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Author Topic: What do You think of Ukrainians refusing to speak Russian?  (Read 5894 times)

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Re: What do You think of Ukrainians refusing to speak Russian?
« Reply #25 on: November 12, 2024, 03:45:21 PM »

Everyone is GONNA PAY for what's COMING

this is what we're doing to our younger generation starting out

we do this, so we can cut the taxes of the top richest people in America EVEN MORE, it's a MANDATE doncha know from the Top Donors of the Party
this election only cost the top donors 2.5 billion USD
to cure the evils of gay cowboys and poor migrants, we gotta have some of that AUSTERITY FOR THEE
tell me, Karl Marx wasn't 170 freakin years ahead of his time

these white boyz can't even grasp that
and have no clue about what's coming for them NOW

Trump's Recession
that will be blamed on Biden and Obama and Haiitian Pet Eaters

has anyone seen Garfield?

« Last Edit: November 12, 2024, 03:51:10 PM by krimster2 »

Online Trenchcoat

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Re: What do You think of Ukrainians refusing to speak Russian?
« Reply #26 on: November 12, 2024, 05:02:00 PM »

Everyone is GONNA PAY for what's COMING

this is what we're doing to our younger generation starting out

we do this, so we can cut the taxes of the top richest people in America EVEN MORE, it's a MANDATE doncha know from the Top Donors of the Party
this election only cost the top donors 2.5 billion USD
to cure the evils of gay cowboys and poor migrants, we gotta have some of that AUSTERITY FOR THEE
tell me, Karl Marx wasn't 170 freakin years ahead of his time

these white boyz can't even grasp that
and have no clue about what's coming for them NOW

Trump's Recession
that will be blamed on Biden and Obama and Haiitian Pet Eaters

has anyone seen Garfield?

It's even worse for guys, young chicks like her can go and prostitute themselves most guys can't ;)

Seriously if it's that high a cost of living and she can't make it in Hollywood or whatever then going to live in another state is probably a good option. How many English speaking States does the US have?

In the UK the next English speaking nation is Ireland and that isn't a lot cheaper than the UK. Other than that you're screwed as all other surrounding nations mean picking up an entirely new language for the most part.

I definitely think though that girl's solution is just to have some dude going away on her, all she's gotta do is lie there and let him do all the work :D
"If you make your own bread, then and only then, are you a free man unchained and alive living in pooty tang paradise, or say no and live in Incel island with all the others." - Krimster

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Re: What do You think of Ukrainians refusing to speak Russian?
« Reply #27 on: November 12, 2024, 05:14:24 PM »
AI will make women like her redundant
guys will wanna live in a virtual world with their AI girlfriends like this!!!

in the future, love is just another fake commodity you buy with bitcoin which is fake money

an AI girlfriend with NONE of the bad qualities that REAL women have

this would be the most blissful life you could ever imagine
I'd code at home and live with my AI girlfriend(s)
and I'd be a criminal mastermind
and do whatever is illegal to make money indpendentl of bein a slave to some boss

and never step outside
and I'd do drugs all day
and be hooked up to a teledildonics machine
and i'll be salivating like a lab monkey on Crack wired up to a coke button for study
and I'm jamming that button as hard as I can

oh wait!!! what am I saying?

in Krimsterland Tomorrow is Today as well as next Thursday afternoon in the back of the library

and Yesterday
all my trouble seemed so far away
now it looks like we can't SAY GAY
becuz Jesus somethin or another
has somethin to do with it

I ain't figured that part out yet EXACTLY
how the doctrine of Christ The Savior relates to Female Impersonators and why this isn't considered FUNNY instead of it becoming a MAJOR political issue

and instead we now have an extreme austerian budget in front of us
that will; cause a recession

and we're like
girls can't play soccer any more...
so let's get rid of the New Deal, cuz that's what caused the problem in the first place

if yur job doesn't come from an oligarch, big or small, then there is no job for you in America
no safety net either

for another corporate tax cut to light-up wall street
while the recession puts millions out of work

and instead of landing on Plymouth Rock
Plymouth Rock is gonna land on YOU dumb phuques!!!!

