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Author Topic: Trenchcoat's Further Theories on, and Experiences of, Dating in the FSU  (Read 86671 times)

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Online Trenchcoat

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Trenchcoat's Further Theories on, and Experiences of, Dating in the FSU
« Reply #375 on: September 24, 2023, 07:39:17 PM »
Bee Farmer, I can imagine HOW MANY times YOU made some poor female you encountered laugh
not in a GOOD WAY

Trench was 1 digit off; 18 and not 28
Vast Astronomical SUMS of being WAY, WAY, OFF
in trying to find your way in life

you have NO CLUE WHY your life is so phuqued up
NO CLUE at all

to me it's crystal CLEAR
you don't SEE what others see

you are completely blind as to how phuqued you are
due to the environment you grew up in
and NEVER grew out of it and escaped from it
and this WHY you're NEVER gonna succeed at DOING ANYTHING with your life
except read dumb crap to fill the VOID in your mind

big tip for you, you're in your mid 40s right
well now you're skiing downhill on a steep slope
and in a few more years...
you ain't gonna be skiing at all
just watchin old Matlock episodes and eatin TV dinners

no pressure...
but face it, you're gonna be one REALLY Cranky old man, say 20 yrs from now
when you STILL ain' "got none" LOL

but yes, of course, do go ahead and lecture us "on the proper way" to live
a subject you obviously have absolutely ZERO experience with

the irony of your lecture is its entertainment
a cripple tellin us all how to dance correctly

well then...

lemme see ya snap them heels BOY!!!!
sheeeetttt he fell flat on his face.....
some dancer... sic transit authority on him for vagrancy

Bee Farmer, while what Krim says might sound like he's being harsh I think what he is saying is worth thinking about, not taking his words as insult but in a neutral objective way.

As can be said what is the point to making the same mistake time over and failing due to the same issue. What if it's not a great deal that you have to change just being open to another way you might not have thought as being the better way actually might actually be the better way, at least where dating is concerned.

A lot of girls just don't want to get with a guy who comes across as an ordinary Joe these days, a steady Neddy. They want a guy who looks like he is way up there, a bit of a flash lifestyle. The only girls that may just be content with a steady guy will be at best the mediocre looking girls in Ukraine. The pretty girls will all want a guy who looks like he has something decent to offer in terms of looking like he can provide a good lifestyle.

Trying to read all sorts of stuff about people, dating, psychology is all very well but in Ukraine, etc it's the money that talks. Money takes top podium position out there so if you've got it and you are careful about how you leverage it you can make stuff happen. If you want to carry on as you are ok but it's the not so attractive ladies where you'll find acceptance, even the everyday looking girls want a guy who looks like he can provide well out there.

If I knew years ago what I know now I would have bought this gear back then. Without knowing I would have thought I'm crazy but if you go about it in an intelligent manner it can pay dividends for you and need not cost the earth. The girls out there want to look up to their guy and killing it with some fancy gear on floats their boat and makes it a while lot easier going. So how difficult is that to do? Way easier than working your way through all sorts of well sounding but not necessarily as useful as they sound psychological stuff.

I would say what's the harm in giving what Krim suggests a go, if you're about my age, mid forties or so then what have you really got to lose? A few quid to find out? Anyone only has so much time on this planet so why be the same ol' same, no joy in being the same all you're life I think.
"If you make your own bread, then and only then, are you a free man unchained and alive living in pooty tang paradise, or say no and live in Incel island with all the others." - Krimster

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Trenchcoat's Further Theories on, and Experiences of, Dating in the FSU
« Reply #376 on: September 25, 2023, 12:34:43 AM »
So you attract bees with honey and then at some point like Paul Daniels you quickly swap it for mushy peas and hope they don't notice?

Online Trenchcoat

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Trenchcoat's Further Theories on, and Experiences of, Dating in the FSU
« Reply #377 on: September 25, 2023, 03:31:29 AM »
So you attract bees with honey and then at some point like Paul Daniels you quickly swap it for mushy peas and hope they don't notice?

Lol, yeah I get your drift Steven. It's a case of going through the whole lot and getting it all lining up. Once my house is done I'm going to sell my old supermini and get my poor man's sports car :D I was looking up last night and insurance costs are a lot more for me around £430 a year. The Mazda MX-5 has fairly cheap spares and running costs, the tyres cost a little bit more think it was about £100-130 each but not too much and probably last a bit longer as a bit bigger tyre.

Biggest issue would be my house, I've tarted up the front a lot, just finishing of the front paving area. Looks very nice compared to what it was when I bought it, bramble & long grass - a mess. I've repainted the bits of edging brick work, the rest a dressed stone facade, old miners terrace/townhouse. Quite quaint looking, I've hung out hanging basket, a few plants to help increase the curb appeal also. Problem is that a fair amount of the other houses look a bit shabby as not done up as well, peeling paint on edging brickwork, etc. Inside my house is starting to look nice and back garden is good now. So being near a decent town centre it could be put across as the high price for living so close to a decent town centre/heritage of it all.

In theory it's probably a good step up from the concrete block of flats most live in out there so a bit more space and more nicer deal. On the other hand though it's no fancy big house, so it relies on the girl being somewhat grounded. That all said it's really more of an investment property for me and not where I would often be based. Yo mama's village house is a lot larger and more impressive, detached backing onto a park and with a nice front and back garden and in a relatively expensive area. Needs a bit more tarting up inside which I am getting around too. Still that all said I see it more as dating to the girl, 'this is the area I live in, my house in the other area is an investment property, I live with my Mother a fair amount to assist her in her old age, I could get nice accommodation locally myself if needs be and will do if needed'. There's that but that would be down the line if I was bringing her over, a pretty chick I would insist on starting the relationship out there (spend some time out there, some time in the UK on 'business'). So I would just tell her about the situation and show her the properties and tell her it's all business geared.

Wherever she lived I should be able to afford a decent property to rent, so keeping up the facade ;D Out in the FSU our money goes a long way and I would be able to afford a better place than most local guys. That would impress the chick immensely and put me in the right light. Most FSW basically don't know about western men all that much, they think if you've got the money to fly out there you're wealthy. If you walk the walk and talk the talk, basically look the part that will fall in with their existing views of western men. If you provide a nice place out there then the girl will be, 'hey this guy definitely IS the bona fide real deal'. It will place you above pretty much all the other local dudes. In addition to looking like your in the wealthy upper echelons of society you come from a good western country and have the passport - another sign of status.

