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Author Topic: Polish Women and Virginity  (Read 37245 times)

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Polish Women and Virginity
« Reply #150 on: February 14, 2019, 06:06:16 PM »
I personally dated a former virgin

100% of the girls that I've dated were either virgins or former virgins.

To all the virgins of the world I say
"Thanks for nothing!!"

FSUW are not for entry level daters
FSUW don't do vague
FSUW like a man of action. Be a man of action 
If you find a promising girl, get your butt on a plane.
There are a hundred ways to be successful and a thousand ways to f#ck it up
Just kiss the girl, don't ask her first. Tolerate NO excuses!

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Polish Women and Virginity
« Reply #151 on: February 15, 2019, 03:16:49 AM »
Can we please get back to the topic of the thread here. Strider wants to find himself a Polish Virgin no doubt because he wants a nice family life with no carry on along the way. Now this I can relate to,

Actually, during one trip to Poland, I rented a room in the house of Polish surgeon.  His then 17 year-old grand-daughter served as my interpreter when needed with her grandparents, and she had quite a crush on me.  No doubt she was still a virgin.  She was a little young, and really too short for me, but a very nice young lady.  Later, in what I took was an attempt to impress me, she got a boob job.  I suppose it made her happy, but I had no problem with her natural breast size, and was somewhat disappointed that she had the surgery.

I also met an American guy who worked in Poland for several years as an English teacher.  He claimed to have had great success dating Polish girls and claimed to have bagged seven Polish virgins in his time there, largely from dating his students.  I believe he was telling the truth, but from what I could see he went for the nerdy looking ones.  Personally, I don't find Polish women to be generally attractive and women in Western Ukraine generally have a similar build, but are darker complected than Polish women, i.e., dark hair, eyes, etc. 

Who on Earth wants to marry a virgin??

Obviously, some men still do.  The reason can vary from religious, cultural, romantic, or the egotistical need to be the first and only man with his wife.  Someone looking exclusively for a virgin would be advised to look in a place like the Philippines.  Two men I know married Filipina girls who were virgins.  Once was looking for a virgin, and the other wasn't.  Now, if a marriage agency wanted to conduct virginity tests on its girls, and promise that they were virgins, that would be legal.  However, an escort site doing the same needs to be doing business in a place where prostitution is legal.  Men are paying large sums for this experience.  There is also at least one internet site specializing in videos of girls losing their virginity, and most of the girls there are FSU girls.  You could look it up...

Stupidist post of the week.  Young women may stay virgins for many reasons which have nothing to do with their desirability.  Just because some tart was able to manipulate you with a little sex doesn't mean that women of moral character do the same.

One friend who was quite the playboy, told me that his wife was a virgin.  She was a bit older when they married, and she works as a nurse-physician or something on a cruise ship.  Logically, the safest practice to avoid STDs is abstinence.  That can be a reason for some women with strong will power.

It is not appropriate to talk about 12 year old girls here.

I did read recently in the Washington Post last month that it is perfectly legal under U.S. law to marry a minor, if it is legal in the state of residence.  Usually, that simply requires parental permission.  This is common enough in some American-Asian communities with much older men marrying teen brides born elsewhere but they are probably older than 12.
« Last Edit: February 15, 2019, 07:47:58 AM by Strider »
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Polish Women and Virginity
« Reply #152 on: February 15, 2019, 06:22:29 AM »
You may wish to read about Shashkevych, Holovats'kyi, and Vahlevych, three Galicians who began calling for the unity of Ukrainianlands in the 1830's.  Or examine the "Ukrainiazation" movements of the 1870's to 1890's, and the "Ukrainization" proponents vs the "Russification" proponents.

There was a pan-Slavic movement for sure, and then there was Russophile movement illustrated by Nikolay Kmicykevich.  He opined in 1834, stating that there was only one Russian people s from Western Ukraine to Kamchatka, from the White Sea to the Black Sea.  Yakov Golovatski, (whom you mentioned above with a very strange spelling), was in that camp, and when he wrote, he wrote of Rusyns and Little Russians, not Ukrainians.  Eventually, Stalin fulfilled this vision and created the modern state of Ukraine, regardless of the objections of millions in the region.  Much of what you are suggesting is conflating those who 1) had goal of joining Hapsburg Ruthenian areas with Russia, with 2) Separatists dreaming of a new Ruthenian state and bringing the “Ukrainian” language and culture Westward from the East bank of the Dnieper to displace centuries of Polish influence in the West, including a mixed Polish-Ruthenian language or dialects in the West.

There was no "dialiect" that was dissimilar to the Ukrainian spoken in Galicia.  Other than modern words the languages were pretty much identical.

