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Author Topic: AFA's New Disclaimer > The backlash of PPL!!  (Read 3504 times)

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AFA's New Disclaimer > The backlash of PPL!!
« on: July 26, 2022, 01:26:48 AM »
From AFA's Frontpage when you log in it reads:

"Some Good Advice Concerning Correspondence And Why You Should Actually Limit It
We have been assisting men and women in meeting since 1995. The one thing that has
 stayed constant since that time is the fact that if you desire a relationship
it is imperative that you MEET IN PERSON! We do not, nor have we ever advocated
excessive correspondence.

Correspondence is only a tool that should be used sparingly, if at all. Of course the women
are assisted by our Matchmakers/Translators with their correspondence, (we also assist men
 with that from time to time), and although this may help with the communication, it is important
 that you meet in person as soon as practicable - the two of you physically together, to discover
if there is any chemistry.

Chemistry is difficult if not impossible to discover solely through letters, but when the two of you
are in front of each other, even with a Matchmaker/translator assisting, you have body language and
 other non-verbal cues to assist in determining chemistry.

Again, please use the communication part of this site responsibly and do not overdo it. You are much
better off, and will get much more out of the service by spending your time, resources, and energy utilizing
the off-line services we offer such as Group Tours, Clubs, or one on one introductions.

Even a Skype call will provide you far more insight into the chemistry between the two of you than multiple

To learn more about using correspondence “Smartly” please check out the link below.

Corresponding the S.M.A.R.T. Way
A practical guide to digital communication with foreign women."

Ok guys so I've been following AFA for quite some time and I listen to
their weekly transmissions from time to time. The prevalent mantra for about
a year and a half or so is to NOT write any letters at all! And they say that
if you are really desperate to communicate with one particular or several ladies
who interest you, then you should limit this exchange to the BARE MINIMUM which
could be somewhere between 1 and 2 letters per month. Even without the income they
would get from PPL I am sure they make great money just from the socials, introductions
and the tours they have in so many countries so I guess it's the feeder agencies who suffer more.

I don't actually correspond through AFA but have a half empty account there just to
perform my private investigations on several women I see on other sites. It is surprising
to find such Disclaimer and advice from the "horse's mouth" itself as so many guys get
trapped in this "Spider's Web", as Stryker would call it, that has no end and is just a vacuum
of time, money and attention. It's sort of like social media where you never find an end to
the swiping down and you lose hours of your life with nothing to show for after you are done!
And many guys fall for the flowery letters and exchanges, making THOUSANDS of
dollars for the local agencies just like this guy:

Anyway, like many of you say here, if you are NOT travelling, then wait until you
are 1-4 weeks prior to your trip to start
the correspondence, otherwise what will be the momentum knowing
you will not go there in say 8-12 months from the moment you start writing??
Heck! There's even another guy in this forum claiming he started writing like 2 or 2 1/2
YEARS prior to visiting his woman using the Visit One strategy!

That's sounds freaking ridiculous given the amount of opportunities
you would be losing in your own country and the amount of opportunities SHE will lose if
she takes you sseriously!(ofc this will probably NEVER happen and YOU instead will be the one
sucker thinking you are in a relationship with someone!) Most likely some other dude with no prior
correspondence will show up at one of these socials, spark chemistry and steal the lady you were
so in love with!
Of course ever since I started looking for a FSU partner online I have never been the one
talking to just 1 woman and have always tried to have at least 3 options but even then you
are likely to FAIL if you are not ready to travel within a max of 2-3 months (my rough estimate).
Visiting One strategy to me seems like a big gamble given all the factors that may be into play at a given
moment but if it floats your boat and you still believe in fairy tales I guess that's your shot!

Life won't get easier. You just have to get stronger.

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Re: AFA's New Disclaimer > The backlash of PPL!!
« Reply #1 on: July 26, 2022, 03:12:02 AM »
Lol, I think AFA's advice reads like a disclaimer they had for Fast Food that you should only eat in moderation and as part of a healthy diet.