A transformer is a deep learning architecture
Text is converted to numerical representations and is converted into a vector via lookup from a word embedding table

At each layer, each word is then contextualized within the scope of the context window with other (unmasked) words allowing the signal for key tokens to be amplified and less important tokens to be diminished.

and this word probability vector is yur output

and THIS is the core of EVERY Deep Learning Program that there is

Imagine you look like Mel Gibson and ya went in the 1700s to Polynesia
and the native girls all walked around with their tits hanging out
and they LOVED THEM WHITE BOYS like you

wouldn't it feel nice lying naked on a reed mat on a sandy beach listening to the waves
with a naked polynesian girl next to you

the big advantage they're not so naturally hairy like european women
OMG!!!  have ya ever been to some parts of the FSU where the women don't all shave their legs
and see gorilla women

it will scare you into becoming GAY!!!
this and stinky vaginas are what cause dewds to turn GAY

is there anyone here, who will disagree with that sentiment?
if so, please raise yur "Pride FLAG"
not YOU BEEL!!!

we already "know" about you supposedly anti-gay guys
true orientation

Rules for Radicals

1. make a list of oligarchs
2. make a list of all the expensive, complicated machines each oligarch owns that generates cash for the oligarch
3. and break them

you don't have to hurt a soul
just the money machines
and an avalance of debt will bury them
when they run out of cash

« Last Edit: November 12, 2024, 09:45:45 PM by krimster2 »

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Re: What do You think of Ukrainians refusing to speak Russian?
« Reply #28 on: November 13, 2024, 04:03:37 AM »
history is written by the victors
only the losers pay reparations...
Trump just handed victory to Putin...
Ukraine is the loser, so Ukraine must pay, and they WILL PAY DEARLY and already have and will continue to pay for not doing what Putin says to do!!!

what's coming for Ukraine and then US?

those at the bottom ALWAYS get sold out by the people on the top
and they lie about it as well and call it something else

get used to living as slaves you morons

there will be a truce but the war will not be over
it'll go back to where it was before Feb 2022...and not to before 2014....

will Trump be able to REMOVE ALL sanctions on Russia
or just the ones after Feb 2022...
if he can also get the Crimean sanctions as well, then this is a major score for Putin
I mean, it's a Field Goal" end of game, he won, kinda move
worth the sacrifice of every gopnick

next time, sombody else will be in charge of Ukrainian War II
or it'll be one of the infinite Putin Body Doubles, which start to look less and less like Putin over time
or AI Putin

Theoretically the UK & the EU can likely finance Ukraine enough for Ukraine to hold out and eventually win over Russia. Moreso now that Russia's stockpiles of Tanks and most of all Artillery are soon to be running out next year. Less ability in the Russian side will mean less financing needed on the Ukrainian side to hold the line. Russia couldn't even beat Germany in WWI so they aren't necessarily as strong as people think they are and are weakening all the time. So in the end the US doesn't necessarily determine this one as some people think it might do.
"If you make your own bread, then and only then, are you a free man unchained and alive living in pooty tang paradise, or say no and live in Incel island with all the others." - Krimster

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Re: What do You think of Ukrainians refusing to speak Russian?
« Reply #29 on: November 13, 2024, 07:30:13 AM »
so when the germans invent time travel, and go back to 1939 and stop lend-lease to Britain
VOT Vill Happen, mein heir?

Deutchalnd Uber Alles is what happens

Putin Uber Alles
Trump/Musk Uber Alles

breaken die machinen mein comrads
start with musk's $1 billion AI server it has 2 night security guards

if there's some piece of machinery that contributes to elon's fortune
break it

THIS is the resistence

« Last Edit: November 13, 2024, 07:36:50 AM by krimster2 »

Offline 2tallbill

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What do You think of Ukrainians refusing to speak Russian?
« Reply #30 on: November 13, 2024, 08:34:27 AM »
Man if she screws up this great opportunity in dating I will be REALLY mad!