To this day in the Białystok, a pidgin Polish-Belarusian language or dialect, depending on one's classification, is spoken. That language is neither “dissimilar” to standard Polish nor Belarusian, but it  is not exactly either, but something distinct.  If you had studied the history of the whole of the Polish kresy, you might question why there were not such local dialects or languages in Galicia, since they are well documented on the Russian side of the border.  When such local languages existed, (a tutejsze in Polish), they could easily adapt and learn the parent languages.  What is readily apparent, is that the local Ruthenians in Galicia were being taught a language imported from across the border with the blessings of the Hapsburgs.  So the dialect from Poltava was similar, but certainly not identical to local speech in Galicia.  Remember that the competing practice of the day for a written language that was separate from Polish was to use Church Slavonic with Russian or Polish words added. 

Ethnic identity in all of Europe was the result of nation states.

The ethnic identity of modern Ukraine is undeniably the result of Hitler and Stalin's ethnic cleansing of the region.  Western Ukraine today bears little resemblance to what was present before Stalin, as it was decidedly more Polish.  Hitler's final solution to eradicate the Third Reich of Jews was based on Stalin's plan in the 30's to rid the Western Soviet Union of ethnic Poles.  People got sent to the gulag for simply singing Polish songs, or being suspected of being Polish spies, because they were ethnically somehow Polish.  It is not surprising that fewer people in modern Ukraine, those descendants of people who weren't deported East, chose not self-identify as Poles.  Similarly, Carpo-Rusyns were also discouraged from claiming not to be Ukrainians, etc.  Rusyns have similarly disappeared.

Poles didn't have much better of an idea of ethnic identity.

Since Poland was traditionally a multi-ethnic state, ethnic identity was much more complex.

But, you're missing the point.  All movements begin with the elites, nationalism world over, is no different. and in Ukraine, that movement started in the late 1700's in Eastern Ukraine, in the mid 1800's in Galicia.  Galician intellectuals started many movements, such as artisan movements, but they did not have the "critical mass" to carry such a movement in the cities.  So, they started forming such movements among the peasantry.  Those movements often were taken over by local churches.

Educated Rusyns in the cities of Galicia had no desire to associate themselves with the “Ukrainian” peasants from the countryside.  It would take Bandera's fascists and Stalin's tyranny to force the Rusyns into the “Ukrainian” endonym.  Before that they considered themselves, “gente Ruthenus, natione Polonus”.  Many would be offended at being called Ukrainians, as they were not peasants.

That's not exactly accurate.  The masses had to be "dragged along", however, these were, at their origin, intellectual movements.

Well, with a group of peasants, it plainly didn't start out in the barns and fields, but the movement didn't appeal to more successful Rusyns.  Thus, it was largely a peasant movement as I wrote.

The reason Ukrainian national identity, or national consciousness developed, was precisely because Ukraine was divided in two. 

More likely, it was caused by Hapsburg indoctrination of Ruthenian conscripts during WWI, since before WWI, ordinary people had no concept of living in the Ukraine, which was on the Russian side of the border.  This is supported by the lack of Galician immigrants to North America to claim to have been ethnic Ukrainians before WWI:

“In a sense, Ukrainians were ‘made in America’ and Canada. This is because when the immigrants first arrived from western Ukrainian lands, then part of the Austro-Hungarian Empire, they called themselves Rusyns, or in English, Ruthenians, with little or no sense of being Ukrainian. They had to learn this from some of their more nationally conscious secular and religious leaders through participation in secular and religious community functions.”    Magocsi and Petrovsky-Shtern, Jews and Ukrainians: A Millennium of Co-Existence (p. 234).   The authors reproduce a cartoon depicting  newly arrived Ruthenians stuttiering when asked their nationality, “Austrian…Russian…, I mean P- P—Polish.”  Ibid (p. 234). 

the movement was oppressed in Galicia, Ukrainian intellectuals moved to the Russian Empire, and vice versa.

Since Ukraine was in Russia only at the time, it is likely that Ukrainians only moved to Galicia, and thus brought Ukraine and a Ukrainian language with them.

Had there been no such division, coupled with oppression, the results may have been different.  There has been a great deal written about this - whole books, in fact. ...

There has been a great deal of rubbish written about the great “oppression” of the Ukrainian peasant movement.  Much of it originates from Canada.  What is interesting is that European historians, and other social scientists, continue to distinguish Ruthenians from Ukrainians but the distinction in the English language has mostly disappeared.  Post communist Polish and Russian historians have been finding some agreement on the creation of the Ukrainian identity.  What is documented is that before WWI, the term “Ukrainian” had been used to describe children of one Polish and one Russian parent. 
« Last Edit: February 15, 2019, 11:17:24 AM by Strider »
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Polish Women and Virginity
« Reply #153 on: February 15, 2019, 06:52:01 AM »
Hmmm, so my better half, who dated more FSUW than have you, chose a WW.  He has told all of our children to "forget about that part of the world".  After our last trip, when he was hit on by women half his age and recognized that for what it was, he's reiterated that what he refers to as homo Sovieticus attitudes have not yet been eradicated.

