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Author Topic: Question for the ladies-How important is a mans education?  (Read 25602 times)

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Re: Question for the ladies-How important is a mans education?
« Reply #50 on: July 05, 2009, 02:06:39 PM »
Thanks for the encouragement Ecocks

  However I am not concerned if a woman disqualifies me just because I do not have a degree. If she is not able to see who and what I am, then that is her problem, not mine. I am (and always have been) interested in what makes people tick and why they make the choices they do.  With foreign cultures it is much more interesting and challenging and that is part of the appeal for me. 
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Re: Question for the ladies-How important is a mans education?
« Reply #51 on: July 05, 2009, 02:11:29 PM »
Subconsciously do you think this would also re enforce your thinking that your partner is able to commit to a relationship and provide a more stable environment for a family unit?  

do you believe that the completion of a higher education automatically qualifies a person to the entitlement of a better position in society? Also just because a person has a higher education will they automatically have manners?

Social class aside I am interested why (or if) a woman would use the degree as a deal breaker.


You are right about the ability to commit being obvious from how the person handles his education, among other things.  Perhaps the ability to set the right goals, too, contributes to the character, since not all people go to college/ grad school for the right reasons.  I think those who do manage to figure out their calling and work consistently towards it are ultimately more fulfilled and happy human beings.  

Health does not warrant beauty, but it's certainly a prerequisite for it. :)  Likewise, higher education does not guarantee intellectual excellency, but it gives you a certain polish that will develop your natural aptitude.  As for manners and social standing, they have little to do with what you learn and more with who you mingle with.  

My preference for MA/PhD level was not dictated by my social aspirations or snobbery, but by my background.  I grew up in an R&D community; my parents were researchers and my friends' parents were researchers; I spent my youth among academics and I adopted their manner of communication.  My college years were filled with continuous heated discussions with my peers and advisers on a variety of academic and general subjects.  Therefore, I am naturally drawn to people who were brewed in the same casks, so to speak.  I couldn't care less about their social status.

BTW I think a police academy is a very rigorous education, in its own way, preparing a person for tough decisions and situations.  One who has it under his belt would be wrong to feel any kind of inferiority complex towards college graduates.  My husband has worked with police and FBI staff as martial arts instructor and he is of very high opinion about you folks.  

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Re: Question for the ladies-How important is a mans education?
« Reply #52 on: July 05, 2009, 02:27:29 PM »
Here's an example of a poorly educated person unable to reason clearly and hence drawing faulty, emotionally driven conclusions from my non-generalized, personal preference.  Seeing snobbery in my post reveals more about your own insecurities than about me.  

And by the way, my highly educated husband is excellent with tires and all other kinds of handy work.  And he's a Black Belt, 4th degree, just FYI.  Now you can kiss my royal arse.  :evil:

I agree with BF. I would first look at his education.  As I have already mentioned I did not like the picture of my husband I got in his first letter  but I liked the letter itself. The very smart and intelligent person wrote it.  If I got a letter from Silvestr Stallone- look like rich guy that  lack any intelligence I would never respond. I assume that intelligence and good education go together but there are exceptions in both countries. I also can't imagine that any man(in Russia or US)  could have a problem to find a wife because he does non have superior education. :)
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Re: Question for the ladies-How important is a mans education?
« Reply #53 on: July 05, 2009, 02:31:05 PM »
"Us folks"? geezzz talk about making a person feel insignificant.

I'm just kidding and messing with you.

 So your decision was primarily based upon the environment you were raised in. You grew up around academics and since that is what you were comfortable with and knew, that is what you wanted in a partner.  So if you were labeled as a snob, then it would be because of your upbringing not because of a superior attitude-interesting.

