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Author Topic: The Struggle For Ukraine  (Read 485959 times)

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Re: The Struggle For Ukraine - current real estate prices in western ukraine
« Reply #3525 on: July 17, 2024, 05:47:27 PM »
with the current Dollar to UAH rate of about 41 to the dollar and recently sharply rising
you can once again buy real estate for dirt cheap in Ukraine....

i'd stay away from Kharkiv for now
but in Ternopil, home of Ternopil State University, you can buy a nice 160 sq meter. 2 floor house for about $50,000!!!!

English is now an official state language of Ukraine

I'd only do this if Trump loses, and you can afford to totally speculate w/ 50k and not stress over it
easy, peasy for Americans to get long term ukrainian visas/residency especially if yur a "volunteer", ya dig?
Ukraine is gonna have a major population decline, and would be happy to get western retiress, just like Poland does

if this gamble is successful, you hit paydirt
when I lived in Ukraine, my monthly utilities were under $50, food was much cheaper and far tastier than American food, I miss it
it's more now, but still less than the USA

medical is spotty, no medicare fer you in Ukraine, anything major and you'll need to come back to the USA
minor stuff can be easily handled in Ternopil fer cheap, Ternopil is home to Ukraine's premeir medical university

the Carpathian forest, is the last old growth forest remaining in Europe, and is beautful to hike through
and you can fly from western Ukraine to almost anywhere in europe in under 3 hours non-stop depending on yur destination or even take a train, though the scenery ain't all that great
except for a few things, like goin 'cross the Rhine at Cologne, with the famous Cathedral Steeple in the distance, and the Hartz mountains
« Last Edit: July 17, 2024, 06:04:22 PM by krimster2 »

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A beautiful woman is pleasant to look at, but it is easier to live with a pleasant acting one.

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A beautiful woman is pleasant to look at, but it is easier to live with a pleasant acting one.

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Biden's policy in regards to arming Ukraine, is called "incrementalism"
it's about being cautious instead of bein reckless

you advance a step, and THEN see what the russian response is...(endless empty threats of nuclear war)
and then take another step and repeat
this way you don't "overstep" and have a few pistol shots fired at the Austrian Grand Duke from a .380 Browning in Sarajevo turn into a World War

this is SMART as opposed to the policy of escalation in Vietnam, which was REALLY DUMB....
I LIKE politicians who have smart policies

Trump's policy towards Ukraine, is to give Putin everything he wants,
including the removal of sanctions, which would let Exxon Mobil drill in northern siberia, the deal Rex Tillerson was supposed to seal but Trump phuqued up, so now they get a second chance
Trump's policy isn't about peace, it's all about selling out Ukraine to Russia to make Exxon Mobil, Haliburton, et all happy donating campers and a new Trump Tower in Moscow

BTW, on Saturday Biden and Harris will announce they're not running in Nov
and are being replaced by Gavin Newsom and Michelle Obama
the "D Networks's" Oscar winning Newsome-Obama show, will blow the ratings off the chart compared to the "R Network's" Trump Vance Dawg & Pony Show
and Michelle Obama doesn't have to wear eye-liner like Vance, another bonus

network will cancel Trump Vance Dawg and Pony show after massive drop in ratings
after Trumpty Dumbty's great fall, it'll be all down hill after that for ANYONE and ANYTHING connected to Trump
next year, you'll likely hear on the news, how Trump pocketed hundreds of millions of campaign money and moved to a 3rd world country that won't extradite him to the USA

all the right-wing attacks on Biden's cognitive abilities, ultimately had a positive outcome!!!

Republicans makin their focus to attack Biden's cognitive ability,
will now prove to have been a complete waste of time, and were even beneficial to the Democrats, watch and see...

just like the republican 18+ month investigation into "Crooked Joe Biden" became a waste of time and irrelevant
and was replaced by the "Slow Joe"one which will share the same fate

look on youtube for the interview of Newsom with Hannity, even with Hannity having everything prepared ahead of time, Newsom wiped the floor with him

Trump's gonna freak, can't wait for his reaction, Trump Jr. GF was once married to Newsom!!!

I love the smell of winning in the morning, it smells like...VICTORY

sometimes, it's not the play's performers you see in front of the curtain that are as important
as the ones you don't see behind the curtain

how do I know this?
I have the cognitive tracking skillz that you pure-blood white boyz don't have
and I see the signs AND can read 'em to

if any of you Republicans get the "sadz", i'm here for you, I will lend you my shoulder, I will comfort you...

