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Author Topic: Trenchcoat's Further Theories on, and Experiences of, Dating in the FSU  (Read 86670 times)

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Trenchcoat's Further Theories on, and Experiences of, Dating in the FSU
« Reply #350 on: September 15, 2023, 04:36:49 PM »

I come in peace

You're going to need more than a grand a month from your rental and to be frank if you want to be paid as a writer as a side hustle you are going to have to be several leagues better than what you post here.

I don't see why you are so squeamish about earning £8 an hour after tax and the government having £3 once you pass the income tax threshold. You will never get these years back again when you are 60+.

I recently reread a trip report of yours in Kyiv when you say the house is almost ready to rent - in 2019.

I get the theory of avoiding full time work if you can use the spare time to modernise your house, but you can give the impression of being a dilettante.

I know we all have grand ideas and want the best for ourselves, but try to see yourself as the potential Mrs Trench might see you.

This international dating lark costs money and you need more than a grand a month.

I would say be yourself, but also be a better version of yourself. It's not the bargain Armani that you need. Be someone who will do the hard yards.


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Trenchcoat's Further Theories on, and Experiences of, Dating in the FSU
« Reply #351 on: September 15, 2023, 04:55:03 PM »
" several leagues "

no Englishman has ever gone more than hafl-a-league in Rusland
when my dad was in the UK, durin the war, he "was overpaid, and oversexed"
Trench is underpaid and undersexed

ergo, Trench should become an American soldier stationed in Britain
"Hey MANNNNNNN, Wussup"

Online Trenchcoat

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Trenchcoat's Further Theories on, and Experiences of, Dating in the FSU
« Reply #352 on: September 15, 2023, 06:22:16 PM »
" several leagues "

no Englishman has ever gone more than hafl-a-league in Rusland
when my dad was in the UK, durin the war, he "was overpaid, and oversexed"
Trench is underpaid and undersexed

ergo, Trench should become an American soldier stationed in Britain
"Hey MANNNNNNN, Wussup"

You know the funny thing with that article you put up is that it kind of supports why men were always paid more than women, because the women wanted it. As stated in the article the women on say around $60k or so wanted the man to be on around $100k plus, so that's about a third more than them, similar to like it used to be and similar to Ukraine, Russia, etc.

So, and here's my stroke of genius ;D if they expect a man to earn a third more than them then why should they begrudge other women wanting the same, to have men earning a third more than them. That's easier to accomplish if all men earn a third more than women for the same job, thus all women would then be content enough that they are getting a higher status male.
"If you make your own bread, then and only then, are you a free man unchained and alive living in pooty tang paradise, or say no and live in Incel island with all the others." - Krimster

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Trenchcoat's Further Theories on, and Experiences of, Dating in the FSU
« Reply #353 on: September 15, 2023, 06:32:16 PM »
here's another ephinany...



Online Trenchcoat

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Trenchcoat's Further Theories on, and Experiences of, Dating in the FSU
« Reply #354 on: September 15, 2023, 06:48:09 PM »

I come in peace

You're going to need more than a grand a month from your rental and to be frank if you want to be paid as a writer as a side hustle you are going to have to be several leagues better than what you post here.

I don't see why you are so squeamish about earning £8 an hour after tax and the government having £3 once you pass the income tax threshold. You will never get these years back again when you are 60+.

I recently reread a trip report of yours in Kyiv when you say the house is almost ready to rent - in 2019.

I get the theory of avoiding full time work if you can use the spare time to modernise your house, but you can give the impression of being a dilettante.

I know we all have grand ideas and want the best for ourselves, but try to see yourself as the potential Mrs Trench might see you.

This international dating lark costs money and you need more than a grand a month.

I would say be yourself, but also be a better version of yourself. It's not the bargain Armani that you need. Be someone who will do the hard yards.


In truth it's a fine balancing/tightrope act. I need the income coming in and like you say Steven it's the type of venture where income tends to weigh in heavy. After all we need to be able to make a good impression with these girls and they see us in a good light. That can be anything from having a nice place to live, good quality clothing, money in the bank, a good income to provide with, gifts, travelling abroad and fun entertainment.

So yeah, the money income thing is where the money needs to be pumping in for it. Once the house is done theoretically I could increase the hours I do or fine another way if bringing in money. Money from my wages and the house will bring in a good income but FSU Dating can be a money hungry venture. So if I can find another way to bring in money then that will be ideal. Then I don't mind letting go of the job if I can spend time over there and fire away at will dating chicks over there as aside from money having your hands free and being over there can can for a lot.

You're kind of right that these are prime income earning years never kind of thought of it that way. Though as you know in the UK, money does not come easy unless you're one of the lucky few. The tax things well I get what you're saying in don't hinder yourself by wanting to not pay too much tax. For me it's kind of efficiency of time/effort as if I can see a potentially better way I will go for it. To my mind no point working all hours and not getting a good deal more money as the opportunity cost is the time I have lost that I might possibly be doing something more productive.

