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Author Topic: Getting money to your ladies  (Read 6095 times)

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Offline Goombah

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Getting money to your ladies
« on: January 31, 2005, 08:22:19 AM »
When I visited Kiev, I left my lady with an ATM only card and the pin number.  This seems to be an effective way to allow her to have access to funds, and she has used it ONCE in the last 5 weeks - which in itself was a good sign, unless the bank has blocked it.

I'm afraid to ask the bank, since giving it to someone else might be considered a violation of the terms and conditions.    Does anybody know if the banks really care, so long as I'm willing to take the risk on the account balance?

Kevin C.

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Getting money to your ladies
« Reply #1 on: January 31, 2005, 08:26:46 AM »

Did the same here.. gave her a credit card with ATM. Had my name on it (would have given with her name but we weren't married yet).  No problem whatsoever with the bank.

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Getting money to your ladies
« Reply #2 on: January 31, 2005, 05:41:04 PM »
Another option is to use The way they work is that you get on the internet and send money to a designated recipient. That recipient receives a Visa ATM card from iKobo (in a few days time) to enable them to withdraw the funds. That iKard is reusable for future transfers.

Their cost is approximately 3% to you sending the money -and there is a $1.99 per transaction ATM fee.

Be advised, they have a multi-level marketing scheme going on where you can make money for refering others to their service (no, I am NOT participating).

I used iKobo to send money a while back and it worked flawlessly.

Just another option.

- Dan

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Getting money to your ladies
« Reply #3 on: February 01, 2005, 06:45:21 AM »
I sent a Visa/Debit card and everything went well until the machine lost power.

She went to retrieve the card from the bank and since my name was on it they refused to return the card.  Nothing was ever said by my bank with the transaction in Odessa, and I just told the bank to cancel the card and no questions were asked.  
Necessitas dat ingenium

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Getting money to your ladies
« Reply #4 on: August 11, 2024, 05:54:29 AM »
I knew a few people in Voronezh, so I wired them money through Western Union.
I started sending the money directly to Angel Eyes soon after.

Once that I knew Angel Eyes was the real deal and that I was going to marry her.
She was visiting me in the USA so I opened an account with her at Wells Fargo,
She went home with the card which back then would work at Russian ATM's. 

I could deposit money in the USA into her account with a deposit slip, then
she could take it out in Russia.

Don't send money to people you don't know!


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Re: Getting money to your ladies
« Reply #5 on: August 11, 2024, 07:49:42 AM »
not anymore...

if ya wanna wire money to Russia, ya gotta do yur research, cuz not every state has access to a commercial chinese bank...
but if ya do live in such a state, then ya wanna get an account there and get "UNION PAY"* (warning: chinese banks LOVE paerwork)
this is a card that'll work in Russia
DHL the card to her...
only drawback is she can only get rubles now

this card is aslo useful to you, cuz yur yankee credit cards won't work in Russ-see-ya later

OTOH, you travel with stacks of hundreds, you can buy ANYTHING you want or see in Russia
I mean day-yam!!!!!
in Russia, cash talks...bullshit gets drafted and killed in Ukraine

but look here...
if ya do travel to Russ-see-ya
you better make yurself look like a useful idiot
and ya better look like a freakin right-wing Z patriot, if ya choose to go walkin on the street
camo gerorge ribbon...medals...russian military pouches, etc
otherwise 'hooligans' will give you trouble

what's surprising to me, is that regular mail still works to/from Russia
and you can still make/receive phone calls to Russia

if you happen to have a big network of Russian 'friends' both in Russia and USA
then you might be able to do yur own currency swap
by giving dollars to yur Russian friend in USA, who directs his sister in Russia to give yur friend rubles

you STILL didn't tell me 'bout yur interview with the "friendly' passport control officer upon Arrival....
at good 'ole Sheremetyevo International Airport where the big jet engines ROAR!!!!
yee ha!!!!
Look! I'm a Leningrad Cowboy!!!

* I learned about Union Pay from George Soros who also taught it to the Biden Crime Family, masterminded by Joseph Biden
imagine how stoopid ya gotta be to be outsmarted by Joe Biden
if brains were dynamite, Donald Trump and Vladimir Putin could't even blow the left nostril of their noses

and this is why their fall, is going to be so satisfying
Trump falls...then Putin....

the US degrades it's public education system in order to avoid an educated working class
so that consent for fascism could be manufactured among the religious right (who by definition have already proven that they can be influenced en masse by propaganda and mythology)
an ignorant uneducated working class is necessary so that the upper class can explot them
try and convince me I'm wrong

the real struggle in Amurika isn't between gays and christians
it's ALWAYS between the rich and the poor....

I hope you enjoy Trump's meltdown
he should be pretty liquified by the end of next month

it'll be MUCH harder for Trump to try to win with fake electors or vote counters this election, cuz a democrat is in charge this time, and they KNOW...
that Trump's gonna try to cheat any way he can....
despite that, I still expect thousands of poorly educated white christians to go to prison for insurrection after November
where they will be forced to have anal sex with black men...

ironic, no?

the BIG AI machine in the black cube building at Fort Mead, Maryland
sends texts translated into Ukrainian...
on the big map
updated in real-time

you can zoom in and out for detail
look at battalions or look at individual russians
a spreadsheet gives you a list of every russian in a particular square on the grid

all Russians can be sorted into a list of targets based on proximity to ATACMS launchers or other criteria
logistics spreadsheet tracks material flow, and visual map, plots transportation

American satellites can watch a russian soldier taking a leak, and tell if he has syphillis or not
either way, he'll get euthanized while holding his willy

Ukrainians are being guided by an AI GOD
the Ukrainians who have survived the war, are Russian killin machines
while Russians aree just tryin to survive

Putin can watch the US appropriations budget made for Ukraine, in a few more months
but he'll have to wait, until after this time, NEXT year, by which time, Russia's casualties will have surpassed 1,000,000, to swee the level of commitment from President Harris and the Democratic Majority House and Senate

« Last Edit: August 11, 2024, 12:25:55 PM by krimster2 »

Offline 2tallbill

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Getting money to your ladies
« Reply #6 on: August 13, 2024, 12:25:33 PM »
you STILL didn't tell me 'bout yur interview with the "friendly' passport control officer upon Arrival....
at good 'ole Sheremetyevo International Airport where the big jet engines ROAR!!!!
yee ha!!!!
Look! I'm a Leningrad Cowboy!!!

I don't have time for cRaZy. I have a family including a boy who went back to elementary
school this week.  We are all stocked up here.
« Last Edit: August 13, 2024, 12:27:48 PM by 2tallbill »
FSUW are not for entry level daters
FSUW don't do vague
FSUW like a man of action. Be a man of action 
If you find a promising girl, get your butt on a plane.
There are a hundred ways to be successful and a thousand ways to f#ck it up
Just kiss the girl, don't ask her first. Tolerate NO excuses!


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