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Author Topic: The unrelated conversation about the appeal of seeking foreign wives  (Read 3444 times)

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New thread about the
The unrelated political conversation about the appeal of  seeking foreign wives
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Re: The unrelated conversation about the appeal of seeking foreign wives
« Reply #1 on: March 03, 2024, 08:32:26 AM »
US immigration is a mess. Write your congressperson and ask them to fund the immigration service and border patrol.

Currently, the border patrol writes a ticket and transports the illegal immigrant into the USA to be "processed."
The process is to assign a court date years from now and to transport the illegal somewhere else inside the USA.

Don't take my word for it, investigate it for yourself.
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Re: The unrelated conversation about the appeal of seeking foreign wives
« Reply #3 on: March 03, 2024, 03:05:45 PM »
we have a bill that would COMPLETELY SHUT THE BORDER, after a "cap"
but republicans were told by Trump, don't ANY OF YOU DARE TO VOTE FOR THIS!
cuz Trump's ENTIRE campaign is based on scarin white folks about "the border"

I is confused, on one hand, WORST CRISIS IN AMERICAN HISTORY
but on the other hand, gettin Trump elected is even more important, than signing the bill that fixes it that could be done TODAY

Trump sez he has "Presidential Immunity" but Biden needs to be prosecuted for entirely fictional crimes
there's more than a little cognitive dissonance here

you do understand, what's in store for Trump, right?
and you understand he needs to grab as much $$$ as he can before Nov
Banon stole millions for the wall, Trump will dwarf that even without winning the election

THIS is what the wall  and the war on woke is all about... fundraising for Trump
to distract from the REAL problem of capitalism which has ALWAYS been about rich vrs poor
ya'll ain't NEVER gonna talk about that on Fox, das ist verboten, like fixin the border

all hail Orange Jesus

« Last Edit: March 03, 2024, 04:13:14 PM by krimster2 »

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The unrelated conversation about the appeal of seeking foreign wives
« Reply #4 on: March 04, 2024, 07:31:48 AM »
we have a bill that would COMPLETELY SHUT THE BORDER, after a "cap"

They can completely shut the border using existing law, TODAY. They want more
money for relocations and related expenses. The only reason that Biden/CNN/PMSNBC is telling you what you
just parroted is because of how badly Team Biden F%cked it up. They badly want to blame Congress/Republicans
for their intentional incompetence.

There is no law that says, catch illegal's at the border then transport them to another state, then give them a court
date years from now and never, ever see them again. That's the mis-execution of the law. That's why Mayorkas is
being impeached.

Biden signed dozens of executive orders on the first day of his administration to screw up the border. Do you even
know what they were?

Team Biden created this problem, he wants to blame someone else for it. Don't take my word for it research this
for yourself. If you can't tell me the Biden executive orders on the border then I can see no reason to debate.
Parroting MSDNC is not debating.

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There are a hundred ways to be successful and a thousand ways to f#ck it up
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Re: The unrelated conversation about the appeal of seeking foreign wives
« Reply #5 on: March 04, 2024, 12:05:27 PM »
Beel, color me confused...
first you were worried that trans people checkin out yur junk in the men's room was the greatest problem in America
now, ya think it's Mexicicans comin cross the border
and ya think Jan 6, was just some tourists "gettin out of hand" instead of a coup by Trump to overturn a free and fair election with "alternate electors", BTW everyone involved with this is gonna get a prison sentence.....
maybe...just maybe, i'm not the one parroting media points
cuz all yurs are all over FOX

MYTH: The Biden administration has implemented an “open border” policy that has created chaos at our border with Mexico.

TRUTH: President Biden inherited an immigration system in tatters. The Trump administration cut off legal pathways to citizenship, leaving would-be migrants with fewer lawful methods of entering the country. They cut funding to Central American countries in 2019 as they splurged on an ineffective, costly wall that Trump lackeys stole money from, which is REALLY what this is ALL ABOUT

FUND RAISING FOR TRUMP is the purpose here - he wants yur $$$$
our immigration system has been broken for many decades — long before Joe Biden or Donald Trump took the oath of office. Time and again, Democrats have proposed solutions to fix the immigration system in a reasonable, humane way. And time and again, Republicans have opposed these efforts at every turn.
One might recall that in 2013, House Republicans thwarted comprehensive immigration reform after an agreement was reached in the Senate. Many of those same House Republicans who prevented that legislation from passing are now intent on blaming irregular migration

The situation at the border demands serious policy solutions that provide a pathway to citizenship for DACA recipients; address the root causes of migration like repression, political instability, violence, hunger, and lack of economic opportunity; and fix our own broken immigration system.