My guess is that AFA are trying to protect themselves against being sued so they can turn around and say, 'hey no we never said you should write tons of letters to these women'. They know that guys are going to see those hot women and want to write and when low and behold one of them writes, at least they think it's them, then they are smitten that a hottie they could never get growing up is interested in them. So they know it's going to continue despite their disclaimer. People want to believe and there is no shortage of stupid people on this planet. I don't mean this as a dig at US guts, I know that not all are rich and have money to replace easily but some earn a lot and they don't realise it's worth out in the FSU and as such it can screw up things badly out there if they don't handle the situation correctly.

The 'Love Me' 2014 documentary is a fun watch and good for a early intro into FSU Dating I think as it's pretty balanced. The Tours AFA run are apparently a mixed bag and contain both scammers, party goers and serious women. The documentary shoes guys who were successful and those that got scammed so it's pretty handy to see. I would probably be ok at an AFA social now, should I have gone in the early days of my search, I dunno. I think I would be going more on chance, risked getting hit badly in the wallet by a scammer and even if successful would have forgone a lot of learning that has likely made me wiser I think. I think AFA know a lot of guys won't get on planes but will instead continue to fantasize at home, the advice just their disclaimer against come back that it was a letter writing scam. Mind you John Adams, etc are probably all so rich now that maybe they aren't so bothered about taking it in anymore. I don't think they are out & out bad people but I think they saw an opportunity to make money and went for it and they're just stuck with the model they are with.

Thing is even with all the advice like what is floating about here guys will still go out and use PPL, they're lonely and it fills the gap in their life, it makes them believe. Fdate doesn't guarantee the same return of interest back. You can bang away in their for months with little interesting you are ugly or aren't presenting yourself well in photos. I've been in Lviv and only managed to get a couple of dates up on the hoof in the nearly two week stay I was there. There was less people there than other cities in Ukraine and it was a nicer place, I'm ok looking but no Brad Pitt or anywhere close. I had to work the correspondence a bit in-between exploring the city as a tourist. So while starting corresponding only a few weeks before is a good idea I don't think it would necessarily work for everyone so I wouldn't buy airfare and book hotels until at least one woman down who seems certain. Remember though that if you do correspondence for more than say a couple of weeks she will think and plan as if you are just meeting her and will probably want to spend days with you, it's weird but the way it tends to goes down our there.

The guy in the video is a classic though ILU, he goes for a Tomb Raider Angelina Jolie lookalike, a model looking woman and gets made a fool out off. Shame as he seems a nice decent guy and he at least made the journey but got stood up and they only wheeled her out after he complained with the TV crew they're. It's kind of how delusional some guys get, he's old, very overweight, likely not seen as the best looking guy, etc and he thinks he's up to meet a girl like that and go off with her. The look on her face is priceless when the terp translates that he wants to get with her :ROFL:

I think people have commented that the cleaner lady who compliments him on the way out he could have a chance with, nearer in age, probably decent person and dolled up would likely look nice enough. He's kind of fixated on the pretty girl though and I can't blame him, he wants what looks good to him. On that one it's an easy mistake to make, on the amount he spent on letter writing that was ridiculous he really should have gotten a hold of himself.

It's kind of what I say though about a naturally pretty girl is fine. She was probably pretty without make up but super star quality with it particularly with a pro photo shoot with sexy clothing added. A naturally pretty above average girl is still going to be a potential problem as guys go for that but avoiding a real glam looking one is usually best practice in my opinion.
"If you make your own bread, then and only then, are you a free man unchained and alive living in pooty tang paradise, or say no and live in Incel island with all the others." - Krimster

Offline iloveukrayinkas

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Re: AFA's New Disclaimer > The backlash of PPL!!
« Reply #2 on: July 31, 2022, 10:34:54 PM »

It's kind of how delusional some guys get, he's old, very overweight, likely not seen as the best looking guy, etc and he thinks he's up to meet a girl like that and go off with her. The look on her face is priceless when the terp translates that he wants to get with her :ROFL:

I think people have commented that the cleaner lady who compliments him on the way out he could have a chance with, nearer in age, probably decent person and dolled up would likely look nice enough. He's kind of fixated on the pretty girl though and I can't blame him, he wants what looks good to him. On that one it's an easy mistake to make, on the amount he spent on letter writing that was ridiculous he really should have gotten a hold of himself.

