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Author Topic: Could Ukraine be a western man's paradise in the future?  (Read 2584 times)

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Could Ukraine be a western man's paradise in the future?
« on: April 17, 2024, 11:38:26 PM »
I mean it's not that it hasn't had an element of that pre war, but post war could it be even better? Assuming Ukraine wins of course.

There would likely be more women to men, literally this time no MOB bs and in the under 30s and group.

Then the economic situation will be reset probably to extra bad.

But, more Ukrainians will be familiar with the English language than ever before. Meaning you will be able to go up to most Ukrainian women and have a conversation without fear of wondering if they know English much at all.

So could such a scenario end up as a paradise for Western Men?

Could a post war Ukraine with a Ukrainian victory be the place to be for WM offering up a wealth of opportunity? Clearing away the old making space for the new?
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Re: Could Ukraine be a western man's paradise in the future?
« Reply #1 on: April 18, 2024, 07:07:49 AM »
to the victor the spoils, eh?
I wouldn't start counting yur post-war chickens, if I wuz you...
« Last Edit: April 18, 2024, 07:11:30 AM by krimster2 »

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Re: Could Ukraine be a western man's paradise in the future?
« Reply #2 on: August 03, 2024, 04:43:56 PM »
My most recent thoughts is that early Spring time next year might be a good time to think of buying in Ukraine. If the Russians are running low on armaments & money then the war will enter a less potent phase and that will probably include less missile strikes as Russia"s stockpile of missiles and ability to fire them at Ukraine and replace them dwindles.

Always the threat of WMD's but I am less sure that Russia will use them now. If they do it will be on front line troop positions most likely. My present thoughts is that the war will just slow in pace until the Russians get tired of it and decide to go home.

If I am correct in that then getting in early for some real estate bargains could be worth bringing up on the radar. For the budding Ukrainian woman seeker having an abode over there and living over there while the country is still technically in war means that the competition from other guys is reduced and at probably little risk of being hit.

The time coming up next year around that point where the war slows up is probably going to be a great time for a WM, etc to be there. You'll want to there while the war is still ongoing and before the peace whenever that comes. Once there is peace all the western dudes will be straight back in there and things won't be as good, they'll still likely be good but not as good.
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Russia not running out of anything
« Reply #3 on: August 03, 2024, 06:06:17 PM »
If the Russians are running low on armaments & money then the war will enter a less potent phase and that will probably include less missile strikes as Russia"s stockpile of missiles and ability to fire them at Ukraine and replace them dwindles.

As I understand it . . . Russia is getting plenty supply of the armaments they need from China, N. Korea, Iran and possibly elsewhere.

So I am not counting on Russia running out of anything.
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Re: Could Ukraine be a western man's paradise in the future?
« Reply #4 on: August 03, 2024, 07:45:22 PM »
Russians are gonna run out of Trump
and Trump is gonna run out of Russians

this will be good for Ukraine, cuz they're gettin low on Ukrainians

the war WILL be over one day...
and when it is "carpet baggers" will be coming to repopulate Ukraine
a reverse diaspora, like embers returning to the fire

the wind isn't blowin that way, yet, but to me, I think I feel a drop in barometric pressure....
we'll have to wait until after the election is overwith and out of the way, to see what Russians are up to

cuz it looked like their victory plan was just to get Trump to cut-off the USA's support of Ukraine
and Sleepy Joe outfoxed 'em

try harder Russians!!!!
otherwise your victory plan, is to kill and wound millions of russians over the next decade or so, and spend Trillions $
by a country where 25% of the people don't have indoor plumbing
all becuz Putin is willing to sacrifice more lives and money for Ukraine than the west is
cuz this IS PUTIN'S WAR!!!!his shot at historical glory, not bad for a poor kid from Leningrad
if he had succeeded.....

but Putin will not be the one writing the history of this war
instead, it will be his epitath

Trump's gonna fall
Putin's gonna fall

it'll make a big yuccky mess!!!!

when the war is over
we're goin back to Pershing II missiles
but instead of basing in West Germany
they'll be in Poland, Latvia, Finland, and yes...Ukraine....