Your Obedient Servant, Krimster

« Last Edit: July 18, 2024, 01:17:14 PM by krimster2 »

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Re: The Struggle For Ukraine
« Reply #3529 on: July 18, 2024, 11:23:35 AM »
Compelled by the calls of our defenders, the Armed Forces of Ukraine, we, the authors of this manifesto and representatives of Ukrainian civil society, have taken the liberty of detailing these conditions. The world will never be the same as it was before the war, so instead of returning to the pre-war status quo, our goal is to look at what made the war possible and create a new, safer system that will completely rule out further Russian aggression down the line. Most of our proposals are within the framework of international law, and some seek legal changes that are commensurate with new threats to global security.

This manifesto offers a vision of such a postwar world and how to achieve it. We cannot achieve peace at the expense of justice or justice at the expense of peace. For sustainable international security, justice and peace must be achieved simultaneously.

This means that the aggressor must bear full responsibility for the war and be held fully accountable.
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Re: The Struggle For Ukraine
« Reply #3530 on: July 18, 2024, 11:26:13 AM »
it don't matter....
cuz history is always written by the victors
so victory is the only truth

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Re: The Struggle For Ukraine
« Reply #3531 on: July 18, 2024, 04:55:50 PM »
If Ukraine agrees to peace terms with Russia this year I firmly believe it will be seen as Ukraine capitulation to Russia and Russia will most likely come back later even worse for more.

If however Ukraine holds out until next year I firmly believe that Ukraine can win potentially a lasting peace, better terms and something that amounts in affect to Russian defeat. Russia next year will start running out of Armaments which will affect it's ability to conduct war on the ground significantly. Russia will also be running out of Money that will affect it's ability to purchase Armaments from abroad and affect the running of Russia and it's economy. That's a bad place for Russia to be and can essentially in affect end it's ambitions in Ukraine even without a peace treaty.

It all depends on Ukraine, it's leaders and Western leaders holding out that bit longer as painful as it is to avoid a result that looks like a Ukrainian capitulation just a matter of months before the opposite can be obtained that will likely put off Russian ambitions in the area for a generation, if not longer perhaps permanently.
"If you make your own bread, then and only then, are you a free man unchained and alive living in pooty tang paradise, or say no and live in Incel island with all the others." - Krimster

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Re: The Struggle For Ukraine - current real estate prices in western ukraine
« Reply #3532 on: July 18, 2024, 05:04:13 PM »
with the current Dollar to UAH rate of about 41 to the dollar and recently sharply rising
you can once again buy real estate for dirt cheap in Ukraine....

i'd stay away from Kharkiv for now
but in Ternopil, home of Ternopil State University, you can buy a nice 160 sq meter. 2 floor house for about $50,000!!!!

English is now an official state language of Ukraine

I'd only do this if Trump loses, and you can afford to totally speculate w/ 50k and not stress over it
easy, peasy for Americans to get long term ukrainian visas/residency especially if yur a "volunteer", ya dig?
Ukraine is gonna have a major population decline, and would be happy to get western retiress, just like Poland does

if this gamble is successful, you hit paydirt
when I lived in Ukraine, my monthly utilities were under $50, food was much cheaper and far tastier than American food, I miss it
it's more now, but still less than the USA

medical is spotty, no medicare fer you in Ukraine, anything major and you'll need to come back to the USA
minor stuff can be easily handled in Ternopil fer cheap, Ternopil is home to Ukraine's premeir medical university

the Carpathian forest, is the last old growth forest remaining in Europe, and is beautful to hike through
and you can fly from western Ukraine to almost anywhere in europe in under 3 hours non-stop depending on yur destination or even take a train, though the scenery ain't all that great
except for a few things, like goin 'cross the Rhine at Cologne, with the famous Cathedral Steeple in the distance, and the Hartz mountains

That's a good deal and worth thinking about. The pound too is very strong at the moment against the Hrivna at about 52 Hrivna to the pound. A house in Ternopil would probably be at very low risk of being destroyed by missiles, drones, etc. No Artillery nearby either. Odds are that unless Russia goes for WMD's is that Russia probably won't take over Ukraine now. So it could be worth thinking about to take a punt. Thanks for the link and your insight in this Krim :)
"If you make your own bread, then and only then, are you a free man unchained and alive living in pooty tang paradise, or say no and live in Incel island with all the others." - Krimster

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Re: The Struggle For Ukraine - Zelensky surrenders
« Reply #3533 on: July 20, 2024, 09:20:37 AM »
in light of the possibility of Trump becoming President, coupled with Germany's announcement to cut aid to Ukraine in half, starting 6 months from now...
Zelensky's new goal is trying to reach a negotiated cease-fire enforced with NATO Peace Keepers in Ukraine to block Russia from trying to exploit it
instead of trying to defeat Russia on the battlefield

he's surrendered...