DOES TRUMP HAVE A PLAN FOR THAT!!!  haha, you kiddin me
his goal isn't to fix the border
his goal is to fund raise from the border
and a schmuck and his money is all Trump ever cares about
and that's why he strong armed house republicans to sabotage it - check ANY NON FOX news source
FOX, you know the ones who lied to you about election being rigged and they got sued for it
is STILL lying to you

Trump Chilren's Cancer Center, Trump University, Trump properties, Trump Border Wall....
these things all have something in common, can ya guess what it is

« Last Edit: March 04, 2024, 12:11:56 PM by krimster2 »

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Re: The unrelated conversation about the appeal of seeking foreign wives
« Reply #6 on: March 04, 2024, 05:08:51 PM »

Investment Giants Buying America’s Homes: BlackRock, Vanguard & State Street

That's an interesting article Beel, I don't know if that is the money BlackRock, etc were getting together for the reconstruction of Ukraine. Of course if the Russians win then that would no longer be needed to invest in Ukraine so might as well invest elsewhere.

Well similar happened in the UK but with private investors rather than big Investment Corporations. Private Investors bought up one house after another as Landlord to rent out. They bought one, save the deposit for another, bought on mortgage, saved the deposit for another bought on mortgage again and so on and so on. It had the effect of raising property prices substantially year on year making them unaffordable for many people. Those people then had to rent if those Landlords where they might have otherwise been able to afford the home the Landlord had bought.

The result, housing became very expensive to buy, many people ended up renting and those Landlords, particularly the ones that got in early at the end of the 1990s got very, very rich. They got rich of the back of the property prices rises that their own buying was causing and of the rental income so they gained from a double whammy of increasing wealth.

Adding to that was immigration from the EU into the UK from around roughly the mid noughties onwards. About 3 million Poles, and more on top from Hungary & later Romania etc when they joined. That pushed up the demand for accommodation in the UK even higher so then rents started to rise as most of those from the EU rented as house prices were too steep for them and many UK people to buy. So then rents became ridiculously expensive. New housing has never been built at a quick enough pace since the 1960s in the UK so it ended up as high houses prices and high rents in most parts.

I was lucky I bought my house in a decent enough area of Wales before house prices to rose here also. Now the only cheap house prices are in the worst areas of Wales, up north and possibly in remote or bad areas of Scotland but even there they might not be so cheap no more.

Anyway, it was all kicked off in the 1990s by deregulation of the rental market. A few years ago though the rental market has been re-regulated with increasing regulations and taxation that are very unfavourable to Landlords. As such many Landlords having been seeking their property portfolio cashing in on high house prices and reducing their liability to tax, regulation, etc. The result has been that rental property is now increasingly difficult to find while the huge number of people in the country wanting to buy their own home has quickly eaten through those property sales. So the housing crises is getting worse day by day here. Taking in Hong Kongers, Afghans and illegal migrants on boats is not helping the situation and housing remains difficult.

My Father toyed with getting involved in buying property to rent out in the nineties, we could have been very wealthy indeed had he done so but my Mother was not keen as she didn't want to risk this house we lived in. Some who went a bit far, over exposed lost the lot in the Credit Crunch near the end of the noughties. Those that didn't or invested just after have tended to do very well indeed unless of course they invested in a very bad area of the UK up north, etc.

So it looks like the finance corporations, BlackRock are up to the same in the US. The same result can potentially be expected with US citizens becoming the bitch of those big finance corporations. If you have kids might be worth investing in a home for them now or soon if possible. Once these Corporations get the ball snowballing they could easily become a big monster sucking off property price rises they are themselves causing and the high rental costs they could be inflicting on their tenants.

My guess is that they will want immigration from South America to help prop up property demand. Otherwise if the US population declines they might be buying into potentially a falling market.

I personally would be afraid, very afraid as I don't think they would be buying into the US property market unless they knew that they could replicate the same that had happened in the UK on the US. This move by them could inflict financial misery on many Americans like many British have felt here.
« Last Edit: March 04, 2024, 05:11:53 PM by Trenchcoat »
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Re: The unrelated conversation about the appeal of seeking foreign wives
« Reply #7 on: March 04, 2024, 08:02:35 PM »
these large hedge funds started buying residential real estate, and achieved a significant market share in total residential market, greatly driving up bidding prices
why'd they do that?
I average 5% yr return on each property and roughly 2X appreciation and don't pay a penny in income taxes!!!

right after the 2007 financial crisis I bought several bank own properties for about half fair market value on bid
but thankx to all those hedge funds, those bargains no longer exist, because the prices are now only slightly below fair market value, so I have't bought since 2013
combine that with interest rates that have doubled and the traditional investment of the middle class just ain't gonna get invested in as much now adays

In Britain, if you have your own house you can put "Esquire" after yur name on a letter
but NOT if you are rentin or livin wiht yur moms...word...

Covid taught me don't make assumptions about the future economy, when for the first time my renters had trouble paying rent
my mind was blown that renting houses in the 4th largest city in the USA wasn't fool-proof
so imagine that in the event of an even greater calamity (covid was small scale)
my income model will work even less
which is why I'm workin on changin it

now completely unrelated to this particular topic, is the fact that I hold chocalate pudding in the highest esteem
it's ALMOST too good to eat
but yet, I indulge myself

I likes me best, the chocalte puddin with a think "skin" on top....

you all can talk about it amongst yourselves now...

