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Author Topic: The Struggle For Ukraine  (Read 485373 times)

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Offline Trenchcoat

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Re: The Struggle For Ukraine
« Reply #3725 on: November 20, 2024, 03:11:45 PM »
There are countless Euro's who believe WW3 is coming every day. They believe that appeasing the
bully is ALWAYS the way to go. They are always wrong. That's why you will eventually have sharia
law in London. That is why the entire European Union has a fifth rate military with insufficient troops
to protect themselves and rely on the USA to keep them out of harms way.

I think that's a big problem here in the UK, the government whether Tory or Labour are keen to appease the Muslims. Labour possibly even more so. The Muslims are growing in numbers, power and strength. Already courts give very lenient or sometimes even no sentence to Muslims for stuff that native English people would recieve a sentence for, sometimes even a harsh sentence, for stuff like rape, manslaughter, etc.

So at the moment and had been for a long time a two tier legal system, we unfortunately aren't all equal under the eyes of the law where political expediency lies. The government are so shit scared of upsetting the Muslim crowd as they fear accusations of racism (the race card being pulled) and the risk of a Muslim uprising (think black lives matter a few years ago, that but worse) that they will try to appease them at all costs, even turning on their own people in the process.

At the moment there are a load of trumped up charges against people for silly things like what has been written in social media - if anyone cares? And if course it's the native English facing knee jerk justice on far harsher sentences for far less that raoe, manslaughter, etc. Apparently causing offence to someone on social media is all that is needed now lol, and a two year prison sentence, ridiculous. If anything it is stirring up a lig of discontent in the native English population.

But... The government won't see the threat until too late and will be too weak to make any move against it, they will roll over and let the Muslims do what they want and take power and yes we will all have to live under Sharia law and they will go around hauling up any native English not abiding by it.

France and Germany are the only nations that produce much in the way of arms and armies. The other nations have armies but not as much. The whole lot combined will probably field a reasonable army but for how long? There will likely need to be a call up in all nations to raise the numbers to the numbers needed long term, that's if Russia can last long term.

I would probably expect that the West would try to do the same as Ukraine. That they would hit Generation X and pass over the Millennials and Generation Z. They will want the younger generation to populate and they also know that most Millennials & Generation Z are so weak willed and pathetic with their 'mental health'ves' that they would break down in the filled of battle and be of no use whatsoever.

Myself I have no intent to fight for the UK, it's a right state and not something I support, I would either go to a country like Ireland as I think many others would or if blocked form opposing forces within my own country.

How long it may be before we see what the Russian response to these missile attacks is if any remains to be seen?
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Re: The Struggle For Ukraine
« Reply #3726 on: November 20, 2024, 03:48:15 PM »
Putin's counter-attack is supposed to be on Kyiv
that's why the usa shutdown their embassy, so ya don't get killed by a Russian missile targeting the US embassy

soory Putin, USA embassy closed
try the English Embassy, if they're open...oops how about Belgium?

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Re: The Struggle For Ukraine
« Reply #3727 on: November 20, 2024, 04:11:15 PM »
Putin's counter-attack is supposed to be on Kyiv
that's why the usa shutdown their embassy, so ya don't get killed by a Russian missile targeting the US embassy

soory Putin, USA embassy closed
try the English Embassy, if they're open...oops how about Belgium?

Interesting, do you think they'll go nuclear in Kyiv?

Here is an article that reckons that conventional war will kick of first with NATO before Nuclear war of it ever got to that. I personally see nuclear weapons more as a protection for most countries against a total defeat scenario, i.e take one step closer to our capital and failing troops and we'll fire:

As you see, in this scenario it's not all bad news, I'll get help with my Russian language skills and we get to wave goodbye to the Royal Family :D What could be better! This might turn out ok after all.
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Re: The Struggle For Ukraine
« Reply #3728 on: November 20, 2024, 04:39:13 PM »
all the embassies in Kyiv shut down
so I guess it's gotta be yet another maternity hospital in Kyiv selected for retaliation
the city is sphincter tightening awaiting Russki Raketa
like London with V-2s back in '44/45

my guess is, ya get hit with an Iskander, yur probably not even gonna know you were hit
everything just goes instantly dark
so other than making sure ya got clean underwear on ,cuz ya don't wanna have skid marks for the ER staff to ridicule you over, ain't really much in the way of "prevention" available to you
over the trevalis of counter-rocket fire and the ukrainian counter-counter rocket fire followed by...

when Trump cuts off Ukraine's air defense budget as well as EVERYTHING ELSE
Putin can blow up every hospital and school in ukraine without wasting any cruise missile getting intercepted, since there won't be anything to intercept them with

How To Phuque With Russians

send crate loads of helium tanks and balloons to every high school in Ukraine
then when Ukraine launches the biggest drone attack in world history
release the balloons right behind them carring Aluminum Foil Hats that fall all over Russia
People put on Aluminum hats and "See" the TRUTH!!!!
and it starts a revolution

or is it the "Skooma" talkin?
yeah...sounds more like Skooma!!!!

« Last Edit: November 20, 2024, 04:49:35 PM by krimster2 »

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Re: The Struggle For Ukraine
« Reply #3729 on: November 20, 2024, 06:08:25 PM »
"If you make your own bread, then and only then, are you a free man unchained and alive living in pooty tang paradise, or say no and live in Incel island with all the others." - Krimster

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Re: The Struggle For Ukraine
« Reply #3730 on: November 21, 2024, 06:05:58 AM »
use old newspaper, don't be a slave to consumerism!!!!
DON'T squeeze the charmin!

