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Author Topic: What Jacket to buy?  (Read 26059 times)

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Re: What Jacket to buy?
« Reply #100 on: August 12, 2020, 06:46:03 PM »
having multiple of your own gig type jobs is totally the way for guys in their 30s and 40s to work...
there are a lot of jobs that involve hard work and skill that will make you money "on the side"
when in college, I was a roofer, and a journeyman plumber and worked summers like this
college students like me once upon a time OWNED that job market, but now immigrants do
like so many other blue collar jobs that YOUNG WHITE PEOPLE don't wanna do anymore
because it's TOO hard
so they left it, and immigrants stepped in
whoever is willing to work the HARDEST
will make the most $$$ here
and whoever works the smartest on top of that can make some SERIOUS amount of money

You’re right Krim....plenty of opportunity’s to earn great money starting a blue
collar business out there. I’m CNC machining cast iron manifolds by the 100’s atm. It’s not the nicest job compared with my usual aluminium parts and I look like a coal miner after a shift, but there isn’t too many jobs out there for the average white collar worker that pays 75£ an hour ($150 Aud).

In the next year or so i’m moving to a bigger workshop and buying two new machines and even talking to my Russian mate about supplying the Russian performance industry, which is growing every year and has lots of enthusiasts with deep pockets.

« Last Edit: August 12, 2020, 06:51:17 PM by Davo »

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Re: What Jacket to buy?
« Reply #101 on: August 12, 2020, 07:16:58 PM »
that's REALLY cool, when I get back to the USA, I plan on buying high volume bullet reloading equipment and a swaging press to make bullets
and go into the custom ammo business
easy business to do in the USA, probably not so easy in Roolandia or the Billy Wog or Tasmania where JayH lives in a van down by the dried up river with his pet Dingo named "Ned"
also, especially because the toilette flushes in the opposite direction
this causes a directional rotation conflict
so the barrel will have to be rifled in the opposite direction otherwise they will be on the wrong side of the barrel there

however, no matter where in the world you live
if you are proficient in at least one building trade
having more than one is better
and if you HAVEN’T used that skill to make some “gig” money
and further if you haven’t used that gig money you made from that skill AND leveraged that skill into reducing your renovation costs
to invest in a fixer-upper to flip, and then done it MULTIPLE times
and do this while, WHILE ALSO working on all your construction gigs
then you are just lazy as hell

cuz if you weren’t lazy, I dunno about where you live
but here doing those two things, I could pull in $500,000 year easy
but I got better gigs than that!!!!

I already GOT all the pooty tang I can handle at the moment, and don’t really need any more
unless, she is really young, sweet innocent looking and has “Daddy Issues”
cuz, I find me a 20-something like that after my kids leave, I might think about hiring a young house keeper
this will also keep the middle aged bisexual women in my extended polyamourous family happy
you guys have no idea how hard is to keep so many women happy

« Last Edit: August 12, 2020, 08:46:31 PM by krimster2 »

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Re: What Jacket to buy?
« Reply #102 on: August 12, 2020, 10:14:45 PM »

however, no matter where in the world you live
if you are proficient in at least one building trade
having more than one is better
and if you HAVEN’T used that skill to make some “gig” money
and further if you haven’t used that gig money you made from that skill AND leveraged that skill into reducing your renovation costs
to invest in a fixer-upper to flip, and then done it MULTIPLE times
and do this while, WHILE ALSO working on all your construction gigs
then you are just lazy as hell

cuz if you weren’t lazy, I dunno about where you live
but here doing those two things, I could pull in $500,000 year easy
but I got better gigs than that!!!!