Most women the world over are status hoe's. They crave higher status and a plush comfortable lifestyle. They want the look of you are doing well and well off. That's what I didn't take seriously enough all my life, especially in my younger years. I heard and saw other guys putting on the look and thought their silly as their bank accounts would tell a different story and likely did so. They were probably less wealthy than me but had shelled out all their earning on an expensive brand jacket, clothing, etc. I use to think what a waste but the new that although there was nothing backing it all up the women fall for the facade, the look of it all. A guy could be renting a nice flat shelled out all his money to look the part set against another guy who owns his own small house but doesn't look fancy, guess which guy attracts most girls?

It's silly I know but it's what women go for, their attracted to bling. I see it now, it draws their eye like a girl with her tits hanging out draws the eye of a guy. Most of us don't really care about our look beyond basic presentation but women do. Most don't want to look at guys that lok like the ordinary Joe, that look like an everyday guy who would blend into the background so easily, who might be a cleaner, car park attendant or office clerk. They really want the guy who stands out and looks above the rest. Sure it has to follow through the whole way, no good wearing fancy stuff then jumping into an old beat up super mini, that would kind of ruin it all lol :ROFL:

The importance thing is to work on making it all line up. The  knight in shining armour needs a stallion to mount, he doesn't get on an old donkey ;) Women want to see a light in shining armour on a stallion even if the armour is antique but lovely and the stallion aging but grand. So yeah I agree I can't have the turn to mushy peas lol I will have to put in a good front across the board and look like I have money, that means finding good deals to do it all on, stuff that's not going to sap me economically too much but at the same time look the part and look decent, that's what FSW want to see after all and why many look abroad. They can get the poor busted looking guys at home they don't want a foreign looking version. As FSW often say they don't want a guy who is 'cheap' or 'greedy' so they want a guy who looks like he has a few bob and won't begrudge spending it when needs be.
"If you make your own bread, then and only then, are you a free man unchained and alive living in pooty tang paradise, or say no and live in Incel island with all the others." - Krimster

Online krimster2

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Trenchcoat's Further Theories on, and Experiences of, Dating in the FSU
« Reply #378 on: September 25, 2023, 08:09:02 AM »
was Jesus RIGHT after all?

should we show empathy to our enemies?
or should we fight them instead?

color me confused

my instinct has ALWAYS been hardwired for fighting
tall, long muscular arms and an aggressive violent attitude towards all other men, but very SWEET on women

I am WELL traveled
I have been to places where all the suffering in the world was soaked into the ground below
and you still see in some places scattered white bones on top of the soil, that nothing has ever grown on, not a single blade of grass
this'd NOT be a good place to take hallucinogens of any kind

OTOH, if you're with a group of dewds you can trip in the MontMarte Cemetary at night, but watch out for the junkies
and that's WHAT gets freaky when you're ALL tryin to decide if the figures that are approaching you, are they junkies or apparitions
that moment of uncertainty...

other than Bee Farmer, no man, is an island unto himself
the death of one, diminishes us all...

this is the time of division and war
brother will fight brother
all men will turn on each other
and betray each other for 30 percent of Rosneft
they are no longer their brother's keeper, no longer even brothers

and the 4 horseman run wild

Poluska Pole bitch
how are the oligarchs gonna be rich?
which droog of yours is gonna snitch?

Raz, Vaz Avto-Bus!!!
nitrous oxide and vape party in the back
I grab the pretty blond's Jhoppa and she frowns at me and points to her boyfriend
who just shrugs his shoulders at me...

good times in Volgagrad up on the hill lookin at the river boats

two centuries ago my jooish ancesators who lived in the Pale of Settlement
were River traders on the Desna river and it's tributaries in the Chernigov Gubernaya
those of my ancestors who weren't river traders dwelled mainly in the town of Nezhin, a grimy lookin sthetl with 3 dirt roads, a real metropolis
whose biggest industry was growin cucumbers...yawn...
they were craftsmen cuz they weren't allowed to own farm land
so they were tailors, cobblers, iron smiths, candy makers, you name it
they ALL had a skill they could make money with

my family were part of a boat dwelling group of "Yvrey Traders", who made several loops within the river network each year
buying at one port and selling at another
this was a family run business and you inherited the boat as well as the business contact network

by the time of the Russian Revolution and the 1919 Pogrom, this culture went extinct
I am a descendent of one of the few who emmigrated to the USA
my father was first generation American of this family tree

I am well aware of my family's background
and why it makes me different from others
no two snowflakes are ever the same n'est pas?

A long time ago, I talked to old people who lived in all the little surrounding villages like Borzna about what happened to the boats?
this 'ole starik told me they were all collected and burned and told me their location
but I didn't have my snorkling gear or other equipment
so I didn't go...

I am the product of the hard path my Ukrainian and English ancestors rode down
and my children are MUCH, MUCH SHARPER than me!!!

I knew backbreeding with slavic genes would work well!!!
we were already inter-mixed for a long time, and is why so many of the Joos in my family were blond

« Last Edit: September 25, 2023, 09:35:36 AM by krimster2 »

Online Trenchcoat

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Trenchcoat's Further Theories on, and Experiences of, Dating in the FSU
« Reply #379 on: September 26, 2023, 12:57:35 AM »
was Jesus RIGHT after all?

should we show empathy to our enemies?
or should we fight them instead?

color me confused

my instinct has ALWAYS been hardwired for fighting
tall, long muscular arms and an aggressive violent attitude towards all other men, but very SWEET on women

I am WELL traveled
I have been to places where all the suffering in the world was soaked into the ground below
and you still see in some places scattered white bones on top of the soil, that nothing has ever grown on, not a single blade of grass
this'd NOT be a good place to take hallucinogens of any kind

OTOH, if you're with a group of dewds you can trip in the MontMarte Cemetary at night, but watch out for the junkies
and that's WHAT gets freaky when you're ALL tryin to decide if the figures that are approaching you, are they junkies or apparitions
that moment of uncertainty...

other than Bee Farmer, no man, is an island unto himself
the death of one, diminishes us all...

this is the time of division and war
brother will fight brother
all men will turn on each other
and betray each other for 30 percent of Rosneft
they are no longer their brother's keeper, no longer even brothers

and the 4 horseman run wild

Poluska Pole bitch
how are the oligarchs gonna be rich?
which droog of yours is gonna snitch?