I like the newspaper with pictures of Trump the most
Trump's face is extra absorbant for some reason

get hit by an Iskander?
oh you wish...
try something a little bigger than an Iskander

Putin just launched a big-assed Russian ICBM at Kyiv minus nuclear warhead
it'll make a mess
as a way of tellin Zelensky what's gonna happen when he loses Biden's Protection in January
this is why the USA shutdown it's embassy cuz it woulda been the target - sorta CEP 300 meters or so
haha remeber "Russia House" "couldn't hit the broadside of a barn"

OTOH, what a SCORE that woulda been for Ukraine and the USA if a Patriot had shot it down.....
missed opportunity

meanwhile, the former producer of "Aprrentice" is now in charge of governing America
reflecting the unbounded wisdom of the American people

and has appointed a Wrestling manager as education secretary, and a TV Snake Oil Salesman as Medicare Director
and a Fox News TV Host as Defense Secretary and a teen sex predator as Attorney General
in a real life remake of the movie "Idiocracy" life immitates art

it's a LONG WAY DOWN America
but I'm sure Trump will get ya there
that's why the billionaires put him there and tricked you fools into voting for him
over mexicans....
a mexican free world?
just becuz republicans are afraid brown people won't vote for them and will mostly vote democrat
and blue states picking up more electoral votes becuz of it that gerrymandering and voter suppression can't "fix"

sure hate on "the gays" to
who will cut yur hair and do the interior decorating - straight people?

who will build yur houses and pick yur vegetables
Trump and Elon Musk?
other white people?
LOL!!!! AS IF!!!!

what you really did was to raise prices on yurself to benefit the billionaires at YUR EXPEBSE

you just handed EVERYTHING OVER to Elon Musk and friends
what a bunch of dumb MFers
and yur so BLIND you don't see HOW MEGA STOOPID YOU ARE

good thing I'm CANADIAN so I don't have to be embaressed by this
plus the Molsen
and blond scandanavian canadian girls in short shorts who are totally unaware of how freakin HOT they are
and know how to make a good camp fire
and enjoys swimming nude

Oh Canada!!!!

Putin has already released his plan into partioning Ukraine into three pieces

Putin still wants to pretend this is a geopolitical problem, just for the PR angle...yes, the noble fight to save poor Russian speakers
it's why we had to destroy the city full of Russian speakers
to save it from having the option of doing their government documents in Ukrainian, or now, English!!
when actually....

Russia's acquisition of Ukraine
iis an "Organised Crime" problem

that began with the Crimean Russian Mafiya taking over the Crimean Parliment at night
the head of the crimean mafiya was Crimea's biggest Real Estate Developer - the owner of Consol
to stage a fake election
and then do what EVER Putin wants

and this is how it all began
and NOW, dear gentle readers of RWD
who are graced with wit and intelligence

you will clearly see in January what happens when it comes to America

Trump was put there to DESTROY YOU
and you're all clapping and cheering
while yur marchin over the cliff with the other lemmings

you can consider me a "sidewalk schitzophrenic" of the type that shouts about UFOs as you walk by

some of the UFOs are Chinese "Foo Fighters"
advanced stealth drones built at a secrret Chinese Drone factory in Texas that has it's own airport, google "largest private airport in texas"
and more security than Fort Knox
and a ton of antennas on the main building

Texas also has a VERY WEALTHY Chinese Church that's purchased hundreds of millions of dollars in real estate in Houston
Church's are good tax shelters as well as having special legal protection not available to corporations

it's ALWAYS good to disguise yur business as a church

now, even the Chinese are exploiting what whites have done for centuries
use religion to create a real estate empire and shelter it from taxation and government "interference"

once again...
what dumb MFers

money talks, bullshit walks in America

my fincial strategy is to short the dollar as much as possible
sell off rentals and buy a hemp farm up North

5+ acre farms are tax free
off grid - no utilities
house is solid concrete and fireproof, no earthquakes, tornados, etc, means no home owner insurance

a ZERO Cost House!!!!
where you can legally grow hemp and extract "compounds" from it and sell it, both locally to vape shops or online
and do it all LEGALLY without threat from law enforcemnt

is my post Covid approach
pre-covid was to buy cheap houses and rent them out
but when a depression comes nobody will be able to pay ya rent

but they WILL STILL be able to buy WEED!!!!!
and that's where I come in...

At Uncle Krimster's Farm and Fireworks Stand

this is why ya wanna have farmland that borders a major highway
cuz you can legally setup a roadside stand and sell yur "produce" like the other farmers
only instead of corn or tomatos
you sell a variety of hemp products and fireworks you import from Mexico, some illegal ones reserved for known customers

and surf RWD on yur wi-fi in the shade of your roadside stand
in post-Depression America

Drive on over to Uncle Krimster's Farm, mention RWD and get a 10% discount off all Delta 8 vapes and Fireworks

yur dear friend, Uncle Krimster

2024 RWD Comedy Tour

you wanna read what the US Navy says about Foo Fighters stalking its aircraft carriers off our coast?