Zelensky wants to do this before the election, and get it in writing....
if Trump wins, this document won't even rate very highly as toilette paper, good for kindling though, wooden fires will be the primary energy source in Ukraine, so very useful!!

and then the war will be deferred until conditions (arms production) are more favorable for Russia to restart it
also, the issue of sanctions, if Zelensky wants "a deal" Putin will insist on this, but Zelensky didn't touch this subject

meanwhile, I'm trying to figure out the difference between satire and reality
when I watch scenes from the movie, "Idiocracy" compared to scenes from the RNC, one looks like it was directly copied from the other
Hitler had Leni Riefinstahl do his propaganda, which was some of the best ever made by anyone
RNC needs to watch her old films to step up their game

which ever party loses in November, will go the way of the dinosaur....
two will enter the ring, only one will come out alive
let them fight

if, at the time of the election, polls show Trump is behind, there is a new Jan 6 plan
but this time, instead of one rebellion, it'll be coordinated to simultaneously happen in every state

republican govenors will not oppose the rebellion
and then...

as usual, everyone will think I'm crazy (which I absolutely AM), but I'm NOT wrong about any of the major details
let's get ready to RUMBLE

Krimster reveals, "How to kill yur neighbor's dawg"

Bill Of Materials
1. small syringe and needle
2. bottle of "liquid tylenol"
3. soft "doggy treats"

inject tylenol into doggie treats,
at night, out of camera range, throw treats in neighbor's backyard
24 hrs after ingesting, dawg's liver gives out, and "passes away"

carefully cut open the bag of doggie treats, and replace them with the ones enfused with Tylenol
reseal the package to look like new
make fake promotion literature for local pet store, attached to doggie treats
put in neighbor's mail box (no finger prints, do it night wearing black w/mask)
neighbor will poison his own dawgs for you!!!

anyway, ya'll have problems like that, ya know who to come to, right?

« Last Edit: July 20, 2024, 10:45:33 AM by krimster2 »

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Krimster The Half-Breed Scout and Wild BEEL's Xcellent Adventure
« Reply #3534 on: July 20, 2024, 07:08:10 PM »
after donnin a clever native disguise and entering the village of the Mohawks
Krimster has the following details to report to the White Settlers in "The Soldier's Fort"

The Mohawks are divided into two camps,
one camp on the "left side" of the village supports the old chief and Pocahateus
while the center and right of the village, supports Running Newsom and Ebony Mama Bear

whoever wins this struggle will lead the Mohawk attack on The Soldier's Fort

according to Tribal Law
 the only question is whether Old Chief  resigns as chief. If he does then Pocahateus is chief  and almost assuredly the one chosen to lead the attack
But if The Old Chief quits the the race without resigning, then it's wide open and a signal of no confidence in Pocahateus

Tribal council will soon determine the winner
it's up to the Old Chief to decide, and I think he already has...

White Boyz and Fighting...
helpful hint
if yur fightin somebody unskilled, their first punch thrown at you is ALWAYS a right hook...

heavy Tungsten rings purchased on ebay, 10 half oz rings on each hand, 2 on each finger, gold plated, stamped with fake 14k stamp you can also buy on ebay, tap hard on Tungsten!!!
better than brass knuckles, totally legal, always on yur hand

buy a punchin bag, and practice EVERY DAY
yeah, though ye walk through the valley of the shadow of death...
ye shall not fear, cuz ye can crush a coconut with thy metal fist

the secret to winnin ANY fight is to ALWAYS be more prepared to win than your opponent

Powder Milk Biscuits!
Have You Tried 'EM?

if you try 'em, you will buy em, Powder Milk, Powder Milk

don't forget to get your free parking validation at the bar, hope you enjoy the rest of the show
and remember, liquor up front, and poker in the rear

your obediant servant, Krimster The Half-Breed Scout

« Last Edit: July 20, 2024, 08:12:41 PM by krimster2 »

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Re: The Struggle For Ukraine
« Reply #3535 on: July 21, 2024, 02:46:51 AM »
In my opinion Ukraine have to look to hold on no matter whatever the thoughts are on who will win the US Presidency. Ukraine has to remember that the US President using going to be sworn and have any affect in until late January/early February. By then it will be near enough pretty much over for the Russians. The Russians will be running low on Armaments and Money by then. Interest inside of Russia in the war and winning it will likely be running low also and Russia's economy it's people will be showing the strains a long war places upon it.