Little less than a month ago I went to Walmart, while I was at the cash register paying a couple was waiting in line right behind me but it called my attention the quality of babe the guy had. She was a jawdrop for me! She was young, well dressed, about 5'5, and sexy as hell. The husband blew me away as I stood there at Walmart's exit door after paying because this guy was NO Channing Tatum or Ryan Gosling lookalike!
Sure, the guy was tall, about 6 or 6'1 but morbidly obese, had a bad haircut or not very well combed hair and his face wouldnt be something you could call to be anything like a "chad-like"!
You say Bob in this documentary is like the worst you could find in this world but he is not, I think he would actually look pretty good beside this ugly walmart man from hell!!!
I've seen these types of guys time and time again in my life. Guys with no job or dead poor getting their women to walk the streets because they can't afford a car, guys with an ugly face but using a haircut which perhaps is the fashion at the time and so on.
This is why PPL can be a big risk for us guys who are decent looking and have a decent income, for example. We've seen guys like these get hot girlfriends and we might think, and why not? If these other guys can do it!

Like you say, the amount spent on letter writing about 10K was ridiculous just to find out it was a ruthless scam. If he spent another 5K on the trip and the tour he was down about 15K
Money that could very well have been spent on improving himself:

1) Hiring a fitness coach/ personal trainer
2) Paying for the best Gym subscription
3) Hiring a nutritionist who can tell him how much overweight he is and what would be his ideal weight for his height
and prepare meal plans or advice on how he can eat healthier and cleaner
5) Hiring an image consultant
6) Buying himself better clothes
7) Joining a sports or tennis club
8) Travelling or giving himself a nice vacation with that money
9) etc.

Ofc, AFA is also to blame by the way they present these "ladies" to all men, stating that pretty much
ANYBODY can get in contact with them and have a shot at them, no matter how they look, how much
they earn and their goals in life.

Ofc you can also say that he had part of the blame in all this as he also had various opportunities in which
he could have tried to socialize with other similar SMV women than the one he was corresponding with,but
in any case, if this was the only woman he was interested in, as he showed it in the documentary at the social,
he shouldn't have joined a tour and should have payed for that "Euro club" thing that AFA has.
I doubt he even tried to shoot a phone call to this Angelina lookalike before he travelled there and was
pretty much just hoping she showed up!
Not until you have heard from the "horses mouth" that she is interested in you travelling to meet her, should
you attempt even going there. Thing is he fell in love with her online and that is the single biggest mistake
you can ever make while embarking in this journey!

Life won't get easier. You just have to get stronger.

Offline Trenchcoat

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Re: AFA's New Disclaimer > The backlash of PPL!!
« Reply #3 on: August 01, 2022, 01:14:37 AM »
Little less than a month ago I went to Walmart, while I was at the cash register paying a couple was waiting in line right behind me but it called my attention the quality of babe the guy had. She was a jawdrop for me! She was young, well dressed, about 5'5, and sexy as hell. The husband blew me away as I stood there at Walmart's exit door after paying because this guy was NO Channing Tatum or Ryan Gosling lookalike!
Sure, the guy was tall, about 6 or 6'1 but morbidly obese, had a bad haircut or not very well combed hair and his face wouldnt be something you could call to be anything like a "chad-like"!
You say Bob in this documentary is like the worst you could find in this world but he is not, I think he would actually look pretty good beside this ugly walmart man from hell!!!
I've seen these types of guys time and time again in my life. Guys with no job or dead poor getting their women to walk the streets because they can't afford a car, guys with an ugly face but using a haircut which perhaps is the fashion at the time and so on.
This is why PPL can be a big risk for us guys who are decent looking and have a decent income, for example. We've seen guys like these get hot girlfriends and we might think, and why not? If these other guys can do it!

Like you say, the amount spent on letter writing about 10K was ridiculous just to find out it was a ruthless scam. If he spent another 5K on the trip and the tour he was down about 15K
Money that could very well have been spent on improving himself:

1) Hiring a fitness coach/ personal trainer
2) Paying for the best Gym subscription
3) Hiring a nutritionist who can tell him how much overweight he is and what would be his ideal weight for his height
and prepare meal plans or advice on how he can eat healthier and cleaner
5) Hiring an image consultant
6) Buying himself better clothes
7) Joining a sports or tennis club
8) Travelling or giving himself a nice vacation with that money
9) etc.

