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Author Topic: Stupid arguments I've gotten into with Russian women  (Read 7271 times)

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Re: Stupid arguments I've gotten into with Russian women
« Reply #50 on: July 27, 2023, 10:01:48 PM »
ok, I wasted a minute reading it, sorry the only evidence presented was "BO said..."
which I suppose you feel is sufficient to close an argument, "well BO said..."

but to ALL the jews I've met, in USA and Israel, "goy" isn’t a slur. If you think it is, it means you're a goy.

so again, just absolute BS that you think's the gospel truth, but YOU'RE the AUTHORITY so you decide in BS'S favor

and somehow you don't REALIZE that this behavior of yours REALLY IS a problem that HAS hurt this board by CHASING people away who are too round to fit into your square mold
you are totally blind to it
thinking it's "others"

thank you all for high-lighting the truth of this

this word Goy belongs to my people, and I have 6 million reasons, for trying to keep your hands off it....
you don't get to decide what's acceptable or not for Hebrew, only we do, don't make me laugh
go tell some big black guy that "Honkey" is perjorative, if ya really feel that way
NO? why not?
cuz you don't want him to kick your mangy white ass? that's WHY NOT!!

find something serious instead of this silly BS, ok?

« Last Edit: July 28, 2023, 09:50:46 AM by krimster2 »

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Re: Stupid arguments I've gotten into with Russian women
« Reply #51 on: July 27, 2023, 11:22:13 PM »
ok, I wasted a minute reading it, sorry the only evidence presented was "BO said..."
which I suppose you feel is sufficient to close an argument, "well BO said..."

but to ALL the jews I've met, in USA and Israel, "goy" isn’t a slur. If you think it is, it means you're are a goy.

so again, just absolute BS that you think's the gospel truth, but YOU'RE the AUTHORITY so you decide in BS'S favor

and somehow you don't REALIZE that this behavior of yours REALLY IS a problem that HAS hurt this board by CHASING people away who are too round to fit into your square mold
you are totally blind to it
thinking it's "others"

thank you all for high-lighting the truth of this

yeah, the appropriation of an oppressed people's language for use by the dominant culture
is a lot like the appropriation of an oppressed people's labour and land isn't it
power can do whatever it wants to - never needs to be right or wrong, it only needs power

thanks for pointing it out

this word belongs to my people, and I have 6 million reasons, for trying to keep your hands off it

Krim, I take your point about dominance and appropriation. Your assertion that it is me and RWD doing such is quite the stretch - particularly if you take the time to look into "others" who really have already appropriated the term and are actively using it in divisive manner which supports my argument.

Unfortunate though it may be - the simple fact is use of the term goyim is seen by many as a pejorative slur.

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Re: Stupid arguments I've gotten into with Russian women
« Reply #52 on: July 27, 2023, 11:26:07 PM »

go tell some big black guy that "Honkey" is perjorative, if ya really feel that way
NO? why not?
cuz you don't want him to kick your mangy white ass? that's WHY NOT!!

find something serious instead of this silly BS, ok?

You assume too much. I have told plenty of people, both here at RWD and IRL, of their use of pejorative terms.

In fact, this "silly BS" was among a list of things I originally addressed and it wasn't at the top of that list. It is merely the one touching a nerve which spawned a protracted exchange.
« Last Edit: July 27, 2023, 11:29:12 PM by Admin »

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Re: Stupid arguments I've gotten into with Russian women
« Reply #53 on: July 28, 2023, 07:45:44 AM »
all-in-all, you're just another brick in the wall

"Krim, I take your point about dominance and appropriation. Your assertion that it is me and RWD doing such is quite the stretch.

