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Author Topic: The Struggle For Ukraine  (Read 485342 times)

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Re: The Struggle For Ukraine
« Reply #3700 on: November 16, 2024, 03:50:03 PM »
ME NOT dum dum!!!!
YOU dum dum!!!!

right winger dum dum not know he is dum dum
cuz HE IS dum dum
that's how dum dum he is

Ukraine is just another property Trump sells to Russians for a "fee"
what's hard to understand?
it's all putin and trump - nothing about the USA, Freedumb, etc
just Trump and Putin grifting together...this is what you wanted to own the libs

in Soviet Russia Libs OWN YOU!!!

« Last Edit: November 16, 2024, 05:26:08 PM by krimster2 »

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Re: The Struggle For Ukraine
« Reply #3701 on: November 16, 2024, 05:59:31 PM »
I wrote the secrets of the universe here - but decided later to erase it

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Re: The Sell Out of Ukraine
« Reply #3702 on: November 17, 2024, 06:27:07 AM »

a million of these for 10% of Rosneft + one block in Moscva City Center for Trump Tower + $1 trillion and 750,000 gopnicks/koreans kia/wia
thousands of North Koreans see Russian porn for the first time and become addicted to it (like Bee Farmer and RWD123)
and are then useless in combat

what a good deal Putin made for 1/5 of Ukraine + Crimea
but Novo Russiya is a resource drain

the ROI of just sinking that into capital investment for horizontal value added (chemical industry)
instead of the war woulda been huge

it'll take a second future war to regain all of Ukraine
with little support, after January 2025, Ukraine will be a "basket case"

but yes, Trump is gonna sell out every Ukrainian who died...
to Putin...
and as a broker
Trump will be paid a fee by the Russians
like he has before many times

all ist klar?
Ukrainians all died fer nothin I suppose

but oh yeah...sure Christ's death,,, redeemed all mankind...uhh huh....
but a couple hundred thousand dead Ukrainians don't matter cuz of a better counter offer from Putin to Trump

I get it...

Ukrainians ain't gonna be the only ones Trump SELLS OUT!!!
if you had two functionaing neurons with at least one or two workin synapses
you'd understand
that the wrecking ball is gonna come fer you to!!!

Don't ask, "for whom the bell tolls"
cuz it tolls for thee as well


ACTUAL photo of REDNECKS reacting to something I wrote on RWD
« Last Edit: November 17, 2024, 07:08:31 AM by krimster2 »

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Go post your next silly 200 unrelated and irrelevant thoughts
« Reply #3703 on: November 17, 2024, 11:20:00 AM »
ME NOT dum dum!!!!
YOU dum dum!!!!

None of us, especially you know how this is going to play out.

Obviously the stalemate human meat grinder war was not a good way to go.
Slowly sending too little, too late, with too many restrictions arms to Ukraine
was not a winning combination.
You are not capable of looking at team Biden and pointing out a single shortcoming.
If Team Biden sent 1000 F16's to Poland for Ukraine to train on 2 years ago with the
best tech AAM and AGM missile systems AND 400 Patriot missile systems AND 1000
Abrams tanks AND told them to shoot whatever they want (not NATO). Ukraine could
have kicked some real @ss.

Giving the teaspoon of water per day to a man dying of thirst Biden plan is the plan for
death to Ukraine. The fact that you can't see that is unfathomable.

Now go post your next silly 200 unrelated and irrelevant thoughts.
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Re: The Struggle For Ukraine
« Reply #3704 on: November 17, 2024, 12:47:36 PM »
"None of us, especially you know how this is going to play out. "

Au contraire mon frere

ALL OF US, especially ME know how this is gonna end

if Lincoln used air power, he coulda ended the civil war sooner
but ballon funding was cut in the Benjamin Pierce administration

Biden has been the most Pro-Ukrainian politician other than Zelensky THAT EXISTS!!!!
he also hasn't allowed the war to escalate

what was provided to Ukraine was VERY effective
nothing wasted, plus we upgraded our own equipment by sending oldest models to Ukraine, replaced by newer upgrades
big difference between a Bradley with a 25mm gun sent to Ukraine, replaced with one that has the new 50mm!!!

