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Author Topic: Question for the ladies-How important is a mans education?  (Read 25618 times)

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Re: Question for the ladies-How important is a mans education?
« Reply #75 on: July 06, 2009, 10:57:47 PM »
Others surrender their young minds to the professors' dominating influence.

Looking back I think that is part of my problem with the education system.  I remember being told from a young age that I was disruptive in the class room because I would question the instructor (I do not regard them as teachers), I was told numerous times that it was not my place to question the instructors. that's probably where I get my rebellion against authority from, which is interesting considering the career path I took ::)   I believe that teacher should challenge a student and would welcome questions and encourage the student to do research and either prove or disprove their theory.

 But what do I know :noidea:

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Re: Question for the ladies-How important is a mans education?
« Reply #76 on: July 07, 2009, 05:46:04 AM »
The mentality in FSU is "bez bumazhki ty kakashki", you need university diploma to apply for a job like phone operator in a pizza delivery, and im not joking.
As for the 2 guys you described:
"One man has an good civil service job with excellent medical and retirement benefits, he gets 5 weeks vacation every year (plus 3 1/2 weeks sick time)  he can afford travel to foreign countries a couple of times a year, he has no debt except for the monthly bills (insurance, electric etc..), he is considered by his peers and friends to be somewhat intelligent, however he does not have a college degree."
My initial impression from that description is that the man has no ambition and is gonna be just what he is, at his secure job for the rest of his life with same pay, sounds kinda boring to me personally. And if he works in the police or military i would assume (which doesnt necesserily mean its true but im talking about initial impression) that he deals with dangerous situations every now and then, risking his life, and that is a highly undesirable trait for me, someone who risks his life for a living is FAR from my understanding of "stable".

Now to the 2nd guy...
The second man has higher education (we'll say a masters degree) has a student loan he's paying off, has a mortgage, etc... but has an excellent income and a good job (but not as secure as the first guy).
You pay off your loans sooner or later and this guy sounds like an ambitious guy to me,  id pick him, he sounds like he has more opportunities and goals in life.

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Re: Question for the ladies-How important is a mans education?
« Reply #77 on: July 07, 2009, 05:52:16 AM »
That being said, im married to a completely unambitious man, i guess ill have to be the ambitious one. But at least he decided that he wants an intellectual job, so im happy that he studied and became a programmer, because a few years ago he wanted to do physical work, that was really strange to me, how could someone actually want to do physical work is beyond my understanding  :D to me its something you do if you have to, not because you want to.

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Re: Question for the ladies-How important is a mans education?
« Reply #78 on: July 07, 2009, 06:32:50 AM »
Anastassia. There are some educated people on this board who will tell you that you cannot have someone who is educated, smart, respected and accomplished AND a Christian.
Ronnie, there are SOME people here that will put THEIR words into OTHER peoples' mouths for no other reason than to keep beating their dull drums mindlessly :-\.
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Re: Question for the ladies-How important is a mans education?
« Reply #79 on: July 07, 2009, 06:43:40 AM »
Looking back I think that is part of my problem with the education system.  I remember being told from a young age that I was disruptive in the class room because I would question the instructor (I do not regard them as teachers), I was told numerous times that it was not my place to question the instructors.
Curious attitude in a country that someone labelled elsewhere the "Land of the Free"- did you attend school in some seedy Communist/Socialist backwater ;D?
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Re: Question for the ladies-How important is a mans education?
« Reply #80 on: July 07, 2009, 06:58:15 AM »
Curious attitude in a country that someone labelled elsewhere the "Land of the Free"- did you attend school in some seedy Communist/Socialist backwater ;D?

Close, it was a public school in Northern California ;)
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Re: Question for the ladies-How important is a mans education?
« Reply #81 on: July 07, 2009, 07:38:04 AM »

I asked the question, "Do you consider America to be the land of the free?"  The very point being that for the past 40 years, leftist revolutionaries have been working throught the teachers' unions and college campuses to indoctrinate young American with their ideology.  They begin the process by arguing that America is and always has been a terrible, oppressive and imperialistic country who does no good in the world and deserves any harm that comes to it.  They seem to want to separate America from the people who comprise it.  Basically sowing the seeds of discontent.  Without discontent and a sense of shame in being an American, there can be no social and political change.

My wife, when she was taking English classes in Northern California was bombarded daily, along with her fellow immigrant students, with anti-conservative, pro-leftist propaganda.  My wife would come home so irritated that I finally had to write a letter to the principal.  After that, the teacher became openly hostile to my wife who eventually couldn't take anymore and withdrew from the class.  This is classical leftist tyranny.  Acrzybear experienced it.  My wife experienced it.