The Homo Sovieticus attitudes were created in what is now the Vilnius area of Lithuania, Western Belarus and Western Ukraine by the invading Red Army.  They were noted for not cooking their food and eating eggs and vegetables raw in the market place, as well as their ignorance and amazement that Polish cities things they had never seen before like toilets:

"The women," writes an eye-witness, " wore rags wrapped round their feet or felt slippers, instead of shoes: they brought all their family belongings in one battered suitcase, and sometimes even an iron bedstead. Bedding was not known to them and the luxury of fresh linen was never dreamed of in the Soviet Republic, even by dignitaries and important women commissars. The pick of the Soviets sent out for display to this bourgeois country were ignorant of the simplest arrangements of everyday life. Accustomed to being herded together, they did not understand the superfluous habit of enjoying individual lodgings: bathrooms and kitchens they considered as uncanny inventions, and their way of feeding and housekeeping could - by its extreme misery and primitivity - only make one think of the simplicity of requirements attributed to cave-dwellers."

From the source, one of the more humorous stories to come from Soviet occupied Wilno, was about two Soviet women who showed up at the theater wearing nightgowns, not understanding that these were not intended to be worn as formal wear.  This made me think of all of the modern Ukrainian girls who think that dressing in style is to wear boots and dress like a hooker.  Returning to the topic, women in Poland don't dress like that.

This post was composed without the aid of Yahoo!.
« Last Edit: February 15, 2019, 11:46:22 AM by Strider »
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Polish Women and Virginity
« Reply #154 on: February 15, 2019, 08:18:52 AM »
when I was living in an apartment in Kyiv in the 90s
there were a few pizza shops but no franchises yet, the pizzas they served were AWFUL!!!
I, on the other hand memorized how my Sicilian ex-girl friend prepared Sicilian pizza
and was able to get most of the ingredients in an outdoor market, including whole Parmesan that i'd hand grate
had to make my own sauce though which took ALL day.. (anticipation...)
it's one out of 3 things that I cook well...
so first time I invite a Ukrainian girl to my apartment for dinner
I make Sicilian pizza of course
had a small bowl of grated Parmesan in front of her to sprinkle on the pizza
but no....
she takes a heaping spoonful, and puts it straight into her mouth!!!!
"oichen kuzna" she says, licking her lips
"nasdarovia", I replied
all the young UW, that I took traveling with me, needed to be "instructed" in how to eat and behave
an American Woman, would not have put up with anyone "correcting" their behavior
Ukrainian girls OTOH were very appreciative even wanted me to coach them!

it was a unique position to be in! never happened to me in the USA
maybe because I was older and a Western Man
but they had no problem letting me be their teacher
but I would always do it in a positive way
this also apparently puts them in a position where they try to get my approval
not only sexually but also they start doing domestic stuff for me
little intimacies that escalated into their moving in with me and sharing my bed
during bed time, younger women like more "body contact" than older women
I find it "hard"(so to speak) to sleep with a woman clinging on to my waist or chest
"spooning" is the way to go with them!
if you spoon first, she'll get the idea immediately and do a full contact spoon
careful if she does a "reach around" though
I guess you could just snore a little and pretend you're asleep if you're not in the mood!

part dva

what to do if you strike out in Ukraine?

ok, so guys like bee farmer and mr beard who have “struck out”
what should you do if it happens to you?
is it the end of the road?


you just find a worse FSU “hell hole” than Ukraine
and go there NEXT time!

fortunately, for you there’s a lot of these places!

I could write volumes and volumes about these places “back in the day” in the late 90s
since my wife, I have not been back to these places, except for Crimea and Moscow, etc.
so, caveat emptor

so, let me for a second tell ya about the ‘stans’

for some reason these countries, all had small currency (see pic)
with a few exceptions, I’ve only been to big cities in these countries can’t tell ya much about village hunting there, i’ll leave that up to the next generation of hunters to explore...

what I picked up on right away was that there was actually 3 groups of women in these countries

1. pure Asian
2. pure Russian
3. mix of the two

and there is a BIG rivalry between these groups
you will have ALL these women “throwing themselves at you” literally
but, if their fathers, brothers see it and get pissed, be careful where you walk after dark!!

but these women are SAVAGE, many are used to squat toilets, cooking over a wooden stove outside, this sort of primitiveness

but what they yearn for is the evening dress in a foreign restaurant
they know that in reality the closest they’re ever going to get to this is watching it on TV
but then suddenly you appear... and their eyes go BOING!  a western guy here in Tashkent or whatever barren stretch of desolate landscape they call “doma” is called...

they will literally be all over you!!!!
some of these people especially in Kazakhstan have no idea about “personal space” women will just come right up to you from out of no where and start smiling and talking to you, trying to speak English with you, etc, but they just get “right in your face”, you can’t ignore them and turn and walk away, they also seem extremely animated during their discussions, with their fingers frequently poking you for emphasis in whatever point they're trying to make

if you are ever alone with these women and give them even one drink their clothes will be off and they will be "flashing you" posing and making suggestive eye contact
you have NO CHOICE but to immediately disrobe and provide them with immediate sexual gratification, if you don't they will be EXTREMELY PISSED!!!
you literally will have NO CHOICE but to have sex with them!!!

but, if you strike out in Ukraine, this is where you should go, you really won't have to do much, just stand some place, like where they keep the mules next to the big market for example...