That said yeah women do kind of go for guys that prove to be good workhorses even if they are spending long hours at work to do it. Downside is that not spending enough time with the girl can be problematic sometimes for the relationship.
"If you make your own bread, then and only then, are you a free man unchained and alive living in pooty tang paradise, or say no and live in Incel island with all the others." - Krimster

Online krimster2

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Trenchcoat's Further Theories on, and Experiences of, Dating in the FSU
« Reply #355 on: September 15, 2023, 07:06:05 PM »
you wanna meet a woman who smiles in response to you
cuz then you will know that she must be kind (IMHO one of the top virtues for all sexes)

if the odds of you finding that is one-in-a-thousand
then you must smile at 1,000 women
i'd keep count ifn I were you
and see if this theory 'O mine is correct or not
these are variables in an equation
stochastic sex, what are the odds of it working?  8)

also when you're accomplishing tasks from a list, every time ya get a new notch, it uses a derivitive of Pavlovs behavioral analysis of the "reward system"
today it's called "reinforcement learning"
the more success, leads you to want even more in a feedback loop
this is ACTUALLY how your brain operates
instead of IT hijacking your personality
you hack your brain's reward system to operate the way YOU want it TO!!!!
can ya'll digg what i'm sayin'?

when you look at life "quantitatively" you can think of new ways to do what you're currently doin individually and sequentially and think about using a multiplier to make it parallel instead of serial
like how do ya do it 100 times at once (like in a social gathering, do SOMETHING that draws people to YOU, cuz of the kinda "energy" you put out
then ya only got do it 10X

think about local historical architecture societies
learn FREAKIN' Welsh for gawd's sake
must be a bunch of other folks wantin to learn/practice Gaelic who ain't geezers
check out if there's a dance studio, for example
you could make a whole list of these kinda places that are "group focused" instead of "individual focused"
by going through you local phone book
i'd be dumbfounded if you couldn't pick up a 100 local places to attend for various and sundry reasons organized A-Z
and also get this me 'bruv
you are now entering an age where the female/male ratio is startin to shift YOUR WAY
especially cuz you wuz never divorced and ain't makin child support payments
sometimes it ain't whatcha got that's important, it's whatcha don't got

segways to the left now...
acting is a LOT of fun, it's more than a simple pretend
self-referencing here, but I've done all sorts of insane character projection (acting!) all over the FSU
acting like a psychopath is even better than actually BEING ONE!
people respond to someone with passion, wheter it be for good or evil, this is WAY beyound good and evil

the world is your stage
first learn how to make a proper entrance
you shoulda seen the scene my girls made in the Jewish autonmous oblast pre-war
frankly, they don't get much new "blood" from the outside there...
now Chinese have taken over the timber indutry there with illegal chinese workers
Putin has given China free run of the place!!!
"Paka" to anybody not Chinese now

when I was in the Army I used to wack the Triads in Thailand fighting that evil Communism
and not seizing control of the golden triangle for the West Point Mafia that took over the black tar heroin biz

So I can feel the negative karma from them AND Russians
in birobidzhan
ain't no place for old men now
now matter their "faith"

spread your wings and fly little bird
and don't spend the rest of your life in the nest you have in yo mama's quaint little village eatin that Yorksire Puddin' that's actually NOT even puddin a'tall
WTF is wrong with YOU people!

THINK, young master Trench
this is the tool you need to employ to get yourself outta the hole you're in

Borgia Moy!
I can lead ya to the water, and show ya if someone pissed in it or not (almost ALWAYS someone did!! SLOVO!!)
but you're the one who has to bend down and take a sip

don't be scared now, YOU can DO IT!

and BTW, I have let MANY ugly women fondle my junk in the distant past, and it did not FREAKIN CARE!!
ugly wimmin have a voracious sexual appetite
all you gotta do is just get completely naked, and just kickback and listen to music with your manly 6 inches stretched out to 6.5 inches
and they'll do ALL the work with way more enthusiam than a beautil woman will
just sayin...

you need to try stuff like this to learn to see the truth
by not ever tryin
you have only a vacuum for personally derived experience and knowledge,
and nature abhors a vacuum, just REALLY HATES IT!
so all kinda stuff gets sucked in instead into your cranial cavity to equalize the pressure

you see, I belong to a certain "Secret Society" whose name I DON"T have to mention
and we gain spiritual knowledge through our venerated rituals and observances

PS, pre-covid I ran my wife's Ukrainian/Russian web site for sellin cosmetics to FSU countries with her custom cryllic printed product labels and much cheaper and better quality then western products

it made fair money
but BORGOI MOY, did I see some stunning women

however all that I have said here
please be aware that "I am NOT Confuscious"
my persona is much closer to "The Mad  Carriage Greeter"
and that's NOT an act a'tall
it's who I really am!!!!

may I please help you carry that basket of delicios vegatables?
it'd be MY PLEASURE guv'ner, er I mean SIR!!!

« Last Edit: September 15, 2023, 10:10:29 PM by krimster2 »

Online Trenchcoat

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Trenchcoat's Further Theories on, and Experiences of, Dating in the FSU
« Reply #356 on: September 16, 2023, 03:52:46 AM »
I get your drift Krim, if I were to turn up to some Welsh language learning and check out the talent, if any. Welsh women tend to be the fattest in the UK so I'm not in the best area, lol. Scottish women are apparently the slimmest,  probably the colder weather. Not all Welsh women are short but many are and if course sticky/fat so it can show more being shorter. I think it goes back to mining days when the short people came/stayed in while taller people would have suffered too badly and so the local genetics became short & stocky. I wouldn't bother learning Welsh long though as everyone speaks English so it would be putting a lot of time in the wrong direction if no decent women.

