine after such a point I am guessing ability to speak the Russian language might once again prove useful. English teaching in Schools I would guess would likely be forbidden along with the Ukrainian language.
« Last Edit: April 07, 2024, 09:02:19 PM by Trenchcoat »
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Re: The Struggle For Ukraine
« Reply #3416 on: April 08, 2024, 09:22:05 AM »

modern living in Russian provinces
apparently the solution to this problem is to invade your neighbor and steal their toilettes and washing machines, oh and their kids
which yur gonna need, when a half million or more of yur kids get killed in the war or become paraplegics
IMHO, this is undeniable PROOF that humans are the stoopidest species on this planet
not even cockroaches are this dumb and their brain is just a little speck of tissue

the WAR is a big spinning Russian power grinder
western military aid to ukraine
is an iron fist, pushing Russia's face into their own grinder

THIS is the only way to stop the Russian bullying of it's neighbors by helping them turn the bully's face into "gamburger" whenever he assults them
no PEACE PLAN or Surrender will do that, in fact it will do the EXACT opposite

this summer Russian casualties pass the 500,000 mark and keeps movin up daily towards A MILLION in exchange for a couple of "new provinces" that are COMPLETELY destroyed and are a financial liability to Russia
I guess Russian lives are REALLY CHEAP, if that's all you can get in exchange for half a million Russians

meanwhile, due to lack of funding and neglect, EVERYTHING is falling apart in Russia + Russians themselves are protesting with BIC lighters, industrial arson is skyrocketing in Russia

take Orenberg, a major Petroleum hub
couple of days ago, while releasing water from a dam, the dam collapsed and flooded the whole DAMN city (a week before that, same thing happened in Russian far east)
stuff like this happens every day in Russia now
cuz all the money goes to the war (after corruption siphons off half, with half of that going to Putin who then berates everyone else for their 'lack of effectivenes')

it's really too damned bad, that humans are this damned stoopid
cuz otherwise, people in this country would form some small clue about what an autocracy looks like based on the russian example
and might appreciate 'democracy' more even if it includes brown people and the LGQT community or anyone else who isn't vanilla white christian conservative heterosexual
plus the billionaire puppet masters on whose behalf the party is actually focused on

Republicans have been following this strategy for decades
this is gonna be the year that this strategy FAILS BIGLY

thanks to Trump, MAGA by the end of this year, will return the Republican party back to their roots as "The Know Nothing Party"
whose appeal is confined to morons, conspiracy theorists, and anti-vaxers and their ilk who follow oligarch owned media's brainwashing, Fox News et al

if you dumb phuques end up getting Trump elected again some how
then you will richly deserve the consequnces
same way you paid last time he was president

how many of you NEEDLESSLY died during covid, how many extra TRILLIONS needed to be spent...
cuz Trump ONLY cared about Trump
same way Putin only cares about Putin

how can EVERYONE be so damned blind to this reality

« Last Edit: April 08, 2024, 12:10:58 PM by krimster2 »

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Putin is a Lying Son of a Bitch
« Reply #3417 on: April 09, 2024, 12:44:01 PM »
Putin is accusing Hunter Biden and Burisma for plotting the Crocus Mall attack!!!! LOL!!!!
go on any news source to hear about it, this is just a few hours old
let's watch what Trump does with this, hahahahaha

don't ya'll see what's comin next from Putin?
this will be his Reichstag moment, his chance to get 'payback' and claim he's justified for doin it
this is ALWAYS how it works

meanwhile, Israel is bein smart
they just told Iran
hey, you phuquers retaliate against us for blowing up yur embassy in syria that was actually a hezbollah command center
and we're gonna strike every single one of your nuclear facilities
and THIS is why the USA has no choice but to give Israel all the weapons it needs, and Israel understands this

let Ukraine finish Russia FOR US
and let Israel finish Iran FOR US

give em all yur old weapons
and replace em with new upgraded ones
and kill two birds with one stone
and get a brand new sling as well

« Last Edit: April 09, 2024, 03:34:07 PM by krimster2 »

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Re: The Struggle For Ukraine
« Reply #3418 on: April 10, 2024, 12:34:42 PM »
I agree Krim it would be better for the West to give Ukraine much of it's Armaments that are soon to become obsolete, scrapped & replaced anyway. The UK has a good couple of hundred Challenger 2 tanks that are soon to be obsolete and replaced by Challenger 3 tanks. Ukraine needs stuff like that now. Whether Ukraine will win through or fall foul of mini Nukes/Neutron bombs, Novichok, etc still remains to be seen, but I think it's worthwhile giving it a go in resisting the Russian Invasion as much as possible.