NO it isn't,  you transformed it into a moral issue, no stretching is necessary, it fits just fine
same people are co-opting the history of slavery with their dominance and appropriation, and claim slaves "had it good"

ya think that was written by Black People?
they have done it with JOOS for centuries, so yeah, they ARE connected

no jew turned Goy into a "bad word" I can tell ya that for a fact
any more than some 'brother gave kudos to slavery
naw - that's somebody else's schtick

I have no cares about non-jews using the word however they please, I've been mistakenly called a "Goy" by observant Jews, I laugh when they do
but saying I CAN'T use a word I read in the bible, the same word that little children read aloud in yeshiva every day
cuz it displeases "some people"
that's sad, and why we can't have nice things
and maybe one day the "authorities" will decide more words from the bible need to be banned, in fact why not just ban the whole thing (lookin at you Stalin)
good luck, making the world a safe place from verboten words used by prophets and poets for thousands of years
in order to make it safe for modern Western Gopnicks

welcome to our dumbed down idiocracy
you think this culture you represent will survive the 21st century?

two multiplied by ten, plus one
Krimster's DONE!

let's talk about the "N" word now...
do you know what it stands for?
NO, OK then let me tell you!!!!

Just Keeding! HAHA
why you lookin at me like that?

« Last Edit: July 28, 2023, 10:06:47 AM by krimster2 »

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Re: Stupid arguments I've gotten into with Russian women
« Reply #54 on: July 28, 2023, 04:20:44 PM »
HAHAHAHA   :popcorn: 

This is actually hilarious from the outside looking in.  Were there a single FSUW participating, I'd submit this single thread for top spot on "Stupid arguments with FSUW."

Funny story I may have told before -- One of my (Ukrainian) FSUGF's Mama while I wasn't even in country at the time went to an Orthodox church for blessings (I have NO idea how this process works or what it entails) and the priest refused to give ME one because as a David (the Master Race of names in the 60's) I might be Jewish.  Purportedly, she pitched a fit and wouldn't leave without my blessing.  Imagining her in the position of making the Priest miserable still cracks me up though it probably isn't as funny to anyone else.

I'm actually a staunch Frisbeterian. We believe that when you die, your soul goes up on the roof and you can't get it down.
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Re: Stupid arguments I've gotten into with Russian women
« Reply #55 on: July 28, 2023, 05:59:56 PM »
I thought the Frisbterians all converted to a new religion, headed by a messianic chimney sweeper who preached Disk resurrection after "the fall" from the roof

yes, silly argument
everyone KNOWS that an infinite number of angels can dance on the head of a pin
cuz they can squish themselves to become smaller infintely

« Last Edit: July 28, 2023, 06:17:25 PM by krimster2 »

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Re: Stupid arguments I've gotten into with Russian women
« Reply #56 on: August 02, 2023, 01:48:40 AM »
HAHAHAHA   :popcorn: 

This is actually hilarious from the outside looking in.  Were there a single FSUW participating, I'd submit this single thread for top spot on "Stupid arguments with FSUW."

Funny story I may have told before -- One of my (Ukrainian) FSUGF's Mama while I wasn't even in country at the time went to an Orthodox church for blessings (I have NO idea how this process works or what it entails) and the priest refused to give ME one because as a David (the Master Race of names in the 60's) I might be Jewish.  Purportedly, she pitched a fit and wouldn't leave without my blessing.  Imagining her in the position of making the Priest miserable still cracks me up though it probably isn't as funny to anyone else.

I remember Kherson girl when we were in Kyiv giving a taxi driver a right earful after a long delay in picking us up. I don't know what was said as my Russian was far too few in wordage or understanding at the time. However she was banging on and on relentlessly in one big long rant at this dude. He just sat there and said very little then started to drive after a while. To me though did look kind of amusing this little girl banging away in the earhole of this fully grown man, she was not pleased lol.
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Re: Stupid arguments I've gotten into with Russian women
« Reply #57 on: August 02, 2023, 01:22:15 PM »
Ditto, I stopped reading them some time ago, both krim and Trench. This forum needs something but I'm not sure what that is.

