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Starting Out / Are you man enough for a RW?
« Last post by 2tallbill on May 03, 2024, 08:33:08 AM »
I fear our Beefarmer

There is no reason to worry about Beefarmer. He has a pen pal. He hasn't met her in
real life yet so she is just a cyber friend at this time. I have several cyber friends.
The girl I met in Georgia is sort of like his dream girl.

She was a virgin, went to church 3 hours every Sunday, fasted every fast. Read psalms
and all the other things, that chaste girls do. I was her cyber pal every day for almost a
year. I visited her and romance did not happen.

Real girls like this need to be romanced in person. You have to go to church with them
and fast with them for at least a year maybe two. Then she will marry you. It can't
be done over the internet. I don't have any way to make money while in Georgia
or wherever else you find this type of girl.

Starting Out / Are you man enough for a RW?
« Last post by 2tallbill on May 03, 2024, 08:18:12 AM »
I don't believe you.  You're either lying, or you never had any standards to begin with.

A guy marrying a woman who is divorced or has a kid is an act of desperation.  A guy with standards isn't going to get married to a divorced woman or a woman with a kid as a first choice.  And the woman knows she has to lower her standards to get a guy.

I was divorced with a child, my wife was the same. She is honest with excellent character.
We have been married for 9 years (10 in November). I have been very happy with my
wife at my side and raising/playing with the boy we made together.

You have a pen-pal who has taken leave (maybe several) and didn't tell you about it or
lied about it. She has been feeding you porkie pies and you have been eating them.
This woman doesn't have a child?

Many FSU women use abortion as birth control. How many has she had? There is no
way to know or to tell.

I am saying she has gone on leave. I am saying that she preferred to go on leave and
spend time with others rather than with you. Maybe that's because you are pen pals
rather than in a serious relationship.
Starting Out / Re: Are you man enough for a RW?
« Last post by Trenchcoat on May 03, 2024, 02:07:48 AM »
I fear our Beefarmer doesn't have much capability to be able to get with a decent woman. That it's only the low hanging fruit that he may be able to get and that for him is such a turn off as it would for most men of course. I think he tries to hide behind having 'high standards' as an excuse to avoid the embarrassment of the otherwise all too obvious lack of ability of being able to score a decent woman. The soldier girl being just a convenient proof to that narrative that he has something going on and is 'OK' whrn really he isn't.We may be able to help him here is he comes to his senses on this and opens up to us.

His soldier girl out in Ukraine is most likely getting plenty of it (sex) from the troops out there. She's unlikely to not be doing it all this time unless she is real ugly. Bothe her and the troops will be randy for it and may know that they could die tomorrow so who cares. Many of those soldier guys will be well worked out and athletic looking from all that activity, running around loading shells, lifting stuff, etc. That will be attractive for her and they will be yearning for it. Our Beefarmer is just to fill in for lonely moments penpal style when not much is going on. Once the war ends she'll have other things happening to be wanting to bother about him. But he can carry on wait'in.
Starting Out / Re: Are you man enough for a RW?
« Last post by krimster2 on May 02, 2024, 08:44:43 PM »
the comedy of BeeFarmer "pontificating" on his theory of successful relationships despite never having had one.... LOL!!!
nor seeing how ridiculous he looks in this role as spokesman for the Incel movement while defending his "profound thoughts"....

frankly, the only reason I come here, is for the humor....
some of ya'll, are REALLY FUNNY!!!!!

I guess, if I had any empathy, I'd feel sorry for ya....
but I poured out what little I was old...
so unfortunately, I'm just fresh outta empathy....

which means....
HA HA!!!

The guys who ARE man enuff for a Russian woman....already HAVE a Russian woman
and those who aren't man enuff...have what BeeFarmer has....his right hand (unless he's left handed)

but I think BeeFarmer could use his "shtick" that' he's been workin on here, for a pretty good stand-up comedy routine about incel culture, which is BeeFarmer's primary field of understanding
ya'll have questions about Incels - Beefarmer is yur "go-to" guy

I can't wait to read his latest proclamations!!!!
Mr. "I-am-not-desperate" is probably off watching porn at the moment, so is unable to reply until he 'tidys up' a bit....

Starting Out / Re: Are you man enough for a RW?
« Last post by ML on May 02, 2024, 07:52:08 PM »

A guy marrying a woman who is divorced or has a kid is an act of desperation. 

Hey . . . I married a widow with a child.

I wasn't desperate.

I married because she had good future income potential and was young so she could later push my wheelchair.

This may backfire, as she might be aging quicker than myself !!

What unfairness ? !!
Starting Out / Re: Are you man enough for a RW?
« Last post by Bee Farmer on May 02, 2024, 05:52:16 PM »
I never lowered mine, I would not ask you to do it.

I don't believe you.  You're either lying, or you never had any standards to begin with.

A guy marrying a woman who is divorced or has a kid is an act of desperation.  A guy with standards isn't going to get married to a divorced woman or a woman with a kid as a first choice.  And the woman knows she has to lower her standards to get a guy.

If any girl is serious she would find a way. She knows that she will get leave at some point
then you can visit her.

You assume that all women are the kind of women you would pursue...and you assume that I am looking for the same things you are looking for.

It's time to find someone better who sincerely wants to be the future Mrs. Bee Farmer.

But you again assume all relationships should move along the timeline you want.

You are making incorrect assumptions about me.

No, I don't believe I am making any incorrect assumptions about you.  But I do believe you are making incorrect assumptions about me.

If that girl was killed tomorrow (God forbid) does that mean there is no other girl on Earth that would meet your standards?

Meeting my standards isn't enough. 