Raz, Vaz Avto-Bus!!!
nitrous oxide and vape party in the back
I grab the pretty blond's Jhoppa and she frowns at me and points to her boyfriend
who just shrugs his shoulders at me...

good times in Volgagrad up on the hill lookin at the river boats

two centuries ago my jooish ancesators who lived in the Pale of Settlement
were River traders on the Desna river and it's tributaries in the Chernigov Gubernaya
those of my ancestors who weren't river traders dwelled mainly in the town of Nezhin, a grimy lookin sthetl with 3 dirt roads, a real metropolis
whose biggest industry was growin cucumbers...yawn...
they were craftsmen cuz they weren't allowed to own farm land
so they were tailors, cobblers, iron smiths, candy makers, you name it
they ALL had a skill they could make money with

my family were part of a boat dwelling group of "Yvrey Traders", who made several loops within the river network each year
buying at one port and selling at another
this was a family run business and you inherited the boat as well as the business contact network

by the time of the Russian Revolution and the 1919 Pogrom, this culture went extinct
I am a descendent of one of the few who emmigrated to the USA
my father was first generation American of this family tree

I am well aware of my family's background
and why it makes me different from others
no two snowflakes are ever the same n'est pas?

A long time ago, I talked to old people who lived in all the little surrounding villages like Borzna about what happened to the boats?
this 'ole starik told me they were all collected and burned and told me their location
but I didn't have my snorkling gear or other equipment
so I didn't go...

I am the product of the hard path my Ukrainian and English ancestors rode down
and my children are MUCH, MUCH SHARPER than me!!!

I knew backbreeding with slavic genes would work well!!!
we were already inter-mixed for a long time, and is why so many of the Joos in my family were blond

That's an interesting family history Krim, thank you for sharing. I've heard about the Pale, sounded an errie place. Strange that it existed and no longer does. I'm guessing if you get with a Slavic woman out there that can do well enough in harder conditions then it shows she has something. I think there is something about the resourcefulness of Slavic people that is something to be admired.

Blonde hair is unusual for a Jewish background. I have a cousin who married a part Jewish guy, think he was about a quarter Jewish but hair was black, definite Jewish look apart from the nose not so. They had a daughter together and she's pretty attractive looking, in a Natalie Portman kind of way.

Myself I will be doing an Ancestry DNA test today so in a couple of weeks or so I should get a better idea of my heritage. We've traced our family tree back to about the early 1800's on both sides. The Mormon branch was one of the more interesting discoveries and was not known about until we did the research. We aren't directly descended from them they were someone's Sister who married a guy then went out there. Most of our family tree are farm workers or moved to work in the cities. There has been talk on my Father's side of being descended from the Viking's but they're may be nothing to it, may find out soon I guess. Only about 6 percent of British DNA on average contains Viking origin so not all that common. My family surname I've googled and could be of Norman origin (who were also originally Vikings) but is even less common at just 1 percent of British DNA on average. Most DNA tends to be Anglo Saxon, about 36 percent on average and often some Irish DNA. There is a Irish branch on my Father's side that we are partly descended from so it will no doubt show up in the test. On my Mother's side she seems to think there is some Mediterranean blood on her side. Her family tree has not uncovered any so far but she has black hair so it could be likely. When my father was dating her his landlord wondered if she was Jewish as has a bit of a big honk, but nothing in family history so far unless way back, if so the DNA test should show more. Luckily I didn't inherit the big honk as otherwise my chances with women would be even less I think. My nose is still reasonably large but not that large. I think she thinks it might be possibly Italian heritage or something but have found none of that in the family tree so far either.

That's about it so far, will update on all that after I get the test results back.
"If you make your own bread, then and only then, are you a free man unchained and alive living in pooty tang paradise, or say no and live in Incel island with all the others." - Krimster

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Trenchcoat's Further Theories on, and Experiences of, Dating in the FSU
« Reply #380 on: September 26, 2023, 11:42:20 AM »
A lot of East and Central European Jews are blonde/fair with light eyes.
After the fall of communism, the biggest mistake Boris Yeltsin's regime made was not to disband the KGB altogether. Instead it changed its name to the FSB and, to many observers, morphed into a gangster organisation, eventually headed by master criminal Vladimir Putin. - Gerard Batten

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Trenchcoat's Further Theories on, and Experiences of, Dating in the FSU
« Reply #381 on: September 27, 2023, 03:36:02 AM »
Lol, yeah I get your drift Steven. It's a case of going through the whole lot and getting it all lining up. Once my house is done I'm going to sell my old supermini and get my poor man's sports car :D I was looking up last night and insurance costs are a lot more for me around £430 a year. The Mazda MX-5 has fairly cheap spares and running costs, the tyres cost a little bit more think it was about £100-130 each but not too much and probably last a bit longer as a bit bigger tyre.

Biggest issue would be my house, I've tarted up the front a lot, just finishing of the front paving area. Looks very nice compared to what it was when I bought it, bramble & long grass - a mess. I've repainted the bits of edging brick work, the rest a dressed stone facade, old miners terrace/townhouse. Quite quaint looking, I've hung out hanging basket, a few plants to help increase the curb appeal also. Problem is that a fair amount of the other houses look a bit shabby as not done up as well, peeling paint on edging brickwork, etc. Inside my house is starting to look nice and back garden is good now. So being near a decent town centre it could be put across as the high price for living so close to a decent town centre/heritage of it all.

In theory it's probably a good step up from the concrete block of flats most live in out there so a bit more space and more nicer deal. On the other hand though it's no fancy big house, so it relies on the girl being somewhat grounded. That all said it's really more of an investment property for me and not where I would often be based. Yo mama's village house is a lot larger and more impressive, detached backing onto a park and with a nice front and back garden and in a relatively expensive area. Needs a bit more tarting up inside which I am getting around too. Still that all said I see it more as dating to the girl, 'this is the area I live in, my house in the other area is an investment property, I live with my Mother a fair amount to assist her in her old age, I could get nice accommodation locally myself if needs be and will do if needed'. There's that but that would be down the line if I was bringing her over, a pretty chick I would insist on starting the relationship out there (spend some time out there, some time in the UK on 'business'). So I would just tell her about the situation and show her the properties and tell her it's all business geared.