That's a huge amount of money to make Krim. In the UK the only way to make that sort of money would be to buy run down property in the more expensive parts, mostly London or possibly nearby south coast and do it up. That is very risky at the moment because the virus has begun to make people question whether it's a good idea to live in London plus the property market might crash in a few months time here due to the recession caused by the virus. Even before the virus London could be seen as vastly overinflated so if you bought a place to do up and property crashed you would be lucky to get out without making a loss after doing it up. That and you would need a lot of money to put down up front so say if you put down £300k on a run down property, spent £50k doing it up you could sell it for £500k thereby making roughly £150k. After Capital Gains tax, etc that may be reduced to around £100k profit, but that is on having the £300k to invest to start with. Even borrowing some of that money is difficult unless you can prove good income. A trade may being in some income but here you need to build up a good reputation to get jobs, most people refer to 'check a trade' - online website, if you don't rate well on there then you're not likely to get much work. It takes time of course to build up a good reputation, most people will pass a new start trade guy over for an experienced guy.

Outside of London the more cheaper area it is to buy property the less money you will make. So say if you bought a property in Wales or up north for £50k run down, you do a quick largely cosmetic make over spending perhaps £15k, new kitchen, bathroom, etc. You might then sell it on for £80k, making £15k, possibly £10k after taxes and legal fees, etc. You would likely be able to do at least two a year like that and make £20k after tax a year, approximately. That's ok and means that you wouldn't have to put up with the cr*p you can get with some jobs. But you would have to be careful of not buying a property that turns out to have a serious fault or you would have a serious problem on your hands. On the plus side you would likely suffer little in a property crash due to the house not having far to fall since those areas haven't risen a lot over the years in property value.

Everywhere else is in between all of that. It means that a guy could move up the property ladder over time and make a lot of money. I recall JamesUK said that is how he made his money when he was on here. Even then he was only worth about £1million or so which he got taken for half for by his ex-wife. That was after about 15 years or so in the game I believe it was. Most of the past 20 years or so in the UK have been good years in the property market as most houses have gone up in value and so James would have benefited a lot from this rise in the market rate of property as much as by doing them up.

That is likely to be largely over for the next few years. At the moment it may be particularly precarious to jump into the property market any more in the UK.

There may come a time to do the above route. It's not a bad one as I could happily get on with doing up a house, not have people telling what to do, not have much stress or people being a pain in the arse while doing it and make some decent money over time. I still don't think I would make as much as you state Krim as the market is a lot different here in the UK to other parts of the world. There are a lot of taxes here due to the state providing for this and that and there are a lot of people here to compete with. That all makes for a market where the return is likely to be a lot less than the figures you state. Even so it's not a bad idea.

Conversely, when I finish my house I could make up to/around £7,5k a year renting the rooms out, tax free. So say £7k a year after any expenses. I will then be able to invest in a similar property shortly thereafter and make another £7k though some of that will be paying a mortgage so I would make perhaps £3-4k. So soon I would be making £10k a year after any tax each year without having to do much at all for it :) I think that would probably be a good time to switch to doing like you state and finding property to do up Krim. Then I could chuck my job and be pretty independent without a lot of bother.

The main thing in the UK is that a lot of the work I would have to do myself, larger jobs or ones that need more of a setup I could get someone in but otherwise it costs a lot to get tradesmen in. That may sound good in terms of being a tradesman but the running costs, van, tools, supplies, marketing, etc then jobs being sporadic can mean you never really make the money you think you might.
"If you make your own bread, then and only then, are you a free man unchained and alive living in pooty tang paradise, or say no and live in Incel island with all the others." - Krimster

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Re: What Jacket to buy?
« Reply #103 on: August 12, 2020, 10:47:09 PM »
Not a chance. In 3 years of 6 days a week I didn’t quite get my biceps to the size of the guy in the picture.

Honestly and I know you’ve been told this before and you recently acknowledged ML’s comment about this...... Forget learning Russian, forget working out and I’d put a hold on finishing your house atm.... Your biggest issue is your lack of $$$. I returned home from Russia and realised my wage which is almost 2 and a half times more than yours wasn’t sufficient to search, get married to and support a FSU woman until she finds her feet in my country.

I’ve lived with a woman for 20 years who earned more than me and when she took 3/5th of our family income away with her, I actually started saving more money then when we were together.  Your future wife’s living expenses will probably be more than yours, trust me!!

It’s no good waiting to earn more money after you’ve have met a woman. You won’t have the time to support your new wife emotionally in a new country, if you have to work all the time.