Here is the latest UK/Ukraine news:
"If you make your own bread, then and only then, are you a free man unchained and alive living in pooty tang paradise, or say no and live in Incel island with all the others." - Krimster

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Re: The Struggle For Ukraine
« Reply #3419 on: April 11, 2024, 08:50:05 PM »
A big power plant destroyed in Kyiv yesterday:

Apparently Ukraine is almost exhausted of air defence missiles which risked the threat of more damage being done than the cost of the air defence missiles themselves would cost. Such losses to Ukraine's power infrastructure doesn't help Ukraine at the front either.
"If you make your own bread, then and only then, are you a free man unchained and alive living in pooty tang paradise, or say no and live in Incel island with all the others." - Krimster

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Re: The Struggle For Ukraine
« Reply #3420 on: April 11, 2024, 10:03:55 PM »
Apparently Iran might soon attack Israel, another possible war?

If so it could be a chance to take out Iran, doing so I would stop the supply of weapons from Iran to Russia. Israel alone mag be too small a country to do it but if the US come in then defeating Iran could be possible.
"If you make your own bread, then and only then, are you a free man unchained and alive living in pooty tang paradise, or say no and live in Incel island with all the others." - Krimster

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Re: The Struggle For Ukraine
« Reply #3421 on: April 12, 2024, 06:32:06 AM »
the lingua-franca of the FSU is RUSSIAN and will ALWAYS be RUSSIAN....
and nothin's gonna change that....
it's obvious you ain't no Russian, so there won't be any 'pushback'
whether ya say 'gamburger' insteada 'hamburger' don't matter
you still ain't gonna get any ketchup with it

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Re: The Struggle For Ukraine
« Reply #3422 on: April 13, 2024, 05:14:23 AM »
the lingua-franca of the FSU is RUSSIAN and will ALWAYS be RUSSIAN....
and nothin's gonna change that....

it's obvious you ain't no Russian, so there won't be any 'pushback'
whether ya say 'gamburger' insteada 'hamburger' don't matter
you still ain't gonna get any ketchup with it

I'm intrigued to know why you think that Krim?

If Ukraine made it through and sees of the Russians I can't see them teaching Russian in schools there anymore not can I see parents teaching their children it with all that has happened. Many have lost loved ones to Russia and that's going to bear in deep into them for a long time I think, certainly a generation or so. As they say there are few if anyone who doesn't know if someone they have lost in it all, civilian or military. There is now widespread revulsion of all things Russian as a result as it's been going on so long the hatred of Russia seems to have risen, of the situation, of losses. Most now seems to have turned against Russian culture, language, etc.

Western companies are moving big money into Ukraine, so English has taken big prominence there.
"If you make your own bread, then and only then, are you a free man unchained and alive living in pooty tang paradise, or say no and live in Incel island with all the others." - Krimster

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Re: The Struggle For Ukraine
« Reply #3423 on: April 13, 2024, 07:10:55 AM »
cuz ya can change the future, but not the PAST....
all the languages of the FSU have Russian embedded within them to some degree...
and everywhere throughout the FSU there are large ethnic Russian 'enclaves' who primarily speak Russ

it be like 'dis Holmes
humans and animals are more alike than different

you can fer instance,  hunt squirrels WITHOUT a 'squirrel call" (this is a little device you blow into that makes a 'squirrel noise')
but you learn how to use a squirrel call you'll be a much more effective squirrel hunter
success is the sum of small efforts

I was so danged successful at squirrel huntin (cuz they started knawing on the wooden parts of my house) that there ain't no more squirrels in my neighborhood squirrel-frei
if you got a squirrel problem in 'yo neighborhood, WHO YA GONNA CALL?

I am the pesticide

BTW, ya wanna see if somone is ACTUALLY a German infiltrator SPY???
ask 'em to pronounce squirrel

« Last Edit: April 13, 2024, 10:04:02 AM by krimster2 »

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Re: The Struggle For Ukraine
« Reply #3424 on: April 13, 2024, 09:11:43 PM »
cuz ya can change the future, but not the PAST....
all the languages of the FSU have Russian embedded within them to some degree...
and everywhere throughout the FSU there are large ethnic Russian 'enclaves' who primarily speak Russ

You make some good points Krim, I am glad my Russian learning may not go to waste lol. While I am no fan of what Russian is doing I don't like to waste time and energy so I may well just keep a hand in with doing the odd but if learning and refreshing my memory every so often for a few minutes here and there. No point letting the time and effort input already go to waste.
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