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Author Topic: busted for lying about Bidens and Burisma - MAGA Fake evidence  (Read 6350 times)

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busted for lying about Bidens and Burisma - MAGA Fake evidence
« on: February 15, 2024, 06:56:49 PM »

yeah suka!!!
more Russian-MAGA lies
and this doesn't even get counted in the 10,000 pages of "missing" FBI files about Russia's involvement in us elections that were last in Trump's posession, but are likely in Moscow now, cuz they reveal US intelligence capacity and methods

nothin to see here
just Trump blockin weapons to Ukraine again, and he's not even freakin in office
but "do us a favor" and get us "some dirt" on the Bidens

and you assholes voted for this
cuz what, ya don't like brown/black/gay people?

I will not be silent anymore, because the obsolete TOS of this board don't matter AT ALL
it's just a foolish constant that serves no real purpose

for everything there is a season, and RWD is stuck in a past that no longer exists

let the dead bury the dead
all those who wish to live should join me


« Last Edit: February 15, 2024, 07:09:32 PM by krimster2 »

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Re: busted for lying about Bidens and Burisma - MAGA Fake evidence
« Reply #1 on: February 16, 2024, 11:18:30 AM »

yeah suka!!!
more Russian-MAGA lies
and this doesn't even get counted in the 10,000 pages of "missing" FBI files about Russia's involvement in us elections that were last in Trump's posession, but are likely in Moscow now, cuz they reveal US intelligence capacity and methods

nothin to see here
just Trump blockin weapons to Ukraine again, and he's not even freakin in office
but "do us a favor" and get us "some dirt" on the Bidens

and you assholes voted for this
cuz what, ya don't like brown/black/gay people?

I will not be silent anymore, because the obsolete TOS of this board don't matter AT ALL
it's just a foolish constant that serves no real purpose

for everything there is a season, and RWD is stuck in a past that no longer exists

let the dead bury the dead
all those who wish to live should join me


I'm guessing at this point you are drunk Krim ;D

To be honest I'm not sure anyone very much visits this board anymore, I have a sneaking suspicion the visitors number at the side is just a randomly generated number each day and in reality few people ever come here. I think this forum is so barely visited that it's virtually a secret society lol.
"If you make your own bread, then and only then, are you a free man unchained and alive living in pooty tang paradise, or say no and live in Incel island with all the others." - Krimster

Online krimster2

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Re: busted for lying about Bidens and Burisma - MAGA Fake evidence
« Reply #2 on: February 16, 2024, 11:39:39 AM »
nyet, I ain't no ethanol sucking peasant
nah, just high on life!!

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Naked Ukrainian strippers - with unblievable pictures!!! gotta see!!
« Reply #3 on: February 20, 2024, 03:48:21 PM »
hehe, fooled ya!!! you westerners are all SO gullible!!!!

now that you are HERE with ME...
then please allow me to share the latest update to this story -

The Biden impeachment WAS/IS a Russian frame-up just like in the past  with Hillary's emails followed by Deripaska bribing head of FBI russian cyber investigators to announce a bogus investigation of Hillary, right before the election
all Russian OPS!!!!  (don't believe me?  GOOGLE is your friend - say hi - from stealing the emails to forcing the FBI to go public with the investigation before election)

10,000 pages more to be exact
10,000 pages of FBI documents detailing top secret details of how USA collected intelligence from Russian election interference last seen in Trump's tiny little hands, but are now "missing",
you can bet that when the Russians got that info, that a LOT more Russians fell outta windows

all of these are SUCCESSFUL (to some degree) Russian political ops
designed to hurt this country
and just look at all the stoopid MFers in the Republican party goin along with it for their own gain
you all are bing played by your own ignorance and stoopidity and republican greed for money and power

now that this FSB frame-up of Biden has failed (a man only guilty of loving his son, but who didn't break the law and commit a crime)
with this plot created to help Trump with his 91 indictments and over half billion in already lost lawsuits
and is banned from operating either a charity or a real estate business due to his rampant FRAUD in the state of New York!!!! (stole from kids with terminal cancer)
if Putin really preferred Biden over Trump like he said recently, then why'd he hire Smirnov to smear Biden?
seems like once more, Putin lied

considering the importance to Putin of Trump winning and Biden losing this Nov,
whadda ya think ole 'wiley coyote is gonna do next to the RoadRunner from Delaware to get that outcome?

either this year, or next year, I expect Russia/USA to close each other's embassies after "major events" that have yet to occur
will be almost zero traffic to and fro after that...

RWD can then call itself Zanzibar Women Discussion Group ZWD (be sure to stick to the TOS homies)
and be a way more RELEVANT topic than a Russian one

Why Zanzibar?

