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Moscow Bound

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So I am going to Moscow in February.  No, not to crush the Tartars, this time. ;)

 I've been there before a few times (including winter), but not in a few years.  I understand that things have changed a lot, at least on the Tverskaya--lots of new, western shops present, etc.

Does anyone have any recommendations for restaurants, bars, clubs, entertainments? 

Some things to guide recommendors:

I can find my way around on the Metro, and speak/read Russian well enough to get directions, and even understand them :D and I already know where Deli France, the Canadian Bagel and Yelky Pelky (Pushinskaya edition) are.  I will be staying either near the center or out on the ring near Sukharevskaya.  Ideas for both would be welcomed.


Hello Ivan, as it has been a few years since I last visited Moscow, but will be back this coming June. I would be most appreciative if you could write back with the changes you see on Tverskaya. I usually stay in a nice flat on Tverskaya myself, about 200 meters north of Red Square. You know where the Pizza place with the yellow trim around it, next to the old Intourist Hotel?  The flat I rent is right across the street from there, second floor. I love to just stand on the balcony and watch daily Muscovite life.
I hear the Intourist is gone now, been replaced but have not been there since the new hotel has gone in. Please let us know what changes you see.


Last time my wife and I were in Moscow we found this interesting place called "Zhiguli"  We both enjoyed ourself there.  You should call and reserve a place ahead of time.  We just walked in off the street and luckily found a couple who was getting ready for a table, but after the couple left and we were still finishing our meal we were asked to leave for another reservation.  In any case after the manager found out how much money I had spent on the meal he came over and personally apologized for this inconvenience.  My wife and I thought that the bouncers and manager were very cool but that the wait staff was rude. 

Well I should say that the waiter was offended because I didn't leave a tip.  My wife refused to leave a tip because it is not customary in typical russian society, but after the waiter found out I was American he suddenly became offended because I didn't leave any tip. (Just a heads up on this one). 

The music was cool and food was good but definitely had a lot of dill which is popular over there.  Lots of beautiful ladies to be found as well.

Another place I was impressed with was a club called "Voodoo Lounge"  the address is:   Srednii Tishinskii pereulok 5/7, Moscow, Russia 

[*]Open Hours: 6pm-6am daily [/*]
[*]Phone: +7 095 253 2323[/*]
Nice nightclub,  I met a large group of ex-patriots while I was there.  There was another club but I can't quite remember the name.  If I remember I will post info.

If you need a part time interpreter in Moscow, my step-son will be flying back next week to resume his studies in Moscow and he always needs beer money.


jb I will be accompanying and assisting some guys in Moscow the middle of June and am quite sure I will need some additional good interpreters. With Moscow being what, the second most expensive city in the world, most things in Moscow are expensive when in comparison to other services in the FSU. In fact I quite often tell guys that Moscow and St. Petersburg are not Russian cities, they just happen to be located in Russia. And what I am referring to by saying that is that Moscow and St. Pete are certainly not your typical Russian city.

jb in Moscow today we generally pay either $9 or $10 an hour for interpreters. Is this in the range your son-in-law is charging?  I certainly do not mind getting some information from you (if you want to pm me) and I can offer his services to the guys.



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