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Author Topic: The Struggle For Ukraine  (Read 485966 times)

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Verdict on Donald
« Reply #3500 on: May 30, 2024, 07:11:18 PM »
25-30% percent of Republican voters say the guilty verdicts increases their intention to vote for Donald.

It's all . . . them vs us.

Donald said he only got 5% of the vote in 2020 from the area that the jury pool was  drawn from . . . so guilty vote not surprising.

However, the decision had to be 12 out of 12 . . .  so I am surprised  that one or two did not vote not  guilty.

But fact that the jury pool was from such a totally blue area, I think increases the chance the appeal court will throw out the verdict in view of the judge's refusal to grant a change of venue.
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Good news for Ukraine
« Reply #3501 on: May 30, 2024, 07:13:34 PM »
Joe gave go ahead for Ukraine to use US weapons to shoot across border into Russia . . . but only across from Kharkiv . . . and not for long distance even in that direction.

Well, better than before.
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Re: The Struggle For Ukraine
« Reply #3502 on: May 30, 2024, 08:28:26 PM »
Trump will suck as much money out of the Republican Party as he possibly can between now and Nov, it's his ONLY REAL purpose for being there....
and this will contribute to the party's demise

Trump is hurting other Republican down-ballot congressional candidates that Trump doesn't care about, cuz it's all about Trump for Trump...
each of them must pay Trump 5% of their election haul, the master grifter gets a cut of everybody else's grifting
a pyramid of grifters with Trump on top, like Amway

Thanks ENTIRELY to Trump, In January Democrats WILL control the white house and congres (and they'll deal with a corrupted supreme court)
the "Trump BRAND" is a freakin' joke, all thanks to Trump's actions, he destroyed it himself
and guess who the joke is being played on???
what a buncha freakin dumb asses!!!!!
thank gawd, yur all gonna be in the rear view mirror soon...getting smaller and smaller until ya disappear from view and will be totally irrelevant and forgotten about


« Last Edit: May 30, 2024, 08:36:34 PM by krimster2 »

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Re: The Struggle For Ukraine
« Reply #3503 on: May 31, 2024, 02:00:45 AM »
Trump will suck as much money out of the Republican Party as he possibly can between now and Nov, it's his ONLY REAL purpose for being there....
and this will contribute to the party's demise

Trump is hurting other Republican down-ballot congressional candidates that Trump doesn't care about, cuz it's all about Trump for Trump...
each of them must pay Trump 5% of their election haul, the master grifter gets a cut of everybody else's grifting
a pyramid of grifters with Trump on top, like Amway

Thanks ENTIRELY to Trump, In January Democrats WILL control the white house and congres (and they'll deal with a corrupted supreme court)
the "Trump BRAND" is a freakin' joke, all thanks to Trump's actions, he destroyed it himself
and guess who the joke is being played on???
what a buncha freakin dumb asses!!!!!
thank gawd, yur all gonna be in the rear view mirror soon...getting smaller and smaller until ya disappear from view and will be totally irrelevant and forgotten about


Irrelevance is inevitable. Many do not know their grandparents and vastly fewer know their great-grandparents. By the 3rd generation, you and virtually everyone else will be nothing more than an entry in a geneology log, if that.

Speaking of relevance, your post has zero relevance to the topic of the forum. Worse, you choose to insult the readers of the forum. Do your best to remain on-topic and civil even in these chaotic and unprecedented times.

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Re: The Struggle For Ukraine
« Reply #3504 on: May 31, 2024, 02:17:33 AM »
it means a future Trump Presidency isn't gonna happen
between now and November - the only thing Trump does is drain money from the republican party...

Putin's only hope is Novichok

Can anyone stop him even if he is convicted? Couldn't he be sitting in the White House with a Cell Door on the Oval Office and bars on the windows :D
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Re: The Struggle For Ukraine
« Reply #3505 on: May 31, 2024, 07:12:51 AM »
"chaotic and unprecedented times"

relevance "TO THE BOARD"?
are you kidding me?
what a sad joke....
this board has NO RELEVANCE to ANYTHING!!
and if somethin ""chaotic and unprecedented" comes along, we're told we have to keep our opinions about it to ourselves

I'll post as I damned well please, with the same intent as EVERYBODY else in this thread
why should I be treated any differently because some of ya don't like me or what I write

Trump voters HAVE PROVED what they are with their actions
if I am guilty of identifying and labeling them for what they TRUELY ARE - fascist morons
then that's "on them" and not me

so either ban me for "simply tellin the truth" or GTF outta my way
the ball is in yur court, cuz I just kicked it there

I ain't changin my behavior over yur ridiculous and selective accusations against me

I WANT you to ban me!!!! I want you to do this and show everyone on the board yur "true color"
and I WANT everyone to SEE IT when ya do!
my execution will be PUBLIC and not PRIVATE

and now that I've backed you into a corner on yur own board
what are ya gonna do about it?

c'mon - bring it!!
I'll skip the cigarette and blindfold

Trump is absolutely finished now
Trump was allways just "smoke and mirrors"

he depends a LOT on the optics he "projects with"
the verdict was like a giant fan that blew out all the smoke....
to show  that Trump is REALLY just a CROOK, a liar and a thief
who until now, was ALWAYS ABOVE the law

and just enuff people see that and no longer see the totally fake illusory Trump that he projects
that NO WAY could he win in Nov
NO WAY!!!!

but he's gonna go for the donations anyway - cuz half goes into his own pocket

and YES, Trump voters are absolute idiots which is becoming more and more self-evident
and if yur poor delicate fee-fees are hurt - too bad!!
but the MAGA movement just died...
and the orange shit gibbon fuhrer is finito!
only question remaining over THESE CHARGES is will he go to prison for this one or for the NEXT SET OF CHARGES....