You've done what you can, you pointed two people towards each other and now it's
their job to mess it up. I try to stay away from such things. Any time I tried to point
a man in the direction of a FSUW that I knew, he made me look bad, so I've completely
stopped. Angel Eyes tried to match make two people and I knew it wouldn't work.
That guy would never travel to Russia, he has never had a passport. Most American
men aren't able to do any of the things they need to do. A man needs a drive inside
him to be able to navigate the perils of FSUW. It's not for everyone, it's not for most.

Matchmaking isn't for everyone either.

FSUW are not for entry level daters
FSUW don't do vague
FSUW like a man of action. Be a man of action 
If you find a promising girl, get your butt on a plane.
There are a hundred ways to be successful and a thousand ways to f#ck it up
Just kiss the girl, don't ask her first. Tolerate NO excuses!

Online krimster2

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Re: What do You think of Ukrainians refusing to speak Russian?
« Reply #31 on: November 13, 2024, 09:23:39 AM »
you do realize that Fiddler on The Roof's daughter commited suicide....
because of matchmakers

a cautionary I be trying to tell ya'll
don't pee in the wind
and don't interfere in other people's lives

move through life like a fish who leaves no ripple in the water he swims in
instead of splashin around

« Last Edit: November 13, 2024, 09:31:32 AM by krimster2 »

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Re: What do You think of Ukrainians refusing to speak Russian?
« Reply #32 on: November 13, 2024, 09:54:05 AM »
you do realize that Fiddler on The Roof's daughter commited suicide....
because of matchmakers
Did she? I don't remember reading it in Sholom Aleichem's book?

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Re: What do You think of Ukrainians refusing to speak Russian?
« Reply #33 on: November 13, 2024, 10:38:23 AM »
Shprintze's suicide
you read it in Russian, I assume?
I read it in Yeshiva in parallel in English and Hebrew

this STORY wasn't REALLY Russia or Ukraine
it was actually about the Kishinev Pogrom in the early 1900s
but fictionalized into some other generic shtetl in Russia/Ukraine
which was a pretty accurate representation of the majority but not only Yvray community
that doesn't exist anymore

I've only been to Kishinev once, my wife's father was from there
it used to be drivable from Odessa (pre-war)

what is the timeline for Moldova to the EU?
will Transnistriya block them from NATO just like Ukraine will be permanently blocked due to land seisure from Russia as well as Georgia?

Ne Plato!!
Ne Play Dough!!
Ne Chicken Alfredo!!!

so sez the department of making poor people poorer chaired by a hedge fund manager and the world's richest man

means just that, keepin it ALL BITCHES!!!!

God Keep The Czar!!!
Russki Yvray Humor, weren't laughin in '41 now were ya?
or in '37's purge either

my yvray heritage is Moldovanka Odessa and Nezhin in Chernigov Oblast
everybody now lives in either USA or Israel dyasporya and we stay in touch

my Nezhin relatives were houseboat Jews who cruised on the Desna and Dnipro rivers
and looped the rivers trading goods and services up and down the river to Jews and Gentiles alike
buy sausage in one village and sell it further south which offers a higher price

at night, the laguskie will sing you to sleep
you eat a lot of fish from the river
yvray don't touch the fresh water mussels

but the Bolsheviks sank all their boats in the Desna river and threatened another Pogrom
so my relatives fled to Palestine and America by the time of the 1919 Pogrom
so only a handful of VERY POOR old people with no children from my family was still in the CCCP in 1941 when the fascists came

Nezhin Ukraine was large farming community
the cucumber capital of Ukraine
also a REALLY good place for growing Barley and if ya got the materials to build the trellises, then ya can grow some first rate HOPS in that chorny Ukrainian top soil with organic fertilizer

these two, and spring water, is all ya need to make yurself a brewery
in Czarist days this was a privilige ONLY for the czars friends
who gave a cut to the czar

so you can see how bootlegging is the foundation for a revolution AGAINST the Czar
which has a steep risk/reward curve

so you can imagine playing and winning this GAME!