Wherever she lived I should be able to afford a decent property to rent, so keeping up the facade ;D Out in the FSU our money goes a long way and I would be able to afford a better place than most local guys. That would impress the chick immensely and put me in the right light. Most FSW basically don't know about western men all that much, they think if you've got the money to fly out there you're wealthy. If you walk the walk and talk the talk, basically look the part that will fall in with their existing views of western men. If you provide a nice place out there then the girl will be, 'hey this guy definitely IS the bona fide real deal'. It will place you above pretty much all the other local dudes. In addition to looking like your in the wealthy upper echelons of society you come from a good western country and have the passport - another sign of status.

Most women the world over are status hoe's. They crave higher status and a plush comfortable lifestyle. They want the look of you are doing well and well off. That's what I didn't take seriously enough all my life, especially in my younger years. I heard and saw other guys putting on the look and thought their silly as their bank accounts would tell a different story and likely did so. They were probably less wealthy than me but had shelled out all their earning on an expensive brand jacket, clothing, etc. I use to think what a waste but the new that although there was nothing backing it all up the women fall for the facade, the look of it all. A guy could be renting a nice flat shelled out all his money to look the part set against another guy who owns his own small house but doesn't look fancy, guess which guy attracts most girls?

It's silly I know but it's what women go for, their attracted to bling. I see it now, it draws their eye like a girl with her tits hanging out draws the eye of a guy. Most of us don't really care about our look beyond basic presentation but women do. Most don't want to look at guys that lok like the ordinary Joe, that look like an everyday guy who would blend into the background so easily, who might be a cleaner, car park attendant or office clerk. They really want the guy who stands out and looks above the rest. Sure it has to follow through the whole way, no good wearing fancy stuff then jumping into an old beat up super mini, that would kind of ruin it all lol :ROFL:

The importance thing is to work on making it all line up. The  knight in shining armour needs a stallion to mount, he doesn't get on an old donkey ;) Women want to see a light in shining armour on a stallion even if the armour is antique but lovely and the stallion aging but grand. So yeah I agree I can't have the turn to mushy peas lol I will have to put in a good front across the board and look like I have money, that means finding good deals to do it all on, stuff that's not going to sap me economically too much but at the same time look the part and look decent, that's what FSW want to see after all and why many look abroad. They can get the poor busted looking guys at home they don't want a foreign looking version. As FSW often say they don't want a guy who is 'cheap' or 'greedy' so they want a guy who looks like he has a few bob and won't begrudge spending it when needs be.

So nothing has changed as far as TC goes. Still banging the same old drum.
Well, TC, what has changed is that the FSU is not the westerners playground anymore. It’s as expensive as the UK for the basics so get that idea right out of your head that you can live a grand lifestyle and pimp your way into an FSUW.....
On your income, which is worth a lot less now, with inflation eating away, you’re getting a lot less bang.
But keep talking, there isn’t going to be any walking , that’s for sure.

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Trenchcoat's Further Theories on, and Experiences of, Dating in the FSU
« Reply #382 on: September 27, 2023, 09:48:10 AM »
So nothing has changed as far as TC goes. Still banging the same old drum.
Well, TC, what has changed is that the FSU is not the westerners playground anymore. It’s as expensive as the UK for the basics so get that idea right out of your head that you can live a grand lifestyle and pimp your way into an FSUW.....
On your income, which is worth a lot less now, with inflation eating away, you’re getting a lot less bang.
But keep talking, there isn’t going to be any walking , that’s for sure.

Even better Gaunty! I will be able to afford the same over there as here, difference is most Ukrainians won't so I will be like a god to them :D

Well I got a pay rise this year so there won't be a lot of difference accounting for inflation in the UK which is on its way down now.

On the Ukrainian women I'm surprised they are banging down my door on Fdate they must be really dirt poor and desperate by now. A nice affluent western man liked me just their answer to all their problems I would have thought. Anyway, looks like it's down to me so I've decided to put in a huge effort plugging away tonight on it all.
"If you make your own bread, then and only then, are you a free man unchained and alive living in pooty tang paradise, or say no and live in Incel island with all the others." - Krimster

Online krimster2

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Trenchcoat's Further Theories on, and Experiences of, Dating in the FSU
« Reply #383 on: September 27, 2023, 11:36:03 AM »
"keep talking, there isn’t going to be any walking , that’s for sure. "

and lots "of squawking" from a British Budgie
see how he squawks

and see how he runs
like a pig from a nun
see HOW he runs!!!

how can you have dessert, if you haven't finished your porridge?

a life time of sphincter tightening in the UK
will indeed make you a "tight ass"

Scotsman and Oirish will copy ya fer yur hard woik avoiding chill life style next to Mommy

Aye, Trench The Grand Explorer
outta curioity, exactly how "many meters" is it from your front door to hers
how many times per week does she feed ya
and does this have some bearing (free meals) on your choices

in other words, are YOU A SQUIRREL, enticed by a handful of peanuts, into eating at your mama's house
as opposed to goin out and findin some woman do do that fer ya
and you give her something in return...

but that nagging question?
WHAT do you REALLY have to offer compared to what you want in return?
what if there is a big imbalance between the the two
what you want
what you can obtain

it's much easier to focus on seeing what you can obtain locally or on-line

I still say, that if guys like you don't go and volunteer for a year over there
then you are wasting a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity

you could also easily have a self funding youtube channel
delivering food/medicine under fire to old sick people who are left abandoned in Ukraine

young beautiful, fertile Ukrainian women, will vy with each other to bear your children
nah, just WATCH PORN!!!!
what wuz I thinking???
Do something real....pffftttt

big ukrainian cities all still have sizeable populations of Ukrainian professional women, late 20s to late 30s
with absolutely NO Dates and NO sex life
and these women are SUPER HORNEY!!!

but Trench, ya gotta "know what the hell you're doin, no fumbling and slobbering"
these are not high school girls, these are ALL SEXUALLY EXPERIENCED WOMEN

ya gotta be smooth
absolutely ZERO facial hair, area around your lips must be mirror smooth
you will give her a rash on a very tender part of her anatomy
and you don't wanna do that, despite the visual appeal!!
cuz sometimes it dampens their enthusiasm

giving a woman "oral pleasure" is something you know nothing about
and if a foreigner gives a ukrainian woman an orgasm first time he has sex with her
she will iterally FREAK OUT!!!!
cuz Russian sex is "slam, blam, thank you mam"
and fer a lotta Ukrainian women, they will think it's your foreign-ness that made them climax, compared to Russian sex
where they just "go through the motions"

sometimes even twice in one day!!

and if you don't give it to them RIGHT AWAY when they want it
then they start acting really bitchy towards you!!!!!