« Last Edit: February 15, 2019, 06:43:48 PM by krimster2 »

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Polish Women and Virginity
« Reply #155 on: February 17, 2019, 10:10:03 AM »
« Last Edit: February 17, 2019, 10:11:42 AM by Strider »
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Polish Women and Virginity
« Reply #156 on: February 17, 2019, 10:19:17 AM »
the movement was oppressed in Galicia, Ukrainian intellectuals moved to the Russian Empire, and vice versa.

Since Ukraine was in Russia only at the time, it is likely that Ukrainians only moved to Galicia, and thus brought Ukraine and a Ukrainian language with them.

EDIT TO NOTE:  What undoubtedly flowed Eastward to the Russian side was Russophiles in trouble with the Galician authorities for treasonous ideas, i.e, they wanted to join with Russia.  I also remember reading that the Greek Catholic church was influenced by a Russian Orthodox choir in Vienna.  More support for the idea of the Hapsburg's intent to drive Roman and Greek Catholics apart in Galicia despite a common catechism.
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Polish Women and Virginity
« Reply #157 on: February 17, 2019, 10:42:47 AM »
what to do if you strike out in Ukraine?
ok, so guys like bee farmer and mr beard who have “struck out”
what should you do if it happens to you?
is it the end of the road?
you just find a worse FSU “hell hole” than Ukraine

One of the myths about Ukraine, is that the girls are desperate to leave.  They are not, at least not by marriage anyhow unless they have a child, or until they hit age 30.

so, let me for a second tell ya about the ‘stans’
what I picked up on right away was that there was actually 3 groups of women in these countries
1. pure Asian
2. pure Russian
3. mix of the two

Particularly in Kazakhstan, they may not have been “pure Russian”.  In addition to Siberia, Stalin deported many Poles there near Karaganda.  They were sent Eastward in cattle cars, and many died along the way.  They were left along the side of the railroad tracks and had to burrow into the ground to survive the harsh winter.  Since the Soviet Union required an ethnic description of people, as assinged by the government, and Poles faced discrimination, many Polish women married other Slavic men.  The knock-on effect would be that Polish men married non-Polish women, etc.  The Polish government was slow to repatriate such people after the fall of communism.

Stalin also may have sent some Volga Germans, and other undesirable ethnic types to such places, and though they may have Russifed over time, I would hesitate to call them "pure Russians".

but these women are SAVAGE, many are used to squat toilets, cooking over a wooden stove outside, this sort of primitiveness

Well so much for the myth that that Soviet Union raised the standard of living for such people much.  Squat toilets are a marginal improvement over the simple outdoor latrines still found in Ukraine.

but what they yearn for is the evening dress in a foreign restaurant
they know that in reality the closest they’re ever going to get to this is watching it on TV
but then suddenly you appear... and their eyes go BOING!  a western guy here in Tashkent or whatever barren stretch of desolate landscape they call “doma” is called...
they will literally be all over you!!!!

One very good idea is for men to over dress when visiting such places.  Wearing a suit when the local men wore track suits certainly helped me at times.  In a place where most people lived in dumpy Soviet housing, clothing is a major way to stand out and show status.  Clothes really do make the man in this part of the world.  Men are advised not to look too casual.
« Last Edit: February 17, 2019, 10:48:56 AM by Strider »
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Polish Women and Virginity
« Reply #158 on: February 17, 2019, 11:23:31 AM »
“One of the myths about Ukraine, is that the girls are desperate to leave.”

whatcha’ talkin’ bout Willis?
no mythology....
my BFF and business partner in Kyiv bought an elitny house, cost well over $1,000,000+ in one of the “villages” on the main highway from Borispol to downtown Kyiv more than 10 yr ago
now he’s desperately trying to sell it for $200,000 but no takers, so he’ll probably cut more...
there are scores of homeless people camping in the woods around his house
people from Kyiv who have given up on finding work and have no money at all to live on
there are all kinds of people there, old people young people, people with kids...
Ukraine is collapsing, and everyone knows Putin is coming...

and you’re trying to tell me that some guy with a blue passport who owns his own house, drives a Mercedes, has no leverage there???
no leverage?  even though the women there ALL KNOW that a blue passport is a “magic passport” because it has the ability to turn their red one blue as well...
it’s a hideous colour, might as well be “tin” covered...

you HAVE leverage!
if you had any more leverage, you’d be able to stick a log under a boulder and move the whole planet, that’s HOW MUCH leverage you have!!!!

“Squat toilets are a marginal improvement over the simple outdoor latrines still found in Ukraine.”