What happens if you meet the perfect woman next trip and she wants to get married immediately and have a child soon after. How are you going to double or triple your income quickly?

Don’t take this as bragging....It’s taken me 12 months of 14-16 hour days to build up my side business to the point of making 80,000 £ on top of the 40,000 £ I earn working for another company. Last weekend in 14 hours of work made enough to pay for my airfare and accommodation for my next trip...... if you don’t have a good disposable income you’ll never achieve your goal of marrying a FSU woman. That’s the first and biggest issue you face.

To give you an idea of just how low your wage is, my 19 year old son is having a gap year before Uni and has started working at the same company as me. He’s an unskilled production worker and is earning almost twice as much as you do.

Indeed, the time input to get 'ripped' would be a concerning one. It's all time where I could conceivably earn money in. The time learning Russian I don't mind because it's only a few spare minutes I use here and there so it's not time I would really make money in otherwise.

As I allured to in my response to Krimster part of the thing with the UK is the tax setup. Just going out and hammering yourself to get money in isn't going to help much. In the UK you would be taxed on a lot of that and hence lose that money anyway. I could easily double my hours at work at earn £28k before tax for a 58 hour week. That would mean I would get about £23k after tax, but I would be committing myself to a mindnumbing number for that. Unless I springboarded off that into something else I would be stuck with that job after finding a girl. Such an amount of hours would mean that I wouldn't get to spend much time with her, she would see me a couple of days per week, the rest of the time would be like we were dead to each other. I would get five weeks of holiday per year but apart from that it's not much of a life.

A business is an interesting prospect. In the UK it can be very hard since there are many costs associated with starting a business, making money can be uncertain often due to heavy competition and then the situation with taxes again. Since the UK has quite a dense population it can mean everyone is into everything. So you think up an idea of a business to do and odds are there are loads of others that will be in competition with you. So it can be a struggle to get so something going and not be squeezed a lot and it going bust.

Despite the problems I have stated to Krim the property market is probably still potentially viable so long as choices are carefully chosen and timing is done right. He is certainly right that a lot of young guys don't want to get their hands dirty these days, many are just pampered and see it as beneath them, more like ladymen really lol.
"If you make your own bread, then and only then, are you a free man unchained and alive living in pooty tang paradise, or say no and live in Incel island with all the others." - Krimster

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Re: What Jacket to buy?
« Reply #104 on: August 12, 2020, 11:55:09 PM »
that's why you have your own business and learn how to do taxes creatively, so you pay almost nothing
for example, have fake expense invoices to deduct, etc

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Re: What Jacket to buy?
« Reply #105 on: August 13, 2020, 12:37:00 AM »
that's why you have your own business and learn how to do taxes creatively, so you pay almost nothing
for example, have fake expense invoices to deduct, etc

Possibly, the Inland Revenue here have been known to be difficult though, if they investigate your finances then they will likely take issue with such invoices. Not sure what they are like these days but probably much the same, if they think you are cleaning up big time and might be covering some of it up and you can't support what you are stating they can fine you big time.

I know of a guy that does painting on the side of his job. A guy can do a main job and earn £100 a day, a paint job on the side he could earn two or three times that. However, I think he only gets these jobs come up randomly so needs a main job for a couple of shifts like me to get in steady income.

If you can get a full week in then you can probably do well but like I said there is the competition. Another option is to branch out into other trades, painting I think is probably the easiest trade, others I can do but would be a pain, i.e a job to fix a bit of plumbing turns into an all day or more affair as it's in an awkward place and requires a lot of messing about to get to it then repair of surrounding area. Then there is trying to get the customer to understand that although it doesn't look like much it is actually a very awkward and arduous task so will cost more than the original quote, etc. The figure they will have in mind will likely be just a bit above cost rather than a minimum of £100 extra for a whole day's labour.