I'm finding online at the moment on FSU dating sites it's easy to get interest of women where it's too skewed in their favour. They are in their forties maybe even late forties and have a kid or two. Basically you are seen as a Muppet who will capitulate all you have to provide for them, any kid all for their needs, like a kind of pension provision they feel entitled too, no thank you! I'm not so sex depraved or lacking in the kitchen to be some woman's goat she wants to tether lol. Honestly, I would rather stay single than accept such a poor deal. Even being a lonely old guy is better than lowering myself to subserviency and a bad deal like that. There's still stuff to do in life and ways to keep yourself occupied better than being used by a woman by striking a bad deal in my opinion. I'll keep looking but I'm not going to fold to a bad deal.
"If you make your own bread, then and only then, are you a free man unchained and alive living in pooty tang paradise, or say no and live in Incel island with all the others." - Krimster

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Trenchcoat's Further Theories on, and Experiences of, Dating in the FSU
« Reply #357 on: September 16, 2023, 08:01:47 AM »
WTF, where do come up with these excuses
you...don't know...'t know....
about ANY of your excuses for not trying

you come up with a 1,000 excuses for NOT doing something
and never have a single reason for doing it
of course you do NOTHING
obvious, you were never in the military

first mistake you made with your life
it's not nearly as important what the military takes from you
it's what they give you instead
Discipline and self control

keep scratching off names on a list, till ya find one that ya ain't gonna scratch off
tick, tock master Trench

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Trenchcoat's Further Theories on, and Experiences of, Dating in the FSU
« Reply #358 on: September 17, 2023, 03:38:12 AM »
WTF, where do come up with these excuses
you...don't know...'t know....
about ANY of your excuses for not trying

you come up with a 1,000 excuses for NOT doing something
and never have a single reason for doing it
of course you do NOTHING
obvious, you were never in the military

first mistake you made with your life
it's not nearly as important what the military takes from you
it's what they give you instead
Discipline and self control

keep scratching off names on a list, till ya find one that ya ain't gonna scratch off
tick, tock master Trench

Yeah I know, didn't help that last night I realised that the women I sent messages too hadn't replied of Fdate because of sone kind of computer glitch. I used a profile I set up months ago so that may be why as it's been unused for a while as I thought I would be in a position to move on this dating stuff months ago. Anyhow, the messages all had two ticks to show that they had been sent through but none of them had highlighted blue ticks to show they had been read. I tested by sending messages to girls that were online at the time and none responded. So it was at that point I realised that they just weren't seeing the messages their end rather than not wishing to see them.

I will set up a new profile tonight and remessage these hotties and hopefully they'll see my messages this time. I copied down who they are and the messages I sent to save myself time. Some of them I am quite keen on, I've decided to message them one at a time in order of preference basically preference being how well I think they would fit with me. Not necessarily the hottest looking as some girls can be too hot and racy so not be the type that would be stable and content. Stable and content looking girls would suit me more I think than girls that are too racy, demanding, etc and may pick up and drop guys like that. Anyhow hopefully I'll get a shot at it now lol, about a week or so down the swaney with me thinking these girls were so I inundated with messages that they just didn't want to see any new messages from guys :-\

So I'll have another go tonight and hopefully will get somewhere :)

On the rest of it I just don't have the free time at the moment to go off doing all this different stuff. The main thing is to get the house finished both to free me up timewise and financially but also to show any prospective girl that I have a decent place to show her. I can't really show a chick a place with mess around and jobs needing to be done.
"If you make your own bread, then and only then, are you a free man unchained and alive living in pooty tang paradise, or say no and live in Incel island with all the others." - Krimster

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Trenchcoat's Further Theories on, and Experiences of, Dating in the FSU
« Reply #359 on: September 17, 2023, 11:03:24 AM »
you're DIVERGING instead of CONVERGING
you "read" the jungle, you look for "signs"

and you think about what the pattern of signs mean....
and this formula converges to you gettin your duck

and when ya think ya got it all "sussed out"
you lay down the "ambush"
repeat until ya get your ambush down TIGHT
look..I can show ya "how to do it", but I ain't gonna hold it for ya, while ya put it in, OK?

now what ya DON'T do is wander around the jungle aimlessy, hoping that you're gonna run into a duck...

to the "master Jaegar" there is no distinction between hunting and living, as long as he breathes he is hunting as well
what kinda hunter are YOU Trench?

you like one of them "city boys" who don't know nothin a'tall 'bout hunting
you're the kinda bloke who'd take a fishing rod to hunt ducks with, you'd probably end up with "wicked" cast though i'd go with heaviest sinker ya got
and you could flick that sinker hard/fast enuff to take down a flying duck, kinda like a "sling"
but a 12 ga semi-auto or even a finely made British Douvle Barrel meant for shooting clays would work as well
I'm partial to "Greener" 10=Bore
but the semi-auto gas operated, Benelli/Baretta can use magnums and the Greener can't
OTOH, the greener forces you to have a really tight stealth profile
and once you develop that and THEN switch over to a semi-auto, you become a duck killin machine

« Last Edit: September 17, 2023, 11:13:27 AM by krimster2 »

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Trenchcoat's Further Theories on, and Experiences of, Dating in the FSU
« Reply #360 on: September 17, 2023, 03:54:30 PM »
I don't know the right website to recommend, but my gut says give F Dating a wide berth. It's free for a reason. As has been said more than once: if you get something for free on the internet you are the product, in this case eyeballs for adverts.

Several websites are no longer in operation but there must be something out there worth a few pounds a month.

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Trenchcoat's Further Theories on, and Experiences of, Dating in the FSU
« Reply #361 on: September 17, 2023, 05:23:08 PM »
it's a Barbie World, with a Barbie Girl
that is your creation....
« Last Edit: September 17, 2023, 06:13:34 PM by krimster2 »

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Trenchcoat's Further Theories on, and Experiences of, Dating in the FSU
« Reply #362 on: September 19, 2023, 01:43:43 AM »
I don't know the right website to recommend, but my gut says give F Dating a wide berth. It's free for a reason. As has been said more than once: if you get something for free on the internet you are the product, in this case eyeballs for adverts.

Several websites are no longer in operation but there must be something out there worth a few pounds a month.