WTF???  it's always "something" with "these women"
but once you "break them in"
as a way to "make them YOUR sex slave"
by pretending that you are cosplaying what you think her deepest sexual fantasy is

if you are RIGHT!!
you will hear and see the results!!!
but you haveto get them "phuqued-up first"!!!!
to get them naked on the alpaca blanket in front of the fireplace
for an innocent "massage"

in Costa Rica, a blanco like me can go to the playa with his shorts on/lawn chair/cooler, etc
and accidentally go to the "clothing optional" section
then stop, and check what kinda vibe the place has, and how many women

there should be little groups of 2-3 young women
if they smile at me
I will setup my "spot" above them, where I can EASILY watch them
but they can't watch me!!!
cuz their backs are to me
their long, delicately muscled back and gluts

and THEN I'LL strip down to an indian loin cloth with straps in the middle holding front and back part together
and nothin at all underneath
you can turn sideways, and show "side scrotum"

but it both was and was not completely kosher attire for the playa, but 100% nobody gave a sheet
especially cuz i'm an obvious outsider

soon enuff, I see the girls below increasing their quick little side glances up towards me
and talking to each other
while I conceal my gaze, under down cast aviator glasses, and pretend to "nod off"
while listening to music with my iphone and bluetooth headset

I can feel their curiosity wasn't the only thing rising!!

I felt like a hawk flying above a rabbit's burrow, and spotted their little bunnies, playing unguarded in a nearby field
and had a feeling of anticipation
with these golden brown girls
and their large dark eyes

I kept waiting for them to turn, so I could see their breasts and nipples
and see if they had pubic hair or not
note: pure blooded mayan women in remote regions can be 30 yr old and are as bald as an egg
impossible to tell a 16 yr old from a 26 yr old
you need to take them to an ID carded high-end club
where they are carded

if she gets in on her ID and no bribe
then you are "home free"
and you don't have to count pubes

with the enhanced POLAROID Glass Lenses I wore
I didn't have to squint in the strong sunlight reflecting off the beach, the black sea and even the sky
like those girls did...

when they move, I can see them shifting their leg muscles, and then they look up, to see if I am reacting to their "little show"
I am in a state of "inner zen"
merely an observer to the outside world
and because I give ZERO FEEDBACK
the girls are gonna show me "all their junk" any minute now, to get my attention

now think, what should I DO?
when they do that?

« Last Edit: September 27, 2023, 01:35:47 PM by krimster2 »

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Trenchcoat's Further Theories on, and Experiences of, Dating in the FSU
« Reply #384 on: September 27, 2023, 02:03:00 PM »
Yeah I'm in trouble on Fdate, so far only one or two have looked at my messages I sent them and some just never looked at the messages. None of those I messaged have viewed my profile. A few are still outstanding and it depends when they log in next. All are in/from Ukraine and have logged in within the past 24 hours or so. I messaged eight tonight, and two previously.

All are around 7-8 in looks, i.e above average not quite models but pretty girls and some perhaps verging on them. I guess there are probably a lot of guys on there all going for the pretty girls. My photos are pretty good around 7 or so rated on Photofeeler. Looks like it's a pretty tough scene though. The real killer is that odds are most of those guys that are getting messages back from these girls probably won't go meet then, a real pain in the arse.

Pretty much all in their thirties. Just got a message back from one of them saying she didn't see my messages. Messaged her back asking if she gets a lot of messages, she logged off after a few minutes without replying so guess so :-\

So yeah, trying to ram it through as best as possible on there with further messaging. Looks like I'm going to have to be pretty persistent on the messaging there. Not sure if I can get through as guessing loads of other guys are messaging them like crazy. It may be coming in pretty fast & furious they're end.

So a change of strategy may be needed. Would love to get over there on a more permanent basis as you suggest Krim. Thing is time and income just doesn't allow that at the moment. So will have to do whatever I can from this end until I can get over there on a more permanent basis.
« Last Edit: September 27, 2023, 02:22:17 PM by Trenchcoat »
"If you make your own bread, then and only then, are you a free man unchained and alive living in pooty tang paradise, or say no and live in Incel island with all the others." - Krimster

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Trenchcoat's Further Theories on, and Experiences of, Dating in the FSU
« Reply #385 on: September 27, 2023, 03:18:16 PM »
Further thoughts is if I can get one of these girls or another hottie on another site to meet in Moldova I will go with that. For Fdate I may well just have to ram through a meet up in Moldova pretty up front in messaging as looks like it's real ferocious on there.

If I can make a go off it with the girl any which way out in Moldova I will otherwise just see if anything else turns up while out there.
"If you make your own bread, then and only then, are you a free man unchained and alive living in pooty tang paradise, or say no and live in Incel island with all the others." - Krimster

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Trenchcoat's Further Theories on, and Experiences of, Dating in the FSU
« Reply #386 on: September 27, 2023, 03:58:22 PM »
Ok after a hard start tonight I think I might have one of these hotties up :P Think I might be connecting with her on WhatsApp. She said yeah she is getting a lot of mail though might be as she doesn't go on there often.

My thoughts are the Ukraine war has probably highlighted the country to guts who wouldn't have bothered thinking of it otherwise. Russia is probably a lot less competitive as 'the enemy' and also harder and more expense to get to, and like you say Krim risk of getting on a plane that might fall out the air though guess that is just Aeroflot.
"If you make your own bread, then and only then, are you a free man unchained and alive living in pooty tang paradise, or say no and live in Incel island with all the others." - Krimster

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Trenchcoat's Further Theories on, and Experiences of, Dating in the FSU
« Reply #387 on: September 27, 2023, 04:30:36 PM »
cuz Russian sex is "slam, blam, thank you mam"
and fer a lotta Ukrainian women, they will think it's your foreign-ness that made them climax, compared to Russian sex
where they just "go through the motions"

Yeah, that kind of explains a lot lol. Kherson girl was just like, very machine like, foreplay was like a foreign concept to her. I did a bit of messing around with her which was great but while I think she enjoyed it, it would take longer for her to relearn I think, and I wasn't with her long enough. I'm not saying I'm any expert, not by a long stretch but it wasn't easy with her sometimes as she lacked idea of sensitivity over operation, operation was how she proceeded and that could be too lacking in emotional connection to turn me on well.
"If you make your own bread, then and only then, are you a free man unchained and alive living in pooty tang paradise, or say no and live in Incel island with all the others." - Krimster

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Trenchcoat's Further Theories on, and Experiences of, Dating in the FSU
« Reply #388 on: September 28, 2023, 01:53:46 PM »
RE: MX 5.