Then of course there are the non payers after you have done the job, they are willing to let you bear the expense of doing the job then don't want to pay requiring chase up etc, a real pain. So in general I don't see it as an easy way to make money. My father used to do it and he was not made a wealthy man from it. Generally I can remember a lot of talk of my Mother telling him to chase up do & so who still hadn't paid. Though I think there was more tradesmen around then as people were more practically trained back in that generation. However, I would still doubt that easy money can be made now from it.
"If you make your own bread, then and only then, are you a free man unchained and alive living in pooty tang paradise, or say no and live in Incel island with all the others." - Krimster

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Re: What Jacket to buy?
« Reply #106 on: August 13, 2020, 08:05:50 AM »
So ok, been thinking about this whole thing. I don't see any point in exchanging my job for doing a trade as in the UK I don't see it as a good earner. I would be open to the idea of doing cosmetic makeovers of houses, etc to sell on with either rental income or job supporting me while that is done that seems sound enough to me. I would do the work myself as I don't think there would be the profit in it to get the trades in to do it, not until the bigger jobs at least. For that I would have to build up money which at the moment I just don't have and that would take time to get to that position in life.

The gym for the moment I am going to commit to doing at least one session per week of an hour or so. I will build that up to three or more sessions as soon as my schedule allows which will probably be when finishing the house in a few months. So for that I'll just have to be content with the results whatever they may be. Until I get pretty self sufficient of independent income I think that it wouldn't make sense to poor loads of time into bodybuilding. I think I can look reasonable enough till then. I'm going to have another go at improving my diet more. I've got a couple of ideas on how to get rid of the remaining food that's not great for my diet without feeling like I'm missing something.

The jacket I'm going to look at in store soon along with a few other items and see how it looks. If it looks good or I see something else that does I'll buy it. My finances are ok enough to do that at present and while they've got a sale on it kind of makes sense to do that, it'll beat paying the usual full price so I'll be getting something that is usually much more expensive pretty cheap. One positive from the current situation I guess.
"If you make your own bread, then and only then, are you a free man unchained and alive living in pooty tang paradise, or say no and live in Incel island with all the others." - Krimster

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20 something hours per week slaving away
« Reply #107 on: August 13, 2020, 09:46:09 AM »

The gym for the moment I am going to commit to doing at least one session per week of an hour or so.


In one ear and out the other. You are just going to do what you are going
to do regardless of how much advice you get to the contrary.

I'm not going to go full Moby on you.


« Last Edit: August 13, 2020, 09:48:23 AM by 2tallbill »
FSUW are not for entry level daters
FSUW don't do vague
FSUW like a man of action. Be a man of action 
If you find a promising girl, get your butt on a plane.
There are a hundred ways to be successful and a thousand ways to f#ck it up
Just kiss the girl, don't ask her first. Tolerate NO excuses!

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Re: 20 something hours per week slaving away
« Reply #108 on: August 13, 2020, 11:39:07 AM »

In one ear and out the other. You are just going to do what you are going
to do regardless of how much advice you get to the contrary.

I'm not going to go full Moby on you.



I know it probably sounds like that Bill but I can't just stop the house conversion about three months before I'm due to finish on it, it doesn't make economic sense. Once I'm done I will be free of the impositions on my time and money that cone with doing it. I've got other projects to get going on but I can do them at a far more leisurely pace and/or get stuff done on them for me.

Anyway something has just cropped up that I could do with your insight into. I've just weighed myself on my digital scales that interface with an internet app, you've probably seen them around if not got one already. Anyway, it gives me a read out of my BMI, body fat ratio, muscle mass, etc, etc on the app. Basically as expected my weight, BMI and body fat have all gone up as I've not been working out except when doing the house conversion work plus I've been eating some chocolate over the past few months. That is all to be expected what I didn't expect is that my muscle mass has also gone up roughly in proportion to my body fat. I'm not really sure why this would be my only thought so far is that possibly a certain type of diet might be restricting muscle growth a bit. Main issue is that I seem stuck with a certain amount of fat (which tends to stick around the belly). My fear is if I lose weight by making my diet more healthy I could end up losing muscle mass. My hope is that just the fat would reduce but the muscle mass would stay largely the same, any thoughts?
"If you make your own bread, then and only then, are you a free man unchained and alive living in pooty tang paradise, or say no and live in Incel island with all the others." - Krimster