« Last Edit: November 21, 2024, 10:43:50 AM by krimster2 »

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Re: The Struggle For Ukraine
« Reply #3731 on: November 21, 2024, 03:09:01 PM »
Here is apparently what Russia wants to do to Ukraine:

So they want to take the area they already have. The central third they want near enough under their control that it's essentially theirs anyway. And the final third is being tossed out to the former Eastern Bloc nations in a similar fashion to what Hitler did with Poland, other nations take a small scrap (i.e Czechoslovakia) to divide opinion and conquer in doing so.

In effect Ukraine as a nation will cease to exist and Putler like Hitler will come back for more later.

Going for a peace put forward by the enemy is of course the worst idea possible as it's cut out for suiting them. Putler is wanting a win here through a peace treaty of a non defeated nation.

Ukraine would be better off fighting on whatever. Trump can't make Ukraine sign anything. At best he can just stop of funding & armaments from the US to Ukraine. That still leaves the EU who will still be willing to back Ukraine as Russia is right in their doorstep and very threatening. Ukraine fighting Russia for them is a good deal for them. The UK will likely support the same, the Labour Government seemed hesitant until recent days and now looks more likely to supply Ukraine as a result of their fall out with the Russian regime over Storm Shadow, nuclear threats from Russia, etc.

I firmly believe that Ukraine is best of fight on a good number of months after Trump gets into Office and then they will see Russia start to struggle once it starts losing all of its remaining Artillery.
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Putin isn't REAL!
« Reply #3732 on: November 22, 2024, 07:39:34 AM »

Russia is being run by a president who is no longer even a real person
while America is being run by a conman/salesman tv personality

i'm sure it'll all be just fine....
just like BEEL says

Me Worry?

nyet tovarisch, nyet!!!

all things come...
to he who waits...

« Last Edit: November 22, 2024, 08:29:47 AM by krimster2 »

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Re: The Struggle For Ukraine
« Reply #3733 on: November 22, 2024, 08:48:17 AM »
In any case there is little anyone can do about it. It may go badly and things end up in a bad place. The general public are as often spectators from here on out and possibly on the sharp end of it in a worse case scenario.

We can really only wait and see and if possible position ourselves as best we can to weather any storm.

I don't worry too much about it as whatever will be will be. When you think of it history is made up of all sorts of characters & countries that have come and gone over time will big upheavals, wars, suffering, etc. This is reality no different looking at it from the grand scale of things. Another blip in history where bad shit may or may not go down. Then onwards to whatever follows. Nothing basically stay the same forever so we end up wherever we end up.

I'm hoping that Ukraine perseveres and that at least the EU, UK, etc will continue to support Ukraine and that it will be enough. I think it's better the war continues on until Russia is exhausted and runs out of Artillery and it's economy ends up in too bad a shape to continue. That I think is more likely to bring lasting peace. I think any deal where Ukraine is partitioned is a bad idea and repeating the mistakes of the past. That will most likely lead us into a bad place.

I think the upside of Trump being elected instead of Kamala is that there was the fear that Kamala's continued US backing of Ukraine might push Putler to use WMD's if he felt he was up against too much western support of Ukraine meaning it was a battle he couldn't win any other way, that if he felt checked he would go for checkmate. That could potentially happen after his Soviet stockpile of Armaments runs out so it could be more important to not over supply Ukraine and match Russia's pace than try to beat Russia in the field at that point. That Ukraine stands the best chance of winning intact if it plays the long game and waits while Russia exhausts itself, gets fed up and goes home.
"If you make your own bread, then and only then, are you a free man unchained and alive living in pooty tang paradise, or say no and live in Incel island with all the others." - Krimster

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Re: The Struggle For Ukraine
« Reply #3734 on: November 22, 2024, 09:07:18 AM »
the people who KNOW what's coming....
are already preparing for what's coming....

it's ONLY the people WHO DON'T KNOW who are gonna be hurt...

I feel sorry for younger generations who will never have the opportunities my generation had
that's ALL gonna be overwith quite soon...

imagine being an average russian civilian and taking yur kid to the hospital for a broken arm, and this is what ya see there

nothin but wounded Russian soldiers....

NEXT in line - after 8+ hour ER waits

welcome to Militarily Victorious Russia meat grinder repair shop #17
peope are dying to get in here!!!

Slava Putin!!!

masses of Russians are the ONLY people dumber than masses of Americans

1/3 of Russian hospitals lack adequate running water

just imagine what happens to America's health care when Elon sucks government spending from it to cut his taxes
you won't have to imagine it for much longer
maybe a year...
before it's REALITY

before America's health care for poor and middle class loooks a lot like Russia's

haha, trump fooled the fools!!!
elon's trickle down economics
is him pissin on the poor and middle class

i'm sure they'll deal with it OK...
and of course right-wing media will blame it all on Hunter Biden anyway

Vladimir Putin is now defacto co-president of the United States in all but name.
To understand Vlad's plan for America, you just only need see what he did to Russia

a year from now, even you dumb phuque rednecks will be able see EXACTLY what I'm tellin ya NOW!!!!
the only difference is...
you will think it's Hunter Biden's fault

it's all down hill from there
a race to the bottom
« Last Edit: November 22, 2024, 09:48:11 AM by krimster2 »

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Re: The Struggle For Ukraine
« Reply #3735 on: November 22, 2024, 10:12:53 AM »
Thatcher tried the concept of trickle down economics in the 80s. Not much if anything seemed to trickle down and the economy was not in great shape, working people generally had a hard time of it.