and I regret I only have poor Krimster to offer as a sacrifice for it's defense
but I will gladly stand 'ole Krimster up against the wall - go ahead and shoot him....

let the dead bury the dead
those who believe in liberty should join me
« Last Edit: May 31, 2024, 02:25:42 PM by krimster2 »

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Re: The Struggle For Ukraine
« Reply #3506 on: May 31, 2024, 03:08:11 PM »
"chaotic and unprecedented times"

relevance "TO THE BOARD"?
are you kidding me?
what a sad joke....
this board has NO RELEVANCE to ANYTHING!!
and if somethin ""chaotic and unprecedented" comes along, we're told we have to keep our opinions about it to ourselves

I'll post as I damned well please, with the same intent as EVERYBODY else in this thread
why should I be treated any differently because some of ya don't like me or what I write

Trump voters HAVE PROVED what they are with their actions
if I am guilty of identifying and labeling them for what they TRUELY ARE - fascist morons
then that's "on them" and not me

so either ban me for "simply tellin the truth" or GTF outta my way
the ball is in yur court, cuz I just kicked it there

I ain't changin my behavior over yur ridiculous and selective accusations against me

I WANT you to ban me!!!! I want you to do this and show everyone on the board yur "true color"
and I WANT everyone to SEE IT when ya do!
my execution will be PUBLIC and not PRIVATE

and now that I've backed you into a corner on yur own board
what are ya gonna do about it?

c'mon - bring it!!
I'll skip the cigarette and blindfold

Trump is absolutely finished now
Trump was allways just "smoke and mirrors"

he depends a LOT on the optics he "projects with"
the verdict was like a giant fan that blew out all the smoke....
to show  that Trump is REALLY just a CROOK, a liar and a thief
who until now, was ALWAYS ABOVE the law

and just enuff people see that and no longer see the totally fake illusory Trump that he projects
that NO WAY could he win in Nov
NO WAY!!!!

but he's gonna go for the donations anyway - cuz half goes into his own pocket

and YES, Trump voters are absolute idiots which is becoming more and more self-evident
and if yur poor delicate fee-fees are hurt - too bad!!
but the MAGA movement just died...
and the orange shit gibbon fuhrer is finito!
only question remaining over THESE CHARGES is will he go to prison for this one or for the NEXT SET OF CHARGES....


and I regret I only have poor Krimster to offer as a sacrifice for it's defense
but I will gladly stand 'ole Krimster up against the wall - go ahead and shoot him....

let the dead bury the dead
those who believe in liberty should join me


Tempest in a teapot.

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Re: The Struggle For Ukraine
« Reply #3507 on: May 31, 2024, 04:16:11 PM »
uh, it's a "chamberpot" and there ain't tea in there....

sincerely, Who Flung Dung

« Last Edit: May 31, 2024, 05:09:09 PM by krimster2 »

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Re: The Struggle For Ukraine
« Reply #3508 on: June 02, 2024, 08:58:32 AM »
Does this mean America isn't going to be made Great Again? :D

That they may have to be made somewhat less than great.

I dunno, some people are reckoning that it won't make Trump lose voters, some think it may even mean he pics up voters as it plays into the theme of him being set up.

We'll have to wait and see on that one.

If Trump really does end up not getting the Presidency then it's looking good for Ukraine in getting ongoing economic support from Ukraine against Russia. At least likely long enough to make Russian use up all it's Soviet Armaments and Money. When that happens Russia becomes the poor boy in both military and wealth in Europe. Can you imagine a Russia with no big Soviet Armaments no more? That's going to be quite a thing. Russia without any teeth besides Nukes & Novichok, a lesser power in Europe. Will be interesting times I think.
"If you make your own bread, then and only then, are you a free man unchained and alive living in pooty tang paradise, or say no and live in Incel island with all the others." - Krimster

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Re: The Struggle For Ukraine
« Reply #3509 on: June 02, 2024, 09:38:31 AM »
what yur seeing is the capitalist pyramid of "they rule us and fool us" starting to crumble

a hint:
Mexico will soon elect a Jewish Socialist Woman as President....

the USA will have to go through it's "creative destruction" period
when the debt/inflation/climate bombs all "go off"
before we will have a Jewish Socialist Woman as President
but, it's coming....

Trump has accelerated this process by at least 10 years....
his last act will be to reduce the ability of the Republican Party by grifting it's funds for other down-ballot candidates (into his own pocket - of course!)
which SHOULD result in a Democratic landslide in Nov in house and senate (also thanks to supporting Christian Nationalists on Abortion)
and if that happens....
then demographics take over, and the USA becomes MUCH more Blue after each and every election from then on

the USA needs to do what Britain did and form a "Labour Party"
it can start by turning the AFL-CIO into a political party on top of it being a national labor union - why not?

the big structural defect of the Republican Party
is that what's good for oligarchs, is usually bad for workers...

same deal in Russia...
oligarchs get all the money, workers kids die in Ukraine

oligarch's privitize the profits for themselves
and transfer costs to the public sector as debts for the public to pay

the working class in America will be "wiped out" financially in the next decade because of this
it will happen with 100% certainty
in numeris veritas

they rule you to extract money from your labor for themselves
and they fool you - so you don't know the truth

but as Lincoln said....
you can't fool all the people all the time, just the ones who watch Fox News

Exploiters can only exist when they control an exploited group
slavery didn't end in 1865, it just became more subtle

slavery was also a defective economic system
it was actually cheaper to pay an immigrant low wages
than to tie up capital in a slave and pay to take care of him...

the side effect of slavery is that it suppressed wages for white southern workers by 25%
but who did poor whites support in the South, and what happened to those poor whites who supported the southern planation owners...