Ukraine should have enough Armaments from the US & Europe by then to go on for the next few months quite happily in addition to anything they produce. Once Ukraine starts to run low on Armaments in the Spring next year so will Russia. The war will most likely slow to a crawl, each side dig in with not a lot left to throw at each other as they have been. Probably it will be like the Separatists Vs Ukraine before Russia's full scale Invasion. That's a stable pace of war for Ukraine to endure. Russia will probably start to lose interest and the war will drift. After a while Russia will tire of spending money on a war going nowhere and throw in the towel. Ukraine will win by default and Russia will go off and busy themselves about their own country's affairs. Russia will move on from Putler and want to forget the whole sorry saga, Ukraine of course won't forget so easily.

However, if Ukraine signs a peace deal before Christmas this year then yes I agree Krim it will likely amount to breathing time for Russia to learn. Russia's focus will be on re-arming to defeat Ukraine in the near future. Russia needs to be totally exhausted to avoid this scenario and disillusioned with the war. That I believe will only happen by Ukraine holding out to next year. All to easy for Ukraine to want to ease the pain this year when it will likely only lead to much greater pain in the future. Better to hold out that small but if extra time longer as hard as it is and gain a lasting peace.

Good words on the martial arts front Krim. A martial arts dude online who also worked as a bouncer I was reading said that the first punch thrown by a guy causing trouble at the club is nearly always the haymaker (likely right side). They have Hollywood illusions I guess of hitting home and knocking the their opponent out in one. However, as he noted the often long swing means you can see it coming a mile off and gives you plenty of time to react.
"If you make your own bread, then and only then, are you a free man unchained and alive living in pooty tang paradise, or say no and live in Incel island with all the others." - Krimster

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Re: The Struggle For Ukraine
« Reply #3536 on: July 21, 2024, 07:58:45 AM »
Russians almost finished?
where do you get that idea?
especially when they've never been closer to victory than they are right now

the recent  Trump/Zelensky phone call totally "spooked" Zelensky
he made his announcement, right after it
i'm sure Zelensky is briefed every day, what the USA's election polls say
without western support, how can Ukraine win?

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Re: The Struggle For Ukraine
« Reply #3537 on: July 21, 2024, 10:48:08 AM »
Russians almost finished?
where do you get that idea?
especially when they've never been closer to victory than they are right now

the recent  Trump/Zelensky phone call totally "spooked" Zelensky
he made his announcement, right after it
i'm sure Zelensky is briefed every day, what the USA's election polls say
without western support, how can Ukraine win?

Though I'm not the biggest fan of Kier Starmer/Labour (some policies are ok enough, illegal migration I'll be surprised if what they are proposing will work) he seemed very supportive the other day to Zelensky when he was in town in London. I personally get the impression that Starmer was genuinely very supportive, I certainly hope I don't come to be mistaken in that. Starmer can be a bit wishy washy and can flip flop but I got the impression on Ukraine he seemed more solid and I hope that comes to realisation. Personally I feel that Starmer seemed more supportive than Sunak was and more likely to dig deep and give genuine help. However he is still a politician and I one where he can say stuff and it not means anything.

I think though that odds are that the UK is likely now to support Ukraine going forward with Armaments, etc.

The UK alone it would likely be too burdensome for carrying the weight of the war supply to Ukraine alone. The EU is likey to continue support along with the UK if Trump gets elected.

One thing the UK, the  EU, Ukraine and Russia all share is that economic & military support for the war is limited. All will hit the ceiling of debt, spending, availability of Armaments to carry it on for too much longer period. The US is deep in debt too but it's military arsenal is vast. I firmly believe Ukraine can continue the war with Russia even if the US drops out with just the UK, EU, etc backing it. If anything it may come at the right time. If Russia starts dwindling in supplies and the US is still in the game supplying Ukraine well with Armaments frustration may start to boil over in Moscow. The Russians have to be made to feel that the war is potentially winnable and that they aren't facing an impossible task against US might so need to resort to WMD's.