not a single American killed in the line of duty there
Russia has outspent us by at least 10 to 1 in Ukraine + sanctions
and their economy is 10% the size of the USAs

they have nearly 800,000 KIA/WIA and nearly 10,000 tanks lost
which will take a terrible toll on Russian society
that ALL Russians will be dealin with for years and years

so tell me again who ya think is winning and who ya think is losing in Ukraine
up until Jan 21, 2025
when Trump turns it all upside down

Trump's administration will be staffed by Pro-Putin supporters like Tulsi Gabbard
Trump Jr is already laughing on Twitter over cutting Ukraine's allowance

so of course we know how it's gonna turn out
his administration from beginning to end
will be a complete disaster
just like it's SUPPOSED TO BE!

enjoy Trump tarriffs
enjoy Trump austerity budget for the poor and middle class
enjoy social security being raised to age 70
enjoy cuts to healthcare
enjoy migrant farm labour being deported before harvest time
enjoy all the things that used to WORK, not working any more
becuz Trump broke them

this is what rich people of ALL COLORS tricked you POOR DUMB white people into voting for!!!!
so their income and capital gains taxes will be lower
hence THEY will take a bigger piece of pie from you

you ain't gettin NO PIE from Elon Musk - He IS!!!!
why ya think Elon gave Trump $200 million

« Last Edit: November 17, 2024, 01:35:46 PM by krimster2 »

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The Struggle For Ukraine
« Reply #3705 on: November 17, 2024, 01:35:38 PM »
I realize we only have a few member actually participating but I created a poll here
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The Sell Out of Ukraine
« Reply #3706 on: November 17, 2024, 01:38:08 PM »
ACTUAL photo of REDNECKS reacting to something I wrote on RWD

Let's get things straight, I'm a Hillbilly. You can say it Heel-Beel-lee.
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Re: The Struggle For Ukraine
« Reply #3707 on: November 17, 2024, 01:50:05 PM »
sheeeettt homes
in Yeshiva we had Redneck Identification Classes with Flash Card Quizzes

Hillbillys are from Alabama, West Virginia, Tennesee
Rednecks... includes Hillbillys plus coastal swamp dwellers
and cowboy boots and cowboy hat wearers out West who carry a small bottle to spit their "chaw" in


surf's UP - Shaka! 'Bro!

like dewd - TOTALLY!!!!

Ukraine has 7 tons of plutonium in waste storage
it also needs some polonium for the trigger
IF it's gonna make a fission bomb it has enuff plutonium for 700 or so...

it's MUCH easier to make a dirty bomb
it's just a couple of cylinders of cesium-137 and some high explosive to disperse it
or some Cobalt-60

a Cobalt-60 Dirty Bomb could be made by a single person, if had the material and knew how to handle it
Cobalt-60 is a natural by-prduct in Ukrainian Reactors
Cesium-137 is even more abundant, and has a low boiling point, making it easier to extract and concentrate

« Last Edit: November 17, 2024, 02:11:10 PM by krimster2 »

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The Struggle For Ukraine
« Reply #3708 on: November 17, 2024, 10:00:56 PM »
Zelensky says war will 'end sooner' with Trump as president

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Re: The Struggle For Ukraine
« Reply #3709 on: November 17, 2024, 10:58:10 PM »
Zelensky says war will 'end sooner' with Trump as president

I have hope :)

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Re: The Struggle For Ukraine
« Reply #3710 on: November 18, 2024, 05:22:49 AM »
I have hope :)

Unfortunately anything that gives away Ukrainian land risks a war that is a lot worse in the future as Russia, Putin, etc will see it as a win. Plus Russia may not quite be knackered out enough by it all and gain Ukrainian natural resources most likely.