yur own ignorance is what condemns you people, and NOT ME

the "struggle" is always between rich and poor
and that's why the rich are so desperate to make it appear that the social struggles be about GAY vrs Christian and black vrs white
and ya'll are dumb enuff for their plan to work

conservatives want "the status quo" for things NOT to change, preserve the capitalist pyramid at all costs

but when I look at the numbers....
10 years from now, status quo is gonna be impossible....

i'm the lone voice in the wilderness
warnin ya
of things to come

at the end of this decade "the chickens are all gonna start comin' home to roost"
only they're vultures and not chickens

and when this all "goes down"
ya'll are gonna forget about the FSU, cuz where yur livin will be just as bad if not worse

« Last Edit: June 02, 2024, 01:05:26 PM by krimster2 »

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Re: The Struggle For Ukraine
« Reply #3510 on: June 02, 2024, 04:27:07 PM »
I don't doubt that you are correct in your analysis of the figures Krim that there is going to be an almighty financial crisis coming a few years from now. Debt was a growing issue in Government's around the world up to 2020. Then COVID came along and made that a whole lot worse. Putler saw his opportunity especially with the West pulling out of Afghanistan due to the cost of it all and the resurgency. He thought the West wouldn't intervene due to the financial cost, but he miscalculated that the West knew from the situation with Hitler that the cost of bit intervening is even greater and risks them facing off against an almighty Russian Empire in the future.

So Ukraine is busy whittling away Russian power for us while we are them with the tools they need to do so. Bad for them with their people losing their lives but they never had great options once Putler had decided to invade. However, while it is the best strategic play for our part it is often course racking up the debt. Sure sind stuff comes from existing stockpiles but sending it over there, supporting the Ukrainian economy etc all costs big money. So the debt bomb for most countries in the world grows bigger. We can put it off by taking this, that and the other option but as you say it's a delaying option, at the moment we are at the delaying stage and that can clearly be seen in the EU with their economic actions. The UK is not a lot better off, our debt to GDP is near 100 percent now, at an almost unsustainable level. When the new government gets elected, almost certainly Labour, they are going to have to pay attention to that and chart a course forward if possible.

I think though that I wonder if you might be putting your own interpretation on the outcome Krim. Yes there is an Oligarch group in most societies, however the situation can be more complex than a them & us, rich Vs poor struggle. Let's face it the Gays & Christians are just a inhospitable situation. In America there are likely other groups that are far more hostile than the Gays and Christians. I don't know fully about the US ethnic situation so I'll talk about the UK situation. In the UK It's not so much the White's & Blacks that are hostile to each other but the various Ethnic groups that are hostile to each other, far more than there is hostility to or particularly from white people. Jews & Palestinians hate each other, Pakistani's and Indians hate each other, Blacks are in gang warfare against each other, etc, etc. I don't know all the hating and conflicts that go on I stay well away from all of that. They are just the broad ones I know about, these days I don't go to London much it's not nearly as safe a city as it used to be. The boat people can be indescriminately violent, not all but sound as are Muslims, etc. The number of rapes have gone up a lot with the growing Muslim crowd both home grown and from abroad, there is much told of it on the news and even moreso on X (Twitter) as they hide a lot of it on the main news channels to keep the peace (the BBC is still government owned).

So are people all going to put those differences aside when push comes to shove?

My thoughts are that while in general there is a rich & poor faction, there are also many other factions. In fact I would say people are more divided then ever before, it's clear in the US with the Trump/Biden, Republican/Democrat divide and hostility then all the other groups. In the UK I would say the same us happening, spurred in more by greater ethnicities in the UK but also far more divisions. In all cases I don't see people budging but more willing to say, 'to hell with it!'.

I see people willing to step on each others foot more often, more frequently and often I get the impression to deliberately antagonise the other side. We have it here between the different Ethnic groups, from many Religions & Atheists, we have it with the Queers & Transgender, with the Feminists, with some Scots & Welsh, Brexiteers Vs Remainers, with Anti-monarchists & Monarchists, with Socialists & Conservatives, etc, etc...

I'm not saying its wrong, I am party to my own beliefs & groupings and feel hostility to others if they come and step on my toes by trying to push their world into mine. I see it on this board often (moreso in the past when we had board members) of the rivalry and hostility between Republican & Democrats. This hostility in these factional groups is driving towards boiling point it seems, it's far, far more than I have experienced at any time in the past in the UK and from what I see in the US.

So... I can see the coming (economic) crash as bit necessarily a Rich Vs Poor thing, there will probably be some of that, but more a outpouring of hatred and violence between different factional groups. Stuff will get increasingly more chaotic potentially and break down as the economic situation weakens and the Government' as hand weakens. I don't think there will be an instant organisation and grouping of people but people will increasingly go out and do what the heck they like. The more people are unsettled by ending in a bad economic situation, the more they will say to hell with it and do what in their heart they really want to do. In the UK some people often illegals from abroad seem to be doing that as already, sporadic knife crime, rape, random acts of violence. It will all go that way I think people aren't what they used to be like years ago, some are, but many more are increasingly unsettled and factional with much resentment growing on all sides is what I see.
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Re: The Struggle For Ukraine
« Reply #3511 on: June 02, 2024, 05:01:13 PM »
the "bombs" debt, inflation, climate
it'll be a "cascading failure" that ripples through everyone and everything
the first domino falls, and  knocks down the next which knocks down the next, until nothin is left
it's why I told ya to be a ju-jitsu master, UK laws on self-protection are very strict...