If they see Ukraine's supply of weapons starting to dwindle as theirs do the Russians won't feel like it's a pointless uphill battle unless they use WMD's. There is more likelihood they'll press on happier in the knowledge that the US is no longer up against them supplying Ukraine with loads of weapons. Sure they may not be able to roll over the Ukrainians but they won't be feeling it's all stacked against them. That's a potentially good place to be for Ukraine, their winning strategy lies best in playing the long game. Let the war drag on and slow down on both sides before Moscow tires of the war and sees that there are other more pressing matters to attend to, it economy that's cracking up, etc. Once Moscow uses up it's Soviet stockpiles of Armaments and it's money funding new Armaments it's got little conventionally left to work with. Not long after that point Russia will probably get bored of the war that has no end in sight and give up on it. I'm pretty sure this is a realistic scenario come next year if Ukraine continues in the war as I think it should do.
"If you make your own bread, then and only then, are you a free man unchained and alive living in pooty tang paradise, or say no and live in Incel island with all the others." - Krimster

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IT IS OFFICIAL - Biden is dropping out
« Reply #3538 on: July 21, 2024, 11:11:42 AM »

this is the biggest difference between Trump and Biden
Trump does what's best for Trump, Biden does what's best for America

The party will decide on a replacement ticket, it's wide open....

Newsom + Michelle Obama would kick Trump's REAR-END SO HARD, that it'll be wearing his MAGA Hat

PS, sorry fer bein a day-off fer warnin ya about Biden's announcement, I most certainly will endeavor to do better next time

Zelensky can throw away that cease fire idea....
but later he'll have the WMD problem to deal with

ruh-oh the Newsom/Obama ticket throws a big monkey wrench in Putin's Oktober Surprize!

ooh-eee yada yada bing bang
our thanx and endless gratitude to Republicans for focusing on Biden's Cognitive decline while ignoring Trump's
democrats can change their candidate, republicans can't, and THIS is why Republicans are gonna lose, come November
as Nikki Haley said, "if the GOP selects Trump, they'll lose"


oligarchs just lost hundreds of millions in Trump bribe money

Powder Milk Biscuits - look for 'em in the familair blue box at yur local grocery store
Pow-der Milk...Pow-der Milk....
if ya try 'em, you will buy 'em

« Last Edit: July 21, 2024, 11:40:26 AM by krimster2 »

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Re: IT IS OFFICIAL - Biden is dropping out
« Reply #3539 on: July 21, 2024, 11:39:06 AM »

this is the biggest difference between Trump and Biden
Trump does what's best for Trump, Biden does what's best for America

The party will decide on a replacement ticket, it's wide open....

Newsom + Michelle Obama would kick Trump's REAR-END SO HARD, that it'll be wearing his MAGA Hat

PS, sorry fer bein a day-off fer warnin ya about Biden's announcement, I most certainly will endeavor to do better next time

Zelensky can throw away that cease fire idea....
but later he'll have the WMD problem to deal with

ruh-oh the Newsom/Obama ticket throws a big monkey wrench in Putin's Oktober Surprize!

ooh-eee yada yada bing bang
our thanx and endless gratitude to Republicans for focusing on Biden's Cognitive decline while ignoring Trump's
democrats can change their candidate, republicans can't, and THIS is why Republicans are gonna lose, come November
as Nikki Haley said, "if the GOP selects Trump, they'll lose"


Powder Milk Biscuits - look for 'em in the familair blue box at yur local grocery store
Powder Milk...Powder Milk....
if ya try 'em, you will buy 'em

Yep there was a lot of talk but never completely sure if old man Bisen would stand aside, looks like he finally has:

Guess Trump winning against a guy that is seen as too geriatric will no longer be the case. However, it may be difficult for the Democrats to field a candidate that is seen as able enough to face off against Trump.
"If you make your own bread, then and only then, are you a free man unchained and alive living in pooty tang paradise, or say no and live in Incel island with all the others." - Krimster

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Re: The Struggle For Ukraine
« Reply #3540 on: July 21, 2024, 11:50:52 AM »
Trump never won the popular vote, not against Hillary in 2016, and not against Biden in 2020
if Democrats make the right choice to replace the Biden/Harris ticket
then Trump will be buried by a huge voting landslide against him

which, of course means, he'll need ANOTHER Jan 6, to try and "STOP THE STEAL", i.e. some kinda way to block democracy from functioning, by phuqueing with it
this time, a democratic administration is in power, and the country will be more prepared to deal with it

I hope not too many white secessionists get killed or put in prison for attacking Fort Sumter after Lincoln becomes President

Clintons want Kamala Harris to be the nominee
that by itself, is enuff reason NOT to make that choice