I'm not convinced I will ever get married.  While I don't consider marriage to be a high likelihood, I don't consider it to be zero likelihood.

If you entertain the idea that at least one other girl on Earth could meet your standard, then my recommendation is that you should find that one other girl.

I consider your recommendation to be a recipe for disaster.  Simply because someone meets your standards doesn't mean you are compatible or should even consider pursuing a relationship.

Stop thinking that everyone wants the same thing you want, on the timeline you want.  I can assure you, the kind of women you have pursued, are the kind of women I want nothing to do with.  And I suspect that women I have dated, are not the kind of women you would have dated.
Starting Out / Re: Are you man enough for a RW?
« Last post by Trenchcoat on May 02, 2024, 03:27:48 PM »

If any girl is serious she would find a way. She knows that she will get leave at some point
then you can visit her. If she is not serious about you, then she will not inform you when
she gets leave. Russia invaded February 24, 2022 she has received leave. She didn't
let you know about it.

It's time to find someone better who sincerely wants to be the future Mrs. Bee Farmer.

If that girl was killed tomorrow (God forbid)
does that mean there is no other girl on Earth that would meet your standards? If no other
girl would meet your standards then stay single. If you entertain the idea that at least
one other girl on Earth could meet your standard, then my recommendation is that
you should find that one other girl.

Men in WW1, WW2 and the Korean War all got leave. So did the girl you communicate
with. They know when it's coming up and when it will be over.

Our Beefarmuh's big issue is this I think.

'If the girl is not willing to be with him, to commit anything much at all to being with him even for a quick visit, then even if they got together, how are they going to stay together?'

The moment an argument, disagreement or other desire comes about if the girl doesn't feel strongly enough to have had to commit to a visit then she's not going to feel committed enough to stay with our Beefarmuh. She'll won't feel attachment to him and she'll split. Arguments are often an inevitable part of relationships but they tend to break up those where there isn't any or much form of wanting to commit to the other person, to feel any attachment.

So, what happens early on in a relationship, how the other person responds, how each other responds can form a reflection on what will happen later in a relationship.

Her response tells me that our Beefarmer is just wasting his time with this woman. Even if she did miraculously go with him to the US and I think that is not good odds, then by this I don't see it working out and it'll fall apart pretty quick and he'll have wasted a lot of time just sitting it out all this time.
Starting Out / Re: Are you man enough for a RW?
« Last post by Trenchcoat on May 02, 2024, 12:47:26 PM »
I don't know what Beefarmer likes in terms of Standards, apart from character and personality what he likes with looks.

There is then Beefarmer himself and how he stacks up. Having high standards is one thing but Brad Pitt gets the hottie girls because he comes home good on many levels, looks, physique, money, game, social status, social skills, big house, nice lifestyle, charisma? etc, etc...

Everyone has their market value, Brad Pitt has his market value, a high market value, and so does the local pretty boy on the block who isn't good enough to be Brad because he doesn't have everything Brad has going for him, he has a high market value locally but not as high as Brad does. Then you get down to the everyday man and woman. They have not so high market value but some may overvalue themselves and stay single a long time refusing to 'lower their standards'.

It's fine having standards but if you overvalue yourself and refuse to get real with how the other gender actually rate you then there is always going to be a mismatch often resulting in no deal. Many people have problems so being aware not to get too carried away with pegging yourself too high and open to those that may fall down a little here & there can help people find their real market value.

There is of course attraction, love, personality, etc that comes into it but if you're not all that as you might think you are yourself and are too picky and refuse to budge a bit then nothing may ever happen. End of the day we are talking real people here not some unreal vision in our minds.
Starting Out / Re: Are you man enough for a RW?
« Last post by Trenchcoat on May 02, 2024, 12:27:12 PM »

If you find what appears to be a good girl in Ukraine and she is potentially the one.
Ask her when she can be free next for you to visit her.

If she can't or won't give you a date then dump her and move on. Every person in every
military in the world gets leave. If she doesn't come up with a plan, there are billions of
women on Earth and one of those women will be nearly perfect for you. Drop her and
find another out of the billions. 

Sunk cost fallacy: the phenomenon whereby a person is reluctant to abandon a strategy
or course of action because they have invested heavily in it, even when it is clear that
abandonment would be more beneficial.

Or perhaps better still hear from her first with her asking you when she can next meet up with you again ;)
Starting Out / Are you man enough for a RW?
« Last post by 2tallbill on May 02, 2024, 08:45:23 AM »
This is the approach of men who believe that if they lower their standards enough, eventually they will find someone they are willing to settle for.

This is the approach of men who are desperate, and are lowering their standards in an attempt to find someone they are willing to settle for.

No, thank you.  I have always said that I would rather spend my life alone than to be miserable by lowering my standards just to be in a relationship with someone.

The next thing you know, you'll be suggesting that I consider divorced women, or women with children.  Once again, no thank you.

Absolutely do not lower your standards. I never lowered mine, I would not ask you to do it.
If any girl is serious she would find a way. She knows that she will get leave at some point
then you can visit her. If she is not serious about you, then she will not inform you when
she gets leave. Russia invaded February 24, 2022 she has received leave. She didn't
let you know about it.

It's time to find someone better who sincerely wants to be the future Mrs. Bee Farmer.

Once again, no thank you.

You are making incorrect assumptions about me. If that girl was killed tomorrow (God forbid)
does that mean there is no other girl on Earth that would meet your standards? If no other
girl would meet your standards then stay single. If you entertain the idea that at least
one other girl on Earth could meet your standard, then my recommendation is that
you should find that one other girl.

Men in WW1, WW2 and the Korean War all got leave. So did the girl you communicate
with. They know when it's coming up and when it will be over.
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