my urban equipment:
1. razor sharp dagger (I can legally carry a knife in Texas)
2. bearspray
3. tiny audio recorder - to frame my attacker properly for the Po-lice by selectively turning on/off

the first part is dealin with yur attacker
the second part is dealin with the Po-lice
pretty EZ for me to get the Po-lice to see things "my way"
cuz I'm a 'professional' and I know WTF I'm doin
and not some random civilian who has no clue
but...the police don't know who or what I am
they go by my appearance...and my ability to manipulate that
what color is a chameleon?
« Last Edit: June 02, 2024, 05:32:05 PM by krimster2 »

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Re: The Struggle For Ukraine
« Reply #3512 on: June 06, 2024, 08:18:59 AM »
Borgia moy!
Pootin was on TV yesterday and blew the WHOLE cover off the FSB operation in Central America!!!
and Russian ships are in the  Caribbean and Iranian vessels are in the Gulf of Mexico
is also "drawing eyes"

I mean, imagine yur the poor 'malchick' who signed up for this BS instead of havin to go 'to the meat grinder' thinkin hey a pretty boy like me from Moscow should do well with the senoritas in Mexico City

so thanks to yur Moscow State Univ. Linguistics training yur running all the spanish newspaper stories of free money for asylum seekers crossin the border to "El Norte"
but now the CIA is runnin down EVERYTHING even yur little gazetta stories

the CIA contracts it's 'hits' in Mexico to a cartel they infiltrated and control
and so do the Russians
chorny v bella - cartels and intelligence services killin each other in Mexico City is the very fringe of 'The 100 Years War'

closer to home
don't have to fly to asia for the next war
and if Pootin has his way, you won't have to leave home at all
because now the Univ Linguists are workin on "La Raza" stuff fer all Latins
to make an American Chechnya

and remember, Pootin has done some AMAZIN things

1. seized Crimea by using a mafia as fake electors
2. made trump president by hacking Hillary's emails, and bribing FBI to release investigation story 1 week before election and "Internet Research Agency"

don't under-estimate him based on how badly he's phuqued-up in Ukraine
Putin is a SPY and not a general
how would a SPY THINK in this situation...?

« Last Edit: June 06, 2024, 08:37:35 AM by krimster2 »

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Re: The Struggle For Ukraine
« Reply #3513 on: June 08, 2024, 10:10:48 PM »
the "bombs" debt, inflation, climate
it'll be a "cascading failure" that ripples through everyone and everything
the first domino falls, and  knocks down the next which knocks down the next, until nothin is left
it's why I told ya to be a ju-jitsu master, UK laws on self-protection are very strict...

my urban equipment:
1. razor sharp dagger (I can legally carry a knife in Texas)
2. bearspray
3. tiny audio recorder - to frame my attacker properly for the Po-lice by selectively turning on/off

the first part is dealin with yur attacker
the second part is dealin with the Po-lice
pretty EZ for me to get the Po-lice to see things "my way"
cuz I'm a 'professional' and I know WTF I'm doin
and not some random civilian who has no clue
but...the police don't know who or what I am
they go by my appearance...and my ability to manipulate that
what color is a chameleon?

They are, however it is legally possible to carry a knife or similar as I understand it in the UK if you can prove that you need to do so for your trade, or specific task, i.e a construction trade, clothes maker, fisherman perhaps, etc. Anyone doing so would need to look up the law and be careful as it is an offense to carry any object that may be deemed to being carried to be used as an offensive weapon as I understand it. Again the specifics would need to be looked into as I'm no legal expert.

In the big cities like London though knife crime is rife, many carry knives illegally. It never used to be that way, even outside of London you have to be wary of getting into disputes as you never know they might be carrying a knife. Back in the 80s I heard of a guy who was apparently carrying a machete down his trousers but that apparently was only because he got done over in the toilets for drug money. Knife carrying in the UK is now far more prevalent than it used to be.

A lot of people in the UK now carry knives for self defense, I don't personally and still the majority of people doing tend to. The problem with doing so is that there is a tendency for whenever a conflict comes up to resort to pulling out the knife and possibly using it as people naturally tend to go for the biggest thing they've got. If you kill someone with a knife then if could be up to 20 years or more behind bars, potentially over 30 years even, it's steep sentences on that these days, a kind of open ended thing in some cases.

I have done Judo in the past but it is not very street applicable. Ju-Jitsu I noticed has some similar Judo like throws but more looser and hence probably a bit more handy. Also some similar armlocks, chokes and strangles. Ju-Jitsu I notice has some nice wrist locks and other manoeuvres. I wouldn't mind getting back into Martial Arts, I'll have more time in my hands soon, but at the moment my schedule is full.

Krim, one thing interests me. You often reflect the use of money/wealth in dating a girl but if anything I've found the opposite. While I agree that the look of wealth can attract women and not just gold diggers but women that just like the look, etc and that could lead to dating a girl or having a good one nighter. I tend to find that the less money spent the better, if course turn up to a first date smart looking or a decent version of you, but if anything not going too overboard on the look of wealth front can be beneficial as in you know a girl isn't just there for your wealth. If say on a first date you visit the park and some other free or cheap attraction, you know she isn't interested in you just providing the most thrilling entertainment for her. If you buy her a cheap but decent gift then you know she isn't with you for what you can get her, etc. I personally find it more heartening being in a relationship where you know the girl is with you for some other reason than you. Otherwise I would always have the nagging feeling that, 'she's just with me for...' which would turn me off really, it wouldn't make me feel that great about the whole thing I think.

"If you make your own bread, then and only then, are you a free man unchained and alive living in pooty tang paradise, or say no and live in Incel island with all the others." - Krimster

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Re: The Struggle For Ukraine
« Reply #3514 on: June 12, 2024, 09:04:30 AM »
what did I tell you???