Kamala Harris is a weak candidate like Hillary was, she couldn't even beat Biden in the 2020 democratic primary, her campaign was a total mess - AND SHE DROPPED OUT
just like Trump only got 40% of the republican primary vote
more Republicans voted AGAINST Trump in the primary than who voted for him

democrats, all ya gotta do is make one simple intelligent choice - and the victory is yurs
don't let the Clintons snatch defeat from the jaws of victory, yet again

Newsom, plus to smooth over black folks hurt fee fees over Kamala, Michelle Obama....who is, by all accounts, the most popular kid in school
this is how you win, screw the Clintons

as usual, the left side of the Mohawk village, will certainly try everything possible to screw this up

« Last Edit: July 21, 2024, 04:26:04 PM by krimster2 »

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Re: The Struggle For Ukraine
« Reply #3541 on: July 21, 2024, 03:57:24 PM »
I think you are correct Krim. I am not up massively with US politics but Kamala Harris has never been a person that I have seen as having the ability to be of Presidential standing. I would too fear that she is chosen as the obvious choice (as she is Biden's VP) rather than the best choice.

Sure she is in a high position at the moment as VP but I don't think she is best choice as a Presidential candidate. She's there as the assistant but in my view probably not got the quality to be anything more.

Michelle Obama on the other hand I have noticed in the past does come across as an effective speaker. I think you are right in her being a better choice for the Democratic Presidential Candidate. She has the Obama legacy going for her Aldo even though some may not see that as positively as others. I'm not saying that I am a big fan of Michelle Obama but that I think she probably has more potential as being seen as having potentially having Presidential ability.

Harris I think would be a losing ticket. I don't know how the Democrats choose now at such short notice. The problem would be if Harris just gets the nod on through without others getting a look in. I think many might see Kamala as the sound choice but I think it would be the sound losing choice. Surprises can happen but it would likely go that way I think.

Michelle Obama by contrast would probably look as bit of a wildcard but I think it's definitely a bit of a gamble that needs to be played here against Trump.

Trump, well with his VP pick as well doesn't look to favour Ukraine so that is not great. Possibly it might not matter as much as thought and while I don't have anything against Trump other than concern over Ukraine the sounder choice for Ukraine would probably be with the Democrats.
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Re: The Struggle For Ukraine
« Reply #3542 on: July 21, 2024, 04:18:42 PM »
Looks like from this that not many of the other potential candidates are up for it to run for Democratic Presidential Candidate:

The Ipsos poll backs you up Krim that Michelle Obama seems most likely to be able to win against Trump, possibly the only one that may do. However she has said she doesn't want it enough and isn't going for it

Will any of them change their mind who knows???

Maybe sone are waiting for Trump to see our a second term so they can be against an easier opponent next time?

My guess is that Harris will most likely be put in by default, probably the others song step forward or oppose. Unless she can up her game a lot then I am not sure that the Democrats are in any much better position than they were with Biden.
"If you make your own bread, then and only then, are you a free man unchained and alive living in pooty tang paradise, or say no and live in Incel island with all the others." - Krimster

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Re: The Struggle For Ukraine
« Reply #3543 on: July 21, 2024, 05:38:47 PM »

can you imagine someone like me, on a dark moonless night, running all around Russia, injectin methyl mercury into hundreds watermelons in the fields before they're harvested
and then the next night, and the next, up and down Russia
it'd take a few months before countless thousands of Russians started dying
enuff time fer me to disappear in the jungles of Latin America, with my new identity "Miguell"
I could pretty much end the war all by myself with a few thousand dollars worth of chemicals and lab gear

portable gamma ray spectrometer set to mercury will sell more than Trump Sneakers and Bibles put together and that's just in Moscva

« Last Edit: July 21, 2024, 07:35:01 PM by krimster2 »

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Re: The Struggle For Ukraine
« Reply #3544 on: July 22, 2024, 05:38:49 AM »
I've calmed down now, I see the logic in what the Democrats are doing
the totally smart move now, is the VP pick
Pete Buttigieg would be a really good choice, Google is yur fwend

if yur in fer a penny, or even a farthing, then ya might as well go ahead put the whole Pound in
an Afro-Asian Woman and a smart gay veteran.... vrs Orange Man and dumb straight veteran
would short circuit the Christo-fascist(Trump Supporter) mindset

let's see:
African Americans   10%
Asian Americans   7%
LGQT+  10%

THEN add all the various hues of white people who won't vote for Trump as well as Latinos
and a woman runnin against a very unpopular Republican abortion strategy, will also resonate

America once fought a war, to not be ruled over by a king
but they ended up with an aristocracy anyway
this is always Humanity's fate

