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Author Topic: there's a new Tarriff in Town  (Read 681 times)

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there's a new Tarriff in Town
« on: January 17, 2025, 08:09:57 PM »
heads up...

I thought web sites like and would be exempt from the new tarriffs, since they were exempt with the old Trump imposed chinese tarriff's looking like this might not be correct THIS TIME, but since it's currently  "a concept" and not yet a congressional bill or presidential directive, who knows...

if this is TRUE, then even purchasing single low priced items for personal use, will NOT be exampt, like it is now...
and you will be paying sales tax and tarriff (based on country of origin, china = %100 tarriff)

I just bought my new PCs for the next 4 years

you can google this issue, as I have, everyone is pretty much saying what I'm tellin ya here
supposedly, the average American family will be paying $2,500/yr in tarriffs

"The median household would expect to see its after-tax income fall by about 4.1 percent, more than $2,600, because of tariffs.
Still, the top 1 percent would experience net gains in income because their losses from tariffs are more than offset by Trump’s proposed tax cuts.

gee, do any conservative posters on RWD, care to comment on why this is good/bad?
or do we not care about relevant issues and only irrelevant ones...

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« Last Edit: January 17, 2025, 08:36:29 PM by krimster2 »

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Re: there's a new Tarriff in Town
« Reply #1 on: January 17, 2025, 08:55:07 PM »
No need to comment because we don't really know what the situation will be.

My wife, however, likes to comment on such even as she knows nothing about what the rules will be . . . and she doesn't understand how the economics will work even if she knew the rules.
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Re: there's a new Tarriff in Town
« Reply #2 on: January 17, 2025, 09:23:32 PM »
"No need to comment because we don't really know what the situation will be."

what situation is this you speak of, that "WE" are ignorant of...
if the weather report sez rain, are ya gonna leave yur umbrealla home, cuz ya just don't know "what the situation will be."

uhmmmm hmmmmm

you know perfectly WELL what the situation will be
and that's WHY yur silent about it

« Last Edit: January 17, 2025, 09:27:57 PM by krimster2 »

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Re: there's a new Tarriff in Town
« Reply #3 on: January 18, 2025, 08:04:20 AM »

possibly above YOUR reading level, but I'm guessing yur wife would grasp it instantly...

Homo Americanus Ignoramus
123 Dunning-Kruger Ave
Condescending, Arkansas OU812

in a couple of years (maybe even this year), a new Lexus or Acura will be $100,000+....and insurance and maintenence costs++
a much better idea will be to buy an old American Car and completely strip and rebuild it from top to bottom
you'll also be less of a theft and carjacking target
$20,000 + original frame
and you'll have a custom car that looks/smells/drives like it's brand new
and easy to repair, and doesn't have 10 computers on it like an Acura/Lexus that jacks up yur MTBF so ya gotta go to the dealer more...

a long time ago, I made a custom Mercedes 230SL this way and it was stunningly beautful....
Incels - you can get a "chick magnet" car this way for $20k-$30k instead of $100k to $400k (I had a friend buy a red ferrari for $350k)
better impact to vote with yur check book - as much as you can, stop buying new stuff from the billionaires

when I was a little kid, I remember my father's brand new 1964 Cadillac DeVille (first year without big tail fins)
the most amazing car I ever saw
power everything
smoothest running car I ever experienced, felt like gliding on a cloud, no noise or vibration
sticker price was $4,500, while the price on a VW Beetle was $1.800...
price on a middle-class house was $15,000 to $25,000 (engineer's salary was $25.000/yr)
can you imagine
it did eat some gas - which cost $.29 a gallon, or upto $.34 on the "Jersey Turnpike" or NYC

inflation, is the "other tax" you pay
and ya need to figure out how to evade and avoid along with all the others

the tarriffs and counter-tarriffs will ripple around the world, expect global trade to sharply drop
leading to job losses, etc
so the effects are gonna be MUCH GREATER than only a price increase...much greater....
Herbert Hoover tried the same thing in about it.....



« Last Edit: January 18, 2025, 03:22:31 PM by krimster2 »

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Re: there's a new Tarriff in Town
« Reply #4 on: January 18, 2025, 04:16:20 PM »

possibly above YOUR reading level, but I'm guessing yur wife would grasp it instantly...