IMHO, the only possible way to make Ukrainian toilettes worse
would be to put them on the ceiling, i.e. just a hole in the ceiling
this would require the user to perform a handstand to “orient themselves properly”
and hopefully eject with enough force to gain sufficient altitude and trajectory
otherwise gravity will create an em bare ASS ing sight
not much different than having a “faux pax” moment with a squat toilette

part dva
Russian women care VERY much how they look and how others PERCEIVE them!
so, when you first meet you need to respond with some sincere flattery
this will take the “edge off” their concern on this subject...
something like, “wow, I thought you looked beautiful in your pictures, but I had no idea how gorgeous you really are until just now”, learn how to say this in Russian and practice it
look her in the eye when you say it...


« Last Edit: February 17, 2019, 12:01:40 PM by krimster2 »

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Polish Women and Virginity
« Reply #159 on: February 17, 2019, 12:39:06 PM »
This has got to be one of THE most pathetic threads ever started on here

Let's all leave our historical revisionist 'Strider' to his 'history' and perversions

« Last Edit: February 17, 2019, 12:55:32 PM by msmob »

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Polish Women and Virginity
« Reply #160 on: February 17, 2019, 12:51:16 PM »
whatcha’ talkin’ bout Willis?
no mythology....

My first trip to Ukraine years ago, some old farmer from Kansas joined the tour.  He thought the young girls would throw themselves at him.  It didn't happen.  In recent years, Europe has opened up for Ukrainains to visit, study, live and work there, but not Russians and most other FSU citizens (except of course, the Baltic states). 

my BFF and business partner in Kyiv bought an elitny house, cost well over $1,000,000+ in one of the “villages” on the main highway from Borispol to downtown Kyiv more than 10 yr ago
now he’s desperately trying to sell it for $200,000 but no takers, so he’ll probably cut more...

Sounds like your friend got played big time.  Pretty girls aren't the only people running scams in Ukraine to swindle foreigners out of money.

there are scores of homeless people camping in the woods around his house
people from Kyiv who have given up on finding work and have no money at all to live on
there are all kinds of people there, old people young people, people with kids...
Ukraine is collapsing, and everyone knows Putin is coming...

Nah, Putin is on record as offering Ukraine's historic Right Bank back to Poland as part of a restored Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth of sorts much like what was proposed in the Riga negotiations in 1921.  Putin doesn't want Kiev, just the traditional Ukraine to the East.

and you’re trying to tell me that some guy with a blue passport who owns his own house, drives a Mercedes, has no leverage there???
no leverage?

No, just not as much as some people think.  I have met young ladies in Ukraine who don't want to leave, and they are very upfront about it.  They don't want to leave their country, their family, etc.  The ones who do want to leave, don't necessarily want to leave as someone's wife.  Some do, some don't, and some will only pretend to be interested in marriage for money or intending to get divorced later if they do. 

even though the women there ALL KNOW that a blue passport is a “magic passport” because it has the ability to turn their red one blue as well...
it’s a hideous colour, might as well be “tin” covered...

Ah, I see that your spouse is a Ruska.  They have red passports.  Last I saw at the airport, Ukrainians actually have light blue passports not red.  They don't want Russian passports, but most would gladly take an E.U. passport, which also happens to be a red passport.  So, it is not true to write that no one in Ukraine wants a red passport.

In support of what you wrote, in my last trip to Russia over a year ago, I got a lot more attention from the younger girls there than in my recent visits to Ukraine.  The scene in Ukraine is not now the same as in Russia. 


IMHO, the only possible way to make Ukrainian toilettes worse
would be to put them on the ceiling, i.e. just a hole in the ceiling
this would require the user to perform a handstand to “orient themselves properly”
and hopefully eject with enough force to gain sufficient altitude and trajectory
otherwise gravity will create an em bare ASS ing sight
not much different than having a “faux pax” moment with a squat toilette

The idea behind the squat toilets was to improve the strength of the leg muscles of the population.  This reduces the need for people to go to the gym! 
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Polish Women and Virginity
« Reply #161 on: February 17, 2019, 01:05:17 PM »

Ah, I see that your spouse is a Ruska.  They have red passports.  Last I saw at the airport, Ukrainians actually have light blue passports not red.  They don't want Russian passports, but most would gladly take an E.U. passport, which also happens to be a red passport.  So, it is not true to write that no one in Ukraine wants a red passport.


He really isn't that observant this 'Strider' ....

Anyway, The Blue UA passports (with chips)  mean visa free travel to the EU for up to 90 days  ....

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Polish Women and Virginity
« Reply #162 on: February 17, 2019, 01:23:04 PM »
“ He thought the young girls would throw themselves at him. “

too bad for him, I OTOH have bruises from the encounters...

“Sounds like your friend got played big time.  Pretty girls aren't the only people running scams in Ukraine to swindle foreigners out of money.”

my friend was born in kyiv, and has lived there his whole life
he wasn’t scammed, this just reflects the decline in real estate there over the past 12 yr
and this decline is about the same ratio as the decline of the UAH against the USD

“Nah, Putin is on record as offering Ukraine's...”

well, if Putin said so, gotta be true then right, phewww big relief when Ukrainians here about it

"Last I saw at the airport, Ukrainians actually have light blue passports not red.”

basic Ukr foreign travel passport (non-EU Premium kind) is RED, pic enclosed!!!
the reason it's RED is because the "internal" passport is BLUE, so to avoid confusion...