I think in general if an economy is pushed to either extreme it can cause economic problems. That instead more subtle but sophisticated changes are better sought to provide the best economy for people. In general though whatever the economic system used people need to be productive and work or any economy will go south as a result.

The video makes me wonder how the women will regard such men when they come out. Will they cast of those who have lost limbs or see them as still viable in a relationship?
"If you make your own bread, then and only then, are you a free man unchained and alive living in pooty tang paradise, or say no and live in Incel island with all the others." - Krimster

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Re: The Struggle For Ukraine
« Reply #3736 on: November 22, 2024, 11:39:00 AM »
those limbless men are disgarded, thrown away like trash...
by Russian government and society
as well as women
half the vets will also have drinking/drug problems (I know...)
they will all have PTSD (when I was younger, I used to have panic attacks)
and some will end up becoming criminals (I know this to...the military introduced me to the criminal lifestyle, where I first learned the "basics"
to the point that top professionals would put me under contract to be part of their "crew"
the US drug industry in the 70s and 80s was run by ex-military and ex-intelligence

same story in Ukraine with damaged soldiers

but, it's NOT just Russia/Ukraine
in my home town we had a blind beggar and his seeing-eye dog who were famous
scotty begged on the same downtown street corner for decades, cops would even look out for him and not hassle him
he was blinded by poison gas in WWI
a sweetly smiling little old man in dark glasses w/ his dawg

if in 2025 Putin/Trump cut a business deal to end the Russian/Ukrainian war and Zelensky signs it
and Russian sanctions go away

and after Exxon/Mobil is drillin in Siberia
I may visit Russia
cuz Putin will not wanna phuque that up by messin with little 'ole me or some other suspicious gringos
he'll have too much too lose

even with all that advantage Trench me boy-o
a guy who lost his left leg could probably still out compete a "slacker"
he' be "ALL RIGHT"!!!!!

and could join special olympics
and the crowd goes oohhhh....ahhhhhhhh.....
severly wounded double amputees will receive high quality prosthetic legs and a prosthetic penis
these dewds will have 10 times the women you do
and doesn't matter what they look like
cuz they're just the life support for the prosthetic penis

and someone to carry stuff and kill snakes/spiders, protect them and give them money is all wimmin really want from a man
and whadda ya want?
LOL!!!!a rhetorical and totally redundant and unnecessary question if there ever was one
we all know you just wanna befriend a woman for no reason other than that, such a nice boy....

I assume you've watched porn, so yur familiar with the steps involved
for yur "first time"
how did that go?

did you feel different after?
I can't remember it was TOO long ago

it all began when my older sister's friends began sexually abusing me when our parents and granma weren't home
whcih I actually enjoyed cuz I was like 10 and had NO CLUE WTF these teenaged girls were doin to me, but it felt good, so I went along with it!!!

now, I'm like, "DOH"!!!!

« Last Edit: November 22, 2024, 07:06:13 PM by krimster2 »

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Re: The Struggle For Ukraine
« Reply #3737 on: November 22, 2024, 06:43:08 PM »
Trump wants  American investors to buy the Nord Stream 2 gas pipeline between Russia and Germany and have all US sanctions on Russia lifted.
he's already said he's giving Putin EVERYTHING he wants if he ends the war
and will cut Ukraine COMPLETELY off financially if it doesn't end the war

Russia insists on Ukraine demilitarizing as part of the "peace plan"
so there can be no further military aid to Ukraine only financial aid
Ukraine depends on foreign funding even for it's pensions

Ukraine has no choice but to end the war, when military and financial support is withdrawn
so to preserve financial support it will have no choice but to accept a 1/6 reduction in territory
which is in almost toal ruins

Putin and Zelensky

Zelensky sign Ze Paper!!!!
I am sorry Vladimir, I cannot sign!!!!
why NOT Zelensky?
becuz Vladirmirivich you broke both my hands, for not signing earlier

all the hundreds of thousands dead
just to make a deal between Trump and Putin, to divide it all up between themselves
now do ya see how the world works?

when will you simple people
stop believing in fairy tales like frrdom
and just look out for yourself instead

don't trust a single word yur "masters" tell ya
doin that will just get ya killed, that's not THIR problem

so you better ALWAYS think of yur own smarter method of crossing the crocodile infested river
and not blindly stampede across the river with the rest of the herd just cuz ya see them doin it

santa claus ain't real
he don't bring ya presents
yur life sucks, get used to it

The Trump/Putin carve-up of the world begins.
The 21st Century will be all about the transnational alliance of ALL Oligarchs against the world's working classes
just EXACTLY what Marx saw nearly 170 years ago and wrote about

no wonder they're AFRAID OF HIM
he could see two centuries ahead of them

Patriotism is an illusion to keep people united in obedience to their oligarch rulers

for Americans and Russians:

don't obey
don't comply
drop out of the mainstream economy and work in the undeground economy
spend as little as you possibly can in the maistream economy, don't pay taxes, don't register yur children for the draft
if you work for one of the oligarchs, secretly break their most expensive income producing machines

resistance is NOT futile

« Last Edit: November 22, 2024, 07:48:47 PM by krimster2 »

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Re: The Struggle For Ukraine
« Reply #3738 on: November 23, 2024, 04:03:12 AM »
I agree with the notion not to act like mindless sheep, there is too much of that these days. That the government put out what they want (often through the state owned news channel, the BBC) and many people think they can only buy follow.