Hey Steven, yeah I redone my account on Fdate but found out the mail was working fine lol. Turns out that the girls were just not bothering to read it as while I fitted the age grouping they specified, good photos, etc they were the hotties on there :P Suffice to say it looks like it was because they were probably being deluged with messages from guys so were likely only responding to the very few guys they were already communicating with or the ones they liked head & shoulders above the rest. Looking at their profiles they tend to have a lot of reviews in a short amount of time. So in that way a bit like Tinder the guys all going after the prettiest girls. Handy to have worked that one out at least so I at least know what I'm dealing with now.

Anyway, pleasantly surprised by my inbox this morning one of the hottie girls I had messaged for the first time last night had messaged me back :) Early days but she looks legit, she only has one photo up so probably cuts down on guys going for her. She's an above average looking girl but not model type so the type I like the most, wears regular clothes, a good passport style photo, no pro photo shoot photo which I like. Still stuff to sound out but if all goes well could be a good one, a Ukrainian girl so would have to work something out if it gets to wanting to visit.

I think free sites like Fdate have their advantages as well as disadvantages. The main disadvantage is that any guy can go in their and use the girls for just someone to chat too. I get that from their perspective but I think paid sites are better for them as the girls on free sites get pee'd off by getting used as a free chat service. I think apart from the odd dodgy girl on Fdate most girls are legit and just want to find a guy without all the agency messing about. I think Fdate is a little more popular with guys these days but not as bad as Tinder so with a bit of persistence good results may eventually be had.

Paid sites restricts the girl's to those willing to pay so cuts down on the amount of guys getting in the way time wasting. That said the problem can come in of the girl being too money motivated once she starts recieving an income. A few girls will of course be there just for that so working out which is which is the game. Unless the guy can get with a girl who has real interest in dating, in him as Krim points out it can just end up as a paid entertainer situation. I'm not ruling out paying sites as some guys who have used them in a intelligent way have had results but it's a different scene. You have to know how to swim in that pool and I think you've spent more time swimming in that pool than me Steven and know the ins & outs more. For me I've kind of spent more time swimming in the free dating site pool and while still not an expert tend to know the score reasonably well.

For me at the moment I'll push on in the free dating scene as it's the playground I know best. I think I might have a catch at the moment and got ideas on the rest now so after a rocky start which can happen after some time away on free dating sites I think I might now be able to push in with it :)
"If you make your own bread, then and only then, are you a free man unchained and alive living in pooty tang paradise, or say no and live in Incel island with all the others." - Krimster

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Trenchcoat's Further Theories on, and Experiences of, Dating in the FSU
« Reply #363 on: September 19, 2023, 02:36:30 PM »
the best way to satisfy your OWN needs
is to satisfy the needs of someone ELSE...

in what way do you consider yourself able to provide for a woman's needs?
being HORNY doesn't count, OK?

so what else are ya left with???
cuz, if you had ANYTHING some woman ALREDY woulda grabbed ya

stop blaming the world for your own deficiency

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Trenchcoat's Further Theories on, and Experiences of, Dating in the FSU
« Reply #364 on: September 20, 2023, 05:21:31 AM »
the best way to satisfy your OWN needs
is to satisfy the needs of someone ELSE...

in what way do you consider yourself able to provide for a woman's needs?
being HORNY doesn't count, OK?

so what else are ya left with???
cuz, if you had ANYTHING some woman ALREDY woulda grabbed ya

stop blaming the world for your own deficiency

Harsh but true Krim, harsh but true... but I do contest that the world is at fault, at least the western feminist world ;)

The first point I think you make is probably the best, I have often gir it the wrong way around in the past and I think probably many do in looking to satisfy ourselves first. But it looking to satisfy others then that satisfaction can flow back through. Not to say anything should be expected but rather a good flow of energy can but not necessarily always flow back around and over again. I see that now.

Well I've got a couple of girls I'm interested in on Fdate, I'm in a early entry slow communication situation at the moment with them but hoping I can get on a good footing with them soon. I think the above point you make can help in that. They are above average pretty girls in their thirties so the right age group and not so pretty as to be too maintenance. More the pretty girl next door pretty. That's the type I prefer as they are still kind of human without being like the top model girls like they've just beamed over from another planet.

Hopefully I'll be able to win at least one over and arrange a meet up :) potential for good things with either of them I think.
"If you make your own bread, then and only then, are you a free man unchained and alive living in pooty tang paradise, or say no and live in Incel island with all the others." - Krimster

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Trenchcoat's Further Theories on, and Experiences of, Dating in the FSU
« Reply #365 on: September 20, 2023, 09:14:14 AM »
I'm kinda passive/aggressive with you...
cuz you just frustrate me so much...
but I see them gears insidea yo head start to spin a little better now...


14k gold rimmed aviator sun glasses circa 1945 (father's pay as single NCO soldier, 3 month salary)
14k gold rolex circa 1945 (purchased in first American PX in Germany 1945 for $430 USD, there went another couple of month's pay, nice bein single and can spend all that money on yourself!

heavy platinum chain and water-proof cover to hold US dogtag and Israeli "diskit"
my base pay for 6 months
not including "extra-curricular" sources of income, where I could easily earn that much in cash in a week, and there weren't too many other ways of spending that money, cuz ya sure as hell could't stick it in a bank!

wear yur dog tags with platinum dangling down your chest
and do your little "catwalk" down the beach amongst the lesser ukrainian mortals
Ukrainians are NOT used to seeing "in-shape" western men, just geezers mostly, and 'bottom-of-the-barrel' can't get a western woman types
so that when they DO see one
they get a female erection's TRUE
and girls in bikinis will nervously approach you

if you RESPOND in a warm, friendly welcoming laid back way
you are at most a couple of hours away from getting laid
and you are as 'disrobed' as they are
it changes the dynamic tremendously