It's up to other members to post also. A forum works on its members making contributions. If it's mostly 2 or 3 same people making contributions and the rest just readers then any forum is likely to end up lacking after a while.

I find many of Krimster's posts insightful and some very useful. If you've been around the block a fair bit in the FSU then after a while perhaps it's nothing that new to you.

A lot is going on out there at the moment with the war and all. I can't believe that the amount of invoice involvement that many members here married to a FSW and with relations and possibly friends out there aren't more vocal on here. All sorts must be going on out there with many stories abound , but on here save for Krim and CB's research efforts we hear precious little I reckon.

I always wondered what our Mobers would make of it all if he were allowed to return another voice to hear from perhaps?

Release the Kraken!!! :D
"If you make your own bread, then and only then, are you a free man unchained and alive living in pooty tang paradise, or say no and live in Incel island with all the others." - Krimster

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Re: Stupid arguments I've gotten into with Russian women
« Reply #58 on: September 14, 2023, 07:43:46 AM »
communication with Ukrainian women is normally quite difficult
so ya gotta be more "watchful"
be like the fisherman who sees a little ripple on the surface of the pond
and knows it signifies something big lurking beneath the surface

the OP has not learned yet all the details of fishing
cuz it takes a LOT of experience to "read the pond"

but this grizzled old fisherman
can tell that there's something "lurking" beneath the surface
and that's what generated her outburst

if you're ever in that situation
you need to find what it is that's lurking below
could be ANYTHING, but my interpretation is that ultimately she wasn't "that into you" and got cold feet
this is why you can never emotionally react to a Ukrainian women's negativity

I always tell you guys the best way to hunt ducks is to get them to come to you
instead of you coming to them

the correct way to hunt russian red foxes
is to create an on-line world in English and RUSSIAN just to draw them in
like a salt lick for dear

build it and they will come

« Last Edit: September 14, 2023, 07:50:30 AM by krimster2 »

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Re: Stupid arguments I've gotten into with Russian women
« Reply #59 on: September 14, 2023, 08:47:37 AM »
communication with Ukrainian women is normally quite difficult
so ya gotta be more "watchful"
be like the fisherman who sees a little ripple on the surface of the pond
and knows it signifies something big lurking beneath the surface

the OP has not learned yet all the details of fishing
cuz it takes a LOT of experience to "read the pond"

but this grizzled old fisherman
can tell that there's something "lurking" beneath the surface
and that's what generated her outburst

if you're ever in that situation
you need to find what it is that's lurking below
could be ANYTHING, but my interpretation is that ultimately she wasn't "that into you" and got cold feet
this is why you can never emotionally react to a Ukrainian women's negativity

I always tell you guys the best way to hunt ducks is to get them to come to you
instead of you coming to them

the correct way to hunt russian red foxes
is to create an on-line world in English and RUSSIAN just to draw them in
like a salt lick for dear

build it and they will come

I agree, I think you hit the nail on the head their Krim. We can't all assume the girls are all into us in the FSU like we are sone kind of Hollywood film star hunk. Sure they are usually nice to us from the outset or when around with us as we usually fullfill one thing on their list, money, or being able to provide for. Yet if the girl is uncomfortable as we're not ticking the other boxes of good looking, good physique, etc then she may become on edge as we're not all that she desires for. So either time to ship on out or if we are keen to as you state Krim not react to her negativity since I would take it that the negativity is her discomfort at the less than perfect situation showing through.

However, if we don't react we avoid the fast tabogan ride downward in the relationship and the girl may come around. She sees that we have another positive in addition to being providers we also don't react badly. If we can then show other positive stuff and improve stuff in other ways age may come around to seeing us as the best option out of what there is and may start to really like us as she gets more familiar with us. I'm not saying it's the best situation but kind of down to what the guy wants really.
"If you make your own bread, then and only then, are you a free man unchained and alive living in pooty tang paradise, or say no and live in Incel island with all the others." - Krimster


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