These days you only need to look in LinkedIn and see people getting all in a bind over chasing some bog standard so called 'Career' job for bog standard pay and want to go jumping silly hurdles for it without even seeing that the menial pay isn't worth the effort.

Anyway, here is the latest to the multi warhead mid range continental missile fired at Dnipro the other day:

My personal opinion is that Ukraine should carry on regardless. Even if they get peppered with these missiles it's not likely to be substantial enough to be war changing for Russia. Russia gave git about 6 months left maybe less and they will start running out of Artillery in the field and that is going to be most crucial for them. They lose having significant Artillery in the field and their attacks will be blunted significantly. That's when Russia's weakness will be exposed for all to see and Putler will be left looking rather embarrassed.

Ukraine til then need to make most use of what Biden can do for them in office in the time he has left and try and get supplies to last them in the months going forward from when he leaves office. Then they need to focus on the EU and the UK to take over the reins if Trump wishes to cut of all US finance to Ukraine. The EU won't care what Trump thinks as a trade war is already in the cards so they won't see Trump as a figure to abide by. The recent missile attack issues has seemed to have stiffened the UK government's resolve to help Ukraine and send further aid and hopefully that won't just end up as baseless words.

Talk of WWIII is still abound but I doubt it will come about. Western Governments must know that in reality they only have defensive armies that while well armed are lacking in numbers for any long term offensive. I think manh western governments know that a lot of their populations are hostile to being rolled into fighting a war and would likely either flee elsewhere or actively fight against government attempts to enlist them. That big civil unrest, instability and even toppling of western governments would be on the cards and so for them best avoided.

I personally think Russia will be facing hard times and will be hitting the wall soon if it continues this war into a fourth year of warfare. They only lasted three years in WWI, four years as the Soviet Union in WWII and now I don't think they'll go a lot longer than four years of warfare before starting to have real problems and start falling apart.

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Re: The Struggle For Ukraine
« Reply #3739 on: November 23, 2024, 07:12:27 AM »
the ICBM that Putin launched, cost 100 times more than the buildings it destroyed in Dnipro
the ICBM and WWIII are attempts to intimidate as well as reassure Russian public
"see this big knife, gimmee yur lunch money"
"hey, I showed 'em my big knife, that's WHY I'm in charge"

I was very surprised Trump won, but again, Russians knew he would
I KNOW they had SOMETHING to do with THIS, I just don't know WHAT...YET....
I will be just as surprised if the war is still going on, after January

Trump will portray himself as the greatest peace maker in World History for sellin out the Ukrainian people for Russian oil with HIS CUT
why don't you idiots see he's THE phuqueing ANTI-CHRIST ON STEROIDS

of course not, they're too worried about the terrible menace of female impersonators in restrooms
which is obviously FAR more important than the fate of Ukraine and Putin's growing strength
seriously, just use the stalls to avoid trannys, gayz, weirdos of all stripes in the restroom
it's NOT a problem for me, to let EVERYONE BE FREE, but don't EVEN THINK of phuquing with me

after elon and trump fire up the anti-middle-class tarriff and mass government lay-offs program, which combined lead to even further lay-offs
next year, the middle class will be too worried over their own declining future to worry about Ukrainians
if Ukraine doesn't surrender they will die, it's that simple
without money the govenment can't function, without weapons they can't fight back

Putin and Trump will win, EVERYBODY ELSE LOSES!!!!

you dumb phuques will need a Juden like me or Marx
to tell ya how to STOP IT!!!!
cuz NONE of you will be able to SEE HOW

and I'm just lookin out for ME
all you white folks are gonna have to do the same
and get by in TrumpLand as best ya can

« Last Edit: November 23, 2024, 09:36:37 AM by krimster2 »

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Re: The Struggle For Ukraine
« Reply #3740 on: November 23, 2024, 07:45:59 AM »
message deleted  by Department of Government Efficiency for being over message budget limit
« Last Edit: November 23, 2024, 07:49:00 AM by krimster2 »

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Re: The Struggle For Ukraine
« Reply #3741 on: November 23, 2024, 08:17:31 AM »
Yeah Krim, but what about the Money Ukraine gets from the EU?

Trump & Putler can't do anything about that. In fact the EU sees Trump as the Anti-Christ.

Germany alone beat Russia in WWI and potentially nearly beat the Soviet Union in WWII. So the EU is a much bigger beast both financially and militarily than Germany was. I think Ukraine can still go a fair while after the US pulls the plug on funding and once they go just a few months they could see Russia starting to weaken greatly. I really do think it's worthwhile Ukraine holding on and not giving into a bad peace treaty when Russia will be nearly beat.
"If you make your own bread, then and only then, are you a free man unchained and alive living in pooty tang paradise, or say no and live in Incel island with all the others." - Krimster

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Re: The Struggle For Ukraine
« Reply #3742 on: November 23, 2024, 08:41:42 AM »
if the biggest investor "drops out"
what do the other little investors do?

they have no choice either...
they will also have to drop out

Putin's Peace Plan, parses Ukrainian support into financial and military
he bans all future military aid to Ukraine
and ukraine must disarm

the EU giving military aid to Ukraine, after Trump stops it, would be "counter-peace"
so they to will only offer financial aid to be pro-peace, same as Trump
this is ALWAYS HOW Russia planned it

Zelensky has no choice but to sign it
I imagine the next day, he'll resign his presidency and move to his place in Israel
I have his Contact Card, but all the freakin security in that neighborhood makes me nervous
you have to show documents at checkpoints and small interrogation from private guards comin in, who are ya, who are ya seein....guns pointed at ya...and ya gotta be completely chill