In Zanzibar they grow cloves
what they're for, nobody knows
maybe they stick em between their toes
yeah dawg, in zanzibar they grow cloves

Zanzibar Women Discussion
All about Special Zanzibar Dating Operations

learn from the Pros!! don't get scammed!!!
Zanzibar Wimmin, ain't like them no good Western wimmin!!!!
no, dey is kind and sweet!!!!
dey makes you a sammich and brings you a beer, yes, both at the same time
then they polish your saddle horn fer ya (never, ever hafta do it you ownself like BeeFahmuh, et al, this is WHY I NEVER shake a single man's hand, cuz I KNOW where it's BEEN!)
hmmmm hmmmmmm
especially a moist hand!!!
double ewwwwwww!

WTF is the matter with ya'll?
why aintcha all mad about this?
no, not the hand part you pridorki, the Trump/Putin part?

They call him "The Yalky Palky Kid"
you mean you never heard of the Yalky Palky Kid?
Kazool!  borgia moi

« Last Edit: February 20, 2024, 05:17:38 PM by krimster2 »

Online krimster2

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yet another dead Russian
« Reply #4 on: February 22, 2024, 04:00:17 PM »
circumstances reported above seems to suggest that a political murder of one of the top russian oligarch clans just took place, + a mil-blogger and an escaped helicopter pilot
putin tidying up before election day in about 2 more weeks
supposed to also be a major offensive in Luhansk now...
after success in Avdiivka, due to lack of ammunition by Ukraine

this is why almost EVERY Russian oligarch got their kids outta Russia!!!
I got two of em!!!
they're good boys, and they look after my daughters, but these Russian boyz have SO MUCH to learn!!

Russian oligarch offspring PLUS all their money is COMING WEST!!!!
I predict that there will be a new "Panama Papers" soon....
and the EU and US together can pretty much grab it all, whenever...
this is why I am a generation ahead in crypto-laundering

the old approach of off-shore shell corp will be ripped open when there's hundreds of billions at stake
once the feeding frenzy starts on Russian money (at least 350 billion usd sequester so far)
it will grow to consume it all in all the off-shore banking regions
they should be able to get a minimum of 600 billion USD, and divide it up - 90% to ukraine and 10% to host banks in "fines"

oligarchs are gonna "get it" from Putin...
and then later from the West

PAKA stary apparachiki oligarchs
Russia will be ruled by Novo Soldat Kommandeer

A Russian military dick-tater-ship coming to every ulitsa in your oblast
and ya'll gonna be robotniki in the pooshka zavod!


a slave population will breed dictators
dictators then create a slave population

this is why Russians are TOTALLY phuqued
cuz Putin's slaves is all they really are
and EVERYBODY in Russia has to learn to be a "good prisoner" on your best behavior at all times
to the point where you have to become your own "thought police"

all that Russian anger and agression is starting to "turn in on itself"
the most visible being Wagner, but far from bein the only one!!!

In Crimea, you got a partisan group called "atash" that started out doin sabotage on train tracks and then coordinated with the SBU over Russian intel
and these ops did some MAJOR damage in Crimea!!!!  OMG!!!!
and they do this under the noses of the Russians
every tatar in Krim is under suspicion
and YET...
they manage to be the eyes of the SBU
while evading the whole freakin network of a gazillion Russian eyes in Crimea!!!!

so yeah, there are "crypto-tatars" in Crimea, who EASILY pass as Russian, but aren't!!!
and these cryptos are Atash
and some are even in the Russian military!!

pic taken near St Vladamir cathedral in Sevastopol in the middle of a Russian military convoy
Russki soldat, te khochesh' sigareto?
for a couple of cigs these Russian boyz can tell ya ALL KINDS of useful info
like main logistics points, etc...

and the best advantage that ATASH has over the Russians, is the fact that they're WOMEN!!!!
Russians are only watching the single young men
not for young women students/medical workers
especially ones who look absolutely Russian!

maybe I shouldn't say any more....

the FSB has cross-referenced its propiska data-base to search for residents who moved from a high tatar populated area to somewhere less tatar populated
and this was their initial list of suspects
and they focused on 16 to 50 year old men

another FSB screw-up!
cuz they completely overlooked the right people to look at the wrong ones

and, if you think I'm not right
then explain the fact of their continued existence within the most heavily populated military areas

it's chicks, sellers in kiosk markets, etc wearing heavy coats and carryin crates of produce
who are the eyes/ears of the SBU in Crimea

and believe it or not they communicate to the SBU in Odesa with ordinary cell phones from Sevastopol!!!

you see, I belong to a certain "secret society" whose name, I don't think I gotta mention...
and this band ot Atash Miscreants this very evening have abused the Volna cell network, to transmit coded information regarding the disposition of Russian military positions
it'll probably take YEARS for the FSB to ever figure this out, because their new Crimean queteery renovatse is likely ALL they ever think about!!!
Jr FSB officers housed in Sevastopol at tax payer expense, receive double standard combat infantry pay
higher pay = more incompetent in Russia



« Last Edit: February 22, 2024, 09:58:08 PM by krimster2 »


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