Homo Americanus Ignoramus
123 Dunning-Kruger Ave
Condescending, Arkansas OU812

in a couple of years (maybe even this year), a new Lexus or Acura will be $100,000+....and insurance and maintenence costs++
a much better idea will be to buy an old American Car and completely strip and rebuild it from top to bottom
you'll also be less of a theft and carjacking target
$20,000 + original frame
and you'll have a custom car that looks/smells/drives like it's brand new
and easy to repair, and doesn't have 10 computers on it like an Acura/Lexus that jacks up yur MTBF so ya gotta go to the dealer more...

a long time ago, I made a custom Mercedes 230SL this way and it was stunningly beautful....
Incels - you can get a "chick magnet" car this way for $20k-$30k instead of $100k to $400k (I had a friend buy a red ferrari for $350k)
better impact to vote with yur check book - as much as you can, stop buying new stuff from the billionaires

when I was a little kid, I remember my father's brand new 1964 Cadillac DeVille (first year without big tail fins)
the most amazing car I ever saw
power everything
smoothest running car I ever experienced, felt like gliding on a cloud, no noise or vibration
sticker price was $4,500, while the price on a VW Beetle was $1.800...
price on a middle-class house was $15,000 to $25,000 (engineer's salary was $25.000/yr)
can you imagine
it did eat some gas - which cost $.29 a gallon, or upto $.34 on the "Jersey Turnpike" or NYC

inflation, is the "other tax" you pay
and ya need to figure out how to evade and avoid along with all the others

the tarriffs and counter-tarriffs will ripple around the world, expect global trade to sharply drop
leading to job losses, etc
so the effects are gonna be MUCH GREATER than only a price increase...much greater....

Herbert Hoover tried the same thing in about it.....



On that one I really fear that you are right Krim 😬

It definitely looks like Trump is going to go to town big time on tarriffs on his second term coming up moreso than his first term. It's one thing to have them as a negotiating technique and also to deliver on the threat by doing a small scale tariff initiative, but if he goes overboard as it looks like he might then a lot of the world could be facing big inflation problems.

I get that some of the US thinks that China, EU, etc get more from the US than the US get from them but if trade is hit too hard with tariffs and counter tarriffs then there could be a lot of inflation and bad economic times within a year or so even.

In the case of the UK I am kind of hoping that we escape as much of it as possible. I think one advantage of us leaving the EU trading bloc is that we aren't automatically hit by tarriffs by being part of that trading bloc. We had that during Trump's first term in power on Steel as we were a part of the EU still when Trump levelled those tarriffs and the EU counter tarriffed back, we left shortly after but still had tarriffs imposed from those times when we were part of the EU. Odds are if we were not a part of the EU at that point probably we wouldn't have had tarriffs imposed as probably we wouldn't have been seen as a large enough fish to bother with.

Anyway, I really like your idea with the cars Krim, I remember back in the late 90s there was a company near me that was acid bathing 1980s Porsche 911 cars to get rid of the rust then galvanising them. Then selling them for £10k or so. A bargain really and now they would be worth better money as 1980s Porsche cars have gone up in price as they become classic cars and collectible. I missed out on a treat then but unfortunately didn't have the money to hand.
"If you make your own bread, then and only then, are you a free man unchained and alive living in pooty tang paradise, or say no and live in Incel island with all the others." - Krimster

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Re: there's a new Tarriff in Town
« Reply #5 on: January 18, 2025, 04:28:16 PM »
30 years ago, I found a VERY RARE Porsche 911 with an AUTOMATIC TRANSMISSION for sale at a really cheap price!
nobody wanted it, cuz of the automatic
I ALMOST bought it, but instead my friend did
and he did something amazing which was to drop out the Porsche engine and replaced it with a 289 small block ford v-8 (I was surprised it fit)
that thing sounded and ran amazing
did the body re-work and super amazing acrylic paint
one of the neatest lookin cars I ever saw and ran like a ROCKET and sounded like a spitfire when you stepped on the gas

a lotta people here in Texas have full auto-rebuild shops, very common
too much of a geezer now to enjoy doin any of my own work
so easier to hire someone

I think I've bought my last new luxury car
and from now on will go this way

if it wasn't for all the bigger cars on the road, I might've gone with a small electric car like what I saw in Amsterdam
but you'll get crushed in an accident here with a truck, vrs a bicycle in Amsterdam

here in Texas, powder blasted and powder coated car frame is about $450, maybe half what acid dipping costs, slightly better results

« Last Edit: January 18, 2025, 05:08:47 PM by krimster2 »


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