As awful as it is to prolong a war I think Ukraine would be best off fighting through 2025 to get Russia to a point where it is totally exhausted, it's economy starting to break up, it's Soviet stockpile pretty much out, it's people fed up and break up if the Russian Federation on the cards. That sort of direction. It only likely means holding on a bit longer but with much longer term pay offs and peace. Otherwise the risk is in the future Russia comes back and potentially China may join in too. It's the risk of a World War with China that is best avoided as they are much stronger than Russia. China I don't think would go into a World War alone but with Russia etc I think they might do, moreso if Russia can show it can gain out of war even if it is at great cost.
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Re: The Struggle For Ukraine
« Reply #3711 on: November 18, 2024, 09:02:38 AM »
Yes I agree I also dont want to ban Ukraine from joining Nato

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Re: The Struggle For Ukraine
« Reply #3712 on: November 18, 2024, 09:26:10 AM »
don't EVER forget Biden's trip to Kiev shortly after the war started...
live video - look for it on utube

after speaking with Zelensky, Biden turned to the line of Ukrainian generals
and shook each one's hands
and told them
"America stands with you"
and it brought Zelensky to tears

Trump will bring Zelensky to tears as well, but in a totally different way!
America Stans Behind You
really...reallly...really...far...far behind you

you guys are funny!!!!!
cutting off Ukraine's funding is gonna bring PEACE to Ukraine?

no, it will bring "piece" 1/5 to be exact, but FROM Ukraine, not to it!!!

so when Putin/Zelensky signs Ukraine's surrender, Trump gets 6% of appraised value, just like he ALWAYS does
Putin will overpay Trump IMHO for the movie sets for the next 40 apocalypse movies and TV series, that and a few old coal mines are all thats's in Novo Russiya and some Chinese leased farms

Russians already stole everything else and took it back to Russia, YEARS ago!

Trump ONLY cares about pleasing Putin, so that Putin pays him to dig him out of the financial hole that Trump dug for himself from his last term

Putin will want sanctions removed, so Exxon Mobile can start drillin in Siberia
and all sanctioned impounded Russian money and private Russian yachts returned
all oil and gas trading to resume like before

Putin will skim off some of the returned refunds and give some of that to Trump
real politik

what does the Ukrainian veteran with amputated legs get?
such a person is completely shunned by society, even his former friends....
what does he get from the treaty that Putin signs?

a kick in the ass from Trump
is what he gets
and then Trump steps on him and walks past him to get to the waiting limo with Putin in the back seat

my Home Owners Association will join NATO before Ukraine does
transexuals will be conducting mandatory testicle mammograms in booths next to the men's room, and they too will be ahead of joining NATO
compared to Ukrtaine
stop dreamin

Ukraine will be sold by Trump to Putin
and Putin will overpay

Novo Russiya is really what ya call a "Fixer Upper"
cuz Putin broke almost EVERY THING in it....

arsonist sets fire to house and then buys the house
oh how clever

it's just another BLAST in the OBLAST

only question is did Trump just cut the deal for himself, or talk Putin into throwing in Iran as part of the deal for USA?

will have to wait awhile to see the outcome

Trump has already given Israel free rein in Gaza
which means in January Israel will turn off water, electricity, stop food distribution
make life as miserable as possible for every single person in gaza, every day
along with non-stop bombing
until the hostages are released

50% of Hamas is already dead
80% tunnels, equipment destroyed

1/3 of Hezbollag killed/wounded
most equipment, drones/rocket warehouses destroyed and sr leadership
hezbollah's bank with all their cash, hit by a 2,000 pound bomb and completely vaporized

Iran's Los Alamos - destroyed by an Israeli F-35

if the USA joins Israel's war with Iran
it will use heavy bombers, likely a squadron of  B-2s to carry 30,000 pound laser guided ground penetrator bombs dropped from 50,000 feet
to attack Iran's underground nuclear facilities
and these bombers will fly from NATO bases in Europe
Israel will be in charge of knocking out air defenses first

Iran's oil industry could be wiped out by the USA/Israel in 48 hours with minimum loss
this would also take out their air defenses

leaving them completely open to further attack with no cover...American spy satellites SEE EVERYTHING like in Ukraine
Israel is hoping to convince Trump to join up against Iran
and let Trump have the oil fields and ship it to the USA

« Last Edit: November 18, 2024, 10:44:16 AM by krimster2 »

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Re: The Struggle For Ukraine
« Reply #3713 on: November 18, 2024, 10:26:45 AM »
this is what rich people of ALL why ya think Elon gave Trump $200 million

To save us from the authoritarian police state. Aren't you paying attention?