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Re: What Jacket to buy?
« Reply #109 on: August 14, 2020, 09:46:50 AM »
you talkin’ about workin out “someday”

versus, a guy who works 8 hours per day roofing

after a year, arrange to rent an auditorium and fill it with women...

then YOU show up on stage, and take YOUR shirt off

see how big an applause you get....

then have the roofer come up,
and s-l-o-w-l-y lift HIS shirt up to show the abs, then remove HIS shirt and flex
also, the roofer has LOVELY brown tanned skin and you’re as white as a ghost
oh, and the roofer’s hair bleached in the sun somewhat
and when it hangs over his deep blue eyes the women get little hearts in their eyes
oh, and I almost forgot, he’s about 100,000 pounds per year richer than you
and he puts all that money to work, instead of working for just enough to live

so, Trench who is more likely to be married, you or the roofer?

based on this little bit of knowledge, then WHY are you doing what you’re doing
you already know it’s not working, so why repeat it?

climb out of your hole Trench
but first, you have to open your eyes

if you are content to do nothing
then you should be happy when that's EXACTLY what you get in return
don't you see that connection yet?

« Last Edit: August 14, 2020, 10:18:52 AM by krimster2 »

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Re: What Jacket to buy?
« Reply #110 on: August 14, 2020, 10:18:49 AM »
Most roofers I knew had pot bellies from drinking too much and eating too much junk food. Krimster posting more fiction as usual.

Trench, learn to be happy with your body as it is. Having a positive confident take charge attitude is far more important.

Taking some NLP classes might be time better spent.

Let's say you managed to work out 6 days a week and became close to the photo you posted. You get the gal but due to work commitments and life in general the body reverts back to how it is now.

The gal was probably superficial so now she leaves you.

Whereas if you became always confident and sure of your ability to solve problems, always charming with her etc; well she didn't marry you for your body she married you for your mentality.

You also need to accept that you have a smaller pool of prospects than guys making a lot more dough than you.

But still you see guys here saying they make a lot more than you but still they don't have a gal or if they do their wife prefers other women and they accuse others of watching pornography. It's easy to see what's really happening there.

Be yourself, build a positive mentality and also simultaneously have realistic expectations.

Good luck.
« Last Edit: August 14, 2020, 10:27:17 AM by Confederate »
War is peace. Freedom is slavery. Ignorance is strength.
George Orwell 1984

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Re: What Jacket to buy?
« Reply #111 on: August 14, 2020, 10:26:58 AM »
oh, I'm sure the guy who doesn't know how much a standard sack of shingles weighs knows EVERYTHING else about roofing, yeah, uhh-huh
a roofer who DOES the work, ain't gonna resemble your description
maybe you might....

I OTOH, eat NO junk foods, cuz I have Russian Cooks, and they don't even know what junk food is!
you know, I wonder what brand of microwavable frozen foods you eat Confed

I'm sure THIS is a subject you know a thousand times more than roofing
« Last Edit: August 14, 2020, 01:28:14 PM by AnonMod »

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Re: What Jacket to buy?
« Reply #112 on: August 14, 2020, 11:46:09 AM »
you talkin’ about workin out “someday”

versus, a guy who works 8 hours per day roofing

after a year, arrange to rent an auditorium and fill it with women...

then YOU show up on stage, and take YOUR shirt off

see how big an applause you get....

then have the roofer come up,
and s-l-o-w-l-y lift HIS shirt up to show the abs, then remove HIS shirt and flex
also, the roofer has LOVELY brown tanned skin and you’re as white as a ghost
oh, and the roofer’s hair bleached in the sun somewhat
and when it hangs over his deep blue eyes the women get little hearts in their eyes
oh, and I almost forgot, he’s about 100,000 pounds per year richer than you
and he puts all that money to work, instead of working for just enough to live

so, Trench who is more likely to be married, you or the roofer?

based on this little bit of knowledge, then WHY are you doing what you’re doing
you already know it’s not working, so why repeat it?

climb out of your hole Trench
but first, you have to open your eyes

if you are content to do nothing
then you should be happy when that's EXACTLY what you get in return
don't you see that connection yet?

