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Author Topic: only a desperate dumb man would search R/U women  (Read 13381 times)

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Re: only a desperate dumb man would search R/U women
« Reply #50 on: August 02, 2008, 02:26:13 PM »
MaMa D ... always bringing a cup of wisdom:)

Of course you are right.  And to that degree almost all of this is splitting hairs. 

But there are important differences too, and many can be well applied to region and culture. These can enrich, or handicap any relationship. 

Do you think an average American man is the same as an average Russian man? Do you think an average Colombian man is the same as the average American man?

Some would say yes and no to both of these questions.  I think there are important cultural differences a person much understand before they commit themselves to a foreign culture (This can be for business, pleasure, of finding a wife or husband).

It is very true, however, we certainly make things to complicated.  Another unique trait of an American man, No?


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Re: only a desperate dumb man would search R/U women
« Reply #51 on: August 02, 2008, 11:10:48 PM »
Maybe NOT trollish.  The subject seems relevant to me.

So, I am going to Colombia again next week.  Still, I have not traveled to Eastern Europe.  But I am working on a deal that would take me to Romania often.  Then, I may have more information to contribute.  I think that the Latin alternative is worthy of exploration for sure. 

First I don't consider you a troll at all, you have made many posts in the past.

You noted a number of things between RW and CW but missed the some of the physical ones. Although I like women both short and tall, there are very few women in Columbia taller than 5' 4" (162 cm), or with gray, green, light brown or blue eyes. Accents are very different. Spanish is a thousand times easier to learn than Russian. 

Good luck on your trip !!!

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Re: only a desperate dumb man would search R/U women
« Reply #52 on: August 02, 2008, 11:28:39 PM »
So how do you guys read my posts that I wrote a year or so ago on RWF and think I'm now coming to this site as a troll to tell the rest of my story in searching for a foreign wife ?

Bill, you saying I'm a troll hyping LAC that already advertises on this site really makes you look like a dumb ass just as you were for going to meet a girl who is known to be a scammer and prostitute. See Sandro's double dealers list   case #52  .


I didn't go to Russia to meet the woman on Sandro's list. I went to meet another woman and things didn't work out.
I had ONE meal with the woman on Sandro's list. She has said that her photos were stolen by the prostitute site and she also says she never lived in Moscow and I know for a fact she is much taller than she is listed on the prostitute site.

I have absolutely no problem at all with you looking at both RW and others and finding happiness with a CW. I do have
a problem with the title to the thread and calling most of the men on this site desperate and dumb. That is obviously incendiary, argumentative and inaccurate. There are very many intelligent and successful men at this site.

If your title said "I looked at RW but found happiness with a CW" and did not call most RW the names that you did, I would be the first to congratulate you on your success and the last to call you a troll.

Honestly I am happy that you found love and wish you success in the future.

Buena Suerte, good luck!
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Re: only a desperate dumb man would search R/U women
« Reply #53 on: August 02, 2008, 11:38:53 PM »
Even with the 10 commandments info.

You followed these commandments with RLM?

Work to eliminate any agency from your communications.
Always get the lady's home address and home phone number as early as possible.

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Re: only a desperate dumb man would search R/U women
« Reply #54 on: August 03, 2008, 05:46:33 AM »
I have not seen any extra ordinary scams in this pursuit, but may be I have not been around long enough.

I have an extensive business background and I have seen all kinds of scams.

With regard to some of the agencies, they may be, nothing new, many businesses have their share of scammers. One can find out which are and which are not.

With regard to individual RW, no one has ever asked me for any money; I have corresponded with over 100 RW to various levels.

Many women are coming to see me on their own dime in Kiev. I never pay anything to someone I have never met; the First Commandment posted here.

I delete long letters from women I have not written to without reading them. Someone who does not give her telephone number so that I can call is deleted promptly.

All my first meetings are for coffee. There is not much for her beyond a cup of coffee, at least at the outset. And she is not getting two nickels from me until I have met her in person, and decided to pursue further, at least not in this lifetime anyway. Now how hard is this rule to follow?

Even after I have met her and pursue her, she should be able to take care of her own expenses, if she is that destitute I will look elsewhere. FSU is full of educated, professional type women who can pay their own way.

So where is the scam? Would someone enlighten me please?

The first thing you learn in business is " Buyer Beware"; I have seen all kinds of scams. This pursuit is no more or no less prone to scammmers as any other business.  Some basic precautions would protect the WM.

With regard to GCG, that is another story. My post here relates only to the searching phase.
« Last Edit: August 03, 2008, 05:52:39 AM by ambach123 »

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Re: only a desperate dumb man would search R/U women
« Reply #55 on: August 03, 2008, 08:10:14 AM »
The original poster isn't a troll any more than the guy who goes to the Corvette list and posts that everyone who drives a Corvette is a stupid loser, that anyone with any sense obviously drives a Mustang.   :cluebat:
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Re: only a desperate dumb man would search R/U women
« Reply #56 on: August 03, 2008, 04:57:07 PM »
Definition of a Troll

One who posts a deliberately provocative message to a newsgroup or message board with the intention of causing maximum disruption and argument
One who purposely and deliberately (that purpose usually being self-amusement) starts an argument in a manner which attacks others on a forum without in any way listening to the arguments proposed by his or her peers. He will spark of such an argument via the use of ad hominem attacks (i.e. you are a dumb ass) with no substance or relevance to back them up as well as straw man arguments, which he uses to simply avoid addressing the essence of the issue.