Recently, a California high school student successfully sued his history teacher for violating his civil rights.  The court found that the teacher's daily ridicule of Christian believers, even believers in God violated the establishment clause of the US Constitution since the teacher was a government employee.  This was one small pushback against the flood of propaganda our young students have to face each day from teachers and administrators.

On a positive note, I sense that this Maxist drive has reached an apex both in Europe and America.  Your latest elections show the trend away from the socialists and a very recent Gallup poll show Americans are revolting against the indoctrination they received in school and are moving by a margin of 2-1 toward traditional conservative ideals.
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Re: Question for the ladies-How important is a mans education?
« Reply #82 on: July 07, 2009, 08:54:34 AM »
On a positive note, I sense that this Marxist drive has reached an apex both in Europe and America.  Your latest elections show the trend away from the socialists and a very recent Gallup poll show Americans are revolting against the indoctrination they received in school and are moving by a margin of 2-1 toward traditional conservative ideals.


I just wonder how many people will drink the kool-aide the great one is serving before people come to their senses.  It's funny you mentioned your wife's experience in Northern California, I remember one of the many times I was sitting in the Principals Office and he was asking why was I always disrupting the class by challenging the "teacher". Apparently he didn't like it when I replied that just because a person was a teacher did not make them right.

  I've always been a veracious reader and when I find something that contradicts what I am being told I like to look into it further. 

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Re: Question for the ladies-How important is a mans education?
« Reply #83 on: July 07, 2009, 11:14:22 AM »
Ronnie and Bear..

What you have experienced has nothing to do with any political agenda.  I went to public school in one of the most Christian dominated regions in the country, was subjected to massive amounts of christian indocrination, right wing propaganda and the exact same restrictions of questioning that Bear experienced, though perhaps from the opposite end of the spectrum.

Ronnie, you always want to frame things into some sort of agenda or conspiracy.  Perhaps you should remove the tin foil hat and get some therapy??

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Re: Question for the ladies-How important is a mans education?
« Reply #84 on: July 07, 2009, 10:03:01 PM »
Ronnie and Bear..

What you have experienced has nothing to do with any political agenda.  I went to public school in one of the most Christian dominated regions in the country, was subjected to massive amounts of christian indocrination, right wing propaganda and the exact same restrictions of questioning that Bear experienced, though perhaps from the opposite end of the spectrum.

Ronnie, you always want to frame things into some sort of agenda or conspiracy.  Perhaps you should remove the tin foil hat and get some therapy??

Eric, If what you say is true about your schooling, then that might explain your hatred of such things.  

As to the left's use of "conspiracy theorist" and "tin foil hats," I'd put that right along side your other tired favorites, "racist" and "knuckle dragger".  Sigh..  I'm longing for something new and refreshing.  Surely you can be more original..c'mon think up one for the Gipper!

FWIW, When I went in for therapy the shrink took my Tin Foil Hat away.  I was bummed.  The next week when I walked in her office....she was wearing my shiney hat, watching a Michael Moore movie and giggling like a chimp.  I wanted to take my hat back but she's have no part of it, so I traded for her propeller beanie.   Fits fine, too.  
« Last Edit: July 07, 2009, 10:04:59 PM by Ronnie »
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Question for the ladies-How important is a mans education?
« Reply #85 on: November 30, 2024, 01:48:18 PM »
If you are a blue colar guy, don't go after an astrophysics girl. Go after the hair stylist, shop girl
maybe the English teacher. If you are a chemical engineer don't chase the shop girl. Find the
educated girl who knows how to find New Zealand on the globe.

You should try to at least somewhat match yourself to who you want to marry. You at best should
only go one notch above yourself in brains and brilliance. Otherwise she is going to be very frustrated
at how much rat poison she needs to stir into your soup and how to dispose of your body.

Likewise, you need to be stimulated. Windy ears is a term my wife uses for airheads. Believe me,
a windy ears girl will drive you nuts if you want to your wife to operate without supervision.

My wife can simultaneously think about thirty things (NOT just during sex). I can turn her loose on a
half dozen things, then never worry about them again until I see her going out the back door with
my chainsaw. Then I need to take charge again since I love her body the was it is (without any
additional scar tissues or missing toes).

Bills advice is to stay only one degree above or below your level of education.
FSUW are not for entry level daters
FSUW don't do vague
FSUW like a man of action. Be a man of action 
If you find a promising girl, get your butt on a plane.
There are a hundred ways to be successful and a thousand ways to f#ck it up
Just kiss the girl, don't ask her first. Tolerate NO excuses!