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Re: The Struggle For Ukraine
« Reply #3714 on: November 18, 2024, 10:56:42 AM »
elon musk is an altruist?

the only person's welfare that Elon Musk cares about is Elon Musk's

for $200 million he bought the co-chair of the Department Of Government Efficiency
Miriam Adelson got a GOLD FREEDUMB MEDAL for only $150 million
what a sucker Elon is, plus he has to work for it
the only thing Miriam Adelson had to do was just sign the check...

what a CUCK!!!

outsmarted by an old Jewish Woman
Elon didn't get no FREEDUMB Medal
he has to identify which program for the poor and middle class to cut for Trump's austerity program
while Miriam is at the Med-Spa wearin her FREEDUMB Medal getting a manicure from a young chinese girl

the world's richest man will design the austerity program
so that the world's richest man will get a major tax cut

I find these truths to be "self evident"
that YOU THINK that all men are entitled to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness
they're someone you wouldn't bring home to meet yur ma at dinnertime
then ya think they're SCUMBAGS!!!

and on top of that;
you have a deep underlying insecurity about yur own sexual identity
that makes you reactionary to gay and racial themes

you'da been a perfect early 19th century Louisana planataion owner
with half black and 1/4 black slave girls
young girls, who are yur personal bath servants
who draw yur bath and bathe you
in your room lit by whale oil lamps

I guess, you'll just have to "make do" with but a single Ukrainian woman
and get by the best you can
but at least ya got LED lamps!!!
insteada stinky whale oil

this video shows the REAL TRUTH of the TRUE STORY of BEEL'S BRAIN INJURY

what the austerity budget will do
and then combine with 40% tarriffs

Quo Bono?

us GBU-57

can penetrate 200 feet of Iranian rock and then set-off 5,000 pounds of explosive
can only be carried by B1, B2, or B-52
precision navigation

NOTHING in Iran would be safe from it

« Last Edit: November 18, 2024, 03:15:34 PM by krimster2 »

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The Struggle For Ukraine
« Reply #3715 on: November 18, 2024, 11:53:09 PM »
Moved to rant
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Re: The Struggle For Ukraine
« Reply #3716 on: November 19, 2024, 12:51:11 AM »
Trump doesn't necessarily call the shots over what happens to Ukraine. The EU is approximately just as powerful as the US or powerful enough. I'm no fan of the EU but it has the ability to fund the war in Ukraine and big EU economies such as France & Germany have large militaries that they can donate Armaments from. The EU have the motive to support Ukraine as Russia is right on its doorstep so it's a much more pressing issue and will have greater focus on than the US which is a long way away. Trump can't tell the EU what to do and in fact it looks like Trump/the US and the EU will be at loggerheads when Trump gets into Office with trade wars kicking off. So if the EU see Trump as hostile then the EU are likely to be opposed to Trump and may be willing to do the opposite of what Trump wants and support Ukraine.

Again Russia is becoming exhausted in Ukraine, they are running out of Men & Armaments. Russia loses many Men in suicidal attacks to push Ukrainians back a few hundred metres at a time. Sacrificing Men like that and having to keep re-raising a new Army is a bad strategy and one that will become more telling in Russia the longer the War goes on. Russia doesn't have a greater number of Men to sacrifice than Ukraine as some have thought, percentage wise it's probably about the same. Russia needs so many Men to work in it's factories, in its economy. If the number of Men doing so goes down, labour shortages occur, labour costs go up and that hits the economy, inflation, interest rates, tax revenue, etc. in short the Russian economy starts to slide.

Russia is near breaking point in Ukraine and that will show in about 6 months time if not before. Ukraine only really needs to hold on that but longer for Russia's weakness to be exposed and become evident to the world.
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The Struggle For Ukraine
« Reply #3717 on: November 19, 2024, 08:40:32 AM »
Trump doesn't necessarily call the shots over what happens to Ukraine. The EU is approximately
just as powerful as the US or powerful enough. I'm no fan of the EU but it has the ability to fund
the war in Ukraine and big EU economies such as France & Germany have large militaries that
they can donate Armaments from.