I get your point Krim, for sure doing an activity where you do it daily is definitely likely to be the best way as it's brought into the daily routine not trying to make it a part of it.

I think Confederate has a point also in that if the roofers diet is bad then he may have any muscle gain hidden under a thick layer of flab. I've known builder types like that and also a guy who works a lot stacking shelves. The guy that works stacking a lot of shelves looks a lots worse than me even though he does way more exercise. He drinks nothing but energy drinks and other junk food and has the muffin top look around the belly that I don't have.

I don't think I could do roofing, I don't like heights that much. I can get up on a roof if needs be but it's not a joy for me and of course working at height can be dangerous. I don't want to risk ending up wheel chair bound or anything like that as that would put me in a worse place than I am at present.

Other building type jobs I could do, maybe landscape gardening could be the way to go.

At present I'm trying to sort out my present situation. From online research it looks like I would be best of cutting back on fat in foods while also keeping the calories high. I bought some chocolate whey protein power today so I'm hoping shifting my diet in that manner may help to reduce the fat while keeping the muscle gain.
"If you make your own bread, then and only then, are you a free man unchained and alive living in pooty tang paradise, or say no and live in Incel island with all the others." - Krimster

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Re: What Jacket to buy?
« Reply #113 on: August 14, 2020, 11:58:45 AM »
Most roofers I knew had pot bellies from drinking too much and eating too much junk food. Krimster posting more fiction as usual.

Trench, learn to be happy with your body as it is. Having a positive confident take charge attitude is far more important.

Taking some NLP classes might be time better spent.

Let's say you managed to work out 6 days a week and became close to the photo you posted. You get the gal but due to work commitments and life in general the body reverts back to how it is now.

The gal was probably superficial so now she leaves you.

Whereas if you became always confident and sure of your ability to solve problems, always charming with her etc; well she didn't marry you for your body she married you for your mentality.

You also need to accept that you have a smaller pool of prospects than guys making a lot more dough than you.

But still you see guys here saying they make a lot more than you but still they don't have a gal or if they do their wife prefers other women and they accuse others of watching pornography. It's easy to see what's really happening there.

Be yourself, build a positive mentality and also simultaneously have realistic expectations.

Good luck.

I think you have a point there Confederate, it's something that has been on my mind. When I started weight training a year ago my aim was and still is not to get real heavy bodybuilder physic like Arnold Schwarzenegger. I knew that s a full time job in itself and takes crazy commitment whether or not there are steroids being used. I never wanted to go that path and I won't use steroids. I basically decided that I wanted a toned, muscular torso that is defined but not huge muscles or anything. I knew that it would be too hard for me to keep a heavy muscular frame, too much upkeep, lol. So I decided on a nice gentle musclar look but even that may look more involved than I had thought.

While the attention and admiration of women would be nice I kind of want it for me so I feel good about me, to make it a part of who I am, to look and feel good. To me it would be a part of me feeling like I am successful and more able. For me it's not really about trying to snare women with it but more about it being just one part of a better me. A place I wish to get to I guess.
"If you make your own bread, then and only then, are you a free man unchained and alive living in pooty tang paradise, or say no and live in Incel island with all the others." - Krimster

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Re: What Jacket to buy?
« Reply #114 on: August 14, 2020, 12:24:51 PM »
I think you have a point there Confederate, it's something that has been on my mind. When I started weight training a year ago my aim was and still is not to get real heavy bodybuilder physic like Arnold Schwarzenegger. I knew that s a full time job in itself and takes crazy commitment whether or not there are steroids being used. I never wanted to go that path and I won't use steroids. I basically decided that I wanted a toned, muscular torso that is defined but not huge muscles or anything. I knew that it would be too hard for me to keep a heavy muscular frame, too much upkeep, lol. So I decided on a nice gentle musclar look but even that may look more involved than I had thought.

