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Author Topic: Successful Ukrainian women in Ireland  (Read 1759 times)

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A beautiful woman is pleasant to look at, but it is easier to live with a pleasant acting one.

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Let's be fair and let Hamas regroup
« Reply #1 on: February 26, 2024, 12:25:01 PM »

In an era when terrorists live-stream their atrocities, the Hamas massacre of October 7, 2024 is arguably the most well-documented attack in history. The meticulously choreographed spectacle of savagery and sadism saw Hamas mercilessly murder, butcher, rape and burn Israeli families alive — documenting their crimes with GoPros and cellphones. The terrorists even live-streamed their atrocities on their victims’ social-media accounts.

That was only the first phase of Hamas’s media strategy. When the fighting shifted to Gaza, Hamas went from massacring Israeli civilians to hiding behind Gazan civilians.  For the past 16 years, Hamas has systematically embedded its terror infrastructure inside and under civilian areas in Gaza as part of its human-shield strategy. IDF troops discovered that most homes in Gaza have terror tunnels underneath or weapon caches inside, and the majority of schools, mosques, hospitals and international institutions have been used by Hamas for their military operations.

Hamas has forced Gazans to stay in active combat zones by blocking their attempts to move out of harm’s way.  When civilians manage to reach the safer areas to which we guide them, Hamas then moves to those areas, turning humanitarian zones into staging areas for further attacks. By embedding itself among civilians, Hamas conceals itself from the cameras covering the conflict. By instructing terrorists to dress in civilian clothes, Hamas camouflages its terrorists as innocents. By waging war from inside and underneath hospitals, Hamas hopes that international law and public sympathy will provide a shield for their military activities.

And remember that Hamas has stated that they will repeatedly conduct the atrocities of October 7 any time they get the chance.   

So let’s push Israel to accept a lengthy cease fire and let Hamas regroup.
A beautiful woman is pleasant to look at, but it is easier to live with a pleasant acting one.

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Re: Successful Ukrainian women in Ireland
« Reply #2 on: February 27, 2024, 02:47:28 AM »
I 100 percent agree with you on this ML, there are a lot of do-gooders wanting to poke their nose in and stop Israel but that would just lead to prolonged misery in the long run while giving those do-gooders the short term ego boost that they seek. We've seen it before, the conflict re-erupting time and again so better to have done with it now rather than see the same old cycle turn over time and again, in that manner it will amount to less misery for both sides in the longer term and done successfully enough avoid the conflict inflicting itself on a future generation. I myself believe to ensure that pushing the people of Gaza over the border into Egypt and demolishing the Gaza Strip is the best solution long term for all to finally have done with the conflict there. Up to Israel I have always seen it as their issue between them and the Palestinians I have my point of view as abide but essentially it's what I believe would work and be best but really is none of my business nor concern that is down to Israel and the Palestinians. For me it's myself and the country I live in that should concern me so I have no wish to poke my nose in the business of people's and a country many miles away. They can get on with whatever they wish to themselves in my opinion.
"If you make your own bread, then and only then, are you a free man unchained and alive living in pooty tang paradise, or say no and live in Incel island with all the others." - Krimster


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