 As far as feeling inferior, ya got the wrong man sister. ;)  I never thought of one person being superior over another, everyone has something another does not. Now granted if you and I met and you started discussing quantum physics I would be lost, however if we were to talk about various legal decisions and the different forms of government and the benefits of one government over another I could hold my own.  Some people think they're superior over others because they have social status, money or education (or all three) and that's fine, others think they're superior because they're allegedly smarter (these are the truly arrogant ones).  The great thing about my job is I get to interact with all types of people and I am always learning something.

Blues Fairy I would like to thank you for your thoughts and insights.  
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Re: Question for the ladies-How important is a mans education?
« Reply #54 on: July 05, 2009, 03:12:30 PM »
On a personal note, and in response to some of CB’s comments, I remember hating calculus and loathing the idea that I had to not only pass it, but get an A out of it as a prerequisite to applying for medical school.  It was especially galling because I never used calculus in medical school and haven’t used it once since graduating.  So why would they feel the need to subject me to such torture?
A similar experience. I also had to swallow calculus and spherical trigonometry in the 1960s, and the most advanced math tools I ever ended up using as an industrial chemist were proportions for my stoichiometric calculations :(.

However, much later dim recollections of spherical trigonometry came in very handy when I wanted to write my own program to calculate planet ephemerides, i.e. their astronomical positions, some 20 years later in the early 1980s, so one can never really tell when once-unpalatable subjects may suddenly become useful ;D.

Only later did I come to understand why. They didn’t care that I knew calculus, but they did care that I was an applicant who was able to think in the manner that calculus requires.  It teaches a manner of thinking and observing things that is essential to one who aspires to be a good physician.  They didn’t want someone who knew calculus; they wanted someone who had developed a method of thinking that went beyond 1+1=2.
I agree, basically a test of how large a lump one was able to digest :D.
« Last Edit: July 05, 2009, 04:10:21 PM by SANDRO43 »
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Re: Question for the ladies-How important is a mans education?
« Reply #55 on: July 05, 2009, 05:00:13 PM »
College degree means nothing to me but advanced education, such as one or more Master's degrees, is paramount.  Usually it demonstrates that a person possesses such essential skills as clear abstract reasoning, independent research, articulate speech and writing, ability to handle complex concepts, ability to use facts to support one's PoV, etc. - all that is essential in a person with whom I plan to spend considerable time under one roof. 

In my search, I set filters to the highest level of education: MA/PhD, and found my match. 


I totally echo BF's opinion, could have written the same to a word, therefore will not repeat.
In short, I had two very firm requirements in my search: the highest level of education (MA/PhD), and no children from previous marriages. BA doesn't cut it for me.

My husband has a PhD from one of the best Universities in the world, and the highest IQ of all the men I've ever dated.  At the same time he is very friendly, nice and down to earth.

BTW, he is not handy at all, and I don't give a damn .  His degree allows him to hire people do this kind of work  ;)
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Re: Question for the ladies-How important is a mans education?
« Reply #56 on: July 05, 2009, 05:38:34 PM »
Gator, you would make a terrific RW :)  Never read anything from you that did not have some value and wisdom contained therein.  Same with BF.

I have noticed an over preoccupation from RW and women from Eastern Europe with formal and proper social structures (titles; degrees, certifications, jobs, logos, brands, faux accomplishments)   Of course these things imply material stability. They also - and perhaps more importantly - imply STATUS.

In the US, certainly in South America ... for one to be successful in a non traditional occupation (such as being an artist, for example) is double cool.  I do not get the same feed back from RW.  They seem to be a little stiff in these evaluations. 

I have had little experience with RW compared to women from South America.  The opposite is true for women that are educated and come from good stock in SA.  As long as you pass a very low threshold, you may as well be Bill Gates.

I am with ONLY a bachelor's degree.  Which makes me a lightweight in online profile comparisons.  Perhaps I should tear a page out of the FSU, and buy a PHD in Philosophy ?!?!  ( I wrote that in jest.  But by the time, I completed the sentence, I already made my decision.  That will be Doctor Rivardco from now on ...)