Russian nationals with ties to ISIS in Los Angeles & NY!

complete with anti-Biden spin

I told you so!!!

this is one more Russian contribution to the 2024 "special political operation"
i'll be so happy when Russian political engineering in western politics comes to an end

Ukrainians are eliminating as much of Russia's air defenses as possible
cuz they're gonna do "Jimmy Dolittle" raids with F-16s into Crimea and then Russia
it'll be interesting to see if Ukrainian pilots training in Poland will be allowed to fly missions from there to Ukraine and return

us intelligence is SO GOOD, it can tell ya how many Russians have untied shoe laces
all this intelligence is aggregated and this gets fed to ukraine
if there's a large group with untied shoelaces, they attack, cuz they can't run fast!!!

Russia hopes to destroy enuff electric power that kyiv will only have electricity 8 hr per day
cuz they failed at trying to expand the donetsk front

Dear SBU
a diver with an inner tube full of limpit mines could destroy the Russian nuclear sub sitting unprotected in Havanna right now
would cost Russia billions and the USA will LOVE YOU LONG TIME!!!!

President Biden's Truce Plan for Gaza is gaining acceptance
while he is in Europe lobbying for more money on Ukraine's behalf from euopeans, who are handing over nearly 2 billion USD next month from seized Russian assets

meanwhile, Donald Trump has a probation officer, and Republicans don't seem to have a problem about fraudulent pay-offs to porn stars during an election cycle,
showing the dangers of a "personality-cult" in politics to represent the party of "family values"
that's about as real as Disney is real

we should be EXTREMELY grateful that the "personality" in question, is one of the biggest morons on the planet
why couldn't Hitler have been just as stoppid, but NOOOOOOOOOOO

if Donald Trump had the intelligence of the average street hotdog vendor, the Trump family would be an aristocracy than would run America for the next 100 years
instead he'll have a choice next year of jail or Brazil
all because of HIS stoopid phuque-ups

he just assumed he's get away with it like he ALWAYS does
a moron who got caugt, becuz he's just not smart enough to know how NOT TO GET CAUGHT!!!!

well, looks like the cult is gonna have to go find a new moron to follow next year!!!
I hope they pick another IDIOT to lead them again!!!

hope you lemmings enjoy the cliff this November


ahhh, I love trolling Rednecks.....  thought I saw some in the distance....

PS you can have improvised weapons
a roll of 50p coins in yur pocket that you put in yur fist
a heavy padlock on a silver chain around your neck that you can swing like a mace

a straight razor kept incredibly sharp with a diamond sharpener
get an anatomy book and look up the arteries in the neck
this and the face
and strike faster than a mantis shrimp
BLACK PEOPLE in particular are terrified of this weapon
has great psychological impact
i've seen huge black dewds scream in terror
when cut-open by one of these
go for the "willy"

surprise shock tactics
then pull up yur hoodie and disppear
nobody knows WTF even happened
especially if yur victim is a hooligan

choosing a weapon. means you also have to learn how to use it
ot it's useless to you

practice a "quick draw"of yur razor from concealment
then a quick attack on the face/neck/willy
slice/dice and quickly walk away

I fear no evil, cuz I AM the evil MFer

Berlin Fight Club Oct 12, 2006  2 AM South Side of the Holocaust Memorial
2 men enter - one man leaves - permanent Berlin Poleizi patrol about 30 meters away

EVERYBODY was watching and I could see their surprised and confused looks when I came out so quickly
nobody made a sound

I left, and just faded away into the night onto Kaiser Willhelm Strasser and back to the Hotel
where my family was sleeping
they didn't know where I went
or that if I lost, I wouldn't have returned to the hotel...

that's how much Russia phuqued me up

« Last Edit: June 12, 2024, 08:14:13 PM by krimster2 »

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Re: The Struggle For Ukraine
« Reply #3515 on: June 16, 2024, 07:50:47 AM »

chess can be a difficult game
sometimes, ya gotta look at moves far ahead...

Ukraine has secured over 100 billion $ just for THIS YEAR from USA and Europe alone (not including IMF)
every dollar they raise, causes Russia ten dollars in damage

Ukraine is "showing signs" that it is going to cut the supply lines to Crimea INSTEAD of invading Crimea
there are 2 highways
2 rail lines
2 gas pipelines
1 big ass bridge
sea travel is risky, cuz of usa spy satellites sending videos to ukrainian torpedo drones
and the Crimean Canal system no longer exists so crimean agriculture doesn't really exist either
just feeding the Russian Mobik army there will be a HUGE problem (locals better hide their goats!! stalin's coming for the collective's grain again)

The damage to the Crimean peninsula from the loss of the Nova Khakovka Dam is evident from recent Sentinel-2 Satellite photos compared to 2022
With no reservoir to catch the seasonal rain and snow melt runoff, Crimea is left barren and dry.

in the last 2 weeks, maybe 2 billion $ worth of crimean air defense hardware was turned into scrap metal (for which i'd be paying "top dollar" in ACTUAL DOLLARS!!)
it's mostly local "mobiks" wearin the uniform in Krim
they're gonna be left to starve by Pootin
and then they're all gonna "go Wagner" on Putin's scrawny little ass
this is Ukraine's ultimate goal
to get the russians to turn against Putin like with Wagner

in the future there will be no tanks, aircraft cariiers
just drones
little drones
sailing throught the night...