Israel in classic times
they had battles in the valleys
so if ya got access to a valley on one of the old trade routes
you hit that with a metal detector

I got a bucket of bronze arrowheads from just one spot!!!!
and now i'm too old for the IDF

I think Ukraine is in "check" right now, but it's easy to see the checkmate move that's coming up at the end of January

in january, we'll get past this to talk specifics to Ukraine for reconstruction as the carrot to end the war, and $0.00 if it doesn't
Putin and Trump will want all sanctions removed to open up the money valve

will ukraine receive impounded funds or Russia?
will Putin throw Iran under the bus now that he doesn't need them?

the war will soon be overwith, temporarily
until the West has it's BIG financial collapse and Russia rearms
so Russia can get another piece of Ukraine

future world history just writes itself

the fact that Joe Biden was senile, and some people refuse to vote for a Black Woman, cost Ukraine the war and their children's future
makes total sense
and so now, two crooks are gonna divide up everything

and I, of course, will be judged as being "mentally defective" for thinking this
but yet...
there it all is...
right in front of ya

hamas and hezbollah will be pretty much over by the time Trump takes office
now would be the time for israel and usa to restock and take down Iran if Russia isn't in their corner, cuz it was part of the Ukrainian deal
I don't think Trump will do this, cuz Putin is the one making the decisions and tellin Trump and Elon what to do and not the other direction

the Russian mafiya has branched out into it's preferred territory which was always the "big easy" the USA
with sanctions removed there will be Lukoil Gas Stations in the USA sending us$ dollars back to the Russian arms industry
just like what China does

new generation money laundering involving church tax shelters, even legalized church gambling rackets
will wash and dry Russian money
and end up in a shell corporation's small cap midwestern hedge fund in agriculture and real estate

I would find a GOOD place to hide if I were YOU!!!!

« Last Edit: November 23, 2024, 03:18:27 PM by krimster2 »

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The Struggle For Ukraine
« Reply #3743 on: November 23, 2024, 11:17:10 AM »
moved to rant thread
FSUW are not for entry level daters
FSUW don't do vague
FSUW like a man of action. Be a man of action 
If you find a promising girl, get your butt on a plane.
There are a hundred ways to be successful and a thousand ways to f#ck it up
Just kiss the girl, don't ask her first. Tolerate NO excuses!

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Re: The Struggle For Ukraine
« Reply #3744 on: November 24, 2024, 06:46:17 AM »

SCREAMERS are the future of warfare
cuz they're so cheap

a chinese Screamer mega-factory can produce 10,000 Screamers/day

autonomous Screamers have AI Vision Processing to search for specific targets, people cars, tanks, and can target independently
coming at ya by the thousands all at once...all of them hunting...
followed by the next wave and the next and the next

little Screamers, big Screamers, sailin through the night
filled with their presents of high explosives and Thermite
for all the good little girls and boys below


the elon musk hostile takeover of the us government will begin in 2 months
expect a typical hostile takeover, mass layoffs like he did at Twitter/X
eliminate whole departments that billionaires don't care about
shift taxation to tarriffs to be paid by poor, sales falls, employment falls
raise retirement to age 70
shift medicare to a voucher system to private health insurance
transfer all health care costs direct to individual and insurance co and NOT government
cut taxes on corporation by another 50%
run up the deficit even more
still need the military to pay elon
and still need NASA to pay elon
everything else can go away

« Last Edit: November 24, 2024, 08:24:29 AM by krimster2 »

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Re: The Struggle For Ukraine
« Reply #3745 on: November 25, 2024, 01:42:18 AM »
if the biggest investor "drops out"
what do the other little investors do?

they have no choice either...
they will also have to drop out

Putin's Peace Plan, parses Ukrainian support into financial and military
he bans all future military aid to Ukraine
and ukraine must disarm

the EU giving military aid to Ukraine, after Trump stops it, would be "counter-peace"
so they to will only offer financial aid to be pro-peace, same as Trump
this is ALWAYS HOW Russia planned it

Zelensky has no choice but to sign it
I imagine the next day, he'll resign his presidency and move to his place in Israel
I have his Contact Card, but all the freakin security in that neighborhood makes me nervous
you have to show documents at checkpoints and small interrogation from private guards comin in, who are ya, who are ya seein....guns pointed at ya...and ya gotta be completely chill

Israel in classic times
they had battles in the valleys
so if ya got access to a valley on one of the old trade routes
you hit that with a metal detector

I got a bucket of bronze arrowheads from just one spot!!!!
and now i'm too old for the IDF

I think Ukraine is in "check" right now, but it's easy to see the checkmate move that's coming up at the end of January

in january, we'll get past this to talk specifics to Ukraine for reconstruction as the carrot to end the war, and $0.00 if it doesn't
Putin and Trump will want all sanctions removed to open up the money valve

will ukraine receive impounded funds or Russia?
will Putin throw Iran under the bus now that he doesn't need them?