If one were presenting oneself as a future father of children this isn't what I would call a family car. It indicates someone who is either a carefree boy racer not to be trusted or a 40+ guy going through the advanced stages of a mid life crisis.

As they are £25000 new I would imagine one in your budget would be over ten years old and be a money pit. I would reflect very carefully before proceeding.

In general I would advise thinking a few steps ahead when implying greater wealth than you have unless you are deep down looking for a holiday romance.
« Last Edit: September 28, 2023, 01:57:10 PM by Steven1971 »

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Trenchcoat's Further Theories on, and Experiences of, Dating in the FSU
« Reply #389 on: September 28, 2023, 03:25:00 PM »
RE: MX 5.

If one were presenting oneself as a future father of children this isn't what I would call a family car. It indicates someone who is either a carefree boy racer not to be trusted or a 40+ guy going through the advanced stages of a mid life crisis.

As they are £25000 new I would imagine one in your budget would be over ten years old and be a money pit. I would reflect very carefully before proceeding.

In general I would advise thinking a few steps ahead when implying greater wealth than you have unless you are deep down looking for a holiday romance.

It's definitely going to be over ten years old, more like twenty lol. I figure though that at that price as long as it's got a fair bit of MOT on it and doesn't seem too bad condition I'm not committed and can always scrap it if something mega costly comes up. Had a fair amount of old bangers in the past and yeah bad costly stuff can occasionally happen. The rest is mostly regular costs at MOT once a car gets much past 5 or 6 years old much after that it tends to be nearly always something needs doing unless the car hasn't been used much.

Been toying with the idea of having two cars, one car for practicality the convertible to pose around in. I get a discount for two cars. Did a quick compare the market insurance quote the other day, the Mazda convertible comes in at £430 a year cheapest quote fully comp. Combined with my car it would be about £700 or so a year for two.

Food for thought, I'm not sure if I would want the bother of two MOT's a year or if one car would be unused too much. I might be better off getting the convertible and going with that, once the house is done I'll be doing way less milage so it could work out ok.

Thing is the type of girl depends on the type of car, many everyday girl may well prefer a decent family car that makes the guy look stable looking. A girl who's a bit hot though will likely have a vision in her head of a flash looking guy in a sports car/convertible or prestige luxury car at least. She's not going to be impressed with the family car look. If she gets preggers then than becomes more necessary and just a case of plotting a course from there car wise.

At the moment the Fdate thing just seems too bustling with guys. Hot girls go on there and within a day or so can have enough WhatsApp numbers to keep them going for weeks by the looks of things. The girl last night I managed to get out of her that a lot of guys are contacting her and she's only just gone back on there. She asked for my WhatsApp and zi gave it but she didn't look at my message again, today so far she's not been online. Getting the impression I may have been put in reserve >:(

Trying other methods elsewhere at the moment, will update if anything comes to fruition.
"If you make your own bread, then and only then, are you a free man unchained and alive living in pooty tang paradise, or say no and live in Incel island with all the others." - Krimster

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Trenchcoat's Further Theories on, and Experiences of, Dating in the FSU
« Reply #390 on: September 28, 2023, 04:01:29 PM »
F date is a 2-1 ratio men to women, so there is little incentive for women to be proactive. And that's before you strip away girls living in Africa and the Philippines etc. You are getting all of the hassle of western dating complicated by the desired woman living in a war zone. If you can marry a hot Ukrainian woman off F date with all the statistical improbability you will be the king of FSU dating.

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Trenchcoat's Further Theories on, and Experiences of, Dating in the FSU
« Reply #391 on: September 28, 2023, 04:34:18 PM »
If I can make a go off it with the girl any which way out in Moldova I will otherwise just see if anything else turns up while out there.

NOTE for newbies this advice is for you. Trenchcoat never follows advice.
Rumor is that they have girls in Moldova.
My advice is to decide if you are going to meet one girl or many.   

If you are going to meet one girl:
Write a zillion girls, exchange emails, narrow the list down based on the exchange
of letters then invite a small number to talk to you on Skype or your messenger
of choice.

Eventually narrow it down to ONE girl and go visit her. If you select this strategy
have a backup plan.

If you want to visit many girls then write one or two letters to a zillion girls from one city 
go to that city, then arrange meetings with many girls. If you don't have mutual chemisty
with a girl, then never meet with her again even if she is the hottest girl you have ever met.
Dump immediately any girl that lies or has character flaws even if she is the hottest girl
you have ever met. 

Once you find a excellent superior quality girl that you have mutual chemistry with you
stop meeting new girls and pursue her exclusively. Lather, rinse and repeat until you
find the future Mrs.____________ (Your name here). Then visit her repeatedly to
do your do diligence, win her heart, marry her and live happily ever after.

FSUW are not for entry level daters
FSUW don't do vague
FSUW like a man of action. Be a man of action 
If you find a promising girl, get your butt on a plane.
There are a hundred ways to be successful and a thousand ways to f#ck it up
Just kiss the girl, don't ask her first. Tolerate NO excuses!

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Trenchcoat's Further Theories on, and Experiences of, Dating in the FSU
« Reply #392 on: September 28, 2023, 05:30:05 PM »

ya gotta be smooth
absolutely ZERO facial hair, area around your lips must be mirror smooth
you will give her a rash on a very tender part of her anatomy
and you don't wanna do that, despite the visual appeal!!
cuz sometimes it dampens their enthusiasm

giving a woman "oral pleasure" is something you know nothing about
and if a foreigner gives a ukrainian woman an orgasm first time he has sex with her
she will iterally FREAK OUT!!!!
cuz Russian sex is "slam, blam, thank you mam"
and fer a lotta Ukrainian women, they will think it's your foreign-ness that made them climax, compared to Russian sex
where they just "go through the motions"

As always . . . there are no absolutes.