The EU have the motive to support Ukraine as Russia is right on its doorstep so it's a much more
pressing issue and will have greater focus on than the US which is a long way away.

I hope the EU helps Ukraine, I really do. Trump isn't going to tell them not to help, that's cRaZy talk.
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Re: The Struggle For Ukraine
« Reply #3718 on: November 20, 2024, 06:15:40 AM »
what part of Autocracy is hard for ya to understand?
House and Senate republicans do what Trump tells them to keep Trump happy
Trump does what Putin pays him to do to keep him happy

The Circle of Life Cannot Be Broken

Unless yur in Ukraine
shit always turns out that way there
lokkit the history book
and when ya go diggin somewhere in Ukraine
just layers and layers of bones from each century's wars
this is just the most recent layer on top of the one from WWII which is on top of the one from WWI which is on top of the one from The Crimean War, which is on....

We won't fund the Ukrainian war for HUMANITY REASONS, a-and BUDGET CUTS!!!!

Trump Tower Moscva- Russian Financed
Rosneft Stock held by anonymous off-shore shell company - Trump borrows cash against stock

« Last Edit: November 20, 2024, 06:44:18 AM by krimster2 »

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Russians cut undersea cables and GOT CAUGHT
« Reply #3719 on: November 20, 2024, 06:55:55 AM »
The Chinese vessel Yi Peng 3 has been chased, intercepted, and boarded by Danish Navy vessel Y311 Søløven after the Chinese vessel destroyed 2 undersea telecom cables linking Finland-Germany and Sweden-Lithuania.

The vessel sailed from Russia & the captain is Russian

EVERYTHING is being monitored, that's why they were caught so fast
USA uses submarines for this - but they prefer to tap the cables and not destroy them
with special watertight inductive cable couplers
this way they intercept all russian communications

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Russians cut undersea cables and GOT CAUGHT
« Reply #3720 on: November 20, 2024, 08:49:37 AM »
The Chinese vessel Yi Peng 3 has been chased, intercepted, and boarded by Danish Navy
vessel Y311 Søløven after the Chinese vessel destroyed 2 undersea telecom cables linking
Finland-Germany and Sweden-Lithuania.

Looks like you are right about something. It's really rare that's why I point it out (It's not for some
sillytheory of trying to get on your good side). 

Russian-captained Chinese ship seized by Danish Navy for cable attack

Chinese Ship Suspected of Undersea Cable Sabotage Detained in 'NATO Lake'

« Last Edit: November 20, 2024, 09:02:19 AM by 2tallbill »
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Re: The Struggle For Ukraine
« Reply #3721 on: November 20, 2024, 08:53:23 AM »
UK Storm Shadow missiles now apparently fired into Russia:

I would assumed there is a military build up in the Kursk Region that Ukraine and it's allies are keen to take the wind out of. We already know there are thousands of North Korean troops there and Moscow is probably keen to try and take back the region.

These moves should helpfully stop Ukraine from being pushed back and weaken Russia.

Still some are thinking WWIII could be on the horizon.
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The Struggle For Ukraine
« Reply #3722 on: November 20, 2024, 08:55:47 AM »
Russia obviously is blaming it on Ukraine

Ukraine, not Russia, posing a threat to the Baltic region — Kremlin

Here is a map of the Baltic Sea for those who don't know the geography.

« Last Edit: November 20, 2024, 09:11:21 AM by 2tallbill »
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If you find a promising girl, get your butt on a plane.
There are a hundred ways to be successful and a thousand ways to f#ck it up
Just kiss the girl, don't ask her first. Tolerate NO excuses!

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Re: The Struggle For Ukraine
« Reply #3723 on: November 20, 2024, 09:01:43 AM »
UK Storm Shadow missiles now apparently fired into Russia:

I would assumed there is a military build up in the Kursk Region that Ukraine and it's allies are keen to take the wind out of.
We already know there are thousands of North Korean troops there and Moscow is probably keen to try and take back the region.

These moves should helpfully stop Ukraine from being pushed back and weaken Russia.

Still some are thinking WWIII could be on the horizon.