Ofc, AFA is also to blame by the way they present these "ladies" to all men, stating that pretty much
ANYBODY can get in contact with them and have a shot at them, no matter how they look, how much
they earn and their goals in life.

Ofc you can also say that he had part of the blame in all this as he also had various opportunities in which
he could have tried to socialize with other similar SMV women than the one he was corresponding with,but
in any case, if this was the only woman he was interested in, as he showed it in the documentary at the social,
he shouldn't have joined a tour and should have payed for that "Euro club" thing that AFA has.
I doubt he even tried to shoot a phone call to this Angelina lookalike before he travelled there and was
pretty much just hoping she showed up!
Not until you have heard from the "horses mouth" that she is interested in you travelling to meet her, should
you attempt even going there. Thing is he fell in love with her online and that is the single biggest mistake
you can ever make while embarking in this journey!

You mean this:

AFA wasn't running them at the time of the documentary back in 2014. I think it's a recent thing they have started in the past year or so as Tours with loads of people stuck inside a room become harder because of the virus. More easier in the summer outside on a good day as less chance of catching the virus but still a little awkward I guess. Anyhow, the Euroclub tour I like even less than the original social tours. While possibly the guy may have some control over the girls he meets odds are he is in effect paying the girls to meet him or rather AFA are doing so on his behalf for all he knows. I've seen several other dating guru's/agencies off You Tube offer the same. No one can really say whether the girls are really paid to meet for sure but the model is a flawed one as the guy pays a load of money upfront and their is no telling if some of that money is then paid to the girls to how up as their pay day. I'm not saying no guy couldn't get a girl through the method but if the girls are paid to show up then that would tend to be their reason for being there rather than interest in the guy. I've seen some offering these services do all in packages with hotel included asking for thousands of £/$ lol. My mind immediately thinks yeah and of that several thousand pound were anyone to pay it the girl could be bunged £$50 to show up! A flawed model in my opinion open to that sort of scam.

Yeah I've heard of those sort of guys. It's difficult to say what the draw is. For sure it's not all about a wealthy guy or a Chad the whole way. Some guys are just very strong on the personal front, or have something else going for them that is not immediately apparent. He might have been wealthy, a good job or possibly an escort type of situation, a lot of that can be done online these days by amateur girls looking to make easy money, student types, etc. Possibly it might be a legitimate relationship but the girl might have needs, mental health issues, daddy issues, or even fetishes for fat dudes or sees them as burly kinda mistaking fat for muscle like. Who knows it can be a strange world. I think for certain though most pretty girls are interested in the same things, wealthy guys, muscly guys, good looking guys, well dressed guys, good socially guys. So if you want a pretty girl getting in that frame tends to be the way to go as far as possible.

So yeah I agree with your points listed as that is the stuff he should have done before going after such ladies. Like I say the look on that woman's face was priceless when the terp told her he wanted to be with her lol. The facial expression said it all,you could read her mind looking at her facial expression a mix of shock and almost making her weep, a sort of OMG you can't be serious kinda looking like she wanted to be beamed out of their in this awkward moment before she died of embarrassment. Shame as he came across as a real decent likeable guy personality wise but he was batting well out of his league. If he had done a lot of work on himself as you state then maybe her reaction wouldn't have been so pronounced in a bit so great way. She was in the PPL for the money though, her looks and payoff & others writing on her behalf set up that much was evident.

He's not the worst looking guy around but kind of shows you that even a guy who is not so much out that way needs to raise his game to make the frame. If the girl is looking like a Hollywood celebrity their not going to want to hang with an ordinary Joe not even in Ukraine. The score is pretty much all the same with pretty girls, 'they know what they are worth' and will only take seriously guts who for the frame of the above in nearly all instances. In fairness to them if they've got a shot at some rich handsome dude who can put them up in the lap of luxury why would they want an everyday dude with no particularly good character traits, those guys are two a penny and don't really offer them anything.
"If you make your own bread, then and only then, are you a free man unchained and alive living in pooty tang paradise, or say no and live in Incel island with all the others." - Krimster


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