BTW, on immigration
see below:

don't you see how stoopid and manipulative this ALL IS?
Orange Man BAD!!!!

« Last Edit: March 05, 2024, 07:39:43 AM by krimster2 »

Offline 2tallbill

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The unrelated conversation about the appeal of seeking foreign wives
« Reply #8 on: March 06, 2024, 05:06:45 PM »
Beel, color me confused...
first you were worried that trans people checkin out yur junk in the men's room was the greatest problem in America

I never said that and I don't think that. I don't think that the border is the biggest issue of the day.
I do think that children/women being trafficked to be sex slaves is a big deal. 

I don't think that a biological man with a penis should be allowed in toilets/shower rooms with girls/women.
I don't think that the govmint should get involved with changing boy's or girls (under 18). What a man or
woman wants to do to themselves over age 18 I could care less about. 

I've played sports, I've showered with an uncountable number of people. I don't care who checks out my junk.

Beel, color me confused...
first you were worried that trans people checkin out yur junk in the men's room was the greatest problem in America
now, ya think it's Mexicicans comin cross the border
and ya think Jan 6, was just some tourists "gettin out of hand" instead of a coup by Trump to overturn a free and fair election with "alternate electors", BTW everyone involved with this is gonna get a prison sentence.....
maybe...just maybe, i'm not the one parroting media points
cuz all yurs are all over FOX

MYTH: The Biden administration has implemented an “open border” policy that has created chaos at our border with Mexico.

TRUTH: President Biden inherited an immigration system in tatters. The Trump administration cut off legal pathways to citizenship, leaving would-be migrants with fewer lawful methods of entering the country. They cut funding to Central American countries in 2019 as they splurged on an ineffective, costly wall that Trump lackeys stole money from, which is REALLY what this is ALL ABOUT

FUND RAISING FOR TRUMP is the purpose here - he wants yur $$$$
our immigration system has been broken for many decades — long before Joe Biden or Donald Trump took the oath of office. Time and again, Democrats have proposed solutions to fix the immigration system in a reasonable, humane way. And time and again, Republicans have opposed these efforts at every turn.
One might recall that in 2013, House Republicans thwarted comprehensive immigration reform after an agreement was reached in the Senate. Many of those same House Republicans who prevented that legislation from passing are now intent on blaming irregular migration

The situation at the border demands serious policy solutions that provide a pathway to citizenship for DACA recipients; address the root causes of migration like repression, political instability, violence, hunger, and lack of economic opportunity; and fix our own broken immigration system.

DOES TRUMP HAVE A PLAN FOR THAT!!!  haha, you kiddin me
his goal isn't to fix the border
his goal is to fund raise from the border
and a schmuck and his money is all Trump ever cares about
and that's why he strong armed house republicans to sabotage it - check ANY NON FOX news source
FOX, you know the ones who lied to you about election being rigged and they got sued for it
is STILL lying to you

Trump Chilren's Cancer Center, Trump University, Trump properties, Trump Border Wall....
these things all have something in common, can ya guess what it is

You bring up at least 20 points
Some of them I agree with you about.

If you have one or two you would like to discuss, it would be far easier to respond and I can easily
site Non-Fox sources. I don't have Fox with my cable package.

« Last Edit: March 06, 2024, 05:11:00 PM by 2tallbill »
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If you find a promising girl, get your butt on a plane.
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Just kiss the girl, don't ask her first. Tolerate NO excuses!

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Re: The unrelated conversation about the appeal of seeking foreign wives
« Reply #9 on: March 07, 2024, 01:13:21 PM »
Most Rednecks are unaware that the census counts ALL people, including illegal immigrants, for deciding how many House seats each state gets!

This results in Dem states getting roughly 20 more House seats, which is a strong incentive for them not to deport illegals and  strong incentive for Republicans TO deport illegals
see how that worx?
it all depends on what color team shirt you wear - blue or red...

for the Red Shirts
Trump's ONLY hope is to stoke the fund raising fires of rural white rage
send all yur $$$ to the Trump Family, er I mean RNC, oh, uhhh, yeah, actually it's the Trump family after all!!!!

Trump will Hoover up every penny he can for himself, cuz ya know he's REALLY fighting on "our behalf" it's his civic duty to take all this money
and our thoughts and prayers go to other house/senate republicans bankrupt campaigns with their dismal outcomes
especially after major donors flee the party


'massa ALWAYS gets YOU poor white boyz to fight for him
while massa's sons are in London or Paris

slavery suppressed wages for working southern whites by 25%
so whose interests were you fighting for Johny Reb?
it sure as HELL wasn't YOUR OWN

don't you see how 'massa pulls yur strings with all this white rage politics?
or do you just like the feelin it gives you?

you poor white boys have more in common with other poor brown people
than you do with rich white people
and rich white people spend A LOT of money
generating all the media you watch
to make sure that doesn't change

yur all being played by a class of people WHO DESPISE YOU
no Trump Voter would EVER be allowed in the front door of a Trump Property, only the back "Poor Door"
what chumps
« Last Edit: March 07, 2024, 01:25:03 PM by krimster2 »


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