Outwaiting Western Support of Ukraine vrs WMDs Focus Group is at the Four Seasons, Moscva, welcome sign in the lobby, greeted by tall blond hostess in a shiny gold dress with fake smile and hooters

the rocket's red glare...the bombs bursting in air..
if Fort McHenry had Iron Dome, the USA would've sunk Britian's fleet and then invaded Britain and been like the Normans and make everybody use the right side and spell "color"
and we'd hung the monarchy and everyone in the "peerage"

I learned how the average working people (my mother's family) lived in Britain in the early 19th century compared to the wealthy
and it made me angry

I'da been glad to "Pierrepoint" every single one of those bastards in the 19th century british aristocracy!
like wot the French did with little miss "let them eat cake" and how they got "ahead" of her at la Place de la Concorde
liberté, égalité, fraternité - and WHAT are the reactionary forces that stand in the way of this and WHY and WHO are THEY and HOW do we get rid of them?

Russians just put an S-500 in crimea....
what a trophy that'd be

even Atesh could drone it and the Iskanders up in the mountains and the ammo bunkers to
use the "all teen schoolgirl" unit - the ones who make themselves look like typical Russian teen girls with pop-music idols, etc

in the usa small drone bombs use a new explosive called CL-20 to replace the venerable C-4
have those Tatari girls fly a CL-20 carryin drone right into the racketa's warhead while all the Russians are standin next to it!!!!

can you imagine bein the American CIA liaison officer for a group of young Ukrainian female saboteurs, after you blew up a billion dollar piece of Russian hardware
dang what a STORY that'd make!!!
« Last Edit: June 16, 2024, 10:15:14 AM by krimster2 »

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lewisite is just alright with me! lewisite is just OK!!!
« Reply #3516 on: June 17, 2024, 02:46:40 PM »,7039546190034561a

lewisite is just alright with me
lewisite is just OK!!!!

so many decades have passed since my chemical warfare training, including how to use the standard NATO Atropine Sarin anti-dote injector field pack
I can't remeber if lewisite was the one that made me vomit in training...
when I was a teenager, and I sniffed in the stainless steel cylinder and smelled flowers and hurled
after that, I could detect it in parts per trillion, "GAS!"

Novichok and Drones
the biggest change to warfare since airplanes
and in a couple of more years
it will take a giant leap

Putin sees himself as the dark lord
who leads the Army to Victory in a rousing Speech he'll give on TV
just as he fires off the thousand or so drones/cruise missiles/rockets he's stockpiled, lanuched against Ukrainian energy infrastructure targets
to exhaust and expose Ukraine's air defesnses and cripple the production of energy during the winter

THIS is in preparation for the use of a Novichok Blitzkrieg to wipe out Ukraine's military as well as a few "hostage" ukrainian cities tied to reprisals
after this, EVERYBODY uses Novichok becuz it's so damned cost effective

and THEN the Arabs FINALLY WISE UP, and leave the Israelis alone cuz the Jews have Novichok-J and they'll crop dust any rocket launching arab neighborhood automatically by a computer
while every Israeli has a complete chemical protection kit even for their pet hamsters...

for the past 30 years or so, all new construction in Israel has to have a bomb/fall-out shelter/safe room
it's the freakin law there...
as well as having basic gas protection

now they know why....
who will use gas first, I wonder...

looks like the Hamas/Russian/Iranian plan to start a Muslim V West war to raise the price of fossil fuel isn't going too well....
it's just Iranian proxies who just lost all their radars overlooking the Red Sea, because they didn't have the proper licenses
so their broadcast priviliges were revoked by the US Navy
« Last Edit: June 17, 2024, 03:14:18 PM by krimster2 »

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Patriot missile system requires 90 people
« Reply #3517 on: June 18, 2024, 06:50:47 AM »
I was very surprised when reading a WSJ article that the Patriot missile system requires 90 people to operate.

Can't comprehend what they are all doing.

Seems one person could operate the detection system, a couple of people to load the missiles, and a person to push the send button.
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Re: The Struggle For Ukraine
« Reply #3518 on: June 18, 2024, 10:27:07 AM »
anything made by Raytheon needs "an extensive maintenance crew"
it's the opposite of the DIY Ukrainian drones fighting Russian tanks

A patriot battery is a major piece of equipment, costing over 1 billion usd, like a Russian S-400
you got the radar unit,antenna,  the command control center, communications, the rocket launchers
it has it's own diesel generator, you need a crew for that
food perperation, medical, + CO and NCOs and at least 2-3 shits
when it's setup a Patriot or S-400 battery looks like a little village in the montains with guards

this is why standing army's are so expensive, and why EVERYTHING will be replaced by much cheaper fully automated systems based on high-end civilian technology after the coming crash and world war takes down the military industrial complex

AI and Novichok
means we will not be going back to "business as usual" spending $820 billion+ per year on the military
after the current system collapses
it'll be a "brave new world" of Chinese Bilogical Warfare/Weather Balloons and foreign narco cartels infiltrating American business and politics, instead of Pearll Harbor
stop lookin in the rear view mirror to see what the future's gonna be like
it's in front of ya

« Last Edit: June 18, 2024, 03:54:18 PM by krimster2 »

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Re: The Struggle For Ukraine
« Reply #3519 on: June 29, 2024, 08:03:29 AM »
an iskander with a cluster warhead launched from the crimean mountains hit Odesa today, goal was to knock out electric power
it was in response to the ATACMS cluster bomb hitting northern Sevastopol a few days ago
once Biden signed the Military budget bill for Ukraine and turned on the supply line in early May
Crimea has been on the receiving end of major drone and missile attacks every 2-3 days, NONSTOP!!!!

the S-500 that was just setup in crimea was also hit today by a 20-year old ATACMS lend-lease rocket
Russia can add $600 million to the cost of the war,  for an defense system that can't even protect itself from OLD American TACTICAL munitions
how well will their 50 yr old strategic defense system work against Trident Missiles?
Putin just sacked the whole top military management who were the top people managing the war in Ukraine over corruption
has he looked at the startegic military forces?
what if they're NOT properly maintaining Russia's nukes
cuz they stole all the money, thinkin, "who's gonna ever find out"?