I could EASILY do this in my 40s there

sunglasses are a must, the gold ones, perfect
you are an inscrutable Greek God casually strolling down the beach
you aren't watching the girls any where near as much as they are watching YOU!
you can let a girl handle your platinum chain and they'll be shocked at how HEAVY it is
and the fact it's worth a year/s of their income
AND you're trusting them by letting them hold it!

piece de resistance
you open up your little travel cooler and whip out some 'snacks'
all the cute little flys is gonna be buzzin 'round ya
and they ALL wanna get a taste of somethin' sweet
and 'back in the day' none of em EVER saw CHEEZ-WHIZ before
so ya whip out a can and a paper plate with crackers

cracker wimmin like actual crackers!!
who'd a ever thunk it?

this must be one of them 'universal truths' that are self 'evident'
that some like attracts the same like
and sometimes like repels like
corollary: some crazy people like other crazy people and some are repelled by them
it's like your blood type
what's yours?
crazy+ or crazy-
I find myself highly attracted to 'female deviants'
the kinda gal who'll conceal a derringer for ya on her leg, just below her crotch all night long
cuz no ones gonna stick their hand there

what if your entire personality could be explained by a network of these 'binary' inputs of this type and that type for this and that
and that it can become a representation of you

Scene II
Entrance from stage left, a pink talking octopus on purple roller skates...

opportunitys are everywhere, (black ink squirted, octopus cheeks turns redder)

but some venues are better than others, he opines...

pretty damned hard to beat a topless beach in Ukraine on a hot summer's day, sun lotion applied to nipples, glistens the best at high noon with the sun straight overhead

and then the octopus does a backflip into his aquarium and starts humping an unlucky crab before he eats it!

Russki Gazetta

so far, only 7 Russian soldiers killed in Ukraine, but 280,000 are missing"
only confirmed killed are given insurance money
so if you don't want your son to be listed as missing
and for us to steal his insurance money instead
you better keep YOUR DAMED MOUTH SHUT about about the war, GOT IT SUKA!!!

this is how the Russian mafiya of mafiyas run the country
thought control...

just think about that on top of all that misery you're like the one in 4 people in Russian far east that doesn't have modern indoor plumbing
please send your kids to fight for Moscow and St Peters. oligarchs who wanna carve up ukraine for themselves
and then use Ukrainian population as soldiers with next wars in Georgia (cutting off Atlantic Richfield's access to Capian oil and gas)
and Moldova

remember Crimean war was over Britain's reaction to Russian takeover of Moldova
look how close we are to this now...

the heart of darkness, how greed of the few led to fear for the many
all that blood soaked into the earth
and all that yet to come

when the angels shed tears
those are the bitterest tears you'll ever know

like a single mother's who lost her only son...

and for whom?

no matter the century, these mothers all ask the same question
and it'll just keep goin thisaway for EVER and EVER
until one day, the mothers finally get an answer

but meanwhile, the waiting is excruciating
if the mothers can be bought off with insurance money, i.e. pieces of paper putin's gov prints that has 'value'
if THEY of all people can be bought
then what hope is there in this society
this is just one of the infinte examples of the rotten state of Russian society
it smells like an advanced state of gangrene has set in

you can see the stunned looks of the few remaining old people in each new war cemetary on both Russian and Ukrainian side
they all got this sad WTF look...


In the future, every town gonna be a 'ghost town'

every town is already lined up in a ring of dominos
once the first one falls...then it'll be the second...then the third...
nothing remains...
not even a whimper

game over man

if god is comin, I hope he'll come before then
and it's NOT too late

all roads to the future converge to the same endpoint
the way a lens refracts the light so a 5 yr old kid can use a magnifying lens to become gawd awmighty raining fire amonst the tiny beings below

which side of the magnifing glass are we gonna be?
who will see for a tiny instant the bright light before their body is consumed by their fats breaking down and burning
and the alluring smell of bacon fills the air

and 99 red chinese balloons floating way up high, in the summer sky
it's wary, wary, super scary...

« Last Edit: September 20, 2023, 11:42:25 AM by krimster2 »

Online Trenchcoat

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Trenchcoat's Further Theories on, and Experiences of, Dating in the FSU
« Reply #366 on: September 20, 2023, 03:04:52 PM »
I'm kinda passive/aggressive with you...
cuz you just frustrate me so much...
but I see them gears insidea yo head start to spin a little better now...


14k gold rimmed aviator sun glasses circa 1945 (father's pay as single NCO soldier, 3 month salary)
14k gold rolex circa 1945 (purchased in first American PX in Germany 1945 for $430 USD, there went another couple of month's pay, nice bein single and can spend all that money on yourself!

heavy platinum chain and water-proof cover to hold US dogtag and Israeli "diskit"
my base pay for 6 months
not including "extra-curricular" sources of income, where I could easily earn that much in cash in a week, and there weren't too many other ways of spending that money, cuz ya sure as hell could't stick it in a bank!

wear yur dog tags with platinum dangling down your chest
and do your little "catwalk" down the beach amongst the lesser ukrainian mortals
Ukrainians are NOT used to seeing "in-shape" western men, just geezers mostly, and 'bottom-of-the-barrel' can't get a western woman types
so that when they DO see one
they get a female erection's TRUE
and girls in bikinis will nervously approach you

if you RESPOND in a warm, friendly welcoming laid back way
you are at most a couple of hours away from getting laid
and you are as 'disrobed' as they are
it changes the dynamic tremendously