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Re: Question for the ladies-How important is a mans education?
« Reply #86 on: November 30, 2024, 05:08:02 PM »
Not sure about uneducated women for an educated men, some men might just want an arm candy
but please! If you are a blue collar guy DO NOT marry an educated woman!
Afterwards we will be forced to yet again listen to all the whining from that woman about
the uncultured быдло she had married - so sick and tired of this!

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Re: Question for the ladies-How important is a mans education?
« Reply #87 on: November 30, 2024, 05:10:40 PM »
If you are a blue colar guy, don't go after an astrophysics girl. Go after the hair stylist, shop girl, maybe the English teacher. If you are a chemical engineer don't chase the shop girl. Find the educated girl who knows how to find New Zealand on the globe.

Bills advice is to stay only one degree above or below your level of education.

Good advice.

Some of my personal experience with FSU gals:

The ones I met up with would never consider a LTR with a blue collar guy, regardless of how much money he was making.

This was because they felt that daily intellectual stimulation from talking with their significant other was mandatory.

OK sure, there is the one in a thousand blue collar guy who is also a member of Mensa . . . but no sane gal is going to look for such.
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Re: Question for the ladies-How important is a mans education?
« Reply #88 on: November 30, 2024, 05:27:38 PM »
Olga's comment reminded me of a couple of situations I viewed.

My first wife had job as Director of Human Resources for a mid-sized organization.
We were doing some renovation work on a house and she discussed this during coffee breaks, etc.
A 2-3 year experienced computer jock gal (with BS in CS) mentioned that her husband worked in construction, so we hired him.
He was a HS educated redneck type of guy, but a very good worker.
He and I got a lot of work done over a couple of months.
Wife and I wondered how they got together.
Then wife was telling that the gal was talking frequently about how there was a big difference between the college degreed guys she was working with and HS guys.  Didn't mention her husband . . . but obvious who she was referring to.
Simultaneously the guy was telling me how the gal was starting to treat him like dirt.
Yes, they ended up divorcing.
- - - - - - -
Second case just a couple of years ago . . . Ukrainian wife and I were at party at home of an unmarried male math professor.  At the party was a graduate student of his along with her then husband.
I sat near them and talked quite a bit.
It was soon obvious that the husband was dumb as a post.
Driving home I told my wife that their marriage would soon fail.
Within a year they had divorced and she moved in with the professor.
But she had finished her masters degree by then, so no conflict of interest.
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Re: Question for the ladies-How important is a mans education?
« Reply #89 on: November 30, 2024, 06:39:41 PM »
The professor marrying a graduate student is fairly normal actually.
I also know one! My father's friend who was a Russian professor in math in US married to a Russian woman with kids.
He got involved with a young German graduate student, divorced his wife, married his student after she graduated
and they had more children together.

Regarding FSU women who married blue collar guys, I think I know why it's happening.
In their own country they would have never ended up with such a man as men like that talk differently even,
even if they live in a big city. But there is absolutely no chance in hell an educated big city woman would ever
go to some village or small town in a middle of nowhere and marry a blue collar guy from there!
However with different language the difference is often not that obvious I guess, and middle of nowhere, USA
is somehow romanticized by a woman. Then she gets here and realizes that the man she married is the exact type
she would have never touch with a 10 foot pole back home.

Then we, the women, hear all the tearful complaints and in the worst cases the woman would file a false DV case
to escape the guy before she gets the legal status in US.
« Last Edit: November 30, 2024, 06:49:52 PM by olgac »

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Re: Question for the ladies-How important is a mans education?
« Reply #90 on: November 30, 2024, 06:51:05 PM »
Unlike most FSU women I actually LIKE smaller towns and nature :)

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Re: Question for the ladies-How important is a mans education?
« Reply #91 on: November 30, 2024, 07:54:44 PM »
Olga, I am reminded of a couple of situations when I was searching.

1) A gal told me that I was living in the wrong state and that I must move to Florida.

2) A gal told me that I must live within 2 blocks of a metro station . . . when there are no such within a couple hundred miles !

3) In general, many FSU folks (men and women) think they know more about the USA than we folks who were born and raised here.

4) And in the same vein, many (most ?) FSU folks think they are much smarter than USA folks.  Many reasons for this I suppose, but I think one factor was the constant negativity about USA coming from the FSU news media.  Any issue involving some ineptitude was front line news in FSU news for extended periods of time.
I remember when I was in St Pb in 2001 almost everyone I met brought up with ridicule that USA folks in Florida could not punch  out the holes in 2000 election.