meanwhile, Russians are storing large munitions at inkerman in historic sites so Ukrainians won't blow them up

partisan groups in Crimea are getting more effective
they started out doing simple sabotage, like train derailing....
they have drones now and the SBU has a smuggling route to Crimea to get people and equipment in!!!!
they have smuggling runs from the black sea to protected spots on the crimean coast with fast, silent rubber boats and scuba gear

so the drone attacks on the Russian radar and missile sites in crimea
will come from a crimean mountain valley a few miles away, insteada from southern ukraine
the terrain there is PEFECT for concealment
EVERBODY has had caches in the Crimean montains for YEARS, tons of stuff hidden away, especially by Tatars and Mafia
a VERY active place

it could've been dangerous to find someone's cache in the montains, if they had someone watching
I only found a hidden mafiya cache one time in the mountains, and when I was sure no one was around, I waited until dark and I stole it all!!!!
my wife was like WTF is all this?  how much did you pay for it?
and I just smiled...

a single Iskander 9K720 if equipped with cluster Novichok munitions designed 50 years ago
and fired at central Odesa
would kill everyone to the east all the way to arcadia
and everyone North in Down Town
the majority of the city effected

just one

what would trigger it would be Ukraine cutting off logistics to Crimea to starve the population
cuz if the Russians DON't DO IT, they'll freakin lose the war, when the population revolts with food riots and it spreads to southern Russia
it's like if Ukraine puts Russia "in check" by cutting off Crimea
Russia will "checkmate" Ukraine with Novichok on miltary and civilian tragets
and laugh at the west's and ukraini's empty retaliation

otherwise, Russia could try and oulast the West's financial and logistical support
by planning on a 10 year war in Ukraine, if it doesn't have the threat of an internal revolt

and try to overwhelm them with new production from rearmament
and keep wearing down ukraine
putin has no problem sacrificing an infinite number of Russian citizens to maintain his hold on power

it's illegal to protest the war in Russia
this is why industrial fires have doubled in Russia since the start of the war

Russia is such a phuqued place to be in right now...
it's turnin people into "closet pyros"

« Last Edit: June 29, 2024, 08:05:46 PM by krimster2 »

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searching on VK - weird fact!
« Reply #3520 on: June 30, 2024, 08:43:12 AM »
About half of the results of a search for the phrase “прощание состоится" on the Russian social network VK are military deaths in Ukraine!!
russians haven't gotten around to censoring this yet!!

so the ukraine war appears to be the leading cause of death of Russians...
not including the complete degradation of Russian health care caused by the war, which is quite profound, going from "bad" to "are you phuquing kidding me"

all because Putin and his kleptocrats have no clue or interest in how to manage Russia's economy - other than ripping it off and ripping off neighbor's property
cuz the only thing thieves know how to do - is steal, so that's their solution to every damned problem is to steal something

in other news,
The 602nd District Military Hospital Morgue in Rostov-on-Don processed 13,691 dead soldiers from just 4 military units between Feb 2022 and May 2024

and in other, other news,
a sturdy Russian babooshka found a big log near the road and took it home for firewood

so life in Russia, still goes on, despite the war

Russian autocrats are EVIL, and it seems like we can never get rid of them
cuz Russia is a "slave culture" and a slave culture always needs a "master" cuz they're so phuquing ignorant, they make this choice
so a master, accountable to no one, will always assert control over Russians, cuz it's REALLY the only system these mongol desendants know
once in a while, Russia gets an enlightened despot, but generally not...
Russians don't have the foggiest idea of how to run a democratic country, so no one bothers

only smart thing for an "enlightened" Russian to do, is GTF outta there, like I did...
but the number of safe places to go is shrinking rapidly and will disappear completely in the next 10-20 years

you will go to the rock to hide yur face
but the rock will be gone
and there will be no hiding place
no hiding place down there

all of us geezers, should not lament this...
we had the greatest period in western history, the post-war boom
but it's over

you will weap over the future
but you won't have to live in it for very long
and you should be REALLY glad of that

I can see, the emerging pattern in the numbers the treasury is posting, and what it's gonna mean
thats it's the "handwriting on the wall"
of things to come
the biggest empire in man's history
felled, by a handful of REALLY LARGE numbers

as i've always told ya'll, "babylon, she gonna fall"
as will all the rest...
the invisible hand of debt, is the hand that's gonna cut America's throat
but because it's invisible, no one thinks it's REAL

and if ya'll got a Russian problem in yur neighborhood, who ya gonna call then?

this is why infinite war with the west works for Russia, so long as there is no internal revolt
Russia is the trapdoor spider
and all things will come to he who waits
while the west is weary and impatient, and will become too overwhelmed with it's own financial problems to continue supporting ukraine....
after Russia wins in Ukraine...
it makes sense to take over Georgia and cut-off Atlantic Richfield's pipelines to the Caspian and get it for themselves
and then take over the 'stans to corner the gas market

meanwhile, the first Javelin missiles captured by Russia in Ukraine, have made their way to Mexico to train cartel hitmen for the "October Surprise"
it's all out in the open now, for some reason Putin is publicising this, google is yur friend,

Russians had the brilliant idea of using female convicts at the front just like the male ones with Wagner
a whole unit just got wiped out...

a smarter Russian would dress them in civilian clothes and issue an automatic pistol w/silencer
and have them escape Russia to Ukraine, kill a few Ukrainians and then return to collect their "bonus"

I can just see the "head of operations" getting drunk, and having a light bulb go off in his head

phuck, I'd be having so much fun there....

especially with all the Russian manuals I bought on KAMERA, the KGB's secret poison research bureau, that my buying agent located a former employee willing to sell for dollars and only to someone who could prove they weren't FSB
i.e. a foreigner...
either of us could've setup the other, and they'd have gone to prison
but this is how you learn

also, I have a get out of jail card in Russia, cuz of WHO I am...
i'm a tough talker, but I also carry a pistol
« Last Edit: June 30, 2024, 12:12:52 PM by krimster2 »

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Re: The Struggle For Ukraine
« Reply #3521 on: June 30, 2024, 05:15:39 PM »
The Russians aren't going to last 10 years of warfare, they'll be lucky to last another year if warfare. It looks like they will have about 6-9 months left before their once vast Soviet stockpiles of Armaments runs too low or completely out.