I could EASILY do this in my 40s there

sunglasses are a must, the gold ones, perfect
you are an inscrutable Greek God casually strolling down the beach
you aren't watching the girls any where near as much as they are watching YOU!
you can let a girl handle your platinum chain and they'll be shocked at how HEAVY it is
and the fact it's worth a year/s of their income
AND you're trusting them by letting them hold it!

piece de resistance
you open up your little travel cooler and whip out some 'snacks'
all the cute little flys is gonna be buzzin 'round ya
and they ALL wanna get a taste of somethin' sweet
and 'back in the day' none of em EVER saw CHEEZ-WHIZ before
so ya whip out a can and a paper plate with crackers

cracker wimmin like actual crackers!!
who'd a ever thunk it?

this must be one of them 'universal truths' that are self 'evident'
that some like attracts the same like
and sometimes like repels like
corollary: some crazy people like other crazy people and some are repelled by them
it's like your blood type
what's yours?
crazy+ or crazy-
I find myself highly attracted to 'female deviants'
the kinda gal who'll conceal a derringer for ya on her leg, just below her crotch all night long
cuz no ones gonna stick their hand there

what if your entire personality could be explained by a network of these 'binary' inputs of this type and that type for this and that
and that it can become a representation of you

Scene II
Entrance from stage left, a pink talking octopus on purple roller skates...

opportunitys are everywhere, (black ink squirted, octopus cheeks turns redder)

but some venues are better than others, he opines...

pretty damned hard to beat a topless beach in Ukraine on a hot summer's day, sun lotion applied to nipples, glistens the best at high noon with the sun straight overhead

and then the octopus does a backflip into his aquarium and starts humping an unlucky crab before he eats it!

Russki Gazetta

so far, only 7 Russian soldiers killed in Ukraine, but 280,000 are missing"
only confirmed killed are given insurance money
so if you don't want your son to be listed as missing
and for us to steal his insurance money instead
you better keep YOUR DAMED MOUTH SHUT about about the war, GOT IT SUKA!!!

this is how the Russian mafiya of mafiyas run the country
thought control...

just think about that on top of all that misery you're like the one in 4 people in Russian far east that doesn't have modern indoor plumbing
please send your kids to fight for Moscow and St Peters. oligarchs who wanna carve up ukraine for themselves
and then use Ukrainian population as soldiers with next wars in Georgia (cutting off Atlantic Richfield's access to Capian oil and gas)
and Moldova

remember Crimean war was over Britain's reaction to Russian takeover of Moldova
look how close we are to this now...

the heart of darkness, how greed of the few led to fear for the many
all that blood soaked into the earth
and all that yet to come

when the angels shed tears
those are the bitterest tears you'll ever know

like a single mother's who lost her only son...

and for whom?

no matter the century, these mothers all ask the same question
and it'll just keep goin thisaway for EVER and EVER
until one day, the mothers finally get an answer

but meanwhile, the waiting is excruciating
if the mothers can be bought off with insurance money, i.e. pieces of paper putin's gov prints that has 'value'
if THEY of all people can be bought
then what hope is there in this society
this is just one of the infinte examples of the rotten state of Russian society
it smells like an advanced state of gangrene has set in

you can see the stunned looks of the few remaining old people in each new war cemetary on both Russian and Ukrainian side
they all got this sad WTF look...


In the future, every town gonna be a 'ghost town'

every town is already lined up in a ring of dominos
once the first one falls...then it'll be the second...then the third...
nothing remains...
not even a whimper

game over man

if god is comin, I hope he'll come before then
and it's NOT too late

all roads to the future converge to the same endpoint
the way a lens refracts the light so a 5 yr old kid can use a magnifying lens to become gawd awmighty raining fire amonst the tiny beings below

which side of the magnifing glass are we gonna be?
who will see for a tiny instant the bright light before their body is consumed by their fats breaking down and burning
and the alluring smell of bacon fills the air

and 99 red chinese balloons floating way up high, in the summer sky
it's wary, wary, super scary...

Hey Krim, yeah I get your drift with all the world ending stuff. Depends on the situation you're in with such an eventuality. Accept it or Do what you can to try to Survive by preparing as best you can in advance.

Dunno while playing the game out well there's something in that I think if you lose those you are close to would you want to go on is an issue for me.

Well onto more jollier topics, yeah I get what you say also more now about the whole hottie girl wants a hottie guy kind of thing :P

As an everyday guy in most respects I kind of bought into the whole a girl wanting you for you thing growing up, from parents etc. I think though that many don't like to say how things really are. I have gotten a fair bit of interest from some hot women in the past but never really landed one at home. So stuff that can help out with that and do a fair bit of the heavy lifting for me is making sense. Like you say it kind of makes sense that that a hot girl you also need to look great as that is what she will be wanting also. So looking great is the key in order to make an easier task of it.

For me that means doing it on a budget. I know it can't be too cheap as otherwise it undermines the whole point of it all. But going for some good deals that aren't too far adrift I reckon is the way for a guy like me who's only got so much cash to splash.

With the aviator sunglasses I'm thinking of getting a pair of 24ct gold plated 80s/90s Ray Ban sunglasses used off eBay. Obviously in decent enough condition not full of scratches, etc. My guess is that would do it in terms of looking better and more wealthy, a good brand, style, etc. Also if I spent too much money I would be in constant fear of them going walking. My guess is those 45' Aviator sunglasses of yours are worth a mint Krim, I'm surprised they weren't out to rob you out there.

Car wise I'm thinking of getting a poor man's sports car, my father always said he should have gone for one lol. I was thinking previously of getting an old Merc convertible but they can still be a bit second hand and I don't want to sink a lot of money into it at the moment. Plus I hear upkeep costs can be steep on them.

