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Welcome to Russian Women Discussion - the most informative site for all things related to serious long-term relationships and marriage to a partner from the Former Soviet Union countries!

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RWD Vision (RWD)

RWD is the premier online discussion site for people involved, or seeking to be involved, in a romantic relationship with women from the countries of the Former Soviet Union (FSU).

RWD enjoys active and vibrant participation from diverse members across the globe.

RWD stresses inclusivity and self-moderation amongst the members who join our site.

RWD promotes spirited, even heated, discourse and exchange - within the confines of civil behavior and with a focus on increasing our collective knowledge and understanding of these international unions.

RWD acts as a member of the International Relations organization to promote and encourage honest and ethical behaviors among all participants in the international dating community.

Topics at RWD range from politics to sexuality, religion, culture, history and beyond - all within the overall context of international relationships with women from the FSU

RWD practices tolerance of diversity in opinions expressed and experiences shared, and promotes the notion of individual choice wherever and whenever possible.

RWD is an unbiased and independent 'voice' in the international dating/marriage community, free of commercial leverage. We promote no group or organization (except our own) over any other.

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Total Members: 8884
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Most Online Today: 1890
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+-Recent Posts

Re: The Struggle For Ukraine by Trenchcoat
Yesterday at 08:23:12 AM

Re: The Struggle For Ukraine by krimster2
January 15, 2025, 07:27:44 PM

Re: Social Security by JohnDearGreen
January 15, 2025, 05:15:48 PM

Re: Finding information about a Lady in Ukcraine by Trenchcoat
January 15, 2025, 03:02:30 PM

Re: The Struggle For Ukraine by ML
January 15, 2025, 02:42:11 PM

Re: The Struggle For Ukraine by Trenchcoat
January 15, 2025, 02:38:01 PM

Social Security by 2tallbill
January 15, 2025, 12:52:44 PM

Re: Finding information about a Lady in Ukcraine by krimster2
January 15, 2025, 11:35:18 AM

Re: The increasing draw of FSW going for Western Men in future? by krimster2
January 15, 2025, 11:20:16 AM

Re: The increasing draw of FSW going for Western Men in future? by olgac
January 15, 2025, 11:08:41 AM

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