« Last Edit: February 17, 2019, 01:32:08 PM by krimster2 »

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« Reply #163 on: February 17, 2019, 01:41:55 PM »

part dva

what to do if you strike out in Ukraine?

ok, so guys like bee farmer and mr beard who have “struck out”
what should you do if it happens to you?
is it the end of the road?


you just find a worse FSU “hell hole” than Ukraine
and go there NEXT time!

fortunately, for you there’s a lot of these places!

I could write volumes and volumes about these places “back in the day” in the late 90s
since my wife, I have not been back to these places, except for Crimea and Moscow, etc.
so, caveat emptor

so, let me for a second tell ya about the ‘stans’

for some reason these countries, all had small currency (see pic)
with a few exceptions, I’ve only been to big cities in these countries can’t tell ya much about village hunting there, i’ll leave that up to the next generation of hunters to explore...

what I picked up on right away was that there was actually 3 groups of women in these countries

1. pure Asian
2. pure Russian
3. mix of the two

and there is a BIG rivalry between these groups
you will have ALL these women “throwing themselves at you” literally
but, if their fathers, brothers see it and get pissed, be careful where you walk after dark!!

but these women are SAVAGE, many are used to squat toilets, cooking over a wooden stove outside, this sort of primitiveness

but what they yearn for is the evening dress in a foreign restaurant
they know that in reality the closest they’re ever going to get to this is watching it on TV
but then suddenly you appear... and their eyes go BOING!  a western guy here in Tashkent or whatever barren stretch of desolate landscape they call “doma” is called...

they will literally be all over you!!!!
some of these people especially in Kazakhstan have no idea about “personal space” women will just come right up to you from out of no where and start smiling and talking to you, trying to speak English with you, etc, but they just get “right in your face”, you can’t ignore them and turn and walk away, they also seem extremely animated during their discussions, with their fingers frequently poking you for emphasis in whatever point they're trying to make

if you are ever alone with these women and give them even one drink their clothes will be off and they will be "flashing you" posing and making suggestive eye contact
you have NO CHOICE but to immediately disrobe and provide them with immediate sexual gratification, if you don't they will be EXTREMELY PISSED!!!
you literally will have NO CHOICE but to have sex with them!!!

but, if you strike out in Ukraine, this is where you should go, you really won't have to do much, just stand some place, like where they keep the mules next to the big market for example...

I love this guy :D Brilliant post Krimster!

I think the problem with Ukraine and now Belarus is that they are absolutely crawling with sex tourists. For most western wear they are the closest country that us visa free. Ukraine has for quite some time now had a problem with girls that are just out to play, it no doubt goes with there carefree fun nature but it's not great when trying to find one for a LTR. Belarus seems to have more sincere women but now it's gone visa free I think a lot of girls are inundated with guys contacting them.

Things may be bad for some in Ukraine but I think most girls that can stay in a job and/or have family support them stick it out there. I don't think the economy is a big game changer as far as making the girls more serious, I think things would have to get even more desperate out there for them to set aside their carefree nature for that.

I've noticed the odd few Ukrainian girls in EU countries seeking a guy but they appear small in number and probably not significant enough to change the state of play in Ukraine. I think some may come a cropper because they either don't speak the language and/or find good employment hard to come by since even though the currency may be worth more they still need to pay for accomodation etc the normal realities of life. So I don't think it's the big problem for us WM it at first looked. Theoretically since they would only obtain legal working status if Ukraine joined the EU they are in an inferior employment/unemployment situation out there. In addition Poland recently has announced that it would like Poles to to return to Poland, if that happens then less work for Ukrainians.

So I think Russia is probably a good place to look for those serious about a LTR. Your idea of the stand I think is great also Krimster. I doubt that many sex tourists would trouble going all that distance. I've always thought it perculiar why Ukrainian girls often seemed to just want to mess around and not get serious.
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« Reply #164 on: February 17, 2019, 03:13:50 PM »

unfortunately, my informatzie about Russian far east is VERY out of date (late 90s)
back then it was WORSE than the wild west in the USA with real bandits!

if your destination was far from the airport, travel was difficult on the roads, if you went any distance, your vehicle will join up with a convoy because “safety in numbers”

went to a place called Mirny, bought a few loose diamonds
a 4.0 caret canary yellow was $500 and up... today in the USA might be worth $7000/$8000 raw and maybe 3 times that cut
1 good trade per day is all you need!!!  but if you're going to do more than 2-3 trades you need to pay krisha

VERY rough and very dangerous place full of bad-ass people
you either have to be a double-ninja assassin or very much “have your wits about you” doing this

now the women...