Russia will never change, it's always gonna be Stalingrad all the way down....
no future there for anyone
smart people go somewhere else

the only bad part to that, is when you get to a time, when there is NO PLACE LEFT TO GO TO!!!!

the war isn't over until the "Fat Lady Sings"
and as long as the war is still ongoing, then Ukraine can't join NATO
Therefor, to Russians, the best outcome is for the war to go on FOREVER....
unless NATO is off the table...

maybe this is what the "end of the year" thang is all about
scratch off NATO and have joint government in Donbas to make a cease-fire deal

and this'll give Russia time to regroup and rearm

« Last Edit: August 03, 2024, 08:20:26 PM by krimster2 »

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Re: Russia not running out of anything
« Reply #5 on: August 04, 2024, 07:50:21 AM »
As I understand it . . . Russia is getting plenty supply of the armaments they need from China, N. Korea, Iran and possibly elsewhere.

So I am not counting on Russia running out of anything.

None of them are going to bed giving Russia anything for free, it costs them money to produce that stuff and they are looking to make a profit and do better themselves out of supplying Russia.

Once Russia starts running low on money then the supply of armaments they get from those countries also slows up a hell of a lot. Apparently Russia looks like they will be running low currency reserves, etc about the same time as they start running low on their Soviet armaments stockpile, about April time next year.

The longer Russia continues the war the worse shape it's economy becomes, after any initial boost to the Arms Industry that eventually falls off as money gets spent too rapidly and economic woes worsen for the Russian government and Russian businesses and Russian people. In WWI Russia could only hold out for a few years before it all started to fall apart, in WWII they managed to hold on just a bit longer, that was as a Soviet Empire though. Russia is now three years into this war. When they enter into its fourth year next year they will be a number of years into the war, my guess is that they won't have long left before they start falling apart both economically and Militarily.

That's good news for the West, they'll finally have Russia with it's once big powerful convention army of it's back and no longer a threat or concern. Russia's position at the table will dwindle in importance and they won't be an opposing force to get in the way in much at all in the near future, more concerned about their own problems than elsewhere.
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Re: Could Ukraine be a western man's paradise in the future?
« Reply #6 on: August 04, 2024, 08:41:40 AM »
after Ukraine is destroyed, the messiah will first be preaching in Chernobil
to the refugees who wandered down from following the Desna river south
his sermon is, "There is no redemption without suffering"

the refugees pass old men with cancerous hands, sluicing for little gray Uranium beads in the river
to sell in what's left of Kiev which lay in ruins

The Seven Sisters were 7 massive EMP nuclear bombs detonated in low earth orbit and detonated at precise coordinates
that were launched from Russian ships from Vladivostok, but were actually Chinese ships with Chinese crews
USA retaliates against Russia...

one year after EMP attack, 90% of US and Russian population is dead
Russia and USA are Chinese colonies
white people are slave labor

what a bunch of dumb phuques
white people will now be getting eye lid surgery to look Chinese!!!

the universe runs down, cuz chinese no longer have anyone else to steal from
Chinese colonists drive around America in Chinese EVs and take pictures of the ruins of famous American landmarks for their friends back in China...

« Last Edit: August 04, 2024, 01:52:10 PM by krimster2 »

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Russia not running out of anything
« Reply #7 on: August 04, 2024, 08:17:40 PM »
Once Russia starts running low on money then the supply of armaments they get from those countries also slows up a hell of a lot. Apparently Russia looks like they will be running low currency reserves, etc about the same time as they start running low on their Soviet armaments stockpile, about April time next year.

The longer Russia continues the war the worse shape it's economy becomes, after any initial boost to the Arms Industry that eventually falls off as money gets spent too rapidly and economic woes worsen for the Russian government and Russian businesses and Russian people.

OK, if Russia could only get military supplies outside of Russia, then yes currency reserves could be a constraining factor.

However, Russia should have the materials and factories to manufacture everything they need within country.  The government orders items  from Russian companies, pays with Rubles, the companies expand production, more workers are hired and work longer hours, pay increases and taxes collected from workers and companies increases.

As an example: The gross national product of the U.S., as measured in constant dollars, grew from $88.6 billion in 1939 to $135 billion in 1944. War-related production skyrocketed from just two percent of GNP to 40 percent in 1943.

Yes, there was a shortage of consumer goods but in times of wars the  citizens accept such.

The real breaking point would be if the Russian people get tired of the shortage of consumer goods and have some sort of rebellion.