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Re: Question for the ladies-How important is a mans education?
« Reply #57 on: July 05, 2009, 07:35:24 PM »
I have been a little surprised at the comments here.   I made a lot of trips and met a lot of women and corresponded with a enough that if I knew the number it would be staggering.   I can only ever recall one woman even asking about my education.  Perhaps I seem so dumb they just assume I never made it past kindergarden or perhaps I have enough years on everyone that they think I must have been school aged before there were schools but personally I think it is a non issue.

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Re: Question for the ladies-How important is a mans education?
« Reply #58 on: July 05, 2009, 09:53:26 PM »
It always comes down to the same thing: you don't have to please all women, just the one that you plan on spending the rest of your life with. Bear, you seem like a nice guy, I don't doubt that you will be able to find one woman who will value you for who you are. There, my two cents on the matter.

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Re: Question for the ladies-How important is a mans education?
« Reply #59 on: July 05, 2009, 11:50:34 PM »
I have been a little surprised at the comments here.   I made a lot of trips and met a lot of women and corresponded with a enough that if I knew the number it would be staggering.   I can only ever recall one woman even asking about my education.  Perhaps I seem so dumb they just assume I never made it past kindergarden or perhaps I have enough years on everyone that they think I must have been school aged before there were schools but personally I think it is a non issue.

I could have written the same words, Turboguy.  Never was I asked about my education.  I was often asked about my occupation, however.

Pitbull.  My wife and I know a RW/AM couple.  He has a specialized higher degree in science.  They take trips to Paris flying first class and stay at the Ritz.  He refuses to let his wife shop at run of the mill department stores.  My wife has been envious and let me know it.

Last month, his company terminated his job.  He's drawing unemployment and is quite depressed.

You're husband cannot pay for worker with his degree.  That paper is not a medium of exchange.  In an economic depression as we are heading into, highly educated people will be washing dishes and waiting tables in restaurants where the only customers will be those whose practical skills have keep the employed and in great demand.

In a total ecomonic collapse, those who own a rifle and know how to hunt, fish, grow crops and repair mechanical devices will be the survivors.

Bear, not all ladies in the FSU are alike as I'm sure you know.   Some are city girls who scream at the sight of a harmless rodent.  Others are country girls who value a man's diverse skills and know he can always feed his family.  In that respect I never saw much difference between here and there.

Fourth year now living in Ukraine.  Speak Russian, Will Answer Questions.

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Re: Question for the ladies-How important is a mans education?
« Reply #60 on: July 06, 2009, 02:26:14 AM »

In a total ecomonic collapse, those who own a rifle and know how to hunt, fish, grow crops and repair mechanical devices will be the survivors.

Ooops, don't own a rifle ;D... I'll just hope that total economic collapse will not happen any time soon  :(
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Re: Question for the ladies-How important is a mans education?
« Reply #61 on: July 06, 2009, 02:43:24 AM »
Ooops, don't own a rifle ;D... I'll just hope that total economic collapse will not happen any time soon  :(

Come to Norway, it's much more stable and civilized here. ;D

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Re: Question for the ladies-How important is a mans education?
« Reply #62 on: July 06, 2009, 04:04:35 AM »
I have been a little surprised at the comments here.   

I could have written the same words, Turboguy.  Never was I asked about my education. 

Duh! The RW who participate at RWD are a league above the average RW in the MOB agency.

I am not implying that the two of you dated low class women.  Very few of the RW I dated asked details about my education even though my four search criteria were brains, beauty, SOH and honesty. 

As with the two of you, the RW wanted to know about my profession.  When I told them I did not have a job, the expression on their faces was priceless. :D

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Re: Question for the ladies-How important is a mans education?
« Reply #63 on: July 06, 2009, 04:10:13 AM »
As I have already mentioned I did not like the picture of my husband I got in his first letter  but I liked the letter itself.

Refreshingly honest.   I believe most AM suitors fall short of a RW's concept of how a dream man should look. 