Yakutsk is the freakin heart of Siberia, this is Russia’s frontier
and they have a frontier mentality here

wimmin are generally “out-doorsy” physically active like to swim (sometimes nekkid!)
definitely in July they’ll be along the Lena river
several of the beaches are unofficially “clothing optional”
amazing sight these ferral Russian wimmin sans clothing with their bodies glistening in the hot siberian summer sun...

but if you think there’s a “culture gap” between yourself and the Ukrainian women you’ve so far met, then the difference in the Russian Far East CAN BE really EXTREME (or not, depending...)
I met a few Russian wimmin there that were physically violent, not with me fortunately, but it’s the ONLY place I’ve seen SO MANY wimmin get into “street fights”
and I don’t mean slap fighting
I mean wimmin hitting men or other wimmin with broken bottles, sticks, etc, very common apparently
brutal place, even the chicks “have balls” there
be 5 minutes late with one of them, see what happens!!!
a Ukrainian woman (comparatively docile) is about the most savage kind of woman that I will allow to sleep next to me!!
Russian far east woman, Uzbekh, Kazach, no way Jose...
the sex is not worth the paranoia IMHO....
and you could certainly NEVER marry a woman like this
to give you an example, I've seen 18/19 yr old girls there "sucker punch" their boyfriends as hard as they can
and boy friends "just take it" it's a show of machismo how tough they are
if you can't take it then she'll think you're "a pussy"
usually VERY HARD drinkers even at 18 or 19 especially in the winter...
it won't take a lot of money to make your mark among the locals
normal 3 date rule before sex can be abandoned here, 1 or 2 date sex is the norm
if you do buy a diamond, even a small one, tape it to the bottom of your testicles (but for god's sake shave first!)

« Last Edit: February 17, 2019, 06:56:00 PM by krimster2 »

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« Reply #165 on: February 17, 2019, 03:35:29 PM »
There is also at least one internet site specializing in videos of girls losing their virginity,
and most of the girls there are FSU girls.  You could look it up...

There are sites where they say the girl is a virgin and she has a tramp stamp, nipple rings 
and vaginal piercings, I tend to discount their veracity, I'm just skeptical that way.


« Last Edit: February 17, 2019, 03:39:44 PM by 2tallbill »
FSUW are not for entry level daters
FSUW don't do vague
FSUW like a man of action. Be a man of action 
If you find a promising girl, get your butt on a plane.
There are a hundred ways to be successful and a thousand ways to f#ck it up
Just kiss the girl, don't ask her first. Tolerate NO excuses!

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« Reply #166 on: February 17, 2019, 07:37:27 PM »
There are sites where they say the girl is a virgin and she has a tramp stamp, nipple rings 
and vaginal piercings, I tend to discount their veracity, I'm just skeptical that way.

But those gals are just waiting for the 'right' guy.
A beautiful woman is pleasant to look at, but it is easier to live with a pleasant acting one.

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« Reply #167 on: February 17, 2019, 09:04:47 PM »
Luckily for me at 19 I lived with a woman for 4 years who was a virgin at our meeting.  I can understand why men crave the sensation. 

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« Reply #168 on: February 17, 2019, 09:20:52 PM »
no... "being tight" has nothing to do with virginity!
the thought of "Maxime" viciously assaulting and tearing a young girl's vaginal membrane
like a bunch of Vikings with a battering ram appalling...

Maxime is gentle, kind, friendly likes to be petted and "played with"
Maxime is not some wild vicious membrane tearing animal

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« Reply #169 on: February 19, 2019, 10:55:37 AM »
Let's all leave our historical revisionist 'Strider' to his 'history' and perversions

Well then, did Caesar conquer France or Gaul? The area of Gaul would become France in another era centuries later, but historians don't consider it correct to say Caesar conquered France.  It is anachronistic.  The maps of the region make clear that geography has been revised to expand the region known as Ukraine, a borderland province, far to the West of where it was originally in the 17th century.
Here is a famous  map from 1648 by Guillaume Le Vasseur de Beauplan, who was a French army engineer, architect, and cartographer which depicts "general Ukraine and adjacent provinces” complete with an illustration of cossacks around a Polish white eagle.  (Note that it is upside-down, so South is up top, etc.):
Next, we have a map of “Tartaria D’Europa” from 1684 by an Italian cartographer, Giacomo Cantelli da Vignola which notes “Ukraine or the country of Zaporozhian Cossacks” in the area South and East of Kiev, (which is now controlled by the Tsar of Moscow) but not in Podolia:
In this map from 1739, Ukraine has begun to creep Westward into Podolia and Volhonia as a general region, but still in the East and far from Red Ruthenia and Lwow:
Until WWI, there was no province of Ukraine in the Russian Empire:
So, the historic region of Ukraine, has since been revised to push it Westward into traditionally Polish lands, and people who were gente Ruthenus, natione Polonus.  I didn't revise that...

Even in the region that was Ukraine, people there hadn't identified themselves as “Ukrainians”.  They were called “Little Russians”.  In the 19th century, this German map shows that Hapsburg Galicia is populated by ethnic Ruthenians, and Russia across the border has Little Russians in 1881:
There wouldn't be any Ukrainians there until the communists seized power.  Even in Hapsburg Galicia where the Ukrainian movement began, officially there were no Ukrainians enumerated in the census, nor listed on ethnographic maps before WWI, they were called Ruthenians:
No, I didn't revise that bit of history either.