the war will soon be overwith, temporarily
until the West has it's BIG financial collapse and Russia rearms
so Russia can get another piece of Ukraine

future world history just writes itself

the fact that Joe Biden was senile, and some people refuse to vote for a Black Woman, cost Ukraine the war and their children's future
makes total sense
and so now, two crooks are gonna divide up everything

and I, of course, will be judged as being "mentally defective" for thinking this
but yet...
there it all is...
right in front of ya

hamas and hezbollah will be pretty much over by the time Trump takes office
now would be the time for israel and usa to restock and take down Iran if Russia isn't in their corner, cuz it was part of the Ukrainian deal
I don't think Trump will do this, cuz Putin is the one making the decisions and tellin Trump and Elon what to do and not the other direction

the Russian mafiya has branched out into it's preferred territory which was always the "big easy" the USA
with sanctions removed there will be Lukoil Gas Stations in the USA sending us$ dollars back to the Russian arms industry
just like what China does

new generation money laundering involving church tax shelters, even legalized church gambling rackets
will wash and dry Russian money
and end up in a shell corporation's small cap midwestern hedge fund in agriculture and real estate

I would find a GOOD place to hide if I were YOU!!!!

The EU comes only just after the US in GDP and by a very small margin and in most other economic aspects also, so they are pretty much just as big an investor as the US:

Is the EU a bigger market than the USA?
The United States was the second largest, with 15.5% of world GDP. The EU was in third place, with 15.2%. Among the 20 countries in the world with a share larger than 1% of the world GDP expressed in PPS, there were 5 EU countries: Germany (3.4%), France (2.4%), Italy (1.9%), Spain (1.4%) and Poland (1.0%).30 May 2024 › eurostat › web
EU represented 15.2% of world's GDP in 2021 - Eurostat

For sure loss of US investment would be a big blow to Ukraine efforts and yes others would have to weigh up if it is then still viable to back Ukraine, for Ukraine to win, etc.

I think Russia's dwindling stockpile of Soviet Armaments makes it possible to see a case where Ukraine wouldn't have to be funded as much as they were to keep pace with a Russian war effort that is likely to decline in ability over the next year.

In theory the EU is probably more economically powerful than Russia. So at full pelt the EU could out fund Russia in funding a war effort. Russia has been up against the US, the EU and the UK funding the Ukrainian war effort for three years now. Russia is getting near exhausted as a result, they may not look it yet but the cracks are there. They are having to turn to North Korea to fill those cracks but that is only going to hold for so long. North Korea won't want to send too much of its army to Ukraine, they will want to keep most of it in its own lands for its own defence. Russia doesn't look too bad at the moment but I would say it's soon to be entering into its last round where those cracks start to become visible and obvious to all. Once that happens people around the world will see Russia as not the threat it once was and easily beatable.

Russian forces could well expend a lot of their remaining power over Winter and into Spring. Then they could I believe start running out of Armaments and start getting badly run down and exhausted. Morale could start to slip badly at that point and that's when Ukraine should be able to hold on a lot more easily and see off Russian attacks more easily.

A lot depends on how motivated the EU is to keep Russia from becoming a big threat along it's border. It has reason to be greatly concerned and with that a potential willingness to fund the Ukraine war past the point of Trump likely dropping funding for the war in late January/early February. I personally believe it's in the EU's best interests to dig deep and fund Ukraine fully for that but longer and have the joy of seeing Russian war efforts break up before their very eyes.
"If you make your own bread, then and only then, are you a free man unchained and alive living in pooty tang paradise, or say no and live in Incel island with all the others." - Krimster

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Re: The Struggle For Ukraine
« Reply #3746 on: November 25, 2024, 07:43:18 AM »
EU oligarchs like the ones who sunk billions into NorthStream, banks like Deutsche Bank
will ALL want Russian sanctions to go away more military aid to Ukraine either....

the propaganda machine will be workin hard
THIS is ONLY about PEACE, ending the war, stopping the death....
and not about Russian oil and gas, and ummm real estate

dangle the financial aid to Zelensky like this
here's our "aid package" each day you wait before signing it, it goes down by 1 %

with no more military aid
with no more financial aid

the ukrainian military can't fight
the ukrainian government can't function

they've already LOST the territory
they already abandoned the Crimea attack plan

so Zelensky has NO CHOICE but to sign or Russia will take EVERYTHING
and Ukraine will lose MILLIONS of people

like it did
from the Nazis

like it did
from Stalin

and that's just the last 100 years we're talkin about
Ukraine's suffering is infinite
both past and future

it's WHY my ancestors GTF outta there back in the 19th century, right after the big POGROM

all those Ukrainians who died (who we helped get this way)
and then TRUMP walks in and immediately SELLS THEM ALL OUT for Russian Oil

get used to scenarios like this
and to YOU being the ones who are all bein sold by Trump
he'll sell you to, of course

money + media control
means that when Elon is pissing on ya, FOX is gonna tell ya that it's a gentle spring rain
let's see how well Elons's ego and Trump's ego play with each other

maybe the chaos will all turn inward like last time starting with Flynn and Manafort....
how long before Trump's next impeachment?

« Last Edit: November 25, 2024, 07:58:47 AM by krimster2 »

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Re: The Struggle For Ukraine
« Reply #3747 on: November 25, 2024, 08:06:11 AM »
money + media control
means that when elon is pissing on ya, FOX is gonna tell ya that it's a gentle spring rain

Hahahahaha! 100% of the media hate Trump. Fox is part of the swamp, they love war.
Fox is in line with your oligarch ideas. They love big pharma, big government spending
and the swamp.

They are like the Lizard Cheney's of the world. They want to go to war but they don't
have kids going. My oldest son has been to both Afghanistan AND Iraq. We need to
stop all these forever wars.