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Re: Question for the ladies-How important is a mans education?
« Reply #64 on: July 06, 2009, 04:36:24 AM »
Heck Gator, I have you beat on that.  I haven't had a job since I was 21. 

Personally, if someone searching for a RW does not have a degree I would suggest they don't lose a minutes sleep over it.   Virtually every RW wanted to know what I did for a living.  Less than .0001 asked about my education.

Way back when I was dating AW I seemed to attract highly educated women for whatever reason, not that I didn't date some who weren't and for me it was nothing I cared about much one way or the other but I do prefer smart women.  I am among those who think there is little corelation between educated and smart.

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Re: Question for the ladies-How important is a mans education?
« Reply #65 on: July 06, 2009, 07:06:51 AM »
I am among those who think there is little corelation between educated and smart.

Be real, Turbo.  Social studies report that the best predictor of intelligence is educational encouragement.

For sure there are many smart, undereducated people as well as the converse.   However, these are exceptions - outliers from the norm.

One of the reasons that you, Ronnie and were not asked about our education is that no sane RW was considering us to be the father of her child.  I believe that intelligent women intent on having children will rank  intelligence at the top or next to the top of their mandatory criteria for selecting a husband.   As I stated before, RW will use education as a surrogate for intelligence in the early stages of evaluating men.

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Re: Question for the ladies-How important is a mans education?
« Reply #66 on: July 06, 2009, 07:22:43 AM »
This thread reminds me of some hilarious quotes:

You see a lot of smart guys with dumb women,
but you hardly ever see a smart woman with a dumb guy

the average man can see better than he can think

Good girls are just smart bad girls that don't get caught

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Re: Question for the ladies-How important is a mans education?
« Reply #67 on: July 06, 2009, 09:03:51 AM »
This thread reminds me of some hilarious quotes:

Loved the quotes!

I'm a macho man, and not a lady so will not post, but I am reading the thread and the quotes from fsu women, and they are the ones I am not passing over.

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Re: Question for the ladies-How important is a mans education?
« Reply #68 on: July 06, 2009, 12:28:41 PM »
Hey if the bureaucrats want paper certificates I can provide enough to choke a billy goat.  I have so many certificates from academies, training etc... that if I hung them up it would take up almost all of the wall space in my residence.  All of these certificates are from classes that ranged from 24 hours to 80 hours in various topics all from well known accredited universities/colleges.


You are still missing the point.  I brought up the idea of bureaucracies to demonstrate the mindset.  But you are not seeking to romance, date, marry a bureaucracy.  The people in FSU value certificates that relate to a degree.  They know the difference between a Masters degree and a certificate that signifies completion of X hours of a course in criminal investigation.

Scott covers this in more elegant terms.

Again, you are trying to argue that the FSU women shouldn't view things the way they do.  But they do; so you are just trudging into the wind.

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Re: Question for the ladies-How important is a mans education?
« Reply #69 on: July 06, 2009, 12:42:41 PM »
You are still missing the point.  I brought up the idea of bureaucracies to demonstrate the mindset.  But you are not seeking to romance, date, marry a bureaucracy.  The people in FSU value certificates that relate to a degree.  They know the difference between a Masters degree and a certificate that signifies completion of X hours of a course in criminal investigation.

Scott covers this in more elegant terms.

Again, you are trying to argue that the FSU women shouldn't view things the way they do.  But they do; so you are just trudging into the wind.

Actually I do understand the mindset, I understand that a bunch of certificates in a variety of areas doesn't equal or compare to a single university degree and I made that post tongue in cheek.  I think you misunderstand my intention, I am not arguing that FSU women shouldn't view things a certain way, I am not trying to change a life of learned behavior.

If a woman determines that she is not interested in me because I do not have a university degree, then that is her choice.  She has her criteria and if I don't meet the criteria-life goes on. The purpose for this post was to see why such a high value is place on a university degree and Lily and Blues Fairy did an excellent job of explaining it from their point of view.