What remains true, is that the West, including Britain, never cared about “self-determination of peoples” in what became Ukraine, and Belarus.  It is not surprising that our Orangist Limey here has such contempt for the people of the region sold out to Stalin at the end of WWII.

“Nah, Putin is on record as offering Ukraine's...”
well, if Putin said so, gotta be true then right, phewww big relief when Ukrainians here about it

It's very old news from 2013:
Quote from: former Polish Foreign Minister Radek Sikorski
Putin wants Poland to commit troops to Ukraine. These were the signals they sent us. … We have known how they think for years. We have known this is what they think for years. This was one of the first things that Putin said to my prime minister, Donald Tusk, [soon to be President of the European Council] when he visited Moscow. He went on to say Ukraine is an artificial country and that Lwow is a Polish city and why don't we just sort it out together. Luckily Tusk didn't answer. He knew he was being recorded.

“ He thought the young girls would throw themselves at him. “
too bad for him, I OTOH have bruises from the encounters...

I had to juggle two girls one night in the old Hotel Tsentralna in Dnipropetrovsk when that happened.  It has now been remodeled into a large shopping mall.  That makes me sad.

“Sounds like your friend got played big time.  Pretty girls aren't the only people running scams in Ukraine to swindle foreigners out of money.”
my friend was born in kyiv, and has lived there his whole life
he wasn’t scammed, this just reflects the decline in real estate there over the past 12 yr
and this decline is about the same ratio as the decline of the UAH against the USD

Maybe he thought real estate was a better investment than other options.  Until the corruption is addressed and the political situation stabilizes with Russian, investing money in Ukraine is a very bad idea.

There are sites where they say the girl is a virgin and she has a tramp stamp, nipple rings 
and vaginal piercings, I tend to discount their veracity, I'm just skeptical that way.

You must not have seen the site where they take gynecologically explicit video and pics for the doubters...
« Last Edit: February 19, 2019, 11:21:22 AM by Strider »
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« Reply #170 on: February 19, 2019, 11:02:02 AM »
"Maybe he thought real estate was a better investment than other options. "

it's Ukraine, what other investment options are there?
banks, hahaha
bonds hahahahaha
stock market hahahahahahahahaha

I used to smuggle cash out of ukraine on the train to Berlin, no Xray on luggage!!!!
border police don't bother nice American family with their two little girls...

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« Reply #171 on: February 19, 2019, 11:11:32 AM »

What remains true, is that the West, including Britain, never cared about “self-determination of peoples” in what became Ukraine, and Belarus.  It is not surprising that our Orangist Limey here has such contempt for the people of the region sold out to Stalin at the end of WWII.

As usual, our 'revisionist historian' and 'expert on FSU virgins' (!)  proves why I feel the need to mock his 'conclusions' ...

1/ As far as I am aware, no member of my immediate family...Parents, Grandparents, siblings  or cousins  - was EVER an Orangeman ..I hold an Irish passport - in addition to a UK one - and have done so for 20 plus years

2/ As I am not 'English' - how could I be a 'Limey' ?

If that was another example of your 'attention to detail' ....   

Someone who clearly knows E.Poland, W.Belarus and the UK's ( not always praiseworthy) treatment of Poles 

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« Reply #172 on: February 19, 2019, 04:54:04 PM »
Well then, did Caesar conquer France or Gaul?
He wrote about his conquest in a book called "De Bello Gallico" (About the Gallic War).
The area of Gaul would become France in another era centuries later.
Conquered  in the 6th century by romanised Rhineland Franks. Therefore their cultural assimilation into romanised Gaul was not difficult - they acquired the local latinised language and only contributed phonetically what was thenceforth erroneously called the French R sound, which is actually a Germanic sound ;).
but historians don't consider it correct to say Caesar conquered France.
Maybe only those poorly educated historicallly ::).   
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« Reply #173 on: February 19, 2019, 08:43:00 PM »
Krimister you miss the point it's not about hymens it's about the difference between a shop bought shoe and a hand made fitted Italian shoe.  It's about youth.  It's about not being jaded by riding the carousel too many times.

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« Reply #174 on: February 19, 2019, 09:36:30 PM »

He really isn't that observant this 'Strider' ....

Anyway, The Blue UA passports (with chips)  mean visa free travel to the EU for up to 90 days  ....

I think what Mobers means here is the EU passport is known as a burgundy colour. All depends on what your idea of red is I guess. Strange they chose that colour as the colour of the EU flag is blue, another thing about the EU that doesn't make sense I guess.

Still good news for the UK is that when we leave the EU our passports are going back to blue :D

So that will bring us in line with the US  with blue being the most desirable passport colour :)

Mobers meanwhile will be readying his old Rep of Ireland/EU red ahem .. burgundy passport for inspection at the Northern Irish border very shortly ;D
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