However, it is well understood that the Russian people seem to enjoy experiencing hardship.

Or the Russian people might someday decide that the whole idea of trying to subjugate Ukraine is just plain stupid and have some sort of rebellion.

I don't see that on the near horizon either.

Or the Russian people become alarmed at how many of their fellow citizens are being killed in war and have some sort of rebellion.

However, given that it seems the lower classes are the ones being slaughted . . . the rest of the Russians probably think it is no great loss.
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Re: Russia not running out of anything
« Reply #8 on: August 04, 2024, 11:18:09 PM »
OK, if Russia could only get military supplies outside of Russia, then yes currency reserves could be a constraining factor.

However, Russia should have the materials and factories to manufacture everything they need within country.  The government orders items  from Russian companies, pays with Rubles, the companies expand production, more workers are hired and work longer hours, pay increases and taxes collected from workers and companies increases.

As an example: The gross national product of the U.S., as measured in constant dollars, grew from $88.6 billion in 1939 to $135 billion in 1944. War-related production skyrocketed from just two percent of GNP to 40 percent in 1943.

Yes, there was a shortage of consumer goods but in times of wars the  citizens accept such.

The real breaking point would be if the Russian people get tired of the shortage of consumer goods and have some sort of rebellion.

However, it is well understood that the Russian people seem to enjoy experiencing hardship.

Or the Russian people might someday decide that the whole idea of trying to subjugate Ukraine is just plain stupid and have some sort of rebellion.

I don't see that on the near horizon either.

Or the Russian people become alarmed at how many of their fellow citizens are being killed in war and have some sort of rebellion.

However, given that it seems the lower classes are the ones being slaughted . . . the rest of the Russians probably think it is no great loss.

Yes but it's still costing the Russian government money to get armaments produced at home. Sure they get sound of the money back in tax but more is being spent than they are going to get back in taxes. GDP may rise in the short term but after a few years and money starts to run out it will decline again.

So the question is how long are the Russians willing to be pounded by taxes and how long the economy can take it before going south in a big way. Once businesses start closing up en-masse and unemployment starts going up taxes to the Russian government goes down. Discontent then starts to rise rapidly especially if coupled with a lack of success on the battlefield. That discontent will start to move through all sections of society.

It's why Ukraine should look to hold out. By around April time next year things should start to move their way. The war will get harder and harder for Russia to keep up and Russia will start moving towards a dangerous internal situation by trying to hold on fighting the war. By Summer time next year if Russia is still fighting the war it will be coming under increasing pressures internally and will be moving to a situation where things start falling apart in Russia. It's then only a matter of time. Ukraine's hand will get stronger and stronger in comparison to Russia as it's backed by the West and Russia's situation weaker and weaker.

The worst thing Ukraine can do now is sign any sort of a Peace Treaty. It will give Russia a chance to rearm at its own pace. Ukraine needs to push Russia to the brink by staying in the war. Once Russia is in a downward economic spiral it's going to be pretty impossible for Russia to come out of that downward economic spiral, businesses closing leads to job loses which leads to more business closing which leads to more job loses, etc. All of that leads to less taxes which leads to less orders for armaments which leads to more job loses which leads to less taxes. Ukraine just needs to turn that corner with Russia by staying in the war and it will be on the path to Victory against Russia. It's about 8-9 months longer until the process of Russia's decline begins to start. Holding on is very worthwhile for Ukraine, reaching peace too early for Ukraine this year is a bad move and will likely bring Ukraine disaster with Russia potentially opening up another war with it in a few years time. If Ukraine goes a bit longer they can gain total victory and knock Russia out of its occupied territories completely.
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Re: Could Ukraine be a western man's paradise in the future?
« Reply #9 on: August 05, 2024, 06:15:19 AM »
Russia has 2 classes of people; oligarchs and gopnicks
assets in Ukrainian territory seized by Russia
will end up all being owned by Russian oligarchs (gopnicks get nothin)
and whatever costs of the war Russia incurs, will be paid for by Russian gopnicks....
while oligarchs children, all live comfortably abroad
young gopnick men have to be wary of "soldier catchers"
which makes just walking on the street a risk