I am sure there are just as many (or more) cases illustrating the ineptitude or stupidity of FSU folks, but we just don't hear about them.  Why is this ?  Suppresion of those facts and incidents in FSU vs (overly in many cases) Free Press in USA.
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Re: Question for the ladies-How important is a mans education?
« Reply #92 on: November 30, 2024, 07:57:02 PM »
Unlike most FSU women I actually LIKE smaller towns and nature :)

There is a major difference between smaller towns in USA vs FSU.

Such towns in USA often have almost all of the shops and services that a person will ever need.
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Re: Question for the ladies-How important is a mans education?
« Reply #93 on: November 30, 2024, 08:03:38 PM »
Yes I know exactly what You mean! Russians in particular love to call US "страна непуганых идиотов" which basically means
a country of clueless idiots. There was at the time of Your search a popular comedian Zadrnov which loved to make fun
of Americans. My former Belorussian friend, Lena, also had similar mentality (which made me often tell her that
if she hates it here so much she is always welcome to leave. She kept sending me videos where interviewed Americans
didn't know the capital of Turkey so I reminded her that she herself almost bought a ticket to San Jose, Costa Rica to go on a cruise leaving from Puerto Rico. :D You get the idea!

Yes back in Soviet Union the geography was taught fairly well but this isn't true anymore at all! There are plenty of
videos interviewing Young russians who don't know Russian history let alone World history and don't know the geography either, I think I posted some videos like that here before.

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Re: Question for the ladies-How important is a mans education?
« Reply #94 on: November 30, 2024, 08:04:42 PM »
There is a major difference between smaller towns in USA vs FSU.

Such towns in USA often have almost all of the shops and services that a person will ever need.
Exactly! Plus there are nice taken care of parks and nature trails which aren't trashed with garbage and waste like in FSU.

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Re: Question for the ladies-How important is a mans education?
« Reply #95 on: December 01, 2024, 04:00:57 AM »
If you are a blue colar guy, don't go after an astrophysics girl. Go after the hair stylist, shop girl
maybe the English teacher. If you are a chemical engineer don't chase the shop girl. Find the
educated girl who knows how to find New Zealand on the globe.

You should try to at least somewhat match yourself to who you want to marry. You at best should
only go one notch above yourself in brains and brilliance. Otherwise she is going to be very frustrated
at how much rat poison she needs to stir into your soup and how to dispose of your body.

Likewise, you need to be stimulated. Windy ears is a term my wife uses for airheads. Believe me,
a windy ears girl will drive you nuts if you want to your wife to operate without supervision.

My wife can simultaneously think about thirty things (NOT just during sex). I can turn her loose on a
half dozen things, then never worry about them again until I see her going out the back door with
my chainsaw. Then I need to take charge again since I love her body the was it is (without any
additional scar tissues or missing toes).

Bills advice is to stay only one degree above or below your level of education.

This is advice I wholeheartedly agree with. While I was never on the hunt for an 'intellectual' honestly a girl who you can't interact with on the same level is going to be a bore for you and for her. I don't necessarily think this always lines up with a degree since many different people can get a degree these days from not very if at all academic to the highly academic, some people cheat on degrees, go for easy degrees, etc.

I've been with a girl who wasn't exactly thick but she didn't really seem to have any interest in thoughtful stuff, I don't need a girl who is highly full of blah, blah, blah intellectual stuff but too much the other way can be a problem. Possibly I could have tried to engage more on thoughtful stuff and I might have been surprised or found a particular subject that she had better insight into than I thought. In general though it seemed like I was hanging out with a chick that while she wasn't an airhead didn't really have much of an intellectual side it seemed.

The girl I am with at the moment is a lot better match, similar mind to mine I think, can engage on the same level, not devoid of intellectual stuff but not a continuous pain of oversupply on it either. With the other girl it could sometimes feel I was a bit alone in life due to the slight mismatch.

