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Author Topic: msmoby_ru and Other RWD Matters  (Read 8845 times)

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msmoby_ru and Other RWD Matters
« on: December 14, 2008, 12:20:31 PM »
Greetings to you all!

My message today is to address a couple of important topics and was prompted by a recent incident created by one of our infrequent infestations. Member msmoby_ru has, unfortunately, been banned from RWD for his repeated efforts to embroil our board in issues emanating elsewhere. It has been a topic of private exchange between us on multiple occasions and for quite some time. He has doggedly persisted (as he is wont to do) in a campaign to create strife and tension having nothing to do with RWD.

Following his ban, he registered another account in explicit violation of the RWD Terms of Service. He proceeded to copy materials from other sites, materials that are more than a year old, and re-posted those materials here – again, in violation of the RWD Terms of Service. For those of you who did not see those posts, they were posts made by RWD members LEGAL and OlgaH, and they were made at a time when they were quite angry about some events that had occurred here at RWD. There were numerous misunderstandings back then, and it resulted in some very harsh posts mostly directed at me.

Over the course of some months, cooler heads prevailed and there was a reconciliation achieved. It has been our policy at RWD to follow the tenet of ‘maximum inclusivity’ wherever possible (ref. RWD Vision), and true to that tenet, LEGAL and OlgaH were welcomed back to RWD where they have been productive contributors since. The same has been true with numerous others in the past. The simple fact is – we welcome ANYONE who is sincerely interested in being a productive member of our little niche of the internet. Always have, and always will. It is in our DNA.

Sadly, there are those who, quite obviously, retain such irrelevant material as was re-posted here – purely for the sake of creating tension and fostering enmity. There are those who are jealous of what we have achieved at RWD and the venue we enjoy. We are, by a VERY large margin, the largest and most active site of this sort on the internet. We commission more projects than any other site of this sort in history. We work tirelessly to improve things here at RWD and for the benefit of all involved in cross-cultural dating and relationships everywhere. For most of you these facts probably strike you as having little consequence to you personally, so let me try to put some of that in perspective.

RWD is the largest site of its sort on the internet. We have the most posts, and we have the most members. In fact, while there are other ‘chat’ sites that rack up post count, the real measure of the growth of a site is its membership growth. People will not join a site that does not offer them something – and they will not join a site that is mere ‘fluff’. RWD has substance – and a ton of it. Take a visit around the RWDpedia. There are more resources to be found there alone, than any other site on the ‘net. Spend some time outside just the Forums here – take a look at the RWD Links, or the Reading Resources, or the Gallery, and the list goes on and on. Having the most posts, the richest history, and the most members – particularly those with the generosity of our members at RWD – benefits new members immensely. There is no other site in the internet that comes remotely close.

RWD is the only site of its sort that has ever committed its Vision to writing so that our members might know exactly what to expect and to hold us (me) accountable to a written standard. If we are ever behaving in a manner that is inconsistent with our stated Vision, please let me know about it. We take it very seriously – because we believe it is in our member’s best interests.

In terms of written standards, RWD was central in the creation of the Agency Code of Ethics (ACoE), as found at the Certified Marriage Agencies site. This particular initiative creates for me feelings of extreme pride, and profound disappointment. I remain incredibly proud of all the hard work that went into creation of the ACoE. I stated at the time, that if the only thing we accomplished with the ACoE is a set of ethical behaviors commemorated in writing and openly published for people to use in selection and measurement of agencies, then it is a resounding success – and we certainly accomplished that. Nevertheless, there is profound disappointment that we have had so little interest in endorsing the ACoE by the agencies themselves. The fundamental problem has been that I and my ‘team’ have had no time to attend to promoting and managing the CMA initiative. I have had personal conversations with Elena Petrova (Elena’s Models) and John Adams (AFA) and know exactly what are their objections to endorsement, and believe they are surmountable obstacles. If any one (or more) of you feels like I do –  that the CMA initiative and the ACoE are highly-valuable and should be further promoted/developed and you have the time and energy to work with us in promotion and management of the site and its programs –  please drop me a note. Nevertheless, the ACoE remains a remarkable document, developed by the members of this site and our management for the express purpose of benefitting anyone who is seeking a foreign partner and utilizing agencies in that pursuit.

RWD is not a commercial enterprise in that we are not in the business of directly providing services or products to our members. That may change soon, but for now, we have no commercial interest except as a venue for advertisers. That means our members have no reason to be concerned over any ‘agenda’ we may have to sell you something.  Time and time again here at RWD, the nastiest ‘fights’ have involved our Commercial Members. Clearly, there are influences brought by the motive to profit from the members of a site like this. We see, and experience, those influences by others who are jealous of our success at RWD. You see, one mechanism for dealing with feelings of jealousy and inadequacy, is to attack those around that are seen as successful. Jet refers to it as “crabs in a bucket.” In spite of the many many vindictive jealous attacks directed toward RWD and me, we persist in bringing our members this venue – and it will only get better.

An aspect of our advertising venue is that it allows us to sponsor projects that require paid services. We are on the cusp of releasing the report from Statistics Solutions, Inc. related to the Survey of Cross-Cultural Marriage and Divorce. To insure integrity in the process and results, we recognized the importance of engaging an independent expert in the field of statistical analyses. The fee to engage this organization was in the $thousands and was paid for through the advertising revenues we earn here at RWD. I hope, and believe, you will all agree with me that it was money well-spent. The survey has confirmed what many of us believed – that cross-cultural marriages suffer a lower overall divorce rate than domestic marriages – and it addresses numerous other questions that have long been argued on RWD and other sites. In fact, if you take a visit over to our sister site at, we have retained archived records dating back to 2001 when our Russian forums were still hosted there. You are likely to find some of the same controversies then that you will find now – and the desperate need to finally gain insights through a professional survey to address the questions with facts and not mere speculation. We now have accomplished that.

And there is more. Soon we will be making an important announcement of a new aid to men and women involved in this pursuit. It is the product of more than a year in development, and leverages participation from numerous of our members.

In the not so distant future there will be even more projects coming to fruition that will continue to provide significant value to our members. Anyone interested in suggesting other RWD Projects is encouraged to do so. We welcome the opportunity to be creating value for our members.

RWD is fully committed to providing our members the most reliable and up-to-date information source you can find anywhere. We are fully committed to providing you a venue where you can feel certain that your constructive participation is sincerely appreciated and helps a multitude of others who find their way here.  We are fully committed to maintaining RWD as a civil platform that also encourages vigorous debate on passionate topics – a tightrope we manage to walk better than any other site in history.

In summary, RWD remains committed to you – our members. And while we are far, very far, from being perfect – we try extremely hard to meet your needs and expectations.

Thanks for a terrific 2008 – and wishing all our members and their families a joyous holiday season – and prosperity in the challenging 2009 ahead.

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Re: msmoby_ru and Other RWD Matters
« Reply #1 on: December 14, 2008, 01:29:59 PM »
Greetings to you all!.........In summary, RWD remains committed to you – our members. And while we are far, very far, from being perfect – we try extremely hard to meet your needs and expectations.

Thanks for a terrific 2008 – and wishing all our members and their families a joyous holiday season – and prosperity in the challenging 2009 ahead.

Dan, thank you for your hard work and a great site to read and post opinions on.

Marina and I wish you and your family a joyous holiday also!
“For God and country, Geronimo, Geronimo, Geronimo......... Geronimo E.K.I.A.”

Offline Ronnachai

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Re: msmoby_ru and Other RWD Matters
« Reply #2 on: November 06, 2017, 10:19:31 PM »
When I read the text, I get a better understanding of these stories.


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