« Last Edit: July 06, 2009, 09:19:20 PM by acrzybear »
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Re: Question for the ladies-How important is a mans education?
« Reply #70 on: July 06, 2009, 01:33:07 PM »
Be real, Turbo.  Social studies report that the best predictor of intelligence is educational encouragement.

For sure there are many smart, undereducated people as well as the converse.   However, these are exceptions - outliers from the norm.

One of the reasons that you, Ronnie and were not asked about our education is that no sane RW was considering us to be the father of her child.  I believe that intelligent women intent on having children will rank  intelligence at the top or next to the top of their mandatory criteria for selecting a husband.   As I stated before, RW will use education as a surrogate for intelligence in the early stages of evaluating men.

Gator, I hope you're not falling into the same position you have over Global Warming science: correlation doesn't equal cause and effect.

As to the FSUW who wanted to have children..I was 53 and in good health.  Some of those who were in their late 30's did express and interest in children but no interest in my education level.  I had a profession and that was sufficient.  (I also was a American who spoke three languages including theirs so that may have had an affect  :) ).

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Re: Question for the ladies-How important is a mans education?
« Reply #71 on: July 06, 2009, 03:39:57 PM »
I just read the first page of this thread. I would assume that high education is important to those who have it and not so much to those who don't. For me personally it is very important. If I can somewhat play with other parameters like location, height or color of eyes, hair or food habits, this one is a must, it's like being Christian too, can't change that one.
Most often than not those who have high education here have very good career plans and success in that, they know what they want from life and generally have a strong will and skills to climb up the ladder. Educated, smart, respected, accomplished - is the type of a young man I was looking for.

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Re: Question for the ladies-How important is a mans education?
« Reply #72 on: July 06, 2009, 05:13:50 PM »

A lot of the success or failure lies in the manner in which you have packaged yourself. If you simply check a box marked High School or PHD you'll get gut reactions based upon the receiver's experiences and societal norms.

If you play to your strenghts without mention of educational levels you will have a much better initial reception than if you state that you have no college education.

Always play to your strenghts and always, Always, ALWAYS be positive!
Always be a first-rate version of yourself, instead of a second-rate version of somebody else :)

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Re: Question for the ladies-How important is a mans education?
« Reply #73 on: July 06, 2009, 08:33:11 PM »

A lot of the success or failure lies in the manner in which you have packaged yourself. If you simply check a box marked High School or PHD you'll get gut reactions based upon the receiver's experiences and societal norms.

If you play to your strenghts without mention of educational levels you will have a much better initial reception than if you state that you have no college education.

Always play to your strenghts and always, Always, ALWAYS be positive!

Look for those who appreciate the strengths that you have and don't disparage those who don't

The men who pass over the more plain women for a hot body and then complain that she prefers a man with a higher education need another kind of educating.

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Re: Question for the ladies-How important is a mans education?
« Reply #74 on: July 06, 2009, 10:25:55 PM »
I just read the first page of this thread. I would assume that high education is important to those who have it and not so much to those who don't. For me personally it is very important. If I can somewhat play with other parameters like location, height or color of eyes, hair or food habits, this one is a must, it's like being Christian too, can't change that one.
Most often than not those who have high education here have very good career plans and success in that, they know what they want from life and generally have a strong will and skills to climb up the ladder. Educated, smart, respected, accomplished - is the type of a young man I was looking for.

Anastassia.  There are some educated people on this board who will tell you that you cannot have someone who is educated, smart, respected and accomplished AND a Christian.

In their hazy world Christians and conservatives are...what's that expression they are so fond of?  Oh yes, "Knuckle draggers."  Which proves that some are able to go through the education system and still keep a strong and independent mind.  Others, to weak to resist, surrender their young minds to the professors' dominating influence.

« Last Edit: July 06, 2009, 11:33:00 PM by Ronnie »
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