So I'm thinking of a Mazda MX-5 Convertible. There's some dirt cheap real old ones about where the paintwork is still is good nick and maintenance issues aren't too extreme. They look kind of quaint like an old classic British sports car, kind of a nice profile. Girl would probably think they are worth a bit as a bit racy looking and because it's a convertible, moreso foreign girls I think. So I think that could well do it for me without breaking the bank :)
« Last Edit: September 20, 2023, 10:15:56 PM by Trenchcoat »
"If you make your own bread, then and only then, are you a free man unchained and alive living in pooty tang paradise, or say no and live in Incel island with all the others." - Krimster

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Trenchcoat's Further Theories on, and Experiences of, Dating in the FSU
« Reply #367 on: September 20, 2023, 07:28:21 PM »
I had an '81 RX7 with wankel engine
and a '90 Datsun 300X
both with detachable roof panels
custom metallic blue/green paint job
never drove such nice handling cars
wouldn't drive them here in Texas, other drivers are too dangerous
so I stick with the standard high wheel base SUV
to give better visibility and road handling during flood/hurracaine

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Trenchcoat's Further Theories on, and Experiences of, Dating in the FSU
« Reply #368 on: September 20, 2023, 08:49:50 PM »
With some of my purchases, clothing, items, I kind of like going for stuff that I might get lucky with and actually appreciate in value. So stuff that looks a bit of an iconic and unique design and is kind of limited edition stuff. Figure if I'm going to spend a bit more money than usual on that stuff apart from stuff I like being aware of pieces that might later become collectors items can be a good move also.

Ok, so I've now bought myself a 24K gold plated pair of Ray Ban Aviator sunglasses 1992 Olympic Edition. Just got to wait for them to arrive. In pretty good condition considering they're just over 30 years old. Good news with getting them second hand is that so long as I keep them pretty decent I will likely be able to sell them on for around the same price. I reckon being tied to the 92 Olympics will make them more collectable as will being gold plated and from when the company was American and producing better quality stuff material wise than when it became Italian. For me the 92 Barcelona Olympics is quite a memorable time as it was around the cross over from USSR to what would become the Russian Federation. That of course is what allowed the whole visiting the FSU to date FSW thing to kick off. Barcelona always looked a very pretty city on TV back then during the Games, will have to visit sometime perhaps.

Anyhow the sunglasses came within the quality but not too expensive price range so although would be a pain to lose which of course I would try not to (I've never lost any pair of glasses to date nor irreparably damaged any) they aren't so expensive as to be constantly worried about losing them. I reckon the quality will show through and the girl will be suitably impressed :D Best case scenario they may be the sort of item that has the brand, vintage, reasonable rarity, style and association that may push them up in value going forward and make them highly collectible which will make me a happy trenchie if it does so. My guess is over time the American era Ray Ban stuff will become more valuable as not more of it is being produced and that could be good news for me :)
« Last Edit: September 21, 2023, 06:47:22 AM by Trenchcoat »
"If you make your own bread, then and only then, are you a free man unchained and alive living in pooty tang paradise, or say no and live in Incel island with all the others." - Krimster

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Trenchcoat's Further Theories on, and Experiences of, Dating in the FSU
« Reply #369 on: September 24, 2023, 03:59:26 AM »
So yeah, my sunglasses should arrive this Tuesday. I'm really looking forward to seeing them for real. Being in 28ct gold should make them really bling brightly and let's face it no one's going to know that their not 28ct gold right the way through :D I've also got a Platinum plated neck chain coming again same deal that no one will no if it's right through or not as looks the same either way. Big plus is if it goes walk abouts then will it is a big pain for me it's not gut wrenching loss or money or a sentimental family heirloom.

The Ray ban Aviator sunglasses were £150 second hand off the bay and I think look great, a nice style and quality look. Being over 30 years old now I think they could probably be described as vintage. The platinum plated chain was much cheaper, a new one for £15 another I've won at auction for £26 but I not sure they'll honour the auction but we'll see.

So soon I'll be like son of Krim, lol. Only unbeknown to many the cheaper version off, same look on the outside but a value conscious effort ;D

Girl issues on Fdate at the moment though, the two hottie girls I'm after well both responded after a bit but now nothing. One hasn't been on there in a few days the other has but not responded. I'm thinking one is fed up with all the talk on there the other is having her time taken over by a lonely keyboard romeo, possibly might even be sending her stuff to keep her engaged with him. I don't think it will be a good move for me to play the same game so tonight I'm going to try to outmanoeuvre the situation ;) I'll wait until she's just logged on so more chance of her reading my message and then I'll send her one offering the chance to meet up in Moldova (closest region to where she is in Ukraine). If she accepts then I can arrange the visit and that hopefully gives me the upper hand :D I'll blow the Keyboard Romeos out of the water and we'll get to meet up. It's what I want anyway so although good to get a bit of intro chat down first competition has gotten so brisk out there that it's the only card left to play. She's in her early to mid thirties with no children so I think she is likely after the family option but doesn't yet realise that the guys she is talking to just aren't going to visit.

For me the Moldova trip can always end up a holiday away or bring up more girls while out there if it doesn't work out. She's a little cutie so she's got a lot of guys after her, not quite a model but above average looking great girlfriend material looking. Sort of girl I wouldn't like to pass up. Sort of girl I wouldn't like to bring back to the UK to begin with as other dudes would soon be moving in like a load of sharks sniffing out like when someone has fallen in the water type of thing. So definitely one to keep out in a relationship out that direction and get preggers first or whatever the deal she's definitely one to lock down. Her age is pretty good as in a few years it may help avoid a lot of the younger dudes going after her but my guess is that she will age well, still looks great at the moment.