While the attention and admiration of women would be nice I kind of want it for me so I feel good about me, to make it a part of who I am, to look and feel good. To me it would be a part of me feeling like I am successful and more able. For me it's not really about trying to snare women with it but more about it being just one part of a better me. A place I wish to get to I guess.

I think I sensed or read an admission there that you would like to be attractive to women and admired by women in general.

There's a better opportunity to achieve that through building your mental toughness and also being able to understand women better and trying to be somewhat charming to them to disarm them from their question or attitude about men in general. It is actually a very good idea to work on local Western women. Practice doing things such as opening doors if it's indicated, being polite and in general try to be somewhat charming. If your overall attitude about women is somewhat negative it can effect your success with a higher caliber woman such as a slender attractive FSU woman.

Being confident and magnanimous may come with practice. Of course there will be some failure but be like pro basketball player Michael Jordan who readily admitted he failed more than he succeeded yet he persevered and never lost faith.

Charity begins at home, love yourself as you are and grow your confidence from there.

Part of physical appearance, the largest part is genetic and then training from there. Sports I did made me strong and agile but slender with definition like you mentioned. I wasn't going to be large and bulky like a bodybuilder but I did bulk up some from where I was.

Good luck.
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Re: What Jacket to buy?
« Reply #115 on: August 14, 2020, 12:44:08 PM »
When young and invincible things apparently weigh less and ones recollection is formed based on those memories of having greater strength back then.

As it is, according to this article, a standard 3 tab asphalt shingle, a very simple one, is 50 lbs. The weight goes up a bit depending on various architectural features of the shingle, etcetera.


"A bundle of 3-tab shingles will weigh on the lower end of this figure because they are thinner than architectural shingles. Most of these bundles weigh in between 50 to 65 pounds per bundle. On the other hand, a bundle of architectural shingles will weigh on the upper end, with most packages ranging from 65 to 80 pounds."
« Last Edit: August 14, 2020, 01:30:04 PM by AnonMod »
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Re: What Jacket to buy?
« Reply #116 on: August 14, 2020, 01:57:41 PM »
my philosophy is, “a man chases after women, until one day, one catches him”

if you’re a guy in your 40s and some woman hasn’t caught you yet
that can ONLY be because you aren’t actually chasing after any...
maybe you’re wishing you were, hoping one day you will be...
but, in reality, women don’t have very much interest in you

and, based upon my years of social observation, it’s because of varying amount of three different “Personal Qualities”!

1. you’re poor - you are at average or below average financial level, that gets perceived as being lazy

2. you’re UG-LEE! - so ugly your mother tied a bone, round your skinny pencil neck, just so the dog would play with you when you were little, AND she NEVER loved YOU, you KNOW it’s TRUE!!!

3. you’re DUM - you are of below average to at best, near average intelligence level...
    smart women will get bored with your conversation in less than 3 min, cuz all you will talk
    about will be “me, me, me, me is me...”

am I right, or what?

I’m almost a generation older than you 40 yr old dewds
and my daughters tell me I have a “dad’s body”
but I easily, easily get women’s attention in Russia or Ukraine or even Holland

two years ago, I rented a big apartment in Amsterdam and stayed there with my daughters while my wife was working on my “Dacha” in Moscow, my daughters met and became pals, drosochiki with these young Russian girls from Moscow...
they brought them into our apartment and they all got high together in one part of this giant apartment and I generally watched cable and surfed the web in another part of the apartment with French doors separating us...

when they all got munchies, I cooked them waffles and pancakes and was their super hero
my daughters and her friends would come and go throughout the day...
I had everything of value locked in my bedroom, so I didn’t have to worry or “trust them”

when ever my daughters took off to go somewhere with some of the girls, some always preferred to stay behind with me, because they WANTED to be with me instead...


two years ago, I coulda slept with these girls, but because they’re my daughter’s friends, I have a rule NOT TO!!!

and I’m a geezer!!!

so, what’s YOUR problem?

BTW, the “standard” weight for asphalt shingles is 80 pounds
I don’t need to google this

« Last Edit: August 14, 2020, 02:25:34 PM by krimster2 »


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