in theory, if a gopnick kid gets killed in the war, his mama and poppa are supposed to collect 2 million rubles
the military has "two sets of books"
one book says yur son is missing, so we can't pay ya
and the other book sez "dead", and "management" already collected that 2 million rubles and gave a piece to the oligarchs who launched the war

meanwhile, over in Amerika....
where tax cuts to billionaires drive up the deficit to be paid by wage slaves who can't mis-use the tax code,
who consequently end up paying a higher percentage of their income as taxes, compared to the billionaires

the poor are always fighting a rich man's war for him....
UNTIL they wake the phuque up

when I look at the new Russian owned Ukrainian assets, like Massandra
I doubt Russia even got a one percent return on investment on the Ukrainian war
Russia has probably spent well over  ONE TRILLION DOLLARS on this war
and it got a few ruined villages and towns, and a crimean winery in return

idiot Putin, decides to wade out into the quicksand to grasp a 100 ruble note he sees laying on top
and now can't figure out how to get out

note: had Russia invested that $TRILLION as industrial capitalization
in the Chemical, semiconductor, bio-tech
Russia would have doubled their GDP
instead of it falling by 20%

Russia is now retooling it's entire industrial system to return to it's Soviet past
no more consumer goods, only military goods
50% inflation, every 2 years

and just like in Stalin's time, anybody who complains, is guilty of a crime and must be jailed
so, nobody complains
and everybody in Russia, learns how to be a "good prisoner" to stay out of trouble

the stealth resistance in Russia
is people with matches

the mantra is
burn, baby, burn
in a firey rage

the symbol of resistance, is a burning match
pyro-maniacal and diabolical
combust ye must
dust to dust
iron turns to rust

note: in the 2040s when war breaks out....

the first AI system, for a Chinese DF-21 ballistic missile
designed to allow the missile to be fired at moving targets
like ships
the AI can predict the ships position with precision
it can also manuever the missile, to make it more difficult to intercept
they use mobile launchers, which they can move and hide easily

game changer in the Pacific against US carriers, they outrange aircraft
game changer in the Persian Gulf, Iran/Houthis can stop oil trade
shoot and scoot

« Last Edit: August 05, 2024, 07:04:05 AM by krimster2 »

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Russia not running out of anything
« Reply #10 on: August 05, 2024, 07:03:17 AM »
Yes but it's still costing the Russian government money to get armaments produced at home. Sure they get sound of the money back in tax but more is being spent than they are going to get back in taxes. GDP may rise in the short term but after a few years and money starts to run out it will decline again.

So the question is how long are the Russians willing to be pounded by taxes and how long the economy can take it before going south in a big way. Once businesses start closing up en-masse and unemployment starts going up taxes to the Russian government goes down.

Wrong analysis.
Governments don't run out of money, if they can produce internally.
Total Federal debt was $50.7 billion in USA in 1940.
By the end of World War II the Federal debt had grown to more than $258 billion.
Financed by War Bonds. 
And there was the Victory Gardens and rationing.  A pair of nylons could get you a screw.

Russia can do the same.
War production businesses will not close; workers will not lose their jobs; taxes will increase and continue to be collected from workers and businesses.
Shortfalls will be financed by War Bonds which the population will be forced to buy.

China will continue to send goods to Russia in return for Russia allowing further Chinese encroachment in Siberia.  As several of us have said . . . China will eventually own at least up to the Ural mountains.  So China has incentive to prolong the war against Ukraine.

Nothing will change until the Russian people overwhelmingly wants something to change.

Probably an assassination and coup will be necessary led by someone who wants to end the war AND withdraw from Ukraine.
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Re: Russia not running out of anything
« Reply #11 on: August 05, 2024, 05:44:37 PM »
Wrong analysis.
Governments don't run out of money, if they can produce internally.
Total Federal debt was $50.7 billion in USA in 1940.
By the end of World War II the Federal debt had grown to more than $258 billion.
Financed by War Bonds. 
And there was the Victory Gardens and rationing.  A pair of nylons could get you a screw.

Russia can do the same.
War production businesses will not close; workers will not lose their jobs; taxes will increase and continue to be collected from workers and businesses.
Shortfalls will be financed by War Bonds which the population will be forced to buy.

China will continue to send goods to Russia in return for Russia allowing further Chinese encroachment in Siberia.  As several of us have said . . . China will eventually own at least up to the Ural mountains.  So China has incentive to prolong the war against Ukraine.