Anyhow that's about the progress for the moment, will update as stuff proceeds.
"If you make your own bread, then and only then, are you a free man unchained and alive living in pooty tang paradise, or say no and live in Incel island with all the others." - Krimster

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Trenchcoat's Further Theories on, and Experiences of, Dating in the FSU
« Reply #370 on: September 24, 2023, 03:59:08 PM »
The theories never stop coming.
Trenchie. Those antique sunglasses will have those hotties swamping you.

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Trenchcoat's Further Theories on, and Experiences of, Dating in the FSU
« Reply #371 on: September 24, 2023, 04:55:48 PM »
The theories never stop coming.
Trenchie. Those antique sunglasses will have those hotties swamping you.

Lol, yeah they could do, will have to try them out at home if there is any sunny days left this year.

I guess I get it now it's all about looks. I guess I kind of new it a bit before but it just seemed so silly. I saw girls falling for it but couldn't believe they are so easily led. If you have two guys earning low money and one banks the money and just buts a few cheap but durable good value items and the other spends all he's money on expensive items that are just as durable but expensive looking then who does the girl go for? On paper the guy who banks the money should come top but she sees nothing of that, he makes more practical sound decisions but she sees nothing of that. A shame as he's possibly the better guy, more balanced, discernable, knows a good deal but she does not see that. All she sees is the guy who looks flash but is skint in his bank account, possibly in debt. The other guy is in fact more financially sound even if she doesn't see it. She just think the flash guy is more affluent merely based on looks of what he is wearing, etc.

It's kind of like in the film, 'catch me if you can' with Leonardo and Tom Hanks. Aside from the fraud to bank roll it all he plays the part that the women want to see. If he played the cleaner no girl would want to know but if he plays the part that women associate with something a bit flash then they are all swooning over him, same guy just playing what they want to see. The difference in girl that is attracted to you is no doubt an eye opener.

This is how sexy my night may become gaunty! :P

« Last Edit: September 24, 2023, 05:36:12 PM by Trenchcoat »
"If you make your own bread, then and only then, are you a free man unchained and alive living in pooty tang paradise, or say no and live in Incel island with all the others." - Krimster

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Trenchcoat's Further Theories on, and Experiences of, Dating in the FSU
« Reply #372 on: September 24, 2023, 06:05:35 PM »
So yeah, my sunglasses should arrive this Tuesday. I'm really looking forward to seeing them for real. Being in 28ct gold should make them really bling brightly and let's face it no one's going to know that their not 28ct gold right the way through :D

Trench, I guarantee you that every single person will know they are not 28 carat (or karat) gold.  But be sure to tell everyone they are 28 ct gold.  You'll be able to make all the girls die laughing, and getting a girl to laugh is a great intro.
« Last Edit: September 24, 2023, 06:10:42 PM by Bee Farmer »

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Trenchcoat's Further Theories on, and Experiences of, Dating in the FSU
« Reply #373 on: September 24, 2023, 06:53:24 PM »
Bee Farmer, I can imagine HOW MANY times YOU made some poor female you encountered laugh
not in a GOOD WAY

Trench was 1 digit off; 18 and not 28
Vast Astronomical SUMS of being WAY, WAY, OFF
in trying to find your way in life

you have NO CLUE WHY your life is so phuqued up
NO CLUE at all

to me it's crystal CLEAR
you don't SEE what others see

you are completely blind as to how phuqued you are
due to the environment you grew up in
and NEVER grew out of it and escaped from it
and this WHY you're NEVER gonna succeed at DOING ANYTHING with your life
except read dumb crap to fill the VOID in your mind

big tip for you, you're in your mid 40s right
well now you're skiing downhill on a steep slope
and in a few more years...
you ain't gonna be skiing at all
just watchin old Matlock episodes and eatin TV dinners

no pressure...
but face it, you're gonna be one REALLY Cranky old man, say 20 yrs from now
when you STILL ain' "got none" LOL

but yes, of course, do go ahead and lecture us "on the proper way" to live
a subject you obviously have absolutely ZERO experience with

the irony of your lecture is its entertainment
a cripple tellin us all how to dance correctly

well then...

lemme see ya snap them heels BOY!!!!
sheeeetttt he fell flat on his face.....
some dancer... sic transit authority on him for vagrancy

« Last Edit: September 24, 2023, 07:07:37 PM by krimster2 »

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Trenchcoat's Further Theories on, and Experiences of, Dating in the FSU
« Reply #374 on: September 24, 2023, 07:16:52 PM »
Trench, I guarantee you that every single person will know they are not 28 carat (or karat) gold.  But be sure to tell everyone they are 28 ct gold.  You'll be able to make all the girls die laughing, and getting a girl to laugh is a great intro.

Sorry my mistake, I meant to say they are 24ct gold which of course is the purest gold, 28ct gold doesn't exist so I made an error in writing that down.

So yeah they are plated in 24ct gold, that's real 24ct gold so they are actually gold to the extent of the plating. There is just no gold underneath but the girls don't know that, I won't tell them that of course ;D

So yeah they are visually real gold so should look good because of that. Being 24ct gold they are very vibrant and shiny so definitely bling :D They have the classic Ray ban G15 light greenish/blackish lenses so they should look good and I reckon be quite sought after in future as quite iconic so should add to interest.

There is a piece de resistance which is too good to share here, it's not the cooler box though lol, Though that sounds a good idea also.
"If you make your own bread, then and only then, are you a free man unchained and alive living in pooty tang paradise, or say no and live in Incel island with all the others." - Krimster


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