There are countless Euro's who believe WW3 is coming every day. They believe that appeasing the
bully is ALWAYS the way to go. They are always wrong. That's why you will eventually have sharia
law in London. That is why the entire European Union has a fifth rate military with insufficient troops
to protect themselves and rely on the USA to keep them out of harms way.

FSUW are not for entry level daters
FSUW don't do vague
FSUW like a man of action. Be a man of action 
If you find a promising girl, get your butt on a plane.
There are a hundred ways to be successful and a thousand ways to f#ck it up
Just kiss the girl, don't ask her first. Tolerate NO excuses!

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Re: The Struggle For Ukraine
« Reply #3724 on: November 20, 2024, 09:58:58 AM »
it's just a component in the Russian european sabotage campaign

most important is placing remotely monitored camera/gps sensors in Poland to monitor NATO shipments to Ukraine
soon as they cross the border - they're targeted with missiles
gopnicks get paid $2,000 per month to place sensors, those whose sensors survive get paid more next month to improve survival rate
cuz NATO is lookin fer em

Russia's plans for a massive "5th column" aka "The Belbeck Boyz" of Russian civilian saboteurs in Ukraine has been a total FAILURE
when if it had been done PROPERLY would've crippled Ukraine's military and economy completely

OTOH, ATESH has been very successful on coordinating attacks on Russian air defenses in Crimea
using young tatari girls disguised to look like Russian school girls in school uniforms with backpacks

another reason why Putin shoulda offered carrots to people like me instead of sticks

cuz I woulda just flat out told him the truth, there IS NO CARROT in Ukraine, cuz IT WAS IN SIBERIA ALL ALONG LIKE I SAID!!!!
and that's WHERE all the money should go and NOT TO freakin ruined villages in Ukraine!!

at least now ya gotta chance with Trump to shut the door, and end this stoopid war
and declare VICTORY with some territorial gain after Crimea, which was Putin's MASTERPIECE of Ukrainian land acquisition
which is what made him so "cocky"
he shoulda listened to the "naysayers" like me
and kept using corruption as the tool to subvert Ukraine
and NOT the freakin Russian military, which can barely deal with it's own internal crisis

Vlaidimir Vladimirovich
how much is it gonna cost ya when ya start talkin percentages with Exxon/Mobil over Siberian Oil and Gas?
taking the pre-2104 contract as a starter, how much down are ya gonna go
what if they ask you to throw in Iran, does this give ya more?

who can betray who?
USA betray Ukraine?
Russia betray Iran?
ice be tray in the freezer?

all these questions and more will be answered in the next installment of "As the Atom Decays"
with presentations regarding the mysterious spontaneos emissions from ATOMS and the half-lives of dead isotopes found in old garages in Cleveland
as documented by my ground breaking study, which did in fact leave quite a crater

Trump Donor To Do List

Creat Austerity Program for Poor and Middle Class
riase social security retirement age to 70
privitize medicare and VA
get rid of obamacare
get rid of Department of Education (obviously not WORKING!)
reduce IRS Audit staffing to a toal of 3 for entire country
cut 50% off everything else NOT NASA or Military
cut all foreign aid not directly benefiting usa mega corporations
DON'T raise minimum wage
get rid of all pro worker legislation
get rid of renewable energy to raise consumption of fossil fuels
make it illegal to say global warming in us legislation

is when Elon Musk pisses on 'ya and tells ya it's raining but ya laid off NOAA, and didn't hear otherwise, so ya open yur mouth to catch some rain, when ya notice it "tastes funny"

this is what TrumpTown Kool-Aid tastes like
Musk Urine with a tinge of Ramaswamy's

much better than the Cherry Kool-Aid in JonesTown

all ya thirsty RedNeck children now drink it up!!!

you know....

if it was me at Jonestown...
i'd pretend to take the poison, but not really...
and then after the little kids took the poison
I'd walk up to them and say, "SANTA CLAUS ISN'T REAL IT'S YUR MOM AND DAD"
and wait to see what happens next!!!

whenever god gives you a lemon
you can squeeze it and make lemonade

that's my attitude!!!

« Last Edit: November 20, 2024, 02:05:07 PM by krimster2 »


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