A person who, on a message forum of some type, attacks and flames other members of the forum for any of a number of reasons such as rank, previous disagreements, sex, status, etc.

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Re: only a desperate dumb man would search R/U women
« Reply #57 on: August 05, 2008, 01:29:22 AM »

You quit too early.  I can say it's a numbers game.  If you go on 3-5 tours and meet 5-10 women each trip you will meet the right one.  Good luck with your marriage, it will be the best two years of your life.  If Jack calls you a troll, you are, he can see his own kind a mile away.

Ben Armen

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Re: only a desperate dumb man would search R/U women
« Reply #58 on: August 05, 2008, 05:31:57 AM »
In my opinion, if someone has been searching for 5 years for a R/U woman and can't tell the difference from a serious woman and scammer ... then they are pretty dumb.
Just stating my opinion!  You don't have to agree with it.

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Re: only a desperate dumb man would search R/U women
« Reply #59 on: August 05, 2008, 09:38:12 AM »
I want to first say that I thank all of you who have answer my questions on this same thing. I want to say that if not for this and other sites I would have been one of the scammed. I had been emailing this lady for 7to8 mouths and she seamed to be real with what we would talk about and for 8 months you would think that she wouldn't wast time and because I had told her that I was not rich. But as we all know the money thing came up and even though I wanted to believe I just couldn't. And it isn't about the money ,money can be replace . Its about that the feelings and heart brake that you cant fix fast. I just had to tell this lady that this was not working and that I was not sending money . So I haven't heard from her since. So you see you just have to know when but were is when. You know I was thinking that if Rw scammers to 500.00 from 10 guys thats 5000.00 or 20 thats 10000.00 if only that for a month thats good money may be we should be doing but if this was done Daly just think they could be live better then most Americans. So Iam thankful for these sites and you people out there.

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Re: only a desperate dumb man would search R/U women
« Reply #60 on: August 05, 2008, 09:50:30 AM »
But as we all know the money thing came up
Just out of curiosity, HOW did the "money thing" come up, i.e. what was her reason/excuse ?
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Re: only a desperate dumb man would search R/U women
« Reply #61 on: August 05, 2008, 10:55:55 AM »

I am wondering, if you were planning on carrying a long term email relationship...

When did you plan to get your gear and go see this lady...

Did you think you could string this out forever and keep her on a sting?

Years ago, before Dick brought my Russian born daughter and grandson, "home",
My hard drive died and I went to the local library to read my mail.

There was a street person (sleeping bag and all) sitting beside me. All of a sudden he turned the air "BLUE" with reaction to an email he had received..... Turned out to be some lady on one of the Russian intro sites.....

After Irina came, all her mail was redirected to my mailbox...............what an education this old women got!  :'(

I am a psychiatric nurse and counselor...... and thought I had heard it all......NOT!

Honest,  these ladies are entitled to the best manners you can muster.......

Please do not shame us all, by your attempt to get your JOOLYS from erotic email.

