Forum > RWD Announcements

A Few More Features Implemented


Today we had a record high number of people participating in the Chat room. So many, in fact, that the program overloaded a few times and bumped people out of the room - myself included.

Some people have talked about scheduling a regular chat time - and I commit to finding, and resolving if at all possible, the issue of getting bumped out of chat. I hope everyone continues to use the feature and enjoys what it offers.

Also, I implemented a new feature not found in the previous board. At this time, you are able to 'rate' a topic on a scale from 1 to 5 with 1 being "Least Valuable" and 5 being "Most Valuable" topic.

I encourage you to use the rating system and to rate highly those topics you find valuable.

There is one more item which will become the subject of my next Admin post, since it is a pretty extensive topic.


- Dan


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