But your statements above are a signal to me (and probably some others) that you really haven't had all the sexual encounters that you claim, or you would have encountered a wide spectrum of gals.

To clue you and other unexperienced guys in . . .  some  women DO like the man to have facial hair . . . and they DO like their man to place this facial hair in their most intimate of places . . . and they DO reach orgasm from this facial hair.  The chin beard does the magic in the 69 position.

I have had such specific requests from FSU gals on multiple occasions.

I found from experimenting that the ideal growth is around 4-5 days.
Before that time . . . the bristle may be quite strong.
After that time . . . facial hair starts feeling like scalp hair and hasn't much excitement value.

Yes, I know the slam bang will be coming . . . but I have your number now!!

You are the incel (except for a couple of encounters with your wife) you claim others here are.
A beautiful woman is pleasant to look at, but it is easier to live with a pleasant acting one.

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Trenchcoat's Further Theories on, and Experiences of, Dating in the FSU
« Reply #393 on: September 28, 2023, 05:43:39 PM »

"stubble" and not a soft curly beard, is like running sandpaper over her labia, particularly the stubble right around your lips, EVEN THOUGH YOU SHAVED!!!
it makes her labia "visibly" irritated.... (which also can sometimes for some women who have "trouble" to get into it more, but this is S&M kinda stuff, and majority find it irritating)

you WILL receive a vocal complaint if it BOTHERS THEM!!!
but you need to pay attention and read her face
and not just look down there the whole damned time

whatsa matter you never saw a vagina up close before?
and saw a woman orgasm?

at least LOOK DEEPLY into her eyes a "couple of times"
is that too much to ask
and learn to fake a demurely cast down expression

you just gotta LOOK and see, sheet your EYES are right freakin' there, and you didn't SEE IT??? WTF??
unless SHE WAS BLACK!!!!

but for a white girl, which is what I ASSUMED we were talkin about,
you being from where you are

you will see a quite visible contrast between normal skin tone
and red irritated Labia
before and after
you apply counter-rotation on her "sugar plum"
and do the "dynamo hum"

I don't know about you, but I REALLY NOTICE little details like that
especially when it's just a FEW INCHES AWAY FROM YOUR FREAKIN EYES
and "somehow" you didn't SEE IT, HOW???

maybe you do it in the dark?
or maybe your wife does, so she doesn't have to LOOK AT YA!!!

I mean, they don't call it "red snapper" for nothin

I make no judgements about that!
how could I KNOW about YOUR sex life?
any more than you COULD POSSIBLY know about mine

therefor, your juvenile comment is just a simple ad hominum attack, from a simple country boy, devoid of ANY truth
easily repulsed with a mere flick of the keyboard by me

YOU OTOH, appear to be the one with ZERO familiarity of this REALITY
how is something SO OBVIOUSLY SEEN, so unknown to YOU?
one explanation: because YOU REALLY DON'T KNOW ABOUT IT!

so in truth, YOU are projecting your own inadequate experience here

obviously, as a Trump voter, you have NO CLUE about "reality" AT ALL
only your cherished opinions, which I enjoy makin fun of, cuz they're so freakin' dumb and clueless...
hillbilly ignoramous style

just like your latest one...


any other major pronouncements ya wanna make?
are the Beatles getting back together?

PS, another bad thing about beards, "things" stick to the hair, comprendez?
think about "what kinda" things that might be, in certain "special circumstances"
is that the kinda look ya wanna go with (EWWWWWWW)?

so me thinks you "is projectin "a wee bit" with your only having sex with YOUR wife (sometime 5 yr ago)
and tryin to lay that wreath on MY door

so Postman, "Return To Sender" in Huckabee Arkansas
cuz ML just wrote a "message to himself"

whatever "number" you're clutchin, ain't MINE...
it's just a numeric figment of Trump Land and the white hillbilly ghetto you inhabit...
with all the other "redneck sages and wisemen"
"HANK, it's the GOVERNMENT!!!
in search of Hunter Biden's Notebook PC...

you make me laugh and laugh, LONG TIME SAILOR BOY!!!
now run along now...
(as I unbuckle my jacket, and you see the edge of my holster)

cuz I'm a Texas Joo Boy MFer
ani I ain't killed me ANY rednecks yet today...

a saumari who does "virtual evisceration"
who can disembowel with a single vowel
I now clean my katana and return it to it's sheath...

I walk this empty street
on the boulevard of broken dreams

« Last Edit: September 28, 2023, 09:12:18 PM by krimster2 »

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Trenchcoat's Further Theories on, and Experiences of, Dating in the FSU
« Reply #394 on: September 28, 2023, 09:29:38 PM »
F date is a 2-1 ratio men to women, so there is little incentive for women to be proactive. And that's before you strip away girls living in Africa and the Philippines etc. You are getting all of the hassle of western dating complicated by the desired woman living in a war zone. If you can marry a hot Ukrainian woman off F date with all the statistical improbability you will be the king of FSU dating.

Yeah think that's about right, even the 2:1 male/female ratio like you say isn't across the board but skewed with most of those men going for the hot women so probably 10:1 male female ratio or more with them and a lot less for the other girls on there. I think I could pull a mediocre to everyday looking girl off Fdate as most guys pass them over for the hotties.

So the big question? What are the profiles that the hotty girls go for on Fdate. I don't think you often get many of the pretty boys in there, but could be wrong as it's appeal is elsewhere. My thoughts are that some guys may just put up model looking pics of some other guy just to get a pretty girl to message. Other than that guys that look fabulously wealthy beyond wildest dreams in their photos possibly.