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And those that don't love us,May God turn their hearts.
And if He doesn't turn their hearts,May He turn their ankles,
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Only a desperate dumb man would search R/U women
« Reply #62 on: March 19, 2024, 09:13:49 AM »
A little bit butt hurt?
« Last Edit: March 19, 2024, 09:37:33 AM by 2tallbill »
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Re: only a desperate dumb man would search R/U women
« Reply #63 on: April 18, 2024, 12:26:39 PM »
After 5 years of on and off searching for a wife from Russia/Ukraine,  and 2 very miserable trips to Ukraine to meet what only turns out to be typical R/U woman scammers and their agency , I finally realized that only a very stupid desperate man would search R/U women. Sure some of you guys have got and or will get very lucky to find a good honest R/U woman but thousands and thousands of men just like me have only got and or will only get scammed into losing lots of $ and wasting lots of time again and again time after time after time. 
 So I haven't even bothered or cared to search any more R/U women for about a year now because Russian Love Match and Anastasia Web very well proved and have shown so well how much of an easy 90% of the more attractive R/U women on the Internet are just scams/scammers  . Even if you do find a real sincere beautiful woman as I'm sure I  did a few times you will most likely do as I did and turn her off and away from you because you can't just go hop on a plane to go see her until you know for sure she is real and sincere about trying to form a meaningful relationship with you that would hopefully lead to mirage.  And she sure won't like you acting like a detective interrogating her to find out if she is for real or not .
Since I finally pulled my head out of my ass and wised up about R/U women on the internet and went totally Latin  I had the best of luck way beyond my expectations with  so many  beautiful Latin women  that were really and truly serious about marriage no matter how young and  beautiful they were.  I did correspond with a few women that were only looking for presents and a good time but they really didn't try to hide their intentions much at all.    Latin scams/ women scammers were almost non existent in my  search before I found my current gf-fiance. The reason for this seems to be that Latin women for the most part are more religious which seems to give them higher morals , better family and cultural values ,total dedication and loyalty to their man. I don't think any R/U woman would ever drag me into church just so she could give thanks to God for bringing me into her life.  Two Latin girls did this to me even though they knew I'm totally not religious  .  All the Latin women I corresponded with really despised all the Latin men in their country as cheaters,beaters, drunks and lazy. Gringos are definitely unique and very desired with the Latin women and It sure nice to be noticed by a lot of Latin women on the internet and when I visited Brazil and Colombia .
You should know your really stupid and desperate to search R/U women when all the scammer web-sites  on the whole Internet are about 99% R/U scams/scammers . :cluebat: The only so called Latin woman scammer site I was able to find is almost all about R/U scams/scammers  . I'm sure there is a good bit of Latin scams/scammers going on but I  had almost no problems what so ever probably because I stayed away from agencies and women who showed any kind of insincerity about showing me she was for real and wanting a serious relationship.  At the beginning of my search , 2 women insisted that I must first show my-self on a web-cam. This really told me that I was now searching women who were for the most part real and very serious about finding their soul-mate.
The best Latin sites I used are latineuro and latinamericancupid. I really like LAC  because the site has unlimited /unrestricted online chatting for $25 a month. Also I really like that the women will hide their profile when they are no longer available and many of them do this very soon which really shows how serious,  honest and loyal to their man that they are .   When I would chat  with the girls  many times we would go to MSN to chat , exchange photos and sometimes have a web cam/voice chat . Most of the time it was a very good connection to see and hear each other .   The girl that I'm dating now also has high speed Internet and we see and talk to each other every day like we are sitting across the table from each other. There is absolutely no better way , besides in-person, to get to know each other this way to find out if we are compatible or not. If not for MSN , I really feel I would have wasted a lot more time with this other girl I had started a fiance visa with.  On my MSN list at one time I had about 30  Latin women and several of them are now engaged or in a serious relationship .Further more I could easily get into 30 serious relationships with almost any good looking Latin woman before I could even find one ok looking for real  R/U woman that is honest and really serious about a relationship with me that would hopefully lead to marriage .  I estimate that I at best had about a 5% chance of finding a R/U woman that fit all my desired requirements of the type of woman that I want to marry . As to where I guess that I easily have about a 90% chance of finding a  good looking Latin woman that fits all my desired requirements of the type of woman I want to marry. I now feel so stupid that I was really getting so desperate with R/U women by lowering so many of my requirements so low that would have absolutely no doubt led to a unhappy mirage that would for sure have failed .

Only an idiot would lump all women in two countries together.
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Re: only a desperate dumb man would search R/U women
« Reply #64 on: April 18, 2024, 01:24:19 PM »
one of the things that the 49ers had to learn wuz to tell "Fool's Gold" from real Gold!!!

my first trip to the Yuba River in the Mother Lode, nearly gave me a heart attack
cuz when I climbed down to the river, I could see that gleaming gold specs were all OVER the bottom of the river

thought I wuz gonna be rich with this Gold Bonanza!!!
but unfortunately, those gold flakes are called "iron pyrite" aka Fool's Gold
real Gold OTOH, ain't found on the surface like that, cuz it's too dense
so ya gotta dig deep for it

whatcha learn in one domain can sometimes be applied to others

« Last Edit: April 18, 2024, 01:45:36 PM by krimster2 »

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Re: only a desperate dumb man would search R/U women
« Reply #65 on: May 12, 2024, 10:37:45 AM »
After 5 years of on and off searching for a wife from Russia/Ukraine,  and 2 very miserable trips to Ukraine to meet what only turns out to be typical R/U woman scammers and their agency , I finally realized that only a very stupid desperate man would search R/U women. Sure some of you guys have got and or will get very lucky to find a good honest R/U woman but thousands and thousands of men just like me have only got and or will only get scammed into losing lots of $ and wasting lots of time again and again time after time after time. 

 So I haven't even bothered or cared to search any more R/U women for about a year now because Russian Love Match and Anastasia Web very well proved and have shown so well how much of an easy 90% of the more attractive R/U women on the Internet are just scams/scammers.

The guy went about it all wrong so he figures it must be the women of two entire country's at
fault (millions of women) rather than him.

Next he will say that he joined Asian Only fans, as a result all Asians are slutty scammers
with piercings and tattoos! 

FSUW are not for entry level daters
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If you find a promising girl, get your butt on a plane.
There are a hundred ways to be successful and a thousand ways to f#ck it up
Just kiss the girl, don't ask her first. Tolerate NO excuses!


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