I really hope there's intelligent life somewhere out there in the Universe
cuz gawd knows, there's phuque-all down here on Earth

the legend lives on from the Chippawa on down
of the old chief they called "Sleepy Joe"

This post is brought to you by POWDERMILK BISCUITS!
look for them in the familiar blue box at your local grocery store

Good Day - Good Health - and Gawd Bless You All
Especially you BEEL

« Last Edit: July 22, 2024, 05:59:19 AM by krimster2 »

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Re: The Struggle For Ukraine
« Reply #3545 on: July 22, 2024, 12:08:53 PM »
karma, is the bitchiest bitch ever, my dawg!

what genuis Republican could've EVER imagined...
that basing yur main campaign strategy as being opposed to having, someone you describe as an 80+ yr old crooked, senile criminal in the white house, would make YOU end up looking pretty phuquing STOOPID

what genuis Republican, in order to gain the approval of Southern Christians, decided to overturn Roe V Wade, and incur a 7% "ROE Penalty" at the polls, instead of just puttin up the 10 commandments in all gov. buildings without a penalty
7% is equal to the total asian vote in the usa,
add this to the actual asians, and latinos, and african americans, and LGQT+ and white libruls and moderates, and republicans and independents who hate Trump
basically make a Venn Diagram of all American voters and subtract evengelical christians
everybody else will vote for Harris
she will meet Elon's 45 million $ and up the ante, you still in Elon?

ya'll even dumber than democrats,
democrats are genuises compared to this idiocracy of yurs that yur so danged proud of
60% of Republicans voted against Trump in the Republican primary
have ya'll all lost yur damned minds?
Trump even lost the popular vote to Hillary!
you think a little boo boo on his ear will compenstae for throwing out Roe V Wade, or injecting bleach to cure Covid, or 34 felonies, or a civil sexual suit and fraud, fraud, fraud, plus fraud
dream on...
the ultimate self-own is when the conman cons himself....

didja all know that you can STILL see the rusted cannonballs stuck in the side of Fort Sumter?
think about that when Trump loses and tells ya dumb asses to go "fight for Trump", once AGAIN!!!
federal prisons are gonna get really crowded, already had a 1,000 new customers from Jan 6, some are still in there

i'll "bottom line" it for ya'll
Ukraine is NOT dead YET....

and if the Russians, they don't like it, they can all go straight to Hell
we're gonna put her feet back on the ground of righteousnes, and then...
God Bless America Again

I been warnin you white boyz about Trump for over 7 years now, 7 years....
didja all listen to me?

oops, hold on wait a second, got a knock on the door
WTF!! it's that "annoying kid" from The Simpsons....
wonder what HE wants

Ha Ha!!!

I slam the door

Powder Milk Biscuits!!!!! hmmmmm hmmmmmm
dey is so tasty in the gravy
« Last Edit: July 22, 2024, 03:32:43 PM by krimster2 »

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Re: The Struggle For Ukraine
« Reply #3546 on: July 22, 2024, 04:31:20 PM »
I've calmed down now, I see the logic in what the Democrats are doing
the totally smart move now, is the VP pick
Pete Buttigieg would be a really good choice, Google is yur fwend

if yur in fer a penny, or even a farthing, then ya might as well go ahead put the whole Pound in
an Afro-Asian Woman and a smart gay veteran.... vrs Orange Man and dumb straight veteran
would short circuit the Christo-fascist(Trump Supporter) mindset

let's see:
African Americans   10%
Asian Americans   7%
LGQT+  10%

THEN add all the various hues of white people who won't vote for Trump as well as Latinos
and a woman runnin against a very unpopular Republican abortion strategy, will also resonate

America once fought a war, to not be ruled over by a king
but they ended up with an aristocracy anyway
this is always Humanity's fate

I really hope there's intelligent life somewhere out there in the Universe
cuz gawd knows, there's phuque-all down here on Earth

the legend lives on from the Chippawa on down
of the old chief they called "Sleepy Joe"

This post is brought to you by POWDERMILK BISCUITS!
look for them in the familiar blue box at your local grocery store

Good Day - Good Health - and Gawd Bless You All
Especially you BEEL

Glad to see you are in good form Krim.

I'm no expert on US politics from what I have seen the over the years the US Presidential Election can be a little unpredictable sometimes.

In theory Kamala Harris, etc may appeal to those voting blocks and in theory it may be enough to swing it her way especially in the crucial states of Georgia, Florida, etc where the Latino, Black, etc votes could help swing it her way. Those working people of any racial background who may feel that Biden didn't do enough for them may be willing to give Harris a go. So it reprieves the Democrats of going in with Biden with the penalty of voters who may feel he didn't do much for them.