even if the war is over today
for yers and years ukrainian farmers and kids will be stepping on Russian mines

Russia got 20% of Ukraine which is nearly a complete crater filled ruin

in exchange for 750,000 kia/wia and a $trillion dollar loss

oligarchy is supposed to divide it up and give Pooty Poot a "taste"...
but phuque, there's not a damned thing to divide!!!!
except the "Walking Dead" Film Rights

and millions of tons of broken bricks

I have been overnight in Israeli Kibbitz and served in the military with Kibbitzim

and I met Kariate Jews in Lithuania whose ancestors lived in Crimea in a place called Chufut Kale "The Jews Fort" which was abandoned over two centuries ago
and they went from Crimea to Lithuania
I met a group of them in Vilnius, and showed them photos I took of Chufut Kale and they were FREAKED, becuz the thought it was all a myth!!!

thye have the blackest hair and the bluest eyes
of anyone i've ever seem
the women especially are VERY unique looking
once you see their "look"
you can recognize them from 50 meters away
only in Lithuania, never saw a single one in Crimea

can you imagine if I took a Kariate Jewish girl from Vilnius to Chufut Kale
I can freakin read the hebrew off the stone inscriptions to her from the spookiest cemetary I ever saw

she will think I'm a phuqueing religious prophet
and bare unto me her young bosom!!!

Thanks, Bong Jesus!!!!!

« Last Edit: November 13, 2024, 01:13:05 PM by krimster2 »

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What do You think of Ukrainians refusing to speak Russian?
« Reply #34 on: November 13, 2024, 04:18:30 PM »
you do realize that Fiddler on The Roof's daughter commited suicide....
because of matchmakers

I didn't.
FSUW are not for entry level daters
FSUW don't do vague
FSUW like a man of action. Be a man of action 
If you find a promising girl, get your butt on a plane.
There are a hundred ways to be successful and a thousand ways to f#ck it up
Just kiss the girl, don't ask her first. Tolerate NO excuses!

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Re: What do You think of Ukrainians refusing to speak Russian?
« Reply #35 on: November 13, 2024, 07:15:43 PM »
Sholem Aleichem’s first major work, written in Yiddish, was a dictionary of the curses employed by Jewish stepmothers
nasty Yiddsh curses MUCH worse than Russian mat
some of the most vile words ever written
you spit them at people
nasty bitches

it is better to be Tevye the Dairyman's dog than one of his daughters
mine says the same thing

OTOH, yiddish is a great musical language
Mila Jovavich Born a Ukrainian Jew

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Re: What do You think of Ukrainians refusing to speak Russian?
« Reply #36 on: November 16, 2024, 05:46:35 PM »
so when the germans invent time travel, and go back to 1939 and stop lend-lease to Britain
VOT Vill Happen, mein heir?

Deutchalnd Uber Alles is what happens

Putin Uber Alles
Trump/Musk Uber Alles

breaken die machinen mein comrads
start with musk's $1 billion AI server it has 2 night security guards

if there's some piece of machinery that contributes to elon's fortune
break it

THIS is the resistence

Even the present Russian Army would be no match for the Army of WWII Nazi Germany on a one on one battle. Just think of it, back in WWII it took the combined might of Great Britain with it's Empire, the US AND the Soviet Union to beat Nazi Germany, and yet we victorious nations rave on about how we beat them lol. 3 big nations to defeat 1. Well I guess the US also had the Japanese to deal with, to a lesser extent so did the UK. There was Italy on Germany's side but it wasn't up to much and had no big resources to bring to bear.

Germany always feared the UK being brought into war as it meant it brought it's whole Empire into war as well. So that would be a lot for Germany to deal with. Lend Lease helped the UK mainly it's Navy to help keep the shipping lanes open but I think the UK would have still survived without it though likely not as well. It was really defeating the Luftwaffe in the Battle of Britain and with it Germany's failure to land an Army in Britain that kept us in the game.