I would say in general though it's more how people's thinking matches up. Some blue collar workers can be very intelligent, it's not necessarily the norm but some can really be different from the stereotype it really just depends on the person.
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Re: Question for the ladies-How important is a mans education?
« Reply #96 on: December 01, 2024, 07:39:44 AM »
I disagree with the overly generalized ideas presented here about "intellectual compatibility"
what's presnted is too simplistic to portray some relationships
I will speak from a differing male perspective

my observation has been
that if an intellectual man bonds with an intellectual woman...
they argue and fight a lot!
an intellectual man will be much better off marrying a "simple" woman

you each serve a role according to yur ability
you're the Chief Finanacial Officer, tax expert, document filler outer, expert local knowledge, handle spiders, snakes, etc (I like tarrantulas, i've eaten some, they taste like softshell crabs)
not to mention the fact that yur the life support for her primary sex toy - yur WILLY!!!
she OTOH, is yur playmate dream girl, house keeper and cook and takes care of ya if ya get sick, like yur mum would...

a freakin match made in heaven
you each give what the other needs

you let a Ukrainian village girl live in an episode of DALLAS but for REAL
and she lets a geezer pretend he's in an episode of I Dream Of Jeanie but for real

ya see folks...
women tend to "marry up"
and men tend to "marry down"

this gives the man the "edge" in the relationship
cuz he's "ON TOP" and she isn't

see why this works SO WELL for dewds
i'm happily married 25 yrs this way
my wife doesn't NAG like an American woman would, cuz I'm on top
if I married an American woman, she'd be on top, and that would SUCK cuz she'd NAG the hell out of me, which is SUPER ANNOYING!!!

OTOH, slavic women WANT a strong man to be in CONTROL of them
becuz they use SEX to control him instead of nagging like an American would

Yuppies are gonna have majore job losses soon
roles may reverse
amd blue collar guys making money in their own business may ACTUALLY BE PERCEIVED AS BEING "SMARTER" than the laid off white collar guys

watch how the world is gonna turn upside down starting next year

people who are smart and adaptable will do better than those who aren't

still damned glad I'm not a Gen Z member

« Last Edit: December 01, 2024, 08:22:01 AM by krimster2 »

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Question for the ladies-How important is a mans education?
« Reply #97 on: December 01, 2024, 09:29:26 AM »
my observation has been
that if an intellectual man bonds with an intellectual woman...
they argue and fight a lot!
an intellectual man will be much better off marrying a "simple" woman

Simple is not mutually exclusive with either educated or smart. In the primate wiring part of
every woman's brain is to find a man to protect her and her children.

The intellectual woman vs the simple woman isn't that an example of who buries the primate
wiring vs who embraces it? More so than who is smart? Or has read Tolstoy?

« Last Edit: December 01, 2024, 09:32:13 AM by 2tallbill »
FSUW are not for entry level daters
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FSUW like a man of action. Be a man of action 
If you find a promising girl, get your butt on a plane.
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Just kiss the girl, don't ask her first. Tolerate NO excuses!

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Re: Question for the ladies-How important is a mans education?
« Reply #98 on: December 01, 2024, 09:42:58 AM »
that's my point...
it has a deeper complexity

they want a protector
we want a bikinni wearing I Dream of Jeanie Barbara Eden calling us "Master"
that's quid pro quo

would I wanna talk about software algorithms with a woman who looks like Raquel Welch from 1968 that I met in Ukraine?
NO, I fookin would NOT!!!!

I'd wanna do "Naked Bania" with her

it's ANOTHER freakin universe in Ukraine compared to the USA

« Last Edit: December 01, 2024, 09:46:13 AM by krimster2 »

Online olgac

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Re: Question for the ladies-How important is a mans education?
« Reply #99 on: December 01, 2024, 10:21:52 AM »
Oh come on! You are exaggerating. Marriage is not just sex. Spouses do TALK a lot as well.
So for a man being able to discuss things with a woman he RESPECTS not only finds hot is also very important.
Women too don't just want a protector and provider, they also want someone they actually have multiple orgasms with :)
So yeah marriage is a complicated things with many desires/needs on both sides.

And regarding Jeanie and th master there is a very good Russian song about that :)

И сидел он вечер каждый,
О взаимности тоскуя,
И задумал он однажды
Сделать женщину такую,

Чтоб она была душевно
На подобие кристалла,
Не бранилась ежедневно,
Не лгала и не болтала.

И, склонясь к своим ретортам,
Сделал женщину кудесник,
Ибо был на "ты" он с чертом!-
Так поется в старой песне.

И чиста и непорочна,
Из реторты в результате
Вышла женщина... ну, точно
Лотос Ганга в женском платье!

И была она покорна,
Как прирученная лайка,
Как особенный, отборный
Черный негр из Танганайки.

И как будто по заказу,
Все желанья исполняла,
И не вскрикнула ни разу,
И ни разу не солгала.

Ровно через две недели
Вышел из дому кудесник
И... повесился на ели!-
Так поется в старой песне

– Так поётся в старой песне.

« Last Edit: December 01, 2024, 10:24:47 AM by olgac »


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