My other thoughts is that some girls state something like they want a man with a capital M. I struggle with converting female talk but my guess is possible they want a guy who is obviously very muscular perhaps. Some guys are gym rays or whatever so perhaps they go for that.
"If you make your own bread, then and only then, are you a free man unchained and alive living in pooty tang paradise, or say no and live in Incel island with all the others." - Krimster

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Trenchcoat's Further Theories on, and Experiences of, Dating in the FSU
« Reply #395 on: September 28, 2023, 09:54:21 PM »
the one thing you don't wanna do, is the follow "the rest of the herd" syndrome
skip "keyboard dating" and skip the scams as well

ain't no substitute for the "real thing baby"

Trench, after you pay all your expenses outta your meager little salary
you have so little left over, it's hardly worth it...

this is why you ain't sacrificing a lot by being a volunteer
and help the Ukrainians
but "nudge-nudge, wink-wink"
you on the pooty tang express


I do think you could start a ukrainian aid organization, recruit members, have fund raising drives, etc and "make contacts"
or better yet, join a local existing organization and start taking on escalating "challenges" and responsibility for the organization

all the time making contacts, making contacts through their contacts
but ya gotta have somethin COMPELLING to offer
and be like a virus that gets spread from one to the next

your loyalty, dedication to detail, hard work, etc
is the ticket, to gain access to this network, and it'll take awhile
and half the people inside are "freakin NUTS!"
after you suss the whole thing out
you open an official charity, that allows people to write off donating their old cars to you
which you then salvage and resell

is like just one of a hundred scams like this you can do...

you either work for your money, or your money is gonna work for you, as in real estate
appreciation + rent - zero taxes

and then setup your own self-funding UTube like "Bald and Bankrupt"
call it, "Trench and Wench"

one man's pursuit of LOVE while also delivering medicine to old sick people near the front line of the Ukrainian war
Will he find love in the End?

as he drives by dark, empty shelled cities, reading the tracks in the road, for signs of babooshkas pushing their little two wheel shopping carts
which is now the most common mode of transport in the combat zones
as in you see, half-a-dozen or so, of babooshkie tryin to outwalk each other at any given time
whole convoys of them
out on the ulitsa...
whenever the smell of food, drifts in from somewhere...

(Trench AND his CAT!!! ya gotta gotta have a cat that has grown completely co-dependent on you - you drive and deliver medicine together to the front)
Then ONE SAD DAY, the cat is killed...
and Trench is shown morning for his friend...
hits climb through to the heavens
Trench is makin all kinda of media contacts
and has huge recognition in Ukraine
but one day...
Putin places a price on Trench's head...

Will he find love in the End?
or a bullet?

what kind of story, is this gonna be Trench?
a noble, uplifting story of hope and redemption
a bitter disappointment?

so how far, exactly between yur front door, and yur ma's front door?
and if'n yur REALLY hungry, low long does it take ya to get there?

when was the last time, ya had "welsh Pudding"?
duz she make YOU do the dishes
or are you her "special boy"?

c'mon, don't be shy, awwwww...
you can trust 'ole Unle Krim now....
there's a good fellow...

ladies and germs...

I give you the only known video of Trench!!!!

Dig that CRAZY Whiteboy Rythm!
That boy is "cray-cray"

« Last Edit: September 28, 2023, 11:25:49 PM by krimster2 »

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Trenchcoat's Further Theories on, and Experiences of, Dating in the FSU
« Reply #396 on: September 29, 2023, 05:39:41 AM »
Just as we expected, a long tirade to try to cover up Krimcel's lies about his sexual experiences with women.

His own words about not encountering women who enjoy some beard being rubbed in their private places reveal that he has had very limited experience with probably only 2 or 3 women at most in his entire life.

Sure Krimcel can win the war of words here as he has a very vivid imagination and as a pathalogical liar he has the uncontrollable urge to keep coming up with more and more absurd statements about his never experienced fantasies.

I have given proof positive that Krimcel outrageously lies about his extensive sexual experience with women.

That leads to the conclusion that he lies about most everything he posts here.

The writers strike is now over Krimcel . . . you can continue your postings of imagined experiences with women.

Krimcel giving advice here to those he calls incels . . . pretty brassy.
A beautiful woman is pleasant to look at, but it is easier to live with a pleasant acting one.

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Trenchcoat's Further Theories on, and Experiences of, Dating in the FSU
« Reply #397 on: September 29, 2023, 06:01:14 AM »
I know Rednecks are DUMB, but ya can't possibly BE THIS DUMB
like failed 3rd grade TWICE, kinda dumb

first, you claim, I only slept with my wife, now, the number has risen to three
based on "what evidence" did you reach this new conclusion, and how much higher will the next one be?

I guess you got this idea watching the FOX Biden "Impeachment"
Just make up something and make it a headline, right?

Where's The BEEF?
OH, there's NO BEEF

you is one dumb cracker
and every SINGLE time ya'll write sheet here
you ALL freakin prove it

all of you do

if I gave a rat's ass anymore
I would despair over the amount of ignorance and stupidity there is in this country
especially when I see it manifest itself here
with YOU sir, being a pretty good example to showcase

aren't there goats or sheep that need your attention somewhere?

yours was A good example of how NOT to create a "fake insult"
ya musta hit the nitrogen a little too hard last N2 gas equipment check

just inhale, and count backwards from 10
as we go on a journey through time and space
« Last Edit: September 29, 2023, 06:24:44 AM by krimster2 »

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Trenchcoat's Further Theories on, and Experiences of, Dating in the FSU
« Reply #398 on: September 29, 2023, 07:29:06 AM »
More fantasy from Krimcel the liar.

Everything he posts about his 'supposed' experiences with women and other topics are lies.

But he does have a vivid imagination which by far surpasses mine, so I won't bother competing with him
A beautiful woman is pleasant to look at, but it is easier to live with a pleasant acting one.

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Trenchcoat's Further Theories on, and Experiences of, Dating in the FSU
« Reply #399 on: September 29, 2023, 09:35:33 AM »
do you see how brain-dead stoopid your comments are?
they have no relevance to my life

it came outta your mind
so this dark thought is lurking down there in your diseased brain
maybe YOU are the liar holmes, and you're projecting onto somebody else

you flung dung, but unfortunately for your dumb ass, instead of it splattering on your victim, it all stuck to your hand
and you now have a palm full of squishy brown, smelly dung

smart move playah...
yeah...real smart...

rarely have I seen such a failed attempt to create a fake strawman, like the silly amateurish one you presented here
where the strawman turns 'round and viciously kicks your ass so damned hard, it starts wearing a hat

thank you for providing this example to our fellow readers of RWD

only a retard
gets hoisted
by his own petard

you're definitely "special" ML as in "olympics" special

« Last Edit: September 29, 2023, 10:13:58 AM by krimster2 »


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