So they have either got to move before then or concede defeat.

Only other possibility is if the West matches the decline of Russia's Armaments decline with a decline in its Armaments support for Ukraine. This I think is a real possibility that the war will slow to a crawl and remain in stalemate.

The West won't want to risk Putler using WMD, Novichok, etc. Putler might be wary of a Western response to such use. Putler may prefer the war rumbling on slowly and going nowhere, he is old and has little to gain but defeat could be awkward for him.

Even with losses to date Russia's conventional Armaments are a shadow of what they were, a few more months of warfare will bring Russia's ability to wage conventional warfare to its knees.
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Re: The Struggle For Ukraine
« Reply #3522 on: June 30, 2024, 05:47:08 PM »
the USA has just now put out a foreign "travel advisory" and has put all US miliray bases on maximum alert
in response to what I call "The October Surprize" with Russian linked islamic terrorists coming 'cross the Mexican border with the Mexican drug cartels

a Russian artillery shell made by Russian peasants paid for in Rubles, costs Russia nothing, just some chinese supplied paper and ink for the ruble presses
the shell factory coulda been a factory for washing machines for some poor women in central Russia who do the laundry in a wooden barrel
insteada of  makin a 152mm artillery shells for blowin up Ukrainian children

a Russian peasant killed at the front doesn't count as a loss to Russia's rulers, as long as he/she is replaced by the next patriot, and the next...
kia/wia don't really matter, what matters is how many ya can recruit each month, and as long as that number's HIGHER than the KIA/WIA, then eta horrosho!!
in this way, the war is infinitely sustainable to Russia's rulers
they can produce peasnats and cheap old tech weapons to arm them with for ever and ever

the ONLY thing that will stop the war are food riots in Russia
and if that ever happened Putin will have no choice but to gas Ukraine
the same way he had no choice after maidan to seize parts of Ukraine
or Russia would have it's own Maidan (which is NOW impossible to have in Russia, cuz the gov has protected itself from popular uprisings)
it's real-politik baby

all of this could've been worked around by a handful of people, including Dimitri Firtash, if done intelligently
but it WASN'T DONE intelligently

bribe Ukrainian officials so Ukraine joins the Russian Trade commonwealth, and then let Ukraine borrow 35 billion dollars it can't pay back, so Russia puts a lien on it's entire gas industry
and that woulda been "game over" for Ukraine without a war

half a dozen people to manage this, weekly meeting, insteada 550,000 military casualties
Exxon Siberia woulda been making big bank if things went this way....
and there woulda been 100 new Russian oil oligarchs

Putin "jumped the shark"
in hollywood, jumping the shark is an early indication of the show ending in the forthcoming season finale

« Last Edit: June 30, 2024, 08:58:31 PM by krimster2 »

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Re: The Struggle For Ukraine
« Reply #3523 on: July 04, 2024, 06:48:02 AM »
those who I told ya about
they're HERE NOW!!

ya wanna know what's WEIRD?
the UK has a national election on our independence day
and the USA is gonna have one on Guy Fawkes Day


it's ALL startin to make sense NOW

ya'll better learn how to make aluminum foil anti-Havanna Syndrome hats also known as a Farday Shield
but if ya want a more stylish alternative, you can go copper foil (buy from ebay), and have a much more distinctive, yet equally effective Russian Microwave Blocker
the factory in Novosibirsk that makes those sweet Russian Gyrotons is goin CRAZY right now
« Last Edit: July 04, 2024, 09:41:34 AM by krimster2 »

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Re: The Struggle For Ukraine
« Reply #3524 on: July 05, 2024, 10:11:48 AM »
in my many years of experience in Silicon Valley, I've witnessed the "death throes" of several large organisations
the "dysfunctional leadership culture" I observed inside those dying organisations , is EXACTLY what I see in Russia now

Russian leadership has become disconnected to any form of reality
for them, here is no "there" there

just Potempkin villages, inhabited by Potempkin people
Russians are zombies trying to infect their neighbors to turn them into zombies

Ukrainians know better and shoot for the head

Putin's latest "Peace Plan"?

still a "NO GO"
but, as someone who has a LOT of experience in HARD NEGOTIATIONS with RUSSIANS
if a Russian lowers his demands, like Putin just did
then it means he knows he's NOW playing with a weaker hand

Putin made his new offer, after Biden's gaffe, timing is NO accident
cuz he understands perfectly well the difference between Trump and Putin regarding Ukraine
with Biden's star falling
it's a play by Putin, to get Zelensky to take the bait. in fear of a Biden loss
a smart move by Putin, but Zelensky is a Jew, and way, way smarter than a thieving Leningrad street urchin, and a heck of a better dancer!
and won't fall for this ploy...

but, I think it means, that with a Biden win in Nov
Putin will lower his demands again, and try once more

the more Zelensky kickes ass, the better his negotiating position

« Last Edit: July 05, 2024, 10:40:44 AM by krimster2 »


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