Nothing will change until the Russian people overwhelmingly wants something to change.

Probably an assassination and coup will be necessary led by someone who wants to end the war AND withdraw from Ukraine.

Absolutely right analysis you'll see ML ;)

You can pour water from one jug into another and you can pour water away but at the end of the day wherever you pour the water too you wing end up with more water.

Either money is printed and inflation is incurred, or government debt is increased, or the public forced buying of bonds means they have less money to spend which means recession, etc. Even the arms industry can only churn out arns so long as the government can get together the money to buy them. Once the government sets a decline in the the money it has to buy arms so then workers in the armaments industry are laid off.

The US kept it going for long enough during WWII as the have a huge economy. Russia's economy is not so huge,but is much poorer. If if was not for the oil & gas it had it really would be a sorry state of affairs. If the West and the world successfully move away from dependance on Russian oil & gas then Russia's long term future looks to be one screwed up country.
"If you make your own bread, then and only then, are you a free man unchained and alive living in pooty tang paradise, or say no and live in Incel island with all the others." - Krimster

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Russia not running out of anything
« Reply #12 on: August 05, 2024, 07:34:52 PM »
Either money is printed and inflation is incurred, or government debt is increased, or the public forced buying of bonds means they have less money to spend which means recession, etc. Even the arms industry can only churn out arns so long as the government can get together the money to buy them. Once the government sets a decline in the the money it has to buy arms so then workers in the armaments industry are laid off.

Yes money is printed, government debt is increased.
Individual citizens may or may not have less money to spend depending on their work status.
But the government continues to buy military supplies so there is no recession.
Inflation occurs when there is too much money circulating relative to economic output.
But in the current case of Russia there is huge economic output of military equipment.
Russia has huge cache of gold, diamonds, etc., and can get more from mining.  They could even sell the Fabergé eggs !!  :-)
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Re: Could Ukraine be a western man's paradise in the future?
« Reply #13 on: August 06, 2024, 07:15:47 AM »
victims of circumstance
should not go gently
the meek shall inherit nothin
cuz everything will be owned by the strong

life or death
you must make a choice....
you can choose to live together, or choose instead to die together
unfortunately, our species is suicidal as well as homocidal (killing gay people?)

5 air bases in crimea
the spy satellites see ya
it's no bull -
that two are not full
and there are 3 left to go
so if ya like me, let me know
cuz I got 21 seconds before I got to go

who could that be-ya
rappin 'bout Crimea?
21 seconds....
give me more time
give me 29
seconds to rhyme

Krimster DONE

« Last Edit: August 06, 2024, 07:33:12 AM by krimster2 »

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Re: Russia not running out of anything
« Reply #14 on: August 07, 2024, 09:59:22 AM »
Yes money is printed, government debt is increased.
Individual citizens may or may not have less money to spend depending on their work status.
But the government continues to buy military supplies so there is no recession.
Inflation occurs when there is too much money circulating relative to economic output.
But in the current case of Russia there is huge economic output of military equipment.
Russia has huge cache of gold, diamonds, etc., and can get more from mining.  They could even sell the Fabergé eggs !!  :-)

Russia can only take on so much debt, the more debt the more interest that has to be paid. Last I heard it was uncertain that they could meet their debt repayment schedule. Once Russia is seen to be swamped in too much debt few people will want to lend to them as concern would be on not getting their money back.

If the Russian government can afford to keep spending at the level they have been on Armaments then payments to those factories inside Russia will decline and workers will get laid off. Russia can keep playing around with finance options until it has no where left to turn then the only way is down for their economy. Once in that downward spiral Russia is screwed, it's to that point that Ukraine needs to drive Russia to the point where Russia's economy is getting worse & worse and is falling apart without hope of an easy turn around.

That Russia has to buy in a lot of Armaments from other countries is a bad sign for Russia. That they lack the ability to produce these weapons and that they need them so desperately that they are likely to be paying a higher price than they are if they were produced in Russia. It points in part to desperation inside Russia and a war that is not going well for it. The extra money they are spending to buy in these Armaments are likely to go against Russia eventually in exhausting their finances more quickly.
"If you make your own bread, then and only then, are you a free man unchained and alive living in pooty tang paradise, or say no and live in Incel island with all the others." - Krimster


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