However, potentially there may still be the problem of exciting the voting blocks and voters in general to come out for you. How many of those ethnic & gay voting blocks are going to stay at home and for what reason? Reasons could be, not into politics enough to vote, social life, not the trendy thing to do, something else on, not energised enough by the candidate, likes the candidate but doesn't feel they have what it takes, or doesn't trust politicians in general to vote, sees politicians as there for themselves to want to vote for them, personally those that don't like Kamala as a person, those that don't feel she did much as a VP, etc, etc, etc...

I'm not saying she couldn't come through with the voter blocks as you suggest, they might come out en-masse for her or just enough turn up to push it her way just enough in enough swing states but I don't think this contest is necessarily done yet.

Either way I would want Ukraine to persevere and see off the Russian Invasion. That I believe really is possible if Ukraine just sticks at it and not allow themselves to be whittled down in a peace negotiation just for a reprieve.
"If you make your own bread, then and only then, are you a free man unchained and alive living in pooty tang paradise, or say no and live in Incel island with all the others." - Krimster

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Re: The Struggle For Ukraine
« Reply #3547 on: July 22, 2024, 05:56:53 PM »
I don't know man....
I was like triipin out thinkin
what woulda happened if Hannibal instead of using War Elephants
used War Giraffes in the Punic War

then I was like thinkin, what'd be really cool is to stretch a big canvas between two giraffes
and it'd be like a big catamaran
and you could stick a couple of archers on that canvas
who gallop over the Romans, like they're gliding, all while shooting arrows at 'em

I really gotta get into rehab one day, just not today
what were ya sayin?

Trump refuses to believe Biden "played him" like he was a stratavarius and is STILL campaigning against "Sleepy Joe"!!!!! LOL!!!! and Sharks and Batteries and ceiling wax
Trump is hitting up the billionaires AGAIN 'fo mo' $$$$$

oligarchs better hurry or yull miss out on the bribery sale of the century, what a deal!!!!what a steal!!!! HURRY!!!!
every fool in the known universe and his money, will be on Trump's mailing list for sure,

Kamala Harris will have all the delegates she needs to clinch the nomination, in the next 48 hours
VP will be coming out soon, oh wait he already "came out"

so Republicans.....
riddle me this...
if a brown woman and a gay man, beat the evangelical Christians and their most popular leader in a freakin landslide
what happens in the next upcoming election after Trump loses this one....
and all the rest of yur future candidates at best can only poll 1/2 as much as Trump
what then....

OMG!! my belly hurts from laughin so hard
yur gonna lose the house and senate too

you all drank the Trump Kool-Aid, nighty night, sleep tight
can we have a moment's silence please.....
ok, you can laugh again now

the entire Republican Establishment, including media and donors, all got Punk'd by "Sleepy Joe"
day-yam bitches!!!

watch Trump start to monetize this
will he sell Trump Official Ear Diapers or not?
he already has new commerative assassination sneakers, imagine with matching Trump Ear Diaper, that'd be a REAL HOT ITEM!!!

Stormy Daniels and The Second Coming

As The Last Towering Trump Tower is being Towed
they shall put Trump's image on a cracker and it shall be their Eucharist
and claim That The Redeeming Blood of Trump, is the mercy of GAWD!!!!

dumb phuques...
dumbest MFers ever

it's why you white boyz should always have at least one jewish friend you trust, so you can ask him if yur a dumb ass
and he's pretty much always gonna say "YUP, YA SURE ARE BRAD"

« Last Edit: July 22, 2024, 09:42:16 PM by krimster2 »

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Re: The Struggle For Ukraine
« Reply #3548 on: July 23, 2024, 02:02:48 AM »
Well Megan Markle who likes to sparkle just endorsed Kamala Harris so maybe she'll bring the black vote onside.

A good jokey rhyme for our Beel there, you notice it Beel ;D
"If you make your own bread, then and only then, are you a free man unchained and alive living in pooty tang paradise, or say no and live in Incel island with all the others." - Krimster

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Re: The Struggle For Ukraine
« Reply #3549 on: July 23, 2024, 05:16:11 AM »
a limerick a day, keeps sour BEEL at bay

Bullwinkle had to tinkle
he was really pissed
aimed his stream, but missed

Krimster, Resident Poet, doncha knowit?

Author of "The Silence Of The White Boyz"

« Last Edit: July 23, 2024, 07:30:33 AM by krimster2 »


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