The problem with the nutjob left is that they can't have a single dissenting opinion out there
and survive. If they allow ANY dissenting opinions, they lose. You are totally in favor of
controlling speech as long as your perceived side is doing the controlling.

FSUW are not for entry level daters
FSUW don't do vague
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If you find a promising girl, get your butt on a plane.
There are a hundred ways to be successful and a thousand ways to f#ck it up
Just kiss the girl, don't ask her first. Tolerate NO excuses!

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Re: The Struggle For Ukraine
« Reply #3748 on: November 25, 2024, 09:41:20 AM »
Trump pardoned the husband of one FOX TV host for tax evasion
Trump nominated another Fox TV Host as secretary of defense
another is ambassador to Israel
Trump's former lawyer, Michael Cohen, had only one other client besides Trump, Sean Hannity, FOX TV Host

Trump plays the Apprentice Host for America now
a media show of disinformation
corporate tax cuts will be "the middle class job growth package"
while the middle class emplyment falls, as do wages
while healthcare and retail prices rise
due to government cuts and tarriffs

this will ripple thoughout the entire economy

I, The Great Krimster" predict this

I am touched, really I am
that you read through years of posts
that expresses a kind of devotion and attachment to me that I did not expect from you

this post was PROUDLY sponsored BY:
Gay Sponge Bob With No Pants and the Puffer Fish published by Negro Comix LLC Detroit MI

Russia will now try to grab as much new territory it can between now and the end of January
while Ukraine tries to block them from doing that

targetting Russian armories has been very successful
Russia doesn't really have a lot of ammo to spare beyond what they're already using
none of those multi-thousand pieces of heavy artillery bombardments like in WWII

if Ukraine lost US spy satellite and other intel, cuz Trump cuts them off
they're finished as well
that's how important that is to them
let alone the military and financial aid

so while Trump has one hand on Zelensky's balls
tellin him to end the war or he's gonna squeeze

with his other hand he's givin Putin a HJ
sayin "Pooty darling, if you end the war, you get to keep all the territory you occupy and all sanctions will end"

before the "Climactic Moment"
when Putin screams, "Veni, vidi, vici"

this will be a wild summer in Russia

we'll have to see what kinda reconstruction package was dangled in front of Zelensky
you know Yvray, when it comes to money, right?

biggest issues,
the $400 billion in total confiscated russian assets including yachts, who gets that - Russia or Ukraine?
Russia's future relationship to Iran

no western weapons to ukraine, means no russian weapons to iran or north korea
Trump won't really care about this
and will just focus on jerking off Putin

Trump will be the secret owner of 10% of Rosneft
and will get a prime piece of moscow real estate and Russian funding for a Trump Tower in Moscow
for bein the middleman of the Ukrainian deal
then Exxon/Mobil moves back to Russia
and THEY PAY Trump as well
by renting whole floors of a Trump Hotel with no one staying there all year long at 2X normal rates

criminal cases aginst Trump will be disappeared

Trump will steal and sell whatever secrets he can
sell pardons

« Last Edit: November 25, 2024, 10:49:37 AM by krimster2 »

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Re: The Struggle For Ukraine
« Reply #3749 on: November 25, 2024, 04:17:35 PM »
I think there is an issue on the right and to an extent for all western governments & the old Eastern Bloc.

Historically I get the impression that the right in the US, the Republicans under the likes of Reagan and those Republican Presidents, Senators and Congressmen before him hated the Soviet Union, i.e Russia (Russkies) Commies, etc as the enemy back in the 50s, 60s, 70s, 80s, etc...

They were the big threat, the enemy to be feared and hated, but now they don't???

Russia is not the enemy for Trump, the Republicans now?

I mean what's the difference? Surely Russia is still the big opposing forces to the US? To NATO?

I think one big thing that came about at the end of the cold war and the break up if the Soviet Union is that the military industrial complex no longer had big contracts to supply big large standing cold war armies in the West, of the US, the UK, etc, etc across Europe. My guess is that it could be seen that having what could be seen as a big major threat (the Soviet Union, Russia) despite being labelled as the all evil empire by Republicans back in the 80s was potentially favourable to many of them with military industrial ties as it meant a big standing army and hence much bigger Army Contracts likely worth many millions of dollars, pounds, etc.

So if Russia were to come back as a threat then once again the need for large standing armies and bigger more lucrative Contracts to resupply Western Armies. Guess who wins on that? The owners of Armaments factories in the West.

Of course those Western Armies might never be used but the Arms Merchants get wealthy of the back of large standing armies. About a year ago there were calls to ready are forces by rearming them and hiring more soldiers. So playing into the arms of the Arms manufacturers. Most of the populace of western & eastern bloc countries I don't think realised the hugh cost of this which would of course fall on the tax payer.

People started jumping to that and even arguing to spend  the money on our own forces instead of Ukraine when we aren't even at war. That's pretty ludicrous just a small amount of common sense would show that Ukraine is doing the West & Eastern Europe a big favour by reducing Russia's conventional armed forces ability. That by sticking by them and supplying Ukraine, Ukraine are doing the job for us. We don't lose our men, we don't end up supplying big standing armies for decades and having a big threat on our doorstep. For me supplying Ukraine with Armaments and Finance is a no brainer I think.
"If you make your own bread, then and only then, are you a free man unchained and alive living in pooty tang paradise, or say no and live in Incel island with all the others." - Krimster


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