Russia today has gone several rounds with Ukraine already and is close to being a spent force. Russia is on the ropes and could face a knock down if the UK & EU are willing to persevere that bit longer and wait until Russia's army is exhausted. It's likely just the case of holding on a few months over negotiating some crappy peace - that was tried with Hitler, it didn't work.

For Russia there is no way it's making enough Armaments, if it was it wouldn't be bothering delving into old Soviet stockpiles. That it is means it's not making enough Armaments. I think it was in a Newsweek article that it was stated that at most Russia wouldn't be making more than 50 tanks a month but is losing more than that a month in Ukraine. Basically Russia is losing its Armaments quicker than they can build them. It takes moments for a Ukrainian shell fired from longer range western made Artillery to hit Russian Artillery and take it out, it takes way longer than a few moments to make another Artillery piece.

I think this worse thing that people can do is to think that Ukraine has to make a peace with Russia soon after if not before Trump comes into office. That's the worst thing they could do, it would be better for Ukraine to just fight on regardless of US funding as Russia would soon not to be the big beast everyone thinks it is if they do that.
"If you make your own bread, then and only then, are you a free man unchained and alive living in pooty tang paradise, or say no and live in Incel island with all the others." - Krimster

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Re: What do You think of Ukrainians refusing to speak Russian?
« Reply #37 on: November 16, 2024, 06:02:16 PM »
f Roosevelt didn't win the election in the 30s
and Hoover did instead
No Lend Lease For Britain 1n 1940

After Dunkirk...
what happens

Manchester United would now be Mannheim Vereinigt
and most English girls would be named Brunhilde
and I would have an artificial foreskin attached
to fake out Dept of Homeland Security Jew Patrols
and would be a Methodidt like my father
to beat the Jew Quota

a "converso" but not a "moreno"

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Russia not running out of anything
« Reply #38 on: November 16, 2024, 06:02:34 PM »
I must once again disagree with you.
Russia is on war footing with respect to production of military supplies.
Plus they are getting supplies from Iran, China, N.Korea and who knows where else.
They are not going to run out of military equipment.
A beautiful woman is pleasant to look at, but it is easier to live with a pleasant acting one.

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Re: What do You think of Ukrainians refusing to speak Russian?
« Reply #39 on: November 16, 2024, 06:08:38 PM »
yo' wussup?
it's yur boy Krim!!!

Russians have been sayin for QUITE AWHILE with a HIGH DEGREE OF CERTAINTY in their voices

that the end of the war is gonna be anounced "in a few months"

will it return to pre-2022 level
or pre-2014 level

Russia will have all sanctions lifted, flow of Russian oil and gas resumes (and money into shadow banking system)
all frozen russian sanction funds returned

Ukraine ONLY gets a box of See's Candy (The small one)
no reconstruction money - cause Elon cut it from the budget!!!
if it ain't NASA or military, cut it
to get his taxes cut AGAIN!!!

Trump's new Sec of Defense will accuse Zelensky of war crimes and corruption
after reducing the amount of foreign aid delivered to Ukraine to be $0.0
Russia will spend the next 20 years rebuilding Novo Russiya
but not one kopec to Ukraine

Trump will get his revenge over "The Perfect Phone Call" to Zelensky

2025 is Trump's "Revenge Tour" on Ukraine, Prosecutors, Government, Law Enforcement, Democrats, people who like FREEDOM aka "Liberals"
reduce IRS audits on billionaires

Trump's only function is to deconstruct the American government to before The New Deal
and return all power to plutocrats who give him a piece of the pie they are now free to carve for themselves
JUST like they did in Russia

what's worse?
Queers For Palestine
Rednecks For Plutocrats

you poor southern farmers who live in log cabins with dirt floors
started a civil war
for Plantation Owners who suppress your wages whose sons are in London and Paris

I'd call you STOOPID...
BUT...that would be HIGHLY insulting to STOOPID PEOPLE who would object to it

there are forms of bacteria
that break down fecal matter by digesting it
that are 10X smarter than you
plus they can eat shit

i'd pay much heed to the opinions of these Prokaryotes microbes than any of you blubbering rednecks
it doesn't matter to me that they lack a nucleus....
like you eukaryotic supremicists say makes you "so superior" ohhh...lookit my nucleaus.....

ElektroMagnetisch Oscillator Mit Quantum Komputer
From Red Commie Doper Magazine Issue #12 Published by Negro Comix

complete working diagram and schematic
a sha-256 quantum decryptor with error correction

that can also be used as a communicatio device with the spirit realm
throught the detection of random parallel events

The First Personal Quantum Computer
made in the USA so no Trump Tarriff

New Trump is Jesus Movement...

the bullet that pierced Trump's ear
and the spear that pierced Christ's side

instead of people going to Disneyland
Disneyland went to the people

and mickey the mouse extorted cheese from humans by deceiving them (which wasn't hard)

evil greedy liitle mice
few things are as much fun as making glue traps and listenen to 'em squeal when they get stuck
before...I...uh...dispose of them....

sometimes I spend days planning their execution
which I do in front of the other captured mice
to remove any HOPE of HOPE

Cheese will make you full!!  Go and have SOME!
hordes of mice galloping for the cheeese
and THEN
a CRAZY-assed Giant high on drugs comes along
and kills them

The story is told from the point of view POV of The Crazy-Assed Drug Abusing Giant
that role is played by none other than MYSELF!!!!

I play this character so well, it's ALMOST like I am this character

hello, chatgpt4 pretend you are a highly educated drug abusing veteran writing on a forum about a Ukrainian refusing to speak Russian
but expressing it as an animal torture story

like i'm sure it gets asked to do THAT all the freakin time...

"I'm Sorry Dave...I can't do that..."
this will be real within 10 years from now

half of all human jobs are gonna be in danger of going away
when this emerges

the top 10 AIs will be owned by a mix of corporations, billionaires and governments
and these AIs will all be fighting or allied with each other

the AIs tell humans in their organisation what to do
and show them how to do it
and measure how well they perform

and creates a monthly spreadsheet summarizing worker performance for the entire department

everything will be micro managed by AI to maximize efficiency to maximize profits
but not employment

30 years from now....
ugly chinese guys are gonna drive gray plastic self-driving EVs through desolate America
lookin for poor young redneck girls...
typically blondes with big tits

any large american city will have thousands of young homeless white girls sleeping in the street
that would leap into a Chinese EV if given a chance

because of the extremely hot temperatures, these girls wear very little clothing, some are barefoot
many are prostitutes, beggars, thieves or hard core drug users
from children to early middle age

what used to be known as "street urchins"
will return

like the lemmings....

after fallin hundreds of feet off the cliff
and landing on solid rock

the last thing that went through yur mind
was your asshole before it splattered on the rock
that's how phuqueing hard you hit!!!

no two lemming splatters are ever the same
ask the seagulls
they've eaten thousands of them

« Last Edit: November 16, 2024, 10:55:03 PM by krimster2 »

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What do You think of Ukrainians refusing to speak Russian?
« Reply #40 on: November 17, 2024, 11:34:05 AM »
She just can not understand "so much hatred towards Russians" from Ukrainian side to
which I respond that's a totally natural human reaction to being invaded and bombed,
like what did You expect???

This is not a new thing.

The Ukrainians had to fight to keep their language since the Soviet Russians started killing
them in 1922, but it's really been going several hundred years longer than that.

FSUW are not for entry level daters
FSUW don't do vague
FSUW like a man of action. Be a man of action 
If you find a promising girl, get your butt on a plane.
There are a hundred ways to be successful and a thousand ways to f#ck it up
Just kiss the girl, don't ask her first. Tolerate NO excuses!


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